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Isis Oracle Cards

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Card 1

Divine Sisterhood
Community of the Spiritual Sisters and Brothers of the Light
In community that is based in equality, respect, healthy boundaries and personal freedom, with a
mutual desire for spiritual growth and honoring of innate wisdom, great miracles occur. You are a part
of this community of light. At one time it existed only in the spiritual worlds, yet now it is being born
on the Earth. It is part of your destiny to help create and nurture a conscious community that
empowers all of its members and is based in truth.

Letting the Divine Feminine nourish you now into new relationships, collaborations, community and
friendships is very wise. There are many souls with whom you have spiritual contracts decided upon
before you were born who wish to help you, and whom you can help too, as you grow together in
peace and light and wisdom. Your light has value on its own, of course, but it is also of deep service
when it is visible to others, lighting the way.

You are guided to allow the Beloved Isis to help you now through community. There can be strength in
numbers. Community can help you gain the added power of group effort to rise above the old patterns
and lift each other into the new patterns that are so much more real and beautiful. In unity with the
Divine in each other, we grow and we become capable of such wonders!
Card 1 1 / 3
Mother Isis says that there is so much light awakening within our planet, and so much spiritual light
gifted to Earth from celestial beings at this time, that it makes sense to build a large enough container
to receive it. Groups that are willing to learn to connect at heart level, honoring each other as Divine
beings, can become capable of calling in and receiving tremendous forces of light in service to
humanity and the Earth. If you had enough electricity to power a city, you wouldn’t try to fit it in one
house. Likewise, with all this spiritual electricity becoming available on the Earth, groups are needed
to help it to circulate and flow.

You are wise and grounded enough within yourself not to lose yourself in a group, and instead to help
a group become a community of honoring individuals. Your leadership by example is important as
groups can sometimes descend to the lowest energetic vibration if the members fall into their egos
rather than staying in their hearts. Yet if members can stay in their hearts, the group can lift each other
up rather than pull each other down.

The Oracle of the Divine Sisterhood is based on the love between the Goddesses of Ancient Egypt.
Hathor, Isis, Bastet and Sekhmet and more. They are often picture with similar symbols and
headdresses and share some iconography that helps us realize that although they are Divine individual
beings, they are connected as unique expressions of something greater!

Card 1 2 / 3
If you accept all of this but still cannot find your spiritual home here, and have been wondering where
your community is, you are not alone! They are looking for you, too! Say “yes” to opportunities to meet
like-minded people and let Isis guide you through circumstances, opportunities and spontaneous
moments as you and your beloved sisters and brothers find each other together for group benefit.

This is also guidance that you are moving into empowerment of your own Divine Feminine and are
capable of helping others enter into theirs. The role of the Divine Sisterhood is about empowering all,
not one above the other, and growing in wisdom through listening and sharing, through allowing for
the uniqueness of all beings, and encouraging all to grow from a win-win perspective.

If you are in a community, but are finding that the group ego is becoming more powerful that the group
Soul, and the energy of the community is pulling you down rather than lifting you up, then this Oracle
says to trust in the Divine Feminine to lead you onwards. Give your best and most truthful expression
and effort, but if this community is not of a vibration that can work for you, then move on, without
judgment or fear, just move on and trust that with the law of magnetism, you will attract yourself into a
community that has the best vibration for you.

If you have found that you have guidance to build community yourself, and are feeling a little
overwhelmed at the thought, stay calm and stay in your heart. Allow yourself to collaborate with
others, and work in smaller groups in connection with each other as a way to build community
together. It will happen naturally. The Divine Sisterhood will guide you if you ask for their assistance
with unconditional love.
Card 1 3 / 3
Card 2

Divine Destiny
Path of the Divine Warrior
The Divine Warrior guides you to your Divine Destiny. The Divine Warrior energy exists within men and
women as the inner propulsion to continue a worthy path even during times of difficulty. When faced
with a challenge, a true warrior will summon more of him or herself to the cause – it might be more
wisdom, focus, intelligence and surrender to the Divine. The Warrior within has great inner
resourcefulness and determination. This part of you will lead you to spiritual success.

The Oracle of Divine Destiny is a call to your Divine warrior. This part of you has great self-esteem and
believes that what you desire is worth whatever effort, personal growth, application, focus and
attention are required to obtain it, provided it aligns with your Divine Destiny. This part of you acts in
personal integrity and if the goal will compromise integrity, then the goal is refined until it shines like a
diamond in your heart. Then the Divine Warrior will bring it into being.

The path of the Divine Warrior is not one of any means to an end. The means and he end are
considered equally important. The Divine warrior will succeed in bringing about your Divine Destiny,
but it will be done in a way that is in integrity with deep spiritual values.

Card 2 1 / 2
There are important teachings on the Path of the Feminine about the need for surrender and allowing
for the best manifestation. The Divine Warrior is not at odds with these, but continually surrenders
into the greater unfoldment and play of cosmic forces, seeking to align with those forces for greatest
power and flow.

The Oracle of Divine Destiny often comes at a time when there is something that you feel you are
struggling to attain. It may be a vague sense or a clear vision. There is something within your heart
that you have almost given up hope on, wondering if it is ever really going to come together. This
Oracle comes with the message that although you may feel struggle or challenge, it is not a sign to
step away in this situation. It is a sign to put your faith in the Divine warrior within instead. This
Warrior may shift approach, change expectation, go within to find the resources you require or find a
completely different path to get you to your destiny. Do not give up the fight.

If you are not sure to what this applies, ask yourself what it is in your life that you feel you are fighting
to attain or maintain. Find what it is not in form but in essence. If it is your job that you are fighting
for, then it may be your freedom and responsibility that you are really fighting for, as an example. If
you are fighting your weight or eating habits, then it might be the right to express your true feelings
that you are fighting for, with your body as the Divine Warrior, refusing to give up the right to truthful
expression. Find the truth of what you are working towards and keep your heart and mind centered in
that truth. Your Divine Warrior will get you what you need and deeply desire, in alignment with your
best and highest Divine Destiny. You deserve no less.

Card 2 2 / 2
Card 3

Wings of Isis
Uniting with the Angelic Self
You have a special spiritual relationship with the angelic worlds. Part of your Soul purpose is to birth
angelic consciousness and values such as fearlessness, compassion and service, into this human
culture. This Oracle brings you angelic assistance and intervention, and confirmation that any
impressions you may have had that you belong not only to the human kingdom but also to the angelic
one, are correct.

You have a special spiritual relationship with the angelic worlds and are helping to birth angelic
qualities of fearlessness, light, service to the greater good and alignment of Divine Will into human
form. This is no small task and although you are well equipped to succeed, there are beings that wish
to assist you so that they may grow too and your success may be more graceful and swift. Isis, Divine
winged mother, goddess and angel of healing, wishes to assist you with unconditional love now.

Card 3 1 / 2
You are guided to accept angelic assistance and ask for Lady Isis who loves you unconditionally to
assist you with integrating angelic energies into your consciousness and life. You will be asked to life
yourself up to higher and higher vibrational states of awareness and this may mean letting go of
certain relationships, practices or states of being or even particular habits and thought patterns that
would lower your vibration into fear, doubt or shame. Give yourself permission to just let this happen.
You do not need to force anything. It is a matter of softening, allowing and trusting what feels right for
you with absolute faith and bold, radical acceptance. It will be OK!

There are others like you on this planet, beloved Initiate. Though far from the majority, you occupy a
special role in the evolution of human consciousness as it connects more deeply and twines with the
natural world. The more you accept this part of you, the more you shall draw into your world others
like you. You will just feel comfortable with each other, because you all hold a similar refined vibration.
Even in the midst of ordinary, everyday relationship, there is a sense of easy connection, mutual
understanding and spiritual acknowledgement.

This Oracle is also confirmation that is you have been asking to connect with your angel, praying to a
particular angel or archangel, or have been thinking more about angels lately, that genuine connection
has been made between you and the angelic kingdom. The angels send you love and peace now and
say, “We are with you, beloved one.”

Card 3 2 / 2
Card 4

The Lunar Queen

She of the Celestial Crescent
There is a deep feminine wisdom that recognizes the importance of cycles of rest and replenishment as
essential balancing to our actions of power and demonstration. You are asked to allow this
replenishment for yourself now, trusting that you are in a cycle of creation that is about to shift into a
new phase. Release and enjoy the process without having to control or force it.

Isis as Lunar Queen, understands the cycles of creative power and flow. Sometimes it can be heard to
let go of a desire to force, control and make things happen, to exert might and will power to bring what
you wish for into being by sheer determination, exertion and force. Yet the vast creative power of the
feminine principle is in honoring and flowing with cycles of activity and rest, of releasing force and
surrendering into the perfection of what is happening right now, realizing that this actually brings us
Divine manifestation and creation more effortlessly and gracefully and to greater effect!

Card 4 1 / 3
The Celestial Crescent is the Moon in her changing form. This Oracle comes to you at a time when you
are shifting from one phase in your spiritual and creative journey into new phase. This is a time to pay
deep attention to the messages of your body and allow them to guide you. Do you need to balance
your activity with more rest? Do you need to be actively creating, but from a more relaxed and
allowing rather than demanding or forceful mental state? Or is it time for you to spring into action
once more? Has the time come to take a step forward? Pay attention to any other card that you draw
with The Lunar Queen to more fully understand which phase is most appropriate for you now. These
cards will help you connect with your inner wisdom and the guidance of your own body wisdom for
the greatest timing and unfoldment of your manifestation. Remember, sometimes more time in the
oven prevents an undercooked meal! Sometimes we just need to wait a little longer.

The quiet times are dark moon energies, the times when you will sense from your inner wisdom, your
body wisdom, that you are in need of replenishing and percolation.

The other times, when you feel the inner oven timer has rung and it is time to get that delicious meal
on the table, your body will urge you to dance, to act, to communicate, to be bold and take steps.
These are full moon energies.

Your body will help you know where you are at and what you need. The flow between the dark moon
and full moon and all phases in between is constant. In allowing that flow, even several times in a day
or an hour, you will maximize your creativity and allow your life to manifest creative project after
creative project, should you so choose. You will feel great inner harmony, wellness and connection.

Card 4 2 / 3
This Oracle is also a reminder that this feminine wisdom is not widely accepted in Western culture as
yet, with its distorted view of what constitutes productive behavior. The Lunar Queen is quite radical!
You will need to really believe in your own wisdoms and give yourself great support and trust your
own body wisdom as you learn to operate in this more intuitive, flexible, responsive, feminine way.
The Oracle tells you that Lady Isis and the spiritual guidance that cares for you completely encourages
and supports you in being strong and giving yourself absolute permission to rest when needed, to
honor your creative cycles for the greatest productivity and quality.

If you have been wanting to create something or feel frustrated in your creative enterprises, the Lunar
Queen also contains the message for you that something creative is within you and wanting to
emerge. It is stirring in your unconscious and soon it will be reflected more clearly back to you and you
shall be able to act, but for now, have patience. There can be much inner work required before the
relatively swift outer work of bringing the creative impulse into firm even begins! Such is the natural
creative flow at times.

If you are already in flow and want to know if this is the time to really let go and shine, like the
gorgeous full moon, the answer is yes. Trust and know that you are being guided by your own inner
wisdoms and supported by She of the Celestial Crescent, the Lunar Queen Lady Isis.

Card 4 3 / 3
Card 5

Divine Guardian
Protection of the Winged Mother
You are venturing through a time of significant spiritual growth and healing. There are many changes
occurring internally and they will be reflected in your external world soon also. You are protected
during these times by the love and strength of the Winged Mother, Lady Isis. You can relax and allow
your transformation to happen. Let your Divine Guardian protect you now, as you learn to let go and
trust in your own unfoldment for the greatest good.

Big spiritual growth can bring difficult challenges. Through such challenges, an Initiate can gain
wisdom, power and awareness, and leave behind fears that once held them captive, free from past
restrictions, free to live a life that is truly extraordinary and inspirational. Yet the challenges can feel
deeply confronting. The Initiate may be tested to stay true to their own beliefs even if their loved ones
do not understand or support them. Or they may be required to let go of what they have known to
embrace something completely unfamiliar and this may be uncomfortable for them, and they may fear
losing love, support, safety or friendship as they venture into a new life.

Card 5 1 / 2
This Oracle is also confirmation you have been receiving impressions and inner nudges that are from
your higher guidance, which has been helping you with situations that are currently unfolding in your
life and will continue to do so. You are, spiritually speaking, on the right track. No matter whether your
life circumstances appear to be heading in one direction at one moment, and then in a completely
different direction the next moment, or whether you feel things are a certain way in truth only to find
that the next day they seem to be different, these are all just signs of growth into a new
consciousness. Life does not have to be fixed or even clear at all times in order for you to be safe. Isis is
with you. All is well.

This Oracle comes as guidance that if you have been worried about another, that they are protected.
Whether this is someone alive at this time or a being that has departed the physical world and
returned to spirit, they are free from suffering, pain and trauma now and all is well. If you wish to send
blessing to such a beloved, you can do so with the Incantation below.

Card 5 2 / 2
Card 6

Talismans of Potency
Charging Sacred Objects of Power
Sacred Tools and Objects can become an extension of your energy field, focusing your power and
intention, helping you heal the split between spirit and matter, and learning to bring physical matter
more deeply into light and life. You are encouraged to work with sacred materials in a conscious way to
help your own healing and enjoyment of the material world as a part of your spiritual practice. Your
love for the physical world of matter is a gift to the earth, too.

You are guided to cleanse and charge sacred objects to empower your energy field and accomplish
your spiritual mission now. These objects might be a wand, a chalice or sword, a bowl or even a special
tile with an image that you love, a statue, cloth with a beautiful design, a natural crystal or a black
mirror, or a rock, shell or feather you found “waiting for you” whilst out in nature one day. If finding a
gift in nature, it is wise to ask the spirit of the Earth if the item in question is intended for your healing
work and if you feel it is, then of course, receive it with gratitude. If not, bless it and move on.

Card 6 1 / 3
This Oracle is seeking to draw your awareness to your special ability to work with material objects to
awaken spiritual light within them. The material world is filled with light and our loving attention can
help awaken that light within form. In the same way that someone seeing the best in you, knowing
what you are truly capable of, can help you reach your dreams and become that Self more fully, so too
can holding an awareness that just like our bodies, the material world holds its own light and benefits
from love, attention and care. This is the loving art of integrating spirit into matter and it is part of
your spiritual potency and healing gift, to be able to love the physical world as an element of your
spiritual journey.

Objects become talismans when they are cleansed, dedicated and charged with sacred intent. This is
consecration, or the rendering of something into sacredness. Talismans are a way to enjoy a spiritual
relationship with the material world. It is not a matter of not being able to work without them, but
more of enjoyment and beauty of working with the material world in a spiritual way. This is also a way
to heal any difficult relationship that you may have had with your mother, your body, eating and food,
or with financial or physical security. It can also include difficulties in bringing your ideas into physical
form, living your path in a practical and material way and any other issues that stem from a wounded
relationship to matter, somehow seeing it as less than spirit. What wonderful and varied healing
effects talismans can bring to us! It all start with the honoring of light in matter, the sacredness of the
material world.

If you have been considering working with crystals for healing, or tarot cards or physical tools for
spiritual growth, you are encouraged to do so by the Oracle of Talismans of Potency. They will help you
grow and empower you.
Card 6 2 / 2
If you have an object in your space that you have been thinking of cleansing, perhaps a crystal or piece
of jewelry, this Oracle encourages you to do so using breath, salt, moonlight or sound, as you so
choose. Remember that objects in the material world hold vibrations, too. Cleansing with love and
intention to dissipate negative energy is a way to care for the material world, helping awaken the light
within it.

If you have been considering building sacred jewelry or purchasing a crystal or other healing tool, you
are encouraged to do so and to learn to work with it. The Oracle of Talismans of Potency supports you
in honoring the physical world and its beauty in your life in this way.

Card 6 3 / 3
Card 7

Portal of Light
She Glides on Wings through Time and Space
It is only this physical reality that is bound by time and space. You are a being conscious on levels
beyond the physical world. You are guided to work with your healing powers beyond the confines of
time and space and to allow your sense of Self to expand. It is safe for you to do this now. You will not
become ungrounded through such spiritual growth. You are not leaving your earthly awareness, you
are instead adding to it.

You are growing in power and awareness. You have had breakthrough insights where you realize that
you are not who you thought you were, you are, in fact, a much vaster being. Sometimes this was
shocking and uncomfortable, and difficult to accept. At other times, it was gentle and made much
sense to you. You are learning to integrate this awareness of your vast Self into your life. The practical
consequences of doing so are extraordinary – to live with less and less fear and insecurity, to become
more detached and more passionate, more loving and less demanding, to need less and receive more,
to feel more joy and exert less force to attain it… Such wonderful gifts await you!

Card 7 1 / 3
You also become capable of exerting healing influence beyond time and space, which means being
able to help free yourself and others, if you choose to share your healing gifts. You can learn to create
freedom from trauma, attachment, history and any other situation that may drain life force and
distract from Divine Love, no matter whether occurring in this or any other lifetime.

Isis guides you to powers and abilities to heal that are beyond time and space. It starts with the
realization that what has happened in the past has power over you only to the extent that you allow
it. The portal of light is being opened to you now to travel through time and space to release the past,
to open up to a future bright and to call for more power in the present moment. Once you have done
this for yourself, if you are guided into the healing path, then you can share this with others.

Be guided by the loving blessing of Isis to assist you in this sacred inter-dimensional travel now for
healing and understanding, more growth and peace.

If you have also drawn the Oracle of the Mer Ka Ba then part of your particular Soul gift is an ability to
navigate between spiritual dimensions of reality, shifting from lower vibrations of fear and bringing
through higher vibrations of love to allow for peace and release. The combination of the Mer Ka Ba
card and the Portal of Light card means you have the ability to not only navigate dimensions, but to
bring higher dimensional awareness into the present moment for healing with a natural Soul ability to
be present in lower vibrational realities, such as those of fear and competition on Earth at present,
and simultaneously be anchored in higher vibrational Soul realities of love, peace and truth. This
makes you a powerful source of light and the Lady Isis and Her beloved star Sirius, offer you Divine
Peace and Protection now to help you in this Sacred task of being a star of Divine Light and presence
on the Earth at this time.
Card 7 2 / 3
The Oracle of the Portal of Light also brings special guidance that a phase of time or experience is over
and a new cycle at a higher vibrational turn of the spiral is beginning, so prepare to ascend. expect
things to become lighter, freer and faster moving in your life, even perhaps whilst you appear to be
more surrendered and more peaceful within yourself.

Card 7 3 / 3
Card 8

Pyramid of Light
(Psychic Protection)
Step Your Vibration Deeper Into Love
As a being growing in significant light, darker energies can become more attracted to you. There is
nothing to fear and only more mastery and awareness of the power and protection of Divine Love to
experience. Here is guidance on the skills you have within you now to deal with any undesired
interference. The Pyramid Of Light confirms that energies have been causing interference with your
path an it is time now to end that interference with love and compassion.

This Oracle brings you confirmation that you are growing spiritually and as such, there are higher levels
of responsibility and skill required of you to continue to thrive and blossom to even deeper places of
spiritual expansion. These new levels will feel joyful to you as they bring you to greater personal
mastery and freedom from fear.

Card 8 1 / 3
Sometimes when you are growing your light, darker energies become more interested in you. This is
nothing to be afraid of because no energy can interfere with you without your permission and if you
have unconsciously given permission by action or deed in this or other lifetimes, you have the free will
to withdraw that permission from a place of peace and love within you right now. The key to handling
any energy effectively, even tat energy which you no longer wish to have connected to your energy
field, is to have compassion and respect in your heart, combined with a firm boundary and an
understanding of the principles of psychic protection.

There are practices which are easy and helpful for you to use to nurture your light and make it easier
to go into that place of inner peace and love on a daily basis, and that help to protect and nourish the
energy of your home and workplace too. One such practice recommended for you now is the Pyramid
Of Light. This can be added to any other spiritual or inner work practice and yet will also stand on its
own. It can be used on a person, physical space such as a home or workplace, or venue for a special
occasion and even placed around a project.

Card 8 2 / 3
The Ritual below will clear you at any time you feel that there are forces interfering with your free will
or life plans. Sometimes you just sense blocks that you know are not coming from within you and you
know are not serving the higher unfoldment, and they need to be released. You can use this Ritual, or
a skilled spiritual healer, to help you with this process, but know that what you most need is a
compassionate heart and enough confidence to realize that you alone give or revoke permission for
any being to be connected with your energy field, seeking to exert influence over your thoughts,
actions or life choices either consciously or not. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of the
power of our free will and choice. If any being, in the physical world or the inner worlds ever tells you
that you have no power of choice as a human being, do not believe them. They are in deception and
they are not to be trusted. They may believe what they are saying but they are not honouring the
innate spiritual gift of free will that every human Soul was given as a gift in gratitude for coming to this
Earth to help with service to Her awakening. Your free will is your most fundamental spiritual
inheritance as a human being, and it cannot be taken by another except in illusion. Once you realize
this, you can claim back your power at any time.

Card 8 3 / 3
Card 9

Past Life Present Power

The Many Spiritual Faces of You
When the Soul is growing in service to humanity, in service to the Great Feminine and Her call that all
beings be healed and free, it gathers internal resources to assist on the path. These resources include
powers and gifts from other lifetimes. You are currently integrating past life abilities and you are
guided by the Oracle of Past Life Present Power to be open to shifting internally and in your experience
of your own levels of power and spiritual ability.

Talents, abilities and powers wish to be restored to you now from past incarnations. This will help your
path. You will often be able to recognize this because you will feel some instant fascination or deep
interest for a culture, philosophy, heritage or even place on Earth or beyond, which is deeply
compelling. This is your intuitive recognition that a part of your Soul, connected with this passionate
interest, is being drawn into integration. At such times, there can be emotions, feelings and even
phobias or fears that temporarily arise. You may even find your tastes for food and clothing, and your
sleep or other habits change quickly and noticeably for a time. These can all be signs that a past life
energy is being integrated.

Card 9 1 / 3
Once it is “digested” into your current incarnation, you will feel more like “yourself” again but in an
expanded and more whole way. You will just feel like you are more of yourself, more stable, more full
and more at home in your own being. It is a lovely state of being to enjoy, which makes any us and
downs in the integration process more bearable!

This Oracle brings specific guidance that some of these past gifts from other incarnations are
associated with Ancient Egypt earthly and beyond, including some Star civilizations such as Sirius and
the Pleiades. Look for symbols, books, crystals or colors that interest you and pay attention to your
dreams. If it is helpful to be conscious of any issues around past life skills returning to you now, you ill
become aware of them so that they can be acknowledged, accepted and released.

Often when integration is occurring, people who have been connected to you in such lifetimes become
a more prominent part of your life. It is possible that they will remain thus or that as the integrations
happens and you continues to grow, some of those relationships will fall away, as you have completed
the karmic healing and integration of the energies associated with that past life, distilled the golden
gift, and are ready to move on.

This may take weeks, months, or in some cases years. The Ritual below will, however, facilitate the
process with some more efficiency, but you must trust in your timing for such matters as your own
Soul is guiding the process and knows exactly what it is doing!

Card 9 2 / 3
To enable this Soul awakening to occur, purification and time to assimilate the healing is
recommended. You can accomplish this through rest, time in nature, prayer that your power be
exercised with love and mercy and a willingness to be guided by the Divine Mother Lady Isis who loves
you unconditionally. Use the Prayer of Past Life Present Power below and the Healing Ritual whenever
you intuitively feel you need it.

Also know that as wonderful as it sounds to retrieve past life power and ability, it is not always
without challenge. We often need to be willing to be fluid in our understanding and experience of
ourselves. We need to be open to reframing our idea of ourselves as more spiritually connected, more
powerful and more responsible for our light on this earth. That can be confronting at times. We often
have to let go of any fear or disappointment we suffered in the relevant past life before the gift can be
restored to us in a useful way in this lifetime.

You can rest assured that anything you need to know in order to heal will come to your awareness.
You may or may not see the whole picture and if you do not, then it isn’t necessary for healing. We are
always given more than enough to be able to heal. It is just a matter of being attentive and aware of
what is happening right now before us in our lies and realizing that if we follow any pain, we will find
what needs healing. Then the gift hidden within the pain can be released. The Oracle of Past Life
Present Power indicates that the gift found in our healing will be past life talents and abilities.

As with all spiritual instruction contained in this Oracle as a whole, the Lady Isis will watch over you
and assist with the process once you ask Her, in unconditional love.
Card 9 3 / 3

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