2425ProdMgmt HW5 G# T#
2425ProdMgmt HW5 G# T#
2425ProdMgmt HW5 G# T#
Homework/Assignment 5
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Title of your Group project is: ……..
1. Name the file: 2425ProdMgmt_HW1_G[class#]_T[group#].
a. Class#: 1 for the Friday class, 2 for the Monday_456, 3 for the Monday_123
b. Group#: are as per the number you have registered as guided in the file
“Semester Project Requirement” and be finalized by lecturer).
2. Please submit the work in the Excel file, present the answer in a clean and
respectful manner. Do not include the note and questions in your submitted file.
Continue using this form to complete your works and submit on Blackboard.
3. Only 1 member in group submits (it is not necessary to be the leader to sumit).
4. Due date is defined in detail at each “ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION” from
Blackboard. Maximum score of late submission is two third of “Point Possible”
5. If you can’t submit on Blackboard: Email your work to TA, and CC to your Lecturer,
attached also the screenshot of your Blackboard showing error in that transaction.
Email of Lecturer: tvly@hcmiu.edu.vn
Email of TA: IELSIU22370@student.hcmiu.edu.vn
7.2 Spiffy Dry Cleaners has recently changed management, and the new owners want to
revise the current layout. The store performs six main services:
(1) laundry
(2) dry cleaning
(3) pressing
(4) alterations
(5) delivery
(6) tuxedo rental
Each is located in a separate department, as shown here. The load summary chart gives
the current level of interaction between the departments. Calculate the number of
nonadjacent loads for the current layout. Design an alternative layout to minimize the
number of nonadjacent loads.
7.5 Rent With Us Management Inc. has purchased a large housing complex and must
decide where to locate its offices and service facilities. The company has learned that
locating each service in a different apartment building helps control the behavior of
tenants, but it would also like to keep unnecessary transit time to a minimum. Data
collected on movements between facilities during a six month period from a similar
apartment complex are shown below. Construct a layout diagram on a 2 3 grid that
minimizes nonadjacent movement.
7.7 Marillion Hospital is building a satellite clinic in the Cold Harbor area of Richmond.
The design committee has collected data on patient movement from similar facilities in
hopes of making the new facility more efficient and customer-friendly.
7.11 Design a layout on a 2 x 3 grid that satisfies the preferences listed here.
7.15 Best Vision is revamping its assembly lines to improve efficiency. As shown below,
there are 10 steps to assembling a television set.
a. If Best needs to produce 120 televisions in a 40-hour work week, how should
the line be balanced? Given that one worker is assigned to each workstation, how
many workers are required to operate the line? What is the efficiency of the line?
b. If demand for televisions is reduced to 100 sets per 40-hour week, how many
workers will be needed to man the line? Re-balance the line and re-calculate its
7.21 The precedence diagram and task times (in minutes) for assembling modular
furniture are shown below. Set up an assembly line to assemble 1000 sets of modular
furniture in a 40-hour week. Balance the line and calculate its efficiency.