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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a heterogeneous group of performed using Augustus 3.3.11 (Stanke et al., 2008) trained
small amino acid molecules that are evolutionarily conserved on the Heliconius melpomene genome model (parameters:
in the genome and ubiquitously produced throughout the augustus –softmasking = true –species = heliconius_melpomene1
kingdoms of life to combat microbial infections (Unckless genome.fasta), and complete predicted open reading frames
and Lazzaro, 2016). As effector molecules of the innate host (ORFs) of up to 400 amino acids were retained. The predicted
defense, AMPs are vital to all living organisms, especially simpler encoded amino acid sequences were aligned against AMP
organisms that only depend on innate and humoral immunity to sequences obtained from the RefSeq protein database2 using
prevent the onset of infection (Jasper and Bohmann, 2002). In BLASTp (O’Leary et al., 2016), with the highest scoring
recent decades, AMPs have received considerable attention as a homologies considered as final annotation results. Amino
promising group of molecules due to their unique mechanism acid sequences of the predicted genes were also matched
of rapid physical disruption of microbial membranes, although with the corresponding hidden Markov models (HMMs) of
this dogma is now being challenged, as alternative targets have AMPs retrieved from the Pfam database3 with an e-value
also been reported (Manniello et al., 2021). This mechanism threshold of 10−04 (Mistry et al., 2020). The results of all
is preferable for suppression of the deteriorating resistance these analyses were merged as a putative AMP candidates
problem because microbes are eliminated regardless of antibiotic set. In addition, other available sequences of other AMPs and
sensitivity or resistance, and also AMPs are not prone to inducing AMP-encoding transcripts derived from Papilionoidea species
resistant mutants (Zharkova et al., 2019). Furthermore, other in public databases, as well as AMPs identified from our
desirable properties such as broad-spectrum activity and low next-generation transcriptomic data (GSE142679) of Papilio
host toxicity make AMPs appropriate alternatives to antibiotics clytia and Atrophaneura mencius following lipopolysaccharide
(Hazam et al., 2019). (LPS) challenges and verified by Sanger sequencing, were also
To date, numerous AMPs have been researched as drug included for further analyses. The sequences of mature peptides
candidates, and many are currently in clinical trials, the majority were deduced by alignment with the APD3 database (Wang
of which are naturally derived (Greber and Dawgul, 2017). et al., 2016) and identification of potential cleavage sites in the
As one of the most diverse and abundant orders of animals putative prepropeptides.
on Earth, Lepidoptera, which comprises butterflies and moths,
is a likely major source of natural AMPs (Badapanda and Multiple Sequence Alignment and
Chikara, 2016). Among the order Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea
(butterflies), which comprises typical butterflies (Lycaenidae,
Phylogenetic Analyses
The deduced butterfly AMPs and homologous sequences
Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, and Riodinidae), skippers
available from public databases were subjected to phylogenetic
(Hesperiidae), and moth-butterflies (Hedylidae) (Kawahara and
analyses (Supplementary Table 2). Phylogenetic trees were
Breinholt, 2014), is one of the most speciose superfamilies, but
reconstructed using MEGA X (version 10.1.7) software (Kumar
there are limited studies on AMPs of this superfamily. However,
et al., 2018), based on peptidyl sequence similarities and
most available genomic datasets of lepidopteran species belong
differences aligned by ClustalW2 (version 2.1) program4 (Larkin
to the butterflies, which are characterized by their relatively
et al., 2007, 0) using multiple alignment parameters with
small genome size and relatively low repeat content when
default settings.
compared with other eukaryote genomes (Triant et al., 2018).
Therefore, identification of the transcripts and gene-encoded
peptidyl sequences from butterfly genomes is a feasible approach Peptide Design
to investigate whether high-throughput sequencing data are a To reveal the evolutionarily conserved positions of the AMPs,
potential repository for natural butterfly AMP sequences. entropy calculations were performed, and the residue preference
In this study, an integrative bioinformatics analysis was of putative butterfly-derived natural AMPs was investigated
conducted to discover naturally occurring AMPs from butterfly and visualized using the WebLogo program5 (Crooks et al.,
genomes. Based on the sequence and structural characteristics of 2004). A series of peptide analogs were designed based
these butterfly AMPs, a series of synthetic analogs were designed on the sequence conservation and amino acid frequency at
and synthesized. The antimicrobial activities and mechanisms particular positions. Hydropathic characteristics of the amino
of these synthetic molecules were studied and subsequently acids at evolutionarily variable positions were also considered,
discussed (Supplementary Figure 1). which retained a consistent hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity
to respective positions at the amphipathic α-helices. Estimated
physicochemical characteristics of the newly designed AMPs
were calculated using PepCalc tool6 (Lear and Cobb, 2016).
In silico Screening of Butterfly 2
Antimicrobial Peptides 3
Complete genome sequences of Papilionoidea species available in 4
the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database were downloaded 5
(Supplementary Table 1). Ab initio gene predictions were 6
C. albicans cultures were treated with FITC-labeled AMPs data. Alignment of these sequences with AMPs from RefSeq and
at 4× the corresponding MIC value for 1 h and were Pfam databases resulted in 183 computational translated peptides
then sequentially stained with propidium iodide (PI) and 40 , being annotated as AMPs. Thirty-six of these deduced peptides,
6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). Images were acquired with including 28 predicted cecropins, five defensins, and three
a confocal microscope (Ti2-E A1R+, Nikon, Tokyo, Japan). moricins, with high sequence similarities had their presumed
propeptide cleavage sites confirmed manually. In addition,
Circular Dichroism Assay two cecropins and one defensin identified from P. clytia and
Genomic DNA was isolated from C. albicans using a fungal A. mencius transcriptomic data were also included. This set of
genomic DNA extraction kit (Solarbio) following the instructions peptide sequences was merged with available sequences obtained
of the manufacturer. The quantity of the resulting DNA by database query and literature research (four moricins from
was assessed by NanoDrop 2,000 µ-volume spectrophotometer Danaus plexippus, Papilio polytes, Pieris rapae, and Bicyclus
(Thermo Fisher Scientific). An aliquot of the prepared DNA anynana). However, no glycine-rich peptides (such as attacins or
was then mixed with an equivalent volume of synthetic AMPs gloverins) or proline-rich peptides (such as lebocins) were found
at 4× the concentration of respective MIC value. DNA-binding in the butterfly genome datasets. Amino acid sequences of the
activity of the peptides was detected by measuring the circular putative AMPs and theoretical physicochemical properties of the
dichroism (CD) spectra in quartz cuvettes of 1-mm path deduced mature peptides are displayed in Table 1.
length and wavelength ranging from 240 to 330 nm using
a Chirascan spectrometer (Applied Photophysics, Leatherhead, Cecropins
United Kingdom) (Garbett et al., 2007). As the first discovered and one of the most intensely studied
classes of AMPs, cecropins are characterized by their cationic-
In vivo Antimicrobial Assay residue-rich and alpha-helical structures, and their potent and
In vivo antimicrobial activities of the designed AMPs were wide-spectrum antimicrobial activities against different microbes
examined in neutropenic mice following subcutaneous (Bulet et al., 2004). Cecropins consist of a signal peptide and
inoculation of 100 µl of 1.0 × 108 CFU·ml−1 E. coli, S. aureus, propeptide at the N-terminus of the mature peptide, and most
or C. albicans (Lee et al., 2005). At 12 h post-infection, 100 µl of cecropins also contain tryptophan (Trp) at the first or second
AMPs at the respective MIC value was applied by subcutaneous position and a carboxamide modification at the N-terminus of
injection each day. Mice were sacrificed on day 4, and the infected the mature peptide (Yi et al., 2014). Based on the bioinformatics
area was carefully excised and homogenized. The CFU count analysis and data from previous studies, 30 cecropins were
was determined after overnight incubation of the homogenate identified from different Papilionoidea species. These cecropins
aliquots. All animal care and experiments were performed in had an average length of 39.23 ± 2.67 amino acids and an
compliance with institutional and government guidelines and average molecular weight (MW) of 4,290.86 ± 289.78 g·mol−1 .
were approved by the Peking Union Medical College Hospital All deduced sequences were presumed to possess a Trp
Animal Care and Use Committee. residue at the N1 or N2 position, while one-third of the
sequences were predicted to have C-terminal amidation by
the presence of a glycine (Gly) residue at the C1 position.
Statistical Analysis A tetrapeptide motif AGPA that formed the hinge region between
All data represent the means ± standard deviations (SDs) the two α-helices featured consistently in almost all cecropins.
of triplicate determinations in three independent experiments. According to the alignment results, the identified cecropins could
Statistical analyses were performed by t-test or one-way analysis be subdivided into two categories that contained prominent
of variance (ANOVA) with the least significant difference (LSD) sequence differences around the Trp residue (Figures 1A,B).
post hoc test for multiple comparisons using SPSS Statistics 19.0 Phylogenetic classification further suggested that these two
software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, United States); p < 0.05 was subclasses of cecropins had diphyletic origin, although the result
considered statistically. also illustrated that the two clusters of peptides and other
lepidopteran cecropins could be derived from a single ancestral
sequence (Figure 2A).
In silico Screening of Antimicrobial Defensins represent a class of evolutionarily ancient AMPs
Peptides that are present in nearly all multicellular organisms and play
Available genomic sequencing datasets from 32 Papilionoidea important roles in humoral defense reactions (Machado and
species of six families (one species from Hesperiidae, one from Ottolini, 2015). The predominant characteristic of defensins
Lycaenidae, 20 from Nymphalidae, four from Papilionidae, is the highly conserved motif of cysteine (Cys) residues,
four from Pieridae, and two from Riodinidae) deposited in through which intracellular disulfide bridges are formed to
the GEO database up to January 2019 were downloaded maintain the secondary structure despite differences in the
for analyses. From these sequences, 434,811 genes encoding localization of the Cys residues and the pairing patterns thereof
small peptides (<400 residues) were retrieved by Augustus [14] . In contrast to cecropins, the overall sequence similarity
prediction, despite differences in the integrity of the genomic of the defensins was not apparent, and the phylogenetic
1 Lerema accius MKVFNVFLFVFACILALSTVAAAPEP- 39 4,236.98 11.09
2 L. accius MKVFNVFLFVFACILALSTVAAAPEP- 39 4,236.90 10.58
3 Neruda aoede MKFTKVFFFVFACFVALSTVAAAP- 39 4,106.62 10.31
4 Vanessa tameamea MNFAKIFFFIFACIVLTTVSGAPSP- 32 3,589.27 12.17
5 Pieris rapae MNFGKLFFFVFACVLALSTVSAAP- 39 4,354.09 10.47
6 Calycopis cecrops MDFSKILFFIFASLLSLNMVAAAP- 40 4,285.84 9.75
7 Papilio xuthus MKYVTIILFVFIAVVAISYVSAEPIP- 44 4,836.22 4.20
8 L. accius MKVFNVFLFVFACILALSTVAAAPEP- 45 4,959.65 11.40
9 P. machaon MHYRNCKTLSGVIGAPEPR- 41 4,400.07 10.53
11 P. machaon MNFAKILFFVVACFAAFSVTSASP- 38 4,294.08 11.25
12 P. machaon MKYVTIILFVLVAVIAISYVSAEPIP- 44 4,864.27 4.28
13 Papilio xuthus MNFGKILFFVMACLAALSLTTASP- 37 4,002.78 11.62
14 Papilio polytes MNFAKILFLVVACFAAFSVTSASP- 40 4,286.10 11.23
15 Danaus plexippus MNYKRIFFSLLSILLISMVASSPAP- 40 4,339.16 10.90
16 D. plexippus MNFFRLLFFVALAVMVLSGVSASPSP- 39 4,269.07 11.28
17 D. plexippus MDFSKIFFFVFACFLALSNVSAAPSP- 37 4,033.79 11.23
18 D. plexippus MKFGKLLFFVFACIMAFSTVSGAPSP- 37 4,094.87 10.97
19 P. rapae MNFGELYFLIFACVLALSSVSAAP- 37 4,136.89 10.59
20 V. tameamea MNFAKIFFFIFACIVLTTVSGAPSP- 37 4,074.89 11.62
21 P. rapae MNFGKLFLFVFACVLALSSVSAAP- 39 4,323.10 10.69
22 P. rapae MNFGKLFFFVFACVLALSTVSAAP- 39 4,324.08 10.47
23 D. plexippus MKFFNLFTFVFACFMVLGLATAAP- 39 4,178.73 10.16
24 Papilio xuthus MKYVTIILFVFIAVVAISYVSAEPIP- 44 4,850.25 4.24
25 Papilio xuthus MNFAKILFFVVACFAAFSVTSASP- 38 4,279.11 11.25
26 Papilio xuthus MNFNKILSFAFVLFAALSSVIAAPEP- 40 4,284.00 11.58
27 Papilio xuthus MNFNIILCFIIVFFTSLSGVIGAPEP- 42 4,527.26 10.90
28 Papilio xuthus MNFGKILFFVMACLAALSLTTASP- 37 4,074.84 11.14
29 Papilio clytia MNFAKILFFVVACFAAFSVTSASP- 38 4,308.11 11.16
30 Atrophaneura mencius MNFNRIMSFLFVFFVAICAVSGAPEP- 40 4,227.94 11.16
1 Calycopis cecrops MARSYQSMLLLVCISFLVIASAPQNGVAA- 44 4,797.29 8.02
TABLE 1 | Continued
FIGURE 1 | Sequence alignment and logo analysis of naturally occurring AMPs from butterflies. The sequence differences therein suggested that both cecropins
and defensins could be further subclassed into two categories, respectively. The peptidyl sequence similarities and site-specific preference of (A) cecropins subclass
A; (B) cecropins subclass B; (C) defensins subclass A; (D) defensins subclass B; and (E) moricins were analyzed and displayed as graphics.
FIGURE 2 | Phylogenetic classification and visualization of butterfly AMPs. The analysis was conducted based on the amino acid sequences of cecropins (A),
defensins (B), and moricins (C), among butterfly AMPs and their homologous sequences.
Design of Butterfly Antimicrobial Peptide defensins displayed visible antibiofilm activity against C. albicans.
Analogs In contrast, MorA displayed the greatest antibiofilm activities
among all the designed AMPs (Table 4).
Analysis of the sequence conservation and amino acid frequency
at particular positions facilitated the design of a series of peptides
with antimicrobial potential, including two cecropins [cecropin Membrane Permeabilization Assay
A (CecA) and cecropin B (CecB)], two defensins [defensin The membrane disruption effects of the synthesized peptides
A (DefA) and defensin B (DefB)], and one moricin [moricin on the representative microorganisms were analyzed using a
A (MorA)], corresponding to aforementioned butterfly AMP SYTOX Green uptake assay as well as SEM and TEM. SYTOX
classifications. The amino acid length, theoretical MW, and Green, a membrane integrity stain, is unable to enter intact
isoelectric point of all designed peptides were within the range of cell membranes; hence, the fluorescence intensity from this
corresponding parameters analyzed (Table 2 and Supplementary stain is positively related to membrane permeability. SYTOX
Table 3). The homology modeling results displayed classical Green staining indicated significant alteration of cell membrane
secondary structural characteristics of cecropins, defensins, and permeability in the assayed microorganisms exposed to the
moricins, which were in accordance with the corresponding synthetic AMPs (Figure 4). Observations of both Gram-negative
conservative structural features described above (Figure 3). and Gram-positive bacteria by electron microscopy revealed
Following this in silico analysis, the peptides were chemically distinct morphological and biophysical changes induced by all
synthesized for further evaluation (Supplementary Figure 2). of the synthetic AMPs (Figure 5). These observations were
indicative of a typical mechanism of AMPs binding to and
disrupting the cell membranes, resulting in leakage of cell
In vitro Antimicrobial Assay contents. However, images of C. albicans showed only a slightly
In vitro antimicrobial activities of the peptides were examined by changed cell morphology and a relatively dense internal structure,
determination of the MIC and MBC values against representative which indicated that an alternative mechanism might be involved
microorganisms (E. coli, S. aureus, and C. albicans) of public in the antifungal activities of the synthetic AMPs (Figure 6).
concern using microtiter broth dilution assays. Despite different
biological effects among the AMPs, the synthesized cecropins, In vitro Peptide Localization Assay
defensins, and moricins all exhibited potent bactericidal actives To further elucidate the underlying antifungal mechanism of
against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, with the designed AMPs, FITC-labeled peptides were synthesized
MIC and MBC values in micromolar and sub-micromolar and used for localization of the potential binding targets of
concentration ranges; cecropins were the most effective agents. In the synthetic AMPs by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The
addition, while cecropins exhibited modest antifungal effects, the synthetic cecropins and moricin targeted the DAPI-stained
synthetic moricin possessed relatively strong fungicidal activities, nucleus of C. albicans (Figure 6). In addition, the FITC
with low micromolar MIC and MBC values (Table 3). No fluorescence showed strong colocalization with the PI signal.
apparent hemolysis was detected at concentrations exceeding the DNA-binding activities of the synthetic AMPs were verified
respective MIC and MBC values (Supplementary Figure 3). by CD spectroscopy, which indicated detectable DNA
structural changes (Supplementary Figure 4). Therefore, it
Antibiofilm Assay was hypothesized that the cationic AMPs exert their antifungal
The biofilm inhibitive and degradative effects of the synthetic activities by binding to the anionic nucleic acids, thus interfering
peptides were quantitated by measuring the MBIC and MBEC with bioprocesses and resulting in cell death.
values against E. coli, S. aureus, and C. albicans, which represent
Gram-negative bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, and fungi, In vivo Antimicrobial Assay
respectively. All the synthetic peptides prevented the formation Finally, the in vivo antimicrobial activities of the most promising
of biofilms of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria AMPs against bacteria (CecB) and fungi (MorA) were evaluated
and eliminated pre-formed biofilms of both bacterial species. in a skin infection mouse model. CFU counts for the bacteria
Congruent with the results of the antifungal assays, neither of the and fungus in the presence of the tested AMPs were significantly
TABLE 2 | Amino acid sequences and physicochemical properties of the designed peptides.
Number of residues MW PI
FIGURE 3 | Secondary structures of the designed peptide. The three-dimensional shapes of the synthetic molecules, e.g., (A) cecropin A, (B) cecropin B, (C)
denfensin A, (D) denfensin B, and (E) moricin A, were constructed by homology modeling, which demonstrated typical structural features of respective classes of
antimicrobial peptides (AMPs).
CecA 0.5 2 1 4 16 32
CecB 0.5 1 1 2 8 16
DefA 8 32 1 16 ND ND
DefB 2 16 0.5 16 ND ND
MorA 1 2 2 4 1 2
Cec(Ctrl) 0.5 1 1 2 16 32
Def(Ctrl) 1 32 8 32 ND ND
Mor(Ctrl) 1 2 2 4 2 4
Hyalophora cecropia cecropin A [Cec(Ctrl)], Galleria mellonella defensin [Def(Ctrl)], and Manduca sexta moricin [Mor(Ctrl)] served as respective controls. The results of
antimicrobial activities evaluation are presented as minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) value (µmol·L−1 ) against different
microorganisms, while ND stands for not detected.
AMP, antimicrobial peptide.
less than those of the respective controls. This demonstrated that suppress proliferation of C. albicans in vivo (Figure 7). These
the synthetic cecropin could attenuate growth of both E. coli and findings suggested that CecB and MorA may have therapeutic
S. aureus in the animal model, while the synthetic moricin could potential under different infectious circumstances.
CecA 2 8 2 16 16 32
CecB 2 8 2 16 16 32
DefA 8 32 4 16 ND ND
DefB 8 32 2 16 ND ND
MorA 4 8 4 16 4 16
Cec(Ctrl) 2 8 2 16 16 32
Def(Ctrl) 8 32 4 16 ND ND
Mor(Ctrl) 4 8 4 16 4 16
Hyalophora cecropia cecropin A [Cec(Ctrl)], Galleria mellonella defensin [Def(Ctrl)], and Manduca sexta moricin [Mor(Ctrl)] served as respective controls. The results
of antibiofilm activities evaluation are presented as the minimal biofilm inhibition concentration (MBIC) and the minimal biofilm eradicating concentration (MBEC) value
(µmol·L−1 ) against different microorganisms, while ND stands for not detected.
AMP, antimicrobial peptide.
FIGURE 4 | Evaluation of membrane destruction effects of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) by SYTOX Green uptake assay. Results demonstrated the synthetic
peptides induced significant membrane permeability changes against different microorganisms.
FIGURE 5 | Electron microscopic analysis of bacteria treated with synthetic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Representative images of both scanning electron
microscopy (SEM; upper panels) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM; lower panels) showed significant changes on cell morphology induced by AMPs at 4×
of corresponding minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value, compared with the intact smooth surfaces of the untreated control group (left panel). The TEM assay
further displayed marked decreases in cell densities that resulted from peptide intervention. These findings suggest membrane permeabilization mechanism being
involved in bactericidal activities of the synthesized butterfly AMPs.
alignment and prediction of cleavage sites (Wang and Hu, AMPs unique to the order Lepidoptera is the lebocins; however,
2017). In general, the N-terminus of a pro-AMP undergoes a no butterfly lebocin sequences were found in the current
two-step proteolytic cleavage by signal peptidase and dipeptidyl study. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a monophyletic origin
aminopeptidase (Boman et al., 1989), while peptides with a Gly within butterfly cecropins and moricins, which is yet another
residue present at the C-terminus are subjected to an amide demonstration of the monophyletic origin of the superfamily
modification by a two-step sequential catalytic reaction with Papilionoidea. The molecular distances among defensins of
peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) (Kim and butterfly origin were relatively far, which was expected since it has
Seong, 2001). Based on this bioinformatics analysis method, been proposed that higher variabilities of insect defensins exist
a total of 36 new, naturally occurring AMPs of butterfly among closely related species instead of among distantly related
origin were identified from the published genomic data used insects (Bulet et al., 2004).
in the current study. This was substantially greater than the The molecular design of the synthetic peptides in this study
number of previously reported, naturally occurring butterfly was generally based on the mimicry of natural AMPs. The
AMPs. In addition, the designed peptides, which acted as pronounced sequence and structural features, e.g., α-helical
representatives of the discovered natural AMPs, exhibited structures, C-terminal amidation, disulfide bridges, and the
potent and wide-spectrum antimicrobial effects with typical positively charged C-terminal segment, were included in the
membrane-disruption activities. Therefore, the genome-wide synthetic peptide design (Table 1 and Figure 3). However,
in silico screening is suggested to be an effective and practical due to the possibility of producing the designed AMPs by
method for identification of naturally occurring AMPs. microorganism expression systems in the future, more complex
The findings from this study add to previous discoveries, chemical modification was not considered in this research. It is
and it is our understanding that three classes of AMPs recognized that the positively charged amphipathic α-helix of
have been found from Papilionoidea species; these classes cecropins plays a dominant role in their antimicrobial activities,
are cecropins, defensins, and moricins. Of the three classes, allowing them to partition into the phospholipid bilayers and
cecropins are predominantly expressed by lepidopterans and disrupt microbial membranes (Hancock and Rozek, 2002). The
dipterans and are primarily responsible for the host defense of C-terminal hydrophobic helix of cecropins is believed to have a
lepidopterans. Although α-helical AMPs nominated as cecropins synergistic effect and provide selectivity against Gram-negative
have been identified from other species, the sequences of these bacteria (Lee et al., 2015). Moricins, which possess an N-terminal
molecules exhibit a substantially lower degree of similarity amphipathic segment in the one large α-helix structure, were
to insect cecropins. Defensins have rarely been discovered presumed to share a similar mechanism as that of the cecropins.
from moths or butterflies but are ubiquitously expressed The amphipathicity of the α-helices of the designed peptides
throughout multicellular organisms. In contrast, moricins have was visualized via helical wheel projection (Supplementary
been identified only in Lepidoptera species. Another class of Figure 5). Furthermore, C-terminal amidation is suggested to
FIGURE 6 | Microscopic investigation of antifungal capabilities of designed antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). The antifungal effects of cecropins and moricins, which
had been confirmed by microtiter broth dilution assays (Table 3), were analyzed by combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM; first upper panel),
transmission electron microscopy (TEM; second upper panel), and confocal fluorescence microscopies (lower panels). Although there were no apparent
morphological changes observed by electron microscopies, the confocal microscopy demonstrated the fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) (green) labeled peptides
colocalized with DAPI (blue)-stained fungus nucleus, and the FITC fluorophore showed high spatial overlaps with propidium iodide (PI) (red) fluorescence, which
indicates a probable cell death induction mechanism caused by DNA binding.
counterparts (Riedl et al., 2011). In addition, some AMPs were experiment. MW prepared the draft manuscript. XH reviewed
reported to inhibit and degrade biofilm formation by coating the draft manuscript. All authors read and approved the
the bacterium or the biomaterial surface (Segev-Zarko et al., final manuscript.
2015); however, the mechanism of antibiofilm activity was not
investigated in this study. AMPs have also demonstrated antiviral
effects on different viruses, ranging from influenza to human FUNDING
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), through multiple mechanisms
(Vilas Boas et al., 2019). Antiviral effects of the synthetic AMPs This work was funded by the National Natural Science
were not explored in the current study. Despite these limitations, Foundation of China (Nos. 81801635 and 81803848) and
the current study provides valuable information on butterfly China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2017M610812). The
AMPs and an efficient and practical methodology for AMP funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis,
screening and design. decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
This study presented an overview of the landscape of The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
butterfly AMPs and insights into their diverse sequence and online at:
structural features. Based on these sequences, a series of potent 2021.720381/full#supplementary-material
and wide-spectrum peptides with respective antimicrobial
Supplementary Figure 1 | Schematic illustration of the experimental design.
mechanisms were successfully designed. This study not only
provided a practical strategy for high-throughput natural AMP Supplementary Figure 2 | HPLC profiles and spectrometric data of
the synthetic AMPs.
discoveries but also produced a rational methodology for AMP
design, and this will be of importance for future studies. Supplementary Figure 3 | Evaluation of hemolytic and cytotoxic activities of
synthetic AMPs. The hemolysis effects (left) and cytotoxicity on normal cells (right)
of the synthetic peptides at different concentration were tested on mice
erythrocytes and HEK293 cells, respectively. PBS and Triton-X100 were used as
DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT the negative and positive control. No apparent hemolysis or cytotoxicity was
detected among groups.
The datasets presented in this study can be found in
Supplementary Figure 4 | CD spectrum of the designed AMPs interacted with
online repositories. The names of the repository/repositories fungal genomic DNA. The top curve corresponded to free DNA, while the lower
and accession number(s) can be found in the article/ curves were that mixed with respective AMPs. The decreased intensities of
Supplementary Material. genomic DNA molar ellipticity exhibited occurrence conformational alteration of
DNA that induced by AMPs, which suggested a DNA-binding mechanism of the
designed sequences.
ETHICS STATEMENT Supplementary Figure 5 | Helical wheel projection analysis of the designed
peptide. (A) N-terminal amphiphilic helix of cecropin A; (B) C-terminal hydrophobic
The animal study was reviewed and approved by Peking Union helix of cecropin A; (C) N-terminal amphiphilic helix of cecropin B; (D) C-terminal
hydrophobic helix of cecropin B; (E) helical segment of defensin A; (F) helical
Medical College Hospital Animal Care and Use Committee, segment of defensin B; (G) helical segment of moricin A.
Peking Union Medical College Hospital.
Supplementary Table 1 | Papilionoidea species and their high-throughput
sequencing data used in this study.
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