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Clinic Plus

For most Indians, the first interaction with shampoos has been Clinic Plus. Over time, it has evolved to keep in step with the changing
needs of consumers by constantly renovating its offering to make sure it is the best solution for the eternal desire of having long hair
for both mom and daughters.Every woman desires long hair be it the mother or the daughter. Clinic Plus has 'do-good' ingredients
which provide constant care like a mother does in every wash. It nourishes the hair from inside and makes it strong from within which
helps it become progressively longer and more beautiful from outside.It is available in three variantsClinic Plus Strong and Long
Health Shampoo: It contains milk protein lock which builds hair strength from inside and hair becomes visibly longer with regular
usage.Clinic Plus Strong and Long Anti-Dandruff Shampoo: Germ guard formula effectively removes dandruff by attacking
dandruff causing germs.Clinic Plus Strong and Long Natural Shampoo: This shampoo has ayurvedic ingredients. Neem extracts
naturally clean your hair and Tulsi oil helps maintain your hair's natural colour
Key facts
y The largest selling Shampoo brand in India.
y The most widely distributed Shampoo brand in India
Fromour range
Clinic Plus Strong and Long Health Shampoo
Clinic Plus Strong and Long Natural Shampoo
Clinic Plus Strong and Long Anti Dandruff Shampoo

y Shumpoo ls u common hulr cure product used for the removul of olls, dlrt, skln purtlcles, dundruff, envlronmentul
pollutunts und other contumlnunt purtlcles thut gruduully bulld up ln hulr.
y 7he goul ls to remove the unwunted bulld-up wlthout strlpplng out so much us to muke hulr unmunugeuble. Shumpoo,
when luthered wlth wuter, ls u surfuctunt, whlch, whlle cleunlng the hulr und sculp, cun remove the nuturul olls (sebum)
whlch lubrlcute the hulr shuft.
y +ulr shumpoos ure hlghly formuluted products bused on u llmlted runge of cosmetlcully ucceptuble surfuce uctlve
ugents, plus condltlonlng ugents, peurllng ugents, untlmlcrobluls, colours und frugrunce.
y Shumpoos ure typlcully vlscous llqulds, elther cleur or opuque (peurllsed), contulnlng 2040% sollds, ud|usted to
upproxlmutely p+ 5.5. Most, but not ull, huve vlscosltles ln the rutlo of 5001500 centlpolse.
Manufacturing Process

y Shumpoos ure munufuctured by slmple blendlng ln u stlrred vessel, sometlmes equlpped wlth low pressure steum
heutlng colls. Vessels ure typlcully constructed from stulnless steel, ulthough gluss-llned vessels ure stlll used ln some
y ,ngredlents ure welghed or metered lncrementully lnto the mlxlng vessel, wlth thorough mlxlng between euch uddltlon.
A moderute umount of heut ls used to reduce the vlscoslty und so fucllltute euse of mlxlng.
y Some peurllslng ugents ure wuxy sollds ut umblent temperuture und requlre meltlng ln u drum oven or slmllur before
use. Demlnerullsed wuter ls most commonly used ln order to mlnlmlse contumlnutlon of the product.
y 1o further processlng ls requlred ufter blendlng, und the product muy be pucked off dlrectly from the mlxlng vessel.
y Sclence hus trunsformed shumpoos from slmple soups to complex chemlcul products employlng deposltlon technology
thut ullows ugents wlthln the shumpoo to perform lndependently ut dlfferent stuges. Formulutors huve reenglneered
lngredlents to conslst of smuller purtlcles, ullowlng for better coveruge, u llghter-feellng shumpoo und hlgher lngredlent
concentrutlons to provlde muxlmum efflcucy.
y :lth coucervute-ulded deposltlon technology, the coucervute cun trup other uctlve lngredlents und deposlt them onto
the hulr. 7hls ullows for the uddltlon of lngredlents to shumpoos und condltloners, such us pyrlthlone zlnc, pro-vltumln
B5, umlno uclds or botunlculs.
y For u murket wlth hlgh potentlul, the shumpoo murket ln ,ndlu ls domlnuted by |ust u few pluyers. From scores of
brunds flve yeurs ugo, the shumpoo murket hus now been whlttled down to u hundful. +lndustun Lever (+LL), wlth u
65 per cent volume shure (68 per cent shure by vulue), domlnutes the murket wlth brunds such us Sunsllk, Cllnlc Plus
und Cllnlc All Cleur. Cuvln Kure Llmlted, un unllsted compuny from Chennul, wlth brunds such us Chlk und 1yle
follows wlth u 19.8 per cent volume shure.
y Pluyers huve ulso trled other routes to expund the shumpoo murket. Flghtlng the perceptlon thut shumpoos ure
essentlully glumour products, murketers huve trled to udd u utlllty vulue to shumpoos by offerlng functlonul beneflts.
Antl-dundruff shumpoos represent thls uttempt. Cllnlc Plus, one of the flrst untl-dundruff brunds, ls the lurgest shumpoo
brund toduy, wlth u murket shure of 31 per cent.

Clinic Plus Daily Care ShampooClinic Plus Daily Care Shampoo is one of Indias most popular shampoo. I always wash my hair
with shampoo at least twice in a week. Most of the time I preferred clinic plus shampoo. Clinic Plus Daily Care Shampoo is one of
the nice product from Hindustan Lever Limited. This product manufactured in Mumbai, India. This shampoo has acti-clean
molecules that deep clean and milk protein complex that nourishes the hair. The key ingredients of this product are Sodium Lauryl
Eyther Sulphate, Dimethicone, GHTC conditioner, milk proteins and fragrance. Apply this shampoo in a wet hair and wait for a
minute and then rise your hair. You get lot of foams and after that wash with water. After applied this shampoo my hair gets softer and
stronger. I like the blue colour of the shampoo. It is also available in various colours. The net volume of 8 m. l costs Rs. 2. 00/-. It also
available in lot more variety of packets and different net volume.

Pantene is a brand of hair care products owned by Procter & Gamble. The product line was first introduced in
Europe in 1947 by Hoffman-LaRoche of Switzerland, which branded the name based on panthenol as a
shampoo ingredient. It was purchased by Procter & Gamble (P&G) in 1985 in order for P&G to compete in the
"beauty product" market rather than only functional products.

The brand's best-known product became the conditioning shampoo Pantene Pro-V (Pantene Pro-Vitamin). The
product became most noted due to an advertising campaign in the late 1980s in which fashion models said,
"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."
Kelly LeBrock gained notoriety as the first television spokeswoman
to speak the line.
The line was criticized by feminists and became a pop-culture catchphrase for "annoying"
narcissistic behavior.

Pantene is the world's best-selling haircare brand, encompassing a huge variety of shampoo, conditioner and
styling products, sold in around 100 countries. One of Procter & Gamble's portfolio of billion dollar brands, its
worldwide sales are now around $3bn annually, equivalent to around 10% global market share. However
following rapid growth since the mid-1990s, sales began to slow significantly in 2007, especially in the key US
market. As a result, the brand has undergone several restructurings of its product portfolio as well as a full
revamp of logo and packaging.
Wished you had more time to look after your hair and oil it regularly?
Introducing New Pantene Shampoo with Goodness of Coconut Oil for Strong Hair
Mumbai, September 20, 2005: Do you believe in adapting the best of traditional values even while keeping up
with your fast changing, evolving life style? When it comes to hair, do you wish you could regularly oil your hair but
seldom find the time from your busy schedule to take care of your tresses? Recognizing this need of the new-age,
evolving Indian woman, and in keeping with her busy life style, Pantene has launched the one-step solution - New
Pantene Shampoo with Goodness of Coconut Oil which makes hair strong against damage with regular use.
New Pantene with its Micro-Vita technology ensures optimized conditioning to suit varied Indian hair care needs
and provides conditioning benefits similar to Coconut Oil - as it penetrates deep into the roots, strengthens
each strand against damage, giving smoother, shinier and stronger hair against damage.
Extensive research conducted by P&G on Evolving Life styles and Hair care practices in India revealed that
with the new-age busy and hectic life styles, women are increasingly getting concerned about deterioration
of their hair, specifically about aspects like: Appearance (a loss in shine, especially towards the ends), Physical
Properties (a loss in hair strength and resilience), and Behavior (a loss in flexibility and the ability of the hair to
form and maintain the desired style). Several factors conspire to inflict damage to our hair, such as:
environmental (such as pollution and UV damage), mechanical (e.g. excessive brushing or combing),
thermal(e.g. excessive use of blow dryer, curling tongs, straightening irons), or chemical (e.g. coloring,
relaxing and perming. Thus, the quality of hair starts to deteriorate resulting in less resilient, weaker hair that
loses its shine. This has increased the awareness and necessity for high conditioning and 9 out of 10 Indian
women prefer to use oil on a regular basis as a hair conditioner. However, the hectic multi tasking between
their home and work leaves them with little time to oil their hair regularly, leave it on for a few hours and then
wash it. This is one of the key causes that lead to lack of conditioning. This insight based on specific needs of the
Indian consumer led P&G to develop New Pantene with Goodness of Coconut Oil which has the conditioning
benefits similar to Coconut Oil as it penetrates deep into the roots, strengthens each strand against damage,
giving smoother, shinier and stronger hair against damage.
New Pantene with the Goodness of Coconut Oil was launched by Former Miss Universe, leading Bollywood actor and
now Pantene Brand Ambassador Lara Dutta. Commenting on her new role, Lara Dutta said, I am delighted to
be the face of the Worlds No. 1 Shampoo, and launch New Pantene with the goodness of Coconut Oil in India.
New Pantene with Micro-Vita Technology provides smoother, shinier and stronger hair similar to
coconut oil and is the perfect solution for people like me who are constantly on the move and have little or no
time for regular oiling! I urge the women of India to experience the goodness of coconut oil via this simple one
step process of shampooing hair with New Pantene!
Giving perspective on the signing of Lara Dutta as Brand Ambassador for Pantene, Mr. Rahul Malhotra, Associate
Marketing Director (P&G) said, Pantene has always believed that only hair that is strong from inside, looks
beautiful from the outside. Likewise, Lara is a beauty icon who radiates inner strength too be it through her
being crowned Miss Universe, her role as Global UN Ambassador or her belief in fitness and nutrition and
therefore is a true embodiment of Pantenes character and its promise to consumers. Lara will communicate
the benefit of New Pantene with the Goodness of Coconut Oil which gives strong hair. With this new campaign,
Lara joins Pantenes illustrious league of past celebrity endorsers in India such as Katrina Kaif, Bipasha Basu,
Shilpa Shetty, Sonali Bendre, Simone Singh among others.
Sharing perspective on the launch of New Pantene, Dr. Colin DSilva, P&G Beauty Scientist added, In our quest to
provide the evolving Indian woman the best of traditional hair care without making it time-consuming for her,
we have launched New Pantene shampoo with benefits that are similar to the conditioning benefits provided
by coconut oil. Our technical tests demonstrate that New Pantene with Goodness of Coconut Oil provides
multiple conditioning benefits to the hair including shine, softness, smoothness & manageability. And most
importantly, it makes hair stronger against damage.
To educate consumers on the benefits of the New Pantene with Goodness of Coconut Oil, P&G has launched
Pantene Strength Stations in Mumbai. Pantene Strength Stations are hair care booths and your one-stop
solution to every tress concern. Pantene Hair care experts present at each station conduct hair strength tests with
the proprietary Pantene Microscope Hair Check. This allows consumers to witness the strengths and weaknesses
of their hair live & magnifies on a monitor placed at each Pantene Strength Station. The Pantene Microscope
Hair Check tests the health of the hair based on five parameters: (i) Roughness (ii) Uniform Thickness (iii)
Dryness (iv) Split ends; and (v) Dandruff. Based on the test results, the Pantene Hair Expert provides customized
solutions and recommends the right variant from the New Pantene range to suit individual hair care needs and get
strong, beautiful hair.
Lara Dutta also inaugurated the Pantene Strength Stations by taking on the Pantene Strength Challenge herself in
Mumbai at the Cross Roads Mall and urged consumers to take the test to improve their hair strength with New
Pantene. Over the next few weeks, the Pantene Strength Stations will also be launched in In Orbit Mall, Malad.
Look out for the New Pantene Range with Goodness of Coconut Oil in five variants to meet your individual hair
care needs:
? Pantene Smooth & Silky for Healthy, Shiny, Straight Look - Helps smoothe roughness, straighten hair,
reduce frizz, and keep hair sleek and shiny
? Pantene Hair Fall Control for Stronger more Beautiful Hair - Reduces Hair Fall due to breakage by up to
50% within just Two Months,
? Pantene Long Black for the Long and Black Hair Look - Darkens each strand of hair uniformly from root to
tip through intense moisturization
? Pantene Lively Clean for Healthy, Lively, Grime-free Hair - Transforms dull, oily, grimy and weighted down
hair to lively, healthy hair
? Pantene Anti-dandruff for Dandruff-free Scalp and twice as strong hair - Helps you prevent the recurrence
of dandruff while making hair strong and soft
The New Pantene is available at general and chemists stores across India and continues to be priced at Rs. 98 for
a 200ml. bottle, Rs. 51 for a 100ml. bottle, and Rs. 3 for a 7.5ml sachet.
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About P&G Beauty Care
P&Gs Beauty Business is over US$ 10 Billion in Global Sales, making it one of the worlds largest beauty companies.
The P&G beauty business sells more than 50 different beauty brands including Pantene, Olay, SK-II, Max
Factor, Cover Girl, Joy, Hugo Boss, Herbal Essences and Clairol Nice n Easy. In India, P&Gs beauty
care business comprises of Head & Shoulders - the worlds No. 1 anti-dandruff shampoo, Pantene - the worlds
no. 1 shampoo, and Rejoice Asias No. 1 shampoo.
P&G India is one of Indias fastest growing Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies that has in its portfolio P&G's
Billion dollar brands such as Tide, Ariel, Pantene, Whisper, Pampers, Head & Shoulders, and leading brands such
as Rejoice Asias No. 1 Shampoo, and Vicks Indias No. 1 OTC Brand. A Company with employee strength of
500, P&G takes pride in being consistently voted among Indias Best Employers. P&G is committed to making
every day in the lives of its consumers better through the superior quality of its products. For more information
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