Application and potential
Submitted by
Kedar Ghimire,
The central dogma of biology suggests us that the genetic information flows from
DNA to RNA and finally to the translation of proteins. This theory was first proposed by
Francis Crick in 1957. The DNA gets coded to mRNA (messenger RNA) by the process
called transcription. This process is facilitated by RNA polymerase and transcription
factors. RNA structure resembles with that of DNA in many aspects except that RNA is
single stranded and the DNA is double stranded and also has uracil instead of thymine in
DNA. This mature mRNA will be transported into ribosome where it will be translated
into amino acids. A series of 3 nucleotides determines the coding one amino acid.
Research in molecular biology increased its scope in recent decades from the need
of monitoring expression level of few genes to thousands of genes. By the help of this
technique a gene can be monitored at its transcription level. Expression data of a mRNA
from a large pool of genes can be easily collected by the help of DNA microarrays. DNA
Microarray technology can be simply defined as a recent development that helps to know
how much mRNA corresponding to a particular cell is present. This technique is a result
of the technological advancement in the field of micro-fluidics, robotics and computer
technology. Human Genome Project (HGP), Polymerase Chain reaction (PCR) and the
base pairing rule found by Watson and Crick are some of the important groundwork
which led to the development of this gene technology. Today, we can get
thousand-fold high sensitivity in just a few minutes using modern
microarray slides, fluorescent dye probes and laser detectors. What
once used to take two days to visualize on X-ray film using radioactive
test DNA now takes only few minutes, and also is automatically saved
as a computer file. Microarray has revolutionized the field of life
science today.
mRNA can be used as targets and upon fluorescent labeling they will be hybridized onto
the Microarray.
From the above mentioned sequences RNA-DNA hybrid, the following of the double
stranded hybrid is made:
In this particular example, we do not see a great advantage of this DNA chip
because we are looking at only a single gene. But if we were to use older techniques for
100000 genes then we had to carry the experiment 100000 times. But if we use a DNA
chip then we can have 100000 different probes where the single stranded RNA can
hybridize with DNA probes. One good advantage of DNA chip is that we can reuse it.
Probes can be generated by two different methods. One of the methods uses PCR
to generate cDNA probes. The other method utilizes synthetic oligonucleotide generated
by chemical methods and spotted onto the chip by using photolithography. This latter
approach is widely used by companies such as Affymetrix and Agilent Chips.
While other companies like Nanogen Inc. use their own particular techniques to
prepare probes and arrays and a lot of varieties are thus available according to the need to
research and experiment.
Khan et. al (1999) in PNAS has shown the use of cDNA microarray for studying
gene expression profile of 1238 cDNAs to investigate the gene expression profile of a
group of a seven alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS) cell lines which were
characterized by the presence of PAX3-FKHR fusion gene. They reported that the
clustering of the cells were due to the consistent pattern of gene expression by ARMS
cells. Their research was of importance in using cDNA microarray technology in
showing tumor-specific gene expression profile in human cancers.
Each microarray experiment requires relatively large amount of material that has
posed restrictions on the use of this high throughput technique. Development of sample
amplification procedures has tried to solve this obstacle. Linear and exponential sample
amplifications are two used methods to obtain gene expression data from small samples
using microarray. The conservation of transcript abundance throughout the procedures,
Chang et. al. (2005) in Stanford reported that a unique pattern of gene expression
can be found in the cells recruited by breast cancers. Similarly it is also possible for
researchers now to see how cancer promoting oncogenes disturb the expression of other
genes. Microarrays are also used to see how these cancerous cells show response to some
chemotherapeutic agents.
It is estimated that there are nearly 500 genes which encodes for protein kinase.
But so far only few kinase encoding genes have been characterized. Because Kinase can
serve as a potential drug targets, these days many research groups have attempted to
identify the peptidic kinase substrates by using microarray-based approaches.
Schutkowski et. al. (2004) were the first to perform the high density peptide microarray.
They were able to array 6912 peptides in one microscopic slide. Edwin southern (1999)
discussed in nature genetics how arrays of oligonucleotides provide powerful tools to
study the molecular basis of these interactions on a scale which is impossible using
conventional analysis, which also should highlight the importance of understanding
molecular interactions using microarrays.
Two general approaches are followed for peptide Microarray technology. Peptide
scans covering common kinase substrate proteins such as myelin basic proteins were
printed onto chips (Reimer et.al, 2002). In the second approach, peptide libraries derived
from phosphorylation sites in human proteins were used. Autoradiography and
fluorescent labeling was carried out for detection approaches.
Genetic fingerprints often serve as an important issue in identifying a criminals or
personnel involved in the crime site. Since the expression pattern of genes from different
people will be different, this indirect microarray technology can be used in identifying
criminals in rape cases, paternity claims etc. A recent famous example of this can be seen
on the issue of resolving who was the father of former playmate girl Anna Nicole smith
and it was found that Larry Birkhead was the father at relative percent of 99.99% through
genetic fingerprinting, which dissolved the court case.
The procedure for this was rather simple and this might even change the
medical expense for designing such markers and the cost of diagnostics might go down.
Fossey et. al, (2007) claimed the identification of biomarkers for multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis affects neurons, the cells of the brain and spinal cord that carry
information, create thought and perception, and allow the brain to control the body. Their
approach may have diagnostic utility not only for multiple sclerosis but also for other
Usually the microarrays used in the environmental studies are classified into 3
major groups based on the types of probes arrayed. These three major classes are:
Functional gene arrays (FGAs), community genome arrays (CGAs) and phylogenetic
oligonucleotide array. The major enzymes responsible for environmental processes are
probed by FGAs. CGAs are designed by using the DNA obtained from pre-culture
microorganisms. Short synthetic oligonucleotide obtained from Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
was used in constructing phylogenetic oligonucleotide arrays.
Yu et, al,. (2007) have implicated the use of genotyping microarray as the Rapid
and sensitive detection of fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli from urine samples.
This method can be used to diagnose various types of urinary tract infections (UTI) as
UTI is among the most common bacterial in human beings with E coli being the major
cause of infection. The DNA microarray test displayed an assay time of 3.5h, a sensitivity
of 100CFU/ml, and the ability to detect fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli in the presence
of a 10-fold excess of fluoroquinolone-susceptible E. coli cells which is very rapid
compared to other assays.
Some of the other breakthroughs are that the microarray has been used to
resequence the complete genome of SARS virus. These microarray technologies are also
used in identifying an infecting pathogen. Each pathogen will have a unique combination
of genetic make-up and hence the array sequencing can easily identify the distinct genetic
composition of the pathogens.
Anderle et.al (2003) studied the mRNA expression profiles of various genes
that encodes for transporters and ion channels, in differentiating Caco-2 cells and human
small intestine. In order to find the expression of the mRNA; microarray chip with 750
deoxyoligonucleotide probes was used. The expression profile of Caco-2 cells were
compared with that of total RNA of human intestines by taking the ratio between
fluorescence dye labeled cDNA derived from poly(A)+ RNA samples Caco-2 cells with
the total RNA of human intestines. The finding of their report was that the Caco-2 cells
are a suitable model in career-mediated transport in human intestines. But the expression
of number of transporters and ion channel genes varied significantly and did not reflect
mRNA levels in human intestine.
provides the same total energy as royal jelly. The results suggest that the efficacy of royal
jelly decreased and the toxicity of royal jelly increased during storage at high
temperature. Rapid and sensitive detection of microbial pathogens is needed to ensure
food safety. Recently, a fiber-optic DNA microarray using microsphere-immobilized
oligonucleotide probes specific for the Salmonella invA and spvB genes was developed
for the detection of Salmonella spp. A disposable microarray (ArrayTubes) has been
developed for the detection of up to 90 antibiotic resistance genes in gram-positive
bacteria by hybridization. A novel DNA-microarray based detection method has been
recently reported (Roy and Sen, 2005). The technique has been used to analyse
Campylobacter and non-Campylobacter reference strains and to detect Campylobacter
directly from the faecal swabs. In order to utilize microarray technology to mainstream
food safety it is important to develop various user-friendly tools that may be applied in a
field setting. In addition, a standardized process for regulatory agencies is immediately
needed to be developed which should act upon microarray-based data.
Future potential
The future potential of Microarray is unbound and limitless. Affymetrix
manufactured arrays can detect the expression patterns in the genes in yeast, mice, rats,
humans etc. But the technology in itself is still in its infancy. Of course the major reason
why it has superseded other technologies might be due to its small size which makes it
Recently, imaging-guided microarray had been established (Pereira et. Al, 2007).
Its use has been implicated in Neuronal and aging diseases. Both of these diseases
contribute to hippocampal dysfunction but molecular mechanisms underlying these
diseases could be very different. Gene expression profiling can provide hints to these
mechanisms. The analytical challenges in this process can be overcome with image-
guided microarray and the separate mechanisms could be elucidated.
While Baldwin and Salama (2007) have used genomic microarrays to study
insertional/transposon mutant libraries, which is a novel method in enzymology. Such a
combination of these methods facilitates pointing out large numbers of mutants for
phenotypic studies, consequently improving both in the efficiency of genome-saturating
library screens and in the functional annotation of unknown genes.
Cobo and Concha (2007) hinted to the application of microarray technology for
microbial diagnosis in stem cell cultures. Stem cell cultures are contaminated by different
pathogens which renders them useless to use in regenerative medicine and transplantation
in humans. Thus, microbial diagnosis for stem cell cultures can be done in a cheap and
effective manner.
These were just few future potentials which have turned into reality now. One
thing to notice is that biological variability can arise from independently-prepared RNA
samples. Hence multiple arrays might be needed to overcome this variability. Similarly
some other questions for the experimental design can be as the amount of RNA needed
for hybridization. Usually 2–5μg of total RNA is sufficient for single array hybridization.
One of the biggest problems in Microarray analysis is that the gene expression
level might not exactly correlate with protein levels. Techniques such as
immunolocalization can be used to determine the protein level.
It is also a debated topic that biologists need to know more mathematics than they
currently know. In order to analyze various potential biological data that might be
obtained from Microarray, biologists should be more motivated and keen to understand
that mathematical languages. However transdisciplinary courses such as bioinformatics,
biostatistics, and biomechanics are some of the backgrounds that are trying to cover both
the aspects of mathematics and biology. There are various web based tools for gene
analysis such as gene expression pattern analysis suite (GEPAS), Expression Profiler: next
generation (EP: NG), and Microarray data analysis web tool (MIDAW). These web based
tools have greatly aided in understanding the enormous data potential. Similarly the
analysis technique called clustering includes a number of statistical and computational
tools. Agglomerative hierarchical clustering, kmeans, kmedians, selforganizing maps,
and selforganizing tree algorithm are some of the statistical tools in analyzing the
Microarray data.
Today, lasers can detect very low levels of fluorescent dyes, and
this is a plus point for microarray technology. A hybridized microarray
slide is inserted into the microarray reader or scanner. Filters
distinguish the red and green wavelengths of the fluorescent dyes. A
detector measures the intensity of each spot. New approaches in
statistics are being developed to help us interpret the gene expression
patterns and verify results. DNA chips promise to carry the way of understanding
genomes to a whole new level, and to bring tools for getting DNA-sequence information
out of research labs into hospitals in near future.
Thus for future, microarray should be combined with other powerful technology
to make it more efficient, useful and multipurpose then only can its true potential can be
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Websites consulted
© Kedar Ghimire