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Take Home Exam - Ola

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SECTION A: Short Answers.

1. Agnosticism – Also known as ‘not-know-ism’ which is simply explained through the
belief that one cannot affirm or deny God’s existence because there is insufficient
reason. So it could be said that is the divine or the supernatural is then unknown and
can be questioned.
2. Polytheism – Known as ‘Many-gods-ism’. As it is reflection in the name it is the belief
in many personal Gods which control a certain part of life. This is commonly used by
the ancient people and also in Greece and Rome. Simply, it’s the belief in many
3. Henotheism – This is the belief in many Gods but then has one allegiance to a
personal God. An example of this if a tribe, family or certain group who have their
own Personal God they have allegiance with amongst the many other Gods in their
religion. This can be seen in the Hinduism, amongst all Gods, families will have their
own personal deity which becomes their main God.
4. Monotheism – Known as ‘one-God-ism’. This is a simple belief in one Supreme Being
or God. Together with this, the belief in the existence of one God or in the oneness
of God. This one God is who seeks unqualified response from Human creatures. An
example of this is Christian Faith which there is only one Supreme Being which is
5. Naturalism – This is a theory based on the fact the every aspect of human
experience is accounted for in terms of our existence as social and intelligent animals
whose life is organic to natural environment. So, everything arises from natural
properties and causes but the aspect of the supernatural or spiritual explanations
are excluded.
6. What is Philosophy of Religion – This was once known as a way of defending
religious beliefs and was associated with ‘natural’ theology. But the main focus of
the Philosophy of Religion is confirming the existence of God. It is basically focusing
and thinking philosophically about religions and does not need to be seen through
the religious lens. It looks at all aspects of beliefs of the existence or non-existence of
God. So this opens the door to anyone to philosophise about religion. To be specific
this is not a branch of Theology but a branch of philosophy itself. It researches the
beliefs and concepts of ‘Religions’. It is an open conversation about many religions,
and their religious experience, acts of worship and how they came to be.
7. Panentheism – Known as ‘Everything-in-God-ism’. This can be explained that all
things exist ultimately ‘In God’. It also considers God and the world to be inter-
related with the world being in God and God being in the world.
8. Theism – This is a belief in a personal deity and sometimes used as a synonym for
monotheism. Theism also believes in the existence of a God, specifically of a creator
who intervenes in the universe. This one God is the creator and ruler of the universe
without rejection of revelations.

9. Deism – This can be seen as the idea of an absent God who created the universe and
has left the world. One could also say that it is the existence of a supreme being,
specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe.
10. What is Religion – There are many definitions of Religion which can be known under
certain categories such as Phenomenological which is the human recognition of a
superhuman controlling power and especially of a personal God or Gods which are
entitled to obedience and worship. Another is Interpretative which is the feeling,
acts and experiences of an individual with what they consider as divine. Also there is
Sociological which sees religion as a set of belief, practice which people have evolved
in various societies. Such other definitions but it can be drawn down to the
recognition that all things are manifestations of a Power which transcends our
knowledge or humanity’s response to the divine. There is a one main point of
Religion is the idea of salvation and liberation. But also the response to divine grace
and total self-giving to God.


Hinduism is not just known as a religion but also a way of life, how to live fruitful life. This is
easily known in the Hindu Sanatana Dharma which means ‘Immemorial way of right living’.
Hinduism believed in the existence of a Supreme Being, but they believed in many Gods.
Each God have their own meaning and purpose to the life of the believed. The Hindu view
was surrounded on the view of the entire universe as God’s and everything in the universe
as God. Therefore, every person is uniquely divine and the purpose of each person is to seek
the divine within themselves.
The ancient Vedic text of Hinduism could reflect the understanding of Hinduism on the
existence of God as they say ‘God or Truth is one’. Hinduism has many Gods that many
people pray to for certain needs and wants in their lives. However, there is one Supreme
being above all these Gods which is Brahman who is known as the Creator of all Gods and
beings. All other Gods were to transmit ‘Brahmans’ word. Each God or Goddess serves its
own purpose in the Life of the Hindu Faith. Each God had its own group of Gods that would
serve certain aspects of the needs of the believers. This allowed the believers were given
the choice to pick and choose which God they would worship at which time and according
to what the believer required help with. All this is interconnected to the Supreme Being and
must always lead to the path of the ultimate freedom of the soul, which is in the afterlife
‘Moksha’. The main purpose of all this faith is living a good and prosperous life. Doing Good
onto other and you will be rewarded through incarnation. Together with this came many
sacred writings all specific to the spiritual living, sacrifices, wellbeing and love.
So it is believed in Hinduism that no one religion is exclusively true, and that all major faiths
are part of one universal all-encompassing truth. It beautifully says that there are many
paths to seek and experience religious understanding and enlightenment. Hence the reason
why people consider Hinduism a ‘Way of Life’ or a ‘Family of Religions’ opposed to a single
organized religion.
If we compare Hinduism to Samoan Methodism there are definite differences between
these two religions. Some strengths of Hinduism I believe that the religion really takes into
consideration the needs and wants of the believer. It is also very open to all other religion.
That is one of the main aspects of Hinduism, it is not an exclusive religion. It is very inclusive
with the believe that all faiths are part of the one universal truth but also the possibility of

many paths to finding enlightenment and religious understanding. That I think is such a
great characteristic of Hinduism how inclusive it is of all religions because they all seek one
freedom or some sort. It is very simple, live a good and happy life and do good onto others.
It encourages believers to ‘live their best selves’. There is strength in the many Gods but all
working under one Supreme Being, all of these Gods come with a purpose of what they be
helpful to the believer. This can also be a very strong weakness. The choice of many Gods, is
a high risk, because it opens the opportunity for additional Gods to be added and the
religious beliefs could deviate from its purpose. There will be many worship types rather
than just one God, one purpose, one worship.
Not taking into consideration my spiritual beliefs, I would definitely consider this ‘Way of
Life’. Everyone seeks to be a better person, be inclusive of all people and religion, and
seeking peace in the universe. These are the core values of Hinduism which I believe that
many people of each religion that strive to find and be. Most people seek to be an asset to
society and what they could do live a better life, and God or God’s will always help to assist.
If we could all live in peace and live in understanding of each persons’ religious belief
knowing that it all leads to the path of enlightenment. Not that other religions to no do this,
however, Hinduism feels like it emphasizes a way of life, a way of life that encourages to
seek enlightenment and true peace, be accepting of all people and knowing God is the
universe and the universe is God and all things within it is God. So live in peace and harmony
with all things, the creation of God included. That in itself shows reverence to the God, the
Creator and epitomy of the Stewardship of God’s Creation.


If we are made in the made in the image of God, does this mean we can be considered as
Gods? That is the question that this essay poses to see if this question is true. In Genesis 1:
26-28 it says ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them rule
over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the
earth’. That gives us the authority to oversee Gods holy creation. The scripture does not tell
us that we are ruler of the universe nor are the creator. If we are the created then we surely
cannot consider ourselves the divine that created the earth.

Just like in Genesis 2:15 says ‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden
to work it and keep it’. Yes, we have some sort of authority but it is to be maintain the
creation of God. We are stewards, the ones who try to maintain the creation of God.
Therefore God has given us the Authority to be stewards of his creation, not Gods. We are
made in God’s image, we were not made a God. The ultimate authority is clear, it remains to
the most divine being God, however the job of us that are made in the image of God is take
good care of God’s creation. We are given the authority of Earth only. God has the authority
and reign over all people on earth and also the universe. So can we consider ourselves as a
‘God’ in our own right? I strongly believe that we cannot consider ourselves ‘God’ we can
only live in a God like state by following what has God has provided for us to follow through
teaching and the way of life. We cannot compare ourselves to the sovereignty of God.

As Isaiah 40:17 says ‘All nations are as nothing before him, they are accounted by him as less
than nothing and emptiness’. We are his created, we are nothing before the most high God,
even though we are created in the image of God. We are living in Gods footsteps being
stewards of his creation striving to be like God, live according to the teachings of God and
do as much good to others as possible. Psalms 40:5 says ‘Lord my God, no one can compare
with you…’ which definitely depicts that a person knows his place with God. A relationship
that no one can compare with the most sovereign God. Yes, reason is the ability and quality
that human beings are set apart by God, however reason cannot confirm that we are God’s
in our own right, nor God has given us the authority to be a ‘God’. If we think of Adam and
Eve and the original sin, the reason of which sin occurred was because Adam and Eve

wanted to be ‘God’. But that was not the purpose of why God created them. They created
to be stewards and take care of God’s creation.

There are many reasons to why the question mentioned at the beginning of this essay
cannot be true. We as Christians are clear in our journey strive to Godliness through our
discipline to God’s teachings in the scripture. We are incomplete without God and are
imperfect because perfection comes from God. The bible itself paints a distinct relationship
between God and his people. We only strive to at least please the lord who no one can
compare to.

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