Grade 12 English Ws - 1 To 4
Grade 12 English Ws - 1 To 4
Grade 12 English Ws - 1 To 4
I. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that
(1) The story of Grace Darling has captured imaginations for over a hundred
years. Grace was an ordinary young woman who was boldly and
unequivocally labelled a 'heroine' after the events of a stormy night in
1838. Being the daughter of a lighthouse keeper and having lived in various
lighthouses, Grace was used to the harsh and dangerous environment
around her. However, she had never experienced real danger until the night
of the 7th September 1838 the night that she entered the history books.
(2) On the 5th September, the steamship SS Forfarshire set off from Hull to
Dundee. On board the vessel were 60 crew members and passengers as
well as containers of valuable cargo. Disaster struck the next day when the
ship's boiler began to leak and by the morning of the 7th September the
engine had stopped. The Forfarshire began to drift. Suddenly at about 4
a.m., there was a thunderous crash as the steamship collided with Big
Harcar Rock. The impact was sudden and there was no time for the
passengers to be called from their cabins and into smaller boats that would
have taken them to safety.
Within 15 minutes, the ship had broken in two. The sea waves pounded
relentlessly at the fragile remnants of the ship until it had been reduced to a
disintegrating wreck. The back half of the boat was swept away by the
billowing waves and was quickly overpowered. The 48 people on board lost
their fight for survival and were tragically consumed by the raging sea.
(3) That night, Grace Darling and her parents were in the lighthouse. They
knew a fierce storm was blowing and they watched as huge waves battered
their lighthouse walls. Grace who knew the sea intimately, who, within
minutes of being in the sea's presence could tell the mood it was in, who
read the signs and predicted its behaviour, had already sensed that
something sinister was brewing. As a result, Grace stood by the lighthouse
window that night and watched nervously as her long-time companion
transformed into an unrecognisable and brutal force of death. It wasn't long
before Grace saw some desperate and shadowy figures waving, their cries
inaudible above the deafening crash of the savage sea.
(4) Grace's father knew that the local lifeboat service would not be able to
launch their ship because of the brutal conditions; if these people were to
have any chance of survival then he and Grace were their only hope. Armed
with blankets to warm any survivors, William and Grace took their tiny
rowing boat and went into the vast and wild sea, Each wave appeared
bigger than the last and the force of the rain stung their cheeks. It was
almost impossible to see where they were heading and the boat was being
thrown off course constantly. They knew the area around the Farne Islands
was notorious for being a ship's graveyard and yet they rowed with
determination towards almost certain death.
(5) As they approached the scene of the disaster, William went in to the
water to attempt to pull as many survivors into their boat as possible whilst
Grace rowed frantically backwards and forwards just so she could stay in
the same place and not crash into the reef. The storm whirled around her
and the waves were like mountains. It was too late for many of the victims
but William and Grace rescued nine people that night and rowed them back
to safety. They arrived back to the lighthouse exhausted yet safely. Grace
worked hard to care for the victims before they were returned to the
(6) Within a few days of the rescue, news of Grace's bravery had spread
across the country. Newspaper reporters flocked to the village wanting to
follow her every move. Requests for her to visit different places flooded in
and many artists wanted her to sit for portraits. Such extraordinary bravery
was a source of inspiration for many. Queen Victoria sent her £50 and she
was awarded gold medals from a number of societies. However, Grace soon
became increasingly weary of all attention and the commitments that came
with it, feeling that she was unable to live a normal life any more. Later in a
cruel twist of fate. Grace Darling succumbed to tuberculosis, a mere four
years later.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY
TEN questions from the twelve that follow.
(1) Grace was used to the harsh and dangerous environment around her as
(a) lived a life in the forest all her younger years
(b) was the daughter of a lighthouse keeper and lived in various sea
(c) used to live on the sea with her family
(d) live in the mountains in extreme conditions
(ii) Which of the phrase/word in 2nd para actually describes the motion of
the waves?
(a) Pounded relentlessly (b) Began to drift
(c) Billowing waves (d) Raging sea
(iii) Choose an appropriate title for the passage.
(a) Night of the Storm (b) Grace Darling and Her Father's
(c) Grace Darling- the Night she Became a Hero
(d) SS Forfarshire and its Cruel Fate
(iv) Grace stood by the lighthouse window that night and watched the sea
nervously because………………
(a) she heard a big crash (b) her father woke her up
(c) she already sensed that something sinister was brewing in the sea
(d) the sea looked extremely calm
(v) The phrase "long-time companion" means…………..
(a) Grace's father (b) Grace's instinct (c) The sea (d) The
(vi) The most appropriate sub-heading to para 4 of the passage is:
(a) the foretelling of a brutal sea (b) Father and daughter lost
in the sea
(c) Night at a lighthouse (d) A mission in the sea
(vii) The rescue mission seemed more like a suicide mission. Which
line/phrase supports this statement?
(a) They watched as huge waves battered their lighthouse walls.
(b) Each wave appeared bigger than the last and the force of the rain stung
their cheeks.
(c) They rowed with determination towards almost certain death.
(d) They went in to the water to attempt to pull as many survivors into their
(viii) Select the option that makes the correct use of "notorious", as used in
the passage, to fill in the blank.
(a) The new Italian restaurant is ………for its risotto.
(b) The pet made……………… noise as the master came
(c) Maxwell road is………….. for its deathly traffic accidents.
(d) Harry is always the one being…………….. for his impeccable hand
(ix) Which combination of attributes are apt in describing Grace Darling?
1. Callous 2. Valiant 3. Precocious 4. Flamboyant
5. Tenacious 6. Savage
(a) 1 and 5 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 2 and 5 (d) 3
and 5
(x) "Newspaper reporters flocked to the village wanting to follow her every
move" by this line the author meant, Grace was dealing with……….
(a) fame and dignity (b) fame and respect
(c) fame and paparazzi (d) fame and money
(xi) Choose the option that incorrectly states the meaning of 'disaster, as
used in the passage.
(a) The meeting was a disaster as both of the parties involved failed to
agree on anything.
(b) My brother is a disaster at work hence he got the raise he deserved.
(c) Adding chilli oil to the salad was a disaster.
(d) There was very little disaster in our garden when it rained heavily
xii) In the last para, the author makes Grace's act of bravery sound like a
burden. Which phrase/lines implies that:
(a) News of Grace's bravery had spread across the country.
(b) Many artists wanted her to sit for portraits.
(c) She succumbed to tuberculosis a mere four years later.
(d) She was unable to live a normal life any more.
2. Read the following passage carefully:
(1) Inculcating good reading habits in children has always been a concern
for all stakeholders in education. The purpose is to create independent
thinking individuals with the ability to not only create their own knowledge
but also critically interpret, analyse and evaluate it with objectivity and
fairness. This will also help students in learning and acquiring better
language skills.
(2) Creating learners for the 21st century involves making them
Independent learners who can 'learn, unlearn and relearn' and if our
children are in the habit of reading they will learn to reinvent themselves
and deal with the many challenges that lie ahead of them.
(3) Reading is not merely decoding information or pronouncing words
correctly, it is an interactive dialogue between the author and the reader in
which the reader and author share their experiences and knowledge with
each other which helps them to understand the text and impart meaning to
the text other than what the author himself may have implied. Good
readers are critical readers with an ability to arrive at a deeper
understanding of not only the world presented in the book but also of the
real world around them. They not only recall what they read but
comprehend it too. Their critical reading and understanding of the text
helps them create new understanding, solve problems, infer and make
connections to other texts and experiences. Reading does not mean reading
for leisure only but also for information, analysis and synthesis of
knowledge. The child may be encouraged to read on topic as diverse as
science and technology, politics and history. This will improve his/her critical
thinking skills and also help in improving his/her concentration.
(4) Reading any text should be done with the purpose of reading silently at
varying speeds depending on the purpose of reading. The purpose of
reading should also be to adopt different strategies for different types of
texts, both literary and non-literary, to recognise the organisation of a text
and to identify the main point of a text. It should be to understand relation
between different parts of a text through lexical and grammatical cohesion
devices, to anticipate and predict what will come next, to deduce the
meaning of unfamiliar lexical items in a given context.
(5) The habit of reading helps develop habit of consulting a dictionary to
obtain information on the meaning and of lexical items. One learns to
analyse, interpret, infer and evaluate the ideas in the text, and also to
select and extract from text, information required for a specific purpose.
The habit of reading started at an early age gradually becomes a habit of
reading extensively for pleasure on one's own.
(6) A good reader is most often an independent learner and consequently
an independent thinker capable of taking his/her own decisions in life
rationally. Such a
learner will most assuredly also be capable of critical thinking.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage attempt ANY
TEN questions from the twelve that follow.
(1) "Critically interpret, analyse and evaluate it with objectivity and
fairness" means
(a) a rigid attitude (b) an independent mind
(c) a naive attitude (d) an orthodox mind
(ii) The word "reinvent" in 2nd para means
(a) recycle (b) retrace (c) flexibility (d)
(iii) Which of the possible titles is not suitable?
(a) Reading beyond the text
(b) Importance of analytical approach to reading
(c) Understanding literature and literary works
(d) Reading and learning the critical way
(iv) "Not only recall what they read but comprehend it too" means
(a) not only read but also contemplate
(b) not only memorise information but understand the context
(c) not only refresh knowledge but come to conclusion
(d) not only regard it as data but save for future reference.
(v) The word "critical" in the 3rd para doesn't means
(a) articulate (b) analytical (c) dire (d) libel
(vi) To improve a child's critical thinking skills and concentration level, they
(a) read for pleasure and memorise inforination
(b) read fiction and learn to make a critique
(c) be encouraged to read topics as diverse as science and technology,
politics and history
(d) read with an adult
vii) Speed of reading a text should depend on
(a) the material of the text (b) purpose of the reading
(c) time management (d) whether it's a literary work
or not
(viii) Choose a suitable sub heading for the 3rd para.
(a) Reading habit in children (b) Reading and consuming
(c) What makes a good reader (d) How to choose a subject for
(ix) "To deduce the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items in a given context.
Which of the following words can replace the word "deduce" in the sentence
without changing the meaning.
(a) figure (b) extrapolate (c) solve (d)
(x) Which lines in the passage give suggestions on how to expand and
enrich one's vocabulary and its varied meanings?
(a) The child may be encouraged to read on topic as diverse as science and
technology, politics and history.
(b) The purpose of reading should also be to adopt different strategies for
different types of texts, both literary and non-literary, to recognise the
organisation of a text and to identify the main point of a text.
(c) The habit of reading helps develop habit of consulting a dictionary to
obtain information on the meaning and of lexical items.
(d) The habit of reading started at an early age gradually becomes a habit
of reading extensively for pleasure on one's own.
(xi) Choose the correct usage of the word "extract" from these sentences.
1. My new hand cream has aloe vera extract.
2. Extract the books from the shelf and distribute.
3. Fiona went to extract money the bank.
4. The intelligence department is trained to extract information from
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1 and 3
(d) 1 and 4
(xii) According to the author, in order to take one's own life decisions
rationally one first be a/an
(a) eager follower of the text (b) independent learner and
(c) avid reader of literary and non literary works
(d) reader with a vast knowledge on lexical and grammatical terms
3. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions with reference
to context.
Therefore on every morrow, are we wreathing.
A flowery band to bind us to the Earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o'er darkened ways
Made for our searching, yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits.
(i) Fill in the blank with reference to the extract. (1)
The reference to 'every morrow' in the poem indicates the poet feels that
beauty impacts us…………………..
(ii) Pick the option that is NOT an example of 'unhealthy and o'er darkened
(a) A person who is egoistir and looks down upon others.
(b) A person who seeks God's help for all his problems.
(c) A person who uses evil ways to deceive others
(d) A person who is corrupt and manipulative.
(iii) Pick the option that enumerates what "noble natures' would include(1)
1. selflessness 2. insensitivity 3. enthusiasm 4. aggression
5. meticulousness 6. judiciousness
(a) 1. 4 and 5 (b) 2, 3 and 5 (c) 2.4 and 5 (d) 1,3 and 6
(iv) Based on the poem, choose the correct option with reference to the two
statements given below.
(1) The Earth without the beautiful things is a place full of despair and
(2) The ornate band created by human beings; ushors hope in their lives.
(a) (1) is true but (2) is false. (b) (1) is false but (2) is true.
(c) Both (1) and (2) can be inferred. (d) Both (1) and (2) cannot be
(v) The poet says that we wreath a flowery band that binds us to Earth. He
means to state that nature's beauty fills man with………….
( vi) What makes our life full of inhuman dearth?
(a) Aggression (b) Sell centeredness (c) Corruption (d) All of
2. As soon as they got up from the table he went around to each one
present and said thank you and good night, but when he came to the young
girl she gave him to understand that it was her father's intention that the
suit which he wore was to be a Christmas present-he did not have to return
it; and if he wanted to spend next Christmas Eve in a place where he could
rest in peace and be sure that no evil would befall him, he would be
welcomed back again.
(i) Select the option that completes the given sentence appropriately.
The girl wanted to convey to the guest that………………
(a) her father wanted him to wear the suit (b) she wanted him to wear
the suit
(c) she wanted to thank him (d) she liked him
(ii) Select the suitable word from the extract to complete the following
Desire: Intention:: Gilt:………………
(iii) Select the appropriate option to fill the blank.
The given extract shows that Edla was ……………………
(a) charitable (b) cheerful (c) benevolent (d) haughty
(iv) Edla also invited the peddler for………………
(a) the next Christmas Eve (b) the next new year
(c) the next Christmas (d) the next Thanks giving
(v) Complete the sentence with reference to the extract. The quest was
asked not to...... the suit.
(vi) How does Edla's gesture affect the peddler?