He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's
fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood
for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity.
Maybe not.
"There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!"
It was the 1st of October, meaning Hermione had only been back at school for
a couple of weeks, but it felt longer. It also meant that Dumbledore had been dead
for exactly five months. No, Hogwarts was definitely not safe, and everyone knew
it. The Death Eaters had breached their school, all thanks to Draco fucking Malfoy,
and then Snape had murdered the most brilliant man she would ever know.
Voldemort was back. Well, he’d been back for a few years now, but the curse of
his return was becoming louder and more threatening with each day that passed.
She was petrified. That’s right. Screw the stereotypes that came were her Gryffindor
colours, sometimes it was rational to be frightened.
It certainly didn’t help that her two supposed best friends had left her here all
alone. Yes, Harry and Ron were currently traipsing all over the country searching
for Horcruxes. Without her. She wasn’t sure where the reasoning had been in that
decision but it had been Lupin’s suggestion. She loved her friends dearly, but if she
was right Harry was probably having a mental breakdown every hour, and Ron
would most likely be tripping over his own feet.
She knew it hadn’t been their decision, but she couldn’t help the resentment
that had burrowed into her brain. At least they had each other.
She had been left here to assist McGonagall with turning Hogwarts into a shel-
ter. A safe place. There were a few other Order members here such as Seamus and
Dean, and Ginny was helping along with the rest of the professors. The youngest
Weasley was nice enough, but she didn’t come close to filling the gap the boys had
left her with. For the most part, Hermione felt significantly alone.
She’d been given the title of Head Girl of course, possibly so she could have her
own room to help with the Order’s plans. Or perhaps it was so she could have some
freedom to lock herself in the library at night with the hopes assisting the cause. Or
maybe it was because she was the infamous best friend of Harry Potter, and was
supposed to provide some symbol of hope to the miserable souls that were haunting
Hogwarts. Whichever it was, she was glad she could help, but she’d have rather
stayed with Ron and Harry.
Michael Corner was Head Boy, but she’d never really found out why he’d been
chosen. It was probably just because he’d been a prefect and a member of Dumble-
dore’s Army, but she doubted he was doing much in the way of preparation for the
Order. She could have asked him, of course, or even attempted to make conversa-
tion with any of the other students, but the only person she really spoke to these
days was McGonagall. She was too busy...too immersed in her desperation to help.
Her Head Girl dorm felt empty. Hollow.
Near the Gryffindor Tower, there was her bedroom, a little kitchenette, a small
living space, the bathroom, and another bedroom. The bedroom that Harry would
have probably occupied if he’d been chosen as Head Boy. Corner had his own Head
dormitory near the Ravenclaw Tower, and for that she was grateful. If she was going
to be angry and anxious about the state of the world, she didn’t want anyone but
Harry and Ron to know about it.
But, as she had noted so many times, they weren’t here. They sent her one
letter every fortnight, careful not to owl any more in case it alerted Voldemort to
their Horcrux-hunt.
So, yes. Things were bad. Remarkably bad.
So bad that the words in front of her were just sliding over her brain and escap-
ing her attention. It had just passed midnight when she’d made her way to the li-
brary to research Horcruxes again, spurred on by her passionate insomnia.
It was easily two in the morning now. The place was obviously empty, and only
the faint glow of her Lumos gave any indication of life between the labyrinth of
bookshelves. She rubbed her sleep-deprived eyes and tried to focus on the blurry
letters and shapes, but it was difficult.
“Right,” she mumbled to herself, trailing her fingertip under the sentence to
steady her gaze. “‘The first known wizard to create a Horcrux was Herpo the Foul,
and they can only be...
She’d already read that sentence twice.
“You are insane,” he spat harshly, stopping in his tracks. “I don’t know which of
your crazy potions you’ve knocked back, but there is no way I am going back there.”
“And I suppose you have a better idea?” Snape tuned slowly to face his compan-
ion, regarding the young man impatiently.
“Have you forgotten what we did in there?” he questioned, raising his fury-
trembling hand to indicate the dimly-lit school. “I’ll be killed on the bloody spot if
I step one foot in that place!”
“We do not have time for these arguments, Draco,” the ex-professor sneered,
grabbing the back of the younger wizard’s collar. “I made a Vow to protect you and
this is the only place you will be safe-
“Get off me!” he hissed, struggling against the grip as Snape marched towards
Hogwarts. He tried to dig his heels into the ground and pry the hand away from his
robes, but it was futile. “You blood traitor scum!”
Snape stalled his long strides and adjusted his grip on Draco’s clothes to bring their
faces close. It didn’t show on his face, but Malfoy suddenly felt very wary of the danger-
ous look in the wizard’s eyes, but he didn’t flinch. He was a blood traitor. Fact.
Snape and himself had been in hiding for the last few months following the...
events in Astronomy Tower. Draco wasn’t stupid. He knew his failure would have
consequences, but he could have never imagined the magnitude of them. The
Dark Lord wanted him dead.
He hadn’t spoken to either of his parents since, and he had no idea what had
happened to them. He’d barely left some Shetland shack, with his only companion
consisting of the greasy and eerie man currently glaring torture at him. And he had
a price on his head. Both sides wanted him dead. Peachy.
And then Snape had told him that he was a spy; that he’d betrayed them all and
that he was one of them. Draco had vomited the barely-digested scraps they had
managed to salvage that day and spent the remainder of the evening trying to es-
cape their Scottish hideout.
But where would he have gone?
Had it not been for the fact that Voldemort wanted him Avada’d as soon as
possible, he would have disclosed that revelation for some personal gain. But he
had no place with the Death Eaters any more, which left him substantially bug-
gered; forced into following around the blood traitor who had told him he could no
longer protect him.
And now he had brought him to Hogwarts.
He’d tried to ask questions about the extent of Snape’s involvement with the
Order, but the odd git had characteristically said the bare minimum. Draco had
wondered if insanity had finally caught up to the older man; that the whole spy
concept was just the hysteric ramblings of a half-minded man. He’d murdered
Dumbledore after all. But then why would he be taking him to Hogwarts if he didn’t
have some leverage with McGonagall and the Order?
All the questions and anxiety pounded against his temple and throbbed with
echoing reminders in his ears. But he’d had no answers. No promises. Nothing.
Just left to simmer in a limbo that ached and wondering when everything had
become so complicated.
Five months in a rickety shed on some desolate Shetland Island, with only the
drones of sheep to slice the silence, had left him more than a little...tense. Of course,
having the most powerful wizard on Earth hunting for your corpse didn’t help.
What a shit week. Shit month. Shit year.
“I am trying to protect you, Draco,” the sinister man snapped, tightening his
hold on Draco’s robes. “This is the only place you will be safe-
“I will not be safe here,” the blond growled, curling his lip in disgust. “I am
their fucking enemy-
“You’re an enemy to both sides now,” Snape pointed out, continuing his steps
towards Hogwarts and yanking the Malfoy heir with him. “But this side is the least
likely to kill you. Professor McGonagall had already agreed to this.”
“Stupid cow,” Draco barked, earning him a choking tug. “So I am to entrust my
safety with that crazy hag?”
“You don’t have a choice.”
His protests stopped.
She shivered.
Autumn had crept up on the castle too quickly, and it squandered the cold at
the back of her neck. Her breath left her mouth in silky mists and she bunched the
fabric of her jumper in her fists to protect her fingers.
Hermione jumped out of her seat when she heard the library door swing open,
followed by shuffling steps. She grabbed her wand, silently ending the Lumos
charm and listening carefully to the intrusive thumps against the floorboards. She
made her breaths as quiet as possible, managing to rise from her seat without mak-
ing the faintest noise.
She peaked through the gaps of the bookcases, searching for a glimpse of some-
thing out of place. All the shadows mingled into one mass of almost-black, so she
concentrated on the sounds. Whoever it was still lingered by the door, but was slowly
making their way further into the library. Her hand tightened around her wand.
“Miss Granger?” a familiar voice called, and she relaxed her shoulders. “Are
you in here?”
“Lumos,” the witch sighed, her feet following the friendly tone. “I’m here, Pro-
fessor Slughorn.”
“Oh, there you are,” the jittery man smiled when she came into view. “You
know, we’ve looking everywhere for you. You really shouldn’t be out this late, even
if you are Head Girl.”
“Is everything okay?” she questioned, ignoring his comment.
“Professor McGonagall would like to speak with you,” he stated simply, leading
her away from the library. “She’s in her office.”
“Is something wrong?” her brows knitted together wit concern. Why would
McGonagall need her at two in the morning?
“I’m not sure what’s going on, Miss Granger,” he admitted with a harmless
shrug. “I’m sure everything’s fine, or we would have been informed.”
“I suppose so,” she nodded absently, tucking her hands in her pockets. “It just
seems a little odd.”
“In times like these, Miss Granger,” he breathed, and she could hear how tired
the man was. They were all so tired. “I’m surprised you can still find anything odd.”
“Fair point.”
“I will walk you to the office,” he told her, his voice croaking with fatigue. “Would
you like me to wait outside for you to make sure you get back to your room safely?”
“That’s not necessary,” she dismissed with a little shake of her head. “My room
is only a small walk from McGonagall’s office. Plus, you look very tired, Sir.”
“I was woken rather suddenly,” he confessed, smothering a yawn into his sleeve.
“But then, you were reading in the library. Are you sleeping okay, Miss Granger?”
“Well enough,” she lied.
“Might I recommend some Dreamless Sleep Potion?” he suggested, giving her
a meaningful look. “I could brew you some for tomorrow?”
“No, thank you,” she offered him a weak smile. “I have some Muggle sleeping
pills I can take if I really need to, but I’m fine, Professor. Really.”
“If you say so, Miss Granger,” he relented, stopping as they reached the door to the
passageway that would take her to McGonagall’s office. “I shall leave you here then.”
“Thank you, Professor Slughorn,” she nodded politely, waiting until the wizard
had disappeared down the corridor before she mumbled the password. “Tabby cat.”
Draco was sat in an oversized chair, grinding his teeth and chewing his tongue.
The two professors were bickering in front of him, and it had taken every bit of self-
control not scream at the pair. If McGonagall wasn’t clutching her wand defen-
sively, he would have probably hexed them by now, or at least cast a few silencing
charms to block out there scratching tones.
“I agreed to meet you, Severus,” the witch spoke harshly. “I made no such prom-
ise that I would actually let him stay here.”
“There is nowhere else,” Snape stated calmly, turning his eyes to Draco for a
moment. “If the Dark Lord finds him, then he will kill him, Minerva.”
“And you would have me put the rest of the students in jeopardy?” she snapped, her
Scottish accent thick and reminding Draco of his vile stay in the North. Always hiding...
“You are trying to protect the students,” the sullen wizard spoke. “He needs
protection more than anyone-
“That boy is the reason this place was attacked!” she shouted, pointing an ac-
cusing finger at him. “That boy-
“Is a child,” Snape interrupted, ignoring the offended grunt from the otherwise
silent teenager. “He was mislead, Minerva.”
Draco’s eyes shot up at those words, and he analysed the man he had once
trusted with wary scepticism. It felt odd and degrading to be defended by someone
he now despised.
“He knew what he was doing,” the headmistress said quietly, her conservative
tone back into place. “And if he hadn’t been so foolish, things would be very different-
“The Dark Lord would still be a threat,” he reasoned carefully. “You know that Albus-
“Don’t you dare try to bribe me with his memory!” she warned, her voice rising
a decibel that harassed her own ears. “Don’t you dare, Severus-
“You know I’m right,” he said with a subtle force. “You know full well how de-
termined he was to ensure Draco didn’t follow...that path.”
The Malfoy heir felt his jaw slacken. The inevitable questions flooded his brain
too quickly, and he hissed the air through his teeth. The old oaf had taken an inter-
est in him? Had wanted to keep him away from the dark path? And Snape knew
this? Just more secrets; more splinters into his brain.
“What the hell-
“I warned you to keep your mouth shut,” Snape drawled purposefully, not even
bothering to glance at him. “Minerva, you know Albus would have let him stay-
“Well,” she sighed, massaging her forehead with her age-creased hand. “Albus’
benevolence could have been considered his downfall, alongside his desire to see
the good in everyone.”
Snape made a small sound of agreement. “Be that as it may,” he mumbled qui-
etly. “I’m running out of time. He needs a place away from the Dark Lord.”
The old witch tensed her lips and moved her wise stare to study the youngest
inhabitant of the room. Draco tried to hold the exchange but found himself glar-
ing down at his lap, his lids heavy with fatigue. He’d been unable to manage a
decent night’s sleep since the night of June 1st, four days before his seventeenth
birthday. Call it the cold that had crept in through the cracks of their hideout, or
the painful hunger pangs that he’d suffered for five months, or perhaps even the
flimsy remains of his conscience.
Sleep was a forgotten luxury, as was a decent meal. And a bed. And a shower.
And warmth...
“Very well,” McGonagall murmured finally, holding her head a little higher as
she spoke. “He may stay. But I have my terms, Mr Malfoy, and if any of them are
broken, you will be on your own.”
Draco slowly raised his eyes to regard the woman with an agitated look. Who
was she to lay down a list of rules? Like she was doing him a favour. He didn’t want
to be here. He didn’t need her bloody help. She could stick it up her-
“Your wand, Mr Malfoy,” she demanded calmly, stretching out her hand.
He snorted. “Sod off,” he muttered coldly, but he felt something at his side move,
and watched with furious eyes as his wand left his pocket and landed in her palm.
“You will not be permitted to attend classes with the rest of the students,” she
told him crisply. “I would think the reasons would be pretty obvious for that. You
are to remain unseen and I’m sure you wouldn’t be welcomed back by the other
students anyway.”
He rolled his eyes. He hated people who found it necessary to state the obvious.
“You will not leave the room you are given,” she continued harshly, her lips
pursed with stress. “If you step one foot out of Hogwarts without my permission
then you will not be allowed back in. Ever.”
Draco rubbed his chin and looked at Snape, who was watching him with that
familiar impatient stare. He wanted to tell them both to fuck off; to mind their own
business, but he knew this offer wasn’t optional. He reminded himself again that he
had nowhere to go. So that was it. Another place he wasn’t allowed to leave. An-
other sanity-draining prison. Merlin, help him to save his mind.
“He will stay here?” Snape questioned, breaking the silence. “With you?”
“I have far too much on my plate to play chaperone, Severus,” the witch ex-
plained in a clipped tone. “I have someone else in mind to keep an eye on him.”
Snape frowned. “Slughorn?” he guessed. “One of the professors?”
“You know first-hand that they wouldn’t have time for that,” she replied with
an arched eyebrow. “Considering the circumstances, Severus, there are only a
handful of people I trust fully, and if you want Mr Malfoy’s whereabouts to remain
secret, then he will stay with Miss Granger.”
Draco’s eyes doubled in size and mouth went dry. “The fucking Mudblood-
“You will do well to mind your language, Mr Malfoy,” she threatened with her
clipped tone. “I think I’ve made it quite clear that your stay here is conditional-
“You think shoving me in a room with her will be safe?” he questioned with a
disbelieving face. “If there is anyone other than the Dark Lord who would want me
killed, it’s the Mudblood-
“You will stop using that word,” the witch reiterated with a scolding finger. “I
am certain that Miss Granger is capable of handling this...situation maturely.”
Draco released a humourless bark of laughter and shook his head. “You’re off
your bloody rocker.”
“Apparently so,” she agreed. “But if I was you, I wouldn’t encourage me to re-
consider this arrangement.”
He narrowed his glare and tuned to Snape with an expression of sheer disgust.
“This is your idea of protection?” he spat though his bared teeth. “Handing me
over to these morons-
“Enough,” he hushed him quietly, still eyeing McGonagall with a curious ex-
pression. “Are you certain Miss Granger is the wisest option, Minerva?”
“She’s the only option,” she stated resolutely. “She is the only student I com-
pletely trust.”
“But one of the professors would surely be more appropriate.”
“The professors have enough trouble keeping their eyes on the other students,”
the headmistress said with an edge of impatience. “Miss Granger is perfectly capa-
ble and she just so happens to have a spare room in her quarters-
“This is a joke,” Draco growled, wrinkling his nose with disdain. “I refuse to
stay with that-
“I won’t tell you to shut up again,” Snape sneered, take a long stride to smack
the back of of his head.
“You will do as you are told, Mr Malfoy,” the witch warned stiffly. “You will
only have one offer of help from us and then you’re on your own.”
He felt the urge to challenge the witch rise in his throat, tickling his tonsils, but
he was so exhausted. Hogwarts was so much warmer than the shed, and the warmth
was like a sedative. The plush chair was absorbing him, no matter how hard he tried
to ignore it. The smell of food lingered in the air too, and it was doing betraying
things to his empty stomach.
“Shall I take that your silence means you accept our offer?”
Offer. He snorted. It wasn’t an offer she was giving him, and everybody in the
room knew it. It was an ultimatum. Stay with the enemy or risk death. The will to
live only just beat his pride. Fine, let them feed him and provide an ancient roof
over his head. His parents would be looking for him. His father would convince the
Dark Lord to overlook his...mishap. Perhaps.
“He accepts,” Snape spoke on his behalf, giving his ex-pupil a stern look that
dared him to protest.
“So be it,” McGonagall sighed, with all the dread of a demon-bargained soul.
“Do you have any belongings?”
His eyes fell into his lap again. The simple answer was no. No, he didn’t have a
bloody thing to call his own. Just the multi-scourgified and battered clothes he’d
been wearing since that night, and a set of robes that Snape had given him. He was
stripped of all the tokens of wealth; the symbols that represented his infamous her-
itage, and he hated it.
“No,” he spat quickly, shuttering his eyes.
“Then I will have the House-elves get some things for you,” she told him, her
tone no softer than before. “I’ll have them sent to Miss Granger’s room at some
point tomorrow.”
“And Miss Granger has agreed to this arrangement?” the older wizard ques-
tioned with a sceptical tone.
“Not yet.”
Draco’s golden eyebrows rose high on his pale forehead. Not yet? The woman
was digging his grave faster than Voldemort.
She dragged her anxiety-nibbled fingertips over the old bricks as she shuffled
her feet down the corridor, her other hand clutching her glowing wand to guide
her way. She’d figured out why McGonagall had summoned her now. There was
only one possibility.
Bad news.
Someone had died. Or been hurt. Perhaps Harry and Ron’s plans had been dis-
covered. Maybe the school was under another threat. Or Voldemort could have
found the Order’s headquarters.
There were hundreds of possibilities, and all of them bad.
She mourned her optimism; wished it hadn’t been stolen by Astronomy Tower’s
dark memory and the absence of her best her sad thoughts of that night were stolen
when McGonagall’s distorted voice rattled down the passage, and just as the echoes
subsided, another voice joined her. A man’s voice.
Her grip on her wand tightened and she picked up her pace, the smacks of her
footsteps loud amongst the acoustics. She couldn’t discern specific words or even if
there was perhaps a third voice vibrating along the walls now. With a twitch of her
wrist and the password whispered again under her breath, the thick door slammed
open. Her eyes went wide and wild when she absorbed the scene.
Snape. Here. In Hogwarts.
She didn’t even notice Malfoy.
Three heads whipped around to look at her, but she only saw one. Him. The man
that had killed the greatest man she’d ever known. She felt fire burst in her chest.
“You,” she breathed, her features stretching with shock for a moment before the
angry lines creased her face. Her wand arm straightened with an agitated snap of her
elbow, and her bark-brown eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. “Impedimenta!”
He blocked her spell effortlessly, and it infuriated her more. The witch’s rage
was pounding her ears, muffling McGonagall’s request for her to relax. Her magic
was throbbing at her fingertips, ready for revenge. She fired a Stupefy, but it was
deflected like her last attack.
Draco watched the duel silently with his calculating eyes, wondering why Snape
was actually participating in it at all. Surely a quick Petrificus would put the med-
dlesome Mudblood in her place. She hadn’t noticed him; hadn’t once taken her eyes
off the other wizard. He would bet his family’s fortune that spotting him would
hardly calm the little tantrum she was having right now.
Snape eyed the girl calmly and shot a silent disarming spell in her direction, deciding
it was best to end this before it got out of hand. He cocked an impressed eyebrow when
it had no effect, and faltered when another one of her curses made him stumble on his
feet. She had been practising. When had she learned silent shielding charms?
“Enough!” McGonagall tried to intervene, but Hermione’s eyes barely flicked
over to the woman. “Miss Granger, calm down and let me explain-
The young witch didn’t blink. “Confrin-
Her wand flew away from her hand, and her confused and betrayed stare shifted
over to the headmistress. She felt charmed ropes coil around her to restrict her
movements, and frustrated tears sauntered down her cheeks. The older witch gave
her an apologetic look before she jerked her wand again, and Hermione felt her feet
leave the floor before she went flying back into a closet.
The door closed behind her with a blunt bang, and she remained frozen in the dark
for a stunned moment before she was struggling with everything she had and shouting
until her throat felt stripped by bleach. Why was McGonagall doing this? She coughed
on an outraged sob and swallowed back the scream caught in her windpipe.
What the hell was going on?
On the other side of the door, Draco sank back into the chair with a roll of his
eyes. He watched the pair of professors as they shared a look of scepticism and re-
sisted the compulsion to shake his head or laugh at their stupidity. How could they
honestly be surprised that she had reacted the way she did? He really was sur-
rounded by bloody idiots.
“Well,” he commented, his voice raspy at the back of his throat, but still rich
with surplus sarcasm. “That went well.”
upsetting the wrinkly wench; he really didn’t give a shit. No, it was that she had
called him a failure. And the truth hurt. In the last seven years, he couldn’t recall
one thing that he had managed to successfully achieve. Not one. And his last
cock-up had proved fatal; fatal enough to warrant a death-wish and an indefinite
stay in this shithole.
“Would you like me to pretend I care?” he muttered casually, looking back to
Snape. “I thought you were leaving.”
The blond growled when he received another harsh slap to the back of his skull.
“You should learn to control that tongue of yours, Draco,” the older man scolded
sharply. “I apologise for this, Minerva.”
“There is no need,” she insisted. “I can handle it from here. You have my word
that I will do everything I can to ensure his safety. You really should go, Severus. It
will be getting light soon.”
“Right,” he mumbled, giving the witch a sullen nod. “I’m not sure if I will be
able to contact you any time soon.”
“You know where we are if you need us,” she said, her voice softer and border-
ing on sombre. “Good luck, Severus.”
Draco released a disgusted snort that was drowned out by the loud snap of
Apparition. He felt his jaw twitch and fought the embers of apprehension that
settled in his gut. Snape may have turned out to be a blood traitor, but at least the
creepy guy had been bound by a Vow to protect him, whereas as these blood trai-
tors would probably smother him in his sleep. Another one of Granger’s shrill
howls ruptured his eardrums, and he turned to McGonagall with a weary and
half-shut stare.
“This will be fun,” he muttered dryly, folding his arms over his chest.
“You will not say anything to make this more difficult,” the witch commanded
with an agitated finger pointed in his direction. “And you will certainly not use
that awful word.”
“You mean Mudblood?” he questioned, drawing out the derogatory term. “You
seem awfully confident with that assumption-
“I’m warning you, Mr Malfoy,” she persisted. “You are only making things more
difficult for yourself if you continue to act this way-
“Just get it over with,” he groaned, rubbing his eyes. The Mudblood’s screeches
had made his painful heartbeats thud against his temple, and the warmth was lull-
ing his lids to fall. He really wanted some sleep. “It’s nearly three in the morning
and I would like to get some rest-
“And I’m sure you’d like to do it in a bed,” she said slowly, staring him down.
“I know you haven’t had a bed for a while, Mr Malfoy-
“What’s your point?”
“If you insist on making this harder than it should be,” she started, taking a
couple of steps towards the screaming closet. “Then I might decide not to let you
sleep in the bed, or use the shower, or perhaps you would-
“I get your point,” he scowled, firing her a foul glare. “Just get on with it-
“It would also do you good to learn some manners,” she advised, finishing her
short distance to the closet’s door.
With an overdue calming breath, the headmistress tugged open the door and
frowned when she saw the mess. Hermione’s struggles had knocked some of the
shelves, and the younger witch had gained a few bruises from some raining books.
She paused her thrashing when she noticed McGonagall’s presence in the door-
frame, her chest heaving against the ropes. The greying witch angled her wand to
levitate Hermione into her office and sighed when her student recommenced her
attempts to get free.
Draco resisted the taunting words that teased his tongue for the sake of a com-
fortable night. Granger looked like hell had gargled her and then spat her back out;
her chaotic hair swarming around her face like Autumn leaves, and her eyes red-
stained with what looked like a sleep-deprived month. Good. He was glad she was
suffering. Glad that somebody else was.
“Let me out of these things!” she shouted, her eyes swollen with tears as she
hovered a few inches off the ground.
“I need you to calm down, Miss Granger-
“I will not calm down!” she refused, her voice quaking and scared. “What the hell-
“I promise I will explain everything,” the professor attempted to soothe her. “I
need you to calm down, Hermione. Please.”
She stole six long breaths and swallowed back the anguish wedged in her
throat. She still hadn’t noticed him. “Okay,” she murmured. “Okay, just please
get these things off me.”
With a moment of hesitation, McGonagall released the spell, and Hermione’s
feet landed on the floorboards with a small thump. She brushed her palms over the
raw lines left by the ropes and studied the older woman like a stranger. She coughed
away a confused sob and took a wary step towards the centre of the room, oblivious
that she’d moved closer to Malfoy.
“Why was Snape here?” she questioned finally, deciding that the silence was
far too vexing.
“Before I tell you anything,” McGonagall started. “You need to understand that
you can’t reveal this to anyone. Not even Mr Potter or Mr Weasley.”
Hermione shifted her weight and pursed her lips, analysing the situation in her
head. McGonagall’s words did not bode well with her; she told Harry and Ron eve-
rything, and her professor’s odd behaviour in the last few minutes had completely
baffled her. Her fawny eyes darted away, needing to focus on something else, and
that’s when she saw him.
She locked on to his icy-cool glare and felt something in her soul snap.
She didn’t remember sprinting over to him, everything was blurry and fast.
When she was close enough, she drew back her balled fist and rammed into his
face, hard enough to scorch her knuckles. She felt a feral growl vibrate in her
throat, and drew her fist back again, the blood slithering down his chin and across
her fingers no where near satisfying enough. She wanted to pound his face until
it was unrecognisable, until it stopped reminding her of what he’d done.
But McGonagall’s spell dragged her to the other side of the room. And she
was screaming again.
She fought the magic so hard her limbs burned, but it wouldn’t give. “What the
hell is that bastard-
“Stop it!” the other witch shouted, keeping her wand trained on Hermione’s
writhing body. There were no tears now; just a rage that simmered and practically
caused the girl to glow. “Hermione, you must listen-
“You spineless twat!” she snapped, ignoring McGonagall and curling her lip
as she eyed Malfoy. He was thumbing away the trickle of blood that was leaking
from his lip with an expression that was far too aloof for her to handle. He caught
her eyes again, and her hatred was blinding. He was slimmer than she recalled,
and he looked a little worn, but everything else about him was exactly how she
remembered. The creamy hair, the china skin, the rain-cloud eyes. It was awful,
and she roared with outrage.
“Control yourself,” McGonagall attempted again, stepping into Hermione’s line
of sight. “I’m trying to explain-
“How could you?” Hermione hissed at the ageing witch, fresh tears springing to
her fiery glare. “They killed Dumbledore! How the fuck could you do this to-
“That is quite enough!” she replied, her tone that familiar strict bite. “I’m try-
ing to tell you-
“Nothing you could say would-
“Severus Snape is a spy for the Order,” she said bluntly, satisfied when Hermi-
one seized up with shock and released a dulcet gasp. “He is on our side-
“Th-that’s impossible,” the brunette stuttered, ceasing her struggles to gape at
her professor with disbelief. “No. No there’s no way-
“It’s true-
“You’re lying!” Hermione blurted, her cheeks flushed like ripe peaches dotted with
dew. She twisted her neck so she could look at Malfoy again, and she felt bile singe the
back of her tongue. She felt sick. “They killed him...They-they killed Dumbledore-
“It’s okay, Hermione,” McGonagall attempted to console the girl, before she
glanced over her shoulder to the silent wizard; still sat in his chair and trying to
nurse the gash in his lip. “Mr Malfoy, I need to talk with Miss Granger alone.”
“Good for you,” he grumbled, flinching when it hurt to move his mouth.
“Mr Malfoy,” she sighed, suddenly realising how tired she was. “I need to discus
some things privately-
“Why?” he shot back quickly. “Snape told me he was a spy, so I know all this-
“You don’t know everything,” the witch told him. “And you don’t have any right
to all the information-
“Well, I’m comfortable here-
“Don’t force me to move you,” she warned, gesturing with her free hand to a
door on the other side of her office. “There’s a kitchen through there. Help yourself
to some food and I will call you when we are finished.”
A retort lingered behind his teeth but a spasm in his stomach reminded him
that he hadn’t eaten in the last twenty-four hours. His curiosity was loud, but the
rumbles of starvation were louder. He slowly rose from his seat and gave both the
witches a bored look before he headed to the kitchen, muttering a vibrant list of
obscenities under his breath.
McGonagall turned back to Hermione once they were alone and tilted her head
thoughtfully. “Will you listen to what I have to say if I release the spell?”
“Snape’s really a spy?” she asked with a meek tone.
“I swear to you on my life,” she said clearly. “Will you listen to me?”
With a confused and pathetic sob, she nodded her head and felt her arms and
legs regain control. She wiped away the evidence of her weakness on her sleeve and
observed the witch she looked up to with wild and desperate eyes. “Snape,” she
murmured hesitantly. “He can’t be a spy. He killed-
“Albus left me one of his memories before he died,” the headmistress started, her
voice wavering a little with emotion. “And it was of a discussion between him and Severus-
“Albus knew about Draco Malfoy’s mission,” she continued. “And he asked Se-
verus to complete...the task, so that Mr Malfoy would not. He wanted to save him-
“He is not worth saving,” she frowned, shooting an agitated look to the
kitchen door. “He is-
“You must understand that Mr Malfoy was forced into his mission, Hermione,” she
offered, but the argument was weak. It was hard to defend someone who had put so
many lives in danger all before his seventeenth birthday. “Albus knew that Severus had
agreed to an Unbreakable Vow to protect Draco so he asked Severus to do it instead-
“Does Malfoy know all this?” she questioned, spitting out his name like poison.
“I don’t think so,” McGonagall shook her head. “He knows that Severus is a spy
for the Order, and that makes you the fourth person to know this information. No
one else knows and I intend to keep it that way-
“So why was Snape here? Surely coming here would be dangerous?”
She sighed. “He’s asked me to protect Mr Malfoy from now on-
“What?” Hermione barked, her brow wrinkling with distaste. “Why the hell
should we?”
“Because if we don’t,” she answered carefully, making sure her student would
understand the importance of her words. “Then Voldemort might find Mr Mal-
foy and kill him-
“That’s no real loss-
“And then the Vow would kill Severus,” she carried on, ignoring the harsh
words from the girl. “Also, if Mr Malfoy left here, then he could reveal Severus’
secret and he would be killed.”
Hermione faltered.
Snape is a spy. One of us...
“And above anything else,” McGonagall brought her back to the damning present.
“If we don’t protect Draco Malfoy from harm, then Albus’ sacrifice will be for nothing.”
The female fraction of the Golden Trio felt something in her chest drop. None of
this made sense, and yet everything seemed to slide into place in her head. She would
swear to Merlin’s grave that every second of this haunting night was draining away
her energy. There was just too much too handle; too much to take in. Snape. A spy.
Dumbledore had known...And then a troubling thought popped into her head.
“Why did you call me here?”
“Because he will be staying with you,” McGonagall told her steadily. “You are
my most trustworthy student and your skills as a witch are-
“How can you do this to me?” she moaned, scrunching her face with stress. “I
hate him. He’s evil-
“I know that this is a lot to ask,” the other witch said with genuine sympathy.
“But there is nobody else I can trust with this. You have a spare room-
“We’ll kill each other-
“No, you won’t,” she argued, taking some steps towards the witch to place a
comforting hand on her shoulder. “I am keeping his wand and I will ward your
dorm so he can’t leave and you have a password for your bedroom-
“There must be someone else,” Hermione pleaded. “Anyone else. One of
the professors-
“You are the only person who I trust to handle this,” McGonagall breathed sadly.
“The other professors have too much on their plates as it is. I need you to do this-
“For how long?”
“For as long as it takes,” she answered cryptically, offering the girl another
apologetic frown. “I am really sorry for this, Miss Granger. If things are really that
bad then I will do my best to make other arrangements, but I honestly believe that
you can do this.”
She wanted to protest; to tell McGonagall to let Malfoy rot in the grave he had
dug himself. She wanted to point out that he would probably try to kill her in her
sleep, or that she wouldn’t last a day without hexing the twat until he was a pointless
mess smeared against her wall. But images of Dumbledore fluttered in her brain.
If we don’t protect Draco Malfoy from harm, then Albus’ sacrifice will be
for nothing...
“Okay,” she found herself mumbling absently. “Okay, I-I will try.”
McGonagall’s face instantly relaxed. “Thank you,” she gave the young witch a
forced smile as she handed her back her wand. “I know this will be difficult for you,
and I promise that I will do what I can to make it easier for you.”
Hermione released a loud and lonely breath. “I’m tired,” she whispered, her
body and mind overworked and desiring sleep.
“I think we all need some rest,” the headmistress agreed. “I will escort you both
back to your dorm and set up the wards.”
“Alright,” she shrugged, too exhausted too argue any more. “Let’s get this over with.”
McGonagall gave the girl’s shoulder a reassuring pat before she headed to her
kitchen and pushed open the door. “Come now, Mr Malfoy,” she called, eyeing the
wizard closely as he came back into the office, his hands pushed arrogantly in his
pockets as he gave Hermione a bitter and intolerant look.
“Get over your little bitch-fit?” he sneered, purposefully keeping his distance.
The urge to scream at him until his ears wept blood swamped her, but she
shoved it aside. Something twigged in her head, and she realised then that she had
a massive advantage over him. She had her wand. She was in control.
“You still have some blood on your chin,” she told him, her words drawn out
and sharp.
He hid his irritation with an amused snort as he slowly wiped the back on his
hand across his mouth again, keeping his stare locked onto hers. He realised then
that her eyes weren’t brown; they were more like gold. How repulsively Gryffindor.
So, the little Mudblood thought she was in charge did she? His smirk stretched a
little. Fine, let her believe that; at least he would have a little entertainment if he was
going to be locked away in her room.
“Not happy to see me, Granger?” he goaded. “You look a little tense-
“And you look like shit,” she retorted, trailing her tempestuous glare over his
tattered robes. “I’m warning you, Malfoy. Don’t wind me up-
“Or what?” he growled, bring his face too close to hers. She held her ground and
cringed when she realised his breath smelled of the blood she had coaxed with her fist.
“You don’t get it, do you?” she whispered, narrowing her eyes. “You have noth-
ing. You are nothing. And now you’re stuck here; forced to accept our help like
some pathetic child.”
Something flickered in his eyes; something between shame and spite. That look
ignited a small and fickle flame in her stomach that made her feel powerful; cocky.
It didn’t last long, just enough to inject a little more boldness into her backbone.
“I hope this is killing you,” she whispered with harsh honesty. “I hope that this
is tearing you apart-
“Fuck off, Mud-
“That’s enough,” McGonagall interrupted, and he arched an eyebrow when she
aimed her wand at him. “Let’s go, Mr Malfoy. It’s late.”
His eyes flickered between the old bint and her wand. He could honestly say
that he’d never planned to attempt a runner on the way to Granger’s dorm. There
would be no point with two armed witches watching him like he was an overfed
cauldron; volatile and hazardous. He rolled his eyes at her and started to follow
Granger out of the room, McGonagall behind him keeping her wand trained on
the back of his neck.
The walk was silent, and the two witches glanced nervously around constantly
to ensure the corridors were empty of wandering souls. They were, of course, and
the three sets of footfalls mingled with the tittering echoes of rain. Draco eyed the
back of Granger’s head as they walked, noting the strained muscles in her shoul-
ders and the too-tight grip on her wand. At least she wasn’t waving it in his face
though, unlike a certain headmistress who found it necessary to prod his spine
every few steps.
The younger witch quickened her steps a little to pull aside a set of heavy
drapes and reveal a portrait of a pride of lions, purring and basking in their
painted sunlight. He didn’t hear the password Granger muttered, but then he
probably wasn’t supposed to.
She disappeared inside and he barged in after her, as though he already owned
the room. He took a slow and revolted look around the sitting room and Hermione
watched him closely as he heeled away his shoes and headed towards the bathroom,
shoving his way past her with more force than necessary. She was about to shout
after him, but he simply slammed the toilet door behind him with a shuddering
smack that made her flinch.
“Wanker,” she hissed under her breath, twisting her neck to give McGonagall a
weary look. “Will setting up the wards take long? I’d like to go to bed.”
“Just a few minutes,” the professor assured her, twitching her wrist and gliding
her wand around the door.
The complicated incantation sounded more like lullaby to Hermione, and her
lids felt like stone. She heard the shower turn on, and the running water hummed
alongside McGonagall’s words. She was so exhausted, and the night had done dam-
aging things to her mind. She just wanted to lie down in a dark room and accept
the dreams; the nightmares. She snapped out of her trance when the headmistress
moved into her vision, her mouth moving with unheard words.
“I’m finished,” McGonagall told her softly, her face grim. “I must remind you
again, Miss Granger, that this has to remain between us.”
“I know,” she replied.
And she really did know. She had become too acquainted with secrets in the
last six years, and most had taken their toll, but she knew instantly that this one
would haunt her the most. For the sole reason that she couldn’t tell Harry and
Ron; this one would stretch the limits of her tolerance. She rolled the word secret
over in her head, and noticed it even sounded harsh; like a snake’s hiss.
“Do I need to remind you to keep a close eye on your wand?”
“I always do,” the brunette sighed, and the other woman mirrored her unease.
“I know this will be hard for you,” McGonagall admitted. “But you have yet to
disappoint me, Hermione.”
She watched the older witch disappear from the room and suddenly felt ridicu-
lously claustrophobic. She turned her head to eye the bathroom door and chewed
her lip nervously. Clawing her agitated fingers through her mussed hair, she
dragged her feet to her bedroom, keeping her anxious eyes on the bathroom door
until she mumbled her password, Lutra lutra, and ducked inside.
She didn’t bother shedding her clothes, just collapsed with an ungraceful fall onto
her bed and cocooned herself amongst the sheets and blankets. She glanced out of her
window and the sky was still black, but then winter had that effect on the colours and
moods of the mornings. e distant calls of early birds were the give away, and a
quick look at her clock confirmed that it was almost four in the morning.
She thanked Merlin that it was Friday and that she had no classes tomorrow,
although she wondered if she really should be thanking anything or anyone con-
sidering the events of tonight.
The trickling droplets of Malfoy’s wash were loud and clear in her room, and
served as a taunting reminder to her new and unwelcome roommate. Her temple
was throbbing with the beginnings of a stress-induced headache, and she knew that
despite her fatigue, she would have a hard time finding sleep.
Half an hour passed before the water died, and she could hear Malfoy’s crass
movements as he headed into his own room. She groaned into her pillow when
those sounds carried too; skimming across the bathroom tiles and leaking through
the thin walls. She grabbed her wand to hurriedly mumble a silencing charm on her
room, and hoped that it would last until morning.
Draco combed his fingers through his damp hair and fiddled with the hem of
the towel. He couldn’t begin to describe how good it felt to have a decent shower;
to feel clean again. His eyes roamed the bedroom and noted the Gryffindor colours
with a repulsed grumble that simmered against his tongue. And this was where he
would be staying; amongst the gold and red mess.
He heard a distant noise and realised it must have been Granger shifting in her
sleep. He could hear that? Great.
Still, at least the bed was comfortable.
He discarded the towel and opted for sleeping in the nude, deciding
blemishing his freshly-cleaned skin with his scruffy clothes would just irritate
him. His eyes fell to the Dark Mark staining his ashen flesh, and he traced the
outline with the tip of his finger; scowling into the darkness before he fell back
into the inviting fabrics and stared up at the ceiling.
The sky had turned a nasty shade of indigo when he finally managed steal that
elusive slumber that he’d been craving for weeks.
the usual raindrops tapping against her window. She knew that it was futile to try and
get any more sleep, so she slowly eased herself out of bed, grabbed her bathrobe and
wand, and headed for the shower. Keeping as quiet as she could, she peered out of her
bedroom warily, catching sight of Malfoy’s discarded and scuffed shoes.
The remains of her optimism fluttered away with that final damning observa-
tion, and she quickly slipped into the bathroom.
Shrugging off yesterday’s clothes, she muttered a quick spell to flick on the
shower at a high heat. The witch turned to look at herself in the mirror, brushing
her knotted curls away from her face and fingering the shadowy crescents under
her eyes. There was too much torture on her face, and it was tucked into the creases
of her permanent frown. She looked like a tracing-paper version of herself; paler
and almost translucent. Like frosted glass.
She focussed on her eyes and thanked Merlin when she saw the familiar glint
in them, the spark of fire and determination that had always lingered; that had
yet to be beaten.
She was fine. Just tired and wondering exactly how she was supposed to coex-
ist with Malfoy.
The mirror started to steam so she turned away from her worrying reflection
and released a content moan as the steamy water soothed her shape. She closed her
eyes and massaged the soap into her skin, inhaling the vanilla scent with a calming
breath. She lathered her arms first, then her shapely chest and flat stomach, and
then bent down to stroke the length of her legs.
This felt good. Like normality, and she basked in the sensations. She could feel
her muscles easing and it was wonderful, relaxing enough that she allowed her ever-
crowded mind to cease thinking, if only to shield the memories of last night. If only
to forget that someone she despised was sharing her dorm. A Death Eater.
It took a bit more soap, but she let it all go and allowed herself to escape, because
she knew it would only get harder from here.
Merlin, forgive her for pretending it didn’t exist for some stolen minutes.
Draco lifted one heavy lid when a feminine moan seeped into the room. The whis-
pers of running water had started to stir him a few moments ago, but it was the strange
sighs and mews that woke him completely. His brow furrowed when he didn’t recog-
nise his surroundings, and he raised his head to eye the room suspiciously.
He remembered then. He remembered that he was in Hogwarts. Remembered
he was sharing a dorm with the Mudblood. Shit.
He gnashed his teeth and his eyes went to the window. Draco knew it wouldn’t
work, but he tried anyway; flinging himself off the bed and and trying to shove it
open. The clasp wouldn’t budge. He drew back his fist and smashed it into the glass
as hard as he could, but it didn’t even crack. He growled as a small trickle of blood
slithered across his knuckles. It hurt, but he’d had so much worse.
Yes, definitely trapped. Definitely his new prison.
Another female purr leaked into the air and he instinctively reached for his
wand to silence the irritating sounds. But, he didn’t have his wand, did he. Didn’t
have a bloody thing. Not even a set of clean clothes to put on.
“For fuck’s sake,” he muttered, heading back to the bed.
He hadn’t had enough rest; his movements were sluggish and his sight blurry.
He had five months of sleep to catch up on after all, and it would have been so easy
if her incessant shower noises weren’t polluting his atmosphere. He snatched the
pillow and covered his ears, but it only muffled her.
He had a sinking and scratching feeling that she did this every morning.
Her imagination only managed to distract her for fifteen minutes or so, before
reality clawed its way back in. With a dejected breath, she stopped the water and left
the shower, returning to the mirror and palming away the condensation. She gave
this new reflection a ghost of a smile, deciding it was notably better. The warm water
had roused a healthy blush to her skin and she felt more human. More present.
She wrapped the fluffy and practical bathrobe around her, and spared her damp
and blurry reflection one last look before she grabbed her wand off the sink to mut-
ter a quick drying charm for her hair, and then left the bathroom. Her fist had just
closed around the knob to her bedroom when she heard a small knock at the main
door. She cringed slightly but sorted her wits and crossed her sitting room to an-
swer it, and a genuine smile graced her features when she eyed her visitor.
“Hello Dobby,” she grinned, noting the large trunk behind him.
“Morning Miss,” he nodded meekly, ever the nervous little soul. “Headmistress
said for Dobby to bring you this.”
“Thank you,” she said, knowing they were probably things for Malfoy. “Could
you do me a favour, Dobby?”
“Yes Miss!” the House-elf chirped merrily. “What does Miss want Dobby to do?”
“Could you possibly sort out some extra food for me?” she requested. “And I
can come to collect it later?”
“Dobby can bring it here.”
“That’s okay,” she told him with a delicate wave of her hand. “I’m going for a
little walk later so I’ll pick it up. Honestly, it’s fine.”
“Yes Miss,” he mumbled, obviously a little disappointed. “I go now. Must help
clean after breakfast.”
She wanted to tell him to stay, feeling substantially...safer with someone she
knew around, but he was gone with a snap of his fingers. She did some quick
calculations in her head and realised that she hadn’t seen any of her friends for five
days, having spent all of her free time in the library doing what she could to assist
the Order. She glanced behind her at Malfoy’s door and concluded that she would
need to meet with them soon.
They were another dose of something normal. Another escape.
Hermione pulled her robe a little tighter around herself as a chilly breeze swept
up the corridor and invaded her dorm. She jerked her wand to levitate the chest
into her sitting area, and let it crash to the floor with a loud thud just outside Mal-
foy’s room. She considered giving him a shout to explain that he now had some
belongings, but reasoned with her commonsense that the Hogwarts motto was
there for a reason. It really was best to let sleeping dragons lie, especially a preju-
diced, psychotic Dragon who was caged against his will.
She jumped when the Autumn breeze shoved her door closed with a piercing clap.
And then she could hear movement coming from his room, accompanied by
heated and masculine muttering that sounded like venom; even if it was just muf-
fled nonsense behind the door. She considered running for her room to avoid the
hassle, but the stubborn lioness within her wouldn’t allow it. She squared her shoul-
ders defiantly and narrowed her eyes, preparing for the inevitable theatrics.
His door was flung open with an agitated tug, hard enough that it bashed into
the wall, but she beat the instinct to flinch. The frustrated Slytherin came into her
sight, his tall body filling the doorframe and clumsily clad in his trousers and his
unfastened black shirt. But she didn’t notice. She refused to let her eyes wander
lower than his bottom lashes, knowing that eye-contact was power. It was control.
“You are doing my head in!” he roared, his upper lip curled and his cheekbones
high with irritation. “Could you make any more sodding noise? You-
“You want me to make more noise?” she replied, innocently cocking her head
to the side. With a swish of her wand, all the doors in her dorm opened and then
slammed close again, and she refused her instinct to blink at the heavy bangs. “Bet-
ter for you, Malfoy?”
“Very mature of you, Granger,” he sneered, and she could feel the intensity of
his stare from across the room. “You think you’re so fucking clever-
“I think we can both agree that I am fucking clever,” she cut in, a little uncom-
fortable with her swear word, but she covered it well. “As you so eloquently put it-
“STOP making so much noise,” he growled, his voice a foreboding rumble that
lingered between them. “Stop banging things, stop talking, stop moving-
“I can do whatever the hell I want in my room,” Hermione argued, faltering when
he sidestepped the trunk and stalked towards her. She backed up against the wall and
raised her wand, but he didn’t cease his long strides. “Don’t come near me!”
“As if I would fucking touch you,” he growled, stopping only when the end of
her wand prodded his chest. “I would sooner die-
“Be my guest,” she retorted quickly. “It would be worth it-
“I’m warning you, Granger,” he sneered. “I refuse to put up with this! It’s like
having a dyspraxic Giant in the room!”
“Deal with it,” she snapped, adding more pressure to his chest with her wand,
although she would swear it only pushed her further against the wall. She quickly
tugged her robe a little tighter around herself, but if he’d noticed her post-shower
attire, he gave no indication whatsoever. Thank Merlin.
“I mean it, Granger,” he scowled. “Stop making noise or put a silencing spell
on my room-
“As if I would waste my magic to accommodate you-
“Then shut the fuck up!” he yelled, slamming his fist into the wall beside her head.
The castle’s magic ensured there would be minimal damage, just a small dent, but the
vibrations of the hit skimmed across the shell of her ear and roused a reluctant shiver.
“I need rest! And I can’t get any if you won’t shut your Mudblood mouth!”
She drew her free hand back with the intention of hammering it into his creamy
face, but maybe she was getting too predictable. Her angry eyes shifted to the long
fingers tight around her wrist and she felt her blood bubble like sun-stimulated acid.
“Let go of me-
“You’ve reached your punch quota for now,” he told her quietly. Too quiet.
“You’re going to have to wait another four years-
“Let go of my arm,” she advised, biting out each syllable. “Or I swear I will-
“You’ll what?” he challenged, tightening his hold and thrusting her hand against
the wall, right next to the dent his fist had left.
Her next move was instinctive and quick, and her wand was at his throat, stab-
bing the space between his Adam’s apple and a vein that spasmed with his rage. Her
eyes locked onto his defiantly, daring him to goad her further. Hermione didn’t
doubt for a second that she would hex him to Hogsmead and back if he continued
to tease her fragile temper, but his iron-grey eyes barely flickered, and the grip on
her wrist remained firm.
“Go ahead, Granger.”
And it was his confidence that rattled her the most; that stirred her magic to
pour out of her wand and scorch his skin.
“You fucking bitch!” he shouted, stumbling back and clutching the fresh burn
on his neck. “You’ll pay for that-
“I’ve had enough of you,” she told him, her wand still trained on the blond. “Go
back to your room and get some sleep-
“Don’t you even try to boss me around you filthy-
“I’m going out,” Hermione explained steadily, even if her anger was begging to
skip into her words. “So you will have a good few hours undisturbed sleep. I suggest
you make the most of them-
“Then piss off already,” he grumbled, turning his back to her and heading to
his room.
Another door slammed, and she allowed herself to grimace this time.
She needed to get out. The living room was tainted with new and uninvited
scents, and she felt like a hunted badger being smoked out of her set. She tore her
gaze away from his door and rushed to her bedroom, changing as quick as she phys-
ically could. Fully dressed in her jeans and a comfortable jumper to fight the cold,
she swiftly left her Head Girl dorm and started for the Library.
The walk was so much longer than she remembered, and the students that were
littered sparsely in the corridors were watching her. She would swear it. But they
couldn’t know about her vile houseguest...could they? Their lingering stares said
otherwise and she quickened her paranoid steps until she was racing with burning
thighs and slapping footfalls. And then she smacked straight into a tall wall of flesh,
but at least it was polite enough to catch her before she fell.
“Neville,” she gasped, regaining her balance on his outstretched arms. “Oh,
thank God-
“Hermione,” he breathed with evident concern. “Are you alright? You-
“I’m fine,” she rushed, tucking a stray curl away with trembling fingers. “I’m
sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was-
“You’re really pale,” Neville commented. “Are you ill or something?”
“No, not ill,” she shook her head, offering him a false smile. “I just haven’t had
any breakfast yet.”
“We haven’t seen you in ages,” he told her, and she realised then just how much
he’d matured. “Ginny and Luna were saying they missed you yesterday and-
“I know I’ve been rubbish recently,” she sighed, her eyes downcast. “I’m sorry,
I’ve just been trying to help Harry and Ron-
“You need a break, Hermione,” he told her. “Its not good for you, and you really
do look ill. Just come and meet us for dinner later?”
She was too tired to protest. “Alright,” she mumbled, earning a pleased smile
from her friend. “I’ll meet you in the Great Hall later.”
She slipped past him without waiting for a reply and continued her urgent pur-
suit for the library, shuddering when a hungry growl of thunder shimmied along
the corridors. But it was okay; she could see her target now. She threw herself
against the doors and savoured a deep breath to still her jittery chest.
Her cider-tinted gaze flickered around the empty chairs and abandoned desks,
instinctively knowing that the vast space was only hers yet again. Even Madam
Pince had spent less and less time amongst her precious books and tomes, instead
passing most of her time with the professors.
Company could do that for some people; distract from the fear and grief.
She supposed that most people found it more appropriate to enjoy the company
of loved ones instead or preparing for exams that might never come to pass. Per-
haps even she would have snubbed her favourite hobby if she could actually see any
of her loved ones. But she couldn’t...
Hermione went straight to her usual table, right at the back in the restricted
section. Her desk was tucked away amongst the seldom-used bookshelves, with the
perfect amount of seclusion for her to toss aside her troubling notions and swim
away with the paragraphs. This was her sanctuary.
Lost with the seductive ink-kissed pages, she could forget almost anything.
She Accio’d her most recent text on Horcruxes and started to read, praying that
Malfoy’s sneering features would be erased from her mind. At least, for a little while.
Draco dragged the trunk into his room and quickly examined the contents with
a critical eye. Well, it could have been substantially worse. While the clothes con-
sisted of items he would have never picked himself, at lest there were no horrid
hints of red or gold amongst the fabrics. There were a few pairs of black trousers,
some white and black shirts and then three or four polo-jumpers in black and grey
too. At the bottom of the chest were some simple vests and a set of standard wiz-
arding robes, accompanied with some black shoes, socks and extra underwear.
It was more than he’d expected, but less than he’d hoped for.
With a bitter grunt, he started to organise them in the provided wardrobe the
Muggle way. Merlin, he missed his wand. McGonagall may as well have ripped off
one of his limbs, the sodding cow.
His wand had managed to keep him occupied when he’d been confined to the
shed with Snape; whether he’d simply stretched the extent of his conjuring and
transfiguration skills or practised new spells, it had always encouraged time to go
that little bit quicker. And now that scraggly old hag had confiscated the only thing
he could use to divert himself from hollow hours of nothingness.
He changed his clothes and simply sat on his bed for Merlin knew how long,
trying to think of something to do.
He was no idiot; he knew that his inactivity and the imprisonment would do
damaging things to him. His sleeping pattern was already buggered, and it was only
a matter of time before his mind would start to close in on itself. He’d read the
countless stories of foolish wizards who had locked themselves in closets and even-
tually gone insane after staring at the same four walls and having nothing to do.
He needed a deterrent; something to concentrate on and provide him with a
goal, not matter how insignificant it seemed.
Draco headed into the main area of the dorm and steered himself toward the
small kitchenette, pointlessly plucking open the cabinets. They were full of the ex-
pected products, but he had no idea how to prepare them without his magic.
He settled on two green apples and slowly scanned his surroundings, his stormy
eyes settling on a set of shelves practically buckling under the weight of various
books. He stared at them for a long minute, rationalising that reading would be an
ideal way to keep him engaged.
But no. They were the Mudblood’s. He didn’t want to touch her things if he
could help it.
He continued to study the room as he gnawed away at the ripe fruit, and ab-
sently started counting.
“NO!” the witch yelled, her chest inflating as she drew in a seething breath. “I
made it very clear that I would NOT waste my magic on you!”
“Yes, you will,” he responded calmly, taking a few strides and effectively circling
her. “I shouldn’t have to listen to you-
“Well, tough luck,” she snapped, slamming her palms against the counter between
them. “This is MY room! I shouldn’t have to listen to you, or even look at you!”
“Tough luck,” Draco echoed, a crease slicing across his forehead with impa-
tience. “Take it up with the old bitch and do us both a favour-
“Shut up!” she shouted, scrunching her eyes closed and quaking with her anger
now. “Just stay out of my way, Malfoy-
“And how the fuck am I supposed to do that?” he fired back. “In case you haven’t
noticed, I can’t leave your little shitty dorm and it’s hardly the most spacious room.”
Her glare flickered with the glaze of oncoming tears, but she fought them away
before he could notice. “Then just stay in your room-
“No,” he interrupted arrogantly, placing his own hands on the counter and bring-
ing his face to her level. “No, I find watching you squirm too amusing, Mudblood-
“Do you honestly think that silly little word bothers me any more?” she ques-
tioned with lowered eyebrows. “Do you really believe I care what you think?”
“I think you care a lot about how people perceive you-
“You are not people!” she barked, smacking her palms down on the surface
again. “You are just...You’re just-
“Go on, Granger,” he encouraged, his voice deceptively inviting. “How exactly
do you feel about me? I’m curious.”
She paused and panted out a couple of hot breaths as her glare roved over his sharp
and expectant face. His pebble-grey eyes were as hard as quartz; cold and illegible. They
didn’t waver, just waited for her answer. He wanted to know? Fine, it had been writhing
under her skin for longer than he could comprehend and she could stand.
“You’re the most spoilt and selfish person I’ve ever known,” she told him qui-
etly, annunciating each tangy syllable. “You have done nothing in your entire life
but bully people and you wouldn’t know a real friend if they slapped you in the face,
because you’re too busy looking down at everyone to give a shit-
He snorted. “I’ll have you know-
“I’m not finished!” she spat, aiming her wand at him for good measure. “For
years you have just managed to avoid becoming exactly like your father; evil-
“You will not talk about my father!” he shouted, too enraged to consider the
wand by his chest. “You have no FUCKING right-
“You wanted my opinion!” she retorted. “I always knew you were a vile little
bastard, but I never thought you would become so twisted that you would become
a Death Eater! Harry knew! Tried to tell us, but no! For some stupid reason, I
thought you had a small dose of decency left in you, and I was so wrong-
“First time for-
“And you turned into what everyone expected,” she ignored him, pulling away
and pacing a few angry steps to the side. “Follower to Voldemort and pathetic ex-
cuse for a human, because you couldn’t even do that right!”
He growled. There it was, being shoved in his face again; his failure. “Are you
quite done?”
She sent him a fierce scowl, and he noted it was so much more intense than any look
she’d ever dared to flash him before. Good. Getting her all riled up was bloody hilarious.
“You are sick and spiteful,” she hissed, feeling her magic crackle between them
as she tried to steady her sparking emotions. “And you always will be, and I find
that very sad. You want to know know what I feel for you? Pity. That you could
allow yourself to become what you are.”
Another guttural rumble quivered at the back on his throat. “Predictable as ever,
Granger,” he slurred. “Always convinced there’s good in everyone-
“Not everyone,” she hushed him, and she almost sounded forlorn. “Not you.
Not any more.”
“Well, at least you’re learning not to set yourself up for disappointment,” he
shrugged his bored shoulders, cocking an eyebrow when she took some more steps
away from him. “Where are you going?”
“Bed,” she muttered, sparing him another golden-spiced glare. “I am done with this-
“Hold on now,” he protested, marching to block her exit. “It’s my turn-
“I thought I made it very clear,” she mumbled past tense lips. “That I didn’t care
about your opinion of me-
“I didn’t care about your opinion of me,” he said slowly straightening his back
to loom over her.
“But you asked-
“Because I thought it would be amusing,” he revealed, indulging in a cruel
smirk. “And I was right-
“I know how you feel about me,” she argued, trying her hardest to act noncha-
lant. “Mudblood this, bookworm that. You’re rather predictable yourself, Malfoy-
“I may surprise you.”
Merlin curse her curiosity for shrouding her commonsense for the umpteenth
time. “Fine,” she grumbled, eyeing him warily and tightening the fingers coiled
around her wand. “How do you feel about me, Malfoy?”
“You repulse me,” he sneered with sudden hostility. “The fact that we have to
breathe the same air makes me want to vomit. You’re disgusting; a rancid smear
across the Wizarding World. You don’t deserve your magic-
“Repetitive nonsense,” she forced her eyes to roll. “I’m going to bed. Move, or
I’ll make you-
“I’m just building up,” he promised darkly, and something untamed and severe
flared behind his stony eyes. She shifted her feet but refused to look away. Needed
to keep eye-contact. Control.
“I don’t-
“You know you don’t deserve your magic,” he continued, baring his ivory teeth
in an accusing snarl. “And that’s why you work so hard, isn’t it? That’s why you
spend all your pathetic time studying-
“I happen to like reading-
“But you feel the need to prove yourself,” Draco silenced her with a confident
and condescending tone. “Because you know your magic isn’t rightfully yours.”
Uncertainty mingled with honey, and he relished his victorious grin. “Because you
know you’re inferior.”
Her lip twitched. His smirk stretched.
“And that’s why it still kills you when I call you Mudblood,” he finished with
delicious smugness, bobbing his head with a proud nod. He could see that
Gryffindor tenacity fighting to control her tongue, so he stepped aside and headed
for is bedroom door, satisfied that she was suitably rattled. Well, at least the revolt-
ing Muggle-spawn had successfully managed to provide some entertainment for
this dull-as-dust day.
His fingers had just grazed the brass of the door-handle when there was hot
push against his spine, propelling him forward. He smacked head-first into the ad-
jacent wall and released a grunt of discomfort as he slid down the cold surface. The
impact was still buzzing across his skin, but he knew the pain would replace it
within a heartbeat or hum of breath.
He raised his head with every intention of charging Granger and smacking her
into the wall, but he barely caught her blurred shape ghost into her room, before
the shrill bite of a blunt door deafened him for a moment. The pain subsided after
a few seconds; just a little bump to his head and an ache in his back. He quickly
gathered himself to his feet and his eyes did a slow scan of the room, his dilated
pupils focussing on the bookshelves again.
Ah yes, his previous distraction before the Mudblood had returned.
He had always been good with numbers, and had decided that counting would
be the thing to keep him sane.
Granger had one-hundred and one books in her sitting room; fifty-six of which
were black, forty red, three blue and two green. Across all the spines were a total of
four-hundred-and-sixty words, excluding the authors’ names. He had double-
checked this and stored the information away in his head, and Draco’s stare recom-
menced roaming around the room; searching for his next counting project for to-
morrow. His next sanity-preserving task.
But his eyes automatically fell to her door, and he felt the rage bristle along the
fine hairs coating his body and sink into his pores. Entertaining or not, the girl
made his temper churn. He would find something else to count tomorrow.
Hermione slumped against the door and hastily murmured the silencing
charms before she released a gargled sob. Dear Merlin, she hated him. Hated him!
She roughly smudged away her treacherous tears and stumbled on shaky legs as she
made her way to her bed.
She was denied a blink of sleep all night, and the witch’s anger at the slimy
Slytherin niggled at her until the birds came with the navy morning. She despised
the birds.
And that was day one.
the back of his brain was telling him he’d already woken up once today. If it still
even was today.
Yes, he’d definitely already woken. He could sense the whispers of recollection
blowing across his nerve endings. It had been the Mudblood to rouse him again,
with her sodding shower and clumsy footfalls. He remembered mumbling a lus-
cious list of swear words into his mattress as he’d listened to her uncouth move-
ments, and he’d been four more obscenities away from marching in there with dan-
gerous intentions. But then a door had clicked closed and the sounds had stopped.
She’d gone. Thank fuck.
So the warmth and soothed him back to slumber. Back to the nightmares.
Leaving the bed, he slipped out of the room in search for something to do, and
something to eat. He helped himself to a glass of milk and some cereal that Granger
must have left out, reminding himself that he really needed to learn some wandless
cooking skills if he ever wanted a warm meal here. Asking Granger was obviously
out of the question.
He poured himself a second bowl of breakfast as his eyes settled on the clock,
and he released an agitated breath. It wasn’t even morning it all; not breakfast. It
was almost three in the afternoon; the official sign that a normal sleeping pattern
was lost with his wand. With his pride.
His eyes went to the main door, and while he knew it was inevitably pointless,
he set his bowl of cereal down and decided he would test it. The second his fingers
grazed the handle, sparks shot up the length of his arm; crackling in his veins like
spitting flames.
“Shit,” he cursed, eyeing the red sting crowning his fingertips. With a resigned
breath, he went back to the kitchenette and turned on the tap to soothe his buzzing
skin with some cold water.
Then his eyes fell to the kitchenette’s tiles. And he started to count.
Needed to do something...Needed to keep busy...
“You’re very quiet,” Neville frowned, giving her a long look. “Are you okay,
Her mouth somehow moulded into a too-bold smile. “I’m fine,” she assured
him smoothly, running her hands over her strategically-placed textbook. “I have an
Arithmacy essay due and I’m just trying to think.”
It wasn’t technically a lie, but she’d completed her essay four days ago. She’d
anticipated a few awkward silences between her and her friends when she’d agreed
to dinner in the Great Hall, and had purposefully brought something that she could
divert her attention to. Who would bother disputing her need to study?
Seamus, Dean, Ginny, and Luna had been evidently surprised when she had
entered the Great Hall with Neville, but had all futilely done their best to involve
her anyway. She was grateful for their efforts. Really, she was, but the conversation
was awkward enough between the other four Gryffindors and Ravenclaw without
her input. Everyone just skimmed over the subject of war; of Voldemort, and that
annoyed her. But she’d desired company that morning; people who she understood
and could safely call friends. After all, it wasn’t anyone’s fault that times of turbu-
lence could strain relationships, and it felt normal to sit with them.
So, she’d simply nodded and offered them one-word answers, scribbling down
an occasional annotation for effect.
“Nobody else is putting any effort into their essays,” Neville mumbled quietly,
and the others didn’t pause their conversation about Qudditch if they heard him.
“I guess everyone thinks it’s a little pointless at the moment, but I know how you
are with your studies so I shouldn’t be surprised.”
She genuinely adored Neville and his clumsy sincerity. He was so endearing it
made her heart ache sometimes, and she knew she wouldn’t have agreed to meet
the others if he hadn’t been here.
“It helps to be distracted,” she offered with a meek shrug.
He gave her a small nod of understanding before Seamus mentioned his name
and dragged him back to their discussion on...Oh, hell, she didn’t even know what
they were on about. She pretended to go back to the chart-decorated pages, but
found her sleepy gaze steering over to the Slytherin table.
It was empty, of course.
Of the two-hundred-and-fifty odd students that had returned to Hogwarts, only
thirty-two bore the green tie. All were fourth years or younger and had taken to
dining and socialising with the other houses in small groups. None of them wanted
to be associated with the stereotypes of their house, and had done everything to
avoid association with the snake emblem. As far as she knew, they didn’t even sleep
in the dungeons, and had taken up in the many spare beds cluttered around the
various dorms.
It was sad really.
They were so desperate to avoid assumptions and bad impressions, even though
their presence at Hogwarts alone was proof enough that they didn’t agree with
Voldemort’s views. They were just like everyone else; hoping for safety and praying
for it all to end.
She hated Malfoy just that little bit more then, for being so fickle and conform-
ing to the stereotypes that came with Salazar’s legacy, and her stare waltzed up the
table to land at the spot she’d last seen him sit.
She remembered how awful he’d looked during sixth year and scolded herself
for being so naïve to the signs of what had been coming. She could remember her
comments to Harry about him, and how she’d almost sounded concerned. How
could she have been so blind?
“Hermione,” a soft feminine voice pulled her back to the present, and she turned
to face Luna. “You okay there? You looked a little distant.”
She fought hard not to squint at the irony-laced comment. “I’m fine, Luna,” she
sighed, gesturing to her book. “Just having a bit of difficulty focussing on this. I
think I might head up to the library.”
“Already?” Ginny frowned, and Hermione noted her concern was genuine.
“You’ve barely touched your food.”
The brunette glanced down at her half-nibbled Sunday Roast. “I’m not that
hungry,” she shrugged, pushing her plate aside. “I had quite a big breakfast.”
She could see their reluctance to believe her, and she couldn’t blame them. She
knew she’d lost some weight since Harry and Ron had left, but it wasn’t so much
that she was starving herself, or really eating less food at all; she just ate at abnormal
times. It was the insomnia again. Maybe she should take up Slughorn on his Dream-
less Sleep Potion offer.
“Do you want some company in the library?” Neville offered earnestly. “I guess
I could work on my Herbology essay.”
“No, that’s fine,” she shook her head, rising from the table. “I know you don’t
like the library and you haven’t finished your dinner.”
“I might pop up later then,” he compromised, spearing another sprout with his
fork. “It was nice to see you though, Hermione.”
“It really was,” Ginny nodded, accompanied by a hum of agreement from Sea-
mus and Dean. “Will you come see us tomorrow?”
“I’ll try,” she breathed quietly, giving her fellow lions and the blonde eagle a soft
smile. “It was nice to see you all too.”
She gathered her belongings and turned to leave with a delicate wave in their di-
rection. She could already hear their hushed tones fluttering amongst the Great Hall
as she left, all discussing how bad she looked, no doubt. They would talk about the
dark smudges under her bloodshot eyes and how her skin had turned a shade paler.
Nothing vicious or remotely backstabbing. Just the truth. Just words of worry.
Perhaps she would have felt guilty if her body could accommodate any more
negative emotions.
But it couldn’t. Thoughts of Malfoy had pretty much filled her to the brim with
spicy notions, and combined with a lot of loneliness and a dash of despair, she just
didn’t have the room.
The hope was still there though; just a flicker of optimism about the size of her
heart that refused to perish. She clung to it desperately sometimes, and then cursed
it the next moment. It was what kept her going and encouraged her late-night en-
deavours to read everything about Horcruxes, and also what lead her to continue
Order training with McGonagall.
Yes, it was there. It just went missing sometimes...
The library was alive for a change. A few third years were crowded around a
table discussing some Potions homework, and another desk was full with a set of
fourth years. Madam Pince was tucked away in her usual spot too, with her beak
stuck in a book and her narrow stare peering over the pages to watch the students.
Hermione offered the sullen librarian a nod which wasn’t reciprocated, before she
looked back around the space with unsure eyes.
She spotted another batch of pupils behind a bookcase and decided the library
was too busy for her liking. She needed solitude. She headed to the restricted section
and plucked two of the books she needed from the shelf and decided she couldn’t stay
here if she wanted to read in peace. She slipped the weighty texts in her bag and con-
templated going outside, but the weather was hardly suitable for a reading session.
She just wanted to go back to her room and curl up on the couch with a hot
chocolate and literature for company.
But he was there.
Her brow creased with determination. Well, she was not going to be exiled from
her own room because of that bastard. She refused. Why should she have to alter
her routine just because of Malfoy? If the slimy prat played up, she could just lock
him in his bedroom. She cast a quick concealment charm on the books as she left
the library, her intelligence warning her that it wasn’t wise for him to know the
subject of her interest. If the little swine found out and somehow managed to es-
cape, no doubt he would go skipping back to Voldemort, expecting a pat on the
head for foiling Harry and Ron’s plans.
Her strides back to her dorm were bold and purposeful, building her up with
adrenaline to ready her for a confrontation. Mumbling the password to the main
door, ad lucem, she shoved open the door harder than necessary and her eyes found
him instantly. Whatever she had expected to find him doing, this wasn’t it.
He was perched on the counter separating the living space from her kitchenette
with his hands braced at his sides. His shoulders were relaxed and his head slightly
tilted to the side as he absently tapped one of his fingers against the mahogany sur-
face. He hadn’t noticed her, even after she had closed the door with a silent tug and
taken some small steps into the room.
She craned her neck so she could catch the right side of his face, realising that
his familiar scowl was still in place, darkening his features. She wondered briefly
how his agitated expression could be so permanent, but then realised that her
mouth had scarcely risen at the corners for several weeks. His scowl wasn’t neces-
sarily angry though, more concentrated than anything else.
Hermione peered a little closer, like he was a rare and dangerous bird that she
had simply stumbled across. She followed his steadfast glare to nothing but the wall
of white tiles. Her lips parted with a look of irritated confusion.
What the...
“What the hell are you doing?” she questioned sharply, watching as he flinched
in surprise and snapped his head to look at her. Ah, there was the anger. Clearly she
had disturbed him in some way, and he was furious about it. Her amber eyes flick-
ered to the tiles again to see if she had missed something, but there wasn’t so much
as a blemish against the ivory ceramic.
“Bloody hell, Granger!” he roared, hopping off the wooden top with fluid move-
ments. “I’ve lost count now, you stupid-
“Count?” she repeated, instinctively laying a hand over her pocketed wand. He didn’t
near her like she’d expected; just shifted his weight between his legs and regarded her
impatiently about fieen feet away. He still felt too close though. “What were you-
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he snapped quickly.
“I live here,” she hissed, crossing to the sofa and dropping her heavy bag. “And
I have some work to do, so leave me alone-
“And where exactly would you have me go?” he countered, folding his arms
over his chest. He rolled his shoulders like he was preparing for a brawl, and she
could see his muscles rhythmically fluctuate under the grey polo neck.
“I really couldn’t care less,” she answered crisply. “Go yo your room-
“Why should I?” Draco growled, eyeing her with a calculating glare. “You can
come and go as you please, so you should go somewhere else-
“This is my room, Malfoy!” she yelled, balling her fists defiantly. “You’re just
here because the Order feels sorry for you!”
He snarled. “I’m here because you bloody morons can’t mind your own busi-
ness!” he shouted. “Always sticking your noses in and thinking you’re helping-
“We are helping you!”
“Well, I don’t WANT you’re fucking help!” Draco screamed, his tone loud and
reverberating amongst the dorm’s antique acoustics. “I NEVER wanted your help-
“Well, you’ve got it,” she interrupted calmly, unable to help the haughtiness to
her voice. “So stop complaining like the spoilt brat you are and-
“Piss off-
“I’m waiting for you to piss off,” the witch retorted. “I need to do some work-
“Why don’t you go into your room?” he asked snidely, taking a long stride to-
wards her. “Or better yet, sod off to the Tower with the rest of your dickhead friends-
“Because I shouldn’t have to-
“Why do you Gryffindors always insist on making things more difficult?” he
questioned, completely serious. “You’re always chasing trouble and it’s so bloody
stupid, and then you wonder why people are always trying to kill you-
“I can understand that you would find it difficult to understand,” Hermione
said slowly, lifting her chin. “That we’re brave enough to stand up for what we-
“Don’t patronise me, Granger,” he rolled his eyes. “Bravery, my arse. You and
those feckless idiots crossed the line into stupidity a long time ago-
“Don’t you dare call me stupid,” she scowled, removing her hand from her
pocket to point a scolding finger in his direction. “I am not-
“Very well,” he mumbled, taking her back for a second. “You might have some
brain cells to rub together, but the Orphan and the Pauper are just bloody useless-
“Don’t call them-
“And there’s a lot to be said about your shoddy little group,” he continued, taking
another stride towards her. “When it’s the sodding Mudblood who has the brains!”
The Muggle instinct coasting through her blood goaded her to reach for the
mug on the table and hurl it in his direction. And she threw it hard; harder than she
had probably thrown anything in her life. But he dodged it. Bastard. She watched it
shatter against the wall behind him. Pretty white china raining down with a few
splinters of wood. She snapped her fire-gold eyes back to him, vibrating with unin-
hibited anger when she saw the amusement tugging at his features.
“I won’t tell you again, Malfoy,” she spat, reining in her stormy impulses to hex
him here and now. “Go to your room and let me get on with my work-
“Touch a nerve there, Granger?” he drawled smugly. “Was it the Mudblood, or
my comment about the twat twins?”
“Stop calling them-
“Why don’t you go and irritate them with your presence?” he questioned with
a flippant wave.
“Shut up, Malfoy!”
“No, I’m bloody serious,” he insisted, a little intrigued when he noticed her lips
twitch. “Why the hell don’t you bother Potter and Weasley instead of me-
“Because they’re not bloody here!” Hermione blurted, knowing it probably
wasn’t the wisest thing to tell him. She instantly saw his smirk stretch and resented
the boys just that little fraction more for leaving her here. With him. “They’re not
here,” she repeated in a calmer tone, willing herself to keep her wits about her.
“Where are-
“As if I would tell you,” she scoffed. “Just leave me, Malfoy, before I-
“This is classic,” he chuckled, licking his lips as though he could actually taste
her frustration. Apparently it was delicious. “This certainly explains a lot.”
She lowered her brow. “What are you talking about?”
“Why your face looks like a smacked arse all the time,” he told her simply, near-
ing her again with a winning swagger. “Why you look ready to slit your wrists-
Too far. “Don’t be ridiculous-
“The Golden Trio separated,” he mused, more to himself. “That must hurt, Granger.
Knowing that the only two people who can actually stand you have up and left-
“At least I have friends-
“But they’re not here, are they?” he reminded her with a telling click of his
tongue. “Must be a bugger not being able to get your leg over Weasley any more.”
She sputtered but drew in her mortification with a quick breath. Ron was...Ron
was her friend. Nothing more. She had hoped for more and sacrificed her inno-
cence to him before he’d left with Harry. I had been...uncomfortable, and he hadn’t
particularly handled it well, and it had been made painfully clear to her that a rela-
tionship with him was off her cards, although some of those pesky romantic feelings
towards him seemed to linger. Maybe after all the drama of the War had settled...
“Ron and I are none of your business,” she muttered defiantly, realising she had
probably remained silent too long. “Stop being such a-
“Perhaps you prefer Potter then?” he accused with a disgusted snort. “Merlin,
you three are pathetic.”
She wanted another shot with the mug. But no. She wanted an advantage that
didn’t rely on her skills as a witch.
He was closer now, and she noticed briefly that he smelled of orchards and sleep.
His actions were too graceful and fluent, like he had planned this all meticulously,
with her humiliation as his goal. Her fingers flexed with the desire to wrap around
her wand, but she wanted to deal with him without magic if she could. She couldn’t
very well curse him every time they argued; even it was a ridiculously enticing prospect.
She was a clever girl and quick with her tongue; she could handle him. She could.
She needed a new approach, so she placed her hands on her hips and attempted
to mirror his cockiness. Fair enough, he knew what made her temper tremble, but
he had his weaknesses too...
“It must be difficult for you, Malfoy,” she said smoothly, pleased when he
cocked an eyebrow with curiosity. “Watching the people you deem inferior doing
so much better than you-
“What are you-
“Harry with his Quidditch,” she listed proudly, withdrawing her wand and toy-
ing with it between her nimble fingers. “Me with my grades-
“Are you implying I’m jealous, Granger?” he questioned sharply, his voice a re-
pulsed rumble in his throat. “Because I would rather-
“It would certainly explain a lot,” she reasoned casually, as though she was de-
bating her homework with a friend. She tapped her wand coolly against her palm;
nothing offensive, just a little gesture to remind him that she had magic on her side.
“All hatred stems from something. I mean, we have managed to accomplish a fair
bit in the last six years-
“Fucking, well done to you-
“And as far as I can recall,” she carried on, ignoring his sarcastic hiss with ease.
“You have yet to do anything particularly...interesting with your life, Malfoy-
“Shut it, Granger-
“And anything you’ve tried to do,” Hermione pushed, unable to stop herself now
that impending victory was warming her bones. “You have always failed miserably-
“Shut your-
“I remember the time in second year,” she went on, rubbing her chin in an al-
most pensive way. “When you fell off your broom and lost the Quidditch game to
Harry. Wasn’t your father there?”
He snarled and went to grab her, but when she flicked her wand towards him,
he halted. “I warned you not to discus my father-
“And I bet he wasn’t too pleased when he found out your grades were second to
a Mudblood,” she said, noting that his scowl hardened when she used the deroga-
tory term for herself.
“Don’t talk about my father,” he repeated, his voice low.
But she faltered when she noticed it wasn’t particularly threatening; more irri-
tated and perhaps a little...wounded? That was unsettling.
“Then don’t talk about my friends,” she murmured finally, watching his jaw
clench as an unvoiced agreement was passed between them. He looked a little more
human then, and she wanted to punch him again. “Are you going to leave me in
peace, or do I have to put you in the room myself?”
He growled, but to her utter surprise and bafflement, he actually moved away
from her with a couple of backward strides. His raincloud stare didn’t leave her
though, just stabbed her like he was trying to melt her away through will alone.
“When I get out of this shit-pit,” he started with a dark murmur, just before he
reached his door. “And I get my wand back, I’m coming straight for you, Granger.”
“I’m sure you will,” she nodded with trained indifference.
His eyes swept up and down her with a swift swish of his tar-puddle pupils. And
then, almost in a blur, he was out of her sight, with only the expected loud crash of
the door to split her ears. She stared at it with slightly widened eyes and chewed at
her bottom lip with a proud grin yanking the corners of her mouth.
She had done it. She had managed to get him to leave her alone without using magic.
Hermione fell back into the couch and felt a proud giggle shimmy up her windpipe. She
had beaten him, despite her earlier troubles when he had decided to bring the boys
into the argument. She’d had the last word. She’d gotten what she wanted.
And while she didn’t realise it, she allowed herself a smile that wasn’t forced for
the first time since she had waved goodbye to Harry and Ron. And that had been
almost four weeks ago.
Back in the small space, he would swear the four walls had shifted slightly. The
room definitely felt smaller, and it made the beginnings of a cool sweat lick his
forehead. He had half a mind to charge back in the sitting area and start screaming
at her again, but then what would it accomplish? All she would do was abuse her
magic, and he would end up back where he was, but probably in a bit of pain to
make his day just that little bit more dismal.
He covered his face with his palms and dragged his scratching fingers through
his hair.
He’d never felt so degraded in his seventeen years. When had his life deterio-
rated so much that he had landed here? Supervised like a pissing child by the Mug-
gle-spawn scum. Trying to avoid becoming one of those sanity-drained freaks that
mumbled nonsense to themselves when the walls had gotten too close.
But, it could have been worse, he mused. It could have been the Weasel. That
would have definitely ended in bloodshed by now. At least Granger wasn’t a brain-
less prick and could actually back up her arguments.
He went to the bed and slumped into the fabrics, resting his elbows against his
knees and staring at the withered floorboards. His eyes shifted to the bedside table
and he opened the drawer, peering inside to find only a discarded quill and a
Gryffindor tie.
Perhaps he could use it to hang himself with when he’d finally gone insane in
this place. When the walls...
He snatched up the quill and waltzed his fingers up the silky feather strands. He
glanced back to the drawer to check if there was any ink or parchment, but there wasn’t.
So, he leaned back on his bed and brought the nib to the mahogany headboard.
He sliced at the dark wood and carved an M and a G, and then dissected the
letters with a defined line between them.
M for Malfoy. G for Granger.
He would have put M for Mudblood if his surname didn’t start with the same letter.
Alright, he would admit that she had won this argument, but he had certainly
won yesterday’s. It only seemed rational to keep score, and it was something else to
feed his habit for counting. He scrawled a short line under each letter to indicate
their respective scores and made a silent vow that she wouldn’t get any more marks
for the duration of his stay.
Then his eyes went back to the floor, and he started to count. First the boards,
then the cracks in between.
Ready to drill her brain with insults and complaints, and it was starting to suck the
life out of her. She would finish her lessons and return to the Head Girl dorm to
complete her homework, knowing the library would be too packed until about eight
in the evening, and he was always there. Just waiting; his tongue damp and prepared
to goad her into arguments that could last for minutes or hours, depending entirely
on how stubborn they both were.
It was always the same scornful words.
Sometimes they hurt, and sometimes not so much. She was slowly developing
an immunity to them, but every now and then he’d throw something new at her,
and it would completely shake her. Then again, she gave as good as she got. They
were pretty evenly matched, she figured, but after a week of pulsing headaches and
his voice thundering in her ears, she’d had enough.
On the eighth day of his stay – a Friday – during her Arithmacy lesson, Hermi-
one had an epiphany, and it came in her mother’s voice.
Nothing annoys a bully more than if you don’t react. Or better yet, be nice to them.
She had never really paid much attention to those silly little bits of advice that
parents gave, as more often than not they did nothing beneficial, but this she could
use. Malfoy was clearly baiting her because he bored, and if she refused to
acknowledge him, or simply play nice, it would do his head in. And if he got too
aggravated, she could just lock him in his room until he’d calmed down.
She’d never treasured her wand so much.
Just two more lessons and she would be finished for the day. And he would be
there. Waiting. And she would ignore him. No matter how much he wound her up,
she would not react.
She would not react in the way he wanted.
Just Potions and Herbology to go, and she could test her little theory on the
smarmy git.
There were four-hundred-and-five tiles between the kitchenette and the bath-
room. All white, and fifty-six had cracks in them. It had taken him three days to con-
firm that, what with Granger’s bloody interruption and his need to double-check.
He’d gone back to the floorboards then. There were ninety-seven all together,
thirty-eight in his room and then he had added all the others in the dorm together
too. That was excluding Granger’s room, of course. He’d tried to break into her
quarters two days ago and had received the same burning sensation he’d had from
the main door.
Scolded fingertips. Peachy.
He’d woken up at two today after a very tempestuous night. More nightmares,
and they were getting a lot worse. His eyes had automatically gone to his headboard
to study his artwork, just as they had done each morning beforehand. As it stood,
he had six marks, and Granger had five. According to his memory, and a reminder
that on some days they’d argued more than once, he guessed it was Friday.
He’d arrived on a Friday so that would make this his eighth day in hell.
At least he was managing to keep a track on time. Sort of...
It really would have been more sensible to mark the day on his headboard in-
stead of arguments tally. But sod it. He was winning, so it would stay as it was.
He left bed, changed, and went in search of something to do. To count. Just until
Granger got back and they could have their usual battle of wits.
Her scent was everywhere; clouding the atmosphere like a summer smog. That
tee-tree soap she used, a hint of summer rain, and what he had finally established
was cherry. Sweet with a bit of spice. Not entirely unpleasant; just bloody suffocat-
ing when he had to inhale it all day, everyday. Her aroma had even leaked into his
room, and was now permanently wedged somewhere between his sinuses and his
frontal lobe.
He couldn’t get away from it. From her. And it was dragging insanity into his
brain just that little bit quicker.
Making his way into the common area, he grabbed his usual bowl of cereal with
an apple and searched for something to count...But there was nothing.
So he simply stared at the clock, and watched the minutes tick by until she came
home at twenty to four, as she always did. Like clockwork. Her petite little frame
slipped into the room and he indulged in a cruel smirk.
Let the games begin.
“Afternoon Mudblood,” he greeted with bravado, not particularly bothered
when she didn’t react. It took her a while to get riled up to a level he relished. “And
how did our favourite bookworm Gryffin-bore find the lessons today?”
“Fine, thank you,” she responded evenly, taking her usual spot on the sofa.
He faltered. What, no ‘sod off, Malfoy’ today?
“I asked you a question-
“And I gave you an answer,” she replied calmly. Too calm.
“It wasn’t good enough,” he criticised, walking closer to her.
She shrugged. Just shrugged and removed some parchment to start on her
homework. The silent treatment, a challenge. Okay, he could play with that. She
would react eventually. She had to. He’d waited for the spark in her eyes and the
sharp retorts for over an hour. He wanted them. Thrived on them, actually.
“What the fuck is this?” he spat, snatching the parchment out of her fingers and
examining it critically. “You even write like a malformed Muggle. Can’t Mudbloods
manage decent handwriting?”
She still didn’t look at him, just plucked a book from her bag instead and started
to read. He tossed her homework to the side and growled at her.
“You’re not fooling me, Granger,” he said slowly, standing directly before her
and crossing his arms. “I know what you’re doing.”
“I’m reading,” she told him quietly, her cinnamon-glazed eyes trailing over
the inky pages.
“You know you want to shout at me, Granger,” he drawled, convinced he must
be teasing her impulse to claw at him with either fingernails or insults. “Or do I
have to bring up the twat who won’t die and his orange pet?”
His stony glare shifted to her ever-plump lips and waited for the customary
twitch of her mouth. When you were isolated to a room with only one person to
pass the time and observe, you noticed the telling signs, and Granger was a rather
fascinating specimen to read. All it took was a quick offensive slur about her two
‘special’ friends, and her lips would always twinge. Then her pupils would dilate
and an agitated flush would stain her cheeks before the witty comebacks would
tumble out of her mouth.
But there was no twitch today. No, her blossom-coloured mouth didn’t move
at all. She’d broken her routine. The routine he’d almost memorised. How dare she.
He grabbed the book too, and discarded it with a rough chuck behind him.
“Fucking look at me, Granger!” he demanded arrogantly, one whisper away
from stomping his foot. “Now!”
She slowly raised her honey gaze to him, but it was completely blank. Bored
even. Ignoring him was actually easier than she’d expected, but then she’d had
plenty of practice muffling out Harry and Ron’s Quidditch conversations. She took
this moment just to study his features as he ranted on about how filthy her blood
was; taking note of his china-doll skin. Odd though. Normally it suited him, but
she would swear it was almost turning grey.
...Will not be ignored by you!” he continued, but she really wasn’t paying atten-
tion. “Granger, I am bloody...
She shimmied her eyes up his face and noticed how drained he looked. Not
sleep-deprived though. More weak-limbed and glassy-eyed with failing energy. She
breathed in and he was close enough that she could smell him.
Apples and sleep. Always apples and sleep.
A thought crossed her mind and her lips parted with interest. She was on her
feet in a thud of his heart, brushing past him and heading to the small kitchen.
“Where the hell are you going?” she vaguely heard him demand. “I SAID where
are you bloody going?”
He was distant blur behind her as she started throwing open all the cabinet
doors and examined the contents, also trying to remember what she’d eaten in the
last few days. Merlin, how could she not have noticed this before?
“Hey!” he called, marching up behind her. “Mud-bitch! I asked you-
“What have you been eating?” Hermione questioned sharply, spinning around
to find him a little closer than she’d have liked.
He blinked with hot confusion. “What the-
“What have you been eating?” she repeated, harsher this time. “As far as I can
see, you haven’t touched any of the food except some apples and milk-
“What the fuck is it to you?”
“Is that all you’ve had?” she asked, finding herself horrified for some reason.
“Apples and milk?”
He hooded his eyes to mask his puzzlement and scowled at her odd behaviour.
Why exactly was she so offended by his eating habits? “And cereal,” he mumbled,
unsure what else he should say, but feeling an urge to defend himself.
“That’s it?” she frowned, releasing a sad sigh that he really despised. “Malfoy,
you can’t survive on that sort of diet-
“Why would-
“You’re becoming anaemic,” she continued, and he suddenly stepped back, as
though he’d just remembered that her muddy blood could be contagious. “And
you’re probably developing a protein deficiency-
“Does this boring lecture on anatomy have a point?” he snapped impatiently,
pretending to examine his fingernails.
“You need to eat more,” Hermione told him, realising that there was an unnerv-
ing hint of concern to her tone again. Curse the do-gooder gene in her system.
“Why haven’t you...
She trailed off as the reality dawned on her, and she analysed him as his features
scrunched up with a warning not to voice the comment at the tip of her tongue.
But, Gryffindor bravery and all that jazz aside, she was a stubborn witch.
“You don’t know how to cook without magic,” she surmised, eyes round and
voice a little quieter. “Do you?”
“Fuck off, Granger.”
That meant yes. Eight days with him and she already had a little built-in Malfoy
translator stashed away in her brain. There were new additions everyday, but ‘fuck
off, Granger’ was definitely code for ‘yes, and I will not admit it.’
“Why didn’t you say something?” the witch questioned carefully, tilting her
head to the side in a way that made Draco want to tear if off. “I could have-
“Could have what, Granger?” he sneered, taking a step so he was in her space
again. “Given me that stupid pitying look you have right now? Held it over my head-
“I wouldn’t have-
“I don’t want your help,” he told her with a cruel whisper. “Just leave it-
“I can’t,” she mumbled, and there was a slight apology to her tone. “You need to eat-
“It would serve your purpose to have me rot away in the corner!” Draco snarled,
towering over her so his fruity breath glided over her cheekbones. “Why do you
give a shit about-
“I just do!” she sputtered, making up for her lack of height with volume. “It’s
just the way I am-
“Sodding Gryffindors,” he grumbled, pulling away from her quickly with only
a disgusted glance to leave behind. She watched him closely as he disappeared be-
hind his door, and the October chill suddenly caught up with her.
Inside his room and away from her bloody concern, he slid down the door
and dropped his face into his sweaty palms. This was definitely a new low; sym-
pathised by her. And things had been different today, there had been a glitch in
the routine that he and her had accidentally stumbled into. The walls dragged a
little closer again.
He didn’t even bother getting up to place a mark on the headboard. As far as he
could tell, neither had won that argument.
He stayed in that defeated position for an hour or four, listening to Granger’s
movements and inhaling her unavoidable scent. He heard the main door close,
presumably with her exit, and he shakily rose to his feet, suddenly aware of how
lethargic his muscles were performing. He went back to the main area and some-
thing else filled the air.
Food. And it smelled bloody glorious.
He eyed the steaming pot of stew on the counter warily. She had blatantly left it
for him and his pride was trying to quash the rumbles in his stomach. But Merlin,
it smelled amazing, and the temptation was too strong.
There was enough for three people and he ate the whole thing. It was perfect.
And then he felt disorientated. There had been too many changes today and it
had thrown him for seven. They hadn’t screamed mindlessly at each other like they
normally did, and then with the whole food thing...
She’s screwing with your head.
And there was nothing left to count! Shit, shit, shit!
He needed to keep distracting himself or he would fall. His eyes shifted to her
books and decided it was his only option. Hell, he’d eaten food that a Mudblood
had prepared, how much more infected could he get if he read one of her books?
Selecting a simple-looking text on Potions that he had probably read before,
Draco began to read.
“Good, Miss Granger!” McGonagall praised, firing another hex towards the
younger witch. “Keep up the shield!”
Hermione could feel the sweat breaking out on her forehead and slithering
down her spine. The bicep of her wand arm was aching like torture, but she held
her defensive position. This was definitely the longest she had ever held a shield
charm and it was beginning to waver, much to her frustration.
Just a little more...
The headmistress shot out another spell, and it penetrated her protection. It
scolded her arm and she smacked to the floor with a disappointed grunt. She took
only a moment to catch her breath before she was jumping up to her feet. “Again,”
she panted, crouching back into position.
“That’s enough for today,” Minerva told her, lowering her wand. “It’s getting late-
“It’s a Saturday tomorrow,” she disputed. “Come on, just one more-
“You must learn to quit while you’re ahead, Miss Granger,” the greying woman
advised. “Anyway, I have some questions I would like to ask you.”
“About what?”
“Mr Malfoy,” she answered, as though it was obvious. “I thought you’d have a
lot to say about him, but you haven’t mentioned him once. Is everything okay? I
had expected you to ask me to remove him by now.”
“I think I’m handling it better than I thought I would,” Hermione explained
with a tired shrug. “I guess six years of putting up with his mouth has prepared me
rather well.”
“I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me,” the professor offered her a rare fond
smile. “So he has behaved?”
Hermione couldn’t stop her snort. “I think that’s going a little far,” she said.
“But I barely see him between my studies and my training with you. We fight a lot,
but it’s nothing I haven’t heard before and I can handle it.”
The older woman considered her for a second. “And has the fighting ever
tuned violent?”
“He’s tried to grab me a few times,” she remembered with narrowed eyes. “But
I have my wand so I can deal with it.”
“Good,” the older witch nodded, extending a hand. “Pass me your wand, Miss
Granger. I thought of a spell that might help. It’s sort of a Muggle-repelling charm
to burn the hand of anyone who tries to touch it.”
“But Malfoy’s not a Muggle?”
“I’m aware of that,” McGonagall frowned as she performed the silent spell, and
Hermione watched her wand glow green for a moment. “But he doesn’t have his
wand so it will work just as well. I’ll have to renew the spell every nine or ten days.”
“Thanks,” she mumbled as her wand was returned to her.
“And what about Mr Malfoy’s behaviour?” the headmistress continued. “Is he
having any odd turns?”
Hermione’s damp brow rippled with thought. “I...I don’t really know,” she
mumbled finally. “As I said, I don’t really-
“Well, I would like you to pay a little more attention to him from now on,” the
professor told her student with her familiar clinical voice.
The brunette blanched. “Why would I-
“That boy was imprisoned in a shack for the better part of five months,”
McGonagall explained slowly. “And now he has been forced to stay in your small
room. Confinement can do damaging things to the mind, Miss Granger, and I im-
agine he has been rather...troubled as it is-
“Well, that’s his own problem-
“I doubt dealing with an unstable Draco Malfoy will be beneficial for you,”
the witch stated wisely, gesturing for Hermione to follow her to the door. “And it
might do you well to remember that he was forced into his mission when you are
dealing with him.”
The young witch chewed her lip thoughtfully. She had known that it had never
been Malfoy’s idea to kill Dumbledore, and that he had been threatened with death
upon his failure. Harry had told her all this, somewhat begrudgingly after she had
asked him about what he’d heard that night, but it had never dimmed her hatred
for the Slytherin. Mourning Albus and preparing for war had gotten in the way of
trying to understand it...Trying to understand him...
She realised then that despite the certainty of Voldemort’s wrath, he had still
failed to murder Dumbledore, and it completely sobered her. He hadn’t done it,
even though his life had been threatened if he failed.
She shook her head and huffed as McGonagall led her down the corridor to-
wards the exit, and her stubborn breath fluttered down the passage.
No. It was irrelevant. So he wasn’t a killer; that didn’t dampen his other vile
qualities. He was still a vindictive bully and very much evil.
Nevertheless, something jerked in her head. Something close to the crux of in-
trigue, and she wondered if that was why she had bothered to leave him a warm
meal. She hadn’t really figured out where that act of kindness had come from yet.
“Professor,” she started reluctantly as they walked. “Why don’t you think he did it?”
Hermione couldn’t ever recall seeing the headmistress look hesitant or uncertain,
but she did at that moment. “I guess only Mr Malfoy knows that,” she said finally as
they reached the door and paused. “And perhaps the reason isn’t so important.”
“What do you mean?”
“Maybe the only important thing is that he didn’t do it,” McGonagall offered,
her thick accent rich with a wisdom and age that Hermione always found enlight-
ening. “And I would recommend that you focus on that for the rest of his stay.”
The teeth on her lower lip stabbed a little harder. “Alright,” she agreed. “I’ll
do my best.”
“And that’s all I ask,” the ageing witch said. “Would you like me to walk you to
your quarters?”
“I’ll be fine,” she dismissed, taking some steps to leave the headmistress behind.
“Goodnight, Professor.”
She took her time walking back to her room, considering exactly how she was
supposed to keep an eye on Malfoy when all she wanted to do was lock his door
and never see him again...Kind of...Her earlier thoughts about Dumbledore made
her question if the level of her disgust for him was justified. She would have to think
about that.
Hermione half expected Malfoy to be waiting for her; ready to pour the pot of
stew over her head for offending him in such a manner. She knew he’d view it as an
insult to his pureblood pride, but the guy needed to eat. End of.
If she suffered a stew-inflicted scold for her naïve attempt at kindness then so be it.
But he wasn’t there.
And the pot was empty.
He actually ate it...?
Another unwilling smile caused by Malfoy stained her lips, and she felt her in-
trigue flourish in her chest. Maybe the magnitude of her hatred towards him wasn’t
justified. Then again, maybe he was just that hungry, and she was always too quick
to seek the good in people.
Fucking hell...
He woke up with salty licks dashed across his face, and he genuinely had no idea
if it was sweat or tears.
Sodding nightmares.
The weekend had passed pretty quickly with more steaming meals from the
Mudblood and dull passages from two books. Only ninety-nine to go. He’d only
left his room to use the bathroom and collect the food. If he didn’t run into Granger,
then he could pretend that it wasn’t her that left the food.
He could pretend that he wasn’t accepting her gestures of kindness.
Because the very prospect made him want to slam his head into the wall until
be blacked out. Or perhaps vomit, but he couldn’t spare the fluids. Especially when
he woke up sweating everyday.
He didn’t know what was worse; that she took the time and effort to create the
food, or the fact that she always thought to make sure it was hot for him, with what
he assumed was some sort of warming charm. Why not just leave it to go cold? Why
waste her magic on making sure he enjoyed the meal? It was bloody humiliating.
It was Monday, and she was in the shower again, which meant he had woken
far too early if she hadn’t even gone to lessons yet. The soothing thrums of water
danced into his room like a damp dream. He desperately didn’t want to return to
the nightmares. They were violent now, and he was starting to physically react.
They hurt; pulsed in his temple for hours afterwards, and he couldn’t stop the trem-
bles that racked his body either.
They were breaking him...
One of her shower-blissed moans shuddered into his room, and he would swear
his headache was eased slightly. He licked his lips and waited for the next one, just
to check.
Another feminine purr a moment later.
Yes, it was definitely clouding his brain and chasing away the throbbing in his
skull. He wanted to question it, but he didn’t dare.
Instead, he found himself leaving the bed, tugging the blanket behind him to
combat the Autumn morning. He cocooned himself in the thick fabric and settled
against the wall which separated his room from the bathroom. He would hate him-
self for it later, but by Merlin’s grave, he was willing to do anything to chase away
the painful aftershocks of his nightmares.
With a defeated groan, he rested his ear against the wall and basked in the wet
noises and her throaty sounds. One particularly pleasant mew roused a shiver to
sprint up his spine, and it was the most relaxed he’d felt since the night at Astron-
omy Tower.
The water and the witch were lulling him back to sleep, and even while he knew
the sounds were pleasing to his ears and psyche, he’d never hated himself so much.
When Draco woke again, he judged the time by the angle of the cloud-embraced
sun. He reckoned it was early afternoon so he shrugged on the usual black trousers
and a black jumper, realising his selection of clothes would require washing soon.
Great. Another favour from her.
That Gryffindor tie around his throat was becoming far more tempting with
every hour-long minute that slipped by. And he didn’t mean for fashion purposes.
As if he would wear red and bloody gold.
He wandered into the common area to find a casserole waiting in the usual spot
by the stove, and another sliver of his pride fizzled away as he opened the drawer
to retrieve a fork. He must have opened the wrong drawer because he found himself
looking at three little vials of clear liquid and some clear cylindrical tubes with a
needle at the end.
What the hell?
He eyed the foreign objects warily for a few moments before coming to the con-
clusion that they must be some strange Muggle things.
He glanced at the clock then, and groaned when he realised he’d misjudged the
time. Just as the thought had carved itself into his brain, the main door opened and
Granger stumbled into the room, apparently having a little trouble with her bag.
She looks different...
And she really did. He had no idea what it was but something had definitely
She was the only person he had seen for ten days and he could admit that he
had learned her features fairly well, but something was definitely different. She
hadn’t noticed his presence yet so he trailed his quicksilver eyes across her face to
find the change.
Same petal-pink lips.
Same syrupy gold eyes.
Same sun-stained skin.
Same spatter of barely-there freckles across her bridge of her nose.
Certainly the same catastrophic owl-nest she called hair.
She was still struggling with her bag as she closed the door behind her, and after
a few more seconds he credited her ‘change’ to not seeing her for two days. Isolating
himself to his bedroom had probably not helped his brain, and it was rather likely
that it was playing tricks on him. Wouldn’t be the first time.
She snapped her head up, and he found himself stuck in one of those infuriating
staring contests he’d refused to participate in when he was a child.
Yes, definitely the same gold eyes.
It took six heartbeats before she shifted her face into a tired frown and turned
away from him to shuffle into the room.
“I’m not in the mood for an argument today, Malfoy,” she mumbled, collapsing
on the couch gracelessly. “So if you-
“Sod off, Granger,” he interrupted, noting his voice was a little rusty after his
two days of silence. “I have better things to do than waste my time with you.”
She had the gall to chuckle. “Oh really?” she scoffed. “And what would that be
exactly? Hiding away in your room-
“Hiding from you?” Draco snorted coldly, forgetting his food for the moment.
“Don’t make me laugh, Granger. I would rather stay in my room than risk seeing
your face-
“And what exactly do you do in your room, Malfoy?” she questioned, masking
her curiosity with a mocking tone. “I’ve noticed a couple of my books are missing.”
He hadn’t wanted her to realise that he’d been taking the books. Now she had
more things to hold over his head, and his pride would take even more of battering.
“You have a problem with me reading, Granger?” he challenged in a nonchalant
tone, deciding that denial was really pointless when he was the only possible culprit.
Hermione paused to consider him for second, and acknowledged that in real-
ity, she really didn’t care if he wanted to read her books or not. So long as she
didn’t require them, it didn’t really effect her. The temptation to be petty and
cause another argument lingered at the back of her mind, but what exactly would
it accomplish?
“No, it’s fine,” she muttered finally, missing the flicker of shock that splashed
across his pale features. “I just wish you would have asked.”
He had no idea what to say to that. The prospect of actually asking her for some-
thing was just repulsive, and did crushing things to his gut. No, not a chance in this
life or the next. If she wanted to prance around and insist on making him food and
whatever else, then that was her shovel in the graveyard, but to voice a want from
her was something his breeding and pride would not allow.
“You might have ginger bitch and the immortal orphan trained well,” he hissed
cruelly, although one might note that the familiar bite was a little lacking. “But I
can assure you that I won’t be asking you for anything.”
She simply sighed at him. “That’s fine,” she offered. “I thought as much. How’s
my cooking?”
He hadn’t expected that, and his eyebrows rose high on his forehead. “What?”
“My cooking,” she repeated, perhaps a little shyly, but she hid it well. “Is it okay?”
A small guttural rumble quaked inside his mouth, and the need to answer was an
unwelcome prod in his chest. “It’s...satisfactory,” he offered quickly, instantly regret-
ting it. Especially when a little smile stole her mouth. It was the first he’d seen since
he’d been forced to live with her, and it was an unnerving sight. It suited her though.
“Good,” she nodded, and the need to change the subject brought back his headache.
“Granger,” he started warily, glancing down at the drawer with the odd Muggle
items he’d discovered earlier. “What are those things in the drawer?”
“What things?” she asked, rising from her seat to near Malfoy. She realised it
was probably the closest she’d been to him without one of them screaming in the
other’s face, and she felt a little uncomfortable when she accidentally brushed
against him. She shook it off, and pulled open the drawer he was gesturing to with
a look of understanding on her face. “Oh these? They’re my allergy shots.”
“Allergy shots?” he echoed, taking a step away from her. Too close to the Mudblood...
“I’m allergic to bee stings,” she explained quietly, holding up one of the pre-
pared syringes to demonstrate. “If I get stung, I need to inject myself with some of
this. There’s Epinephrine in here and have to put the needle in my side-
“Isn’t there a spell or something for that?” he questioned.
“There might be,” she shrugged. “But I’m used to doing it this way.”
His sceptical glare shifted between her and the needle. “That’s fucking disgust-
ing,” he blurted finally, pushing past her and picking up his casserole and a fork as
he headed into his room. “Stupid Muggles.”
She rolled her eyes at his prejudiced comment, but she was secretly relieved that
they had somehow managed to avoid a fiery argument. It was certainly a first since
he’d moved in. Maybe things were looking up.
The following morning found Draco up too early, and once again resting
against the wall with the shell of his ear pressed against it.
He hadn’t even tried to resist the dulcet murmurs of her morning ritual this
time. It wasn’t like she, or anyone else for that matter, could see him listening to
her calming chorus of bathing moans. It was just too alluring...Too soothing.
The most effective antidote for his nightmare-heavy headaches. Her ever-pre-
sent scent was still trapped in his nostrils too...but that wasn’t so bad either. Almost
like one of those herbal remedies all the Herbologists ranted on about.
And he would swear, just before the noises sent him to sleep, that the walls re-
treated. Maybe just an inch or two...but the room definitely felt bigger.
few days, and he missed the blood rushing to his head and fingertips. He ached for
that fire that stirred his witty temper, yearned to see her flushed and contemplating
a powerful comeback. He needed to know he could still do Salazar proud and make
the Mud-bitch squirm.
He understood agitated Granger. She was normal. He was becoming far too ac-
customed to shower Granger and her morning songs.
He shrugged on a black jumper and slipped out of his room as quietly as he
could, stopping by the bathroom door and watching the handle too intently. He
could hear her bare feet padding around against the tile floor, and he tried to think
of a topic for their argument.
Screw it, I’ll wing it.
The brass doorknob rattled and he felt the excitement begin to tease his senses,
adrenaline tickling his gut with the promise of a good fight. The door opened and
he burst in before she could leave, purposefully trapping her. The shock was wild
across her features as she stumbled away from him, sliding over the damp ceramics
and losing her balance. It was instinctive to reach out and attempt to steady her.
Just a reflex. Nothing more. But his own bearings were compromised, and in a
heartbeat they were sprawled across the bathroom floor in a shallow puddle of wa-
ter, skidding in opposite directions; him thwacking his head against the doorframe
and her stopping just short of the bathtub.
“What are you doing, Malfoy?” Hermione panted, catching her startled breath.
“You scared me to death-
“Bloody hell,” he mumbled, sucking the air through his teeth as he touched the
back of his head. “You clumsy bitch-
“You grabbed me!” she protested, ensuring she was appropriately covered by
her fluffy robe. “What in Merlin’s name-
“You woke me up!” he lied, flinching when he noticed some blood staining his
fingertips. “Fucking hell, Granger. Jumpy much?”
“Well, I don’t normally get attacked when I’m leaving the shower,” she huffed
angrily, trying to lean back on her heels unsuccessfully. “What is your problem?”
He was suddenly aware of how strong her scent was in here; fresh and thick
amongst the lingering steam. He couldn’t help but take a deep breath, hoping to
her it looked more like he was trying control his anger. But fuck, it was intoxicating.
It coiled itself around his tongue and he could actually taste her, but the cherry tang
reminded him who it belonged to.
He growled. “I don’t have a problem-
“Then what the hell did you grab me for?” she questioned hotly. “Merlin, you
are such a prick-
“This is your fault!” he argued, although he wondered just how threatening he
could be crumpled and damp on her bathroom floor. “You’re the one who fell-
“Because you scared me!” she repeated, giving into her childish urge and palm-
ing some water to splash him with. She somehow managed catch his face, and she
couldn’t stop her chuckle as a droplet fell from his arched eyebrow.
“You Gryffindors are so mature,” he drawled with perfect sarcasm. “It’s re-
ally pathetic-
“Oh, shut it,” she grumbled, clambering to her feet with a little difficulty. With
shaky legs, she shot him a harsh scowl and tried to make her exit, but a set of long
fingers snagged her ankle. She fell hard against the floor again, landing in an awk-
ward position that made her tail-bone buzz.
She whined in pain and cradled her back, snapping her eyes open just to catch
Malfoy’s smug smirk. “And that’s mature?” she hissed, stuttering on another groan.
“I don’t give a shit,” he snorted, but his arrogant expression melted when she
flicked some more water onto his face.
She smirked back at him then, too lost in the surreal situation to resist. Hermi-
one couldn’t remember exactly how the almost juvenile water-fight had started, but
she imagined it would be a bizarre spectacle walk in on. Draco furrowed his brow
as he absorbed Granger’s amused grin, and while the new bow to her lips suited her
well, it was rather unnerving. It was like she had stumbled across one of his secrets
and was just waiting for the right time to throw it in his face. He schooled his
features back into his comfortable frown, deciding he had allowed this to go on
for far too long.
“Stop being such a-
“You’re bleeding,” she interrupted, and his scowl hardened when she slid a little
closer to him. “Right there, by your ear-
“And?” he prompted, watching her every move as she continued to shuffle
closer. “What the hell are you-
“Just let me have a look,” she muttered, taking a final undignified tumble to
kneel at his side. Her breath was warm against his ear and he tried to flinch away.
“Hold still,” she demanded firmly, reaching into her robe pocket to withdraw her
wand. “Let me just heal this. I don’t want you bleeding all over my dorm.”
He stiffened but remained still as he felt prickling magic soothe the small cut;
or maybe it was her breath again, he had no idea. Either way, the sensation was
pleasant, and it had felt like forever since he’d had the comforting lick of magic
against his skin. But then it had been so much longer since he’d felt something like
her fingers against his neck; delicate and completely innocent. His lids lowered a
little and he inhaled again to steal some more of the drugging aroma. All it would
take was one of her shower sounds, and his senses would cease to cope.
“There,” Hermione sighed, pulling away from him to inspect her work. “That’s
better. Does it feel okay?”
His Slytherin instincts flooded his mind like a defence mechanism, warning him
she was far too close. She was doing it again; screwing with his head with gestures
of kindness, and he refused to believe she didn’t have an ulterior motive. Nobody
could be that pure in the current climate; and it’s not paranoia when you’re on the
enemy’s territory.
“Get away from me,” he snarled, pushing her away. “I told you not to touch me-
“But I was just-
“I said don’t sodding touch me!” he yelled, rising to his feet so quickly it made
his head spin.
He fired his glare back in her direction, ready to spit the things he had planned
to say before, but his voice hitched. Her robe had ridden up high on her thighs from
his shove, and it had also drooped to reveal one creamy shoulder with a spatter of
freckles that looked deliciously like grated chocolate. Her sodden curls were slicked
against her throat and the edges of her face like stretched toffee, and every inch of
her exposed skin was tinted with a rosy musk. She was completely different in the
afterglow of her shower; more animated and yet still ridiculously innocent in her
oversized robe. It was...appealing.
“Fuck this,” he grumbled to himself, turning on his heel and stalking out of the
bathroom to leave behind a very confused witch.
Hermione blinked as the remains of his shadow abandoned her on the cold
floor, leaving her brain to stew over what exactly happened. Malfoy’s behaviour had
become less and less aggressive with each day that passed, proof that a mother’s
advice was sometimes worthwhile. Acting civil had clearly been the right way to go
Now, he was simply snappy and bitter, but she couldn’t decide if he was simply
losing the will to fight or adjusting to his predicament. Adjusting to her.
She hoped it was the latter.
“No,” she shook her head, feeling a little guilty. “I just had a good night’s sleep,
but Harry should be sending me an owl soon. I’ll let you know when he does.”
“Thanks,” he smiled, attempting again to enlarge the figurine he’d been given.
She watched him with a distant fondness as the minutes ticked away. It was the
last lesson of the day, and the mention of Harry and Ron had roused her determi-
nation to stick her nose in a book to help their task. When Flitwick dismissed the
class, she offered Neville a quick nod before she darted for the door, ready to start
her reading. But a familiar face in the corridor paused her footfalls, and she felt
dread seize her chest as she took in the headmistress’ dire expression.
“Miss Granger-
“The boys,” Hermione blurted, her eyes going wide. “Are Harry and Ron-
“Mr Potter and Mr Weasley are fine,” the professor assured, and the younger
witch released a shaky breath. “However, I do have some bad news.”
Hermione noted that the woman’s face was worryingly reminiscent of how it
had been at Dumbledore’s funeral, and she nervously edged closer, blocking out
the sounds of the students returning to their dorms. “What is it?” she asked quietly.
“Is everyone okay?”
“I think it’s best we discus it in my office.
.He was sat on the kitchen counter again, tapping his index finger in time with
the ticks.
The minute hand had just twitched to three minutes past six, and Draco eyed
the clock suspiciously. Surely the contraption must have malfunctioned, but then
that was almost impossible for magical clocks, yet the prospect of Granger being
late was even more unfathomable. He’d finished the vegetable broth she’d left him
a good hour ago, anticipating her return as he had plotted to set right his mishap
from the morning.
He still couldn’t believe how he’d acted, like some idiotic child finding amuse-
ment from rain-puddles. Was it any wonder she was beginning to relax in his pres-
ence when he was behaving so foolishly? Well, it had to be rectified. Knowing
Gryffindors and their fetish for friendships, this would only encourage Granger to
be more civil towards him. She was a Mudblood, and imprisoned or not, he was
superior. She needed to remember that.
She needed to remember she was below him. Figuratively, of course.
Well, that had been the plan, but she was over an hour late. If he could think
of one positive trait to associate with Granger, aside from her pesky intellect, it
would be her ability to always remain punctual. He hated people who were late
and disorganised.
So just where the hell was she?
The dorm was starting to feel...eerie with her absence, and he wondered again
if this would constitute as paranoia. The air felt humid and he would swear her
aroma was starting to fade. For reasons he refused to broach, he didn’t like that
idea. He was contemplating a shower to chase his sudden anxiety when the door
finally clicked open.
“Where the fuck have you been?” he demanded, hopping off the counter like a
pouncing wolf. She didn’t even look at him. “Hey, Granger! I’m talking to you!”
Still nothing. An agitated snarl rumbled behind his tonsils as he advanced on
her, cocking an eyebrow when he noticed the defeated fall of her shoulders. The
angle of her body and her treacle-tinted locks covered most of her face, and he tried
to manoeuvre himself to get a better look, realising then that the witch was trem-
bling. He subconsciously slowed his steps when he heard a throaty breath escape
her mouth; not quite a sob, but close.
He paused a few strides short of her, transfixed when the light caught two little
droplets that fell from her veil of curls. Tears. He hadn’t expected this.
He blinked and silently scolded himself. Here he was again; faltering like some
feckless moron. He remembered a time when seeing Mudblood Granger cry would
have caused him nothing but pleasure, and wanted to relive that. He needed to re-
live that lest he completely lose himself.
“I asked you a question, Granger,” he continued sharply, scowling when she
flinched at his voice. “Why the hell are you late-
“Now is not the time,” Hermione mumbled, keeping her face hidden. “Just-
“I don’t care if the time not appropriate for you,” Draco countered quickly,
blocking her when she tried to move past him. “I asked you a question-
“Malfoy, stop,” she said, turning away from him before he could glance her face.
“Let me through-
“Why the tears, Granger?” he asked, deciding some mockery might goad a sat-
isfying reaction. “Weasley fucking Brown again?”
“Leave me alone,” she gargled, her voice heavy with trapped sobs. “Please, Mal-
foy, just leave me-
“No,” he sneered, although her please had been a little off-putting. “What are
you crying about? You look bloody pitiful-
“Answer me!”
“NO!” she screamed, her head snapping up. “Leave me alone!”
His lip twitched as he examined her features; her cheeks smeared with tears, and
her eyes beaten and bloodshot. Her leaking stare was distant and pleading, and his
concentration fell to her quivering lips; slightly parted to reveal a line of dents from
where she must have chewed the lower one to ruin. It was odd to view her like this.
She was renowned for being the collected member of the Twatty Trio, but she was
suddenly so fragile. Vulnerable.
He should have relished it. It should have made him feel victorious and pro-
vided him with a beautiful opportunity and inspiration to ridicule her. But it didn’t.
Instead, he found the scene quite...unsettling.
She took advantage of his confusion and brushed past him, evidently in an at-
tempt to lock herself away in her room and ride out her grief in peace. But he wasn’t
willing to drop it. He had no idea if it was to continue his aimless taunts or feed his
curiosity, but they were most certainly not finished.
“I am not done with you!” Draco shouted, marching ahead of her to block her
door. “I said I’m not-
“Well, I am done!” she hurled back, choking on a strangled cry. “Why the hell
can’t you just leave me alone?”
“I like watching you beg,” he told her quietly. Darkly. “Answer my question-
“I won’t tell you again, Malfoy,” she warned, although her current state didn’t
give the threat the usual flare. “Move, or I’ll make you move-
“Go ahead,” he challenged, snatching her wrist before she could rummage in
her pocket. “Not so fucking mouthy without your wand, are you-
“L-let me go,” she sputtered, unsuccessfully trying to reach with her other hand.
“You can’t use my wand anyway. It-it’s charmed to-
“I guessed as much,” he hushed her, twisting her arm at an awkward angle to
earn a small yelp. “Now, tell me! Why the hell are you crying?”
He’d forgotten her other arm. Stupid mistake really considering the history be-
tween his face and her fist. She spun her petite form quickly and managed to catch
his jaw; not particularly hard, but enough to make him stagger back and release her.
With a swish of her robes, her wand was out and firing a hex that sent him flying
backwards to land in the bathroom, a loud smack echoing across the tiles. The wind
was knocked out of him and his ribs ached from the hit, but he slowly raised his
dizzy head to study her.
His ashy eyes flashed open to find her waiting by the doorframe; her anger only
slightly clouded by her mist of tears. The witch’s body was quaking more violently
now, her muscles seizing up, and her erratic breaths leaving her mouth in loud
bursts. He was disorientated from her spell, and he blamed that for the random
thought that crossed his mind; she’d never looked more alive.
“I told you to leave me alone!” she shouted, and he could see that she was allow-
ing her emotions to ride her. “You slimy bastard!”
He knew he’d pushed her too far, it was so glaringly obvious in her enraged
stance and the uncontrollable spark in her glare. She was just one snarky comment
away from bursting at the seams, and every instinct was screaming at him to heed
the foreboding angle of her wand. But his inner-Slytherin reminded him of his pa-
thetic and laughable behaviour towards Granger in the last few days, and the famil-
iar insult just stumbled out of his mouth so easily.
“Filthy fucking Mudblood.”
Something snapped in her. He actually saw it; the flicker of something dark in
her eyes, something almost feral. He tried to shift but another wave of nausea from
Granger’s attack flushed his brain, and he squinted his eyes to try and focus on her.
“Mudblood,” she repeated in a husky hum, raising her wand slightly.
He spat out a startled grunt as she stabbed her palm with the tip of her wand,
dragging it across her flesh to create a thin red slit. She stalked into the bathroom
then, nearing him and displaying her fresh wound. He watched with a morbid fas-
cination as a ribbon of blood glided down her middle finger, and two ruby pearls
rained down to splat against the ivory floor by his feet.
“You find this filthy?” Hermione questioned with a wavering tone, crouching
down so she was at his level. “You think my blood is filthy?”
“DO YOU?” the witch yelled, leaning forward to snatch his hand.
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked, accepting that he was starting to panic
in response to her dubious movements. “Granger, what the fuck?”
She quickly drew a similar slice across his hand, and a combination of his shock
and still-sluggish reflexes didn’t allow him to interfere as she slammed their palms
together with a wet slap.
“There,” Hermione spat, holding their twisted and sticky handshake firm as she
spoke. “Now your blood’s filthy too!”
Strength surged into his muscles with welcoming heat, and it went straight to
his arms, tearing his seeping hand from her grasp and throwing her away from him.
She screeched across the floor, much like she had this morning, but he was too busy
staring at his red-stained skin to note the irony.
The worst thing was he couldn’t distinguish her blood from his. It was all the
same shade...and he had no idea what that meant.
His wide and disturbed gaze slowly wandered over to Hermione to find her
staring at him, her expression horrified and stunned. The ominous edge that had
marred her features was gone, and her familiar innocence was back in place. Both
of them were breathing heavily, and the sounds ricocheted between them as he tried
to regain his wits. There were too many emotions swimming under his skin; anger,
mortification, confusion...but it was too much to absorb. So he simply sat there,
frozen to the spot with their eyes linked and their chests heaving.
The scene was so oddly reminiscent of their strange morning, but the differ-
ences were so significant. There were no playful smirks or childish splashes; just
them and the blood. He could feel the metallic tang invading his nostrils, and he
suddenly missed Granger’s natural taste.
“Oh my God,” she gasped, her movements jerky as she leaned on her knees. “Oh
my God, Malfoy, I am so sorry-
“Don’t come near me,” he growled, pressing his back hard against the wall as
she crawled towards him. “Don’t fucking touch me! You crazy bitch-
“I c-can’t believe I did that,” she stuttered sadly, fresh tears glossed her cheeks
and lips. “Here, let me see-
“What have you done?” he mumbled, glancing down at his wound for a moment
before he roughly pulled himself to his feet. “WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?”
“I don’t know!” Hermione whined loudly, shrinking away from him as he
stormed past her. “Where are you going?”
“Away from you!” he snapped as he stomped out of the room, pausing outside
the door to give her a final glare. “Don’t come within an inch of me-
“Malfoy, please!” she blurted, but he’d already disappeared. “Let me explain!”
All she got was the bitter clap of a slammed door. Her body was shaking vio-
lently, bordering on convulsing as she coughed up up her cries. Curling herself into
a tight ball, her moans and anguished whimpers were barely muffled as she buried
her face behind her arms. She let it all go; sobbing until her gut physically burned.
And then some more.
On the other side of the wall, Draco settled himself on his bed and listened
intently to her grief. Sweet Merlin, he missed her calming shower-sighs. He ex-
amined his messy hand with a scowl, searching again for any possible indication
that their blood was different. But there was nothing; same colour, same tex-
ture...just the same.
I shouldn’t have goaded her...
He shuttered his eyes, wondering why the hell he suddenly felt guilty. He should
have been roaring with rage and scheming to cause her pain in return for what she
had done, but all he could do was question what had made her snap. He wanted to
despise her; to charge back in there and bask in her distress.
But he didn’t.
He didn’t hate her.
.Hermione had no idea how long it took for her cries to subside, but she would
safely assume it had been at least three hours. All of Hogwarts’ background noise
had fizzled out and her dorm was definitely darker. Her eyes fell to her normally
pristine tiles, frowning as she studied the telling red smears scattered around her.
The crimson fingerprints held her attention for a moment, reminding her of poppy
petals in the snow. They were Draco’s fingerprints.
She would probably never know why, but she was desperate to apologise to him
and try to rationalise her actions. She was so angry at herself for taking things out
on him, for losing her head. She was supposed to be the sensible one amongst her
friends, the voice of reason, and look what she had done.
Her puffy eyes turned to inspect the slash from her ring-finger to her thumb,
and she noted that the blood had already started to coagulate. She realised then that
at no point had her self-inflicted gash caused her any pain, and she couldn’t help
but wonder if Malfoy’s hurt. Tucking her teeth into her bottom lip, she forced her
hand to remain steady as she healed the damage.
A couple of whispered incantations later, and the bathroom looked completely nor-
mal, save the broken witch in the centre. She stayed still for a couple of stolen minutes,
desperately trying to summon the scattered remains of her dignity and courage.
She needed to see him. She needed to explain.
Using the sink for support, she dragged herself off the floor and clumsily left the
cold tiles on wobbly legs and a pang in her chest. She swallowed a nervous lump
away as she faced his door, slowly bringing up her hand to drum her knuckles softly
against the wood.
“Malfoy,” she called. “Can I come in please?”
“I told you not to come near me,” came the gruff response, but she’d expected
that, and she refused to be deterred.
“Alohomora,” she mumbled, taking a deep breath before she pushed open the
door. She edged into his room anxiously, her damp gaze finding him sitting upright
on his bed and looking so much calmer then she’d expected. “Malfoy-
“I thought I made it quite clear I didn’t want you here,” he interrupted evenly,
dangerously low and smooth.
“I know,” Hermione murmured, taking some more steps towards him. “But I
need to explain-
“Get out,” he demanded, not once looking at her. “I don’t want you near me-
“Draco, please,” she begged, tossing her pride to the wind. She’d screwed up and
he had every right to know why. “My b-blood won’t actually stay in you...Your sys-
tem will have already-
“I am perfectly aware of how my anatomy works, Granger,” he drawled, and she
saw his jaw tense. “Leave.”
Merlin knew why she decided that crawling onto his bed would work in her
favour, but some part of her had seemed to think that if she was closer, he would be
more likely to listen. He finally fired his steel-silver eyes in her direction, but still
there was no sign of the contempt she’d prepared for. He simply looked at her like
he’d never seen her before, and for some reason that bothered her.
Draco had no idea how to act in her presence. Every cell in his muddled brain
was telling him to grab her and dump her outside of his room, repeating it until she
got the point, but his confusion had somehow beaten his fury, and he needed to
know why she’d done it. He knew enough about biology to acknowledge that her
Muggle blood wasn’t infecting him, but that wasn’t the problem. It was her. He
would swear he could feel her in his system; dancing in his veins and affecting his
mind. That was the problem.
“I’m so sorry, Draco” she sputtered, drawing his attention back to her. “I really
am. I’m just...I’m so sorry.”
There were two things that made him flinch; the first was her use of his given
name, and the second was her practically gushing her apology. He quickly scanned
her features, finding only a sincerity that was strangely refreshing when he com-
pared to her earlier emotions. The emotions that had led to this.
“I-I found out that Professor Burbage was killed today,” she revealed carefully,
and he could see she was trying to resist the new batch of tears behind her almond
eyes. “By Voldemort.”
He blinked. Her outburst made sense now, but he hadn’t heard that name since
Snape had abandoned him here. He realised then for the first time that he couldn’t con-
sider her an enemy; it just simply didn’t make sense when the same...creature wanted
them both dead. No, not enemies, but certainly not allies. Just somewhere in between.
“She was a friend,” Hermione continued with a slight sniffle. “And when you-
you said those things I just...I took it out on you and that wasn’t fair.”
Draco remained silent because he had no idea what else he could do. The temp-
tation to yell at her for being so stupid was there, but it wasn’t pushing through.
That infuriating guilt just wouldn’t budge, and an annoying little voice in his head
kept telling him that he should have never taunted her. Since when did Granger
become a factor for his flimsy conscience? If he had to guess, he woul venture
around the time she’d started leaving him meals.
“I’m so sorry,” she said again, a lonely and stubborn tear slipping past her lashes.
“I promise I will never do anything like that again.”
He regarded her, feeling her honesty wash over him like a sedative. He took a
deep breath and ignored the urge to sigh when her scent settled back into his senses.
It was a little salty with the influence of her tears, but still undeniably hers. He didn’t
want to shout at didn’t feel right when she still looked so vulnerable. He
would over-analyse that decision later, but he just couldn’t do it right now.
“Please say something,” Hermione implored, leaning a little closer. “Anything.”
He chewed the inside of his mouth and arched an eyebrow. “If you ever do some-
thing like this again,” he started, annunciating each syllable crisply. “You will regret it.”
The specifics weren’t necessary, he could tell she knew he meant it.
“Okay,” she nodded numbly.
“I won’t be in here forever, Granger,” he told her. “And I will remember every-
thing you do. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes,” Hermione whispered, looking more relieved than he’d liked. “I really am sorry-
“I got that,” Draco stopped her with roll of his eyes. “Now leave me alone.”
She didn’t move. “Does it hurt?” she asked, timidly gesturing to his injured palm.
“Let me clean it,” she requested, extending her arm to offer her own hand. “It
will just take a second-
“I can clean it myself-
“Please,” she cut him off, earning a frustrated sigh from the pale wizard. “It’s
best if I heal it and-
“Fucking fine,” he growled, thrusting his hand into hers and reasoning that it
would make her leave faster. “Hurry the hell up, Granger.”
Hermione anxiously licked her lips before she angled her wand, gliding it over
the gash she had caused. It would take a couple of minutes, she realised, and the
silence was too heavy for her. She raised her eyes to watch his face, but his harsh
glare made them wander to the rather large pile of books on his bedside table.
“You’ve read that many already?” she questioned, her brow creasing with interest.
“I just skim them,” he revealed in a reluctant grumble. “I’ve read them before.”
“I’m not surprised,” she said, her voice still uneasy and laced with nerves.
“They’re our textbooks-
“From our previous years,” he finished for her. “Yes, I had noticed.”
“Then why do you read them?”
“There’s hardly a wide variety of activity options,” Draco scowled at her, realis-
ing then that he was effectively holding hands with Granger on his bed. He needed
to get her away. Now. “Hurry the hell up.”
“Almost done,” she muttered, stroking the tip of her wand over the final specks
of blood. “There, is that okay?”
He quickly ripped his hand out of her dainty fingers and checked his hand be-
fore he nodded his head towards the door. “Piss off then, Granger.”
Her honeyed gaze drifted over to his mountain of books again, and she parted
her lips to say something. Whatever it was, her Gryffindor courage had clearly gone
dry for tonight, and she clumsily left his bed and shuffled out of his room. Only
when his door was securely closed did he allow himself to exhale, massaging the
bridge of his nose and replaying the odd events of the last few hours in his head.
If ever there was a sure sign that this place was starting to effect his sanity,
today had been it.
He looked down and ghosted his fingers across his freshly-healed skin, finding
no evidence that she had ever torn open his flesh.
He was adamant he could feel her though; coursing through his bloodstream,
and he blamed the invisible flames of her essence for his inability to catch sleep
until dawn broke. When he roused at some point in the early afternoon the next
day, he did as he always did; dressed in the usual clothes and headed into the kitch-
enette to see what Granger had left him to eat today.
Cottage pie. One of his favourites.
And next to the steaming pot was a peculiar stack of books, none of which he’d
ever seen before.
Hermione had quickly abandoned the idea of gaining any sleep too close to her
window and was now huddled up on the couch in the window-less living room;
reading Lord Byron’s poems, one of her guilty pleasures. She pulled the blanket a
bit tighter around her as she moved on to She Walks in Beauty, stealing a quick
glance at the clock and grimacing when she realised it was half three.
And the bloody wind gave no hint of fading any time soon.
She sucked in a loud breath when a small click broke the air, and her syrupy
gaze trailed over to find Malfoy slowly leaving his room. He looked annoyed when
he glanced at her, expelling an agitated breath as he headed towards the kitchen,
apparently choosing to ignore her completely.
She thought twice before she spoke, but the words hurried out before she could
think thrice. “Did I wake you?” she whispered, unsure if he’d heard her or was
simply deciding not to acknowledge the question. Merlin knew why she thought
asking again was a wise idea. “Did I-
“No,” he growled as he poured a glass of water, keeping his back to her.
“Well, then why are you-
“I was thirsty,” he offered, pivoting on his heels and heading back to his room.
“Malfoy, wait,” Hermione said quickly, straightening her back and wondering
exactly what she’d intended to say. She had no clue why he stopped short of his
door, but she didn’t dare question it, lest he remember his constant desire to get
away from her. “Can I ask you a question?”
He sighed like she was interfering with his non-existent schedule. “Make it quick.”
She hesitated and licked her teeth. “Are you still angry about...well...about the
other day-
“When you cut my fucking hand open?” he clarified in a stoic tone, turning to
face her. “Does it matter?”
Hermione watched with trance-treacle eyes as he brought his glass to his mouth,
the moisture glossing his lips. “I guess it does,” she confessed shyly, averting her
attention to her lap.
Suspicion and shock almost made him choke on his drink, but he caught him-
self. “Why?” he snapped bitterly. “What difference does it make?”
“I’m not really sure,” she murmured, carefully rising from the sofa.
Draco’s jaw twitched as the blanket tumbled to her feet, leaving her in a simple
t-shirt and baggy pyjama bottoms. He found himself holding his breath as she
started to move, but she simply headed towards the kitchen, and he briefly won-
dered exactly what he’d done if she had walked in his direction. By the flimsy flick-
ers of candlelight, she looked different; more peaceful and slightly surreal. It was
the darkness toying with his vision and perceptions that made him linger, studying
her closely as she plucked two mugs from a cabinet.
“Hot chocolate is better to have before bed,” she spoke softly, using her wand to
boil some water. “Would you like one?”
He didn’t respond. She’d clearly decided that she was making one for him any-
way, and the smell of powdered cocoa mingled deliciously with Granger’s natural
scent. He toyed with the sleeves of his jumper while she finished the beverages, and
once they were complete she carried them both over to the sofas and placed them
on the coffee table. He raised an eyebrow as she wrapped herself back up with the
blanket and relaxed into the couch; his cautious stare shifting between her and the
steaming mug that was meant for him.
“Are you going to sit?” she asked, and he could tell she was forcing her tone
to be nonchalant.
“I’ll drink it in my room,” he said with a low grumble, taking some strides
towards her.
“I was...,” she started awkwardly. “Well, I was hoping you might answer my
question... and maybe sit with me a while?”
That caught him off-guard. Of all the things she could have said, he would have
gambled away his inheritance that those words would never pass her lips in his
company. It was certainly an intriguing development to the shitty situation, and he
couldn’t help but consider seeing where this would lead.
“Why the hell would you think that?” he drawled lazily, resting his palms against
the back of the couch opposite hers. “And I don’t have to answer your question,”
“No, you don’t,” she agreed. “It was simply a request-
“A stupid request.”
She frowned and raised her head to eye him wearily. “Never mind then-
“No,” he stopped her. “I’m curious to know why you would even ask me to join you-
“You didn’t answer my question,” she reminded him pointedly, reaching out
her arm to stroke the rim of her mug. “So why should I answer yours?”
Draco didn’t have a reason, but that was fine because a wind’s cry sliced the
silence. He saw it then; the flash of fear that streaked across her hazels. He couldn’t
ever recall seeing her look scared. Uncertain maybe, and sometimes wary, but never
scared. Even her demented episode in the bathroom had only stained her features
with shame and shock. This little early-morning encounter was turning into right
little trove of surprises.
“What’s up, Granger?” he questioned cockily, a smirk pulling his mouth. “Don’t
tell me one of the fearless Gryffindors is scared of a little storm.”
He expected defiance and irritation, but she simply pulled her blanket a little
tighter around herself. “Not storms,” she mumbled after a moment. “I just... I don’t
like the sound of the wind.”
His expression scrunched up with confusion. She was actually owning up to her
fear? Admitting to phobias was simply not done in his circles, and especially
wouldn’t be mentioned in front of an enemy. Broadcasting any form of weakness
was just plain foolish, and yet she’d done it so easily.
Trusting and naïve idiot.
But she was suddenly more real... more human, and it sobered him like a blast
of winter. She was a personality and less... No, she was definitely still a Mudblood...
But she was a Mudblood with a character... Kind of. Possibly.
He observed her with more attention than was probably appropriate as her
shoulders relaxed when the wind died. Back was the rational Granger with seem-
ingly no issues with weather conditions, but it was there behind her amber gaze.
She lifted her hot chocolate from the table and brought it to those rosy lips of hers,
forming her mouth into a small ring to blow the steam away. It shouldn’t have held
his attention. But it did.
“Your drink will get cold,” she murmured, regarding him quietly as she took a sip.
He inhaled sharply before he climbed over the back of the couch and collapsed
into the cushions, eyeing her impatiently. “How can you be scared of the wind?”
“It’s not so much the wind itself,” she answered evenly. “I just don’t like the noise.”
“That’s just stupid,” he scoffed.
“Everyone’s scared of something,” she reasoned carefully. “Aren’t you? It’s hu-
man nature.”
He scowled like the suggestion was absolutely ridiculous, but he couldn’t help
but consider her words. The idea of disappointing his family, or more specifically
his father came to mind, but he was guessing she meant something more specific
and clinical. Either he simply didn’t have one, or he was subconsciously choosing
to to ignore it. Still, he hated her for making him think.
“No,” he stated simply, leaning forward to grab the mug.
“Maybe you just haven’t realised yours yet,” Hermione offered with a non-
committal shrug. “Will you answer my question? About the other day? When I...
you know.”
His eyes narrowed. “I doubt it would be possible for me to hate you any more
than I already do,” Draco told her calmly, his lips twitching. She looked slightly
troubled by his words, and the need for him to say something else buzzed around
his tongue. He clenched his eyes shut and scorned himself for what he rushed out
next. “Consider it dealt with, Granger.”
A fascinating mixture of relief and surprise stole Hermione’s face. “Really?”
“It would serve you well to just not mention it,” he said squarely, having long
decided that the incident was best tucked away at the back of beyond. “Unless you
would have me bring it up-
“No,” she shook her head hastily. “No, I’d like to forget it.”
He gave her a brief nod and swallowed a soothing gulp of the hot chocolate, and
Hermione resisted the urge to say thank you for agreeing to forget the topic. If she
remembered correctly, she had apologised and said please more than she should
have on that awful day. If she started spewing out words of gratitude to the arsehole
then it would be a step too far.
But as he was now; sat on the other side of the coffee table and looking more
calm than she could remember, it made her instinct to despise him waver. She had
always believed, and witnessed, how a person’s personality could effect how people
perceive their appearance. If someone was ugly on the inside, her brain would con-
vince her that ugliness was reflected on the outside. Now, with her hatred for Mal-
foy slightly dented by the odd calm that had settled between them, she accepted that
he was a rather striking wizard.
The dim light caught his pale features well, and the orange glow waltzed in front
of his silver irises. The angles and lines of his face were sharp and defined, as though
each detail screamed for attention, but it made the eyes dance and she quite liked
that. She could argue that he was too pale, almost like he’d been mastered from ice,
but she realised he probably hadn’t felt a ray of sunshine in Merlin knew how long.
“Have you read the books?” she asked carefully, deciding the silence had been
breaching the fringes of discomfort. “The ones I left on the top.”
She could see his hesitation to answer her. “Yes,” he admitted cautiously.
“Which one are you reading now?” she pressed.
“Why do you want to know?”
“I’m just curious,” she shrugged honestly, wishing his suspicion towards her
would simmer.
Draco exhaled loudly. “Titus Andronicus.”
“Good play-
“It’s alright,” he corrected her quickly, nursing his drink between his palms.
“Some parts are sloppy.”
“I’d agree with that,” she nodded thoughtfully. “It was one of Shakespeare’s
early plays.”
“You gave me a lot of books by him,” he mumbled slowly, giving her a stern
glare. “I assume he is a Muggle author.”
Her eyes widened. She’d expected nothing short blinding rage when her little
experiment came to his attention, but he simply seemed irritated by it. “You knew
I gave you Muggle books?”
“It pretty obvious, Granger,” he rolled his eyes. “I didn’t recognise any of the
authors and it seemed like something you would pull.”
“And you still read them?” she pushed with a disbelieving tone. “Why?”
His scowl hardened a little. Truth be told, he hadn’t touched her Muggle litera-
ture for two days, simply eyeing them with genuine disgust. But boredom was too
powerful and sanity-draining, and he’d yielded on the third day, rationalising that
it was either the reading or a mental breakdown. He’d intended to have the books
feed his revulsion for Muggles, providing him with proof that they really were un-
cultured and uncivilised beings who would struggle to pen a decent paragraph.
But it was actually okay... Good enough that he’d continued to turn the pages
and be subconsciously impressed. It was so unnerving and sickening, and it had
made him question...things. Only for a moment, but he had. No, he had never be-
lieved all that propaganda shit about Muggles being feral, but he’d been convinced
on some level that they would be less able with the arts, but this Shake-something
guy was... adequate. He couldn’t very well tell Granger that though.
“There’s nothing else to read,” he growled, realising he’d taken too long to respond.
Hermione sighed, watching him under her eyelashes as she took another sip.
Her heart thudded with her inquisitive nature, and she wanted to know how far she
could test this. “And what do you think of the play so far?”
He snorted. “It’s violent,” he said as though it was obvious, which she guessed
it was. “Which is... entertaining, but it proves how barbaric Muggles are.”
“Barbaric?” Hermione repeated, reining in the urge to scream at him. “How so?”
“Well, it’s just mindless bloodshed-
“As oppose to all the Wizard Wars?” she pointed out quickly. “Violence is pre-
sent in all races and species, Malfoy, and especially in humans. Magic or not-
“The guy killed his own son,” Draco remarked, cocking his head proudly to the
side as if that had been the winning blow. “That’s an indication of how uncivilised
Muggles are.”
Hermione didn’t skip a beat. “But Voldemort killed his family.”
The blond’s haughty expression faltered, and he hated that she witnessed it.
“That’s different,” he mumbled defensively. “That was-
“And Crouch killed his father-
“It’s different!” he repeated adamantly, but he knew the argument was weak.
Granger looked neither smug nor arrogant as she raised her head to meet his
peeved stare, but simply dampened her lips with a quick flick of her tongue. “How
is it different, Malfoy?”
He rummaged through his brain, hunting for a satisfactory argument or reason-
ing that would knock her back into place. He felt agitated and perturbed, but also a
little smidgeon of respect for Granger slithered into his conscious, and that just pissed
him off more. This would definitely earn her a mark on his headboard. Shit.
“It just is,” he muttered, taking another swig of her rather perfect hot chocolate.
The stiffness of his neck was his first clue that he hadn’t slept in a bed.
Whatever his head was resting on was too hard to be a pillow, and as his eyes
slowly blinked open, he focused on a different ceiling to what he was used to. Draco
awkwardly shifted to find himself outstretched on one of the sofas, propped up by
the armrest. It was still rather dark, but there were no windows in this space, and a
brief check of the clock told him it was almost seven in the morning.
He groaned and rubbed his face, slowly rising into a sitting position that caused
his back to click like crackling embers. His sleep-blurry vision focussed on his
surroundings as he tried to recall just how and when he had fallen asleep on the
couch, and his winter-grey eyes moved to the other side of the coffee table.
He stiffened.
She was cocooned from neck to toe in her blanket, her clumsy curls splashed
across the cushion in coffee swirls. With her eyes shuttered and her features so re-
laxed, she looked the embodiment of comfort and peace. Gone were the stressed
muscles consistently stretching under Granger’s skin, and he couldn’t ever recall
seeing a person who looked so smothered by sleep. Her slumber-slow breaths
hummed in his ears and snatched him from his trance, leaving Draco to silently
scold himself for letting the morning fuzz his brain.
He snapped his eyes away from her, finding himself studying her unfinished
and cold mug of hot chocolate. And her wand. Just lying there, taunting him.
He dragged his body away from the sofa and meandered his way around the
table as silently as he could, knowing all the while that this would probably lead to
nothing. She’d told him herself that it was charmed to repel him, but it could have
so easily been a well-placed bluff. He shuffled closer to her wand, crouching down
and moving into a position just in front of the sleeping witch.
Her breath skimmed over the sensitive skin of his throat, and he fought the
shiver that kissed down his spine. Reaching out, all his hope for a chance of escape
died when warning magic buzzed against his fingertips before he could even touch
it. He’d expected it. With a defeated huff, he leaned back against his haunches;
Granger’s dreamy sighs still whispering across the fine hairs on his skin.
He closed his eyes...relished the feeling...the smell of her this close...close
enough to touch...
And like an army of flames, he was blasted back to reality. He flinched violently
away from her, as though she was laced with poison, cursing himself to Salazar’s
tomb and back.
This was what her sodding blood experiment had done to him.
She was crawling through his system and into his head, screwing up his senses.
It wasn’t her muddy blood, it was something deeper; something carving his bones
and drowning his cells. It was her. Granger. Her substance, her innocence; just
racing though him and throwing shards at his sanity. Revolted by his actions, he
fled her company on slightly shaking legs; praying some distance would purify
him of her.
Hermione was startled awake by the angry slam of his door.
Shame really; it had been the best night’s sleep she’d had in weeks. Even if had
only been for a few hours.
The winds were calm for the next four days, and he successfully managed to avoid
her while he convinced himself more and more that she was festering beneath his
flesh. On the Friday, exactly one week after their blood-bathroom incident, the walls
had started to close in again. A craving for interaction with another human settled
into his pores and, of course, Granger was the only option. He needed to hear another
human’s heartbeats because his own were getting too loud with his solitude.
Of all the fucked up things to plague his brain, needing someone else’s presence
was definitely the the thing that let him know he was going mad. He wanted an
argument, or just something to remind him there was life beyond his bedroom
door. He rationalised it by pointing out it was entirely circumstantial.. If there was
anybody, and he meant anybody, other than her that could chase away his demons,
then there would be no need for this.
Anybody, except Weasley. Pureblood or not, if bitchy McGonagall had shoved
him into a room with that orange tumour of Wizarding Society, there would have
been slaughter by the second hour.
That mental image cheered him a little.
He could hear her shuffling around in the kitchenette, clanging around with var-
ious utensils and causing more noise than was probably necessary. Combing his
hands through his ice-blond hair and releasing a weary breath, he left the four-walled
prison-come-bedroom to find Granger fussing with some pans and vegetables.
Hermione felt his presence before she saw it, and she spun around to give him a
curious look. “Let me guess,” she said evenly. “I was making too much noise again?”
“Yes,” he grumbled, taking a few steps towards her. “What the hell are you do-
ing, Granger?”
“Just sorting out some food for tomorrow,” she explained with a delicate shrug.
“I probably should have asked you this before, but are you allergic to anything?”
“No,” he shook his head, hoisting himself up to sit on the counter. “Just you.”
He’d meant the comment to be cold and crisp, but it had lacked that snide edge
that had taken him years to perfect. Instead it sounded more...teasing? Well,
Granger certainly seemed to find it harmless judging from her amused snort and
the slight curl of her lips. He considered calling her Mudblood just for familiarity’s
sake, but something in his rather warped mind told him not to, and she spoke be-
fore he had a chance to question it.
“Have you finished reading Titus?” she asked, evidently a bit uncertain about
how she was supposed to act around him. At least they had that in common.
He scoffed. “Give me some credit, Granger,” Draco mumbled, resting his el-
bows against his knees and eyeing her back. “I was almost finished the other day.
Of course I’ve finished it.”
“Okay,” she nodded, using her wand to help her finish her cooking. “And what
were your thoughts on the ending?”
“Too rushed,” he stated simply, his tone critical and brusque. “It was a rather
amateur ending.”
She hummed in thought as she turned to face him, crossing her arms over her
chest. “I agree.”
“I agree,” Hermione repeated, catching his stare with an uncertain flush. “It was
too fast. Have you thought about reading another?”
He was already half-way through another one of her Muggle books. He’d de-
cided to move away from that Shake-whatever guy, adamant that he would find
some level illiteracy amongst her offered Muggle texts. He’d settled on some
creepy-looking cover by a Muggle named Wilkie Collins, and had been pretty much
absorbed by the pages from chapter one, much to his inner-disgust.
“The Woman in White,” he offered with a rushed breath, noting that her grin
stretched slightly.
“One of my favourites,” she told him. “And how-
“Don’t get all bloody enthusiastic,” he warned her with a low tone. “The level of
writing is below that of Wizard and Witch authors.”
Her smile fell and she turned her back to him to complete the preparations for
what appeared to be stew. “Do you really believe Purebloods to be superior to Mug-
gle-borns, Malfoy?”
He quirked an eyebrow at that. His stony eyes roamed her shoulders and spine,
searching for any clue as to why she had asked such a stupid question. “You know I do,
Granger,” he answered proudly, but there was an odd throb in his chest as he spoke.
“Don’t ask piss-poor questions when you’re meant to have some brains in there.”
An almost disappointed sigh left her mouth. “Then can I make a suggestion
please?” she murmured softly, fidgeting with the hem of her too-big, red jumper.
There was her sodding please again; unwelcome and just another reminder of
how pathetically pure she was. Somewhere at the back of his brain lingered the
memory that he’d intended to argue with her, but here he was again; conversing
with her in a way that should have made him vomit. But at least he felt slightly more
normal. More human. Just like her shower-sighs, these...almost civil moments
seemed to remedy his pulsing headaches.
“You can make all the suggestions you want,” he shrugged nonchalantly, his
scowl wasted on her back. “But the likelihood of me agreeing to any of them is ob-
viously next to nothing.”
She turned back around and her features were calm and soothed, but he could
see the flurry of thoughts spinning behind her eyes. She really was so interesting to
observe at times such as these; like a cryptic puzzle with no obvious reward. Every-
thing that buzzed in her heart was so willingly reflected in her autumn-hue gaze,
something he just couldn’t get his head around. It would be wise for her to keep as
much hidden as possible; especially from someone she despised. Someone like him.
“After you’ve finished the book,” she spoke slowly. “I would like you to read
Martin Luther King’s autobiography.”
His brow lowered with caution. “Why?”
“I think you would find some of the concepts interesting,” Hermione offered,
her eyes raking down his body from head to toe. “It’s just a suggestion.”
With that, she wandered out of his sight and disappeared into her room, leaving
Draco reluctantly intrigued by her random request. He wouldn’t read it, of course,
if only out of spite.
Hermione didn’t have time to mull over her conversation with Malfoy, as she
was greeted by a very familiar owl pecking relentlessly at her window pane. She
rushed over on anxious feet, throwing open the latch to let the beautiful bird inside.
“Hedwig,” she cooed affectionately as Harry’s faithful pet dropped the letter in
her palm and gave her knuckles a soft nuzzle. “Give the boys my love.”
The Snowy Owl never waited for a response as it was too risky to waste the pre-
cious time, but Hermione always felt disheartened as she hastily took back to the
skies. She would have given anything to write a reply, but it had been agreed that it
was far too dangerous to exchange more parchment than could be helped. If she
ever discovered anything that could be useful for the boys, she had to pass it on to
McGonagall, and she would find a means to deliver it to Harry and Ron. These rules
were strict, and she naturally followed them; albeit begrudgingly.
Merlin, she missed them...
The letter was scratchy in her palm, and as much as she wanted nothing more
than to tear it open there and then, she couldn’t. She’d promised Ginny at the be-
ginning of term that they would read all the messages together. If there was one
person who was coping slightly worse than Hermione, it was the Weasley sister. It
was her boyfriend and her brother after all, the girl had every right to feel lost.
Hermione shrugged on her robes and carefully tucked the letter and her wand
into the pocket before she left her room. A quick scan of the kitchen and the sitting
area informed her that Draco must have retired to his room for the remainder of
the evening, so she quickly left her dorm, heading for Gryffindor Tower.
Ten minutes later and she was sat on Ginny’s bed with the redhead at her side,
nervously fingering the ends of her fiery locks. The only other resident of the room,
Parvati Patil, was conveniently absent, possibly shacking up with Dean Thomas af-
ter their recent attempt at a relationship. The privacy was welcomed by both
witches as the letters tended to rouse some emotional reactions, and only a select
few knew that her two best friends were in contact.
“Ready?” Hermione sighed, not waiting for a response before she ripped away
the envelope and unfolded the parchment, her eyes scanning the brief paragraph.
All is well. Not much to report.
Working on something but it might be nothing.
As always, don’t worry.
Miss and love you both.
As always, it was short and to the point, lacking any detail in case it was inter-
cepted. The words were scribbled in Harry’s handwriting this time, and Hermione
watched Ginny trace her fingers across the blunt sentences with tears already bead-
ing between her lashes. She felt her own eyes burn with the inevitable pining, and
it wasn’t because of what was scrawled across the parchment. It was because of what
wasn’t on the parchment.
The boys would never talk like that, and the lack of personality behind the words
was what she missed the most. Just to read one of Ron’s dull jokes or to have a
comforting line from Harry would have been bliss. Hell, she’d have probably
screamed with joy if they’d have written something about Quidditch. She just
wanted her boys back...
“Can you stay tonight?” Ginny blurted over a sob. “P-Parvati’s not here, and I
don’t want to be alone.”
Hermione gave her friend a sad nod and pulled her in for a strong hug. “Of
course I’ll stay.”
Where was she?
If something had happened to her, would he be stuck here?
What would that do to his mind?
What would he do without her scent or showers...?
He needed to get out.
No way in hell was he staying in here; left to rot away like a peasant with no
worth. He marched quickly to the main door, ignoring the familiar and irritating
static against his palm, warning him not to grab the handle. But he did anyway.
His fist clamped down on the brass, and the pain was instantaneous. It burned
his hand and sparked up his arm; scorching his flesh from the inside and searing
across his bones. His instincts screamed at him to let go, but his alarm was too
strong. He gnashed his teeth in an effort to ignore the pain and tried to push down,
but then the fire shot down his spine like blazing scratches. His back arched and he
roared with agony; but still, he refused to let go.
He could feel himself weakening; the violent flames burning away his energy
and convulsing his muscles. He knew he was spasming with uncontrollable jerks,
and another tortured yell tore out of his throat. With one last feeble attempt to es-
cape, he put everything he had into opening the door.
The heat raced right back up his spine and attacked his head, flaring at the nape
of his neck before it all went numb. He didn’t even feel himself crash to the floor;
trembling wildly and writhing as the fit rocked every inch of him with dangerous
twitches. And then he was unconscious.
Her lack of sleep was clearly starting to muddle with her head, and a glimpse at
the clock told her it was already half six in the morning. She checked that Ginny
was completely out before she carefully moved her to the side, reaching out with
the hem of her sleeve to brush away some dreamy tears from the younger witch’s
face. Hermione silently headed to her friend’s desk and scribbled a quick note, apol-
ogising for leaving and explaining that she needed some rest.
With a parting sad look at the pretty redhead, she crept quietly away from her
former living space and wandered down the lonely corridors back to her dorm. It
was only a short distance, but her steps were slow and thoughtful as she noted, yet
again, just how dead Hogwarts seemed. Yes, the halls were still bleak with the winter
morning, and it was too early for anyone to be up on a Saturday, but she had always
adored Hogwarts for feeling so alive and warm. Now, every brick looked darker
and every room was colder, and the entire Castle had a similar atmosphere to that
of a graveyard.
It was a haunting comparison...One that constantly reminded her of how dismal
everything was. It would be the 1st of November on Monday, another month since
Dumbledore’s death. Half a year, and it still made her heart shrink.
With a troubled sigh, she mumbled her password to the pride of lions, but the
door didn’t open all the way. She frowned and pushed against it, feeling resistance
from the other side. She slipped in sideways and instantly tripped on something;
something fleshy that sent her tumbling to the floor with a shocked gasp. With a frus-
trated breath, she chucked her hair out of her face and glanced over her shoulder, her
eyes going wide when she noticed what, or who, had caused the obstruction.
“Oh God,” she whispered, pivoting on her knees and crawling over to him.
“Malfoy? Draco!”
He looked dead. It was as simple as that.
His skin had turned a ghostly shade of grey and his lips were a chilling blue
smudge across his face. With his eyes sealed, and his expression a foreboding sem-
blance of peace, Hermione felt intense alarm and dread clog her throat. With jittery
movements and panic-clumsy hands, she fumbled with his wrist, grimacing when
she noticed his palm was a swollen mess of blood and scorched flesh.
The loud and violent thuds pounding in her ribcage calmed when she felt
Draco’s steady pulse against her fingertips. She released a shaky breath and relished
the feeling of his heartbeats for a second, allowing her terror to subside. It only took
another glimpse at his mangled hand and his position by the door for her to deduce
what had happened.
He’d tried to escape.
Malfoy, you bloody idiot...
Kneeling at his side, she forced herself to gather her wits; surprised when she re-
alised her cheeks were damp. She’d cried? Well...panic could that to people, and she
could think about it later after she’d kicked the shit out of him for being so stupid.
“Wingardium leviosa,” Hermione said quietly as she got to her feet and with-
drew her wand, manoeuvring the unconscious wizard to one of the sofas.
She crouched next to him with her wand lingering over his chest, ready to wake
him, but she hesitated.
Her fawn-like eyes slowly drifted up to his face, and she realised she’d never had
an opportunity to see him like this. This close. He looked so normal then, like he
was simply sleeping. There was no trace of the anger and turmoil that always
seemed to stain his features; no hint of how fractured his life was. He appeared
relaxed, and she was completely transfixed by him. She reached out a curious hand
to brush aside his snowy-blond fringe, and her fingertips moved on their own from
that point; sweeping across his brow and up his cheekbone with probing barely-
there strokes.
Something wedged in her chest as she studied him further, and she found her-
self thinking it was such a shame. He was handsome and smart, but his upbringing
had ruined him, and it was so sad...Such a waste...
Some of the colour returned to his face as she grazed his skin, and she couldn’t
help herself as she brushed her thumb against his lower lip. He was...warmer than
she’d expected...
She snatched her hand away and gave it a horrified glare. This was what insom-
nia did to her; messed with her brain and encouraged to do stupid and inappropri-
ate things. Shaking her head and privately scolding herself, she placed her wand
back against his chest and prepared for Malfoy’s inevitable temper when he woke
up and found her leaning over him.
Draco sprang up with a loud gasp, his eyes snapping open into wide and stormy
pools, and his chest heaving with urgent sputters. He didn’t even notice the witch as his
side as he stared straight ahead, blinking wildly and trying to regain his composure.
“Malfoy!” Hermione shouted his name, placing her hand across his arm.
“Draco, calm down. It’s alright.”
His frantic stare shot over to her, and she could have sighed when she saw him
relax and his breathing slowed to a regular rate. She was about to speak again when
he quickly reached out with his injured hand, and she managed to resist the urge to
flinch away in surprise. It happened too quick to understand, but his sticky palm
was suddenly against her cheek, intimately slicking her skin with his blood. Her lips
parted in shock as she tried to comprehend the gesture, and he was trembling so
badly that the tremors vibrated against her face.
And then, as if nothing had happened, his hand dropped, and he was simply
staring at her with a blank expression. Snapping out of yet another trance, Hermi-
one examined his shivering body nervously, listening to his chattering teeth as the
shudders became increasingly worse.
“Malfoy,” she breathed as calmly as she could. “Your body needs to recover,
okay?” He didn’t even attempt to answer over the rhythmic claps of his teeth, just
continuing to watch her with completely empty eyes. “I’m going to get you some
Dreamless Sleep Potion, alright? I’ll be back in a second.”
She rushed to her bedroom without waiting for a response and flung open the
chest at the base of her bed to rummage as fast as she could for a vial of purple
liquid. With the required potion in her fist, she grabbed a blanket from her bed and
raced back to him, finding his body quaking at an alarming rate. She dropped the
blanket and stumbled back to his side, desperately tugging away the cork and bring-
ing the vial to his lips.
“D-Draco,” she murmured over her anxiety. “Can you keep still so I can give
you this?”
No answer. Just more shaking...
Pausing for only a second, her free hand went to his face again, cupping his
cheek and using her thumb to pry apart his lips. “It’s okay,” she muttered distantly,
oblivious to how tender she was being. She ignored the pain as she shoved her
thumb between his vibrating teeth so she could pour the potion down his throat.
When the small glass was empty, she tossed it over her shoulder and settled her
palm over his lips, absently rubbing her fingertips across his face as she waited for
him to swallow. No less than twenty seconds later and he went completely limp,
though he was still shivering slightly. She pulled the blanket over him and ensured
he was substantially covered before she collapsed back on her haunches with a re-
lieved sigh.
Dear Merlin, she’d been petrified...petrified for him...But she’d done all she could.
Stealing a glance just to ensure that he was sleeping soundlessly, she rose to her
uneasy feet and literally felt the exhaustion smother her like a freezing wave. Drag-
ging her protesting limbs towards the bathroom, she hunched over the sink and
tried to gather her thoughts, but a glance at her reflection made her breath hitch.
There it was. His crimson handprint; bold and oddly beautiful across her cheek
like some territorial mark that still felt blissfully warm. She stared at it for a long
minute before she flicked on the tap and rinsed his blood away with a strange flutter
in her chest. With a final glance at her reflection, she trudged into her room and
began to discard her clothes. She hurriedly changed into a t-shirt and her pyjama
bottoms, tucking her wand into a pocket at her thigh.
She could have cried over how comfortable her bed looked. So, Godric knew why
she decided to grab another one of her blankets and head back into the sitting room.
Settling herself down and hugging her body under the covers, her heavy-lidded
gaze focussed solely on the slumbering wizard across the coffee table on the oppo-
site sofa. Again, he looked so different, but she had a feeling it had nothing to with
his calmed features this time.
This would change things, but she had no idea how.
.Hermione woke first to the sounds of wandering students outside her dorm.
She checked the clock to find it was almost midday, meaning she had miracu-
lously managed five hours sleep; one of her longest rests in ages. It also meant that
Malfoy would be waking soon if she’d measured out the potion correctly, and her
sleepy stare drifted over to him.
The whole incident seemed like a weathered whisper across her memory, some-
where between reality and a forgotten dream. She could have been watching him
for minutes or hours when signs of life began to slowly influence his body; just little
twitches and a rousing sigh before his eyes opened with a flutter of blinks.
She half-wished he didn’t notice her, because she knew it would lead to one of
the most awkward moments of her life. Just as she was contemplating closing her
eyes and pretending to be asleep, he cocked his head, and their eyes locked.
She’d expected nothing but rage and embarrassment, but she saw only irritation
and a hint of shame swirling in his rain-cloud eyes. The silence seemed to spark
between them as the eye contact refused to shatter, and Hermione’s voice found
her before she could turn it away.
“How do you feel?”
He looked away then, and she honestly didn’t expect him to answer. “Like shit,”
he muttered, his voice a little hoarse.
The witch observed him intently as he pulled himself into a sitting position
with some difficulty and a reluctant grimace, keeping his injured hand under the
blanket. He bent his knees and clenched his eyes shut, bowing his head and mas-
saging his temple with lean fingers. She chewed her bottom lip and silently
scolded herself for leaving her couch, gathering the blanket about her shoulders
as she neared him.
What the hell are you doing...?
She could have sat on the floor next to his sofa. It would have certainly been a
more rational idea than nervously settling herself on the couch by his feet. If he had
screamed at her then, she wouldn’t have blamed him, because she had no idea why
either. But Draco barely moved. This was one of the most bizarre situations she
could ever remember getting herself into, and considering the last six years of her
life, that was saying something.
“What were you thinking?” she blurted before she could douse the urge, frown-
ing when he still didn’t lift his head. “Do you have any idea how dangerous the
wards are? You could have died, Malfoy-
“You didn’t come back,” he interrupted with a low mumble.
What the-
“What?” Hermione breathed, trying to study every detail of his face to gain a
clue. “What do you-
“You didn’t come back,” he repeated, finally glancing at her from under his eye-
lashes. “Last night.”
“I... I don’t understand-
“Nobody else knows I’m here.” he hushed her, his words strained and quiet. “If
something happens to you then I am royally fucked-
“McGonagall knows your here,” Hermione pointed out. Her voice was soft and
patient, as though she was comforting him, and Draco was too confused to be dis-
gusted by it. Despite his best attempts to ignore it, there was something about
Granger’s proximity that steadied the remains of his tempestuous soul, and for the
moment, he didn’t want her to leave. Not yet.
How could he have forgotten McGonagall? It was all that ancient cow’s fault he
was imprisoned here in the first place.
“And if something happened to her?” he questioned harshly. “I would just rot
away in here until some fucking third year noticed the smell?”
“Draco,” she gasped, flinching at his bitter words. “If anything happened to
McGonagall, the wards would stop working and you would be able to leave.”
He blinked.
Hell, he’d never even thought of that, and now he felt like bloody fool for his dra-
matic escape attempt. He snapped his glare away from her and despised himself for
getting into such a state. If he thought that Potter wandering into the bathroom last
year had been the most degrading thing that could happen to him, he’d been wrong.
But she was different to Potter. That immortal prick had been nosing around
and trying to interfere, as he always bloody did, whereas she looked genuinely con-
cerned for him. The very thought should have repulsed him, and his fingers itched
with the instinct to shove her as far away as possible, but he didn’t. Instead, he scru-
tinised her heart-shaped face for any indications of trickery or deception, but the
witch practically glowed with sincerity.
“Why would you help me?” he asked her, narrowing his eyes into suspicious slits.
“Because you needed it,” Hermione shrugged, as though it was nothing. “The
wards are strong and dangerous, and you could have-
“You hate me,” he hissed, perhaps more to himself than to her. “We loathe each
other, Granger. Why the fuck would you-
“I don’t...I don’t think I really...hate you,” she stuttered shyly, and Draco
clamped his mouth shut with an audible snap. “Hate’s a strong word. I would never
wish anything fatal on you-
“Wouldn’t you?” he growled cynically.
“No, I wouldn’t,” she affirmed with that familiar determination of hers. “And I
would hope you wouldn’t wish it on me.”
Draco snorted, but she would be deaf not to notice the lack of conviction there.
A memory of the Quidditch World Cup invaded his mind, and he recalled himself
warning Potter to get her away from the chaos. It had been a random impulse that
he had questioned relentlessly for weeks afterwards, but there was no escaping that
he’d considered her safety, and he still had no idea why.
“Let me check your hand,” Granger’s voice stole him back to the current pre-
dicament. “It looked pretty bad this morning-
“It’s fine-
“No, it’s not,” she cut him off with a stern glare, extending her hand. “Look,
I’ll just Petrify you if you insist on being difficult. Wouldn’t you rather we just
got this over with?”
Draco scowled at her and clicked his tongue. “You will not tell a soul about
this, Granger.”
“I couldn’t even if I wanted to, Malfoy,” she reminded him. “Everything that
happens in this room remains between us.”
Something about the brunette’s comment made his throat run dry, and he
gulped down a scratchy swallow as he reluctantly revealed his hand. As he settled it
in her cupped palm, he grimaced when he realised it was a lot worse than he’d ex-
pected. There was a deep gash slicing across the centre, clotted with half-dry blood
and still oozing in some areas. His skin was folded back like grotesque petals, and
little red lines branched away from the large cut and spread across the rest of his
hand like roots; stretching up his fingers and wrist.
Draco could feel residual magic crackling under his flesh, and the weeping scold
burned like torture. His smoky eyes shifted to Granger, half expecting to find her
choking on the fumes of vomit, but she was simply nibbling her lip. Her hazels were
calculating the damage, and he watched the clogs of her brain churn with too much
attention. He noted that they were, once again, effectively holding hands, the smell
of blood lingering between them, just like the first time on his bed after the bath-
room incident.
“This will take a couple of minutes,” she murmured, pulling out her wand and
beginning the work on his wound. “Does it hurt?”
“No,” he lied through gritted teeth, eyeing the golden glow at her wand’s tip.
“Just hurry up, Granger.”
She dampened her lips with a flick of her tongue as she healed the mess, starting
at his fingertips and working her way down to the gaping slash. Ignoring the searing
sensations sparking in his nerves, he focussed instead on her gentle touches and
found them the perfect distraction. They sat in a silence that oddly bordered on
comfortable, and he was too lost in the soothing exercise to do anything when she
tugged up his sleeve.
Granger’s harsh breath broke his trance, and his head snapped down to find her
amber eyes round and shocked. He wanted to melt away at that moment; disinte-
grate into nothing. He followed her stare down to his arm, knowing full well what
had shaken her. His Dark Mark.
No, no, no...
He didn’t want her to see it...It just didn’t feel right. She was too pure for it, as
if just looking at the ugly scar would somehow taint her. Salazar strike him down,
he didn’t want that; he didn’t want her anywhere near it. He tried to snatch his arm
away, but her grip on him tightened, holding it in place.
Hermione studied the hideous brand intently, realising she’d never been this
close to the Dark Mark before. She had read countless texts about Voldemort and
his trademark spells; particularly the Morsmordre and the inky emblem that Death
Eaters bore, but there was something off with the mark on Malfoy’s flesh. The skin
surrounding the skull and snake was still raised and red with irritation, but
Dumbledore had been dead almost six moths, which meant the swelling should
have gone down by now. Unless...
“Wait,” she whispered absently as she leaned a little closer, oblivious that her
breath ghosted across his forearm and caused him to shiver. Draco observed her
warily as a rather striking flash of understanding danced in her eyes, and he held
his breath as she parted her lips. “You weren’t willing.”
He actually coughed in bewilderment. “What?”
“You weren’t willing,” she repeated, lifting her chin to give him a long look.
“Not completely, anyway.”
“What the fuck are you-
“Your body rejected it because you didn’t want it,” she explained, gesturing to
the inflamed skin around the tattoo-like symbol. “This would have calmed by now
if you had been completely obedient.”
Draco had no idea how he was supposed to respond to that, because the infuri-
ating witch was, yet again, right. He’d had too many reservations to count during
the ceremony, and he’d regretted that fateful night with aching pores ever since.
He’d been far too influenced by a reckless urge to avenge his father’s imprisonment,
but the moment he’d stepped into Borgin and Burkes, he’d sealed the painful trans-
action that had left him with this disgusting scar. And what had come from it?
Nothing but haunting nights, breaking down in the Prefects bathroom, and his six-
month hell of hiding.
He knew all this; had long accepted that it was a fatal mistake which had led to the
most degrading and awful moments of his life, but he didn’t want her to know that.
“What the hell would you know?” he challenged with a condescending sneer,
ripping his arm away from her and covering the brand back up with his sleeve. “Let
me guess; one of your precious books, Granger? You should know better than to
trust everything you read-
“I know it wasn’t your choice, Malfoy,” she argued in a calm tone that only in-
furiated him further. “And I didn’t have to see your Mark to figure it out-
“Spare me your philosophical bullshit, Granger,” he spat, but he couldn’t stop
his features twisting into a pained grimace as a sudden bout of nausea hit him.
“Are you okay?” Hermione asked quickly, reaching out. “Here, let me-
“Just leave me be!” he snarled, attempting to rise from the couch, but the fuzzi-
ness in his head wouldn’t allow it. “For fuck’s sake-
“It’s the magic,” she sighed, shuffling a little closer to him across the cushions.
Maybe too close. “Let me finish healing you-
“I don’t think so-
“I won’t touch the Mark,” she offered with a meek shrug. “I swear, I won’t even
mention it. As I said, what happens here remains between us.”
Had it not been for the biting prickles still swimming beneath his skin, a won-
derful insult would be tumbling out of his mouth by now Instead, he cautiously
surrendered his arm to her again, careful to keep his features hard so she wouldn’t
allow herself to believe he was at all comfortable with it. Her fingers were on him
again; lulling little caresses that seemed to linger across his fine hairs like static.
True to her word, she kept her reaction indifferent as she pushed his sleeve back
up, careful to keep her wand and eyes away from the black stain.
The lip-chewing witch was doing everything she could to ignore the Dark Mark,
but she would swear she could feel it glowering at her; judging her Muggle heritage
and her loyalty to the Phoenix. She half-sealed her eyes and took a deep breath,
catching a breeze of Malfoy’s scent. It was different now, no longer cider-sweet
from his apple diet, but masculine and refined. There was a hint of that new book
smell she’d always found appealing, and a dash of her minty soap, that merged per-
fectly with his earthy, male spice. It was nice...
“Okay,” Hermione mumbled somewhat breathlessly, lowering her wand and
releasing his arm. “I think that’s it.”
“Good,” he breathed, finding his arm suddenly felt rather cold without her touch.
“How do you feel?” she asked, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Any
dizziness or-
“No,” he lied bitterly, steeling himself with the meagre scraps of his dignity to
leave the couch. He put everything he had into making his movements as fluid as
possible, and was almost safely inside his room when Granger’s voice stalled him.
Merlin forbid she leave him in peace.
“Malfoy,” she called him, a nervous scratch to her voice. “Can I... Can I ask you
something before you go?”
He cursed his curiosity to the other side and back as he leaned his shoulder
against the wall and shot her a fierce glare. “Make it quick, Granger.”
“Well,” she murmured with obvious reservations. “Do you remember when you
first came here and you asked how I felt about you? And I said-
“You had a rant about how much you despised me,” he finished impatiently,
rolling his eyes. “Yes, so?”
“But I... I said just now that I didn’t hate you,” Hermione continued, fidgeting
anxiously. “That hate was a strong word-
“Bloody hell,” he growled through connected teeth. “This pointless memory ex-
ercise better have a point. Get on with it, Granger!”
“How do you feel about me now?” she asked in a staccato rush, unable to look
at him. “I you still hate me?”
His eyes were a stormy mix of agitation and confusion that made her feel just
that little bit more idiotic. The question seemed to ring in his ears and stir memories
of his obsession with her showers, and the almost civil talks that they’d accidentally
stumbled into as of late. Did he hate her? Yes, just not in the same way. He hated
her now for confusing him and screwing with his predefined perceptions of her. He
hated her because she had somehow become borderline tolerable, but he hated her
most because she made him think; made him question himself.
“Do I hate you?” he repeated with a flawless patronising snarl. “More and more
each day.”
He didn’t wait to witness her reaction and barged his way into his room, just
managing to reach his bed before he collapsed with still-struggling muscles. He
brought his hand up to his eyes and inspected it, one again acknowledging that
Granger had done a decent job with fixing a wound. His skin was unblemished
ivory again; but he would swear he could still feel an unnatural buzz across his wrist
and palm.
It wasn’t like the crawling sting from McGonagall’s wards, but more...more like
the pleasant remains of Granger’s soothing fingers...
It was a ridiculous and dangerous notion, and he balled his fists and slammed
them into the mattres with a revolted grunt.
He’d been wrong; this was what he loathed most about her. She was polluting
him like a blissful virus, infecting him inch by inch; sense by sense. He went through
the motions in his head, listing her invasion of his senses. First it had been her smell,
closely followed by her shower sounds. And then his eyes had come to acknowledge
that she wasn’t the ugly Muggle-spawn she was supposed to be. And now, he could
feel her; her touch across his skin and her essence still waltzing in his veins from
the day on the bathroom floor.
That was four; smell, sound, sight and touch. What was the fifth?
Oh yes. Taste.
But something within him stirred; a warm little twitch just below his naval that
sent fast and eager blood between his thighs. He knew the feeling well, but it had
been a while; being forced to plot a man’s death tended to consume the mind and
steal any thoughts of release, and six months in hiding had hardly helped.
Still a little lost in Granger’s moans, his hand moved instinctively and absently
to the growing bulge between his hips. His fingers barely managed a pleasing stroke
before his eyes shot open and he snapped his hand at his side with horror carved
into his features. He tore his body away from the wall with an undignified jerk and
slammed his palms over his ears. He was shaking with self-loathing and shock as
he desperately tried to shove her out of his senses, clenching his eyes shut and
grinding his teeth.
In a trembling heap at the foot of his bed, he didn’t move; didn’t dare move,
until the click of the main door slipped through his fingers and told him that she’d
left for classes. He opened his thunderstorm eyes and his arms fell from his head as
his chest heaved with revulsion and panic.
What the HELL was that?
His forehead was glossed with a mist of sweat, and his throat was scratchy and
dry from his mortified panting. He felt dirty; sullied by the way his body had reacted
to that fucking bitch. Merlin’s grave, what was wrong with him? Had his psyche
become that withered in this Granger-infested cell that he would actually respond
in such a sickening manner?
No, it didn’t mean anything. Not a sodding thing.
It had been long months since he’d gained any physical satisfaction, and that
wasn’t counting the fistful of times he’d tossed off in the Scottish shack when Snape
had left to get provisions. It was only normal that his baser instincts should come
into play when he was living so closely to a female.
Mudblood or not.
It was inevitable, but he could control it. He had to.
He raised his head and found King’s autobiography near his feet. With a loud
swallow to get rid of the sandy edge in his throat, he grabbed the book with still-
quivering fingers and flicked to the first page. Distraction was essential.
“But I would advise you don’t get too carried away with that idea. Mr Malfoy seems
pretty fixed in his ways-
“I know that,” the brunette cut in. “But I don’t think he’s as bad as he makes out. He’s
intelligent, and I think if I could just feed that seed of doubt, he might see some sense.”
The Headmistress pursed her lips and tapped her finger pensively against her chin.
“Your opinion on Mr Malfoy has changed,” she said slowly; a statement, not a question.
“Well,” Hermione started awkwardly. “I just think I understand him a little bet-
ter, and I think he’s adapting well to me too. I’m pretty sure his perception of me
has changed in the last month, so maybe I could convince him that his prejudices
have no basis.”
McGonagall considered the younger witch carefully. “If you must,” she
breathed hesitantly. “Then I would recommend that you don’t get your hopes up
and just be careful. But I trust your judgement, Hermione.”
“Thank you,” she nodded with a small smile. “That means a lot, Professor.”
“And how has he been doing otherwise?” the older witch asked. “Any odd be-
haviour, or outbursts of any kind?”
Hermione’s brain was instantly harassed with flashing memories of Saturday,
and coming home to find Malfoy passed out on the floor. She’d assured him that
his escape attempt would remain between them; Merlin, she’d pretty much prom-
ised him. In hindsight, it had been a rash decision, and while her loyalties to
McGonagall were resolute and infinite, she couldn’t break a promise.
Malfoy or not.
“No,” she shook her head, ignoring the guilt. “No, he just spends most of his
time in his room.”
“Okay,” the Professor spoke with a slightly sceptical tone. “Well, keep me in-
formed on his behaviour. And how are you doing, Miss Granger?”
“I’m fine,” she responded automatically, tilting her head to give McGonagall a
curious look. “Why do you ask?”
“I’m just checking you are feeling well,” she offered in an even tone. “I under-
stand that things are difficult at the moment and I just want to ensure that you are
doing okay.”
Hermione shrugged. “I know I have it easier than a lot of other people,” she
answered honestly, licking her lips. “I’m really okay, Professor.”
“If you say so,” McGonagall muttered with obvious concern. “But I’d like you
to know that you are free to discus anything you wish with me whenever you like.”
The young Gryffindor forced this smile. “Thank you.”
“One more thing,” the greying witch continued. “I need to make a trip to
Hogsmeade this weekend and you and Mr MacMillan are welcome to join me to
get some things. You might want to ask your friends if they need anything.”
“Okay,” she said, rising from her seat. “I’ll see you Saturday, Professor.”
It was late, and the wind was wild again; howling through the abandoned library
like the prayers of dying men.
Hermione shuddered and surged a bit more magic into her Lumos charm,
drawing her limbs in a little tighter to battle the chill. Her breath left her lips in
ghostly mists as she tried to concentrate on the passage-laced pages, willing her
heavy eyes to stay open. It was useless; the wind was too bold and her body too
exhausted to remain here.
She hadn’t returned to her dorm after classes like she normally did, as Neville
had near-begged her for some help with a Transfiguration assignment, and she’d
seen no point in leaving once he had finished. Her uniform had become scratchy
and musky from her too-long day, and she’d barely managed a cheese and pickle
sandwich after her meeting with McGonagall at lunch. She was starving, stiff and
frustrated that the night had denied her any progress. Just like every other night.
Another shrill wail of the weather rattled her nerves and she slammed the book
shut with a forlorn sigh. The sounds screamed around her and she hurriedly packed
up her belongings, casting wary glances at the surrounding shadows. With quick
and silent footfalls, she rushed down the hollow and menacing corridors with her
heart pounding against her chest. Catching flimsy reflections of herself in the win-
dows and convinced that she could feel a stranger’s footsteps behind her, she moved
into a full sprint.
“Ad Lucem!” she hissed at the yawning lions, ploughing into her room and seal-
ing her stare as she sank to the floor and tried to regain her scattered composure.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
Hermione flinched away from the voice, her eyes wide and a hand at her chest
to calm her fright. “Bloody hell, Malfoy!” she scolded over her flustered wheezing.
“What are you doing?”
He regarded her with viper, calculating eyes, and his previous plans to ignore
her at all costs, decided after his...problem in the morning, dissipated. It was too
tempting to rile her up when she looked all jittery and vulnerable, and he relished
her unpredictability. A month in her presence and he still found her impossible to
read, and despite that twitch under his stomach reminding him it was a potentially
risky decision, he found himself desiring to see how this played out.
He took a little comfort in seeing Granger all ruffled in her uniform; skirt con-
servatively below the knee, unlike many of the other girls who flashed some leg, and
her shirt buttons all neatly fastened. The girl wouldn’t have known how to dress
provocatively if her life depended on it, and it deluded him into believing that this
morning was nothing more than an anatomical glitch.
Surely no harm would come from toying with the little Gryffin-dick, if only to
douse some boredom?
“What are you doing on the floor?” he countered coldly from the kitchenette.
“And what’s got you so bloody jumpy?”
She gulped down some of her panic when another blast of wind sounded too
human. “I... I’m not jumpy-
“Oh, of course,” he smirked cruelly, analysing her features expertly and recog-
nising all the telling signs. “I forgot about your pathetic issue with the wind-
“Shut up, Malfoy,” she snapped, rising to her feet and straightening her posture
to regain a little dignity. “Why do you always have to lurk around-
“I’m not lurking,” Draco calmly argued, leaning against the counter and folding
his arms. “I’m simply standing here-
“Well...why?” she questioned clumsily, ditching her bag by the sofas. “You’re
not normally awake when I get home-
“Wrong again, Granger,” he interrupted. “I am always awake when you get
home. I’m just usually in my room.”
She looked puzzled and agitated, and his smug smirk widened slightly. “You’re
always awake?”
“Trying to sleep through your heavy-handed noise is impossible, Granger,” he
told her bluntly. “As I said before, it’s like living with a Dyspraxic Giant-
“I am not heavy-handed! I am-
“Loud and annoying,” he finished with a bored tone. “And a pain in the arse-
“Wait,” Hermione mumbled quietly. “’re having trouble sleeping too?”
Draco realised his mistake too late. “I sleep fine,” he said, giving her pointed
look. “Even if your Gryffindor beds are ridiculously uncomfortable.”
The brunette paused and tilted her head; her honeyed eyes dancing up and
down the length of him cautiously. “So... what were you doing in the kitchen?”
“I was trying to make a drink,” he rolled his eyes, gesturing to her kettle. “But
your fucking Muggle shit is broken-
“It’s not broken,” she muttered a little distantly, shifting her weight. “I’ll get
changed and I’ll make us some-
“I don’t want you to make me-
“Oh, don’t be so childish,” she frowned, but it faltered when the wind roared
again. She dented her bottom lip with anxiety as she weighed up her pride against her
fear and sudden loneliness. “Look, I need to ask you a few questions anyway, so-
“Questions?” Draco echoed. “Why should I answer any-
“Malfoy, stop it,” she scorned with an irritated huff. “I’m not trying to pull anything-
“The questions I have are about your stay and how to possibly make it
more...comfortable for you,” she explained, heading to her room. “So, stop being so-
“You have ten minutes,” he warned, leaving the kitchen and collapsing heavily
into the couch he had slept on the other night. “Hurry up, Granger.”
It was an accident.
Draco hadn’t meant to fall asleep on the sofa again; lulled into a too-perfect
sleep by her musical breaths. He’d woken up with an inappropriate stiffness be-
tween his legs and a twisted urge to steal a touch while she slept.
Maybe a taste...
Her scent was stronger in the mornings and deliciously musky, and it embedded
itself into his sinuses. It reminded him of Summer outside; the Summer he had
missed cooped away in Scotland, and he craved it. Her. With silent gratitude to
Merlin that he’d woken first, he hastily headed to his room to nurse away his bone-
hard erection, unable to resist a small stroke of her chaotic hair with slightly trem-
bling fingers.
Her lips had never looked so inviting at that moment; slightly dry from sleep
with an invitation for him to moisten them. But he didn’t yield to the revolting
temptation, and quickly ripped himself away, silently scolding himself all the way
to his room.
He collapsed in a lonely corner of the room and buried his face in his palms,
letting his self-disgust burn him from the inside out with throbbing heat. He had
no idea who he hated more at that moment; her or himself.
And the worst thing; her little trick last night had left questions chewing at his
mind even in his sleep. Granger was...altering things, plucking away thoughts like
dying petals and muddling them up for her own amusement.
What the fuck was she doing to him?
Hermione had batted her lids by the morning and felt blissfully rested and
warm, if a little disorientated. With no recollection of actually falling asleep, she
wondered when exactly Malfoy had left, but a quick glance at the clock had told her
she was running late on her morning routine and she didn’t have time to mull over
it. She skipped her shower and settled on a Scourgify to fake some freshness, before
hurrying down to Herbology. Her classes passed by slowly, and she spent her lunch
in the library with company in the form of a ham sandwich and her studies on
Another couple of hours amongst the creaking stacks and aisles after her les-
sons, and she decided to head back to her dorm. Thoughts of Malfoy invaded her
as she meandered down the empty corridors, dredging up memories of their heavy
conversation last night. It had been one of the most intense discussions she could
Barely an anything.
But it was a beautiful nothing.
Just a small clash of breaths and closed eyes as Draco’s upper lip fell between
both of Hermione’s, and his tongue ghosted across her lower lip. Just a little con-
nection of flesh and taste that lasted all of two clicks of the clock’s quickest hand,
before reality and cruelty shattered it.
Wild, grey eyes snapped open, and Draco lunged away, ripping his face out of
her hands like he’d been scolded; scrambling away from her with frantic move-
ments. His chest was heaving with confusion and shock that burned his bones and
pounded in his skull. He could hear her panting too, and his eyes went to the ex-
posed skin of her stomach as that fucking lusty twitch by his groin hit him again.
Everything was slowly coming back to him; sights, sounds, just everything be-
yond her. He glanced down and scowled at the empty allergy shot in his grip, and
he hadn’t even realised he’s tugged it out of her as he’d pulled back. He chucked it
away with disgust, blaming it for dragging him into this situation. This vile and
revolting situation.
How could he have allowed this to happen?
How could Grangerhave allowed this to happen?
And why the HELL wasn’t she moving or talking?
All that sliced the silence between them was their volatile and bewildered
breathing. He could still taste her in his mouth; his top lip damp by her barely-there
.Hermione flinched by the bang of the door and dragged in a shaky breath. She
wanted to fade away into the floorboards, or beg McGonagall for a spin of the Time
Turner to erase the incident from existence. The worst thing was she had no idea
who had initiated their... thing, their demi-kiss.
Oh God...
She couldn’t help but lick her lips and savour the leftovers of his taste; some-
thing close to citrus and masculinity, with a dash of peppermint. She could feel
the warm remains of his palm-print against her abdomen, and she was certain
she could still sense his weight leaning over her. Malfoy had returned to his
healthier shape since she’d started cooking him meals, and he’d felt safe and sinful
that close.
Since the night of Bill and Fleur’s wedding, when her and Ron had lost their
virtues to each other in a clumsy tumble, she hadn’t enjoyed any male company
that could be considered remotely suggestive. All that she could really remember of
that night was sweat-clumsy gropes and an awkward goodbye as he and Harry had
disappeared to start the Horcrux hunt, and she’d been left behind with one-third of
her heart and too many questions.
And before Ron?
This was hard.
So hard...
After the longest night of his life, during which he hadn’t managed one second
of sleep, he was basking in the morning sun seeping in through the window. He felt
blurry today; still confused and agitated about the incident with Granger, and weary
with insomnia. In a random moment of spontaneity, he’d stripped away all his
clothes to see if the cold air or the warm rays would make him feel more alive; more
real, but he felt like a ghost.
A flimsy creature on the crest of reality, but not quite there.
It must have been pushing into sociable hours because he could hear Granger
starting to stir, and a pained cringe stole his face. This was what he’d been dreading
and yet waiting for all night; his favourite part of his degrading routine. A sheer
gloss of sweat broke out across his naked skin as he listened to her move into the
bathroom, and when he thought he caught a dash of her taste in his mouth, that
sensitive spot under his stomach twitched. A-fucking-gain.
It was so hard...
He tried to shove it away, but his head was too muddled to really resist the pull
on his body. He heard, what he assumed, was her clothes thudding to the floor, and
he gulped down a throaty swallow. Closing his sleep-deprived eyes, his imagination
inflicted him with colourful and dangerous images of her. He succumbed to them
quickly; too tired to put up a decent fight and too captivated by the fantasies to
ignore them.
Neville had pretty much dragged her to dinner in the Great Hall, ignoring her
protests and insisting that some time amongst friends would cheer her up. Appar-
ently the distress about her flashbacks of Malfoy’s lips was scrawled blatantly across
her face, as Neville usually left her and her melancholy alone. He’d commented that
she looked worse today, and she’d eventually agreed to join him and the others,
reasoning that some lazy banter might distract her from the ugly truth.
And an ugly truth it was; brokenly beautiful in an odd way though. Like Draco.
How could I have kissed him?
She was sat on the outskirts of the small crowd, finishing a paragraph of an as-
signment that could have waited until later. She lifted her head and glanced around
the group, moving her distant gaze across Ginny, Lavender, Dean, Seamus and to
Neville at her side, frowning when she realised that someone was missing.
“Neville,” she mumbled quietly, keeping her voice low to avoid interrupting the
others’ conversation. “Where’s Luna?”
“We noticed that too,” he told her. “She disappears at lunch sometimes, and I
don’t think she stays here at weekends either, you know. One of the fifth years said
she saw her leaving the grounds last Saturday.”
“Where does she go?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “None of us do actually. She must have permission
from McGonagall though.”
“That’s odd,” she sighed, turning away when one of the other boys said some-
thing that caught her attention. “What did you say, Seamus?”
“I was talking about the rumours going around,” he answered with a whisper,
leaning in so only the six of them could hear. “A lot of people think that Voldemort
is going to infiltrate the Ministry soon.”
Hermione raised a sceptical eyebrow. “Rumours are sometimes just that, Sea-
mus. I wouldn’t pay too much attention-
“It could be true though,” he insisted. “And if they get control of the Ministry,
they get control of Hogwarts, and we will all be fucked.”
“Emphasis on the if,” she said calmly. “If McGonagall thought Hogwarts was
at risk, she would have figured out an alternative location for us by now-
The Hogwarts pupils were scattered randomly around the library, squeezed be-
tween the aisles and shelves, and huddled a little closer than normal to fight the
cold. They sky was already winter-dark at seven o’clock, and Madam Pince had lit
a few extra candles and cast a rather weak warming charm to accommodate the
forty-or-so snug students.
Hermione sat by herself in the dark corner near the restricted section; lost in a
lonely bubble that silenced the surrounding noise. She tried to focus on the scrib-
bled pages in front of her, but she couldn’t stop thinking about Malfoy and what
had happened.
How could I have done it?
Every method of distraction she’d attempted had failed and left her with itching
lips and more confusion. She wanted to know why and how it had happened, but
she could hardly suggest a discussion about it with her Slytherin dorm-mate. What
made it worse was she felt like everyone was staring at her, burrowing into her head
and stealing her naughty secret and secretly despising her for it.
Paranoia is such a parasite.
But that wasn’t even the worst thing. No matter how much she tried to reject the
absurd notion, she couldn’t help but think she’d been cheated in some way. It hadn’t been
a real kiss, and she felt like she’d missed out on some kind of conclusion or... climax.
It was like she’d been to Hell and not experience the lick of flames.
She shouldn’t have wanted to, but she really, really did. Her curiosity was getting
the better of her and she wanted more. She wanted...
She started with a harsh gasp and gave the source of the interruption a sharp
look. “Merlin’s grave, Michael,” she mumbled. “You scared me to death.”
“Sorry,” he chuckled casually in a way that made her think he wasn’t sorry at all.
“I was just wondering if you’d finished the list of duties for the prefects?”
“Oh,” she breathed absently, shuffling in her bag for the requested list.
“Yes...sure. Here.”
Michael Corner accepted the sheet of parchment and gave it a quick scan before
he turned back to give her a concerned stare. “Are you okay, Hermione?” the Head
Boy asked. “You seem a little distant.”
“I’m fine,” she shrugged, bowing her head to hide her uncertainty. “Is there a
problem with the rota?”
“No, it looks good,” he replied. “I just thought you might like some company.”
“I’ll be leaving in a minute,” Hermione answered, trying to be as polite as she
could, despite her foul mood. “Sorry, I’m rather tired.”
She made a mental note to apologise to Michael for her sour behaviour at a later
date. She normally enjoyed a light conversation with the Ravenclaw, who had
The wind was screaming like tortured toddlers tonight, and Hermione was con-
vinced her clock was lying.
If it really was three in the morning, then she had been staring blankly at her
ceiling for four hours and that just wasn’t healthy. She had secluded herself in her
room and adamantly refused to leave, amusing herself with finishing every essay
that was due from now until Christmas. That had lasted for three hours, and since
then she’d tried desperately to manage some sleep, but it was all in vain.
And it wasn’t the wind tonight...
No matter how hard she tried to eradicate Malfoy from her mind, she
couldn’t; be it stubborn flashbacks of their pseudo-kiss or just general musings
about his behaviour. She found herself fascinated by him as much as she tried to
reject it, and she’d noticed he’s refrained from calling her Mudblood for a while.
A month in his presence had effected her and she found herself more determined
than ever to tackle his prejudices, although she couldn’t help but wonder if it was
now for selfish purposes.
She wanted him to view her differently, and she was fairly certain he was starting to.
At least she hoped he was.
She sat up and rubbed her face with her palms, wondering if her interest in him
was really appropriate or healthy. Probably not.
A shiver chased up her spine and she grabbed her wand to renew her warming
charm when a thought stole her attention. She had three blankets and magic to
battle the November chill, but what did Draco have? He’d only been supplied with
one blanket...
What if he’s freezing?
She realised then that she cared, when she really shouldn’t have. She knew it was
Draco was vaguely aware of morning birds as he started to break away from
sleep. Some sliver of his subconscious told him that this was the first morning in a
while when rain hadn’t been hammering against his window, but it was the odd
texture of his pillow that made his eyes finally drift open.
What the...
His cheek was cushioned under Granger’s curls, and then he remembered the
dream he’d had last night. It had been a welcomed change to his usual nightmares
of murdered wizards and towers; a kiss with Gryffindor’s Princess. It was a blurry
memory without specifics, as most of his dreams were, because it had only been a
dream. Just a dream.
Odd though; his lips felt a little sensitive this morning.
He raised his bewildered stare to his bedside companion and secretly decided
that her delicate and charming features were easily the best thing he’d woken up to
in the long months he’d been hiding. She looked bloody alluring, almost surreal;
only a breath away with tousled tresses surrounding her relaxed face. His weary
eyes fell to her slightly swollen mouth and he wondered...
Don’t be such a fucking idiot.
If he’d thought his room had been heavy with her scent before, he was practi-
cally drowning in it now, and it was delicious. He was contemplating whether or
not to touch her; wondering if his fantasies had become a full-fledged hallucina-
tion, but her amber eyes slowly flitted open before he could. They simply stared
at each other for a long minute; her looking slightly embarrassed and him with a
suspicious glare.
“What are you doing here, Granger?” he broke the quiet, steeling his features.
He watched her with glassy eyes as nerves seemed to spark in her head and she
dragged in a shaky breath. “Granger-
Stashed safely away in her room, Hermione choked on a stubborn sob despite
her best attempts not to. It wasn’t so much his insulting remarks that had pushed
tears past her lashes, but more so her reaction to them. She shouldn’t have cared
about his opinion of her; should’ve been more than used to his biting words but, by
Godric’s grave, that had hurt. She would swear she could feel little puncture-
wounds in her chest, and she hated him for ruining a moment that had
felt...well...nice. Blissful even...
She guessed she should be grateful for that really; at least one of them had had
the sense to break the contact.
But why did he have be such a bloody bastard about it? Why did he have to
make everything so hard? And why the hell had it happened in the first place?
Why am I doing this?
It was simply an accident...although could incidents still be considered acci-
dents when they were repeated? Possibly not.
She stroked away her tears with trembling fingertips and sniffed away the scratchy
feathers in her throat. A quick glance at the clock told her it was barely six in the morn-
ing; too early for classes, but she needed to get out of this room. She dressed herself as
quickly as she could in some comfy clothes and her robes, and sprinted out of her dorm,
trying hard not to glance back at Draco’s bedroom door. She charged down the hollow
and dark corridors until she burst out of the castle and into the cold dawn.
It was stunning; a wonderful sky of pinky greys and navy shades that should
have stolen her breath, but her mind was far too distracted to pay it any attention.
She cast a quick warming charm when she noticed how thick her breath was, and
wandered across the quiet grounds until she found a fractured-looking tree that
was iced with frost.
She collapsed amongst its roots and leaned heavily against the trunk as her tears
began to leak down her cheeks again. She could openly sob here without a care for
nosy stares, but she still felt like a fool.
She had to face the facts, even if they were completely shattering and wrong. If
she was this affected by Draco’s harsh dismissal of her this morning, then clearly
she felt something towards him; be it compassion or something else. She couldn’t
recall feeling this rejected since Ron’s short-lived relationship with Lavender, but
For two days, he successfully avoided her by remaining secluded in his room,
except for bathroom trips and to grab the warm meals she continued to leave for
him. He guessed she was also doing her best to steer clear of him, and that would
have been fine, if he wasn’t starting to lose his grip on reality.
It wasn’t the claustrophobia this time either.
No, he could feel the change in his blood and bones. It was a craving; perhaps
just for human interaction, or perhaps specifically for her. It throbbed in his veins
and made his muscles spasm with unhealthy jerks. He’d broken out in cold sweats,
shivered until his spine had felt like snapping, and had almost vomited. It felt like
withdrawal, but maybe the cold weather had simply caught up with him.
The only medicine seemed to be a desperate wank to the sounds of her showers,
but then that only lasted for thirty minutes in his day-long Hell.
He’d been awake for a few hours now, waiting for her usual purrs to ease the
strain in his body. If he had to guess by the place of the Sun, it was broaching the
afternoon, which meant that another weekend had oozed into his stay with her.
He remembered then that Granger had told him she was heading to Hogsmeade
with that Ravenclaw fucktard, and he felt fury flicker under his flesh. His chest felt
ready to cave in from the sheer weight of his sudden and powerful anger, and when
he finally heard her move to the bathroom, he couldn’t chase away his volatile
thoughts to relish her as he usually did.
Instead, suspicious and unwelcome images of her pruning and preparing herself
to meet that joke of a wizard hammered in his head. The idea exaggerated itself and
he gnashed his teeth, as wave after wave of disgust rocked him. His fingernails
pierced the skin of his palms as he clenched his fists, and he didn’t dare move until
she had returned to her bedroom for ten minutes before he heard the main door
close with her exit.
He was on his feet in a heartbeat with seething breaths steaming from his mouth
and pupil-blackened eyes. He started with the closet and the desk, chucking them
onto their sides and kicking them until wooden shards were decorating the floor
and the furniture was dented beyond recognition. He worked on the bedding next,
tearing it into a tattered mess of fabrics and pillow-feathers that did nothing to
soothe his temper.
With a final roar of jealousy-powered rage, he grabbed the chair and hurled it
at the window, only to watch it explode into a rain of splinters. He eyed the charmed
and unscathed window bitterly as he sunk to the floor amongst the littered remains
of his outburst, and rested his back against the foot of his bed. He stayed there for
hours, battling cruel imaginings of Granger enjoying her time with Corner.
In his lonely heap on the bedroom floor, he came to a conclusion that quaked
his core. Either Granger was wrong, and he had every right to despise Muggles and
After a light lunch and a trip to the library, Hermione had returned to her room
to find Hedwig pecking at her window.
Hermione read the letter again, and her smile widened. The envelope had been
addressed solely to her, so she hadn’t tracked down Ginny this time. After weeks of
nothing but disappointment and fuel to her ever-growing pessimism; finally there
was a light in the darkness. The note was scrawled in Ron’s familiar and clumsy
handwriting, but the words were bold and clear across the parchment.
We found it. It’s destroyed.
Searching for the others.
I miss you.
There was no question about what ‘it’ was. They had found the locket. Her cu-
riosity about the details would have to wait; she knew it was far too risky for Harry
and Ron to provide her with too much information. But for the moment, she didn’t
care, they were one step closer to defeating Voldemort and ending this War.
I miss you.
Her broad grin creased into a sad frown as a spell of guilt hit her hard. Visions
of her recent…activities with Draco waltzed across her conscious, and she realised,
with a cringe, that she hadn’t once considered how her behaviour would affect her
friendships with the boys, specifically Ron. The details of her relationship with him
were complicated to say the least, and she guessed she should blame them both for
never having a civilised conversation about the subject.
While she didn’t regret losing her virginity to her best friend, it had been made
perfectly clear to her that that was all she and Ron ever would be. Friends. There had
never been any passion between them; just crushes and curiosity that had now been,
for her, sated. She loved him dearly, but she wanted that lust that she’d heard so much
about; that burning throb inside your soul that made you crave someone’s touch.
And that someone just wasn’t Ron.
But Draco…
Draco had this…intensity with everything that he did, and it made something
behind her navel tingle. The sensation was new and foreign to her, and she had no
idea if she could call it lust or simply intrigue, but it was different and exciting. It
encouraged her to interact and watch him, and in the safe solitude of her showers
After two days of awkward glances and an obvious reluctance to address the
night spent in forbidden arms, Hermione was beginning to realise she quite missed
Draco’s company. She was still struggling to really identify what she truly felt for
her Slytherin housemate, but she had done her best to ignore her curiosity, and
instead focus on her Horcrux research. But she couldn’t deny her interest in him,
nor could she really figure out why she desired to spend time with him when all
they seemed to do was fight.
Perhaps it was because she could see him slowly dropping his defences, or pos-
sibly because the arguments reminded her that she had some fire still thundering
in her bones. Hell, maybe she just enjoyed the spasmodic little flutters that crowded
her gut whenever they were close…
It was Tuesday, meaning she would be leaving in two days to visit Tonks, and
she needed to tell Draco. Smothering her anxiety and steeling her courage, she
slipped out of her room, urged on by the winds slashing the night, and tapped
lightly against his door.
“Why do you bother knocking?” Draco’s voice called from inside. “You will
come in whether I say you can, or not.”
She found a little smile toying with her mouth as she used her wand to unlock
his door, and she licked her dry lips before padding her bare feet over his threshold.
He was sitting on his bed; shoulders hunched over and elbows resting against his
crossed legs, while one of her books lay discarded near his feet.
“What do you want, Granger?” he asked, barely offering her a sideways glance.
“I wanted to talk to you about something-
“And you decided that three in the morning was the best time to bring it up?”
“I’ve been busy,” she lied, carefully easing herself down to sit at the foot of his
bed. “And we’re both up, so I figured-
“Spit it out then,” he said tiredly. “I actually planned on getting some sleep tonight.”
“Okay,” she sighed, hesitating as she tried to select her words. “On Thursday, I
shall be staying in Hogsmeade for a couple of days-
“What?” he blurted. His head snapped up at her words, and a violent sense of
dread seized his chest. The thought of her leaving him alone in this sanity-starving
hole made him feel sick to his stomach, and an itchy shiver clawed its way up his
spine. “What the hell do you mean you’ll be leaving for a couple days?”
“Well, I’m visiting someone,” she explained, nervously tucking a an unruly curl
“Michael and I agreed on the eleventh of December for the Christmas ball,” Her-
mione explained. “I know it’s a little earlier than usual, but you mentioned that you
might have some problems with the transportation for some students this year.”
“Yes, that’s true,” McGonagall nodded. “I’ve decided it’s wise to send small
groups of students home for the Christmas holidays over a week or so, just in case.
I’m not sure using the Hogwarts Express is a good idea either, but there are alter-
natives. The eleventh works well.”
Hermione sighed and rubbed her eyes. “Do we have to continue with this charade,
Hermione anxiously drummed her fingernails against the wall next to Draco’s
door. She had been lingering in the same spot for close to five minutes now, won-
dering why she was so concerned about her parting words to her blond guest. Since
their reasonably intense conversation, she had kept her distance, deciding that she
had once again probably surrendered too much of her hope to him. But he had been
so human…practically bleeding a level of vulnerability that had left her with trust-
ing heart-flutters and a whole new batch of emotions that she didn’t understand.
What if I am…lost?
She could have cried for that comment. His customary arrogance had mo-
mentarily melted away to show her that perhaps all of her efforts hadn’t been in
vain. Maybe she had nourished that seed of doubt in his mind enough that it was
finally starting to blossom…Or maybe she was getting ahead of herself. His flash
of decency had diminished so quickly, she was beginning to wonder if it had
didn’t explain much, but does it really matter? As long as it’s gone.”
“I guess not,” Hermione agreed absently. “I just wish I could do a little more to
help, and maybe if I knew how they’d destroyed the locket-
“You’re doing fine,” she assured her friend. “Things are going well; the Ministry
is holding fine and another Horcrux has been destroyed. Don’t get me wrong, we
could be doing better-
“A lot better,” she sighed, combing her curls out of her face with her fingers. “I
should have gone with them-
“Your talents are best suited helping McGonagall at Hogwarts,” Tonks said.
“The boys are clearly doing okay, and the Order wanted one of you to stay where
we could reach you-
“I know,” she frowned tiredly, rubbing her eyes. “I just don’t know how much
use I am here. All I seem to be doing is organising Christmas balls and other Head
stuff that is completely unnecessary.”
“You can’t blame McGonagall for trying keep spirits up,” the older witch offered
her a light shrug. “A Christmas ball could be good for you. You told me how much
fun you had at the Yule Ball. Have any famous Bulgarians asked you to go this time?”
Hermione felt a smile crawl up her cheeks. “No, no Bulgarians,” she mumbled.
“Michael asked me if I would like to go with him.”
“Who’s Michael?”
“Michael Corner,” she explained with a thoughtful click of her tongue. “But I
Draco was sat in a crumpled heap on the cold floorboards, absently fiddling
with the remains of Granger’s snow-globe. He caught a shard awkwardly, and he
hissed the air through his teeth as his finger wept a ruby teardrop. He eyed his blood
critically, and a cold shiver ran up his spine as he recalled the day in the bathroom
when there had been so much more blood, and not just his.
Granger’s was exactly the same.
That had been a damning realisation, and he blamed that for every predicament
Tonks had left at eight, and Hermione had managed to get to the school before
the weekend-lazy students had started to rouse and roam. She was so nervous she
had worried her lower lip until it had bled, which had meant a slight detour at the
prefects bathroom to heal the cut. Perhaps she was stalling, but she spent a good
few minutes scrutinizing her reflection and trying to concoct a strategy to deal with
Draco after her embarrassing behaviour two days ago.
Deciding that she had put it off for long enough, she headed to her dorm, hesi-
tating to take a deep breath before she muttered the appropriate password. She
slipped inside, intending to be as quiet as possible, but a rush of wind slammed the
door shut behind her.
She froze as she heard shuffling from the other side of the dorm, but it sounded
misplaced, almost like it was coming from her room. No sooner had the thought
crossed her mind that her door was flung open to release a very intense-looking
Slytherin. Draco had clearly just woken up; his hair roguishly mussed, and he was
clad in just a vest and loose pyjama bottoms, but it was the purposeful and slightly
wild glint in his eyes that made her heart pause.
He lingered in the doorframe for a moment, staring hard at her like he wasn’t
sure she was there at all. Hermione shook away her trance and the anger hit her,
just as he began to march towards her with bold strides.
“You were in MY room?”
“Yes,” he spat, quickening his steps and slicing the distance between them.
“How the hell did you-
Draco cut her off; grabbing her face and snatching her lips with a desperate
kiss. He sighed shakily into her mouth, uncaring that she felt stiff and unrespon-
sive against him and just acting on instinct. He pulled away but kept her close,
relishing her little pants tickling his chin. He clenched his jaw and kept his eyes
closed, readying himself for her rejection and outrage, but she tilted her head to
latch back onto him.
Her gesture was timid but it was enough for him, and he shoved her roughly
against the door, swallowing her gasp. His movements were frantic and almost feral
The Head Girl headed back to her chambers with some Christmas gifts and the
new dress in hand. Ginny’s incorrigible and convincing behaviour was to blame,
but Hermione would admit that she felt a little more relaxed after some shopping
and a Butterbeer in the freshly-decorated pub, but it dissipated as she came to stand
in front of her door.
Taking a deep breath, as she always did, she shoved it open and cursed herself
yet again for forgetting her charmed bag as she struggled with her purchases. Her
plan to make her entrance quiet and quick was hopeless when she stumbled, and
some of her bags went flying across the floorboards.
“Bugger,” she murmured, kneeling down to collect them.
She grabbed the final item just as she heard Draco’s door open, and she kept
her eyes low as he strode into the sitting area. The air in the room instantly shifted
and grew heavier, and she swallowed back some nerves as she rose to her feet and
rolled her shoulders.
“What’s that for?” he questioned critically, gesturing to her dress in the trans-
parent cover.
He was partially blocking her way, and the answer slipped out of her mouth
before she could catch it. “Christmas Ball,” she mumbled quickly, manoeuvring
awkwardly around the sofas, but he moved into her path anyway; his eyes lingering
on her dress. “Get out of my way please-
Hermione shrugged at her reflection and dabbed a final layer of balm across her lips.
The midnight-blue gown seemed wasted when she didn’t feel an inkling of an-
ticipation for the Ball, but she had experimented with some light make-up to pass
the time. Ginny had given her some spray to calm her curls, similar to the product
she had used for the Yule Ball, but she had left her locks loose this time. She had no
doubt that on any other night, she would feel rather elegant and excited, but she
couldn’t shift the melancholic cloud that had misted her brain since Wednesday.
Draco’s considerate and placid behaviour when she had injured her hand had
completely bewildered her. She could have so easily abandoned her vow to stay
from him at that moment, but she had to remain logical. A flashback of his words
‘convenient fuck’ had sobered her, but she had pondered about delicate handling
of her ever since. He’d treated her like fragile glass, and she had been fascinated
by uncharacteristically considerate nature. Perhaps the distance was having an
effect on him…
She shook her head to banish her wistful thoughts, and decided that she had
delayed heading down to the Great Hall long enough. She dropped her wand into
her charmed bag and left her room, freezing in the doorframe when she spotted the
solitary figure sat on one of the sofas.
Draco’s head was bowed and his shoulders slumped in defeat as he absently
drummed his fingernails against his knee. She suddenly felt conscious of her ap-
pearance, despite her earlier indifference, and she ran her hands over the soft fabric
as her stomach did a nervous flip. He must have heard the quiet rustle of her dress,
as his head snapped up, and his winter-sky eyes widened and began to drink her in;
warmth rushing to her cheeks as he studied her with uninhibited interest.
Draco felt his pulse quicken as he absorbed her, and his plan to play this situa-
tion skilfully and tamely was quickly discarded. She was simply too appealing for
him to remain prudent, and he couldn’t let her leave here knowing that she would
be in the presence of that Ravenclaw fucktard; innocent intentions or not.
“What are you doing in here?” she asked, severing his trance. “I-
“Don’t go with him,” he blurted, and he genuinely didn’t care if he sounded
pathetic. “Don’t go with him, Granger.”
Hermione pursed her lips. “You have no say in this-
“Yes I do,” he argued, rising from his seat. “Stay here-
Hermione woke with sore limbs and a tenderness between her legs that veered
between pleasure and pain. With passion-bruised lips and the taste of a Slytherin
on her tongue, she cracked open her eyes to scrutinise the still-warm space next to
her. She’d expected him to leave, so when her sleepy stare moved and found his
silhouette crowding the window frame, she was more than a little surprised.
She carefully sat up so she could see his expression; his pale features set in a
pensive frown as he glared out the window. He was fully-dressed, rubbing his chin,
and looking too troubled to realise that she was even awake.
“I thought you’d leave,” she broke the calm in a scratchy voice.
Draco didn’t look at her. “It seemed pointless when you can just wander into
my room whenever you like,” he told her steadily.
Hermione took a deep breath before she gathered a sheet around her and left
the bed, taking slow strides towards him with no idea what she intended to do.
When she was close enough, she realised that the view outside was frosted with
white, and the dreamy snow was pouring down fast. She couldn’t help but gasp as
a small smile crawled up her cheeks, oblivious that Draco was studying her now
and contemplating dragging her back to bed to extend their forbidden activities.
The room was heavy with their mingled scents and it was like an aphrodisiac, but
something about her innocent grin niggled at him.
“What are you so bloody happy about?” he questioned sharply, resting his chin
against his knuckles in an attempt to appear blasé.
“It’s snowing.”
He arched an eyebrow. “And?”
“I have been waiting for it to snow,” she said softly.
She was close enough now that he could reach out and touch her if he wanted
to, but he refrained, even if it was ridiculously tempting. Post-coital mornings
suited Granger very well; with her bushy hair and blushing cheeks, and when his
eyes caught marks on her neck from his mouth, he felt his groin tighten. He tore
his intrigued gaze away from her and clenched his jaw, determined to say his piece
and then get out of the room.
“Look, Granger-
“Do you…do you regret what happened last night?” she interrupted uneasily,
toying with the sheet between her fingers.
Draco watched the light snow fall on the other side of the window pane.
He had never been a particular fan of it, but after weeks of the same views from
this room, he had to admit that the crisp, white landscape looked somewhat pictur-
esque. After too many weeks stuck inside this shit-pit, he was beginning to forget
what the outside felt like, and he could honestly say that he missed it.
He’d heard Granger leave a good hour ago, but she was still here. Her scent
hung in the air and he could still taste her against his tongue, and he tried to pin-
point when exactly her essence had turned from an irritant into a comfort.
Despite his personal promises that shagging Granger would be a one-time inci-
dent, he had already resigned himself to the fact that he would do it again, and
again, until that troublesome craving for her in his gut had ebbed away.
If it ebbed away.
At least he had managed to wake up before her. Every self-respecting male knew
that lingering in a post-coital bed meant something deeper than a physical tumble
between the sheets, and he’d sooner Crucio himself before he let that happen.
It was only meant to be one night…
That little theory had certainly shrivelled up and died if their shower antics were
anything to go by. He blamed her threat of a new prison for this.
He could have questioned his reasons for pursuing Granger, and possibly given
himself a hernia in the process, but there seemed little point in over-thinking a
problem that had no solution. Knowing it was something he would definitely re-
gret, he had decided to take Granger’s earlier advice, and just do what felt right for
the time being.
There was nobody here to judge him or scold his deranged and dangerous be-
haviour, and when she was the only element of his isolation that made his instincts
tingle and his blood rush, refusing the desire to touch her wasn’t an option.
If this was insanity, then all that talk about the happiness of madness was be-
ginning to make sense.
the groan that tickled her tonsils as Draco closed the door behind him.
The cold always seemed to replace him in her bed when he left her alone, feign-
ing sleep and feeling disappointed, but this was how it had been for the last few
days, and she knew better than to mention it to him. He had made it clear that he
wasn’t willing to broach the subject of their bizarre relationship, and they had fallen
into a pseudo-routine since Monday.
The mornings would always begin like this one; Draco abandoning her be-
tween their tell-tale sheets and silently sneaking back into his own room. She
would then prepare him some food for the day, before heading to the library or
to McGonagall’s office to continue the time-consuming mission to get everyone
home safe. Evenings provided them with burning expectations and awkward
glances, that she personally hated. She knew it was simply a side-effect as they
adjusted to their situation, but they were both fiery characters, and she missed
their witty arguments and heated debates.
She had a feeling they would be at each other’s throats sooner or later; probably
once her insecurities and nerves had faded a little, and Draco had accepted that he
was attracted to a Muggle-born.
When the evening turned into night, she would slip away into her bedroom and
leave her door unlocked so that he could join her. There had been a couple of nights
when his pride had apparently smothered his interest in her, and he had returned to his
own room. That was okay, for she felt her muscles needed some time to recover, but she
found herself wanting him just to sleep with her and chase away the lonely nights.
It was the last Saturday before Christmas, and she had agreed to meet Ginny for
a trip to Hogsmeade to get any last-minute gifts. Ginny would be going back to the
Burrow on Sunday, and while Hermione acknowledged that her friendship with the
Weasley sister had been a little strained this term, she would still miss her.
“I have a surprise for you,” Ginny grinned as they headed into the village. “And
I reckon it might actually put a smile on your face.”
Hermione arched an eyebrow. “I’m intrigued.”
The pretty redhead reached into her bag and removed two presents; one fist-
sized in clumsy, red wrapping, and the other a slightly larger box with gold wrap-
ping. Hermione’s confused eyes flickered between the two gifts before giving Ginny
an expectant look.
“Are these for me?”
“Certainly are,” the younger witch nodded. “They’re from Harry and Ron.”
Hermione felt her mouth fall open. “What? How-
“They sent them to Mum back in October,” Ginny explained, pushing the pre-
sents into her friend’s hands. “She wanted to surprise you because she knows how
much you’re missing them.”
“I can’t believe they thought about it so early,” she mumbled to herself, stroking
her fingertips over the precious packages. “Thank you.”
“It’s no worry,” Ginny said. “The red one’s-
“From Ron,” Hermione finished with a knowing twitch of her lips. “He never
could wrap to save his life. He used to make Harry and I wrap the presents he’d
bought for you and your family.”
“Lazy bugger,” she rolled her eyes. “I’m dying to know what he got you though;
send me an Owl after you open it. Mum said that my present from him was obvious.”
Draco swore under his breath; tossing his third attempt in the sink and watch-
ing in swirl down the drain.
He’d had a craving for a coffee, but trying to imitate Granger’s perfect cups of
caffeinated goodness had proved unsuccessful and very frustrating. He had wit-
nessed the witch make them countless times and had reasoned that it seemed sim-
ple enough, but evidently there was something missing, as he couldn’t even get the
colour correct. He was about to try again when she finally walked through the door
two hours later than she normally did; her cheeks rosy with a winter blush, and her
hair tousled by the wind.
She dropped her apparently heavy bags near the couch, and his stare lingered on
her face, as it often seemed to do when she was oblivious to his presence. It was one
of his many new and irritating habits that had decided to kick in since their lusty
nights in her room had begun, but there was little point in resisting when he had
already succumbed to his inappropriate desire to touch her. She must have heard the
kettle starting its fourth boil because her eyes shied over to him, and he scowled
at her when she gave one of her bags a non-too-sly nudge behind the sofa.
In the week leading up to Christmas, the days and nights all seemed to seep
into each other, and the dawns and dusks became interchangeable figments of the
winter skies. Hogwarts drowned in the silent solitude of it all, playing host to the
dozen inhabitants that had remained in the ancient castle. The snow had fallen
harder, and Hermione had wandered the glittering grounds by herself in the
empty hours, trying to find Luna, who had apparently stayed at the school, but
was nowhere to be found.
Hermione was roused awake by Draco’s usual attempts to leave the room before
the sunrays warmed her face, and it was only an hour later, when she glimpsed her
scribbled and crooked calendar, that she realised it was Christmas day.
She allowed herself a personal smile before she left her bed and shrugged on her
dressing gown, heading straight to the sitting area. She gave Draco’s door a con-
templative glance but decided against disturbing him just yet; she had no specific
plans for him until much later. Things had been reasonably easy between them in
the recent days; their argumentative natures had come back into play and some of
the awkwardness had melted away as a result, although Draco was still adamantly
refusing to acknowledge anything close to a festive spirit.
They bickered and rowed, as they had before, but he had refrained from using the
word ‘Mudblood,’ and the passion of their squabbles usually led to an interesting hip-
lock in her bed of dangerous secrets. She had tried to rationalise her growing feelings
for Draco, but reason seemed to abandon her whenever he was concerned.
She moved to the Christmas tree and eyed the small selection of gifts; the ones
from Harry and Ron, three from Ginny, McGonagall and Neville, and a bulky en-
velope - no doubt filled with money - from her parents. From the Headmistress she
received an advanced book on Transfiguration (which she couldn’t wait to dive
Hermione had led them down the quieter sections of the castle with a dim Lu-
mos, but the halls were dead and abandoned, as McGonagall had assured her they
would be. When they finally reached the door to the outside, Draco soaked up the
view of the snow-silky landscape that glowed by the hue of the almost-full moon.
Light and delicate snowflakes kissed his cheeks from scattered clouds that were dis-
sected by moonbeams and a steady breeze.
The crispy crunch beneath his feet roused reminiscent notions that he would
have never normally appreciated, as he absently followed Granger further away
from the ancient school, realising she was leading them towards the lake as they
meandered between leafless trees. The cold air whipped around them and harassed
the exposed skin of their faces as they trudged through the snow-snared grass,
oblivious to the pair of friendly eyes watching them. They walked side-by-side in
silence as Draco sucked in the cold and virgin air greedily, and enjoyed it tickling
the back of his throat.
Hermione followed the sunken foot-tracks in the snow and dragged her hand
across a branch to steady her steps.
She felt guilty for the notion, considering Draco’s inability to leave, but she had
needed to escape her dorm and swallow some fresh air. He had slipped away for a
shower and then predictably disappeared into his room; perhaps to scorn himself
again for their complicated relationship, or maybe just to catch up on lost sleep. She
had no idea, and knew better than to ask when she had seen that slightly tormented
look in his eyes before he had left her.
She cast a quick Warming Charm to hush the chill and seated herself on a hefty
Draco nursed his self-made coffee between his palms and inhaled the steam.
It wasn’t as good as Granger’s, but it would do, and as odd as it sounded, he
actually felt like he’d accomplished something on his own today. Despite the fact
that he had done it the Muggle way, he felt neither degraded nor foolish, but simply
relieved that he was capable of doing such a mundane task. And if he’d done it, then
perhaps Muggles were not quite as different as he’d assumed…
His head snapped up when Granger entered the room; frosted with snow and
looking decidedly cold, but still charming. It almost disturbed him how alluring she
was to him now, even in her baggy, Muggle clothing and with her slightly dishev-
elled appearance, but there was a sad bow to her lips that made him curious.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asked, perhaps a little sharply.
“Nothing,” Hermione breathed wearily. “I’m just a little tired.”
“Liar,” he accused, his ashy eyes tracking her as she moved past him into the
kitchenette. “You are transparent at times, Granger.”
Several nights later, and Hermione realised she had lost track of time. Draco
had been notably calmer and less agitated since his Christmas stroll across the
grounds, and she couldn’t help but take advantage of it. He had stayed in her bed
until morning-light a couple of times, although she couldn’t decide if it was
simply accidental, or if he chose to linger in their warmth and pass the early hours
in her company.
That was where tonight found her; between his legs and leaning back into his
chest, with only a few blankets tossed carelessly around them and body heat to rush
the blood. She had Charmed her window-sill into a window-seat, and temporarily
She glided her fingers across the army of books in the restricted section of the
library, scrutinising the titles that had any indication that they might contain any
reference to Horcruxes. She finally selected an ancient-looking text that was with-
ering in her hand before she turned and headed back to her dorm. She’d woken up
The morning sky was that dark shade of winter-indigo when McGonagall Ap-
parated them to her street. Hermione could hear the distant hum of the Milkman’s
van, but that was the only sign that life was beginning to stir, and the pavements
were completely empty except for a light frosting of snow and a couple of wander-
ing cats. She eyed her house and frowned at the dim light coming from the living
room; she knew her parents were early risers, but she had hoped she could do it
while they were sleeping.
“Are you certain you don’t want me to do this for you?” the Headmistress ques-
tioned next to her.
“I’m sure,” she nodded tiredly.
McGonagall sighed and gave Hermione’s shoulder a reassuring pat. “Very well,”
she said. “I will be waiting here for you when you’re finished. If you need any help
or you change your mind-
“I’ll be fine,” Hermione replied stiffly, taking a few steps forward. “I won’t be long.”
She inhaled a lungful of the crisp air, before she Apparated into her bedroom
Hermione made her excuses and rushed to her room, desperately desiring soli-
tude and an escape from the sympathetic gaze that McGonagall had fixed her with
since she had altered her parents’ memories. She’d intended to lock herself away in
her room and scream until she felt normal, but her legs crumbled beneath her the
moment she entered her dorm.
Crookshanks tumbled out of her hold as she sank to the floor, and she just didn’t
have it in her to even try and get up. She embraced her legs against her chest and
dropped her forehead against her knees as she surrendered to the inevitable, and
allowed the broken cries to tear through her throat. Her faithful pet nudged at her
with mews of concern for his distressed owner, but she didn’t notice; she simply
wept into her jeans and pleaded for the crippling pain in her chest to ebb.
That was how Draco found her; a fractured and shuddering mess that made him
freeze. His shrinking prejudices battled with his new-found feelings for her, but
when she released another cracked cry, his feet lead him to her side too quickly to
comprehend or dispute. He crouched next to her and warily studied his witch,
hunting for any hint for her misery, but the only thing that seemed out of place was
the distressed cat pawing at her feet.
“Are you hurt?” he mumbled doubtfully, but she didn’t give any indication that
she was aware of his presence. “Granger, what’s wrong?”
Nothing. Not a flinch.
He gathered every shred of patience he had and stroked aside some of her chaotic
curls so he could see her face. Something about the tortured expression marring her fea-
tures made his gut spasm, and it affected him in a way that was completely foreign to him.
It was broaching three in the morning when Draco decided he’d had enough.
After a day of dragging and testing hours, he had considered every possible expla-
nation for her grief until his head had hurt and his tolerance had simmered.
He knew he needed to be tactical and delicate with his approach if he wanted to
discover the reason for Granger’s behaviour, and in an odd moment of considera-
tion, he made her a cup of tea. It took a few attempts before he was satisfied, and
with the steaming mug in his hand, he pushed open her door, and an unsettling
sensation scratched down his spine when he saw her on the bed.
Hermione had pulled her body up into a sitting position and cocooned herself
in one of her thick blankets. Her lips were trembling and bruised, no doubt from
her incessant chewing habit when she was anxious, and her posture was slumped
with defeat, but it was the look in her eyes that made Draco’s questionable soul
falter. Her cries had stopped but her cheeks were glossed with hours-old tears, and
BEX-CHAN ★ 227 ★
Merlin knew how he managed it, but he’d carried them back into her bedroom
and settled them at her window-seat, covered in a clumsy collage of damp blankets
and towels as she rested her back against his chest and sat between his legs. He
couldn’t help but indulge in a private smirk as a sated sigh left her and shattered
the lazy silence.
for no reason.
Time becomes irrelevant.
It was a good few days since Hermione’s outburst in the shower, and things had
been easy and almost peaceful in the dorm; just sleepy mornings and smooth after-
noons basking in the calm. It was easy and effortless, with the minutes playing host
to sarcastic arguments, which were more for amusement than spite, and comforta-
ble silences, as though neither of them dared break the moment.
In those silences, Draco often found his stare lingering on her charming fea-
tures; absently counting the spatter of freckles across her nose, or secretly grinning
as she mumbled something incoherent to herself when she was engrossed in a book.
He always caught himself before she noticed and scolded his behaviour, but his eyes
would always find their way back to her again, and learn the details of her face.
But the unanswered questions about her parents tingled the back of his throat.
She hadn’t mentioned them again, and he had refrained from broaching the subject
in an effort to keep the relaxed atmosphere, but he needed to know. His instincts
warned him that it was something to do with the War, and after months of being
stashed away in here and oblivious to the outside world, he was sick of being left in
the dark.
Things were happening. Significant things. He could feel it scratching the pit of
his stomach.
Hermione could feel it too; the eerie static flickering in the air that smelled like
Dark Magic. The snow was beginning to get lighter, and the rain would come soon,
It was his witch’s squirming that slowly stirred Draco from his sleep, and he
tightened the arm around her torso to keep her still. He had given up trying to
keep a distance from her in bed; his body always sought her warmth anyway, and
there was something instinctively pleasing about waking up in a tangle of limbs
and body heat.
He could feel her hair tickling the tip of his nose and he pressed his face closer,
but hesitated when he realised that something was off. Her normally silky curls felt
coarse against his cheek, and when he slowly peeled open one eye, he was con-
fronted by rusty fur instead of the chestnut mane he’d become accustomed to.
“What the…” he mumbled, rearing back to eye his lover’s cat with distaste. He
wrinkled his nose when the pet had the audacity to creep even closer to him, and
he reached over to prod Hermione’s arm. “Granger. Granger wake the hell up.”
Groaning into her pillow, the sleepy brunette twisted around to face him and
squinted against the first rays of morning. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Your vile cat is pawing at me,” he growled. “Get him off me.”
“Don’t call him vile,” she said, stifling a chuckle when she realised Crookshanks
was indeed trying to gain some affection from Draco. “He just likes you.”
“Well, I don’t like him,” he grumbled, picking up the cat and dumping him into
Hermione’s lap. “Scruffy, bloody thing-
“Oh hush,” Hermione tried not to laugh. “He doesn’t like many people, so you
should be flattered-
“Yes, I’m bloody ecstatic,” he drawled, rolling his eyes. “It hardly helps his case
when he wakes me up on a Sunday morning.”
“It’s Sunday?” she frowned, glancing at her Charmed calendar and then her
clock. “Damn, I need to meet McGonagall in a bit.”
He arched an eyebrow. “What for?”
“Michael’s coming back today,” she explained, missing the flash of jealousy that
The second Hermione stepped over her threshold, she knew something was wrong.
The air felt thick and humid, and she hesitated outside of her door when she
noticed all the Magical Portraits were peculiarly subdued or absent from their
frames. The quiet hum of distant sounds was vibrating along the corridors, too low
to discern but ominously consistent, and her feet began moving towards the source.
Draco scowled at the clock for the sixth time in forty minutes.
When Granger had failed to return after an hour, as she had promised, he had
gnashed his teeth and surrendered to jealous notions about Corner’s intentions.
But when the fifth hour had passed by and the day had slipped into the afternoon,
he had started to feel uneasy. Granger’s cat had also been rather jittery, and while
he hadn’t paid much attention to her boats about Crookshanks’ incredible intui-
tion, something niggled at the back of his brain and warned him to be on his guard.
Releasing a frustrated breath, he headed into Hermione’s bedroom to fetch a
book and distract himself. Absentmindedly rummaging in her vast collection, he
accidentally caught a stack with his arm that sent several texts flying across the
floor, and a curse grumbled in his windpipe as he bent down to pick them up, but
his eyes narrowed at one particular book.
It was tattered with time and the title was too distorted to read, but he could
make out the letters H, C and X, and his brow creased with anxiety. Surely she
wasn’t reading about…
He reached for the book and frowned when a few sheets of parchment fell out,
decorated with hasty scribbles and signed ‘H&R.’ He couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
Salazar forbid that Potter and Weasley learn something about the art of being cryp-
tic, but he didn’t have time to mull over it, as a quick glance at the first page of the
book told him what he’d suspected.
Apparently Potter and Weasley were searching for them.
And he didn’t have a bloody clue how to feel about that.
He despised Voldemort; that creature had put a price on his head for his failed
attempt at Dumbledore’s assassination, and had forced him to go into isolation. It
“Will you help me wash the blood out of my hair, please?”
The turbulent weather and his agitated movements roused her, and Hermione
carefully removed her arm from under Draco’s torso.
She must have coiled herself around him during the night, but she ignored the
dull ache in her elbow and cheated some morning minutes to study his unknowing
face. An agitated groan escaped him as he resisted the disruptive demons of his
subconscious, and Hermione decided to linger and try to chase them away. Lifting
her hand, she smoothed away the creases of his frown with her fingers, and relished
a secret smile when he instantly calmed under her touch.
He was so beautiful like this. Unaware of her admiring gaze. Her fingertips ca-
ressed him gently; from the proud curve of his lips, to the blond dusting of his eye-
brows, and every inch of milky skin in between. Her ministrations move to his hair,
which was barely affected by bed, and her nails parted his cream stands in lazy cir-
cles. He might be oblivious to it, but the harsh edge that had once darkened his
presence had eroded. Inside and out. And the difference made her heart tremble.
It struck her then
As hard as thunder, and as soft as lullabies.
She was falling.
His dream was simple; neither obscure nor corrupted with metaphors or enigmas.
He was standing in a dark and dull room that vibrated with silence.
Standing in one corner were his parents; his father’s face scrunched up with
scorn, and his mother’s aged with dejection and stress. In the other corner waited
Granger; a hopeful look on her face and typically chewing her lip, and behind her
was a misty and translucent version of himself.
In his dream, Draco’s conflicted stare shifted between them for hours, before he
finally gulped down a lung-splitting breath, and lifted his foot.
And then it ended.
Draco’s eyes snapped open as he bolted upright in the bed, shudders itching
down his spine and a cold sweat glistening across his body. Dropping his face into
his hands, he groaned against his clammy palms and wondered why goosebumps
were bubbling under his skin. His attention drifted to his side, and he frowned at
Granger’s hollow indentation in the mattress, but the quiet sounds of shuffling be-
yond the bedroom door informed him where she was.
The cold chill in the room nibbled at his pores, and he slipped into his baggy
pyjama bottoms and an oversized t-shirt as he left the bed. He paused to watch the
thunderstorm raging outside the window; the pane distorted by hammering rain
and whipping winds, but he could see that it had washed away the snow.
Granger wouldn’t like that.
Heading out of the bedroom, he stopped in his tracks and quirked an eyebrow
when he saw her. Leaning over her cauldron and muttering measurements of in-
gredients to herself, her hair was a gravity-resistant mess surrounding her flushed
features as she sprinkled some purple powder into her concoction. Nodding with
satisfaction, she lifted her busy eyes and finally noticed him, and Draco’s lips
twitched in response.
“Good morning,” Hermione said quietly. “Well, afternoon actually.”
“Afternoon?” he repeated, glimpsing at the clock to find it had just pushed past
midday. “You should have woken me.”
Draco sat up in bed and eyed the cold dent of Hermione’s outline in the mattress
with lowered eyebrows.
Where the fuck…?
It was quarter to six and the sky was barely beginning to soften into a lighter
shade of blue, so just why was he alone in bed? And furthermore, why couldn’t he
hear the sounds of a shower, or her shuffling around in the kitchenette?
Scowling with irritation, he tossed aside the covers and tugged on the clothes
he’d been wearing the day before in an effort to beat the winter air that had snuck
into Granger’s room. Padding his bare feet across the floorboards and heading into
the living area, he almost stumbled when his lover’s pet blocked his path.
“Clever cat, my arse,” he mumbled, giving the half-kneazle a scolding look. “If
you’re so smart where’s-
He was cut off as Hermione surged into the room, panting wildly, cheeks shim-
mering with tears and tripping over own her feet. “Oh thank Merlin you’re awake!”
she wheezed, clambering towards him and grasping his jumper in her shaking fists.
“We-we need to go-
“What the hell?” he blurted, gripping her wrists and steadying her. He’d never
Her arms went limp, and Crookshanks landed gracelessly on her toes.
Hermione gazed blindly at nothing, lips slightly parted, and every muscle rigid
to keep her standing. Godric knew she was trying to collect herself, but her body
was refusing to cooperate, and she didn’t dare move.
“Hermione!” a familiar voice called, breaking her trance. Suddenly there were
With a final sweep of the damp cloth, Draco studied his ashen skin in the mirror
and scowled. He’d been tempted to leave his and Hermione’s mixed blood where it
was, but he’d resented the mud that had blended with it, and the dark undertones
to that thought had made him uneasy.
He hunted for hints of Granger in his reflection; a slight bump on his lower lip
from a kiss, a small scratch beneath his ear from a pre-lust kiss, and the scar from
third year. She was everywhere and yet nowhere.
Another flashback of their last seconds together made his eyes pulse behind his lids.
Petrificus Totalus!
I want you in my life.
I love you.
He groaned and rested his forehead against the mirror. He was so fucking angry.
Angry at her for silencing anything he could and should have said. Angry at himself
Hermione stood in the spare room, gazing vacantly at the wall as her hands met
to fidget in front of her. She was almost scared to settle into the bed, aware that days
are broken up by sleep, and memories become less vivid as time crawls along. But
her body was a whisper away from surrendering to the mental and physical exhaus-
tion, and she needed to be well-rested tomorrow. There would be no place for her
tears amongst the discussions of War and Order’s plans. Tomorrow, she would be
the prepared Gryffindor. Tomorrow, she would be fine.
Peeling her jumper away and discarding it at the foot of the bed, she went to the
next layer of clothing, but stilled her movements when she realised it was his t-shirt.
She drew in a sharp breath when she caught a trace of Draco’s scent in the morn-
ings; masculine musk with a hint of minty spice, and something that reminded her
of new books.
She was so relieved to have this small symbol of their forbidden relationship,
He squirmed and buried his face deeper into the pillow. He was balancing on
the blissful crest between sleep and reality, and he’d be damned if he be dragged
away before he was ready.
“Bugger off, Granger,” he murmured, as he often did when she tried to rouse
him. “I’m trying to sleep.”
A small silence followed, and Draco wondered if his persistent lover might ac-
tually allow him a peaceful morning for a change.
“Draco, it’s Andromeda,” the voice sighed, somewhat regretfully. “You need to
wake up.”
She’d needed to get of her room, and the kitchen felt less claustrophobic with
its essential supply of coffee and biscuits, so she’d left Crookshanks snoozing on her
bed and opted for the solitude that echoed off the tiles.
Hermione was hunched over the dining table, scanning the sentences with ex-
hausted eyes and searching for something useful amongst the hectic mess of witness
accounts and Auror statements from the First Wizarding War. Shacklebolt had
managed to recover some old Ministry documents and restricted texts before
Voldemort’s infiltration, but endless hours of pouring over pages had proved futile
thus far, and a volatile mixture of insomnia and heartache was making her fidgety
and impatient. She was staring intently at the file between her elbows when a tear
slipped past her lashes and kissed the parchment.
“Merlin, not again,” she sighed to no one, lifting her fingers to rub her eyes until
the friction started to agitate. “This is ridiculous.”
The tears never really stopped; only subsided, and Hermione had learned three
things in the last few days.
“Granger,” Draco echoed her name before he could help it, because it just
didn’t sound right coming from Blaise’s mouth. A sudden headache pounded be-
hind his eyes and he clenched them shut, forgetting to keep his expression trained
with indifference.
“Then I guessed right,” his companion remarked smugly. “You were fucking her.”
The thud of Draco’s fist against the table sent a glass tumbling to the floor, and
Blaise warily shifted in his seat. “Don’t talk about her like that,” Draco hissed be-
tween his bared teeth. “I’m warning you, Zabini.”
Blaise had the decency to look slight taken aback. “So, it was more than fuck-
ing,” he mumbled, ignoring Draco’s incensed glare. “You like her-
“Zabini, I swear to Merlin-
“Calm down, Malfoy,” he said. “There’s no reason to get so defensive. Luna had
her suspicions. Hell, I owe her five Galleons now-
“Bollocks,” he scoffed. “Since when is Loony Lovegood observant?”
“You’d be surprised,” Blaise replied with a subtle grin. “So are you going to tell me
Four days before Valentine’s Day and her eighth day away from Draco, and Her-
mione was back in the bedroom with her pile of books and her shadow for company.
A gruelling three-hour session on defensive spells with May-eye had left her sore and
fatigued, but the day had just drifted into tomorrow, and midnight had become her
favourite time to work. Everyone went to bed, and she was left undisturbed for at least
eight hours, save the moments when Crookshanks would crawl into her lap for a little
attention. She could also think about Draco and not feel too guilty about it, or worry
that Lupin and Tonks might notice a stray tear or the quivering of her bottom lip.
A week later…
his Aunt, who was clearly fighting back the tears.
Andromeda had told them yesterday that Ted was going on the run. They’d
received an anonymous warning, possibly from the Order, that the Ministry had
been informed of Ted’s whereabouts, and it was only a matter of time before they
came looking for him. Theo had been quick to react, and he had dented the wall
with his fist, demanding to know why Ted couldn’t remain with them in the safe-
house. Ted had had to calm him down, explaining that if Voldemort’s followers
knew he was being concealed, they would probably conduct a thorough search, and
there was a risk that their hideout would be discovered. If they knew he was on the
run, they would hunt him, and any attention would be diverted.
To put it bluntly; Ted was putting his life on the line to help a group of teens he
hardly knew. Theo had been right; Ted was a decent bloke.
That notion had stirred a sobering amount of respect within Draco for his af-
final uncle, and suddenly, there was a second Muggle-born in the world who he
didn’t despise. And just like Hermione, this Muggle-born was being forced to dis-
appear from his life too soon.
It was almost like fate was taking time out of her busy schedule, just to screw
with his head. She would plant these people in his path that would make him forget
Hermione was reading the copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard that Dumble-
dore had left her in his will.
The story of the three brothers and their deal with death had become a favourite
of hers, and melancholic legends and the white glow of her Lumos were good com-
pany at midnight while Harry and Ron slept. It was her turn to keep watch tonight,
which suited her just fine. She had almost become paranoid that she would mumble
Draco’s name in her sleep when the nightmares ensnared her subconscious. She
was also doing her best to avoid spending too much time alone with Ron, always
making sure Harry was nearby or making excuses when he tried to initiate some-
thing that could lead to something beyond the realms of friendship.
Adapting to this new set of changes had been more difficult than she’d antici-
pated, despite the familiar company of Harry and Ron. Conversation had been a
little awkward on her part, as she would over think everything she said, careful not
to mention something that could somehow contain any hints of her time with
Draco. For the most part, she had simply listened to the boys as they’d explained
what had happened in her absence.
They had told her about their short stay at Grimmauld Place, and how they
had established that R.A.B. had been Regulus Black’s initials. They had described
how a short interrogation with Kreacher had led them to Mundungus Fletcher,
an original member of the Order who had turned to petty theft. A quick trip to
Diagon Alley, and they had recovered the Horcrux, but they had struggled to find
a method to destroy it, and the negative energy had caused some severe friction
between her two best friends, although they had seemed hesitant to tell her what
they had argued about.
They had decided to leave Grimmauld Place and had flitted between various
locations when it became clear that Voldemort would eventually overthrow the
Ministry. They had camped in woodland areas on the outskirts of the cities, oc-
casionally returning to Grimmauld Place to search for any clues about a method
to destroy the Locket. They’d been camping in Epping Forest when they’d dis-
covered The Sword of Gryffindor, and her brow furrowed when she realised
they’d never explained-
A twig snapped behind her, and she dropped the book and whipped around,
her wand trained on her harmless target.
“Whoa,” Harry whispered, holding up his hands. “It’s just me, Hermione-
“Bloody hell, Harry, you made me jump,” she breathed, lowering her wand as
he came to sit beside her on the grass. “Everything okay?”
A week later.
Draco had forgotten what if felt like to have sunrays kiss his face.
February had come and gone, and March had brought some Spring heat to
warm the breeze. He was in his usual spot, sat on the stone steps and trying to ignore
the irritating voices of Bletchley and Davis, who were having an unnecessarily loud
lovers’ tiff inside the house. He absently realised he’d been here just over a month
now, residing in Andromeda’s safe-house with the defected Slytherins. A month
without Granger.
A fucking month.
The notion that time heals all wounds does not apply to the scars of young lov-
ers separated too soon. Draco still felt as damaged as the day Granger had cried in
the rain and sent him here.
He drifted between moments of blistering anger to a damning numbness that
made his bones vibrate beneath his skin. He had tried to distance himself from the
others, preferring to linger on the outside and only involve himself with their dis-
cussions when he decided the solitude was getting to him, but he seemed to find
himself interacting with them more and more as the weeks rolled by.
Since Ted’s departure, Andromeda’s sleeping pattern had deteriorated and hidden
itself under the floorboards, much like his, and sometimes they would find each other
in the kitchen during the lonely hours before dawn. They would sip lukewarm coffee
and pass the nights with only a handful of sentences between them, and although nei-
ther of them would ever admit it, their odd routine became something of comfort.
And it wasn’t just his aunt’s company that helped to keep him sane.
Draco and Theo had taken to playing Wizard’s Chess in the afternoons, and
Blaise would often join them when Lovegood was elsewhere, like she had been for
the last seven days. As if to punctuate that thought, Blaise burst through the door
so violently that it slammed against the wall and shuddered on its hinges.
Another week…
In a rare incident of reluctant rapport, Andromeda, Luna and the defected
Slytherins (minus Tracy and Miles, who had yet to emerge from bed) somehow
ended up meeting for breakfast in the kitchen that morning. Draco scowled at the
back of his aunt’s head when their elbows clashed, causing him to pour a little too
His lids had begun to feel so heavy, like his lashes were made of lead.
Hermione traced her fingers over the intricate pattern of swirls and loops of the
sword’s hilt, marvelling at how something so beautiful could be so deadly. Harry
had given her the Sword of Gryffindor (and everything else for that matter), to store
in her Charmed bag, insisting that she was the best person to keep their belongings
safe. She’d had the sudden urge to study the artefact, fascinated by the history that
she could practically feel beating in its blade.
It was warm beneath her touch. Warmer than her.
She slipped it back into her bag and returned to her book, underling anything
that could be significant and jotting down a note here and there to come back to
later. She was completely engrossed in her usual routine of reading and rereading
words she had memorised weeks ago, trying to shake off thoughts of Draco that
always managed to seep into her concentration. So when a friendly hand touched
her shoulder and grazed the curls by her ear, she shot up to her feet with a startled
gasp and her wand at the ready.
“Ron,” she exhaled, lowering her wand from his Adam’s apple. “You made me jump-
“Sorry,” he mumbled quickly. “I did try calling your name.”
“I was-
“Reading,” he finished for her. “Yes, I know.”
Hermione could tell he was nervous; it was so blatant in the way he shifted his
feet and scrunched up his freckled features with uncertainty. She knew what was
coming, and she nervously tucked the stubborn strands of hair he had touched be-
hind her ear.
“Where’s Harry?”
“He’s making some food by the tent,” he said. “Look, Hermione-
“I should go check if he needs a hand-
“Have I done something?” blurted Ron, and Hermione cringed. “I mean, have
I… have I upset you, or something?”
She drew in a long breath. “No. No, you haven’t upset me, Ron-
“Well… then I don’t get it,” he tried clumsily. “It’s just… I thought you and I
were… you know.”
“Ron, I think-
“I mean, after what happened at the wedding and everything,” he rambled on.
“I know we never really talked about it, but I… do you regret it?”
“No, I don’t regret it,” she replied sincerely. “It’s just that we-
“Because I thought that it meant we were together now, but it’s… obvious that
you don’t feel that way.”
A sudden wave of nausea washed over Draco as he descended the stairs, and he
clutched the banister to steady himself as the dizziness subsided. It passed and he
shook his head, absently blaming the odd turn on a lack of a sleep.
The quiet hum of voices grasped his attention — Theo, Blaise and Andromeda
by the sound of it — and he rolled his shoulders as he approached the kitchen.
He had successfully managed to steer clear of Theo and Blaise since his outburst
over a week ago, knowing that Theo was likely to make some comments that would
bait his anger, but he didn’t give a shit anymore. He’d grown sick of the sight of his
bedroom walls and the sound of silence, and he could really care less if Theo de-
cided to be a snarky idiot about the situation, especially when he had broken down
about Ted’s death.
Shoving open the door, Theo, Blaise and Andromeda paused their conversation
and regarded him with a mixture of caution of curiosity. Draco studied Blaise first,
and instantly concluded from his dishevelled appearance and bloodshot eyes that
Lovegood was still missing. He was unshaven, exhausted, and blatantly anxious, his
brow creased with worry-lines and body rigid with strain, like he was ready snap.
Andromeda was preparing food, and while she still looked every bit the grieving
widow, there was a small spark in her eyes, which he credited to the recent birth of
her grandson. Yes, she definitely looked better, like her spirit was mending slowly,
and that was…good. Perhaps he had come to accept that she was indeed his aunt,
or maybe it was the resemblance she bore to his mother, but seeing her so depressed
had made him feel uncomfortable.
And then there was Theo…
“Well, good afternoon, stranger,” he smirked, and Draco rolled his eyes. “How
nice of you to finally grace us with your presence-
“Theo,” warned Andromeda. “Don’t start-
“I was beginning to forget what your face looked like,” Theo went on. “In hind-
sight, that was probably a blessing in disguise-
The Manor reeked of death and Dark Magic, and Hermione tried not to inhale
the stench.
Instead, she analysed her surroundings carefully, racking her brain for any
method of escape, but she knew it was impossible. They had no wands, they were
outnumbered, and the Manor would inevitably have anti-Apparition Wards. They
needed a miracle. A fast one.
Fenir’s horrid breath was in Hermione’s hair, and she tried to jerk her head away.
He and his henchmen dragged her, Harry and Ron to a large room, and when Her-
mione realised who was waiting for them, she felt her insides scrunch up with fright.
There was something about Bellatix that would forever haunt Hermione.
Perhaps it was the unhinged and sadistic glint in her eyes, or the disturbing
twitch to her vile grin, but the witch was just…inhuman to Hermione, like her in-
sanity had picked away at her brain until all of the familiar emotion and instinct
had been eroded. She was a creature; an evil and psychotic tool that was designed
for nothing except torture and murder. And she relished it, like some sick hobby to
pass the day. Completely deranged, and deadly because of it.
There was movement behind Bellatrix, and Hermione barely stifled a gasp.
They seemed so different to the last time she’d seen them; Lucius and Narcissa
Malfoy. All of that loud and aristocratic arrogance had diminished, as had that at-
tention-demanding confidence of a married couple in power, and Hermione was
transfixed on them. Narcissa looked like she hadn’t eaten in weeks, frail and dis-
traught, while Lucius bore all the signs of a man who had been relentlessly tortured
for months, until his pride had abandoned him and his spirit had been subdued.
Hermione accidentally met Narcissa’s eyes and saw nothing but sorrow, and she
remembered then that she hadn’t seen Draco in almost a year, no doubt assumed
he was dead, and Hermione momentarily forgot the cruel woman she’d always
thought Narcissa to be, and saw a vulnerable mother who had lost her son. She was
weary, vulnerable, and seemed almost… reluctant to participate as Bellatrix and
Peter Pettigrew eagerly rushed to meet them.
“We caught Potter!” bellowed Fenir. “Summon the Dark Lord-
“We didn’t take anything,” Hermione whimpered, her voice failing. “It-it’s just a fake.”
She felt herself being magically levitated again, rising almost six feet in the air
before Bellatrix slammed her body hard back down to the cold, stone floor. Her
head landed with such an impact that it bounced, and the back of her head became
very wet and warm. Just as the bitter scent of blood registered, Hermione realised
Bellatrix was crouching next to her, gripping her arm and tearing away the material
of her sleeve.
“Repulsive Mudblood,” she sneered, her menacing face hovering above Hermi-
one. “You should all be branded a birth.”
Bellatrix muttered an unfamiliar incantation, producing a small globe of green
light at the tip of her wand, and Hermione’s eyes went wide with horror as she
swiftly stabbed it into her arm. She slashed, sliced and hacked away at her skin, and
Hermione was screaming again, thrashing around and trying to get free as Bellatrix
carved the letters for what felt like hours.
When Bellatrix had finished disfiguring her arm, she fired another Cruciatus
Cruse directly to Hermione’s chest, and her cries of pain became scratchy, weaken-
ing to cracked and pathetic noises that sounded like a dying bird. Her voice had
given up on her, but the need to scream remained as Bellatrix continued to torture
her within an inch of insanity.
Again, it stopped, but the residue of the Curse felt like poison crawling around
her insides, and, Oh Godric, she felt so dizzy. She battled unconsciousness, know-
ing that blacking out with her head injury was unwise, but it was so tempting to
surrender to the darkness that loomed at the edge of her vision…
“Bring me the Goblin, Pettigrew,” instructed Bellatrix. “He’ll tell us if the sword
is indeed a fake.”
Teddy had started to sniffle in Andromeda’s arms, but Draco barely noticed.
“My house?” he repeated quietly. “Why would-
“You-Know-Who’s been using it as his base,” Tonks told him bluntly. “We
don’t know what’s happening, but we know that’s where they are-
“Well, then you need to take me there! I know the Manor! I can-
The word was engraved into her arm in an ugly smear, weeping perfect, little
droplets of blood that dribbled out of her like tears. She concluded the wound at
the back of her head was worse than she had initially thought. The blurriness of her
vision was getting worse, and while she could hear the distant sounds of Bellatrix
questioning Griphook, it sounded so far away. Her bloody hair was damp and
sticky against her neck, matted in thick clumps, and her head felt numb and hollow,
almost detached from the rest of her aching and battered body.
She guessed that a few of her ribs had been broken, perhaps her arm too, but it was
difficult to focus on one area of the pain. There was a pretty ribbon of blood trickling
out of the corner of her mouth, but she couldn’t decide if she had simply torn her vocal
chords with all her screaming, or if she’d suffered some internal damage.
It didn’t matter…
Hermione had accepted that she was going to die here; terrified and alone on
this ice-cold floor, and that her death would be dealt to her by a relative of the man
she loved. It was almost poetic, but then the tragic love-stories always are.
Unconsciousness was creeping up on her, and she knew that she wouldn’t wake
up. There was nobody coming. Nobody could come. Logically, death was the inev-
itable fate for her, as it is for everyone, but hers would be early. Too early. Too
prolonged and excruciating.
She thought of her parents, how they would probably never know that the daugh-
ter she’d made them forget had been killed, but then maybe that was for the best…
She thought of Harry and Ron, wondered what would become of them, and
prayed that they might get free, or at least have an easier time than she’d had.
She thought of Draco, remembering their relationship that had barely been given
“I’ve wasted too much time,” said Tonks. “I need to get back…they will need help-
“Then take us with you!” Blaise pleaded desperately. “We can help.”
“Absolutely not-
“That could be my girlfriend! I need to see if she’s there!”
Draco was breathing heavily, trying to keep his temper subdued. “Just…just let
us come with you.”
“I will not-
“You heartless bitch!” he yelled. “I need to see Hermione! I fucking need to, do
you not get that?”
“No!” Tonks argued firmly. “Look at how angry the pair of you are! Your pres-
ence would do more harm than good-
“Please, cousin,” he forced the words out, hating that this situation had reduced
him to begging. “Let me see her.”
“Take them with you, Nymphadora,” said Andromeda steadily, trying to calm
her grandson’s cries.
Tonks arched an eyebrow at her. “But Mum-
“If it was Remus, you’d be acting in the same way as them,” she went on. “Just
take them with you. Give them something…give them hope.”
Draco observed his conflicted cousin intently as she seemed to weigh up her
Draco rubbed his sore and swollen eyes and wondered if he’d cried today, but
been completely oblivious to it.
Blaise eyed the satisfied smile on his girlfriend’s pretty lips as she strolled back
into the kitchen. “That took you a while,” he commented, leaving his seat to ap-
proach her. “Dare I ask why?”
“I just spoke to him about a few things,” replied Luna flippantly. “You know, I think
Tonks may have some nargles in her garden. I’m sure I put my charm on the countertop.”
“It’s in my pocket,” he said. “What did you say to him?”
“What was necessary.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“Possibly tomorrow.”
Blaise trailed his fingers down her spine and shook his head. “You’re wasting
your time there, Luna. He’s too stubborn. Even by a Slytherin’s standards.”
The early hours of tomorrow morning came slowly; one o’clock, two o’clock,
three o’clock, they dragged by at such a taunting pace. He raked his fingernails
through his hair for the fiftieth time and rolled his shoulders to click away some of
the tension in his muscles and bones. For over twelve hours, he had done nothing
but wait with the same clawing thoughts bouncing around in his skull. He was tired
and edgy, his backside numb and his limbs like cardboard after countless bouts of
pins and needles, but he’d wait another twelve hours if he had to.
He heard the handle of the door creak before he saw it twist, and he climbed to
his feet too quickly, all the blood rushing to his head and making him sway. Lupin
stepped out the room first, closely followed by Tonks, and they turned their heads
to acknowledge Draco with weary eyes and sweat on their upper-lips, evidently fa-
tigued after twelve hours of Merlin knew how many Healing Spells. His breath
hitched in his throat when Tonks shut the door behind her and massaged the bridge
of her nose, but he kept his expression tight and stoic, fighting the urge to shove
them aside and force his way into the room.
“You can go ahead to bed, Remus,” she said. “I’m just going to have a quick
word with him.”
Lupin faltered for a moment, observing Draco with deliberate suspicion before
he did as his wife had requested and left them alone. Tonks had placed herself be-
tween Draco and the door, and he looked past her at the handle, his tolerance fleet-
ing quickly as his cousin gave no indication that she intended to move.
“Tenacious little bugger, aren’t you?” she quipped. “I thought I told you very
clearly to stay downstairs-
“Merlin’s grave,” he growled to himself. “Let me inside that fucking room or tell me-
“I wanted to apologise to you,” she interrupted him, and it threw him off guard.
“I think I… I underestimated your relationship with Hermione-
“It’s not your place to judge mine and Granger’s relationship at all.”
“I’m just trying to let you know that I understand now,” she continued. “And I
will give you a break-
Hermione bolted upright in bed with a gasp that might have been a scream if
her throat hadn’t felt like sandpaper.
Her head was fuzzy and her muscles tired, but her defensive instincts were im-
mediate as she fumbled around for her wand or her bag, alarmed when she could
find neither. Her wild eyes scanned the room, and while she thought she might
recognise it, she couldn’t figure out why and she was wary to relax, knowing how
easily someone could have altered the space with a few shrewd spells.
She tried to think back, remembering the Manor and that first blast of the Cruci-
atus Curse in Bellatrix’s screeching voice, but that was all she could recall. It was all
very misty and fractured after that… just a lot of screaming. So then where was she?
She placed her hand flat against the mattress, finding it warm. Merlin knew
how, but she just knew someone had laid beside her in the bed, and it made her
unbearably nervous.
“Harry?” she called, her voice low and rough, unrecognisable. “Ron?”
She hadn’t really expected a response, but she’d hoped for one. The pain regis-
tered then and she thought she might vomit; the aftershocks of Bellatrix’s merciless
torture making her body throb in time with her heartbeats. Everywhere was tender
and sore, but her arm in particular stung like a fresh burn, and she eyed the red and
damp bandage with uncertainty. For a second, she considered removing the dress-
ing, but decided that it was probably wise to resist until she knew where she was
and exactly who had applied it.
She ran her hand up and down the mattress and tested the remains of body heat
against her fingertips. Whoever had shared this bed with her hadn’t long left. She
scanned the room again, searching for anything suspicious or any indication of an-
other person, but the contents were minimal; the bed, a dresser, and a wardrobe.
“No, finish your food, Draco,” said Tonks. “And stop shovelling it down like
that or you’ll choke.”
He glowered at his cousin. “I’m sorry, I must’ve missed the announcement
about you being my minder.”
“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, you know.”
“Whoever said that was just pissed off that he couldn’t do it properly,” he re-
plied, pushing away his plate and leaving his chair. “Right, I’m done.”
“Maybe you should take Crookshanks up with you,” she suggested before he
could leave. “Hermione must’ve missed him, and he’s been pining for her-
“Not yet. I don’t want there to be any distractions when she wakes up if she’s
going to have trouble as it is, and that cat’s a bloody attention-seeking thing-
“Have trouble?” repeated Tonks with a frown. “What do you mean?”
He slanted his eyes away from her. “It doesn’t matter-
“No, wait a moment. What are you anxious about? Are her injuries not healing-
“Look, I’m not thick,” he cut in. “I know what the Cruciatus Curse can do to
people’s minds.”
Tonks’ lips pursed with understanding. “You’re worried she won’t remember
you,” she mumbled, watching Draco as he flexed his fists with anxiety. “You needn’t
be concerned with that. The victim will usually have been subjected to days of the
Curse before it has any effect on their memory or-
“You’re underestimating Bellatrix’s power-
“I’m not, Draco-
“Yes, you are!” he shouted. “I don’t know what it is with you sodding people,
but not everything will turn out all fucking brilliant with a side order of rainbows
and stardust!”
Hermione fell asleep a little while after that, wrapped up in his arms and body
heat, and breathing softly against his chest. Judging by the mood of the sky, Draco
guessed it was mid-afternoon, and the hours rolled by quite quickly considering he
didn’t move. He’d tried to fall asleep with her, but his mind was too busy with the
usual thoughts; his parents, the war, her, and his place amongst it all. The only con-
clusion he could reach was that he was in love with Granger, to the point that it
blotted out the other factors and made them blurry and irrelevant.
Yes, he loved her, and realised he had done for longer than he cared to admit.
To feel so vulnerable and empowered at the same time, and when the mind is
somewhere between serenity and insanity, it means love’s to blame.
There was little point in deluding himself any further and denying it to himself.
After all, he’d told her himself; muttered it to her last night as she’d slept, and the
fact that she was unconscious at the time did little to dent the confession. He knew
that words always seemed so brittle and gauche when he struggled to express him-
self, and he hoped his actions would be sufficient, and that was best thing about
Granger; he knew she would never ask him to say it.
She must’ve been sleeping for around four hours when there was a knock at the
door, and a growl rumbled in Draco’s throat. He ignored it, knowing it was proba-
bly Potter or Weasley who had inevitably come to shatter their peace, and he would
delay them as long as possible.
“Draco,” Tonks’ hushed voice came from the other side. “Draco, it’s me. Come
to the door.”
“Fuck’s sake,” he hissed, shifting his body with care to ensure Granger would lie
comfortably on the bed as he left her side. He opened the door a crack and fixed his
cousin with a furious glare. “Is there no sodding break from you, woman?”
“You know, it’s polite to answer the door-
“Do I strike you as a polite person?” he retorted. “Anyway, I thought you might
be Potter or Weasley.”
Hermione gagged on the sickly and lumpy potion as it crawled down her throat
and landed in her stomach like a lump of wet cement.
“That’s awful,” she choked, handing the empty vial back to Tonks. “It tastes like
mouldy porridge.”
“That means it’s the right one,” Tonks shrugged, laughing lightly at Hermione’s
grimace. “We’ll give it a minute to take effect, and we’ll see if you can rest some
weight on your legs, okay?”
“Okay,” she agreed. “So I need to drink this everyday?”
“Until your legs are working fine again, yes. Each dose should bring a little more
feeling back. In a couple of weeks, you should be fine.”
“A couple of weeks? Is there no way to speed it up, or-
“Hermione, I know you want to be active, but you need some rest,” said Tonks
slowly. “It might only be a week if you’re lucky, but your body went through hell-
“But I feel better already-
“Just because Wizard healing methods are faster than Muggle methods, does
not mean you’re completely well. Just take some time to recuperate.”
Slumping her shoulders in defeat, Hermione sighed and reluctantly bobbed her
head. “Fine, but do you know where my bag is? I could at least do some more research.”
“Your bag and the clothes you were wearing are in the bottom drawer,” she ex-
plained, gesturing to the dresser in the corner of the room. “Actually, I’ll wash those
clothes for you.”
“Let me have look at them first. I’m sure I had some things in my pockets that I
need to sort through.”
“So,” breathed Hermione, her lips swaying into a delighted smile. “Congratula-
tions. What’s it like being a mum?”
“Wonderful,” Tonks replied without hesitation. “I mean, I haven’t slept since
he was born, but I don’t care. He’s perfect. We named him after dad; Teddy.”
“Where is he now? Can I see him?”
“Remus has him. I think they’re both having a nap, but you can see him when
he wakes up. I want Harry to see him too. We decided that Harry should be his
Godfather. He’s sleeping, so I haven’t had a chance to tell him yet.”
Draco drummed his fingertips against the table and shifted in his seat; half-ag-
itated and half-anxious as his eyes returned to the door for the thirteenth time in
twenty minutes. Huffing out an impatient breath that stirred his fringe, he decided
he would give it another five minutes before he went to see what was taking Granger
and Tonks so bloody long and carry her down here if he had to.
“Draco,” called Luna.
“What?” he snapped irately, not that she seemed phased.
“Would you like some tea?”
“Are you sure?” she asked, rising from her seat. “Perhaps some herbal tea might
make you less…”
“Bitchy,” supplied Theo. “Is it that time of the month, mate?”
Whatever retort Draco had intended to spit back withered on his tongue when
the door opened, and Granger limped into the room, her steps unstable and her
arm slung across Tonks’ shoulders for balance. She was evidently struggling, her
breathing slightly laboured and her cheeks a little flushed with the effort, but pre-
dictably refusing to appear defeated. He shot up to stand just as Hermione spotted
Lovegood, and she tore herself away from Tonks to practically pounce on the
blonde witch with a frantically uncoordinated hug that almost knocked Lovegood
off her feet.
“Are you asleep?”
“Evidently not.”
She twisted her body around to face him in the bed. “Did you ever read The
Twisted Time Theory by Virginia Fairhart?”
“Are you still going to talk about it if I say yes?”
He woke with a start; a cold sweat thinly spread across his brow and a gnawing
chill at the base of his spine. His heart was riotous in his ribcage, and in a bizarre
moment of paranoia, he checked that Granger was at his side. She was, of course.
Her back was to him with her wayward curls sprawled across the pillow, sleeping
soundly and groaning softly as he altered his position in the bed.
He couldn’t be sure, but he had a hunch he’d dreamt about his mother, and he
felt edgy as he sat up and dragged the damp tips of his hair away from his face. He
tried to recall something tangible from his dream, feeling for some reason that it
might be important, but it was a futile exercise. Dreams seldom linger when reality
is so eager to resume.
He choked on the crispy dryness in his throat, trying to smother the noise
against the back of his hand so as not to wake Granger, but she didn’t stir.
dle of logs in the fireplace until the kitchen was illuminated with the amber of the
flames. He tucked his wand back into his pocket, careful to keep the base just above
the seam in case the occasion called for a spell or two, and then shifted his attention
back to Weasley. His long-time rival looked like shit, and that was being generous.
Weasley seemed almost distorted; deathly pale with blood-red cracks in the
whites of his eyes, and more haggard than usual, even by the infamous Weasley
standards. His eyes were alive though, staring somewhere past Draco’s head while
his nostrils flared and his knuckles turned white. There was something else too;
something that was a little off. Draco couldn’t decide if it was in his posture or in
his expression, but Weasley looked slightly unhinged and precarious.
“Leave,” he spat suddenly. “Just go, and leave us alone.”
Draco couldn’t help but scoff. “Why would I do that? This is my cousin’s house
and she invited me-
“You didn’t even think of Tonks as your cousin until it bloody suited you!”
“That’s irrelevant,” he retorted, deciding it was time to broach the inevitable
and watch Weasley squirm. “Besides, I think Granger wants me here.”
Draco saw an instant change in Weasley’s stance at the mention of Hermione; the
muscles in his face tightened, his breathing elevated, and something dark flashed in
his eyes. It was so amusing to watch, to see him struggle with his words and fidget
with agitation. Granger or no Granger, watching a weasel in distress would forever
leave an appeasing sense of satisfaction in the well of his Slytherin gut.
Hermione’s fingers were fidgeting in her lap as she watched Draco; wondering
if she should ask the question that had been pestering her for minutes. After their
shower, Draco had helped her into a fresh pair of jeans and a jumper, mumbling
some comment about how he preferred removing her clothes to putting them on,
and he was now dressing himself. Normally, she would have studied him with re-
luctant fascination, admiring his finesse and that ability to always appear immacu-
late, despite being stripped of all the tokens wealth that had graced his youth, but
the question was distracting her.
“Granger, I can hear your brain ticking from here,” said Draco, his eyes shrewd
and enquiring. “What is it?”
She hesitated. “I actually wanted to ask you…and you can say no if you want. I
wanted to ask if I could use your wand to dry my hair?”
“That’s it?”
“Well, sharing wands is considered rather intimate by some-
“More intimate than sharing bodily fluids?” he interrupted, removing his wand
from his pocket and passing it to her. “Go ahead.”
“Thank you,” she smiled. Mumbling a quick incantation, she felt the wand resist
her a little, but it did the job, and when she looked back at Draco, the corner of his
mouth was bent with amusement. “What are you grinning at?”
“Apparently I forgot that your hair looks like a nest for a family of blind owls.”
“You’re hilarious-
“And charming.”
Hermione snorted, but it faltered when Draco stalked towards her, leaning for-
ward with his head bent to steal a kiss, but a knock at the door broke the moment
before it could begin, and they both sighed.
“Is there no fucking peace in this house?” Draco muttered, turning back for the door.
Expecting it to be Tonks or perhaps Lovegood, he was caught off-guard when
he was confronted with his own reflection, doubled in a pair of familiar glasses, and
he straightened his spine when he realised they belonged to Potter. The other wiz-
ard looked sleep-deprived and tormented, and there was only a hint of that resent
“I just think it’s odd,” remarked Theo. “It’s not even your bloody name any-
more. We should all be calling you Lupin, really.”
“No, it would get confusing with all the people who call Remus that,” said
Tonks. “Besides, Tonks has been my nickname for years-
“Only because it was your surname, but it’s not anymore.”
Tonks, Theo, Bliase and Lovegood had already been sat at the table and engrossed
in a rather dull discussion about breakfast when Draco had wandered into the kitchen
around fifteen minutes ago. That discussion had somehow drifted to the current one
about his cousin’s name, and Draco rolled his eyes as he finished his glass of juice,
wondering exactly how long it would take Potter and Granger to finish their little
heart-to-heart. Leaving his seat to prepare a mug of coffee, he perched himself on
the countertop and listened without absorbing as Tonks and eo continued to
bicker between mouthfuls of toast and Lovegood’s idle humming.
“I like being called Tonks, so that’s what I ask people to call me. End of.”
“But it doesn’t make any sense,” Theo argued. “Don’t you have a middle name
or something? Even that would make more sense if you’re so intent on avoiding
your first name.”
“Actually, I have three middle names,” she nodded slowly. “But my mother ensured
all of them were ridiculous too. Nymphadora Gwendoline Taura Hyacinth Tonks.”
“Bloody hell,” murmured Blaise. “That’s a mouthful.”
“Taura’s a pretty name,” said Luna thoughtfully. “I like that.”
“It’s the best out of a bad bunch, I guess,” replied Tonks. “For some reason,
mum wanted to keep the Black tradition with constellations and it’s the feminine
name of Taurus.”
“Then why didn’t you let people call you that?” Theo pressed.
“Because I like the name Tonks, okay?”
“Doesn’t make any sense to me,” he muttered, turning to Draco. “Malfoy, do
you recon you’ll always call Granger by her last name?”
Hermione combed her fingers through her tousled curls and watched Draco
undress from her spot on the bed. There was beam of moonlight stretching into the
room through the gap in the curtains, and it hit his china-doll skin in a mesmerizing
way that made her breath catch in her throat. Her craving for sleep was a heavy pull
on her lashes and a persistent ache in her muscles, but it was inevitable after what
she considered had been a rather vexing day. Between Harry explaining the events
that had occurred in Malfoy Manor and then discovering Dobby had sacrificed
himself for them, she was anxious to envelop herself in the blankets and in Draco’s
arms for some much-needed rest.
But she’d noticed her lover had been distant today, particularly since she and
Harry had returned from Dobby’s grave a little while after lunchtime. His odd
mood had lasted all day, but she’d refrained from questioning him about it; mainly
because they hadn’t really been able to steal a moment alone. As she studied him
now, his dusty, grey eyes were far away and preoccupied, but then they turned to
her, and there was a glint of apprehension in his stare.
“Are you angry with me?” he rushed out. “For not telling you about the House-elf?”
The question threw her off kilter for a second or two. “No,” she replied after a pause.
“It wasn’t something you did out of spite. You just…don’t understand, I guess.”
“It’s a just a House-elf to me,” he told her honestly. “And I know you bloody
love the things with that SPIT thing you did-
“It’s called S.P.E.W.-
“And it never even crossed my mind that its death was worth mentioning. It
means nothing to me.”
“I meant nothing to you once. Opinions change-
“Not overnight,” he cut in. “It took time for my opinion of you to change-
“We have time,” she said, a slight smile on her lips as she reached out to grasp
his hand. “Come to bed, Draco.”
In the rare moments Hermione stopped fretting about the war, it always seemed
to sneak up on her with a new threat, and she wondered if she should feel guilty for
letting it occasionally slip into the dormant part of her brain.
She sat on her bed, testing the wand’s weight in her hands and trying to ignore
the uneasy twitch in her gut. She could practically feel it resisting her; the residual
Dark magic scalding her fingertips as she timidly fiddled with it and ran her thumb
along its edge. Ollivander’s earlier words for it rang in her ears.
She couldn’t help but think of all the people who had suffered or been killed by
the will of this wand; Sirius, Frank and Alice Longbottom, Dobby, herself, and Mer-
lin knew how many others. She hated the thought of using it, but it had been the
most logical option, and she’d opted herself to become its new owner. Both Harry
and Ollivander had agreed that with her magical capabilities and proficiency in
spells, she was the most likely candidate who would be able to harness its powers
effectively. And if Harry could use Pettigrew’s wand, the man who had betrayed his
parents, then she could certainly learn to adapt to using Bellatrix’s 12¾ inches of
walnut with a dragon heartstring core.
According to Harry, Ron had managed to disarm Fenir at the Manor, and pre-
sumed he still had that wand, assuring Hermione he’d ask once Ron was willing to
speak to him again. They’d tried knocking on his door and found it locked, which
had at least confirmed Ron was using someone’s wand.
Hermione winced to the harsh bang of the door, but the silence that followed
and wedged itself between her and Ron was even more disruptive.
She studied him intently, her heart sinking when he refused to make eye contact
or give any indication that he was aware of her presence. He simply stood there; his
gaze focused on the floor and his posture stiff with uncertainty. Sighing heavily, she
moved forward and sat at the table, tucking Bellatrix’s wand into the pocket of her
bathrobe before she leaned forward and clasped her hands together in rather busi-
ness-like fashion.
“Ron,” she said gently. “Sit down please-
“I don’t bloody want-
“Sit down, and calm yourself,” she told him in an authoritative tone. “We need
to talk.”
If it was possible, his body appeared to seize up even more, but he lifted his
Draco stopped his pacing to check the clock again, swearing under his breath
when he realised its long hand had barely moved two ticks since the last time.
He recommenced his agitated steps, marching back and forth across the length of
the bedroom like a caged dragon and with as much fire scalding the tip of his tongue.
It had been close to half an hour since Hermione had dismissed him so abruptly from
the kitchen to be alone with Weasley, and the heat of the resentment had been swell-
ing up inside of him like a blister set to burst. Grinding his teeth and wondering how
many more minutes he could endure waiting, he was just about ready to stalk back
downstairs and intrude on their little reunion when the door opened.
His head snapped up as Hermione slipped into the room with her chin lifted
defiantly, her steady gaze skimming him, analysing him like one of her books. His
mouth was already open, ready to release a livid tirade, but she turned her back to
him as she shut the door, mumbling incantations under her breath and slowly wav-
ing Bellatrix’s wand.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m locking the door and casting a Silencing Spell so nobody will hear me yell-
ing at you,” she said matter-of-factly. “Almost done-
“You’re going to yell at me?” he scoffed. “You were completely out of line!”
She spun around with an affronted expression. “Me? I was out of line? How in
Merlin’s name did you reach that conclusion?”
“The way you fucking dismissed me like that!” he snapped harshly. “You made
me look like an idiot!”
She rolled her eyes. “You accomplished that all by yourself.”
“Don’t bloody patronise me-
“I am completely serious!” she shouted irately, stepping towards him and prod-
ding his chest with her finger. “You were behaving like children! I mean, honestly.
Bickering like kids and starting pathetic fights, and you-
“Hey!” he interrupted. “Weasley was the one who started getting all agitated-
“Oh, that’s a great way to contradict my point about you being childish, Draco;
saying Ron started it!”
“Did you shout at him like you’re shouting at me?” he questioned suddenly. “No, of
course you didn’t! You mollycoddle Potter and Weasley, and it’s fucking ridiculous!”
“I do NOT mollycoddle them!” she disputed. “They’re my best friends, Draco!
We look out for each other-
“Oh, come on, Granger! I know you didn’t bash Weasel’s eardrums like you’re
bashing mine!”
“I treated you all the same!” she defended sternly. “I used the same spell on you,
Theo, Harry, and Ron! I’m more angry about the way you behaved when I asked
you to leave Ron and I alone! You had a tantrum-
morning sun. His thoughts were rather jumbled today — perhaps from his early
start — and the warmth of the reaching rays seemed to steady him for a moment.
It had been four days since Hermione had barged into the kitchen and shouted
at Potter, Weasley, Theo, and himself, and aside from a few snarky yet harmless
comments the following day, things had settled down remarkably quickly. An-
dromeda had even had a private word with him and commended him for his ‘ma-
turity’, but the fact of the matter was it had all seemed to dawn on everyone that
there was simply no room for schoolyard grudges when the world was falling apart.
And that was the odd thing.
They still all gathered around the radio, listened to crackling Potterwatch
broadcasts about Muggles being tortured, Muggle-borns being slaughtered, and the
death-toll rising and rising. The pace and brutality of the War seemed to accelerate
everyday, and yet at Tonks’ home, where one-time enemies had managed to reach
an unvoiced vow of amity, there was a bizarre sense of peace. It was disconcerting;
it almost felt like they were detached from it all, but of course they weren’t, and a
glance at Granger confirmed that.
In the past couple of days, she’d been waking at dawn to practice spells with
Remus and Tonks, insisting she needed to get used to Bellatrix’s wand. He’d de-
cided to watch her today, coaxed outside by the sun and also intrigued to see how
she handled the unfamiliar wand, and so were his friends apparently. She was a fair
distance away from where he was sat with Theo and Blaise near the front of the
house — maybe fifty or so feet away — but he could see the thin gloss of sweat
Hermione nodded and raised Bellatrix’s wand, hunching her shoulders defen-
sively as Tonks and Remus took a few steps away from her.
“Ready?” asked Remus, and she nodded again. “Go!”
“Stupefy!” she yelled.
He blocked it effortlessly, and she twisted her body to try and deflect the spell
Tonks had fired at her, but she was still a little unstable on her legs. The moment
her back was turned, she felt magic scalding her skin, and when she turned back to
Remus he was already aiming his wand for his next move.
“Wait, just wait a minute!”
“You think a Death Eater is going to give you a chance to recover?” he retorted.
“No, I know that, but-
“They’re going to know you’re reluctant to use Dark Magic, and they will prob-
ably recognise Bellatrix’s wand,” he continued. “On top of that, you’re reciting your
spells. In doing so, you’re telling your enemy what your move is-
“I know, but Bellatrix’s wand is resisting me, and-
“You can do this, Hermione,” he said firmly. “Brightest witch of your age, re-
member? Now come on, you are better than this!”
“Remus, give her a moment,” sighed Tonks. “Perhaps we should just practice
“No, he’s right,” said Hermione. “The Death Eaters are hardly going to play fair,
are they? I need to be prepared.”
Remus gave her an approving look. “Exactly. Ready?”
Drawing in soothing breath and gripping Bellatrix’s wand tighter, she focused
on the tingling heat gathering in her fingertips. Her magic. Bobbing her head, she
crouched a little and bent her knees, her eyes steady on Remus as he began to tilt
his wrist for a spell. Without uttering a word, she extended her arm, and a bright,
violent light shot out of Bellatrix’s wand, and Remus stumbled back, his hand
reaching up to shield his eyes. Spinning around, Hermione narrowly missed Tonks’
Stupefy and hurled back an Impediment Jinx that caught her right in the stomach,
sending her flying backwards several feet.
Turning back around just as Remus was beginning to recover, she aimed her
wand again, and a rope came shooting out of its tip, wrapping around Remus’ wand
Fifty feet away, Draco smirked almost fondly as he watched his lover beam with
confidence and triumph. He’d only seen that smile once, back when they’d been ice
skating at Christmas and she’d managed to keep her balance without his support,
and the memory felt warmer than the sun.
Theo released a low whistle. “Fuck me, remind me not to piss off Granger,” he
mumbled. “Well, you know... again.”
“You’re honestly that surprised she’s good at spells?” asked Blaise. “She was the
smartest witch in our year. Of course she knows what she’s doing with a wand.”
“It’s one thing to practice a few spells in a classroom. It’s a whole different thing
to use them effectively, and with someone else’s wand, no less.”
Arching an eyebrow, Draco glanced at Theo sceptically. “It’s not like you to
make a reasonably intelligent comment. Especially at this time in the morning.”
“Piss off,” he scoffed, grinning cockily. “Don’t envy me because I have a brain to go
with this handsome face and you’re stuck with that ugly thing sitting on your neck.”
“You’re taking her recovery well,” Blaise remarked, his shrewd eyes settling on Draco.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because it probably means she’ll be leaving with Potter and Weasley soon.”
Draco sat up straight, eyeing his friend with a narrowed glare. “What the hell
are you on about?”
“What, you didn’t think she was actually going to stay here, did you?” he replied
with a shrug. “Granger and those pair hardly have a history of sitting back and
watching things happen. I bet you anything they’ve already discussed plans about
leaving and doing whatever the hell they’re doing to beat You-Know-Who.”
Clicking his jaw, Draco thought back over the last few days, recalling that Her-
mione had disappeared to talk with Potter and Weasley at least once every day, but
not once had she given indication that they were scheming to leave. And he
would’ve noticed if something was going on. Surely, he would have.
“No,” he muttered, shaking his head. “You’re wrong, Blaise.”
“You reckon?” he replied, his tone cynical. “Luna’s planning to leave and she
hasn’t told me.”
“Then how the hell do you know that?”
“I just know she is. I’m pretty sure she’s planning to go back to Hogwarts with
Dean Thomas. They’ve been talking.”
When Hermione, Potter, and Weasley hadn’t shown up for breakfast, Draco
had grinded his teeth and pushed his food around the plate, refusing to make eye
contact with Blaise. He didn’t need another knowing look cast in his direction,
nor did he wish to witness Blaise’s anxious glances at Lovegood every time she
turned to talk to Dean Thomas. And when a scratchy Potterwatch broadcast had
announced a long list of fatalities, he hadn’t lifted his head, simply sat there in a
volatile silence with his finger tapping irately against his knee. He’d wondered if
Granger had heard the broadcast, wondered if it would provoke her desperation,
and tempt her and her sodding friends to abandon the safehouse and take action.
In an effort to distract himself, he’d forced his mind to drift elsewhere and real-
ised there’d been a thought niggling at his brain for the last few days; he’d lost his
wand. He couldn’t for the life of him remember the last time he’d used it, and
Granger had been so keen to practice with Bellatrix’s wand that she would insist on
performing any spells before he could even think to locate his.
After breakfast he’d headed to his room, attempting to Summon it several times
with no success. Reasoning that it must’ve fallen out of bed and was stuck under
something, he began to hunt for it, searching under the bed and checking the draw-
ers in case Hermione had put it away for safekeeping. When he was on his knees
checking beneath the bedside table, the door swung open and painfully smacked
into his ankles.
When Draco woke up, he knew she wasn’t there; he could tell by the cold air
clinging to his shoulder where her skin should be.
He probably wouldn’t have paid much attention to the clock had it not read
exactly midnight, and something about the perfection of the time left an unsettling
sensation in his gut. Turning to the empty space next to him, he ran his palm across
her indentation, finding it still warm, and her pillow still damp from her shower
before bed. He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, glancing around the
dark room as if it might hold some clue about Hermione’s whereabouts.
The rational part of his brain — usually the loudest part — told him that she
was most likely in the toilet or downstairs grabbing a glass of water, yet there was a
tenacious, little itch that persuaded him to leave the bed, slip into some clothes, and
seek her out. Scowling when he remembered he didn’t have his wand, he made his
way towards the door, grateful for the dazzling glow of the moon, casting shadows
for him to navigate around. But when he left the room and stepped into the corri-
dor, it was pitch black, the kind of darkness that suffocates you, like a coffin or tar.
Flattening his hands against the walls, he guided himself along the hall and
down the stairs, and his ears twitched when he heard low voices drifting from the
kitchen. He could hear Potter mumbling words that he couldn’t quite catch, and he
steadied his steps into silent footfalls as he approached the kitchen door.
Hermione fidgeted nervously after she’d cast the Muffliato, wringing her hands
and knotting her fingers as Draco marched back into the kitchen with a scowl still
scrunching up his features. She could practically feel the anger radiating off him,
striking her in waves, and she resisted the urge to nibble her lip. He took one, two,
three steps towards her, his eyes never falling from hers, and burning he was that
livid. But she refused to seem swayed, keeping her expression steady and deciding
she would tackle this like any other challenge; with a calm and logical mind.
“Are you planning to leave?” he questioned, dragging out each word. “Well?
Are you? Come on, Granger, you said we’d talk!”
“Listen, it’s not that simple-
“Yes or no, Granger?”
“Okay, I think the dress looks like something she would wear now. How do I look?”
“Still bloody hideous.”
Hermione frowned at Ron’s response but realised it was simply his way of as-
suring her that it had been a successful transition, and judging by his unnerved
stare, he meant it.
With the bitter tang of Polyjuice still rolling around her gums, she looked down
at her hands, or rather Bellatrix’s hands; long, chipped fingernails that were more
like claws, and pale hands, flecked with scars, like she’d been wringing glass. Black,
matted curls poured down her chest, and she ran her tongue over her sharp, uneven
teeth, absently thinking of her parents as she did.
“You look rather awful yourself,” she told Ron, eyeing his long, wavy hair and
altered features with a nod of satisfaction. “I did a good job on you.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” he said, raising his hand to scratch his false beard.
“Bloody hell, this thing itches. Remind me never to grow one.”
She laughed but didn’t respond, too nervous to really conjure a humorous or
inventive remark, but she could tell he was nervous too, so that was fine. At least
she hoped it was. Perhaps Ron was expecting her to say something reassuring or
positive, but words were having a hard time forming in her mouth, and she was just
so nervous. She looked away, her eyes landing on Harry as he toyed with the Invis-
ibility Cloak with his shaking fingers.
“Ron, keep an eye out.”
“I always do.”
Patting his shoulder as she walked past, she made her way over to Harry, ignor-
ing the low, pessimistic grumbles of Griphook a few feet away in the abandoned
side-street they were hiding in, just a short walk from the Leaky Cauldron. Harry
was waiting between some bins, crouched down in what must’ve been an uncom-
fortable position, evidently distracted, shifting his weight and fidgeting like a tod-
dler at the dentist.
“How are you doing?” she asked.
He glanced up, grimaced, and averted his eyes. “Sorry, I can’t get used to you
looking like that.”
“It’s alright, I find it quite disconcerting myself. Nervous?”
“It will be okay-
Hermione pulled back the drenched hair in her eyes and sputtered out the ex-
cess water in her mouth.
“You okay, Hermione?” asked Ron, somewhere next to her, and his hand
came into her view.
“Fine,” she nodded as he helped her to her feet, and she shot a quick glance over
to Harry to ensure he was well. “You okay, Ron?”
“Yeah, thanks to your quick thinking. Cushioning Charm?”
“Yes, it was the first thing that popped into my head.”
“Lucky for us.”
She was about to smile, but then she saw him, and he was Ron again; red hair,
friendly, freckled features, blue eyes, and a gasp burst past her lips. “You’re you
again! All the charms-
“Shit, you’re you too.”
She looked down, analysing her young hands and the tips of her brown waves
with complete bewilderment. “But I drank enough Polyjuice to last at least an hour.
And the spells I used on you...I don’t understand.”
“It’s the Thief’s Downfall!” shouted Griphook. “It counteracts all magical con-
cealment and enchantments! They must suspect us! We need to hurry!”
Hermione chewed her lip. Aside from a slight issue with Bellatrix’s wand
when they’d first entered Gringotts, she’d actually thought their plan had been
going well. In hindsight, perhaps too well, although she gathered that Harry had
helped a little along the way, mumbling a few Confundus Charms to delay the
guards at the doors, and she knew he’d used the Imperius Curse to gain Bogrod’s
assistance, much to her discomfort about him using an Unforgivable. But she
reasoned it was necessary at the moment, and as she turned her head, it seemed
Bogrod was beginning to kick up a fuss, evidently no longer under the spell’s
possession, but Harry had already lifted his wand, reciting “Imperio”, just as he
had before.
“We need to move!” insisted Griphook. “They will be coming!”
“Protego!” called Hermione, lifting Bellatrix’s wand until the Shield Charm cut
into the cascade of the Thief’s Downfall. “That should buy us a bit more time.”
The three of them followed Griphook deeper into the cavernous structure of
Gringotts, and Hermione wondered if she would even remember the way out when
it came to it, but she lost her train of thought when an echoing roar blasted towards
them from somewhere ahead, and the breeze of it tickled her wet cheeks.
“What the bloody hell was that?” asked Ron.
The sound of a glass hitting the floor snapped Draco out of his trance, but he
turned his head in time to catch the spray of shards skid across the floorboards, and
it reminded him of ice skating. It took him a moment or two to realise it was his
glass, and that he must’ve been the one to send it tumbling, and he studied the shal-
low puddle of crushed crystal by his feet with dead eyes.
“You clumsy dick,” grumbled Theo, flicking his wand to clear the mess. “Why
the hell did you do that?”
“It was an accident,” he mumbled. “I had a... shiver or something.”
Blaise tilted his head and exhaled. “We’ve been here for hours, talking about nothing.”
“We should know something by now,” said Draco, his tone suddenly impatient.
“Where the fuck has Tonks gone? And Andromeda? And what-
“If you’re that concerned, perhaps you should consider telling Tonks where they are-
“I’ve told you-
“Do you think you could kill your father?” Theo asked, the words crisp and
clear, eerily comfortable on Theo’s tongue.
After exchanging a puzzled look with Blaise, Draco eyed his other friend warily,
noting the completely calm expression on Theo’s features as he casually flicked one
fingernail, like he’d asked them how they take their tea.
“What did you say?”
“I asked if you think you could kill your father,” he repeated in the same non-
chalant manner. “I mean, we’re probably going to have to help the Order, and we’ll
be fighting against our parents. If it was necessary, could you? Blaise?”
Blaise shifted in his seat, his eyebrows low and his lips pursed in thought. “I
don’t have a father.”
“Your mother then.”
Hermione surged upwards, her mouth wide open and gasping for air as she
broke the lake’s surface. Whipping her head around to ensure the boys were alright,
she checked she had her bag and her wand before she swam for land, struggling to
even manage a doggy-paddle, the heavy dress dragging her down. When her feet
finally found pebbles, she was tempted to stay in the water, finding that it soothed
all the burns on her skin from the items in the Lestrange Vault, but Harry was grab-
bing her elbow and helping her stumble onto land before she could protest.
When she’d caught her breath, she looked to the sky, watching the dragon that
had aided their escape fly over the mountains and out of her sight. “Do you think
the dragon will be okay?”
“I’m more worried about us at the moment,” said Harry, flinching as he
shrugged out of his jumper. “You have anything for these burns?”
“I have Dittany,” she replied, reaching into her bag and handing the vial to him.
“Try not to use so much though. We might need it.”
“That sodding Goblin!” hissed Ron. “I knew we couldn’t trust him, that thieving
shit. I can’t believe he just nicked the sword and left us to fend for ourselves!”
“We escaped with our lives and the Horcrux,” said Harry. “Let’s just be grate-
ful for that-
“Yes, we have a Horcrux and no way to destroy it. Fucking stellar.”
“At least we know how to destroy it though,” offered Hermione. “I’m more con-
Draco resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Blaise and Theo’s chess match had been
in play for almost two hours, and this was the fifth time Blaise had cornered Theo’s
king. Theo had never been particularly skilled at the game, but his inadequacy today
was irritating Draco to no end, although he acknowledged that he’d hardly been in
the best of moods anyway. Perhaps that was why he was focussing all his attention
on their game, directing all his frustration at Theo, distracting himself from
thoughts of Granger and her welfare.
“Shit,” hissed Theo, moving his king. “I don’t know where my game is today.”
“You never had a game,” said Draco. “You were always shit at chess. Even
Goyle beat you.”
Hermione felt the ground beneath her feet, and through the cloak’s translucent
veil, she could make out the buildings of Hogsmeade; so familiar and yet unfamiliar
now. Zonko’s and Honeydukes appeared to be half-burned down, the windows shat-
tered, and the doors ripped off their hinges. She thought of Christmas, when lights,
candles, and trinkets had adorned the shops, lighting up the street, and now it looked
like an abandoned ghost town, save the glow coming from The Three Broomsticks.
The moment her eyes settled on the pub, a harsh and high-pitched shriek sliced
through her, and it didn’t fade; just kept ringing in her ears. The door of the pub
burst open, and out poured several Death Eaters, their wands ready, and one was
screaming, “Accio Cloak!” before she could really comprehend it. But the Invisibil-
ity Cloak didn’t move, and she resisted the urge to sigh with relief.
Hermione could feel the tears gathering in her eyes, to the point that it was al-
most painful, but she refused to let any fall.
For the past seven minutes, she’d listened to Aberforth spill out the tragic details
of his sister’s short life: How she’d been attacked by a group of Muggle boys when
she’d been six, and how it had traumatised her, leaving her magical abilities unstable.
How her father had attacked that group of boys and then ended up Azkaban, and how
her mother, in her desperation to keep her daughter close, kept Ariana hidden away,
isolating her from the world. How Ariana had then killed her mother with an acci-
dental magical outburst, and then how she’d been left in the care Dumbledore.
And then finally, she’d listened to how a confrontation between Aberforth,
Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald had killed Ariana, and during Aberforth’s
speech, the resentment he felt towards Albus had been so loud and heartbreaking.
Hermione glanced at Harry, wondering what was going through his head after
hearing the dark past of the man he had idolised and trusted like a wonderful grand-
father. She would never admit it to Harry, but Aberforth’s account had made her
doubt her own feelings towards Dumbledore, and she wondered if she should feel
guilty for that.
“Anyway,” whispered Aberforth, “With Ariana gone, Albus was free to-
“He wasn’t free though,” interrupted Harry. “He wasn’t. I know he wasn’t. The
night your brother died, he drank a potion that made him mad, and he kept on
Draco massaged the bridge of his nose as the beginnings of a dull headache
started to pound against the backs of his eyes.
Theo was just a few moves away from his second defeat of the evening, with his
king trapped in a corner of the board and ambushed by Blaise’s queen, bishop, and
castle. Draco guessed he should be grateful that this match had been substantially
shorter, barely an hour actually, but staring at the black and white squares was be-
ginning to make him feel sick. He watched Blaise intently as he pushed his castle
forward, letting go of a jaded sigh as he leaned back in his chair.
“Thank Merlin,” said Draco.
“Balls,” murmured Theo, scratching the back of his head. “Best of five?”
“Fuck off,” spat Blaise, and the moment the words left his mouth, Andromeda
stepped into the room, and Blaise looked like a sheepish child who’d been caught
with red hands. “Sorry, ‘Dromeda.”
“It’s alright,” she smiled at him. “I’m not that much of a prude, Blaise.”
“That’s not fair,” said Theo. “You always have a go at me when I swear.”
“That’s because every other word you use is a swear word, Theo.”
“Have you heard anything else about Granger?” Draco asked, trying not to ap-
pear too eager. “Does anyone know where she is?”
“No, sorry,” she replied, joining them at the table. “I tried to contact Tonks but
Hermione splashed some water on her face, eyeing her reflection in the mirror
and deciding she looked so much younger than she felt. Her limbs ached, her lids
were heavy, and her heart felt swollen in her chest, like it was ready to burst with
all the apprehension contained within. She couldn’t decide if she was terrified of
what seemed to be the inevitable now, or eager to reach the finale of the hell they’d
been living in since fourth year; since Voldemort had regenerated.
Glancing down at her hands , she noticed they were shaking a little, but credited
it to adrenaline and the lingering chill. She realised she had a small scratch on her
ring finger, probably from Gringotts she concluded, and a drop of blood fell into
the basin; scarlet set against porcelain, and she was momentarily fixated on it.
Blood is the beginning and the end of everything: birth, death, even love in her
case, and she thought of a different blood-stained bathroom in a different time.
There. Now your blood’s filthy too!
She didn’t know why, but she pinpointed that incident as the turning point for
Draco and herself; the catalyst for their relationship. She missed him now more
than ever, craved his voice to steady her nerves, but she was glad he wasn’t here.
She was glad he was somewhere safe. Too many of the people she loved were here
already, and the rational part of her knew that there would be losses.
People were going to die tonight.
People she knew.
She was too lost in her thoughts to hear the bathroom door open, or the foot-
steps patting against the tile floor behind her, but a flash of movement in the mirror
startled her. Spinning around with a strange mixture of shock and instinct govern-
ing her body, she had Bellatrix’s wand out in a second, aiming it at the intruder with
a surprisingly steady arm.
“Whoa, Hermione, calm down!” sputtered Ron. “It’s just me!”
“Bloody hell, Ronald, you scared the life out of me!”
Draco growled when Theo almost tripped him up for the third time, catching
his ankle with his foot. They had squeezed past the last of the evacuating students
— escorted by a grumbling Filch and Madam Pince — around five minutes ago,
back at the entrance of the tunnel. Their small party had certainly earned a few
confused looks and whispers, but they’d just kept marching through the tunnel, led
by Tonks, who seemed to grow more panicked with every step.
Glancing behind him, Draco’s eyes lingered on Miles and Tracey’s joined hands, and
if it was possible, his ache to find Granger intensified, like a physical pull on his chest.
He looked at Blaise and Theo then, who both seemed as anxious as he was to
get to the end of this sodding tunnel. He understood Blaise’s eagerness, but Theo’s
reasoning seemed more complicated than that; a mixture of many motives, such as
vengeance for Ted’s death, the need to confront his father, and even redemption.
But then maybe they were all here for redemption on some level.
Finally, he saw a door appear, and he practically shoved Tonks forward, desper-
ate now, and almost light-headed as his breathing accelerated. Tonks pushed the
door open, and Draco was momentarily blinded by the welcoming light as he
dropped down into the room, closely followed by the other members of ‘The En-
lightened’ as they all paused to absorb their unfamiliar surroundings.
“Where the hell are we?” asked Theo.
“The Room of Requirement,” said Tonks. “Quick, look around for the exit.
It’s probably-
“Tonks? Is that you?”
Draco snapped his eyes to his left, catching a flash of bright, red hair, and then
Ginny Weasley slowly meandered her way through the jungle of hammocks, look-
ing past Tonks and eyeing the group of Slytherins suspiciously.
“Tonks, what’s going on? Why are they here?”
But before she could answer, Voldemort’s voice began to boom and vibrate
around the room, so crystal clear that Draco would swear he was standing right
beside him. Tracey screamed somewhere behind him, Blaise lifted his hands to
his ears to try and muffle the sound, and Theo’s eyes darted around the room,
trying to find the source. Draco simply stood there, listening to every word.
Every syllable.
“I know you are preparing to fight. Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me.
I do not want to kill you. I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I do not
want to spill magical blood...”
“...Give me Harry Potter and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and
On the fifth floor, Hermione gritted her teeth when a formidable amount of
anger rose up inside of her, like hot steam.
She and Ron were still hunting for Harry, working their way up Hogwarts’
floors and asking any Order member they encountered if they’d seen him. During
their search for their friend, she and Ron had Petrified or Stupefied at least eight
Death Eaters between them, and Hermione had managed to keep a level head, act-
ing calmly and tactically. But when they’d turned a corner and seen Luna being
viciously attacked by two Death Eaters, all of Hermione’s control leaked out of her.
Sprinting ahead, Hermione aimed her wand and shot a non-verbal Stupefy at
one of the masked Death Eaters, striking him square in the chest. Whipping around
and deflecting the spell the other Death Eater fired in her direction, she retaliated
with a powerful Impediment Jinx that sent him flying backwards to smash into the
wall, and then she Petrified him for good measure.
“Are you okay, Luna?” she asked, helping the other witch to her feet. “Did
they hurt you?”
“Just a couple of scratches,” she shrugged.
“Whoa,” mumbled Ron as he joined them. “That was really impressive, Hermione.”
“It really was,” agreed Luna. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” she said. “Luna, have you seen Harry anywhere?”
“Yes, I saw him speaking to Helena Ravenclaw’s ghost by the Great Hall,” she
explained in that airy tone of hers. “I thought I heard him talking about hidden
things, but I’m not sure. And I passed him on the Grand Staircase not long ago, but
he was heading upstairs.”
“Upstairs,” said Hermione, grabbing Ron’s wrist and heading for the staircase. “Right.
Come on, Ron. Sorry, Luna, we’re in a rush and we need to get to Harry. Neville and
some of the others are on the fourth floor. You should try to get to them. Be careful.”
“I hope you find Harry,” said Luna. “Tell him I said hello.”
Hermione smiled at Luna over her shoulder as she practically dragged Ron back
to the stairs, quickening her pace with her desperation to find Harry. She didn’t
even flinch when she heard an explosion outside; she was getting used to them now,
and she was so focussed that the racket around them seemed blurred and distant.
“Why on Earth would Harry be heading upstairs?” she questioned, more to her-
self. “There’s nothing up there.”
After glancing at his watch, Draco quickened his pace.
Due to his encounters with Pansy and Snape, he now had less than five minutes
to head to Binns’ office and meet Blaise, as planned. He’d barely left the third floor
in his hunt for Granger between the various obstacles, and he was half-tempted to
forgo the detour at Binns’ office, but he wanted to search upstairs anyway, and per-
haps Blaise had had better luck than him.
Climbing the quiet stairwell to the fourth floor, he managed to avoid two
Death Eaters, ducking inside the niches where the suits of armour had once stood.
On this floor, he could hear familiar voices echoing all around him, travelling up
and down the corridors and meshing together in a nonsensical jumble of noise.
Among the clashing voices he recognised Longbottom’s, Finnegan’s, Professor
Sprout’s, and several others, but it was impossible to distinguish from which di-
rection they were coming.
He continued on, passing a couple of students whose names he couldn’t recall,
but they paid him no attention. The further he went, the more distant the voices be-
came; but then, this section of Hogwarts had always been quiet, which was why he
and some of his fellow Slytherins had chosen this spot to gather when they’d needed
to remain unseen. The corridors here were confusing and dimly lit; it was only from
years of mapping out the route in his head that Draco knew where he was going.
The building shook and he lost his balance, stumbling sideways as the sounds
of screams pierced the air, possibly from outside or somewhere in the castle. He
glanced out of a window and the carnage in the courtyard made him pause and
“No, Draco!” shouted Blaise, tightening his hold on Luna’s small hand. “Not the
Grand Staircase!”
Draco paused in his sprint, scowling at his friend as he came to his side. “But
it’s the closest!”
“It will be hectic.”
“Yes,” nodded Luna. “It was quite a mess earlier. Pity really. That was my fa-
vourite staircase.”
Draco absently wondered if Lovegood was oblivious to the gravity of the situa-
tion, but he paid her ridiculous comment no heed, keeping his eyes locked on
Blaise. It really was just easier to ignore her.
“Then how the hell do you suggest we get upstairs?”
“Keep going, we’ll use the South staircase,” said Blaise. “That’s the one I used
and I only came across a few obstacles.”
They carried on, scaling the stairs Blaise had suggested and Draco took them
two at a time. He felt like he was soaring now, surging onwards like a runaway train
with no control, powered by desperation and adrenaline. The intense combination
was racing with his blood, streaming through his veins, and he almost felt drunk
with it; light-headed and vigorous.
When they arrived at the seventh floor, Draco thought his senses became
heightened and more sensitive to his environment. The air felt humid up here, like
it was thick enough to choke. His nostrils flared to accommodate the invasive scents
Draco’s muscles tensed when two more Death Eaters came into his line of sight. He
recognised the unsightly face of Thicknesse, slightly shielded by the shadow of his hood,
but the other was a stranger with black eyes and crooked teeth. Softening his footfalls
and quietening his movements, Draco edged closer with his wand outstretched in-
tending to catch them unawares, but their tagalongs shattered that possibility.
“Hey, Perce!” exclaimed Fred, and the Death Eaters’ heads snapped in their
group’s direction. “Look, it’s your boss!”
“Ex-boss,” said Percy, launching a jinx at Thicknesse.
Draco only needed to cast one spell; within a matter of minutes both of the men
Hermione’s fear was replaced by anger. That hot, raw sort of anger that needs
to be burned away with action or yelling, or in her case, both. The spell that jetted
out of her wand was strong and volatile, catching Fenrir in his side and sending
him backwards, but she barely noticed the sound of him colliding with the wall. All
she could really see was Lavender’s still and eerily pale body, blood seeping out of
the bite-shaped hole in her throat. Even when Ron yanked her out of the way of a
crumbling pillar, her eyes lingered on Lavender’s blue lips.
A giant’s foot stomping only a few yards away diverted her attention, and she,
Harry, and Ron dashed onward, trying to avoid its heavy steps as it punched a hole
into one of Hogwarts’ upper floors. She watched Ron’s expression seize up with
horror as six Acromantulas scuttled by, perilously close to where they were, carry-
ing someone with them.
Harry must’ve noticed because he ran towards them, screaming Hagrid’s name and
waving his wand, but they were much too fast. He followed them anyway, and
Hermione watched the horror flash across Harry’s features and she yearned to
console him, but she felt frozen, routed to the spot as Voldemort’s voice continued
to harass the night.
“...You have permitted your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself.
I shall wait for one hour in the Forbidden Forest. If, at the end of that hour, you
have not come to me, have not given yourself up, then battle recommences.”
Hermione furiously shook her head at Harry.
“This time, I shall enter the fray myself, Harry Potter, and I shall find you, and
I shall punish every last man, woman, and child who has tried to conceal you from
me. One hour.”
“No, Harry,” she said sternly. “Don’t even consider it.”
“You heard what he said,” he murmured helplessly. “More people will die if I-
“You think Voldemort will actually spare people if you go to him?” asked Ron.
“Come on, Harry, he’s hardly trustworthy. He plans to kill everyone anyway.”
“Ron is right,” Hermione nodded. “Look, there’s no way you’re going. We only
have the snake left, remember? It will be fine. We should head back to the castle and
try to think of a new plan now he’s in the Forest.” She reached forward to hold his
hand, pulling him towards the tunnel. “Come on now. We’ll figure something out.”
Glancing at Snape’s blue-ish face before she dropped down into the under-
ground passage, a wave of guilt rippled through her, and the urge to return to
His shoulder was throbbing and he didn’t dare try to move his arm, simply grit-
ting his bloody teeth and following the Weasleys in silence.
Blaise was limping alongside him, his arm slung around Lovegood’s neck for
support, telling Draco that the injury to her leg wasn’t as bad as it looked. Ahead of
them, the Weasley brothers carried Terry Boot’s body, his shoes scraping across the
stone floor, making a noise that sent shivers down Draco’s spine. The castle was
unnervingly quiet now, and as they walked by the bodies of two Death Eaters, Draco
felt dread swarm in his chest as the scent of death hit his nostrils. With still no sign
of Granger, he was beginning to panic a little.
“Where the hell are we going exactly?” he asked harshly.
“I’m guessing everyone’s gathering in the Great Hall,” replied Fred. “The med-
ical wing would be too small to treat the injured.”
Smothering a retort, he carried on, and it took them a good fifteen minutes to
reach the ground floor from the sixth floor, hindered by blocked staircases and
fallen debris. Along the way, they crossed several more bodies, including Ritchie
Coote and Mandy Brocklehurst.
“Any chance one of you three can carry them?” asked Percy.
“No,” said Lovegood. “Blaise and Draco are too wounded and I doubt I could
carry them by myself. I could levitate them, though.”
“No, they should be carried,” mumbled Fred. “We’ll come back and get them,
or tell someone where they are.”
When they reached the ground floor, the sounds of turmoil rushed up the corri-
dor to greet them: screaming, sobbing, shouting; just every plausible heart-wrenching
noise made by human or beast, all mangled into one piercing racket of trauma. Draco
slowed his steps, suddenly alarmed and tentative about entering the hall.
But he carried on, needing to know.
The doors were already open, and when he caught sight of the scene within the
room, he stilled, his eyes going round, his pupils dilating. Blaise and Lovegood had
also stopped walking, studying the setting with slackened jaws. Draco never imag-
ined in his lifetime that he would see Lovegood appear so affected by anything, but
her face was alive with sorrow.
“Merlin,” she mumbled, her tone fragile, yet still somehow wistful. “Do you sup-
pose this is what the Muggles mean when they talk about Hell?”
Despite the smoke scratching them, Hermione’s eyes danced, roaming the
“...the only family she has left,” Blaise was saying. “You should be the one to tell her-
“I am hardly family, Blaise,” sighed Draco, unable to completely tear his eyes
away from Tonks and Remus. “I’ve known Andromeda for a few months and
that’s it.”
“You’re still her nephew.”
“You know it’s more complicated than that.”
“Yes, but...” Blaise trailed off, his mouth tweaking at one corner with a half-
there grin as he spotted something over Draco’s shoulder. “You might want to look
behind you, mate.”
“Just look.”
Narrowing his eyes with confusion, Draco began to twist around, barely man-
aging to turn halfway before he had the wind knocked out of him. The body was
petite, but it slammed into him with such force that he almost lost his balance. Al-
most. A pair of arms locked around his neck like a noose, so tight that he choked,
and he could feel wet hair pressed against his cheek. Shifting his eyes to the side, he
couldn’t see the face buried into the sway of his unharmed shoulder, but her
drenched, coffee-coloured curls gave her away.
She was shaking slightly, her fast puffs of breath tickling his throat, and he could
feel her heartbeat hammering against his chest. Draco was still for a long moment,
static with disbelief, but then his good arm slowly snaked its way around her waist,
drawing her closer. Her fingernails stabbed into his back and shoulder blades, but
the pain was oddly comforting, like it somehow confirmed her presence. Dipping
his head with relief, he had exactly one second — one second — to inhale her fa-
miliar scent and thank Merlin for finally gracing him with some good luck, but then
she was tearing herself away from him. And then she slapped his chest.
“Ow!” he spat. “What the fuck-
“What the hell are you doing here?”
Draco stared at her face, noticing first her split lip and the deep, purple bruise
by her temple, and he ignored the urge to reach out and rub away the dried blood
on her chin. It was hardly the first time he’d seen her swollen and bleeding but it
infuriated him anyway; yet it was her expression really stole his attention. Her eyes
were wide and shiny, glistening with the glaze of tears that had yet to fall, and her
lips were parted, baring clenched teeth; the closest thing to a snarl she could prob-
ably manage.
He listed in his head the emotions he found in her eyes: anger, sadness, awe,
excitement, and at the core was the faintest hint of happiness. With her balled fists
trembling at her sides and her chest heaving with laboured breaths, she looked
Draco grimaced as the crowd passed over him, their shins and knees knocking
Draco tapped Andromeda’s wand against his leg and cocked his head to the side.
He hadn’t realised it until now, but at some point he had grown taller than his
father. Perhaps he had revered his father so much that he had just always seemed
bigger and more impressive. Draco had also never perceived his father as old, but
there was silver stubble lining Lucius’ jaw and hints of grey streaking through his
blond hair now. He looked very different, but it didn’t make it any easier. A small
part of Draco just wanted to turn and run and avoid this confrontation altogether.
Lucius remained silent. He was eyeing up Draco like he was a stranger who had
wandered into his territory, with suspicion and animosity. His wand was out, but,
like Draco, he kept it at his side in a tight fist, ready if needed. Pacing back and forth
a couple of times, but never looking away, he reminded Draco of a caged dragon,
debating whether the person on the other side of the bars was predator or prey.
Draco stood still, tapping Andromeda’s wand against his leg again with
Draco was sprinting through the Great Hall, ducking and dodging out of the
way of several hexes and curses that threatened to knock him off course. Or worse.
He’d seen Bellatrix knock out his mother and that was why he had started running,
but now he could see his malicious aunt taunting Hermione and it made his legs
move that much quicker. He had no idea what he intended to do once he reached
them; he was hardly going to be able to reason with Bellatrix, but still, he ran. He
ran so fast his legs felt detached from the rest of his body and his heart felt like it
was where his Adam’s apple should be.
Hermione’s back was to him and he could see Bellatrix sneering coldly at her,
twirling her wand mockingly. Raising Andromeda’s wand, Draco was ready to hurl
a spell, but Bellatrix spotted him before he could even utter a syllable of the incan-
tation. She retaliated with a quick flick of her wand, and Draco felt ropes coil
around his body so tight that he was certain she had bruised a few of his ribs.
“Draco!” he heard Hermione shout.
Like a caught fish, Bellatrix dragged him towards her across the uneven floor, bits of
sharp stone slicing into his skin and snagging his clothes. His foot connected with a pro-
truding brick and he felt something near his ankle rip; a muscle or a tendon. Either way,
it was agony. When Bellatrix stopped hauling him forward, Hermione appeared and
knelt as his side, frantically tearing at the ropes with her hands as she mumbled incan-
tations under her breath that seemed to weaken their grip on his body.
“Don’t struggle,” she said. “It’ll make them tighter.”
He managed to grasp one of her trembling, busy hands. “Run, Granger.”
“Run. I’ll distract her.”
Hermione squeezed his hand back and then released it so she could continue to
rip away his restraints. “I’d rather run with you than walk alone.”
“Granger, please,” he groaned. “Just run. Run before she-
As the horde surrounding Potter began to disintegrate, and those people moved
on to talk with others, Draco found himself sitting alone on a bench. To which
house it belonged, he didn’t know, nor did he particularly care. The professors had
brought out the House benches and tables to provide some seating for the weary
fighters, and he had simply settled on the nearest. He watched with half-lidded eyes
as they all talked, celebrated, mourned...
It seemed apt for him to sit here; not separated and yet not fully integrated. On
the outskirts, but there nonetheless.
As he became aware of someone sitting beside him, he focused on Shacklebolt
and Slughorn lifting Voldemort’s corpse and placing it in a small alcove, purpose-
fully kept away from the fallen.
“What do you think they’ll do with it?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” sighed Narcissa. “Bury it, I suppose.”
“They should burn it.”
When he angled his head to regard his mother, Draco was confronted with a
very conflicted and tired expression. With red sunken eyes, over-chewed lips, and
disheveled hair, she looked like an entirely different woman. Never could he recall
seeing his mother look anything less than immaculate, even when Lucius had been
sent to Azkaban. But the alterations in her appearance weren’t just side-effects of
the events of the last several hours. Her eyes looked like they’d been bloodshot for
months, her cheeks were hollow, and there were some subtle grey hairs interwoven
amongst her blonde ones.
A breath shuddered out of Draco before he shifted up the bench towards his
mother, and her arms were wrapped around his shoulders before he even realised
it. Burying his face into the crook of her shoulder, he felt the bob of her throat
against his temple as she swallowed heavily, trying to stifle a whimper. He felt like
a little boy seeking solace in his mother’s embrace, but it was a comforting nostalgia,
and exactly what he had been craving for a while. Over a year, in fact.
He didn’t tell her that he’d missed her, and she didn’t tell him that she’s missed
him. He didn’t tell her that he’d been scared, or that he’d been worried, or even that
he was so completely and utterly relieved that she was on his side. The absence of
the words seemed all the more profound. He could feel it in the way she clung to
him, and he hoped she could feel it in the way he clung to her.
After too short a time, he pulled away to look at her, watching one tear tumble
down her sunken cheek. Guilt overtook him for what he was about to say next, but
it was inevitable.
“I saw him,” said Draco. There was no need to clarify who. “Just before everyone
came in here, we spoke outside.”
With the snap of Apparition ringing in his ears and worsening his already re-
lentless headache, Draco arrived in the Quidditch field at Hogwarts.
He studied his surroundings. One week after the Battle, and already Hogwarts
was looking better after her ordeal. But then, that was the wonder of magic; with
just a few flicks of a wand, rubble could be shifted and bricks could be stacked.
Cleaning up wasn’t the issue, it was the repairs that were going to take the longest.
As he looked now at the resilient castle, he could see the damage to the towers
and bastions stretching high into the sky. Some had gaping holes, some seemed to
even be tilting hazardously to the side, and some were almost completely gone with
only a skeleton of tenacious timber to hold its place. Hogwarts’ silhouette had
changed so much that Draco struggled to get his bearings as he trudged up the path,
intending to find Granger.
As he walked through Hogwarts, he passed many people along the way, all do-
ing what they could to heal the castle’s wounds. Some offered him polite nods of
acknowledgement, some didn’t.
Longbottom, bless his cotton socks, even waved at him with a wide smile. Draco had
no idea how to respond to that, so he just bobbed his head and kept on walking, keeping
his eyes downcast so Longbottom wouldn’t be tempted to initiate a conversation. Several
paces later, he encountered Blaise and Luna repairing one of the classrooms.
“Hello, Draco,” greeted Luna airily. “I like your suit.”
“I wore it to a funeral.”
“I can see why. It’s dark and depressing.”
“Sort of like this conversation?” retorted Draco, ignoring Blaise’s glare. “Either
of you seen Granger anywhere?”
“Not since this morning,” replied Blaise. “How was the funeral?”
“Loads of fun,” he quipped with rolling eyes. “I’ll tell you about it later, I need
to speak to Granger about something.”
“Something exciting?” asked Luna.
“No, nosy,” he frowned, turning away from the couple. “If you see her, tell her
I’m looking for her.”
self. “No, but my circumstances were different. I knew a few other students in my
year before Hogwarts, like Blaise and Theo.”
“That must have made it easier.”
Carrying his slumbering daughter over the threshold of his home, Draco sighed
with relief at the blissful silence that shrouded the house. Crookshanks, now flecked
with flashes of grey fur, greeted him at the door and purred at his feet. Taura snored
Platform 9¾ was a bustling swarm of bodies before ten o’clock. Perhaps all the
additional press about this set of First Years being the ‘War Babies’ had roused pub-
lic interest. There was already a substantial herd of journalists weaving through the
crowd like snakes, trying to identify family members of the smallest group of First
Years Hogwarts had ever received. Draco fought the urge to use Theo’s pram as a
battering ram when a couple of them headed toward him, but apparently his scowl
was enough to deter them.
Beside him, Hermione had lifted Taura into her arms to better keep an eye on
her among the chaos. Fortunately, some of the platform attendants had noticed the
disorder and were ushering the fifty or so journalists away from the waiting Hog-
warts Express until, finally, there was room to breathe.
“Ah, here you are,” a familiar, airy voice spoke. “Blaise, I found them!”
“Luna!” Hermione exclaimed, immediately lowering Taura to the floor and en-
veloping her friend in a customary embrace. “It’s so good to see you.”
Behind them, Blaise meandered his way through the horde to their small clear-
ing, clutching his daughter close to his chest. Upon seeing them, Hermione stepped
forward to offer Blaise a hug, which he accepted somewhat awkwardly as he tried
to balance his child on his hip.
“Don’t even think about it, Lovegood,” remarked Draco.
“I wasn’t thinking about anything, Draco,” she smiled.
“Well, that I can believe.”
Draco ignored the glower that Blaise fired at him as he untangled himself from