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Account Number: 5602-8331-361
Statement Date: March 13, 2024

Amount Due: $69.28

Service Address: 146-111 120TH AVE JAMAICA NY 11434 Page 1 of 5

Next Scheduled Read Date: On or about April 12, 2024

Account Summary
Previous invoice $85.52
Total adjustments -11.39 Residential
Payments received as of 03/04/24 -85.52
Balance forward $-13.39 Residential consumer
Energy charges 81.33 discount $ 0.43
Miscellaneous charges 1.44
See details beginning
on page 3
Payment due upon receipt. $69.38
See messages on page 2
To avoid a 1.5% late payment charge, please ensure payment is
received by the date displayed below.

Think of the minutes, money and

natural resources you'll save by doing
business online or by phone 24/7.

Visit to:

• View and pay your bill online
• Submit and view meter readings
• Enroll and manage budget billing
• Enroll in Autopay

Call our self-service line at

1.800.295.7323 for billing information,
provide a meter reading and to pay by

Add $1, $2, or $5 to your payment to

make a tax-deductible donation to
RG&E and NYSEG Project SHARE
Heating Fund. Learn more at

Please return bottom portion with your payment. Make checks payable to RG&E.

Account Number

Late Fee After

P.O. BOX 847813 Due Upon Receipt
BOSTON, MA 02284-7813
Amount Paid

146-111 120TH AVE

Please do not write below this line.

Invoice Number: 11507567644

Page 2 of 5

You can choose to purchase your electricity supply from an energy services company (ESCO) or RG&E. If you
choose an ESCO, what you pay for your electricity supply depends on your agreement with the ESCO (your
cost could be more or less than what you would have paid RG&E). With any supply choice, RG&E will continue
to deliver electricity to you and you will continue to pay RG&E delivery, transition, and basic service charges.
With ESCO supply, you would not have to pay RG&E's merchant function charge nor RG&E's bill issuance
charge (if your ESCO charges appear on your RG&E bill) and you may have some tax savings.
Enjoy safe, secure access wherever you go with eBill, our FREE online billing service. When you enroll in eBill,
you can receive reminder notifications so you won't miss a payment, print only what you need, and view 12
months of bills online. Enroll today at
Enjoy the convenience of AutoPay. Set your preferences, including convenient notifications, and your secure
payment will be made on time each month automatically - it's easy! Visit to enroll and let AutoPay do the
work for you.
Our FREE Outage Alerts will send you a text, email or phone call to keep you informed of an outage. We also
have a new texting option for the most up to date information. Simply text us if you're experiencing an outage
and we'll text you back. Visit to sign up.
Enroll in Meter Read Reminder Alerts and you'll receive an alert by text, phone or email when we're scheduled to
read your meter. Plus you'll have the added option of being able to text us your meter readings. You benefit from
meter readings by receiving bills based on your actual energy use. For more information or to sign up, visit today.

Contact Information
Service or billing questions: Electronically:
1.800.743.2110, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (M-F) Use our "Write to RG&E" form at
Payment arrangements:
1.877.266.3492, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (M-F) By mail:
Self service line: RG&E Customer Service
1.800.295.7323, 24 hours a day 89 East Avenue
Power interruptions or emergencies Rochester, NY 14649-0001
1.800.743.1701, 24 hours a day
Natural gas emergencies or if you smell gas: Payment address:
1.800.743.1702, 24 hours a day RG&E
Hearing/speech impaired (TTY): P.O. Box 847813
Boston, MA 02284-7813

Mailing Address Changes Autopay

Please mark with an "X" for address To sign up for Autopay, where we deduct your bill amount
and telephone changes. from your checking account 23 days after we mail your bill,
please mark with an "X" and provide the following:

Street: Name:
(as it appears on bank statement)

City: 9-Digit Routing Number:

State: ZIP: Bank Account Number:

Home Phone: Name of Bank:

Alternate Phone: Signature: Date:

For program terms and details, visit

Please do not write below this line.


Account Number: 2002-9042-023
Statement Date: June 01, 2018

Service Address: 160 EAST SQUIRE DR APT 3, ROCHESTER NY 14623 Page 3 of 5


Electricity Service - PSC19 SC1 - Residential Service from: 03/30/18 - 05/30/18

Electricity Rate - RGE Supply Service PoD ID: R01000058792557

Meter Current Meter Read Previous Meter Read Reading Billed Billing
Number Date Reading Date Reading Difference Usage Period
89531933 04/30/18 51393 E 03/30/18 51321 A 72 72 kwh 32 days
89531933 05/30/18 51461 A 05/01/18 51393 E 68 68 kwh 30 days
Type of read: A - Actual, E - Estimate, C - Customer, R - Remote and N - No read

Service from : 03/30/18 - 04/30/18

Electricity Delivery Charges

Customer charge 21.38
Delivery charge 72 kwh @ 0.04181 3.01
Transition charge - Mar 4 kwh @ -0.00246 -0.01
Transition charge - Apr 68 kwh @ -0.002481 -0.17
Revenue decoupling mech 68 kwh @ 0.001326 0.09
Reliability support svcs. chg. 72 kwh @ 0.003521 0.25
SBC charge 72 kwh @ 0.007268 0.52

Subtotal Electricity Delivery $25.07

Electricity Supply Charges

Variable supply charge 72 kwh @ 0.07484123 5.39
Merchant function charge - Mar 4 kwh @ 0.003678 0.01
Merchant function charge - Apr 68 kwh @ 0.003704 0.25

Subtotal Electricity Supply $5.65

Electricity Taxes and Surcharges

Taxes on delivery charges @ 2.0408% 0.51

Subtotal Electricity Taxes and Surcharges $0.51

Service from : 05/01/18 - 05/30/18

Electricity Delivery Charges

Customer charge 21.38
Delivery charge 68 kwh @ 0.04645 3.16
Transition charge 68 kwh @ -0.00164 -0.11
Revenue decoupling mech 68 kwh @ 0.001326 0.09
Reliability support svcs. chg. 68 kwh @ 0.003521 0.24
SBC charge 68 kwh @ 0.007268 0.49

Subtotal Electricity Delivery $25.25

Electricity Supply Charges

Variable supply charge 68 kwh @ 0.04136715 2.81
Merchant function charge 68 kwh @ 0.003785 0.26

Subtotal Electricity Supply $3.07

Electricity Taxes and Surcharges

Taxes on delivery charges @ 2.0408% 0.52

Subtotal Electricity Taxes and Surcharges $0.52

Total Electricity Cost $60.07

Total Energy Charges $60.07

Account Number: 2002-9042-023
Statement Date: June 01, 2018

Service Address: 160 EAST SQUIRE DR APT 3, ROCHESTER NY 14623 Page 4 of 5

Usage Chart Information

Historical Electricity Consumption Electricity Daily Average Comparisons

402 A
Billing Average Average
301 A Period Daily Use Daily Temp

201 E A
May-18 2 kwh 64° F
100 E E E A
May-17 8 kwh 56° F

Miscellaneous Charges
06/01/18 Payment & billing svcs charge 0.72
06/01/18 Payment & billing svcs GRT 0.01

Total Miscellaneous Charges $0.73

Detailed Adjustments

05/03/18 Canceled Consumption Billing Receivable -45.12

05/03/18 Canceled Payment & billing svcs GRT -0.01
05/03/18 Canceled Payment & billing svcs charge -0.72

Total Adjustments $-45.85


Account Number: 2002-9042-023
Statement Date: June 01, 2018

Service Address: 160 EAST SQUIRE DR APT 3, ROCHESTER NY 14623 Page 5 of 5

Terms and Definitions

Delivery charge: what you pay RG&E to transport POR administration charge: reflects administrative
energy to your home or business. costs associated with customers whose energy service
company (ESCO) participates in the Company's
Supply charge: what you pay for the energy Purchase of Receivables program.
purchased for you by RG&E or a supplier other than
RG&E. System Benefits Charge (SBC): a state mandated
charge for all electric and natural gas customers. The
Payment & billing services charge: the cost to SBC is used to fund clean energy activities conducted by
produce and send you (electronically or paper) a bill and NYSERDA and energy efficiency programs administered
process payments. Customers who use an energy by RG&E.
supplier (also known as an energy services company or
ESCO) other than RG&E will not be assessed this Revenue Decoupling Mechanism: a charge or credit
charge by RG&E if their ESCO’s supply charges appear on your bill that reflects the difference between forecast
on their RG&E bill, however, their energy supplier may and actual delivery service revenues by service
charge a similar fee. classification to encourage the promotion of energy
efficiency and renewable technologies.
Competitive meter charge, Competitive meter
service charge, and Competitive meter data service: Weather adjustment: moderates natural gas bills during
apply to customers billed under Service Class 3, 7, 8 or any extreme weather between October 1 and May 31. If
9 whose metering services are provided by RG&E. temperatures during the billing period are colder than
These meter services charges, previously included in the normal, customers typically receive a credit; if
customer charge, are now broken out in the electricity temperatures are warmer than normal, customers
section of the bill. Customers with a demand of 50 receive a charge.
kilowatts or more for two consecutive months who use a
meter service provider and a meter data service provider Meter Mult (Meter Multiplier): when the actual amount
other than RG&E are not assessed these charges. of energy you use is more than can be registered on the
meter, the meter displays a fraction of your actual use. A
Customer charge: includes a portion of the cost of the multiplier is then applied to determine your actual energy
meter, meter reading (unless you are a customer billed use. When a multiplier is used, it will be shown in the
under Service Class 3, 7, 8 or 9 with a demand of 50 "Meter Mult" box under the "RG&E Detailed Account
kilowatts or more for two consecutive months whose Activity" section of your bill.
metering services are not provided by RG&E) and part of
the cost of delivery service. Appears on your bill whether Transition charge: reflects the costs of making the
or not you use any electricity and/or natural gas during electricity industry more competitive; includes associated
the billing period. credits and/or charges.
Kilowatt-hours (kwh): measure of electricity use. Prorated bills: calculated by determining your average
daily energy cost and multiplying it by the number of
Residential consumer discount: monthly payment days in your billing period. Prorated bills are used only
received from the New York Power Authority (NYPA) to when your billing period is shorter or longer than usual.
be used for the benefit of residential customers. It is
included in the Transition Charge. Pay your bill by mail, at or at any of RG&E's
authorized pay agents. If you pay in person, please bring
ccf (hundreds of cubic feet): measure of volume of your entire bill.
natural gas used. You are charged based on therms, the
energy (heat) content of natural gas. Payment is due when you receive your bill. Your
payment must be postmarked by the "Late Fee After"
Merchant function charge: reflects the administrative date shown on page 1. If paying in person, payment
costs of obtaining electricity and natural gas supply. must be made by the "Late Fee After" date. Payments
Customers with a supplier other than RG&E are not received after the "Late Fee After" date will be subject to
charged by RG&E for this service. a 1.5% late payment charge per month.
New York State Assessment: As required by state law,
effective July 1, 2009, utilities must collect a special
state assessment from customers for the state's general

Reliability support services surcharge (RSSS): A

surcharge designed to recover the costs associated with
third-party services to ensure local electric reliability
needs are met.

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