Latin American Applied Research 32:123-129 (2002)
Latin American Applied Research 32:123-129 (2002)
Latin American Applied Research 32:123-129 (2002)
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed
Instituto de Catálisis, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain
Latin American Applied Research 32:123-129 (2002)
organisms. Nevertheless, the large volume of 15 cm length were manufactured and plugging
the leather residues is giving rise to several problems between layers by dust arose.
problems as the storage capacities of the In the development of Pt-impregnated
deposits are reached and the weathered honeycomb catalyst for SO2 oxidation, the
chromium salts restrict dumping alternatives. objective of seeking a sulfate-proof support
The action of water and air produces the slow has given rise to a certain number of
conversion of Cr (III) to Cr (VI) which could publications and patents. For alumina, Ziolek
be lixiviated and transported away from the et al.(1996) reported that SO2 alone is
stored residues. The hexavalent chromium is a chemisorbed at 350°C. Moreover, the SO2
common toxic pollutant in soils and waters. Its adsorption on alumina mainly takes place via
action on human beings covers allergic contact the hydroxyl groups, giving rise to hydrogen
dermatitis and cancers. Taking into account sulfite species (Mohammed-Saad et al., 1995).
these considerations, incineration could be the When O2 is present, significant quantities of
best solution to get rid of this waste material. SO2 are oxidized to SO3 and subsequently
The combined-combustion of leather residues stored on the alumina. When Pt is added, the
and coal is also an interesting alternative. SO2 oxidation process is catalyzed by the
In the incineration of leather residues, the noble metal and SO2/SO3 are adsorbed on
generated ashes, enriched in chromium (the different alumina sites (Summers, 1979). Li-
content varies between 30-60 wt.%, depending Dun et al., (1991) pointed out two types of
on raw material and incineration conditions), sulfate species on the alumina having different
can be used in ceramics, including decorative environments: free sulfates and sulfates
ones, to manufacture pavements and bricks, associated with the carrier.
etc. During the incineration process, additional No information about SO2/SO3 adsorption
drawbacks arise as the leather residues contain on sepiolite or aluminium silicates behavior
significant sulfur content. The addition of has been reported.
limestone to retain the SO2 emissions produces The role of the platinum loading and
the chromium (VI) release. The total oxidation dispersion on the carrier for the SO2 oxidation
of Cr (III) to Cr (VI) takes place if limestone is (Xue et al., 1996) has also been pointed out.
fed into the reactor, in the range of temperature When a Pt/alumina catalyst is used, the catalytic
between 450-600°C. In this case, the catalytic activity is not strongly affected by the Pt particle
oxidation of SO2 containing flue-gas and size and, there is a maximum loading
subsequently sulfuric acid recovery might be a percentage at which the excess of noble metal
suitable solution. does not enhance the performance of the
In dust-free flue-gas treatment, the abrasion catalyst (Matsuda et al., 1982).
effect is minimized and noble-metal In this study, a Pt-impregnated on
impregnated catalyst is currently used in the alumina/silicates-based support catalyst has
abatement systems (Truex et al., 1992). In the been developed and tested both at laboratory
SO2 reduction field, some reports described and pilot-plant scale. The pilot plant has been
noble-metal catalysts for SO2 oxidation, where designed to test the industrial sized catalyst at
the SO3 obtained is further converted to real operational conditions in order to evaluate
sulfuric acid. As an example in the DeSONOx the performance of the material. The evolution
process (Blumrich and Engel (1993); Ohlms, of SO2 conversion and some physico-chemical
1993), the previously dust cleaned flue-gas, properties of both fresh and used catalyst were
was passed through a precious metal examined.
monolithic catalyst; afterwards, the SO3-rich
flue-gas was cooled and sulfuric acid (70
wt.%) condensed. In this work, short pieces of
Latin American Applied Research 32:123-129 (2002)
A Varian 3400 model Gas Chromatograph LV: Linear Velocity; AV: Area Velocity
coupled to a flame photometric detector was
used to monitor the inlet/outlet SO2 B. Pilot plant catalytic activity test
concentration in the lab-scale experiment. A scheme of the pilot plant installation is shown
The inlet/outlet SO2 and O2 measures in the in Fig. 1. The main body is a catalytic reactor
pilot plant were performed using an ESSA containing a basket with the package of
ML9850 model Ultraviolet Fluorescence honeycomb-type monoliths arranged vertically.
analyzer. The prismatic basket was built to provide two
The EPA Method (Method 8, 1990) was separate layers of 5x4 monoliths of 9.5x9.5x100
selected for SO3 sampling procedure; the cm with a maximum catalyst load of ca. 330
collected sulfuric acid mist was measured by liters. The dimensions of the reactor and
the barium-thorine titration method. coupling accessories to the main gas duct
assured an isokinetic gas flow at the entrance of
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the catalytic bed. The head unit was a gas
A. Lab-Scale Catalytic Activity Test generator constituted by a gas-oil combustion
A sample from the industrial sized monolith chamber with a capacity of 200-500 STD m3 h-1
was selected to test the catalytic performance of simulated flue-gas in the range of 350-500ºC.
at lab-scale conditions. The geometric
dimension of the monolith piece corresponded AIR FLY-ASH DOSAGE
to a 6-open-channel structure of 25 cm length. MIXER
SO2 inlet
From Fig. 2 it can be clearly seen that the Figure 3. Pore size distribution of fresh and
catalyst underwent a sulfating process during used Pt-catalysts.
the first 13 hours in operation as also observed
in the lab-scale test. After this step, the catalyst The fresh catalyst presented a mesopores
presented stable behavior with an 80 vol.% with an average pore diameter centered at ca.
SO2 to SO3 conversion, lower than that 10 nm and a broad range between 15-100 nm
observed in the lab-scale experiment. in the mesoporosity zone; in the macropore
range a broad peak within 0.6 and 10 µm pore
diameter would correspond to interparticulate
Latin American Applied Research 32:123-129 (2002)
space. For the used catalyst, it can be seen that catalyst became more hygroscopic as a
pores with a diameter greater than 30 nm were consequence of the sulfite/sulfate groups
affected by the sulfate deposition. Otherwise, deposition. No water MS signal at about 800°C
sulfating process did not markedly alter the was recorded, therefore, the hydroxyl groups
mesopores with diameter below 30 nm surface were also altered.
existing in the fresh catalyst. Moreover, the With respect to CO2, in the fresh catalyst, the
slight decrease of the BET surface area values carbonates from sepiolite were removed
indicated that the sulfatization was mainly between 500 and 750°C. No CO2 in the used
taking place in the range of meso and sample in the range of 500-700°C was detected
macropores. and the carbonate decomposition took place at
Thermal gravimetric (TG) and mass higher temperature (700-900°C) than that in the
spectrometry (MS) combined techniques were fresh sample. The CO2 peak in the used catalyst
used to monitor weight loss and gas released started to show up when the SO2 peak reached
with temperature. The results corresponding to its maximum value. This CO2 might come from
the fresh and used catalysts are shown in Fig. 4. the unreacted carbonate, which would have
been covered by the sulfate species.
Fresh Catalyst
CO2 With respect to the sulfate deposition, at
least two types of sulfates were removed from
the used catalyst. The SO2 starting to be
MS Signal (Arbitrary Units)
Used Catalyst
released at ca. 500°C might correspond to the
sulfates produced from the interaction between
silicates and SO3. A further SO2 peak showing
up when the temperature reached ca. 700°C
might be assigned to the aluminum sulfate
previously formed.
As the TG analysis indicated, the total
0 200 400 600
Temperature (°C)
800 1000
estimated amount of sulfite/sulfate uptake by
the catalyst was 7.5%. This value may be
Figure 4. MS signal evolution with temperature compared with that obtained from the pilot
for the fresh and used catalysts. plant results. A simple calculation from the
SO2 inlet, SO2+SO3 outlet concentrations and
For the fresh catalyst the 6.3% total weight total flow data found that 6% (as SO3) would
loss between 20 and 950°C mainly be the amount of deposited on the catalysts.
corresponded to H2O and CO2. In the used The mechanical strength of the monolithic
sample, TG analysis showed between 20 and catalyst was not altered by the 6-7 wt.% of
400°C an 8% weight loss due to H2O release. deposited sulfate, maintaining the fresh sample
Between 500-950°C second range presented a value of 119 kg cm-2.
7.5% weight loss, which was mainly related to
the sulfite/sulfate decomposition. IV. CONCLUSIONS
With respect to the water signal, in the fresh The fresh catalyst adsorbed up to 7-8% (as
catalyst, different H2O or hydroxyl groups were SO3) of SOx. Afterwards, a stable 90-80 vol.%
removed as the temperature was increased. Two SO2 to SO3 conversion was achieved at
types of water molecules can be distinguished. laboratory and pilot-plant scales respectively.
The absorbed water leaving the catalyst between The textural characteristics were not
80-200°C and hydroxyl groups probably strongly affected by the sulfate deposition.
coming from the alumina at 800°C. BET surface area and total pore volume were
In the used catalyst, the MS results showed not dramatically altered. Mesopores of less
the water signal between 20-400°C. The used
than 10 nm were unchanged, but the decrease Matsuda, S., A. Kato, T. Mori, T. Kumagai, Y.
of wider mesopores and macropores was the Hishinuma, H. Akimoto and F. Nakajima,
more significant effect. “Process for treating flue-gas”, U.S. Patent
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help in obtaining and discussing the textural autocatalysts”, Platinum Metals Review
data and to Dr J. Pérez-Pariente and Dr.E. 36(1), 2-11 (1992).
Sastre for the TPD-MS analysis. Also, we wish Xue, E., K. Seshean and J.R.H. Ross, “Catalytic
to thank Dr. C. Knapp for his valuable scientific control of diesel engine particulate emission:
support. studies on model reactions over a EuroPt-1
(Pt/SiO2) catalyst”, Applied Catalysis B:
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(1991). Received: February 24, 2000.
Accepted for publication: April 26, 2000.
Recommended by Subject Editor G. Meira.