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Understandng DCEN x DCEP

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DCEN and DCEP in welding are two important current polarities.

Both play a
crucial role in all types of welding activities. The polarity means the direction of
the current that flows through a circuit. In the DCEN circuit, the current moves
from the electrode to the workpiece. And in the DCEP circuit, the flow of
current is from the workpiece to the electrode. Generally, arc welding is
employed widely in the welding industry. It is a type of fusion welding process
that uses an electric arc for supplying the necessary heat to join the base metals
and the filler metals. In this process, the conductive base plate is connected to
one terminal of the power source and the electrode to another terminal. So, take
a look at the various aspects of DCEN and DCEP in welding.

 What does DCEN Stand for?

 What does DCEP Mean?
 DCEP and DCEN Similarities
 DCEN and DCEP Differences
 Why does Mostly GMAW Use DCEP?
 Application of DCEP Polarity in SMAW
 Polarity Effects on Submerged Arc Welding
 Safety Measures for DCEN Welding Currents

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What does DCEN Stand for?

 DCEN stands for Direct Current Electrode Negative. It is a straight

polarity and also called Direct Current Straight Polarity (DCSP). It takes
place when an electrode is connected to the negative terminal of the
power. In arc welding, the base metal is attached to one point of the
power and the electrode is connected to the other terminal of the same
power source. And the polarity solely decides the flow of electrons
between the electrode and the base metal. In arc welding, the power
source provides both DC and AC power, but it depends on the connection
made. And DC power can supply both straight polarity and reverse

 What does DCEP Mean?

 DCEP means Direct Current Electrode Positive or Direct Current

Reverse Polarity. In this process, the electrode is connected to the
positive terminal of the power source and the base metal to the negative

Similarities between DCEP and DCEN

The similarities between DCEP and DCEN are as follows.

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 Both polarities constitute a prime source of heat in arc welding i.e.
electric arc.
 Welders can apply both DCEP and DCEN polarities for the joining of
two or more components together. However, the result may be slightly
 In the case of AC supply, both polarities occur repeatedly one after
another in every cycle.

DCEN and DCEP Differences

Despite being similarities, the differences, and features in both the polarities
DCEN and DCEP are as follows.


Also called Direct Current Straight Also called Direct Current Straight
Polarity Polarity
Electrode connects with the negative Base metals connect with the negative
terminal of the power source and base terminal of the power source and
metals to that of the positive terminal electrode to that of the positive
Almost 2/3rd of the total arc heat Here 2/3rd of the total arc heat
generates near the base plate and the generates at the electrode tip and the
rest at the electrode tip rest near the base plate
Electrons liberate from the electrode Electrons liberate from the base metal
tip and strike the base metal surface surface and then strike the electrode
The filler metal deposition rate is The filler metal deposition rate is
quite low pertaining to consumable high due to the greater portion of arc
electrodes heat generation at the tip
Straight polarity easily provides a Incomplete fusion may occur due to
proper fusion of the base metal less heat generation near base metal
The risk of inclusion defects is high if Rare chances of inclusion defects due
base plate surfaces are not cleaned to the good arc-cleaning action
Poor oxide cleaning action by the arc Arc provides good oxide-cleaning
Chances of high distortion and Chances of distortion and HAZ is less
broader HAZ
Suitable for with high melting Suitable for low melting temperature
temperature metals like titanium and metals like aluminium and copper
stainless steel
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Generally, not suitable for welding With DCRP, thin plates can be
thin plates welded.
Metals with high melting temperature Metals with low melting temperature
(such as stainless steel, titanium) can (such as copper, aluminum) can be
be advantageously joined by DCSP. suitably joined by DCSP.
DCSP may result in high distortion Distortion is less with DCRP and also
and broader HAZ in the welded HAZ is quite thin
Oxide cleaning action by the arc is Oxide cleaning action by the arc is
poor. good as electrons are liberated from
the base metal surface.
In case of consumable electrodes, Filler metal deposition rate with
filler metal deposition rate is quite consumable electrodes is high as
low. greater portion of arc heat is
generated at electrode tip.
Proper fusion of the base metal can be Due to less heat generation near base
achieved easily with straight polarity metal, incomplete fusion of the base
as more heat is generated at the metal may be encountered. This may
vicinity of base metals. So it lead to lack of fusion and lack of
eliminates lack of fusion and lack of penetration defects
penetration defects.

Why does Mostly GMAW Use DCEP?

DCEP polarity is widely used in Gas Metal Arc Welding. The main reason is as
it produces a low spatter, stable arc, good weld bead, smooth metal transfer, and
deep penetration for welding currents. For gaining good results on galvanized
sheets, welders can use some specific wires with chemical composition in
DCEP polarity and resulting in an excellent performance.

Application of DCEP Polarity in SMAW

The DCEP or AC is used in most of the covered electrodes. In SMAW, the

coated fluxes for covered electrodes make the welding process the most
versatile in terms of polarity. Some of the electrodes provide good performance
with DCEP or AC and DCEN.

The covered electrodes are as follows:

 E6013 (RB-26)
 E6019 (B-17)
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 E7024 (ZERODE-43F)

On the other hand, high cellulose electrodes, in pipe welding, are used with
DCEN polarity. They are as follows:

 E6010 (KOBE-6010)
 E7010-P1 (KOBE-7010S)
 E8010-P1 (KOBE-8010S)

Low carbon type Cr-Mo electrodes are used only with DCEP-

 E7015-B2L (CMB-95)
 E8015-B3L (CMB-105)

Polarity Effects on Submerged Arc Welding

Polarity directly affects the production quality of welds. Welders should first
decide which current flow they need before striking the electrode. In the SAW
process, the combination of wire and flux decides the selection of polarity used.
The welding process using DCEP consumes higher flux than using AC
depending on the type of flux. DCEN, DCEP, and AC polarities can affect the
mechanical properties of the welding. Therefore, the combination of flux and
wire is crucial. Welders should use the polarity where the required quality for
the metal is high.

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Safety Measures for DCEN Welding Currents

The welding machine is a very powerful piece of electrical equipment. A little

ignorance and mistake can cost a life. Therefore, everyone dealing with welding
machines should take necessary safety precautions. The following safety tips
are for welders while operating the DCEN welding system.

1. Wear personal safety equipment such as gloves, helmets, and clothing.

They will limit the reach of possible harmful rays to the skin and eyes. Insulated
gloves will help hands from electrocution.

2. Keep the working area dry and organized to prevent any risk of
electrocution. The working areas should not be messy. Keep only the needed
and necessary equipment with you.

3. Check negative and positive terminals and make sure the torch is attached
to the negative terminal and the workpiece to the positive terminal. Contrary to
that, there will be messy beads, a lack of control, and the burning of electrodes

4. Attach a workpiece clamp safely and make sure a full electrical circuit runs
through the metal and back to the machine. Because the loose clamp will disrupt
the path and causes shocks.


Thus, the information on DCEN and DCEP in welding provides a deep

understanding of students, welders, and other professionals. Both polarities play
a crucial role in any welding process and the production of required welds.

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