Timber Wood
Timber Wood
Timber Wood
Board Foot
- the content of a volume 12x12x1 inch, 144 cu. in. of ½ cu. ft.
- separation along the grain, the greater part of which occurs across the annual rings. It generally
arises from the process of seasoning. Like shakes, checks also reduce the resistance to shear.
Dead Load
-applied to the weight of the materials of construction; the weight of beam, girders, flooring,
partitions, and so on.
-is the disintegration of wood substance due to the action of wood-destroying fungi. It is easily
recognized, for the wood becomes soft, spongy or crumbly. The growth of fungi is encouraged by air,
moisture and favorable temperature.
Elastic limit
-or sometimes called proportional limit. It is the unit stress that occurs after which the
deformation begins to increase to a faster rate than the increments of the applied load.
-is the property of a material that enables it to return to its original size and shape when the load
To which it has been subjected is removed.
Grade in Lumber
-necessary to identify the quality of lumber. Structural grades are established in relation to
strength of properties and use classification so that allowable stresses for the design can be assigned.
Individual grades of the various species are given a commercial designation such as No. 1 and No. 2.,
Select structural, and Dense No. 2 by the grading rules agency concerned.
-is a portion of a branch or limb that has been surrounded by subsequent growth of the tree
Live Load
-represents the probable load due to occupancy of a building and includes the weight of human
occupants, furniture, equipment, stored materials and snow.
Modulus of Elasticity
-measure the stiffness of the material.
Moisture Content of Wood
-defined as the ratio of the weight of water in a specimen to the weight of the oven-dry wood,
expressed as a percentage.
Permanent Set
-or permanent deformation. This is beyond the elastic limit.
Seasoning of wood
-the process of removing moisture from the green wood. It is accomplished by exposing lumber
to the air for an extended period or by heating it in kilns.
-is a separation along the grain, principally between the annual rings. It reduces the resistance to
shear, and consequently members subjected to bending are directly by their presence. The strength of
members in longitudinal compression 9column, posts, etc.,) is not greatly affected by shakes.
Shearing Stress
-results from the tendency of two equal and parallel forces, acting in opposite directions, to cause
adjoining surfaces of a member to slide one on the other.
-the difference in arrangement and size of the cell activities and the thickness of the cell
walls determine the specific gravity of various species of wood. The strength of wood is closely
related to its density.
Wane The presence of bark or absence of
wood on corners of a piece of
Philippine wood species
The wood species mentioned here, are the most commonly used in our own production. It
should be noticed that wood is UNIQUE, and there are no two pieces of wood that are exactly the
same, so when dealing with natural products it is important to remember that there can be variations,
and especially there are differences in appearance between flats awn and quarter sawn wood in
appearance, strengths and stability. Also there are differences even within a small region, and even
within a single tree.
Wood is a wonderful material, and it is self-sustaining when grown in well managed forests.
Scientific Name: Petersianthus Quadrialatus
Weight: About 650 Kgs/m3
Color: Very Dark With Lighter Flames Naturally Occurring
Description: Philippine Rosewood is a very beautiful dark and flamy wood.
It has for many years been used for local boat making due
to its strength and durability. We have introduced this species
for interiors and flooring.
MAHOGANY - (Plantation)
Scientific Name: Fagus Grandifolia
Color: Pale White.
Description: Mostly closed, straight grain; fine, uniform texture. Our Beech
comes from Northern and Central Europe
Types of wood
Wood is divided, according to its botanical origin, into two kinds: Softwoods from coniferous
trees and hardwoods from broadleaved trees. Structurally softwoods are generally simple in structure
and lighter whereas hardwoods are generally complex in structure and harder.
Wood-water relationships
The timber of living trees and freshly felled logs contains a large amount of water, which often
constitutes more weight than the actual wood. Water has a significant influence on wood: wood
continually exchanges moisture (water) with its surroundings, although the rate of exchange is strongly
affected by the degree wood is sealed.
1. Free water: The bulk of water contained in the cell lumina is only held by capillary forces: it is
not bound chemically and is termed free water. Free water is not in the same thermodynamic
state as liquid water: energy is required to overcome the capillary forces. Furthermore, free water
may contain chemicals, altering the drying characteristics.
2. Bound or hygroscopic water: Bound water is bound to the wood via hydrogen bonds. The
attraction of wood for water arises from the presence of free hydroxyl (OH) groups in the
cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin molecules in the cell wall. The hydroxyl groups are
negatively charged electrically. Water is a polar liquid. The free hydroxyl groups in cellulose
attract and hold water by hydrogen bonding.
Water in cell lumina may be in the form of water vapour, but the total amount is normally
negligible, at normal temperatures and moisture contents.
Many important properties of wood show a considerable change as the wood is dried
below the fibre saturation point. These include:
1. Volume: ideally no shrinkage occurs until some bound water is lost, i.e. until the wood is
dried below FSP.
2. Most strength properties show a consistent increase as the wood is dried below the FSP
(Desch and Dinwoodie, 1996). An exception is impact bending strength and, in some cases
3. Electrical resistivity increases very rapidly with the loss of bound water when the wood
dries below the FSP.
The primary reason for drying wood to a moisture content equivalent to its mean EMC
under use conditions is to minimize the dimensional changes (or movement) in the final product.
1. the alternation of late wood and early wood increments within the annual ring;
2. the influence of wood rays in the radial direction (Kollmann and Cote, 1968)
3. the features of the cell wall structure such as micro fibril angle modifications and pits; and,
4. the chemical composition of the middle lamella.
Wood drying
Wood drying may be described as the art of ensuring that gross dimensional changes through
shrinkage are confined to the drying process. Ideally, wood is dried to that equilibrium moisture content
as will later (in service) be attained by the wood. Thus, further dimensional change will be kept to a
Drying timber is one approach for adding value to sawn products from the primary wood
processing industries. According to the Australian Forest and Wood Products Research and
Development Corporation (FWPRDC), green sawn hardwood. However, currently-used conventional
drying processes often result in significant quality problems from cracks, both externally and internally,
reducing the value of the product. As an example, in Queensland alone (Anon, 1997), assuming that
10% of the dried softwood is devalued by $200 per cubic meter because of drying defects, saw millers
are losing about $5 million per year in that State alone. Australia wide this could be $40 million per year
for softwood and an equal or higher amount for hardwood. Thus proper drying under controlled
conditions (prior to use) is of great importance in timber utilization in any country, where climatic
conditions vary considerably at different times of the year.
Drying, if carried out promptly after the felling of trees, also protects timber against primary
decay, fungal stain and attack by certain kinds of insects. Organisms, which cause decay and stain,
generally cannot thrive in timber with a moisture content below 20%. Several, though not all, insect
pests can live only in green timber. Dried wood is less susceptible to decay than green wood (above 20%
moisture content).
Apart from the above important advantages of drying timber, the following points are also
significant (Walker et al., 1993; Desch and Dinwoodie, 1996):
1. Dried timber is lighter, and hence the transportation and handling costs are reduced.
2. Dried timber is stronger than green timber in most strength properties.
3. Timbers for impregnation with preservatives have to be properly dried if proper penetration is to
be accomplished, particularly in the case of oil-type preservatives.
4. In the field of chemical modification of wood and wood products, the material should be dried to
a certain moisture content for the appropriate reactions to occur.
5. Dry wood works, machines, finishes and glues better than green timber. Paints and finishes last
longer on dry timber.
6. The electrical and thermal insulation properties of wood are improved by drying.
Prompt drying of wood immediately after felling therefore results in significant upgrading of,
and value adding to, the raw timber. Drying enables substantial long term economy in timber utilisation
by rationalizing the utilization of timber resources. The drying of wood is thus an area for research and
development, which concerns many researchers and timber companies around the world.
Moisture passageways
The basic driving force for moisture movement is chemical potential.
However, it is not always straightforward to relate chemical potential in wood to
commonly observable variables, such as temperature and moisture content (Keey
et al., 2000). Moisture in wood moves within the wood as liquid or vapour
through several types of passageways depending on the nature of the driving
force, (e.g. pressure or moisture gradient), and variations in wood structure
(Langrish and Walker, 1993), as explained in the next section on driving forces
for moisture movement. These pathways consist of cavities of the vessels, fibres,
ray cells, pit chambers and their pit membrane openings, intercellular spaces and
transitory cell wall passageways. Movement of water takes place in these
passageways in any direction, longitudinally in the cells, as well as laterally from
cell to cell until it reaches the lateral drying surfaces of the wood. The higher
longitudinal permeability of sapwood of hardwood is generally caused by the
presence of vessels. The lateral permeability and transverse flow is often very low
in hardwoods. The vessels in hardwoods are sometimes blocked by the presence
of tyloses and/or by secreting gums and resins in some other species, as
mentioned earlier. The presence of gum veins, the formation of which is often a
result of natural protective response of trees to injury, is commonly observed on
the surface of sawn boards of most eucalypts. Despite the generally higher
volume fraction of rays in hardwoods (typically 15% of wood volume), the rays
are not particularly effective in radial flow, nor are the pits on the radial surfaces
of fibres effective in tangential flow (Langrish and Walker, 1993).
As wood dries, evaporation of water from the surface sets up capillary forces that exert a
pull on the free water in the zones of wood beneath the surfaces. When there is no longer
any free water in the wood capillary forces are no longer of importance.
Temperature: If the relative humidity is kept constant, the higher the temperature, the
higher the drying rate. Temperature influences the drying rate by increasing the moisture holding
capacity of the air, as well as by accelerating the diffusion rate of moisture through the wood.
The actual temperature in a drying kiln is the dry-bulb temperature (usually denoted by Tg),
which is the temperature of a vapour-gas mixture determined by inserting a thermometer with a
dry bulb. On the other hand, the wet-bulb temperature (TW) is defined as the temperature
reached by a small amount of liquid evaporating in a large amount of an unsaturated air-vapour
mixture. The temperature sensing element of this thermometer is kept moist with a porous fabric
sleeve (cloth) usually put in a reservoir of clean water. A minimum air flow of 2 m/s is needed to
prevent a zone of stagnant damp air formation around the sleeve (Walker et al., 1993). Since air
passes over the wet sleeve, water is evaporated and cools the wet-bulb thermometer. The
difference between the dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures, the wet-bulb depression, is used to
determine the relative humidity from a standard hygrometric chart (Walker et al., 1993). A
higher difference between the dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures indicates a lower relative
humidity. For example, if the dry-bulb temperature is 100 °C and wet-bulb temperature 60 °C,
then the relative humidity is read as 17% from a hygrometric chart.
Relative humidity: The relative humidity of air is defined as the partial pressure of water
vapour divided by the saturated vapour pressure at the same temperature and total pressure (Siau,
1984). If the temperature is kept constant, lower relative humidities result in higher drying rates
due to the increased moisture gradient in wood, resulting from the reduction of the moisture
content in the surface layers when the relative humidity of air is reduced. The relative humidity
is usually expressed on a percentage basis. For drying, the other essential parameter related to
relative humidity is the absolute humidity, which is the mass of water vapour per unit mass of
dry air (kg of water per kg of dry air). The following equation can be used to calculate the
absolute humidity from the relative humidity (Strumillo and Kudra, 1986):
Air circulation rate: Drying time and timber quality depend on the air velocity and its
uniform circulation. At a constant temperature and relative humidity, the highest possible drying
rate is obtained by rapid circulation of air across the surface of wood, giving rapid removal of
moisture evaporating from the wood. However, a higher drying rate is not always desirable,
particularly for impermeable hardwoods, because higher drying rates develop greater stresses
that may cause the timber to crack or distort. At very low fan speeds, less than 1 m s-1, the air
flow through the stack is often laminar flow, and the heat transfer between the timber surface and
the moving air stream is not particularly effective (Walker et al., 1993). The low effectiveness
(externally) of heat transfer is not necessarily a problem if internal moisture movement is the key
limitation to the movement of moisture, as it is for most hardwoods (Pordage and Langrish,
Highly refractory woods: These woods are slow and difficult to dry if the final product is
to be free from defects, particularly cracks and splits. Examples are heavy structural timbers with
high density such as ironbark (Eucalyptus paniculata), blackbutt (E. pilularis), southern blue
gum (E. globulus) and brush box (Lophostemon cofertus). They require considerable protection
and care against rapid drying conditions for the best results (Bootle, 1994).
Moderately refractory woods: These timbers show a moderate tendency to crack and
split during seasoning. They can be seasoned free from defects with moderately rapid drying
conditions (i.e. a maximum dry-bulb temperature of 85 °C can be used). Examples are Sydney
blue gum (E. saligna) and other timbers of medium density (Bootle, 1994), which are potentially
suitable for furniture.
Non-refractory woods: These woods can be rapidly seasoned to be free from defects
even by applying high temperatures (dry-bulb temperatures of more than 100 °C) in industrial
kilns. If not dried rapidly, they may develop discolouration (blue stain) and mould on the surface.
Examples are softwoods and low density timbers such as Pinus radiata.
Kiln drying provides a means of overcoming the limitations imposed by erratic weather
conditions. In kiln drying as in air drying, unsaturated air is used as the drying medium. Almost
all commercial timbers of the world are dried in industrial kilns. A comparison of air drying,
conventional kiln and solar drying is given below:
1. Timber can be dried to any desired low moisture content by conventional or solar kiln
drying, but in air drying, moisture contents of less than 18% are difficult to attain for most
2. The drying times are considerably less in conventional kiln drying than in solar kiln
drying, followed by air drying.
1. This means that if capital outlay is involved, this capital is just sitting there for a longer
time when air drying is used. On the other hand, installing an industrial kiln, to say nothing of
maintenance and operation, is expensive.
2. In addition, wood that is being air dried takes up space, which could also cost money.
3. In air drying, there is little control over the drying elements, so drying degrade cannot be
4. The temperatures employed in kiln drying typically kill all the fungi and insects in the
wood if a maximum dry-bulb temperature of above 60 °C is used for the drying schedule. This is
not guaranteed in air drying.
5. If air drying is done improperly (exposed to the sun), the rate of drying may be overly
rapid in the dry summer months, causing cracking and splitting, and too slow during the cold
winter months.
The significant advantages of conventional kiln drying include higher throughput and better
control of the final moisture content. Conventional kiln and solar drying both enable wood to be
dried to any moisture content regardless of weather conditions. For most large-scale drying
operations solar and conventional kiln drying are more efficient than air drying.
1. The species; because of the variations in physical, mechanical and transport
properties between species.
2. The thickness of the timber; because the drying time is approximately inversely
related to thickness and, to some extent, is also influenced by the width of the timber.
3. Whether the timber boards are quarter-sawn, back-sawn or mixed-sawn; because
sawing pattern influences the distortion due to shrinkage anisotropy.
4. Permissible drying degrades; because aggressive drying schedules can cause
timber to crack and distort.
5. Intended use of timber; because the required appearance of the timber surface and
the target final moisture contents are different depending on the uses of timber.
Defects that arise due to the shrinkage anisotropy. This leads to warping: cupping,
bowing, twisting, spring and diamonding.
defects that arise due to uneven drying. This leads to the rupture of the wood tissue:
checks (surface, end and internal), end splits, honey-combing and case hardening. Another such
defect is collapse, often seen as a corrugation, or “wash boarding” of the wood surface (Innes,
1996). Collapse is a defect that results from the physical flattening of fibbers, above the fiber
saturation point (thus not a form of shrinkage anisotropy).
Australian and New Zealand Standard Organizations (AS/NZS 4787, 2001) have
developed a standard for timber quality. Their five criteria for measuring drying quality:
Dressed size= ?
Given: d= 150mm
B= 100mm
Since d > 100mm, and Since b ≤ 100mm,
d = 150 – 2(6.25) b = 100 – 2(5)
= 137.50mm = 90mm