-> If one application is communicating with another application then those apps are
called as distributed applications.
What is REST API ?
=> REST API means an application which provides business logic to other
applications through internet.
REST API Architecture
1) Provider / Resource
2) Consumer / Client
=> Provider means the application which is providing business services to other
=> Consumer means the application which is accessing business services from other
Ex: MakeMyTrip & IRCTC
Note: We will use JSON to exchange data between provider & consumer.
1) What is HTTP
2) HTTP methods & Purpose of those methods
3) Http Status Codes
What is HTTP
1) Http Request
2) Http Response
3) Http Methods
HTTP Request Structure
HTTP Response Structure
HTTP Methods
HTTP Status Codes
200 - OK
Developing REST APIs using Spring Boot
1) Provider Development
2) Consumer Development
HTTP GET Request
1) Query Parameters
2) Path Parameters
Ex-1 : http://localhost:8081/welcome?name=raju
Ex-2: : http://localhost:8081/greet/john
public class DemoRestController {
public String getGreetMsg(@PathVariable("name") String name) {
String msg = name + ", Good Morning..!!";
return msg;
public String getWelcomeMsg( ") String name) {
String msg = name + ", Welcome to REST API";
return msg;
public class CustomerRestController {
HTTP Post Request
HTTP PUT Request
What is Swagger ?
=> After running the application use below url to access swaager-documentation
URL : http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui/index.html/
Assignment -1 : Develop Spring Boot REST API to perform Crud operations with
Database table using Spring Data jpa and test it using Swagger documentation.
Assignment - 2 : Develop Ticket Booking Rest api (IRCTC api) with below operations.
Use H2 DB for saving data.
operation-1 : book-ticket
operation-2 : get-ticket using ticket-id
operation-3 : get-all-tickets
input : passenger-data
- name
- dob
- gender
- doj
- from
- to
- trainNum
output : ticket-data
- ticketId
- ticketStatus
- trainNum
- from
- to
- doj
- name
What is xml ?
Dealing with xml data in java applications
=> Upto java 8v we have JAX-B api in jdk to deal with xml files in java.
=> Using JAX-B api we can convert java object to xml and vice versa.
java obj <---------> xml data
Note: From java 9 onwards jax-b api is not part of JDK software.
=> If we want to deal with xml data in java applications, we need to add dependency
=> To deal with xml data in spring boot rest api we need to add below dependency in
pom.xml file
=> Below is the rest controller method which supports both xml and json response
public class ProductRestController {
value = "/product",
produces = {"application/xml" , "application/json"}
public ResponseEntity<Product> getProduct() {
Product p = new Product(101, "Monitor", 1000.00);
return new ResponseEntity<>(p, HttpStatus.OK);
Note: The above method returning Object that means it is loosely coupled with xml
and json formats.
=> Consumer should send Accept header in the request to decide response format.
Accept = appliction/json
Accept = application/xml
Note: Based on the Accept header value given by consumer response will be sent from
the provider.
what is Content-Type header ?
=> It is used to represent in which format consumer sending request body data to
consumes = {"application/xml", "application/json"},
produces = "text/plain"
public ResponseEntity<String> addProduct(@RequestBody Product p){
return new ResponseEntity<String>("product added", HttpStatus.CREATED);
2) What is Intereoperability
- Provider
- Consumer
11) @RestController
12) ResponseEntity
15) @RequestBody
19) Swagger
1) RestTemplate (outdated)
2) WebClient
3) FeignClient
=> WebClient supports both sync & async communication (spring 5.x)
=> After sending request to provider if consumer is waiting for the response then
it is called as Synchronus communication.
What is Asynchronus Communication ?
=> After sending request to provider if consumer is not waiting for the response
then it is called as asynchronus communication.