Hinrikson 2005
Hinrikson 2005
Hinrikson 2005
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Molecular approaches are now being developed to provide a more rapid and objective identification of fungi
compared to traditional phenotypic methods. Ribosomal targets, especially the large-subunit RNA gene (D1-D2
region) and internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (ITS1 and ITS2 regions), have shown particular promise for
the molecular identification of some fungi. We therefore conducted an assessment of these regions for the
identification of 13 medically important Aspergillus species: Aspergillus candidus, Aspergillus (Eurotium) cheva-
lieri, Aspergillus (Fennellia) flavipes, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus granulosus, Aspergillus
(Emericella) nidulans, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus restrictus, Aspergillus sydowii, Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus
ustus, and Aspergillus versicolor. The length of ribosomal regions could not be reliably used to differentiate
among all Aspergillus species examined. DNA alignment and pairwise nucleotide comparisons demonstrated
91.9 to 99.6% interspecies sequence identities in the D1-D2 region, 57.4 to 98.1% in the ITS1 region, and 75.6
to 98.3% in the ITS2 region. Comparative analysis using GenBank reference data showed that 10 of the 13
species examined exhibited a <1-nucleotide divergence in the D1-D2 region from closely related but different
species. In contrast, only 5 of the species examined exhibited a <1-nucleotide divergence from sibling species
in their ITS1 or ITS2 sequences. Although the GenBank database currently lacks ITS sequence entries for
some species, and major improvement in the quality and accuracy of GenBank entries is needed, current
identification of medically important Aspergillus species using GenBank reference data seems more reliable
using ITS query sequences than D1-D2 sequences, especially for the identification of closely related species.
Aspergillus species are an increasingly important cause of accomplish, and in a small number of cases, isolates may not
invasive fungal infections in immunocompromised patients conidiate, obstructing species identification (20, 38). There-
(31, 59). Unfortunately, there are few specific clinical signs of fore, rapid molecular approaches are now being developed to
invasive aspergillosis and current methods for laboratory diag- replace the need for culture by detecting and identifying As-
nosis are less than ideal, particularly in the early stages of the pergillus species DNA directly from clinical materials.
disease (8, 49). Given the recent reports of reduced antifungal A number of targets for the molecular identification of as-
drug susceptibilities among some Aspergillus species (21, 26, pergilli have been investigated including the mitochondrial cy-
50), the timely and accurate identification of aspergilli to the tochrome b gene (46, 57, 62), a putative aflatoxin pathway
species level has become especially important (10). Species regulatory gene (aflR) (4), the DNA topoisomerase II gene
identification is also important for epidemiological purposes (TOP2) (19), the -tubulin gene (11), and various rRNA gene
and as a guide to clinical management (29, 47, 48). regions (18). The most promising targets to date have been the
The current laboratory identification of Aspergillus species is 5⬘ end of the large-subunit rRNA gene (D1-D2 region) (35)
based on macroscopic colonial and microscopic morphological and the internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 (ITS1 and ITS2)
characteristics (7, 20, 45). Over 180 different species in at least regions between the small- and large-subunit rRNA genes (18,
16 subgeneric groups or sections can be distinguished (35, 37, 60). The use of DNA sequence diversity in the ribosomal re-
38), including approximately 30 species which are recognized gions as an aid to species identification has been exploited
as opportunistic pathogens of humans (7). Many clinical lab- using PCR amplification of targets followed by either fragment
oratories use traditional phenotypic methods of identification length analysis (1, 16, 22, 39, 52, 56), DNA probe hybridization
and can differentiate only the more common Aspergillus spe- (15, 30, 32, 61), or DNA sequence analysis (3, 17, 35, 43, 55,
cies; the delineation of less common species must be referred 61). In general, DNA-based approaches were found to provide
to specialist laboratories. In addition, species identification by more reliable and faster species identifications than culture-
traditional phenotypic methods may require several weeks to
based methods. Nonetheless, some diagnostic problems were
encountered, resulting from similar amplicon or fragment
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Mycotic Diseases Branch, lengths for different taxa (16, 39, 52), unexpected cross-hybrid-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, NE, ization results (9, 16, 30, 32, 42, 61), and ambiguous sequenc-
Mail Stop G-11, Atlanta, Georgia 30333. Phone: (404) 639-3098. Fax:
(404) 639-3546. E-mail: cjm3@cdc.gov.
ing-based identifications because of significant intraspecies
† Present address: Institut de Microbiologie, Centre Hospitalier heterogeneity (44, 53, 54) or virtually identical sequences for
Universitaire Vaudois, 1011 Lausanne, Switzerland. apparently distinct organisms (14, 17, 35, 43). The validation of
test specificity was further compromised by the absence of a primer pair D1 and D2R for the seminested PCR amplification included dena-
comprehensive test strain panel; most studies did not include turation at 95°C for 5 min, followed by 30 cycles of 95°C for 30 s, 60°C for 45 s,
and 72°C for 90 s. A final extension step at 72°C for 7 min was then employed.
type strains or authenticated culture collection reference PCR amplification of the ribosomal ITS1 and ITS2 regions. The broad-range
strains of the target species or of closely related species in their primer pairs ITS5 (5⬘ GGA AGT AAA AGT CGT AAC AAG G) and ITS2 (5⬘
examinations. Finally, although the D1-D2 and the ITS1 and GCT GCG TTC TTC ATC GAT GC) or ITS3 (5⬘ GCA TCG ATG AAG AAC
ITS2 regions have been analyzed separately for some species of GCA GC) and ITS4 (5⬘ TCC TCC GCT TAT TGA TAT GC) were used to
amplify ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2, respectively (60).
Aspergillus, a systematic evaluation and comparison of se-
Some samples required seminested PCR amplification with primer pair ITS5 and
quences from all three ribosomal regions for their usefulness in ITS4 followed by ITS5 and ITS2 or ITS3 and ITS4 to generate sufficient quan-
the identification and differentiation of the most medically tities of PCR amplicon for DNA sequencing. Amplifications and reamplifications
important Aspergillus species has not been published to date. were performed as described above, except for the primer pair used and minor
Therefore, the present investigation assessed the utility of differences in the thermal cycling conditions employed: initial denaturation at
95°C for 5 min, followed by 30 cycles of 95°C for 30 s, 58°C for 30 s, and 72°C for
the ribosomal D1-D2, ITS1, and ITS2 regions as targets for the
A. (Eurotium) chevalieri ATCC 16443T AF454150 AF453883 (142) AF454100 (167) 466
ATCC 24546MT AF454151 AF453884 (142) AF454101 (167) 466
A. (Fennellia) flavipes I ATCC 11013 AF454154e AF453886 (185)e AF454104 (163)e 505
A. (Fennellia) flavipes II ATCC 16805 AF454155e AF453887 (184)e AF454105 (160)e 501
A. (Fennellia) flavipes III ATCC 24487T AF454156 AF453888 (185) AF454106 (162) 504
A. (Emericella) nidulans I ATCC 10074T AY660918 AY660921 (153) AY660924 (168) 478
A. (Emericella) nidulans II ATCC 16855 AF454167 AF453899 (153)e AF454117 (168) 478
A. (Emericella) nidulans III CDC B6597 AF454192e AF453924 (154)e AF454141 (169)e 480
in Table 1 by roman numerals after the species name to rep- study. The D1-D2 sequencing results for all Aspergillus species
resent different sequevars of the same species; ribosomal re- studied showed identical overall lengths for all species and
gions where divergence from the type strain sequences oc- strains investigated (i.e., 542 nucleotides [nt]) with the excep-
curred were identified in Table 1 with a superscript “e.” tion of A. nidulans (total length, 543 nt [Table 1]). In contrast,
Use of the D1-D2, ITS1, and ITS2 DNA sequence length to the ITS1 region ranged in overall length from 142 nt (A. cheva-
discriminate among Aspergillus species investigated in this lieri) to 186 nt (A. terreus), and sequence length was more
TABLE 2. Pairwise sequence comparison in D1-D2 regions between medically important Aspergillus species investigated in this study
divergent among Aspergillus species in the ITS1 region than in species than between species and ranged from 1 nt (e.g., A.
the D1-D2 region; i.e., in the ITS1 region, 5 of the 13 species niger) to 3 nt (A. flavipes) (Table 1).
studied demonstrated a unique sequence length (A. candidus, Therefore, as noted for data generated using the D1-D2 and
A. chevalieri, A. granulosus, A. nidulans, and A. terreus) com- ITS1 regions, the overall sequence length of the ITS2 region
pared to only one species (A. nidulans) in the D1-D2 region. In alone could not be used reliably to differentiate among all 13
addition, the overall sequence length for the type strain of A. Aspergillus species examined. However, when data was com-
ustus (NRRL 275) not only was unique compared to other bined for both the ITS1 and ITS2 regions, including or exclud-
Aspergillus species but differed by 6 nt from its own sequevars ing the intervening, conserved, 5.8S rRNA gene, all 13 Aspergil-
(i.e., 161 nt versus 155 nt); these data suggest substantial di- lus type strain sequences could be differentiated from one
vergence of these sequevars from the type strain. However, all another (ITS1 plus ITS2 overall sequence length [Table 1]).
of the 7 remaining species and the two divergent A. ustus The only overlaps in overall sequence length were between A.
sequevars (I and II) shared identical overall sequence length candidus (505 nt) and one non-type strain sequevar of A. fla-
with at least one strain from each of the 13 species examined vipes (A. flavipes I; 505 nt) and between a non-type strain
(e.g., A. flavipes and A. niger, 185 nt [Table 1]). Identical or sequevar of A. nidulans (A. nidulans II, 480 nt) and A. sydowii.
similar overall sequence lengths were observed for A. candidus, Pairwise nucleotide sequence comparison of the D1-D2,
A. flavus, and A. restrictus (180 to 181 nt), A. flavipes, A. fu- ITS1, and ITS2 ribosomal regions among Aspergillus species
migatus, A. niger, and A. terreus (184 to 186 nt), and A. granu- investigated in this study. Table 2 shows the results of pairwise
losus, A. nidulans, A. sydowii, A. ustus (sequevars I and II), nucleotide sequence analysis of the D1-D2 region, and Tables
and A. versicolor (153 to 156 nt). In some instances, overall 3 and 4 show the same analysis but for the ITS1 and ITS2
sequence length differences varied more within a given species ribosomal regions. D1-D2 sequences were found to be highly
than between species and ranged from 1 nt (A. flavipes, A. conserved among the aspergilli (91.9 to 99.6% identity [Table
nidulans) to 6 nt (A. ustus) (Table 1). 2]). The two species with the greatest similarity in nucleotide
In comparison, ITS2 regions varied in overall length from sequence were A. ustus and A. granulosus (99.6% identity); A.
160 nt (A. flavipes) to 177 nt (A. terreus) (Table 1). Overall sydowii and A. versicolor sequences were also very similar and
sequence length was slightly less divergent among the Aspergil- shared 99.1% sequence identity. Those species that were the
lus species in the ITS2 than in the ITS1 region but was more most dissimilar in D1-D2 sequence were A. sydowii and A.
divergent than in the D1-D2 region (Table 1). Three of the 13 restrictus (91.9% sequence identity). Phylogenetically related
species examined demonstrated a unique overall sequence species, i.e., representatives of the Aspergillus subgenus Nidu-
length in the ITS2 region (A. chevalieri, A. granulosus, and A. lantes (35), demonstrated more than 97% sequence identity: A.
terreus), and 5 shared identical overall sequence length with at granulosus, 98.3 to 99.6% identity with A. ustus, A. sydowii, A.
least 1 strain from each of the 13 species examined (e.g., A. versicolor, and A. nidulans; A. ustus, 98.0 to 98.7% identity with
chevalieri and A. versicolor, 167 nt). Identical or similar se- A. sydowii, A. versicolor, and A. nidulans; and A. sydowii, 99.1%
quence lengths were observed for A. candidus, A. chevalieri, A. identity with A. versicolor. In addition, A. sydowii and A. versi-
flavus, A. fumigatus, A. nidulans, A. niger, A. sydowii, and A. color shared 97.4 and 97.6% sequence identity, respectively,
versicolor (167 to 169 nt) and among A. granulosus, A. restrictus, with A. nidulans.
and A. ustus (170 to 172 nt). In some instances, similar to the In contrast to the D1-D2 region, pairwise nucleotide se-
results obtained in the ITS1 analysis, overall sequence length quence analysis of the ITS1 region demonstrated significantly
differences in the ITS2 region varied more within a given more variation in nucleotide sequences among the aspergilli
TABLE 3. Pairwise sequence comparison in ITS1 regions between medically important Aspergillus species investigated in this study
(Table 3). Sequence identities among the 13 Aspergillus species all belonging to the subgeneric Nidulantes group, demon-
ranged from 57.4 to 98.1%. The two species with the greatest strated sequence identities between 93% and 98.3%: A. granu-
similarity in nucleotide sequence were A. sydowii and A. versi- losus (93.6 to 98.3% identity with A. versicolor, A. sydowii, A.
color (98.1% identity) and those that were the most dissimilar nidulans, and A. ustus), A. ustus (94.8% identity with A. nidu-
were A. granulosus and A. restrictus (57.4% identity). Only four lans), A. sydowii (95.9 and 97% identity with A. nidulans and A.
pairs of species, all belonging to the subgeneric Nidulantes versicolor, respectively), and A. nidulans (95.3% identity with
group, demonstrated sequence identities greater than 92% (A. A. versicolor).
ustus versus A. granulosus, 92.5% identity; A. versicolor versus Alignment of DNA sequences of the D1-D2, ITS1, and ITS2
A. sydowii, 98.1% identity; A. nidulans versus A. sydowii or A. ribosomal regions among Aspergillus species investigated in
versicolor, 94.2 and 94.8% identity, respectively). this study. DNA sequence alignments of the D1 and D2 re-
On the other hand, pairwise nucleotide sequence analysis of gions and of the ITS1 and ITS2 regions were conducted to
the ITS2 region demonstrated intermediate variation among identify areas within each region which displayed the greatest
Aspergillus species compared to the D1-D2 and ITS1 regions diversity and which might best discriminate among the As-
(Table 4). Sequence identities among the 13 Aspergillus species pergillus species examined. Although some interspecies se-
ranged from 75.6 to 98.3% identity. The two species with the quence divergence was observed in the more conserved D1
greatest similarity in nucleotide sequence were A. granulosus region, the most significant sequence divergence among As-
and A. ustus (98.3% identity), agreeing with the D1-D2 simi- pergillus species occurred in the more variable D2 region (i.e.,
larity ranking; those that were the most dissimilar were A. in the D1 region, 27 [19.7%] divergent sites occurred over 137
terreus and A. restrictus (75.6% identity). Eight pairs of species, aligned positions; in the D2 region, 55 [26.3%] divergent sites
TABLE 4. Pairwise sequence comparison in ITS2 regions between medically important Aspergillus species investigated in this study
occurred over 209 aligned positions) (Fig. 1). Closely related A. ustus) were found to be identical with, or very similar to,
taxa differed by ⱕ3 nt in the D2 region, e.g., A. granulosus reference sequences from closely related but different taxa
versus A. ustus (1 nt) and A. sydowii versus A. versicolor (3 nt). (molecular siblings) (Table 5). For instance, A. flavus D1-D2
Intraspecies sequence variability was ⱕ2 nt over the entire sequences were not distinguished from sequences representing
D1-D2 region (A. flavipes, A. sydowii, and A. nidulans differed Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus parasiticus, Aspergillus sojae,
by 1 to 2 nt from their respective type strains; remaining spe- Aspergillus subolivaceus, or Aspergillus terricola (100% identity
cies differed by 0 nt). in the D1-D2 region, Table 5). Only 1 nt difference (99.8%
In comparison, Fig. 2 shows DNA sequence alignments for identity) was observed between our D1-D2 sequences for
the ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the Aspergillus strains investi- strains of A. flavus and GenBank entries for Aspergillus tamari
gated. In contrast to the D1-D2 regions, the ITS1 sequence and Aspergillus flavofurcatus (Table 5). In total, 8 of the 13
alignment revealed five regions with significant interspecies Aspergillus species examined demonstrated identical D1-D2
divergence (ITS1 variable regions 1 to 5) (Fig. 2). The diversity sequences with at least one molecular sibling and the remain-
assigned to (i) unrelated or distantly related taxa, i.e., Cordyceps conclusive at the species level due to identical or very similar
sinensis AJ488259, AJ488260, and AJ488268 (A. chevalieri (⬎99% identical) reference data which were assigned to other
query), Aureobasidium mansonii AF121288 (A. flavus organisms than the query sequences (molecular siblings).
query), and A. wentii U03522 and U03523, Arthrobotrys spe- Nonetheless, these sibling organisms most frequently belonged
cies U72602, Gliocladium cibotii AF021264, AF048739, and to the same Aspergillus group as the query species (35) and
AF048738, and Verticillium bulbillosum AF048741 (A. niger supported the identification to at least the subgeneric group
query), or (ii) more closely related but different taxa, i.e., level. Consequently, results obtained by sequencing the D1-D2
A. nidulans AF455499 (A. sydowii query), A. nidulans region should be interpreted accordingly. The same test spec-
AF455424, AF455505, and AY452983 (A. versicolor query), ificity applies to currently available large-subunit rRNA gene
and A. sydowii AJ312221 (A. nidulans query). When reference probes (42) which target D2 sequences conserved among med-
alignments were used for type strains, all of these GenBank ically important species and their molecular siblings. In addi-
entries were shown to exhibit significant nucleotide differences tion, other targets with conserved interspecies sequences are
FIG. 1. Alignment of complete Aspergillus D1-D2 regions illustrating the sequence divergence among medically important species. The highly
conserved region of the 28S rRNA gene intervening between the D1 and D2 regions has been omitted. Dots indicate identical nucleotides
compared to the leader sequence (A. fumigatus strain ATCC 1022); dashes indicate alignment gaps. Sequence data were derived from this study
(for GenBank accession numbers, see Table 1).
Downloaded from http://jcm.asm.org/ on November 5, 2012 by UNIV OF SUSSEX
TABLE 5. Molecular siblings of medically important Aspergillus species investigated in this study
Maximum sequence identity (%) per target
Query speciesa Molecular siblingb (minimum nucleotide position difference)c
A. fumigatus Various Neosartorya speciese 99.8 (1) 98.9 (2) 97.0 (5)
A. (Emericella) nidulans Various Emericella speciese 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)
time of this study. Reference sequences of organisms most existed for different organisms (molecular siblings of A. cheva-
closely related to, but different from, the query species usually lieri, A. flavus, A. nidulans, and A. niger). Additional ambiguity
exhibited less than 99% sequence identity in at least one spacer arose from the existence of probably misclassified or misnamed
region. Nonetheless, some ITS analyses were inconclusive at GenBank sequences exhibiting excellent BLAST scores with
the species level because similar GenBank reference sequences some of our query sequences (A. chevalieri, A. flavus, A. nidu-
FIG. 2. Alignment of complete Aspergillus ITS1-ITS2 regions illustrating the sequence divergence among medically important species. The
highly conserved intervening 5.8S rRNA gene has been omitted. Dots symbolize identical nucleotides compared to the leader sequence (A.
fumigatus strain ATCC 1022); dashes indicate alignment gaps. Sequence data were derived from this study (for GenBank accession numbers, see
Table 1).
lans, A. niger, A. sydowii, and A. versicolor) and yet assigned to investigated in this study can largely be identified at the tradi-
different taxa (including Arthrobotrys, Aspergillus, Aureobasi- tional group level using ribosomal D1-D2 or ITS regions as
dium, Cordyceps, Gliocladium, and Verticillium species— diagnostic targets. Upon major improvement of present se-
“false” molecular siblings [see Results]). Truncated and low- quence databases, identification to the species level should be
quality GenBank sequences were disregarded in the present feasible through ITS sequence analysis; some clinical isolates,
study and therefore did not affect identification; however, trun- however, may require additional analyses. Such improved da-
cated and low-quality GenBank entries clearly limit the utility tabases should enable a more accurate identification of As-
of this database to assess inter- and intraspecies sequence pergillus species, thus promoting further advancements in the
similarity. Overall, ITS comparative sequence analysis, which molecular diagnosis, epidemiology, and clinical management
included both spacer regions, showed better species differen- of invasive aspergillosis.
tiation than use of a single spacer region alone. However,
differentiation between some more closely related Aspergillus ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
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