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The relation between socioeconomic status and academic achievement.

White, K. R. (1982).

Using meta-analysis techniques, almost 200 studies that considered the

relation between socioeconomic status (SES) and academic achievement
(AA) were examined. Results indicate that as SES is typically defined and
used, it is only weakly correlated with AA. With aggregated units of analysis,
typically obtained correlations between SES and AA jump to .73. Family
characteristics, sometimes incorrectly referred to as SES, are substantially
correlated with AA when individuals are the unit of analysis. Factors such as
grade level at which the measurement was taken, type of AA measure, type
of SES measure, and the year in which the data were collected were
significantly correlated with the magnitude of the correlation between AA
and SES. Variables considered in the meta-analysis accounted for 75% of the
variance in observed correlation coefficients in the studies examined. (6 p
ref) (PsycINFO Database Record © 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

The relation between socioeconomic status and academic achievement.

Karl R White

Psychological bulletin 91 (3), 461, 1982

Using meta-analysis techniques, almost 200 studies that considered the

relation between socioeconomic status (SES) and academic achievement
(AA) were examined. Results indicate that as SES is typically defined and
used, it is only weakly correlated with AA. With aggregated units of analysis,
typically obtained correlations between SES and AA jump to. 73. Family
characteristics, sometimes incorrectly referred to as SES, are substantially
correlated with AA when individuals are the unit of analysis. Factors such as
grade level at which the measurement was taken, type of AA measure, type
of SES measure, and the year in which the data were collected were
significantly correlated with the magnitude of the correlation between AA
and SES. Variables considered in the meta-analysis accounted for 75% of the
variance in observed correlation coefficients in the studies examined.(6 p ref)
(PsycINFO Database Record © 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

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Related articles

All 12 versions

Socioeconomic status and academic achievement: A meta-analytic review of


Selcuk R Sirin

Review of educational research 75 (3), 417-453, 2005

This meta-analysis reviewed the literature on socioeconomic status (SES)

and academic achievement in journal articles published between 1990 and
2000. The sample included 101,157 students, 6,871 schools, and 128 school
districts gathered from 74 independent samples. The results showed a
medium to strong SES–achievement relation. This relation, however, is
moderated by the unit, the source, the range of SES variable, and the type of
SES–achievement measure. The relation is also contingent upon school level,
minority status, and school location. The author conducted a replica of meta-
analysis to see whether the SES–achievement correlation had changed since
White’s initial review was published. The results showed a slight decrease in
the average correlation. Practical implications for future research and policy
are discussed.

Gender and socio-economic status as correlates of students’ academic

achievement in senior secondary schools

Abosede M Ewumi

European Scientific Journal 8 (4), 23-36, 2012

Educators have expended tremendous efforts in the study of personal factors
on students’ academic achievement. Sex related problems have contributed
greatly to the creation of gender crisis by providing unequal opportunities for
males and females. Similarly, the state of the home environment or family
structure is supposed to have important significance on the child’s academic
achievement. This study investigated gender and socio-economic status as
correlates of students’ academic achievement in senior secondary schools.
Two major hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of
significance. Pearson-Moment Correlation Co-efficient was used to analyze
the data. The participants were 108 students drawn from three senior
secondary schools in Nigeria. Their ages ranged between 14 and 21 with a
mean age of 17.1 years. Two validated instruments were used to elicit
responses from the participants. Results revealed (i) negative significant
relationship between gender and academic achievement (r=-. 260; p<. 05),
(ii) no significant relationship between socioeconomic status and academic
achievement (r=. 083; p<. 05).

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Cited by 70

Related articles

Socioeconomic status and academic achievement in primary and secondary

education: A meta-analytic review

Juan Liu, Peng Peng, Baobao Zhao, Liang Luo

Educational Psychology Review 34 (4), 2867-2896, 2022

This study comprises two meta-analyses conducted to investigate relations

between socioeconomic status (SES) and academic achievement, with a
focus on macro-level, micro-level, and methodological moderating variables
in primary and secondary education. The first meta-analysis is based on 326
empirical studies with 949,699 students from 47 countries and areas, and
the second is based on three international large-scale assessments (i.e.,
PISA, TIMSS, and PIRLS) with 1230 independent samples of 5,095,283
students from 105 countries and areas. We found moderate correlations
between SES and academic achievement across the world, rs = .22 ~ .28.
Moderation analyses revealed that (a) these relations have strengthened
since the 1990s; (b) GDP per capita and economic equality did not affect the
relations; (c) higher net enrollment ratio and longer duration of compulsory
education did not weaken these relations; (d) the relations stayed stable or
even strengthened across grades in concurrent and longitudinal designs.
Taken together, our findings suggest that educational expansion that focuses
on increasing educational opportunities does not seem to reduce inequalities
in academic outcomes between high- and low-SES school children in
educational systems on the national level. Quality indicators for educational
expansion, however, should be considered in setting educational policy to
achieve inclusive, equitable education

Gender and socio-economic status as correlates of students’ academic

achievement in senior secondary schools

Abosede M Ewumi

European Scientific Journal 8 (4), 23-36, 2012

Educators have expended tremendous efforts in the study of personal factors

on students’ academic achievement. Sex related problems have contributed
greatly to the creation of gender crisis by providing unequal opportunities for
males and females. Similarly, the state of the home environment or family
structure is supposed to have important significance on the child’s academic
achievement. This study investigated gender and socio-economic status as
correlates of students’ academic achievement in senior secondary schools.
Two major hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of
significance. Pearson-Moment Correlation Co-efficient was used to analyze
the data. The participants were 108 students drawn from three senior
secondary schools in Nigeria. Their ages ranged between 14 and 21 with a
mean age of 17.1 years. Two validated instruments were used to elicit
responses from the participants. Results revealed (i) negative significant
relationship between gender and academic achievement (r=-. 260; p<. 05),
(ii) no significant relationship between socioeconomic status and academic
achievement (r=. 083; p<. 05).
Does socioeconomic status explain the relationship between admissions
tests and post-secondary academic performance?

Paul R Sackett, Nathan R Kuncel, Justin J Arneson, Sara R Cooper, Shonna D


Psychological bulletin 135 (1), 1, 2009

Critics of educational admissions tests assert that tests measure nothing

more than socioeconomic status (SES) and that their apparent validity in
predicting academic performance is an artifact of SES. The authors examined
multiple large data sets containing data on admissions and related tests,
SES, and grades showing that (a) SES is related to test scores (r=. 42 among
the population of SAT takers),(b) test scores are predictive of academic
performance, and (c) statistically controlling for SES reduces the estimated
test–grade correlation from r=. 47 to r=. 44. Thus, the vast majority of the
test–academic performance relationship was independent of SES: The
authors concluded that the test–grade relationship is not an artifact of
common influences of SES on both test scores and grades.

Socio-economic status and academic performance in higher education: A

systematic review Previous educational research has extensively
investigated the relationship between socio-economic status (SES) and
academic performance. In higher education, however, this relationship still
deserves a comprehensive examination given both practical and conceptual
reasons. To attend to this need, a mixed-methods systematic literature
review of 42 studies has been carried out. In the first part, a summative
content analysis examines how SES and academic performance are
measured. In the second part, a meta-analysis estimates the effect size of
the relationship between SES and academic performance in higher
education. Findings suggest that SES is measured through education,
occupation, income, household resources, and neighborhood resources, while
academic performance in higher education is measured through
achievement, competencies, and persistence. Furthermore, the meta-
analysis reveals a pos’tive yet weak relationship between SES and academic
performance in higher education. Prior academic achievement, university
experience, and working status are more strongly related to academic
performance than SES.
Farkhanda Ahmar, Ehtesham Anwar

IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 13 (6), 13-20, 2013

This study examined the effects of gender and socio-economic status on

academic achievement of higher secondary school students of Lucknow city.
The sample consists of 102 males and 98 females in age range of 15 to 19
from five higher secondary schools of Lucknow city Uttar Pradesh (India).
Socio economic status scale developed by RL Bharadwaj (2005) was used for
data collection, while the total mark obtained by the students in the previous
class ie standard X was used as an achievement criteria. Mean (M), Standard
Deviation (SD), Standard Error of the mean (SEM), t-test were used. This
study shows that gender does not influence the achievement in science at
higher secondary school (Standard-XI) level. Also the result of this study
showed the difference between high and low socio-economic status groups.
It is found that the academic achievement was influenced by the socio-
economic status and those who belonged to high socio-economic status
showed better performance. Based on these findings some recommendation
was given with great implication for both practice and further studies.

Factors affecting the academic performance of the student nurses of BSU

Sunshine B Alos, Lawrence C Caranto, Juan Jose T David

International Journal of Nursing Science 5 (2), 60-65, 2015

This study aimed to determine the factors affecting the academic

performance of fourth year student nurses. The factors affecting a student’s
academic performance arise from several reasons. In line with this, this
research was conducted to determine the factors that affect the academic
performance of the nursing students which may consequently help in the
improvement of the students and teachers alike. This study may benefit the
students by allowing them to understand better the factors that can affect
their academic performance. They may be able to improve their academic
performance with the findings that are established by this study. A
quantitative-descriptive design was utilized. Self-reporting questionnaire was
the main method used for data gathering. Average weighted mean was used
to determine the level of impact of the different factors affecting the
respondents’ academic performance. The first two (2) items in the personal
conditions category are found to be of high impact. Meanwhile, the last three
(3) items in the same subset fell in the low range. On the other hand, all
indicators included in the category of study habits were considered highly
impactful except for the last item which was ranked rather lower. Student
nurses have been discovered to have rated home-related factors as low in
impact. In school-related aspects, the first six (6) items are of high impact;
conversely, the 7th indicator was rated low. Among the teacher-related-
factors, only item 1 was established to be of very high impact and the rest
posed to be highly impactful. In the subset of personal factors, feeling sleepy
in class in class was rated to be of highest impact. The indicator ‘I study only
when there is a quiz’was determined to have the highest impact among
study habits. Meanwhile, among the home-related aspects,‘I live far from
school’was found to be the most impactful. The indicator ‘the time schedule
is followed’was determined to have the greatest effect among the school-
related items. Highest of impact among the five domains were the teacher-
related factors. Based from the findings, it was concluded that several
factors pose a high impact on the academic performance of student nurses,
with teacher-related factors topping the list. Among the five (5) domains,
study habits and school-related factors fall behind the teacher-related
factors. Nonetheless, both categories are still deemed to be highly impactful.
Conversely, personal conditions and home-related factors pose little effect on
student nurses’ academic performance.

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 664

Proceedings of the 2022 8th International Conference on Humanities and

Social Science Research (ICHSSR 2022)

The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Academic Achievement

Daxuan Qi¹*

Xi’an international studies University, Xi’an, Shaan ‘xi, China “Corresponding

author. Email:


Generally, parents have a strong influence on student’s academic

achievement. However, the relationship between family and student
academic achievement remains unclear. On this basis, in this paper, the role
of socioeconomic status and parenting style is investigated in accounting for
the student’s academic achievement by reviewing articles from different
time periods and regions. Specifically, this article compares the study
between different periods and regions, points out the differences and finds
the connection between family socioeconomic status and academic
achievement. These results shed light on the direction of educational reform.

Keywords: Socioeconomic status, academic achievement, family.

Academic achievement is the direct reflection of students’ academic learning
and mastery of knowledge [1], which is related to their graduation and future
employment, and it can also reflect the quality of education. In educational
psychology, academic achievement shows a level of proficiency in scholastic
work in general or in a specific skill, e.g., mathematic or reading. Evidence of
nowadays academic achievement is normally based on the results of
standardized ability tests and assessment of performance by a teacher or
other supervisor. Various previous studies have shown the relationship of
academic performance on students’ careers and Socioeconomic status. For
example, Mueller and Essifile (2020) found that student’s academic
performance in higher education was positively related to their future
earnings [2]. Walker (2012) found a positive relationship between the
students’ achievement in the academic and personal happiness [3].
Therefore, not only does academic performance have a positive relationship
with graduation, but it is also linked to a student’s future earnings, the
standard of living, and mental health. In educational psychology, academic
performance is associated with a wide variety of indicators of psychosocial
functioning including psychopathology. Social, and romantic relationship

Socioeconomic status (SES) was defined by Mueller and Parcel in 1981 as

“the relative position of a family or individual on a hierarchical social
structure, based on

Their access to or control over wealth, prestige and power [4]. More recently,
SES has been defined as a mixture concept that refers to individual, family,
social class, and capabilities to create and consume goods that are valued in
our society [5]. Examinations of the SES usually reveal inequities in access to
resources, plus issues related to privilege, power, and control. For many
educators, Coleman (1996) wrote a report which shows the various former
researchers have come to the same conclusion: there exists a strong
connection between socioeconomic status and academic achievement [6].
The higher the SES of a student’s family, the greater the student’s academic
performance. This connection has been documented in many studies and
seems to hold no matter what measure of SES is used [7]. As a result, the
positive relationship between school completion, family socioeconomic
status, and measured ability (e. g., mathematic) has been widely
acknowledged [8].
However, comparing recent results to previous studies, a lot of differences
exist. Recent literature from Japan found academic achievements of students
are relatively the same irrespective of whether their parents are in the high,
medium, or low-income levels [9]. In China, scholars also found that family
income has no connection with student’s academic achievement [10]. It is
unexpected that the studies in Pakistan showed a negative relationship
between family income and student performance [11]. This result is opposed
to former studies that reveal a positive relationship between socioeconomic
status and academic performance. The

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 204

Understanding Factors Affecting Scholastic Achievement of Students: A

Review of the Literature.

Syed Inshaallah Tahir, Tasleema Jan

IASSI Quarterly 43 (3), 2024

The most reliable indicator of success in higher education is prior scholastic

achievement. It shapes the personal development and prospects of students,
reflecting their abilities, knowledge, and skills. The objective of this study is
to explore the factors affecting scholastic achievement through review of
literature, discussing aspects other than personal intelligence. For
educational practices to be effective, it is vital to comprehend the role of
other elements that affect scholastic achievement of students beyond their
personal intelligence. Teachers, administrators and policymakers can carry
out targeted efforts to advance equal opportunities and improve overall
academic accomplishments by recognizing, addressing and considering
these elements, which include and are not limited to, parenting style, social
media addiction, academic anxiety, academic motivation, peer relation,
school environment, home environment and socio-economic status. Because
it provides an overview of how these factors affect academic success, this
study is important as it can encourage students and parents to adopt
supportive learning settings and resources that promote educational
outcomes. According to the study’s findings, it is critical that parents and
educational institutions maintain a well-balanced learning environment that
prioritizes their individual needs.

Impact of socio-economic status on academic achievement of school

students: An investigation

Preeti Singh, Garima Choudhary

International Journal of Applied Research 1 (4), 266-272, 2015

This study investigated the impact of socioeconomic status on the academic

achievement of secondary school students of Delhi city. The investigator
undertook the study in government as well as private schools located in
Delhi and in totality 15 schools were finalized. Normative survey method
upon 450 samples from class XI was utilized to gather the data.‘Socio-
economic Status Scale’(SESS) was used while the total marks obtained by
the students in the previous class, ie standard X were used as an
achievement criteria and for data analysis Mean, SD, one way ANOVA, t-test
were employed. The result of this study showed the difference between high
and low socioeconomic status groups. This study further reveals that gender
influences the academic achievement at secondary school (Standard-XI)
level. It is also found that the academic achievement was influenced by the
socioeconomic status and those who belonged to high & middle
socioeconomic status have shown better performance. Based on these
findings, some recommendations were given with great implications for both
practice and further studies.
Family socio-economic status effect on students’ academic achievement at
college of education and behavioral sciences, Haramaya University, Eastern

Gemechu Abera Gobena

Journal of Teacher Education and Educators 7 (3), 207-222, 2018

The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of family socio-
economic status on students’ academic Achievement. Descriptive survey
research design was employed. The target population was students from the
College of Education and Behavioural Sciences. 172 students were taken
from the target population through stratified random sampling. The results
showed us that first, family income did not bring anything new to students’
academic Achievement; second, there was statistically significant negative
relationship between sex and students’ academic achievement; finally,
family education level contributed 40.96% (R2*100%) to students’ academic
achievement whereas 59.04% (1-R2)*100%) were unexplained variables that
contributed to students’ academic achievement. It was recommended that
families should access education to encourage their children in schools.
Moreover, socio-economic policies should be formulated to enable children
from low economic status to have equal opportunity as children from high
economic parents to maintain the harmony among children in the nation.

Emotional Intelligence and Socio-economic Status as the determinants of

Academic achievement among Adolescents

B Razia, Nabi Ahmad

Int J Education Psychol Res 6 (2), 137-142, 2017

Academic achievement is one of the important goals of education and

affected by number of correlated factors including Emotional intelligence and
Socio-economic status of adolescents. Researchers concluded that Emotional
intelligence can predict academic success better than traditional measures
of intelligence. The study aims to predict Academic achievement of
adolescents with the help of independent variables Emotional intelligence
and Socio-economic status. The research was carried out on a sample of 292
adolescents studying in class XI of Aligarh district. Standardized scales were
used to collect the data which was analyzed by applying Mean (M), Standard
Deviation (SD), t-test, Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression
Analysis. Results indicate that significant gender differences exist in
adolescents on the measure of Emotional intelligence however no significant
differences were found between male and female adolescents on the
measure of Socioeconomic status and Academic achievement. Significant
correlation was found among all the three variables under study.
Socioeconomic status and Emotional intelligence together brought 18.4%
variance in Academic achievement indicating the importance of Emotional
intelligence and Socio-economic status in predicting Academic achievement
of adolescents.

Impact of socio-economic status on academic achievement among the senior

secondary school students

Md Rofikul Islam, Zebun Nisa Khan

Educational Quest-An International Journal of Education and Applied Social

Sciences 8 (3), 643-648, 2017

In the present study, the researcher intended to examine and explore the
impact of Socio-economic Status on Academic Achievement of Senior
Secondary School Students. The investigator used descriptive survey
research method for the present study and selected 170 Senior Secondary
School students as a sample population from four Secondary schools by
using Simple Random Sampling Technique. Socio-economic Status Scale
(SESS) developed by Kalia and Sahu (2012) was used for data collection
regarding student’s Socio-economic Status and previous annual marks of the
students considered as Academic Achievement of the students were
collected from office record book. The researcher analysed the data by
applying Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and t-test as statistical techniques
with the help of IBM SPSS 20.0. The findings of the study showed that there
is positive correlation exist between Socio-economic Status and Academic
Achievement of Senior Secondary School students, it also highlight that
significance difference is present among different SES group in their
Academic Achievement. It further revealed that there is no significant
difference between male and female students in their Academic

The Influence of Gender, School Location and Socio-Economic Status on

Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics.

Caroline Ochuko Alordiah, Grace Akpadaka, Christy Oritseweyimi Oviogbodu

Journal of Education and Practice 6 (17), 130-136, 2015

The study investigated the influence of gender, school location, and socio-
economic status (SES) on students’ academic achievement in mathematics.
The study was an ex-post factor design in which the variables were not
manipulated nor controlled. Four research questions and three hypotheses
were formulated to guide the study. The stratified random sampling approach
was used to sample 1900 students such that the variables in the study were
put into consideration. Two instruments were used for this study namely
mathematics objective test (MOT) and socio-economic status questionnaire
(SESQ). Experts in mathematics and measurement validated the
instruments. The reliability of the MOT and SESQ using the test-retest
method of establishing reliability yielded 0.71 and 0.70 respectively. The
results of the study showed that students have an average achievement in
mathematics. The result also showed that male students performed better
than female students, urban students performed better than

The Influence of Socio-Economic Status and Self-Efficacy on Students’

Academic Achievement: The Intervening Role of Learning Interest

June 2024
Journal of Educational Analytics


DOI: 10.55927/jeda.v3i2.9500

License: CC BY 4.0

Rafli Pasha

Yoni Hermawan

Sri Hardianti Sartika

This research primarily examines the influence of socio-economic status and

self-efficacy on academic achievement, with learning interest as an
intervening variable. The quantitative research method utilized a survey
technique conducted with students of SMAN 1 Manonjaya consisted of 462
social class students with a sample of 206 students selected using simple
random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire with 40
statement items, all scored using a 5-point Likert scale and data analysis
employed path analysis. Results indicated that socio-economic status and
self-efficacy influences on learning interest, socio-economic status and self-
efficacy do not influence academic achievement, learning interest influences
on academic achievement, socio-economic status does not influence
academic achievement through learning interest, and self-efficacy does not
influence academic achievement through learning interest
Impact of Socio- Economic Status on the Educational Achievement of
Secondary School Students in Vadodara

January 2024

International Journal of Management and Development Studies


DOI: 10.53983/ijmds.v13n1.002

Preeti Saxena

Neetu Yadav


With the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, most of the students and their
families were affected by economic burden and became unemployed. Those
who had business also suffered, unemployment in India effected the future of
the students and their parents. Paying fees in schools became a problem for
parents. Many students lost their father or mother. Research has shown that
the effect of socio-economic status on the academic achievement of
students was observed due to corona. Many parents are not educated. If the
size of the family is large, then out of 4 children, one or two children are not
able to get admission in the school. The present study will help us to know
the importance of the situation of our country along with the academic
achievement of students. The objective of this present study is to know the
socio-economic status of secondary school students of Vadodara district and
the problems faced by them in their academic achievement. There are many
factors affecting academic achievement. Psychological, social, economic and
environmental etc. The objectives of the study were to identify the level
educational achievement of secondary school students of Vadodara City and
to examine the influence of socio-economic status on the educational
achievement of secondary school students The descriptive survey method
was used for the present study. 50-students and parents of the two Hindi
medium schools namely Shri Krishna Hindi Vidyalaya and Adarsh Hindi
Vidyalaya were selected as the sample for the present study. It has been
found in the present study that the academic achievement of low-level
students, average level students, high level students were investigated the
level of all the students, mean scores of high-level students were 212 and
the marks of average level students were 142 and the lowest low level of
students is 57. To see the impact of socio-economic status on educational
achievement, t-test was conducted, it was found that statistically there exists
no significant difference in socioeconomic status and educational academic
achievement It becomes important to be conclude that even the status of
social or economic level is low but efforts can be made to attain expected
educational achievement and lead to a totally developed personality for
which education is aimed for.

Impact of Socio- Economic Status on the Educational Achievement of

Secondary School Students in Vadodara

January 2024

International Journal of Management and Development Studies


DOI: 10.53983/ijmds.v13n1.002

Preeti Saxena
Neetu Yadav


With the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, most of the students and their
families were affected by economic burden and became unemployed. Those
who had business also suffered, unemployment in India effected the future of
the students and their parents. Paying fees in schools became a problem for
parents. Many students lost their father or mother. Research has shown that
the effect of socio-economic status on the academic achievement of
students was observed due to corona. Many parents are not educated. If the
size of the family is large, then out of 4 children, one or two children are not
able to get admission in the school. The present study will help us to know
the importance of the situation of our country along with the academic
achievement of students. The objective of this present study is to know the
socio-economic status of secondary school students of Vadodara district and
the problems faced by them in their academic achievement. There are many
factors affecting academic achievement. Psychological, social, economic and
environmental etc. The objectives of the study were to identify the level
educational achievement of secondary school students of Vadodara City and
to examine the influence of socio-economic status on the educational
achievement of secondary school students The descriptive survey method
was used for the present study. 50-students and parents of the two Hindi
medium schools namely Shri Krishna Hindi Vidyalaya and Adarsh Hindi
Vidyalaya were selected as the sample for the present study. It has been
found in the present study that the academic achievement of low-level
students, average level students, high level students were investigated the
level of all the students, mean scores of high-level students were 212 and
the marks of average level students were 142 and the lowest low level of
students is 57. To see the impact of socio-economic status on educational
achievement, t-test was conducted, it was found that statistically there exists
no significant difference in socioeconomic status and educational academic
achievement It becomes important to be conclude that even the status of
social or economic level is low but efforts can be made to attain expected
educational achievement and lead to a totally developed personality for
which education is aimed for.
Kampala International University, College of Education, Open and Distance
Learning, 2010

The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of socio-economic

status on pupils academic achievement. It looked at the association between
parental levels of income, parental level of education, marital status and
academic achievement of pupils in public primary schools in Starehe
Division. The study focused on 180 pupils, 18 teachers and nine
headteachers from the division. Descriptive correlational design was
employed. Researcher devised questionnaire was used to collect data which
was analyzed using the SPSS to determine the correlational coefficients
between variables and descriptive analysis by use of means, modes and
percentages. The findings revealed a positive relationship between socio-
economic status and academic achievement of learners. The results showed
that pupils from low SES often had to perform domestic duties or looked for
paid work and this undermined their academic performance. Students from
low SES also predominantly emanated from single homes and as such did
not enjoy financial security. The study recommended that policy matters in
education should provide appropriate and equitable opportunities that meet
the learning needs of all individuals, regardless of the differences in their
family SES background.

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