Data Management
Data Management
Data Management
Data Management
1. Introduction
Many organizations recognize that their data is a vital enterprise
asset. Data and information can give them insight about their
customers, products, and services. It can help them innovate and
reach strategic goals. Despite that recognition, few organizations
actively manage data as an asset from which they can derive
ongoing value Evans and Price, . Deriving value from data
does not happen in a vacuum or by accident. It requires
intention, planning, coordination, and commitment. It requires
management and leadership.
Data Management is the development, execution, and supervision
of plans, policies, programs, and practices that deliver, control,
protect, and enhance the value of data and information assets
throughout their lifecycles.
“ Data Management Professional is any person who works in any
facet of data management from technical management of data
throughout its lifecycle to ensuring that data is properly utilized
and leveraged to meet strategic organizational goals. Data
management professionals fill numerous roles, from the highly
technical e.g., database administrators, network administrators,
programmers to strategic business e.g., Data Stewards, Data
Strategists, Chief Data Officers .
Data management activities are wide-ranging. They include
everything from the ability to make consistent decisions about
how to get strategic value from data to the technical deployment
and performance of databases. Thus data management requires
both technical and non-technical i.e., business skills.
Responsibility for managing data must be shared between
business and information technology roles, and people in both
areas must be able to collaborate to ensure an organization has
high quality data that meets its strategic needs.
Data and information are not just assets in the sense that
organizations invest in them in order to derive future value.
Data and information are also vital to the day-to-day operations
of most organizations. They have been called the currency , the
life blood , and even the new oil of the information economy.
Whether or not an organization gets value from its analytics, it
cannot even transact business without data.
To support the data management professionals who carry out
the work, D“M“ International The Data Management
“ssociation has produced this book, the second edition of The
DAMA Guide to the Data Management Body of Knowledge
DMBOK . This edition builds on the first one, published in
, which provided foundational knowledge on which to
build as the profession advanced and matured.
This chapter outlines a set of principles for data management. It
discusses challenges related to following those principles and
suggests approaches for meeting these challenges. The chapter
also describes the D“M“ Data Management Framework, which
provides the context for the work carried out by data
management professionals within various Data Management
Knowledge “reas.
2. Essential Concepts
2.1 Data
Long-standing definitions of data emphasize its role in
representing facts about the world. In relation to information
technology, data is also understood as information that has been
stored in digital form though data is not limited to information
that has been digitized and data management principles apply
to data captured on paper as well as in databases . Still, because
today we can capture so much information electronically, we
call many things data that would not have been called data in
earlier times things like names, addresses, birthdates, what one
ate for dinner on Saturday, the most recent book one purchased.
Such facts about individual people can be aggregated, analyzed,
and used to make a profit, improve health, or influence public
policy. Moreover our technological capacity to measure a wide
range of events and activities from the repercussions of the ”ig
”ang to our own heartbeats and to collect, store, and analyze
electronic versions of things that were not previously thought of
as data videos, pictures, sound recordings, documents is close
to surpassing our ability to synthesize these data into usable
information. To take advantage of the variety of data without
being overwhelmed by its volume and velocity requires reliable,
extensible data management practices.
Most people assume that, because data represents facts, it is a
form of truth about the world and that the facts will fit together.
”ut facts are not always simple or straightforward. Data is a
means of representation. It stands for things other than itself
Chisholm, . Data is both an interpretation of the objects it
represents and an object that must be interpreted Sebastian-
Coleman, . This is another way of saying that we need
context for data to be meaningful. Context can be thought of as
data s representational system such a system includes a
common vocabulary and a set of relationships between
components. If we know the conventions of such a system, then
we can interpret the data within it. These conventions are often
documented in a specific kind of data referred to as Metadata.
However, because people often make different choices about
how to represent concepts, they create different ways of
representing the same concepts. From these choices, data takes
on different shapes. Think of the range of ways we have to
represent calendar dates, a concept about which there is an
agreed-to definition. Now consider more complex concepts
such as customer or product , where the granularity and level
of detail of what needs to be represented is not always self-
evident, and the process of representation grows more complex,
as does the process of managing that information over time. See
Chapter .
Even within a single organization, there are often multiple ways
of representing the same idea. Hence the need for Data
“rchitecture, modeling, governance, and stewardship, and
Metadata and Data Quality management, all of which help
people understand and use data. “cross organizations, the
problem of multiplicity multiplies. Hence the need for industry-
level data standards that can bring more consistency to data.
Organizations have always needed to manage their data, but
changes in technology have expanded the scope of this
management need as they have changed people s understanding
of what data is. These changes have enabled organizations to use
data in new ways to create products, share information, create
knowledge, and improve organizational success. ”ut the rapid
growth of technology and with it human capacity to produce,
capture, and mine data for meaning has intensified the need to
manage data effectively.