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Lifecycle Lesson Plan

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Name: Kara Stack Date: 10/28/11 Grade Level/Subject: 4th Grade Science Prerequisite Knowledge: Organisms change throughout

their lifetimes. Every organism goes through a lifecycle of growth, maturity, decline, and death, and its role in the ecosystem changes. Approximate Time: 50 minutes Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: Students will diagram the lifecycle of a tree to show their understanding of that lifecycle and the trees role in the ecosystem throughout its life. Content Standards: STATE GOAL 11: Understand the processes of scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conduct experiments and solve problems. A. Know and apply the concepts, principles and processes of scientific inquiry. 11.A.2c: Construct charts and visualizations to display data. STATE GOAL 12: Understand the fundamental concepts, principles and interconnections of the life, physical and earth/space sciences. A: Know and apply concepts that explain how living things function, adapt and change. 12.A.2a: Describe simple life cycles of plants and animals and the similarities and differences in their offspring. WIDA Standards: English Language Proficiency Standard 4: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science. ELL Objectives for Life Cycle Lesson Level 1: Entering- Note difference or change by labeling drawings or copying words from word banks (seed to mature tree) Level 2: Beginning- Identify change according to stages of processes or cycles (from seeds to plants) using words or phrases from video Level 3: Developing- Describe change in processes or cycles depicted in visuals using phrases and short sentences Level 4: Expanding- Compare/contrast change depicted in visuals using a series of sentences Level 5: Bridging- Explain the process of change in visuals using connected sentences Language Objectives: Children will create their own version of the life cycle of a tree using either English or Spanish. Accommodations:

Have students share their thoughts on the comparison between life cycles of a person versus life cycle of a tree. Students can draw pictures to demonstrate their understanding of life cycles. I will show pictures during this discussion to encourage their understanding. I will make flashcards for the ELL students with their native language on one side and English on the other side with a picture using the vocabulary words from the lesson. If possible try to find a Spanish copy of the book Life Cycle of a Tree. Have handout with script from video with English to Spanish translation. Allow the students to work in groups with students speaking their native language. They may speak in English or their native language throughout the lesson. After the discussion, have each group describe what is happening throughout the life cycle using short sentences and pictures. Materials/Resources/Technology: Science Journals Smartboard The Life of a Tree by Raintree Implementation: Time 10 minutes Opening of lesson: To open the lesson I will talk to the students about the lifecycle of a person. This will include the stages from a baby to adulthood. I will write down the stages that the students come up with on the Smartboard. Then I will ask them to describe the life cycle of a tree and include questions for discussion. I will talk to the students about trees and how they are living things. To start the discussion I will ask the students if trees are alive and allow them to share their thoughts on why or why not. Then I will ask them how they are born and discuss. Finally, I will ask if they die and discuss. This will allow students to start thinking about trees as living organisms as opposed to just a plant. After the students have had time to brainstorm about these ideas, I will show them a video from about the lifecycle of a tree. Procedures: After discussing the students thoughts on the lifecycle of a tree I will read The Life Cycle of a Tree by Raintree. I will have the students come to the carpet while I read with their science journals. They can take notes on the stages that the book goes through. (This is more of a science book rather than a read-aloud so not all parts need to be covered.) I will ask the note taker for today to write down any words that we can add to our science word wall from the story. After reading the story to them I will ask them what stages

30 minutes

they remember from the book. Then I will have them work at their seats individually to draw a picture of the lifecycle of a tree. I will also ask the students what events could happen to make a different phase occur (forest fire or disease causing dead tree or rotting for instance). There pictures can be a diagram, a timeline, etc. Anything that shows their understanding of how a tree grows from a seed into a tree and decays and recycles their nutrients back into the soil again to be used through the forest ecosystem. After discussing I will write the 6 stages (seed, sprout, sapling, mature oak, dead tree, and rotting log) on the board as a reference for the students. 10 minutes Summary/Closing: To close the lesson I will allow the students to share their picture with the rest of their classmates from their science journals and describe what they drew. This will demonstrate their understanding of the lifecycle of a tree and how a tree changes over time. Student Assessment: The students will be assessed on their picture based on whether they included all the stages and possible events that occur to make a tree change phases.

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