1. Absolute units
2. Gravitational units
Force=Mass × Acceleration
1 Dyne = 1 gm × 1cm/sec2
= gm cm/sec2
1N = 105 Dynes
ii) Direction: It is the line along which the force acts. It is also called as
line of action of the force.
iii) Point of application: The point at which the force acts on the body.
Pull: If the arrow head is pointed away from the point of application, the
nature of the force is pull.
Push: If the arrow head is pointed towards the point of application, the
nature of the force is push
It may change the state of a body i.e. the state of rest or state of motion.
It may accelerate or retard the motion of a body.
It may turn or rotate the body on which it acts.
It may deform the body on which it acts.
1. Vector Representation
2. Bow’s Notation
1. Vector Representation:
2. Bow’s notation:
Two forces 10N and 15 N are acting on a body .the letters a,b and c are
put on either side of the line of action of forces in anticlockwise direction.
The force 10N is then called force ab and force 15N as force bc. The vector
diagram of forces is shown.
It states that, “If a force acts at a point on a rigid body, it is assumed to act
at any other point on the line of action of force within the same body”.
As per this principle force of push nature can be made pull by extending
the line of action of a force.
According to the relative positions of the lines of action of the forces, the forces
may be classified as follows:
1. Coplanar Collinear force system: The force system in which forces lies on
the same plane and act along the same line of action are known as Coplanar
Collinear force system.
2. Coplanar Concurrent force system: The force system in which forces lies on
the same plane and meet at a point are known as Coplanar Concurrent force
(i) Like parallel force system: The force system in which forces lies on the same
plane and are parallel to each other acting in same direction are known as
Coplanar Like parallel force system.
(ii) Unlike parallel force system: The force system in which forces lies on the
same plane and are parallel to each other but acting in opposite direction are
known as Coplanar Unlike parallel force system.
6. Non-coplanar parallel force system: The force system in which forces lies in
different planes but are parallel to each other are known as Non-coplanar parallel
force system.
7. General force system: The force system in which forces act in different planes
and they do not possess one single point of concurrency are known as General
force system.