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Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 19 (1999) 747 756

Cleaning level acceptance criteria and a high pressure liquid chromatography procedure for the assay of Meclizine Hydrochloride residue in swabs collected from pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment surfaces
Tahseen Mirza a,*, Michael J. Lunn b, Frederick J. Keeley b, Ron C. George b, John R. Bodenmiller b
b a United States Pharmacopeial Con6ention, 12601 Twinbrook Parkway, Rock6ille MD, 20852, USA Department of Quality Control, Hoechst Marion Roussel, 2110 Galbraith Rd. (Blg 32 -2), Cincinnati OH, 45215, USA

Received 17 August 1998; received in revised form 26 October 1998; accepted 30 October 1998

Abstract A method using pharmacologically based and visual limit of detection criteria to determine the acceptable residue level for Meclizine Hydrochloride (MH) on pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment surfaces after cleaning is described. A formula was used in order to determine the pharmacologically safe cleaning level for MH. This level was termed as specic residual cleaning Level (SRCL) and calculated to be 50 mg 100 cm 2. The visual limit of detection (VLOD) was determined by spiking different levels of MH on stainless steel plates and having the plates examined by a group of observers. The lowest level that could be visually detected by the majority of the observers, 62.5 mg 100 cm 2, was considered as the VLOD for MH. The lower of the SRCL and VLOD values, i.e. 50 mg 100 cm 2, was therefore chosen as the cleaning acceptance criterion. A sensitive reversed-phase HPLC method was developed and validated for the assay of MH in swabs used to test equipment surfaces. Using this method, the mean recoveries of MH from spiked swabs and 180-Grit stainless steel plates were 87.0 and 89.5% with relative standard deviations (RSD) of 9 3.3 and 9 2.4%, respectively. The method was successfully applied to the assay of actual swab samples collected from the equipment surfaces. The stability of MH on stainless steel plates, on cleaning swabs and in the extraction solution was investigated. 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Meclizine Hydrochloride; Cleaning validation; Swab analysis; HPLC

1. Introduction
Presented at the 10th annual meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Boston, MA, 1997. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-301-816-8201; e-mail:

MH is commercially available both as branded and generic 12.5, 25, and 50 mg tablet dosage forms. It is indicated in the management of nausea and dizziness associated with motion sickness

0731-7085/99/$ - see front matter 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 7 3 1 - 7 0 8 5 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 2 9 9 - 4


T. Mirza et al. / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 19 (1999) 747756

[1]. The chemical name of MH is 1-(p-chloro-aphenyl-benzyl)-4-m-methylbenzyl) piperazine dihydrochloride monohydrate. It is practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in chloroform and pyridine, and slightly soluble in dilute acids [2]. Due to its poor solubility, it is difcult to remove MH residue from production equipment. Good manufacturing practice dictates that it is necessary to prove that the equipment is clean prior to using the equipment after MH tablet production for the manufacture of other products. The chemical structure of MH is presented in Fig. 1. A variety of analytical methods for MH including spectrophotometry [3 6], conductometry [7], GC/MS [8] and HPLC [9] have been cited in the literature. The tablet assay method included in the MH monograph in the current USP [10] is a cation-exchange HPLC method using a strong cation exchange column. The current USP method lacks the sensitivity and specicity needed for the determination of low levels of MH in test swabs from manufacturing equipment. The main objectives of this project were 2-fold: (1) to propose a residual acceptance criteria based on sound scientic rationale; (2) to develop a simple, sensitive, accurate, linear, precise and rugged cleaning validation method for the determination of residual MH in swabs collected by swabbing equipment surfaces. The subject of cleaning validation is an important issue faced by the pharmaceutical industry today. In recent years, it has become the subject of greater scrutiny on the part of the FDA. Cleaning validation is a requirement mandated by 1963 GMP regulations (Part 133.4) and by 1978 cGMP regulations (Section 211.6). The main objective of a thorough cleaning validation program is to prevent contamination or adulteration of drug products [11]. Visual inspection alone to ensure cleanliness leading to the conclusion no residue detected is no longer acceptable to the regulatory agencies [12]. Visual inspection of the equipment supported by chemical residue data, obtained by using a validated analytical technique, is required in order to ensure lack of cross-contamination between products [13,14]. Because of the broad spectrum of products

manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry using a wide variety of equipment, it is difcult for the FDA and other regulatory agencies to establish clear guidelines for setting acceptance specications. A single set of acceptance criteria can not be applied to all products and types of equipment. Therefore, companies are expected to establish acceptance criteria based on logical and scientic rationale. Several acceptance criteria have been proposed in the literature [1517]. In this article, an approach is proposed using MH as the model compound for which the visual limit of detection (VLOD) is compared with a criterion based on phamacological acitivity of MH. The lower of the two values was established as the residual acceptance criterion for MH. The pharmacologically based residual acceptance criterion for MH was designed on the premise that not more than 1/10 000th of the labeled amount of active present in the dosage form should be available for carryover to a dose of the next product produced in the equipment train. The amount of the residue allowed on the total equipment train is termed a residual acceptance level (RAL). The smallest RAL or the lowest allowable residue level based on pharmacological activity is achieved by using the smallest dosage of the current product and the smallest batch size manufactured using the equipment train. The formula used for the calculation of the RAL value is shown: RAL= D smallest batch size SF (1)

Where: D, lowest dosage strength of the current product; SF, Safety factor= 10 000; smallest batch size of any product manufactured using the equipment train.

Fig. 1. Structure of Meclizine.

T. Mirza et al. / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 19 (1999) 747756


Table 1 Swabbing pattern used for collecting Meclizine Hydrochloride residue from the actual equipment surfaces and from the spiked plates in the cleaning validation studies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Use 44 inch Absorbond (polyester) swabs. (Note: vinyl, powder free, gloves must be worn to avoid interferences) Place the swabs in methanol (swabbing solvent) contained in a suitable container insuring that the swabs are completely immersed in the liquid Fold the swab diagonally in half. Fold the swab again diagonally, splitting the right triangle. The resulting swab is also a right triangle Squeeze the excess swabbing solvent removing as much excess as possible. (Excess solvent dilutes the collected drug residue and could render articially low results) Hold the folded swab between the thumb and second nger using the rst nger to apply pressure on the surface to be cleaned Swab the surface in a horizontal manner insuring that the total surface is wiped, starting from the outside towards the center. Overlapping the same surface is acceptable. Fold the exposed surface of the swab internally, resulting in a triangle one-half its original size. Expose a fresh swab surface and swab vertically, or 90 from the original direction Repeat steps 3, 4, 5, and 6 using a second Absorbond swab premoistened in methanol, placing the resulting swab in the same container Cap the sample container securely and label properly indicating drug substance, swab type, swab solvent, operators name, the date and detailed swabbed location

7. 8.

If the RAL is divided by the surface area of the entire equipment train used in the manufacture of the drug product, a concentration value in mass per unit surface area is obtained and is termed as specic residual cleaning level (SRCL). The for-

mula used for the calculation of the SRCL is shown: SRCL= RAL SA (2)

Fig. 2. Chromatogram obtained for a Meclizine Hydrochloride standard solution (10 mg ml 1).

Where: SA, surface area of the entire equipment train used in the manufacturing of the product. The SRCL for MH using Eq. (2) was calculated to be 50 mg 100 cm 2. The VLOD of MH was detemined by spiking ve separate 10 10 cm 316 stainless-steel plates with known amounts of MH. The lowest level of MH residue that could be visually detected by a majority of associates (n= 5) was 62.5 mg 100 cm 2. Since the SRCL value of 50 mg 100 cm 2 is lower than VLOD, it was therefore considered as the residual acceptance criterion for MH. On the basis of the SRCL, the analysis concentration range of interest was determined. In this article, a sensitive reversed-phase HPLC method is described for the determination of trace levels of MH in cleaning validation swab samples obtained from testing the equipment train. The results from recovery studies of MH from polyester swabs (Absorbond) and stainless-steel surfaces are presented. Also, results from the investigation of the stability of MH on stainless-steel surfaces, in undiluted swabs and from swabs stored in the extraction solvent are discussed.


T. Mirza et al. / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 19 (1999) 747756

tion was performed on a Waters Symmetry C8 column, 5 mm particle size, 3.9 mm (id) 150 mm column (Waters Associates, Milford, MA, USA). Detection was achieved using an ABI 759A Absorbance Detector (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA).

2.2. Chemicals and materials

Methanol and acetonitrile were HPLC grade (Fischer Scientic, Pittsburgh, PA), and were used as supplied. MH was an in-house qualied standard. All other chemicals used were of reagent grade. Absorbond (Texwipe 404), Exsorbx 400 (Berkshire), and Crew (KimberlyClark) swabs were obtained from Baxter Products Division, McGaw Park, IL.

2.3. High pressure liquid chromatography conditions

Fig. 3. Representative chromatograms for the blank extracts of Absorbond, Crew, and Exsorbx 400 swabs.

2. Experimental

2.1. Apparatus
The HPLC system used in this study consisted of a Hitachi Model L-6000 pump and a Hitachi 655A-40 Autosampler (Hitachi, Japan). SeparaTable 2 Linearity of Meclizine Hydrochloride by regression analysis (Meclizine Hydrochloride vs. peak area) Meclizine Hydrochloride (mg ml1) 1.057 5.283 10.57 26.411 52.832 Correlation coefcient Slope (mV-sec/(mg ml1)) y-intercept (peak area)

The mobile phase was 0.1 M citrate buffer/acetonitrile/water/triethylamine, 50/400/550/0.5 (v/v/ v/v). The buffer was prepared by dissolving 21.09 g of citric acid monohydrate and 1.76 g of sodium citrate dihydrate in 750 ml water in a 1 l volumetric ask, then bringing to volume with water. The mobile phase was degassed prior to use, employing vacuum ltration through a 0.7 mm glass microber lter (Whatman, type GF/F). The ow rate was set at 1.5 ml min 1. Column temperature was ambient. The injection volume was 50 ml, and the detection wavelength was set at 230 nm.

2.4. Preparation of calibration standards

A MH stock solution was prepared by accurately weighing 50 mg of a MH standard and transferring it into a 100 ml volumetric ask. It was dissolved in the mobile phase, mixed, then made up to volume with mobile phase. A series of ve calibration standards were prepared by transferring appropriate aliquots of the MH stock solution, or dilutions there of, into separate 100 ml volumetric asks. The concentrations of MH in these calibration standards were 1.000, 5.00, 10.00, 25.00, and 50.0 mg ml 1, respectively.

Peak area response (mV sec1)a 46.083 230.792 457.384 158.295 320.642 0.99999 43.97 2.837

Average of two replicates

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2.5. Sample preparation 2.5.1. For reco6ery studies of Meclizine Hydrochloride from Absorbond swabs and 180 -Grit stainless steel plates The surfaces tested were 180-Grit stainless steel 10 10 cm plates prepared in-house. A spiking solution was prepared by dissolving :50 mg of MH into 100 ml of methanol. Using appropriate glass micro syringes, aliquots ranging from 401000 ml of the spiking solution were transferred onto four sets of ve plates each. The spiked plates thus contained either :20, 50, 100, or 500 mg of MH. The solutions on the test surfaces were allowed to evaporate. The plates were then successively swabbed with two Absorbond swabs which were previously moistened with methanol, wringing out the excess. All the swabbings followed a prescribed wiping pattern (Table 1). The swabs from each sample were placed into high density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles. A 10.0 ml aliquot of the mobile phase was added to each bottle. Each bottle was capped and shaken vigorously for :1 min. The extract was collected using a 10 cc disposable syringe and transferred to an autosampler vial. In the study for the recovery of MH from Absorbond swabs, aliquots ranging from 40 1000 ml of the spiking solution were deposited directly into separate HDPE bottles (ve bottles per concentration level) containing two Absorbond cleaning swabs pre-moistened in methanol. This resulted in spiked levels of 20, 50, 100, and 500 mg, respectively. The same extraction procedure as described earlier was used. 2.5.2. For actual samples collected from the equipment train A 10 ml aliquot of the mobile phase was pipetted directly on top of the sample swabs contained in HDPE bottles. Each bottle was capped and shaken vigorously for : 1 min. The extract was collected using a 10 cc disposable syringe and transferred into an autosampler vial. 2.5.3. For stability studies A series of 180-Grit stainless-steel plates were spiked with 100 mg of MH in methanol solution,

Table 3 Results obtained for the recovery of Meclizine Hydrochloride from spiked Absorbond swab samples Meclizine Hydrochloride spiked (mg) 20.04 Meclizine Hydrochloride recovered (mg) % recovery

17.61 17.07 16.79 17.39 17.15 42.63 43.13 43.58 43.53 43.13 94.49 93.89 94.09 91.38 93.39 476.9 473.9 477.9 475.9 480.9 Mean RSD n

85.9 85.2 83.8 86.8 85.6 85.1 86.1 87.0 86.9 84.1 94.3 93.7 93.9 91.2 93.2 95.2 94.6 95.4 95.0 96.0 90.0% 95.1% 20




sets of which were allowed to sit undisturbed for up to four days. Other sets of the spiked plates were swabbed immediately, the swabs then placed in HDPE bottles, capped securely, and allowed to sit undisturbed. These were labeled as dry swabs. The remaining sets were swabbed immediately, placed in HDPE bottles, the extraction solvent added and then, the bottles were capped securely. These were labeled as wet swabs.

2.6. Chromatographic procedure

For the samples and the calibration standard solutions, 50-ml aliquots were injected separately into the HPLC with the aid of the autoinjector using the operating conditions described in Section 2.3. The amount of residual MH was determined by comparing the MH peak area response


T. Mirza et al. / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 19 (1999) 747756

obtained for the sample to a linear calibration curve obtained from the calibration standard solutions.

3.3. Assay 6alidation

The validation of the method was carried out by determining the linearity, accuracy, repeatability, intermediate-precision and limit of quantitation of the method.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. De6elopment of the analytical method

One of the objectives of this project was to develop a sensitive, accurate, precise, linear and rugged cleaning validation method for the assay of trace levels of residual MH collected by swabbing various manufacturing equipment surfaces. An initial attempt using a C18 bonded phase column resulted in an asymmetric MH peak. The peak asymmetry may be attributed to the interaction of MH with residual silanol sites on the stationary phase. The peak symmetry was improved by using an end-capped Waters Symmetry C8 column and by the addition of a competing base (triethylamine) into the mobile phase. A chromatogram obtained by injecting a standard solution is presented in Fig. 2.

3.3.1. Linearity A linearity study was performed in order to determine the linearity of the system response for MH over a concentration range of 1.05752.83 mg ml 1 in mobile phase. The resulting solutions were chromatographed using the described HPLC conditions. A correlation coefcient [r] of 0.99999 was obtained from the linear regression analysis of the data (peak area vs. concentration of MH). This demonstrates that the MH peak area reTable 4 Results obtained for the recovery of Meclizine Hydrochloride from spiked 180-Grit stainless steel plates Meclizine Hydrochloride spiked (mg) 20.14 Meclizine Hydrochlo- % recoverya ride recovered (mg)

3.2. Determination of proper swabbing material

Two swabs of Absorbond, Exsorbx 400 and Crew types were placed in separate beakers containing methanol. The excess methanol was eliminated from the swabs by wringing out the swabs. Then the swabs were transferred into separate HDPE bottles. Ten milliliters of the mobile phase solution was pipetted into each bottle. The bottles were manually shaken for 1 min. The extracts were transferred with the aid of disposable plastic syringes into autosampler vials. The swab extracts were injected into the HPLC using the chromatographic conditions. Absorbond was chosen as the swabbing material because it was free of any interfering peaks which would co-elute with Meclizine, where as Crew and Exsorbx both exhibited extraneous peaks which could potentially interfere. The chromatograms obtained from the extracts of the three swab materials are presented in Fig. 3.

17.80 17.78 17.80 18.61 16.49 45.02 45.42 44.37 44.77 45.02 91.23 90.43 91.54 91.64 90.93 452.2 460.3 458.3 447.7 456.8 Mean RSD n

88.4 88.3 88.4 92.4 81.9 89.4 90.2 88.1 88.9 89.4 90.6 89.8 90.9 91.0 90.3 89.8 91.4 91.0 88.9 90.7 98.2% 92.4% 20




Uncorrected for recovery factor used in the method.

T. Mirza et al. / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 19 (1999) 747756


Table 5 Repeatability results obtained from ve replicate injections of a Meclizine Hydrochloride calibration standard on two different days (intermediate precision) Day 1 Replicate Day 2 Meclizine Hydrochloride concentration (mg ml1) 10.12

Meclizine Hydrochloride concentration (mg ml1) 10.11

Peak area (mV sec1) 305.747 308.232 308.139 308.122 305.94 307.236 90.41% 5

Peak area (mV sec1) 307.908 307.973 306.954 306.984 308.449 307.654 90.21% 5

1 2 3 4 5 Mean RSD n

sponse is linear over the concentration range examined. The results of the linearity study are tabulated in Table 2.

3.3.2. Accuracy The accuracy of the method was determined by spiking both swabs and 180-Grit stainless steel plates with known amounts of MH and analyzing the spiked samples. The accuracy was then calculated as the % spiked (swabs or swabs obtained from swabbing the spiked plates) of MH recovered from the spiked samples. Independent of this study, the visual limit of detection for MH was determined to be :62.5 mg 100 cm 2. The SRCL, calculated based on the formula described
Table 6 Stability results obtained for Meclizine Hydrochloride spiked onto 180-Grit stainless steel plates (stability of Meclizine Hydrochloride on dry plates) a,b,c % Recovery of Meclizine Hydrochloride

in the introduction, was 50 mg 100 cm2, slightly lower than the visual limit of detection. Recovery studies were carried out in the range of 20500 mg 100 cm 2, thereby bracketing the visual limit of detection as well as the calculated SRCL level. A mean recovery of 90.0%, with RSD of 9 5.1% (n=20) was obtained for the recovery of MH from the Absorbond swab material. A swab recovery of approximately 90% was expected as a result of the dilution effect of the methanol contribution from the wetted swabs. The data are contained in Table 3. The data demonstrate that the method is sufciently accurate and precise for the recovery of MH from Absorbond cleaning swabs.
Table 7 Stability results obtained for Meclizine Hydrochloride in dry swabs obtained by swabbing spiked 180-Grit stainless steel plates a,b,c % Recovery of Meclizine Hydrochloride Sample Initial Day 89.9 88.1 91.0 87.9 1.6 3 Day 1 88.4 89.9 90.0 89.4 91.0 3 Day 2 89.5 91.8 91.2 90.8 91.3% 3 Day 4 90.0 89.2 89.3 89.5 90.4% 3

Sample 1 2 3 Mean RSD n


Initial day 89.9 88.1 91.0 87.9 1.6 3

Day 1 68.2 89.1 83.6 80.3 913.5 3

Day 2 66.6 68.0 68.5 67.7 91.5% 3

Day 4 79.9 82.8 85.6 82.8 93.5% 3 1 2 3 Mean RSD n


Uncorrected for recovery factor used in the method. b Sample stored dry on plates at ambient room temperature. c 100.7 mg Meclizine Hydrochloride spiked per 100 cm2.

Uncorrected for recovery factor used in the method. Undiluted swab samples, after swabbing stored in HDPE bottles at ambient roomtemperature. c 100.7 mg Meclizine Hydrochloride spiked per 100 cm2.


T. Mirza et al. / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 19 (1999) 747756

Table 8 Stability results obtained for Meclizine Hydrochloride in wet swabs obtained by swabbing spiked 180-Grit stainless steel plates a,b,c % Recovery of Meclizine Hydrochloride Sample 1 2 3 Mean RSD n

Initial Day 89.9 88.1 91.0 87.9 1.6 3

Day 1 69.8 81.4 75.2 75.5 97.7 3

Day 2 72.9 73.1 78.5 74.8 94.2 3

Day 4 70.6 66.7 97.4 78.2 921.4 3

The smallest level at which the recovery of MH was determined, 20 mg 100 cm 2 was conservatively dened as the limit of quantitation (LOQ). Therefore, all the swab results lower than 20 mg 100 cm 2 were reported as less than 20 mg 100 cm 2. This LOQ level is signicantly lower than the calculated SRCL value of 50 mg 100 cm 2 for MH.

Uncorrected for recovery factor used in the method. Swab samples, after swabbing, diluted with 10 ml of the internal standard solution in HDPE bottles and stored at ambient room temperature. c 100.7 mg Meclizine Hydrochloride spiked per 100 cm2.

An overall mean recovery of 89.5% with an RSD of 92.4% (n= 20) was obtained for the recovery of MH from 180-Grit stainless steel plates. The data are contained in Table 4. In order to correct for the low recovery of MH from the stainless steel plates, a recovery correction factor of 1.1 has been included in the method.

3.3.3. Repeatability, intermediate precision and limit of quantitation Assay repeatability was calculated from the data presented in Table 4. At the 50 mg level, the recovery of MH from ve separate stainless steel plates was 89.2% with an RSD of 90.86%. The overall RSD (n=20) for the recovery of MH at levels ranging from the LOQ of 20 500 mg was only 2.4%. Injection repeatability and intermediate precision of the method were investigated by making ve consecutive injections of a standard solution on two different days. On both days the means and RSDs were calculated for peak area responses obtained for the MA peaks. The data from this study are tabulated in Table 5. The data suggest that the method exhibits acceptable intermediate precision and repeatability with less than 2% RSDs for a MH standard solution when analyzed on two different days.

3.3.4. Stability of Meclizine Hydrochloride on stainless steel surface and in the swabs In order to study the stability of MH on surfaces and in the swabs prior to analysis, at the initial day, Day 1, Day 2 and Day 4 time intervals, a set of three MH spiked stainless steel plates were swabbed and the extracted residue analyzed for MH using the proposed method. At the same time intervals, a set of three bottles containing dry swabs which had been used on the initial day to swab test plates, were extracted, the solutions then analyzed for MH. Similarly, a set of three bottles containing wet swabs used to test spiked plate on the initial day, then stored with extraction solvent, were also analyzed for MH. The MH peak purity was determined using a diode array detector. The spectral analysis did not indicate co-elution of interfering peaks. The spiked dry plate stability information is included in Table 6. The spiked plate stability study indicated the length of time the active, MH, can be left on the manufacturing equipment prior to initiation of the swabbing process. The results from the dry swab stability study presented in Table 7, indicate the length of time the submitted swabs can set prior to analysis. The results from the wet swab stability study are included in Table 8, indicate the length of time the swabs can be extracted and allowed to set prior to analysis. The results indicate that MH is stable on swabs in the unextracted dry form for at least 4 days, but is less stable in the swabs in the extracted wet form or on the surfaces of the process equipment. Therefore, it is recommended that the equipment be swabbed immediately after the completion of the cleaning process and the extracted swabs be analyzed immediately.

T. Mirza et al. / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 19 (1999) 747756 Table 9 Stability results for a set of Meclizine Hydrochloride calibration standards Meclizine Hydrochloride concentration (mg ml1) Standard 1 2 3 4 5 Initial day 25.30 50.50 101.0 202.0 303.0 Mean RSD n


% Remaininga Day 1 96.6 94.3 100.2 96.2 98.0 97.1 92.3 5 Day 2 90.9 92.1 96.4 93.4 92.4 93.0 2.2 5 Day 4 92.9 92.6 88.9 91.0 91.1 91.3 91.7 5

Standard solution stored left on a desk-top away from sunlight at ambient conditions.

3.3.5. Stability of Meclizine Hydrochloride standard solutions A set of standard solutions were prepared and analyzed by following the procedure in the proposed method. These standard solutions were placed on a bench-top at ambient conditions away from direct sunlight. After 1, 2, and 4 days, these aged solutions were re-analyzed against

freshly prepared standard solutions. The initial concentrations of MH in the standard solutions and the % remaining in these solutions at Day 1, Day 2 and Day 4 time intervals are presented in Table 9. The data suggest that the standard solutions are stable for at least 24 h.

3.4. Assay of swab samples collected from different locations within the equipment train
Swab samples from different locations within the manufacturing equipment train were submitted to the laboratory for the analysis of residual MH. These samples were prepared and analyzed by the proposed method. A typical chromatogram obtained for a MH cleaning validation swab sample obtained from a location within the equipment train is presented in Fig. 4. The results obtained for these samples are presented in Table 10.

4. Conclusions A sensitive high performance liquid chromatographic cleaning validation method for the determination of trace levels of MH in swab samples collected by swabbing pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment surfaces has been developed and found to be accurate and precise. A systematic protocol for setting the allowed residual limit and validating the analytical method was utilized. This protocol can be easily adopted for ensuring the

Fig. 4. Chromatogram obtained for a representative swab sample from the equipment train.


T. Mirza et al. / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 19 (1999) 747756

Table 10 Results obtained for the determination of Meclizine Hydrochloride in actual swab samples collected from different locations within the equipment train Equipment swabbed Drying Drying Drying Drying Blender Blender Blender Blender Fitzmill Fitzmill Fitzmill Mixer Mixer Mixer racks racks racks racks Location swabbed Left tray guide Right tray guide Right tray guide Individual tray Inside wall near top Inside wall near bottom Lid gasket Discharge valve gasket Grinding chamber Hub of blades Blade surface Mixer bowl Trunion Shaft seal Area swabbed (cm2) 100 100 100 100 100 100 586 260 100 305 100 100 44 102 Meclizine Hydrochlorolide detected (mg) 102 150 55 B20 161 42 B20 28 70 170 32 B20 B20 113

cleanliness of equipment used in the manufacturing of a majority of the pharmaceutical dry products. This protocol emphasizes the need to demonstrate the stability of the drug substance on the equipment surfaces as well as on the swabs and in solution. In the absence of such stability data, it is possible to under-estimate the amount of drug residue remaining on the equipment surfaces or on the swabs prior to analysis.

Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions made by David Leuck, David Sternasty, David Widman, and Jackie Blair who are the members of the site cleaning validation team responsible for the development of the site cleaning validation policies. The authors thank Thomas Shelton for his support.

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