05 - Governors & Governor Generals
05 - Governors & Governor Generals
05 - Governors & Governor Generals
Banned female infanticide. (known as the Magnacarta of
Created the province of Agra in English Education in India) pre-
1834. pared by Charles Wood in 1854.
Made English to be the court Boosted up the development of
language in higher court but Railways and laid the first Rail-
Persian continued in lower way line in 1853 from Bombay
courts. to Thane and Second from
Appointed Macaulay as presi- Calcutta to Raniganj.
dent of the committee of Public Gave a great impetus to Post and
Instruction. Macaulays Minutes Telegraph. Telegraphic lines
First Afghan war was started
was submitted in 1835. during the Governor Generalship were laid - first from Calcutta to
Sir Charles Metcalfe of Lord Auckland.
Slavery was abolished by Gov- Shimla was made summer Capi-
(1835-36) tal and Army Head Quarters.
ernor General Lord
Ellenborough. Hindu Marriage Act was
passed in 1856.
Lord Dalhousie (1849 - 56) In 1853, Competitive examina-
tion for the recruitment of the
Introduced the policy of ‘Doc- Covenanted Civil Service was
trine of Lapse’, started.
Indian states annexed through A Post Office Act was passed in
the Doctrine of Lapse were 1854. Postage stamps were is-
Satara (1848), Jaipur and sued for the first time.
Sambalpur (1849) Baghatpur In 1855, the Santhal Uprising
Abolished restriction on press. (1850), Udaipur (1852) Jhansi took place
He is called the ‘‘Liberator of (1853) and Nagpur (1854). Abolished the title ‘ Nawab of
Press’’. Introduced the Woods Despatch Carnatic.’
India - Pak Wars
The major cause of the India - Pak wars was the Kashmir issue.
On September 1, 1965 Pakistan started attack on the border and invaded Chhamb and Dewa regions.
On September 11, UN Secretary General U-Thant reached to talk on cease fire.
After the battle, Tashkent agreement was signed under the mediation of Russia.
Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Sastri and Pakistan President Ayub Khan signed the agreement.
On December 2, The Border Security Force was formed.
Lal Bahadur Sastri died at Tashkent on 11 January 1966.
The diplomacy of Sastri was the major source behind India’s victory in the 1965 Indo-Pak war.
The Second Indo-Pak war was in 1971. After the war, Bangladesh became an independent country.
The agreement signed after the 1971 war was the Simla Agreement.
Simla Agreement was signed by Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Pakistan Prime Minister Sulfiker Ali
Bhuto in 1972.
The Kargil war in 1999 was against the terrorist usurpation into Kashmir from Pakistan.
Kargil military operation of India was known as ‘Operation Vijay’.
Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee conducted the famous Lahore Bus Journey in 1999 February.
The Kargil war officially ended on 26 July 1999.
Boundary line between India and Pakistan is Radcliff line.
The Lahore declaration was signed between A.B. Vajpayee and Nawaz Sherif.
Military operation conducted by India on Pakistan 1948 was known as Operation Sojila.
The operation in which Indian army captured Siachin was known as Operation Meghdoot.
India and Pakistan signed the Indus River Water Agreement in 1960.
Third Afghan war started. Burma was separated from British Empire in 1935.
Aligarh Muslim University was founded in 1920.
Lord Linlithgow (1936-43)
Lord Reading (1921-26)
August Offer by the Viceroy in which he declared
Foundation of Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh
dominion status as the ultimate goal of British
by K.B. Hedgewar at Nagpur in 1925.
policy in India.
Beginning of Indianisation of the officers cadre of
In 1940, Civil Disobedience Movement was started.
the Indian Army.
1942 Cripps Mission came.
Railway Budget was separated from General Bud-
Congress starts Quit India Movement.
get in 1921.
Viswa Bharati University started by Rabindra Nath Lord Wavell (1943-47)
Tagore. Wavell Plan, Shimla conference Congress repre-
Train Robbery at Kakori. sented by Maulana Azad
Lord Irwin (1926-31) RIN Mutiny (1946)
Popularly known as Christian Viceroy. Interim Government was formed (September 2,
Simon Commission arrives in Bombay. 1946)
Meerut conspiracy case. Prime Minister of Britain Clement Atlee announced
Gandhi started his Dandi March. to give independence to India by July 1948.
Chittagong Armoury Raid. Cabinet Mission 1946.
First Round Table Conference.
16th August 1946, Muslim League begins ‘Direct
Gandhi-Irwin pact.
Action day’.
Lord Willington (1931-36) Lord Mountbatten (1947-48)
Communal Award in 1932 by Ramsay Mac Donald.
His plan to make India free on August 15 1947 is
Third Round Table Conference in 1932.
also known as June 3rd Plan.
White Paper on Political reforms in India was pub-
First Governor General of free India
lished in 1933.
His early name was Shuddirama Gadhadhar She started the Home Rule League with the
Chatterjee. Co-operation of Bal Gangadhar Tilak in 1916.
He was a priest in the Dakshine swar Kali temple. In 1914, Dr. Annie Besant founded two papers
So he is called the Saint of Dakshineswar. 1. The Common Weal and ii. New India.
The most famous disciple of Ramakrishna was
Vivekananda (1863 - 1902).
Young Bengal Movement
Vivekananda was born in a Kayastha family of Started by Henry Vivian Derozio, who was an
Calcutta. Anglo Indian teacher in the Calcutta Hindu Col-
His real name was Narendranath Dutta.
His followers were known as the Derozians.
He attended the Parliament of Religions at Chi- They attacked the old traditions and decadant
cago in 1893, September 11. customs.
He was invited to the Congress of the History In 1828 he started the Academic Association.
of Religions at Paris in 1900.
The official journal of Young Bengal Movement
He founded the Ramakrishna Mission on Ist May was ‘Jnanvesan’.
The first ‘math’ (centre) was established at Jyotiba Phule
Baranagar. Belonging to the low caste of Mali from
In 1899, the Math or the centre of the mission Maharashtra, struggled against upper caste
was shifted to Belur near Calcutta. domination and Brahaminical supremacy
through his Sathyashodhak Samaj founded in
He started two papers - the monthly Prabuddha
Bharata in English and Udbodhana a Bengali
fortnightly. He pioneered the Widow Remarriage Move-
He is called the‘patriot saint of India’. ment in Mahara shtra and worked for the edu-
cation of women.
He was also described as a ‘‘Cyclonic Hindu’’.
In 1898 Sister Nivedita, (Margaret Elizabeth Deva Samaj
Noble) an Irish lady was initiated to It was started in 1887 by Shiv Narayan Agnihotri
brahmacharya by Vivekananda. at Lahore.
Theosophical Society The religious text of this Samaj was Deva Shastra
and the teaching Devadharma.
The Theosophical Society was founded by Ma-
dame Blavatsky and Col. H.S.Olcott in Newyork N.M Joshi
in 1875. He founded the Social Service League at
In 1882, its head quarters was shifted to Adayar Bombay in 1911.
near Madras. He also founded the All India Trade Union Con-
Its philosophy was inspired by the Hindu gress in 1920 at Bombay.
Upanishads. He left AITUC in 1929 and started the Indian
Dr.Annie Besant came to India in 1893, was its Trades Union Federation.
notable President.
H.N. Kunzru
In 1898, she started the Central Hindu School at
Benaras, it later became Benaras Hindu Univer- He founded the Seva Samiti at Allahabad in 1914
sity under Madan Mohan Malavya (1916). with the objective of organising social service
during the natural calamities and promoting edu-
She was the first woman to become the presi- cation, sanitation, physical culture etc.
dent of INC in 1917.
of Bengal
The British Conquestse between him and the British as the latter were
flict aro
aj-ud-Daula (1756-57) a con itish, followed by the Black
During the period of Sir ng al. Th is led to the initial defeat of the Br
interfering in the internal
affair s of Be room by Nawab.
d bec au se of suffocation in a small e
Hole Episode in which 12
3 En gli shm en die the Battle of Plassey on Jun
ar; the Br itis h def eat ed the Nawab of Bengal, in received from Mi r
Mir Jaf t Clive
Later with the help of Na wa b of Be ng al by the British. In return Rober
de the
23, 1757. Mir Jafar was ma and the right of free trade
in Bengal.
mi nd ari of 24 Par gan as
Jafar the Za .
to office in 1760 by Clive b of Avadh and Shah Alam
Mir Qasim was raised th the hel p of Shuja-ud-Daulah, Nawa wer.
Mir Qasim decided to
fight the Br itish wi r Jafar was restored to po
in the Bat tle of Bu xa r on October 22, 1764. Mi
II. The British crushed the and the Nawab of Bengal.
con dit ion s we re imposed on the emperor India Company.
Many outra geo us
po int ed the fir st Go ver nor of Bengal by the East
• 17 58 : Robert Clive was ap India.
; end of French power in -daula of Avadh,
• 17 60 : Battle of Wandiwash wa s fou gh t by Mi r Kasim, Nawab Shuja-ud the other side.
Th e bat tle nro on
• 17 64 : Battle of Buxar. sid e an d the British forces led by Ma
jor Mu
and Shah Al am II on on e
The British were victoriou
sys tem of government in Bengal. h.
• 17 64 : Introduction of dual issa to the Britis
: Gr an t of Di wa ni of Bengal, Bihar and Or
• 17 65
• 17 70 : Famine in Bengal.
ysore War.
• 1767-1769 : First Anglo-M
Veerasalingam Pantulu founded at Amritsar. The Akali Movement was
also started for Sikh reform
Most prominent social reformer of South India
in the second half of the 19th Century. Kuka Movement was started with the aim of Sikh
reform and restoration of Sikh sovereignty in
He founded the Rajmundri Social Reform Asso- Punjab by driving the British away. Kuka move-
ciation in 1878 with the principal objective of ment was founded by Bagat Jawaharmal, popu-
promoting widow remarriage. larly known as Sian Sahib in the 19th century.
Sikh Reform Movements Kukas recognised Guru Govind Singh as the
In 1873, the Singh Sabha Movement was only true Guru of the Sikhs.
Indo-China War
Nehru and Chinese Prime Minister Chau Enlai established bilateral friendly relation signing the
Panchsheel in 1954.
But giving asylum to the Dalai Lama of Tibet (1954) provocated China.
China attacked India by crossing the Mac Mohan line on September 8, 1962.
On October 19, Chinese made a massive attack.
On October 26, Government declared Emergency and Defence of India Ordinance.
Keeping view of the Chinese aggression, the Gold Bond Scheme was declared.
In November 1962, the National Defence Council was set up.
On Nov. 10, the Chinese declared a Unilateral withdrawal.
In 2005, China removed Sikkim from Chinese map and accepted it as Indias part.
In 2006, Two countries agreed to open the Nathula pass (Sikkim) after a gap of four decades.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, called Mahatma,
is the father of our nation.
He was born on 2 October 1869, at Porbandar in
Gujarat as the son of Diwan Karamchand and his
fourth wife ‘Putilibai’.
In 1883, at the age of 14, he married Kasthurba
Later he went to England to study law.
In 1893, he went to South Africa to practice law.
He was subjected to racial discrimination and
organised Natal Indian Congress in 1894. There
he started a weekly, Indian opinion 1904.
Gandhiji experimented the weapon Satyagraha for
the first time in South Africa in September 1906 to
protest against the Asiatic Ordinance issued
against the Indians in Transval.
Gandhiji’s first imprisonment was in 1908 at Gandhiji’s first fast was in 1918 in connection with
Johannesberg in South Africa. the strike of mill workers in Ahmedabad.
In 1899 during the Boer war Gandhiji organised He started the Satyagrahasrama on the banks of
Indian Ambulance Corps for the British. Sabarmati river in Ahmedabad.
Gandhiji was humiliated and ousted from Peter In 1918 he started two weeklies - Young India in
Marits Burg Railway Station in South Africa. English and Navjeevan in Gujarati.
Gandhiji started the Tolstoy Farm (South Africa) Gandhiji abandoned his title Kaiser -i-Hind in pro-
in 1910. test against Jallianwalabagh Massacre (1919)
Gandhiji started the Phoenix Settlement in Gandhiji’s first National Movement was
Durban. organised against the Rowlatt Act in 1919.
He returned to India on 9th January 1915, leaving Gandhiji launched the Non-Co-operation Move-
South Africa for ever. January 9 is observed as
ment on August 1, 1920.
‘Pravasi Bharatiya Divas’ to commemorate this.
The only Congress session presided over by
Gandhiji’s first Satyagraha in India was for the
Gandhiji was the one which held at Belgaum in
right of Indigo workers in Champaran in 1917.
Gandhiji partcipated in the Second Round Table
Conference in London in 1931 August.
With the aim of eradicating untouchability,
Gandhiji founded the All India Harijan Samaj in
Gandhiji started his journey for Harijan upliftment
from the Wardha Ashram in Maharashtra.
Gandhiji called low class people as ‘Harijan’
which means ‘sons of God’.
He started the weekly Harijan in 1933.
Gandhi-Irwin pact was signed on 5 March 1931. Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas and Devdas were
Gandhiji called the Temple Entry Proclamation as Gandhiji’s four sons.
a wonder of the Modern Age. ‘I Follow Mahatma’ is a book written by
Gandhiji called Subhash Chandra Bose as ‘Pa- K.M.Munshi.
triot’ ‘Unto This Last’ of John Ruskin greatly influ-
Winston Churchill, called Gandhiji a ‘‘Half naked enced Gandhiji
Seditious Fakir" R.K. Narayan wrote ‘Waiting for the Mahatma’.
The name ‘Gurudev’ was given to Tagore by ‘A Week with Gandhi, ‘Gandhi and Stalin and
Gandhiji. Life of Mahatma Gandhi are the books written by
Tagore called Gandhiji ‘Mahatma’. Fischer.
‘Wardha’ scheme of education was the basic edu- Gandhiji’s grandson Thushar Gandhi led the sec-
cation policy formulated by Gandhiji. ond Dandi March from March 12 - April 17, 2005
In 1940, Gandhiji started Individual Satyagraha on the 75th anniversary of Dandi March.
and selected Vinoba Bhave and Nehru for that. Gandhiji’s autobiography ‘‘The story of My Ex-
Gandhiji called the Cripps Mission (1942) ‘‘a post- periments with Truth’ was written in 1922 while he
dated cheque of a drowning bank’’. was in Jail. It describes his life from 1869 to 1921.
Gandhiji was assassinated by Nadhuram Vinayak It was translated into English by Mahadev Desai.
Godse on 30 January 1948 at the Birla house in Leo Tolstoy is considered as the spiritual guru of
Delhi. He died at 5 : 17 pm. Gandhiji.
‘Hey Ram, Hey Ram’ was his last words. One of the great dreams of Gandhiji was the es-
Gandhiyum Godseyum is a book written by N.K. tablishment of Grama Swaraj. He said ‘‘India lives
Krishna Warrier. in villages’’. He started Sewa gram Ashram on
30 April 1936.
‘Mem Nadhuram Godse Bolthai’ is a play written
by Pradeep Dalvi to humiliate Gandhi. Gandhiji said ‘‘Non violence is not one form it is
the only form of direct action’’.
Narayan Dathathrya Apte was hanged to death
along with Godse on the Gandhi Assassination Gandhiji once sarcastically (humorously) called
case. jail ‘‘His Majesty’s Hotel’’.
French Novelist who wrote the biography of ''Generations to come may scarcely believe that
Gandhiji was Romain Rolland. such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked
upon this earth'', Einstein said about Gandhiji.
Medalim Slaiduin, a British woman became a fol-
lower of Gandhi and came to be known as Meera ‘‘Truth and Non-violence are my Gods’’ Gandhiji
Ben. “Untouchability is a crime against God and
The original autobiography of Gandhiji written in Mankind” - Gandhiji.
Gujarathi language was ‘Sathya na Karogo’. ‘‘Swaraj for me means freedom for the meanest of
Liberty or Death written by Patrick French deals our countrymen’’ - Gandhiji
with antogonism in Gandhiji’s life. ‘‘The light has gone out of our lives and there is
Gandhiji called his hanging clock my little dicta- darkness everywhere’’ – Nehru on the death of
tor. Gandhiji.
‘Ente Gurunathan’ a poem written by Vallathol ‘‘Non-violence is the law of our species as vio-
Narayana Menon speaks about Gandhiji. lence is the law of the brute’’ – Gandhiji
‘That’s my mother’ Gandhiji said these words ‘‘Indian culture is neither Hindu, Islam, nor any
about Bhagavat Gita. other wholly. It is a fusion of all’ - Gandhiji
Gandhiji’s political guru was Gopala Krishna ‘‘Non Co-operation with evil is as much a duty
Gokhale. as co-operation with good’’ - Gandhiji
Gandhi’s Prisoner is a book written by Uma ‘‘My only hope lies in prayer and answer to
Dupfeli Mistri , daughter of Gandhi’s son, Manilal. prayer’’ - Gandhiji
He became the first Prime Minister of India after
independence in 1947.
Nehru has the largest term as India’s Prime
Important works of Nehru are ‘Glimpses of World
History’,‘The Unity of India’, ‘The Discovery of
India’ ‘Bunch of Old letters’.
‘‘An Autobiography’’ is the autobiography of
‘‘.......... At the stroke of the mid night hour, when
the world sleeps, India will awake to life and free-
dom........... these are the words of Nehru.
Nehru’s main contribution to the evolution of
Jawaharlal Nehru was the son of Motilal Nehru Indias foreign policy was the acceptance of non-
and Swarupa Rani. alignment.
‘Jawahar’ means Jewel. Non-Alignment meant taking independent deci-
He was born in 1886 November 14. sions on international issues with a sense of neu-
Vijayalekshmi Pandit and Krishna Harthising
Nehru visited China in 1954, both the countries
were the sisters of Nehru.
signed the Panch Sheel.
He went to London in 1905 and joined the Haro
‘I want the cultures of all lands to be brought to
Public School, Then Trinity College in Cambridge
my house as freely as possible’ He said
and finally at the Inner Temple.
The expression ‘‘Trust with destiny’ was first used
He returned to India in 1912 and started practice
by Jawaharlal Nehru on the occasion of India at-
at the Allahabad High Court.
taining freedom.
Nehru attended the Bankipore Congress Session
“There will be no freedom in this country or in the
in 1912.
world so long as a single human being is unfree”
He met Gandhi in 1916 at the Lucknow session. - Jawaharlal Nehru.
Nehru became the General Secretary of INC in It is not so much the existence of a nation that
1923. counts but what the nation does during various
Nehru became the president of INC for the first periods of existence Nehru.
time in 1929. Poorna Swaraj Resolution was Nehru was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1955.
passed at this session (Lahore).
Nehru got placed in Indian Postal Stamp in 1964.
Nehru became the President of INC for the larg-
India government began to distribute Interna-
est number of times Lahore, (1929), Lucknow
(1935), Faizpur (1936), New Delhi (1951), tional Award for International understanding in
Hyderabad (1953) and Kalyan (1954). 1965. U Thant got it for the first time.
Nehru started a newspaper called ‘National First
woman to get the award was Mother
Herald’. Theresa (1969)
Nehru headed the interim ministry formed in 1946 Nehru died on 27 may 1964 at the age of 75.