CSWIP Questions New
CSWIP Questions New
CSWIP Questions New
Name: f l i ~ h ~ f i : I . G . E.......
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Which of the following butt-weld preparations is usually the most susceptible to
pJ lack of sidewall fusion during the manual metal arc process?
a. A double-U butt.
b. A sing1e-V butt.
c. A double-v butt.
d. It is not normally a defect associated with the MMA welding process.
4. Compound welds:
a. Always contain butt and fillet welds
b. Joints, which have corr~binationsof welds made by different welding
c. Combinations between two different weld types
d. All of the above.
/'' Under most conditions, which of the following welding positions will deposit the
most weld metal.
a. PG.
b. PE.
C. PC.
d. PA.
The strength of a fillet weld is primary controlled by:
a. Leglength.
t b. Design throat thickness.
c. Actual throat thickness.
d. All of the above.
11. Which of the following welding processesltechnique is likely to be used for the
repair welding of localised porosity in a butt weld?
a. MMA, PG position.
b. Mechanised MAG.
c. Submerged arc.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
12. When measuring the welding parameters with the MMA welding process for ,
,/ the purpose of approving a welding procedure, the Welding Inspector should
, measure the voltage:
a. As close to the welding arc as possible.
b. Anywhere along the welding cable.
c. Always from the voltmeter on the welding plant.
d. As near to the welding terminals as possible.
13. In the MMA welding process, which of the following is most likely to be caused
by a welder with a poor technique?
a. Deep weld craterslcrater cracks.
b. Copper inclusions
c. Hydrogen cracks
d. All of the above.
15. When inspecting a critical component, the toes of a weld must be:
a. Always ground flush.
b. Must always overlap at least 1.5 rrlm onto the parent material.
c. Must ahvays be inspected using a crack detection method (MPI, DPI).
d. None of the above can be selected - specification requirements .
16. When carrying out visual inspection, the specification makes no mention of the
for visual inspection, in this situation what should you do?
a. Carry out normal visual inspection.
b. Seek advice from higher authority.
c. Carry out no visual inspection.
d. Re-write the requirements of the specification.
! 10. In an arc welding process, which of the following is the correct term used for
1 the amount of weld metal deposited per minute?
a. Filling rate.
b. Deposition rate.
c. Weld deposition.
d. Weld duty cycle.
20; What is the term given for the area of a welded joint just outside the weld
,.fir' metal that has undergone microstructural changes?
I, a. Heat affected zone.
When carrying out visual inspection, which defect (s) is likely to be missed?
a. Linear misalignment.
b. Cap undercut.
c. Porosity.
d. Lack of fusion (inter run).
Cold lapping is another term for:
25. On a single-v butt weld, the distance through the centre of the weld from root
to face is called:
a. Reinforcement.
b. Penetration.
c. Throat thickness.
d. None of the above.
2 ~ ' ' The throat thickness of a % inch fillet weld is?
i a.
27.5 mm
24 mm.
c. 13.5 mm.
d. 12.5 mm.
/ a.
The need for preheat for steel will increase
28: Which of the following butt weld preparations is most likely to be considered
' /
for the welding of a 6mm thick plate?
a. Double-V butt.
b. Asymmetrical double-v butt.
c. Single-U butt.
d. Single-V butt.
What is the ratio between the leg length and the design throat thickness on a mitre
1 7
' fillet weld with equal leg lengths
a. 1 to 1
b. 2 to 1.
c. 1.414to1.
d. All of the above it depends upon the leg length size.
Which of the following statements is true if applicable to a charpy vee notch impact
a. It's a destructive test used to assess materials ductility in the weld zone.
b. It's a mechanical test used to determine a welds resistance to creep.
c. It's a dynamic test, which is used to give a measure of notch toughness.
d. It's a static test used to determine materials toughness in the notch region.
e. Both a and c.
6. How can you tell the difference between an ENIISO weld symbol and a BS weld
a. The EN/ISO weld symbol will always have the arrow side weld at the top of the
reference line.
$. The ENIISO symbol has the welds elementary symbol placed on a dashed line
lying above or below the solid reference line to indicate a weld on the other side.
c. The ENIlSO symbol has a fillet weld leg length identified by the letter "an.
d. The ENIISO symbol has a fillet weld throat thickness identified by the letter "2'.
e. Both b and d.
r/ What is the possible effect of having the heat input too low during welding?
a. Low toughness, entrapped hydrogen and low hardness.
b. High hardness, lack of fusion and entrapped hydrogen.
9. The number 135 is placed at the end of the reference line on a weld symbol.
According to I S 0 2553 what does this number indicate?
a. The welding process is stated as MMA
b. The welding process is stated as I-IG
c. The welding process is stated as SAW
d. NDT is to be carried out after welding
e. None of the above
10. Which of the following is the most likely to be considered an essential variable for a
welder qualification test?
a. A change from an electrode classified to BS EN 499 as an E46 3 IN1 €3 to an
electrode classified to AWS A5.1 as an E7018.
b. A change of pipe wall thickness by at least 15 mm.
c. A change in pre-heat temperature from 50°C to 100°C.
d A change from PC welding position to PA welding position.
e. All of the above.
12. In EN 499, what does the number 50 represent in the following electrode
E 5 0 3 1 N i B 1 6 0 0 1 H5.
a. A minimum of 50 Nlmm2 yield strength.
b. A minimum of 500 Nlmm2 tensile strength.
c. A minimum of 50000 psi yield strength
d. A minimum of 50000 psi tensile strength
e. None of the above.
12Tlncreasingthe carbon content of a steel will:
a. Increase the hardness and toughness
b. Decrease the hardness and toughness
c. lncrease hardness, decrease toughness
d. Decrease hardness, increase toughness
16. Which of the following is most likely to increase the chance of solidification cracking?
a. Reduction in s~~lphur
content of the parent material
b. Increased restraint on the joint during welding.
c. Increase in weld hydrogen content from 15 m1/100 g to 25 m/l100 g.
d. Poor through thickness ductilrtjl in the materials being welded.
e. Both a and b.
20. Which of the following materials are the most susceptible to HlCC in the weld zone
a. Carbon Manganese steel
b. Micro alloyed steel (HSLA).
c. Austenitic steel
5. Both a and b
e. All of the above
, A d G k e I l a r tearing is: 1.
23. Which of the following is applicable to the heat treatment process of normalising
carbon-manganese steel
a. It is always carried out below the lower critical limit.
b. It is carried out to ensure the material has maximum tensile strength.
. It is carried out to ensure the material is of maximum ductility and malleability in
preparation for extensive cold working operations.
d It is carried out at approximately 910°C for the purpose of grain refinement
,24. A tee joint on a support bracket is to be welded both sides using 5 mm leg length fillet
welds, each weld is to be intermittent 50 mm in length, and the gap between each .
weld is to be 25 mm. In accordance with EN 22553 which of the following symbols
gives the correct representation?
27. Which of the following flame types would you expect to be used for the cutting of mild
a. Carburising flame.
b. Oxidising flame.
c. Reducing flame.
d. Neutral flame.
, ,
A A w ding process where the welding plant controls the travel speed and the arc gap,
but under constant supervision using a shielding gas mixture of 80% argon - 20%
carbon dioxide is termed:
a. A manual MAG process.
b. A semi-automatic MAG process.
c. A mechanised MIG process.
d. A mechanised MAG process.
o. Fatigue life.
c. Appearance.
d. All of the above
Defects outside the permissible limits of the applicable specification should be:
a. The decision is up to the welding inspector.
b. Repaired.
c. Always double checked using NDT.
d. Alloftheabove.
' :
A crack type most associated with the submerged arc welding process is:
a. Hydrogen cracking in the HAZ.
b. Solidification cracking.
c. Lamellar tearing.
d. Fatigue cracking.
; a. Friction welding.
b. Resistance welding.
c. Arc welding.
d. Plasma welding.
e. All of the above.
Which of the following electrodes and current types may be used for the TIG
welding of nickel and its alloys?
a. Cerium electrode, DC -ve.
b. Zirconium electrode, AC.
c. Thorium electrode, DC +ve.
d. All of the above may be used.
The main reason for using a back purge when welding 18-8 stainless steel ,
If arc blow exists when welding with the MMA welding process, .this can be
best reduced or eliminated by:
a. A change from AC to DC current.
b. A change from DC to AC current.
c. A change from DC +ve to DC -ve.
d. A change from DC -ve to DC +ve.
1.2. When welding a double-v butt weld with the submerged arc welding process
1 the presence of centre line porosity may be due to:
a. Damp flux.
b. Contamination on the weld preparations.
c. Incorrect flux depth
d. Alloftheabove.
14. An undesirable property of aluminium oxide residue, when welding is that it:
a. Decrease weld pool fluidity.
b. Requires more heat to melt it when compared to aluminium.
c. Causes the welder to travel to quickly.
d: The presence of the oxide makes aluminium impossible to weld.
When welding with the MIG welding process using pure argon as the shielding
gas on carbon steel, which of the following problems are likely to occur?
e. Copper inclusions and excessive cap heights.
f. Excessive root penetration and porosity.
g. Slag inclusions and crater pipe.
'8 Lack of fusion and poor cap profiles.
16. When considering the tungsten arc welding process what is the purpose of the
down-slope (slope-out) control?
a. Ensure good penetration.
b. To prevent arc striking on the parent material.
c. To help prevent the formation of crater pipe and possible cracking.
d. To help prevent tungsten inclusions during welding.
$7. When considering thermal cutting local hardening can be reduced by:
a. Increasing the cutting speed.
b. The use of propane as a fuel gas.
c. Pre heating the material to be cut.
d. Alloftheabove.
When considering the MIGIMAG welding process which of the following metal
transfer modes would be the best suited to the welding of thick plates over 25
mm, flat welding position,
a. Dip transfer.
b. Pulse transfer.
c. Spray transfer.
d. Globular transfer.
2 . Which of the following current types would you expect to be used for the ,
welding of aluminium with the TIG welding process?
a. DC -ve.
Which of the following statements is false?
a. In the MMA welding process electrode DC + produces a deep narrow
i weld pool, which is fast freezing.
b. DC electrode positive is used for the MAG welding of steel plate.
c. In the MAG welding process the wire feed speed remains constant
during the welding operation
d. Alloftheabove
When considering hydrogen, which of the following welding process would
produce the lowest levels in the completed weld (under controlled conditions)
a. MMA.
b. SAW.
C. -rIG.
d. FCAW.
24. Pre heat prior to the welding of a carbon steel butt weld:
' a. Must always be carried out.
b. Is always carried out using a gas flame
c. Need not be carried out if post weld heat treatment is to follow
d. None of the above.
25. In steel the element with the greatest effect on hardness is:
a. Chromium.
b. Manganese.
L. Carbon.
d. Nickel.
B. For a given voltage and current settings on a MMA welding plant, when the arc
length is shortened, which of the following will be most affected.
a. The current will increase.
1 b. The current will decrease.
c. The voltage will decrease.
d. The voltage will increase.
Which of the following best describes a semi-automatic welding process?
/ a. The welder is responsible for the maintaining the arc gap and travel
. b. The welder is responsible for travel speed only; arc gap is kept constant
by the welding plant.
c. Both travel speed and arc gap is controlled by the welding plant
/ a.
To keep the arc stable when using low current settings
To convert AC current to DC current.
c. To convert DC current to AC current.
d. To initiate the arc at start up.
Name: /5khJe/..
l%zwd'.. ..........
Answer all questions
Hydrogen cracking in HAL is most likely to occur when welding:
a. Carbon manganese steels.
b. Austenitic stainless steel.
c. Micro alloyed steel (HSLA).
*. . .&
Which of the following are considerations for the s6Teedltn of a preheat
B temperature: 9
a. Carbon equivalent, joint design, welding process type and plate material
.. r .
. .
8 r
b. All Joints over 25'mm thick, hydrogen leuels,
equivalent. .. .
welding process, carbon
.-. .,..
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' .
,' Which of the following destructive tests would indicate the toughness value of
the weld metallparent metal and HAZ?
a. Macro.
b. Nick break.
c. Tensile.
/ d. Charpy Vee notch.
8/ Welds made with high heat inputs show a reduction in one of the following
a. Ductility.
b. Toughness.
c. Elongation.
d. Penetration.
Which of the following steel types would give rise to the formation of porosity
when autogenously welded with an a& welding process
a. I=iifiy
killed steel.
b. Semi killed steel.
c. Rimming steel.
d. Balanced steel.
B' . Which of the following elements, which may be added to steel, has the
greatest affect on creep slreength.
a. Tungsten.
b. Manganese.
c. Carbon.
d. Molybdenum.
The HAZ associated with a fusion weld:
a. Can not be avoided.
3 b. Usually has the highest tensile strength.
c. Is usually martensitic.
d. Both a and b.
e. All of the above.
I# What four criteria are necessary to produce hydrogen induced cold cracking?
L a. Hydrogen, moisture, martensitic grain structure and heat.
b. Hydrogen, poor weld profiles, temperatures above 200°C and a slow
cooling rate.
c. Hydrogen, a grain structure susceptible to cracking, stress and a
temperature below 200°C.
d. Hydrogen, existing weld defects, stress and a grain structure
susceptible to cracking.
A carbon equivalent (CE) of 0.5%:
/ a. Is high for carbon manganese steel and may require a preheat over
b. Is generally significant for carbon for manganese steels and is certainly
not to be taken into consideration for preheat temperatures.
c. Is high for carbon manganese steels and may require a preheat
temperature over 300°C,,as W v o i d cracking
d. Is calculated from the heat input formula. * -9
...M "
Which of the following heat treatments on steel cools down in air from the
austenite region?
a. Normalising.
b. Annealing.
c. Tempering.
d. Stress relieving.
1.6: Which of the following units is a tensile specimen usually measured in? ,
Assuming that the welding process, material thickness, carbon equivalent and
the welding parameters to be the same, which of the following joint types
would normally require the highest preheat temperature.
t a. Edge joint.
b. Lap joint.
c. Butt joint (single-V).
d. Tee joint (fillet welded).
f Which of the following will most likely require the preheat temperature to be
a. An Increase in travel speed.
20. Which of the following properties may be applicable to a carbon steel weld (CE
' 0.48) welded without preheat?
a. Narrow heat affected zone and hardness value in excess of 400 HV.
b. Broad heat affected zone and hardness values in excess of 400 HV
c. A very tough and narrow heat affected zone.
d. Narrow heat affected zone and low hardness values.
Which of the following test pieces taken from a charpy test on a carbon-
manganese steel weld, welded with a high heat input is most likely to have the
lowest toughness
a. Test piece taken from parent metal.
b. Test piece taken from weld metal.
c. Test piece taken from HAZ.
d. All of the above values will be the same.
Which of the following butt weld preparations would normally be considered for
a mechanised weldirrg process Q
e. that the applicable specification makes no mention of arc strikes,
d what would you expect to do as a welding inspector if arc strikes were found
on a component made of a high tensile strength material.
a. Have the welder re-qualified.
b. Ignore them.
c. Have ,the area checked for possible cracking.
d/ Cut out the entire weld where the arc strikes exist.
/" . Which of the following mechanical tests can be used to give a quantitative
measurement of weld zone ductility?
a. Tensile test.
b. Bend test.
c. Charpy V notch test.
All of the above.
2 . Which of the following are reasons for applying preheat?
The removal of residual stress.
To aid slow cooling and reduce the carbon content.
To reduce the chance of a brittle grain structure and to reduce the
chance of hydrogen entrapment.
d. Increase the ultimate tensile strength values and increase overall
Which of the following are true with regards to a charpy test.
a. It's a static test used to determine a materials notch toughness in the
weld region.
b. It's a dynamic test used to determine a materials notch toughness in the
weld region.
c. It's a destructive test to give a measurement of through thickness
d. None of the above.
Name: ...... ................................................
Answer all questions
1. Degreasing components are essential for quality welding but when welded
some agent may:
a. Cause corrosion problems.
b. Leave residues
c. Give off toxic gases.
d. All of the above.
2. Cellulose electrodes are often used for the deposition of a root pass on pipes
welded in the field. This is because?
a. Hydrogen control is required.
b. The high deposition rate due to the iron powder content.
c. The hydrogen gas produced in the flux increases the arc voltage.
d. All of the above.
3. In the weldivg of austenitic stainless steels, the electrode and plate materials
are often specified to be low carbon content. The reason for this:
a. To prevent the formation of cracks in the HAZ.
b. To prevent the formation of chrorr~iumcarbides
c. To prevent cracking in the weld.
d. Minirnise distortion.
5. Which of the following NDT methods can only detect surface breaking
a. MPI
b. DPI.
d. RT.
e. Both a and b.
10. A balanced welding technique for example back step welding is most often
used for:
a. Controlling lamellar tearing.
b. Increasing weld toughness.
c. Reducing weld zone hardness.
d. Reducing distortion.
12. On a radiograph, the most likely appearance of lack of root fusion on a single,
V butt weld is:
a. A dark straight line with a light root.
b. A dark root with straight edges.
c. A dark uneven line following the edge of the root
d. None of the above lack of root fusion can not be seen on a radiograph.
13. Which of the following applies to the heat treatment process of tempering
a. It is always carried out at a temperature above upper critical limit.
b. It is carried out to increase the strength and toughness of weldments.
c. Tempering is generally carried out before quench hardening.
d. None of the above
15. Which of the following NDT methods would be the least effective on an
austenitic stainless steel butt weld.
a. UT.
b. RT.
c. DPI.
d. MPI.
16. The hardest part of a multi-pass welded joint, assuming no post weld heat ..
treatment has have taken place is:
a. The HAZ of the cap.
b. The HAZ of the root.
c. The root.
d. The cap.
17. Is it perrr~issibleto allow a multi-pass butt weld to cool down between weld
a. It should be up to the welding inspector.
b. No the weld must be kept hot at all times.
c. It depends on the welder
d. It depends on the specification requirements.
18. A tee joint on a support bracket is to be welded both sides using a 5 mm leg
length fillet weld, each weld is to be intermittent 50 mm in total length, the gap
between each weld is to be 25 mm. Which of the following is the correct
symbol in accordance with I S 0 2553?
19. The usual method of assessing the sensitivity and density of a radiograph is hy
means of:
a. Densitometer and dosimeter.
b. Penetrameter and a densitometer.
c. IQI and a dosimeter.
d. IQI and a fluxmeter.
20. In the submerged arc welding process, the use of excessive high voltages
w o ~ ~result
l d in?
a. Insufficient flux melting.
b. Excessive flux melting
c. Slag removal difficulties.
d. Excessive spatter.
21. Welding a steel plate with a CE of 0.45 would require preheating to?
a. Prevent the formation of sulphides.
b. Prevent hardening in the HAZ.
c. Prevent the formation of carbides.
d. To reduce the amount of current required.
22. Which of the following welding process uses a resistive heating system to
achieve weld metal deposition?
a. MMA
b. Resistant spot welding.
c. Electro-slag.
d. Friction welding.
23. What does the 70 represent on an E70 10 AWS A5.1 classified electrode? .
a. 70 ~ / m m
~ UTS.
b. 70 joules niinimum impact strength.
c. 70,000 p.s.i. Minimum yield strength.
d. 70,000 psi minimum UTS.
26. From the following electrode coding in BS EN 499, E50 3 1Ni B 140 0 1 H5 ,
what does the 2 represent
a. A mil-~imumcharpy value of a 30 joules.
b. A minimum impact value of 47 Joules.
c. A minimum impact temperature of -30°C at a given Joule value.
d. None of the above.
30. Which element in steel if present in significant amounts may lead to hot
a. Phosphorus.
b. Manganese.
c. Silicon.
d. Sulphur
MFY - 001
b. Produced through the chemical reaction of the electrode and the base
Supplied through air ports in the electrode holder and directed along
the electrode
@rc strikes
c. Excessive spatter
d. Slag inclusion
A. True
c. SAW
@stud welding
a l n c o r r e c t joint design
L- ~
a a r d n e s s of the material
A. False
@ True
11. The iron carbon diagram is used by metallurgists and others to see how:
a Adding nickel changes the corrosion resistance of steels
b Provide a clean surface for the penetrant indication
b only on the face of the weld
14. In the TIG welding process, gas shielding of the weld pool maybe provided
a carbon dioxide
c. Protects from the atmosphere and removes the oxide film on the
Qur face
17. Which is not a factor that should be considered in selecting the best shielding gas
mixture for a given application:
b . Improved toughness
20. Some MMA electrodes for the welding of stainless steel have a low carbon
Steel core wire and the alloying elements in the covering. This is because :-
a . The core wire offer lower resistance to the passage of the welding
a The impact properties of the welded joint
a .Medium grains
b . Large grains
i a m a l l grains
b . M I G N A G - FCAW welding process
25. In Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW ) , spray Transfer may be achieved using
shielding gases containing
p o r e than 85 O h argon
@will be higher than the stringer bead because the travel speed will be
a . Undercut
b . porosity
c. Slag Inclusion
@ Cracking
28. Hydrogen trapped in the weldment can cause hydrogen cracking if the contents
of hydrogen are too high. What is the other name commonly used to describe
hydrogen cracking?
a . Fissure cracks
b . Hot cracks
c. Supercritical cracks
@old cracks
29. Steel is often heat treated after it is made at the steel mill. When a steel is
normalized what is the primary objective of this process ?
a To increase the hardness
MFY - 006
J' In FCAW and GMAW, for a given electrode diameter, as the amperage
increased the wire speed will
a. Increase
b. Stay the same
c. Increase for GMAW and decrease for FCAW
d. Decrease
When using GMAW, welding of aluminium, the liner should be made of
a. Ceramic
b, Nylon
c. Cooper
d. Steel
. In the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process, gas shielding of the weld pool may
be provided by which gas(es) :
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Argon or Helium
c. Argon or Oxygen
d. Oxygen or Helium
Travel speed is the rate at which the welding gun progresses along the joint.As
,F the travel speed is increased:
There are four methods used to initiate the arc in the Gas Tungsten Arc
Welding ( GTAW) process. Which method has the potential problem of
contaminating the electrode and transferring tungsten to the work piece :
The pulsed Gas Meta Arc Welding process is only suitable for flat welding
position only
a. True
b. False
c. Vertical only
d. Flat and vertical
/' In Shielded Metal Arc welding the molten metal is protected by:
a. Spray
b. Globular Transfer
c. Should not use GMAW for welding thin sheet steel
d. Short circuiting transfer
7''" The pulsed mode of transfer (GMAW) is a variation of the spray transfer
mode that makes use of low background current with a higher,rapidly pulsing
current superimposed on it
a. True
b. False
a. False
B. True
The shielding gas that is commonly used in Flux Cored Arc Welding ( FCAW )
Process is:
a. Hydrogen
b. Carbon Dioxide
c. Helium
d. Argon
P P In general, the amount of oxygen in a mixed gas for use with Gas Metal Arc
Welding (GMAW) should be limited to:
c. 2% maximum
d. 50% maximum
In Gas Metal Arc Welding and flux Cored Arc Welding, as the arc length
decreases, the voltage increases
'a. FaIse
b. True
17. When using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process for welding aluminium,
the use of AC current is recommended,as the half cycle where the electrode is -
positive provides a cathodic cleaning action to remove oxide from the surface
of the base metal: -
a. True
b. False
When using Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) process, straight argon may be
successfully used as a shielding gas when welding the following material(s):
a. Aluminium
b. Steel or Aluminium
c. Steel
d. Straight argon is never used
19 The FCAW process may normally be used to weld the following material(s)
4;' A 70 % duty cycle means that a machine may, at its rated output, run:-
Three main modes of transfer in Gas Metal Arc Welding ( GMAW ) are:
a. True
a, True
b. False
In C02welding, which modes of transfer is the most suitable to be used in the
vertical position
a. Globular
., Axial spray
c. Dip or short circuiting
d. All of the above
Before use, electrodes classified as BS 639 : 1986 E 42 43 R 10 or AWS type E
6013 need to be:-
a. Slag inclusion
b., Delay cracking or cold cracking
c. Lack of sidewall fusion
d. Surface porosity
I"' The usual method of assessing the sensitivity of a radiograph is by means of:
a. Dosimeter
b. Fluoroscope
c. Penetrameter
d. Multimeter
MFY 007
1. Chromium molybdenum steels for high temperature service typically have their
carbon content below 0.2% What other element is added to the steel to create a
stable steel at elevated temperatures?
a. Vanadium
b. Selenium
c. Sulphur
d. Nickel
. Which of the following could be used to prevent intercrystalline corrosion in
Austenitic Stainless steel?
-a. Vanadium
b. Selenium
c. Sulphur
d. Niobium
3 Which of the following metals is most easily to be welded?
d. Mild steel
4 . Hydrogen trapped in the weldment can cause hydrogen cracking if the content of
hydrogen is too high What is the other name commonly used to describe
hydrogen cracking?
a. Hot tears
b. Liquation cracking
c. Reheat cracking
; e. Delay cracking
.Which of the following is not a pattern that the atoms of steel arrange themselves
.A hard and brittle microstructure in a low alloy steel can be improve its
properties to soft and ductile by :
/ c. Hardening
d. Annealing
What happen to the properties of the steel when the carbon is increased to 0.6%?
a. Ductility increases
b. Weldability increases
, c. Malleability in increases
/ d. Tensile strength iucreases
What is the affect will occur to a carbon manganese steel if the steel has been
rapid cooled from austenite region?
a. It becomes ductile
b. The toughness increases
c, Its hardness increases
d. Its yield strength decreases
a. Strength
b. Hardness
c. Toughness
d. All of the above
.Nitrogen and oxygen are considered to be important elements during the steel
making process :
a. Strength
b. Hardness
c- Toughness
d. Machine characteristic of the steel
d4.Oxygen and sulphur in steels for a non metallic inclusion during the rolling
process and can lead to what after welding:
a. Sulphide precipitation
b. Oxygen rich welds
c. Lamellar tearing
i d. Stress corrosion
Js. The region of M Z that gets heated to a temperature between 700 c and 900 c is
1 9. The fully transformed HAZ located next to the fusion boundary in a weldment is
tbe area:
J20. Martensite is a hard phase in steel and highly dependent on its properties from
the amount of carbon trapped in the Body Centered Cubic atom arrangement.
When carbon is trapped in this atom arrangement to cause the:
The ability of the alloy steel to form martensite can be determined by its :
d23. The formation of hard and brittle grain structure in alloy steel can be controlled
24. The cooling rates of weldment is very critical where it can gives a formation of
martensite or Bainite. What factors that will influence the cooling rates?
J 25. The main factors likely to cause lamellar tearing are thus:
Which of the following statement is correct for multi run welding compare to
single passed welding:
,9 Molybdenum
b. Vanadium
A. Columbium (Niobium)
d. Cooper
Candidate: Date:
MFY - 009
1. Porosity occur at the surface of submerged arc weld in steel may be due to:-
a. Fatigue failure
b. Ductile failure
c. Stress corrosion
d. Brittle failure
3. Which of the following method for NDT would be the best method for
detecting centerline surface crack in Austenitic stainless steel being made in
the field
a. Excessive penetration
b. Excessive porosity
c. Excessive concavity
d. Unequal leg size
a. Globular
b. Short circuiting
c. Spray
d. All of the above
8. A crack type defect with step like appearance shown in a macro section
,parallel to the plate surface just outside the HAZ would be:-
a. Stress corrosion
b. Liquation crack
c. Lamellar tearing
d. Lamination
a. Travel speed
b. Voltage
c. Arc length
d. Amperage
11. You noticed that arc strike has occurred in a high yield strength steel, would
a. Leg length
b. Weld length
c. Weld face width
d. Throat
13. When using the GMAW process for the welding of aluminium, the liner should
made of:
a. Nylon
b. Graphite
c. Steel
d. A liner should not be used
a. E 46 3 B 160
b. E 46 3 B 160 20
c. E 46 3 B
d. All of the above
15. In Manual Metal Arc Welding which type of flux covering gives the highest
hydrogen level to produce deep penetration
a. Iron oxide
b. Acid and oxidising
c. Rutile with addition of iron powder
d. Cellulose
16. Crater pipe in welds made by Manual Metal Arc cause by: -
a. The electrode too damp
b. Condensation of parent metal
c. Stress acting along the crater
d. Poor welder's technique
a. Is automatically approved
b. Is approved to the same specification
c. Is approved to a separate specification
d. Is approved for the same range of approval
18. Which statement with regards to Open circuit voltage is not true:-
21. Martensite is a hard phase in steel and is highly dependant on its properties
from the amount of carbon trapped in the Body Centered Cubic atom
arrangement. When carbon is trapped in this atom arrangement what happens
to this arrangement to cause the
a. Lamellar tearing
b. Hydrogen cracking
c. Solidification cracking
d. Hot electrical shock
25. Argon is not generally used as a shielding gas when MIG welding carbon steel
26. Which of the following alloying elements can reduce the effect of ' temper
brittleness" in steel when operated a t elevated temperature.
a. Nickel
b. Chromium
c. Vanadium
d. Nlolybdenum
27. In C 0 2 welding, which modes of transfer is the most suitable to be used in the
vertical position
a. Globular
b. Axial spray
c. Dip or short circuiting
d. All of the above
a. Slag inclusion
b. Delay cracking or cold cracking
c. Lack of sidewall fusion
d. Surface porosity
30. The usual method of assessing the sensitivity of a radiograph is by means of: -
a. Dosimeter
b. Fluoroscope
c. Penetrameter
d. Multimeter
Candidate: Date:
MFY - 010
2. All but which of the following will result in the elimination or reduction of residual
a. porosity
b. incomplete fusion
c. distortion
d. slag inclusion
e. none of the above
4. Which of the following changes will warrant the addition of or increase in the required
a. normalizing
b. quenching
c. annealing
d. tempering
e. stress relief
6, What heat treatment is a characteristic by holding the part at the austenising
temperature for some time and cooling in still air?
a. normalizing
b. quenching
c. annealing
d. tempering
e. stress relief
a. decrease the cooling rate and increases the like hood of cracking problems
b. decreases the cooling rate and decreases the like hood of craclung problems
c. increases the cooling rate and increases the like hood of cracking problems
d. increases the cooling rate and decreases the like hood of cracking problems
e. none of the above
a. decreases the cooling rate and increases the like hood of cracking problems
b. decreases the cooling rate and decreases the llke hood of cracking problems
c. increasing the cooling rate and increases the like hood of craclung problems
d. increases the cooling rate and decreases the like hood of craclung problems
e. none of the above.
a. short circuiting
b. spray
c. globular
d. droplet
e. pulsed arc
a. short circuiting
b. spray
c. globular
d. droplet
e. pulsed arc
18. When welding aluminium with the TIG process, what type of welding current is
most commonly used?
a. dcep
b. dcen
C. ac
d. both a and c above
e. both b and c above
19. Solidification cracking due to improper width - to - depth ratio of the weld nugget
may be a problem with which welding process?
a. OFW
b. Stud welding
c. SAW
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
a. carbon dioxide
b. argon
c. 75% argon - 25%carbon dioxide
d. 98% argon- 2 % oxygen
e. all of the above
2 1. Of the following, which is commonly caused by the presence of hydrogen in a
crack susceptible microstructure subjected to applied stress?
a. lamellar tearing
b. delamination
c. porosity
d. delayed cracking
e. none of the above
a. toe crack
b. undercut
c. lamellar tear
d. overlap
e. none of the above
23. Underbead cracks can result from which of the following welding practices?
a. underfill
b. undercut
c. incomplete fusion
d. overlap
e. none of the above
25. Of the following, which weld discontinuity shows up as a light region on a radiograph?
a. porosity
b. incomplete joint penetration
c. a and b above
d. tungsten inclusion
e. none of the above
26. A problem occurring in weldment caused by the nonuniform heating produced by
the welding operation is:
a. porosity
b. incomplete fusion
c. distortion
d. sIag inclusion
e. none of the above
27. All but which of the following will result in the elimination or reduction of residual
28. Rapid cooling of a steel fiom the austenite range results in a hard, brittle structure
known as:
a. pearlite
b. carbide
c. cementite
d. bainite
e. martensite
29. Which of the following results in the softest structure for steel ?
a. annealing
b. normalizing
c. quenching
d. tempering
e. stress relief
30. The type of testing that is routinely for the qualification of welding procedures and
welders is :
a. tensile strength
b. hardness
c. soundness
d, impact strength
e. all of the above
Name: .......................................................
Answer all questions
4. Which of the following destructive tests would indicate the toughness value of
the weld metallparent metal and HAZ?
a. Macro.
b. Nick break.
c. Tensile.
d. Charpy Vee notch.
5. What constituent is needed in a coating of an electrode to prevent the
formation of porosity when welding rimming steel?
a. Iron powder.
b. Potassium silicate.
c. Silicon
d. Calcium carbonate.
6. Welds made with high heat inputs show a reduction in one of the following
a. Ductility.
b. Toughness.
c. Elongation.
d. Penetration.
7. Which of the following steel types would give rise to the formation of porosity
when autogenously welded with an arc welding process
a. Fully killed steel.
b. Semi killed steel.
c. Rimming steel.
d. Balanced steel.
8. Which of the following elements, which may be added to steel, has the
greatest affect on creep strength.
a. Tungsten.
b. Manganese.
c. Carbon.
d. Molybdenum.
10. What four criteria are necessary to produce hydrogen induced cold cracking?
a. Hydrogen, moisture, martensitic grain structure and heat.
b. Hydrogen, poor weld profiles, temperatures above 200°C and a slow
cooling rate.
c. Hydrogen, a grain structure susceptible to cracking, stress and a
temperature below 200°C.
d. Hydrogen, existing weld defects, stress and a grain structure
susceptible to cracking.
13. In which of the following mechanical tests would you expect to use a
comparison from ductile to brittle transition curve.
a. Tensile test.
b. Charpy test.
c. Fusion zone test.
d. Alloftheabove
14. Which of the following heat treatments on steel cools down in air from the
austenite region?
b. Annealing.
c. Tempering.
d. Stress relieving.
16. Which of the following units is a tensile specimen usually measured in? .,
7. Assunling that ,the welding process, material thickness, carbon equivalent and
the welding paranieters to be the same, which of the following joint types
would normally require the highest preheat temperature.
a. Edge joint.
b. Lap joint.
c. Butt joint (single-V).
d. Tee joint (fillet welded).
18. Austenitic stainless steels are more susceptible to distortion when compared
to ferritic steels this is because:
a. High coefficient, low thermal conductivity.
b. High coefficient, high thermal conductivity.
c. Low coefficient, high thermal conductivity.
d. Low coefficient, low thermal conductivity,
19. Which of the following will most likely require the preheat temperature to be
a. An Increase in travel speed.
b. A reduction in material thickness
c. An increase in electrode diameter
d. None of the above.
20. Which of the following properties may be applicable to a carbon steel weld (CE
0.48) welded without preheat?
a. Narrow heat affected zone and hardness value in excess of 400 HV
b. Broad heat affected zone and hardness values in excess of 400 HV.
c. A very tough and narrow heat affected zone.
d. Narrow heat affected zone and low hardness values.
22. Which of the following test pieces taken from a charpy test on a carbon-
manganese steel weld, welded with a high heat input is most likely to have the
lowest toughness
a. Test piece taken from parent metal.
b. Test piece taken from weld metal.
c. Test piece taken from HAZ.
d. All of the above values will be the same.
23. Which of the following butt weld preparations would normally be considered for
a mechanised welding process
a. Single-V butt, root gap 2.5 mm (welded from on side only).
b. Double-V butt-welded both sides, root gap 2.0 nim.
c. Single-U butt with backing.
d. None of the above can be used for mechanised welding.
24. Which is the correct heat input for the following parameters, amps 350, volts
32 and the travel speed 310 mmlminute (MMA welding process)?
a. 2.16 kJlmm.
b. 0.036 kJ1mm.
c. 2160 kJ1mm.
d. 3.6 kJlmm.
25. Assuming that the applicable specification makes no mention of arc strikes,
what would you expect to do as a welding inspector if arc strikes were found
on a component made of a high tensile strength material.
a. Have the welder re-qualified.
b. Ignore them.
c. Have the area checked for possible cracking.
d. Cut out the entire weld where the arc strikes exist.
26. A multi-pass MMA butt weld made on carbon steel consists of 5 passes
deposited using a 6mm diameter electrode. A 12-pass weld made on the same
joint deposited using a 4mm diameter electrode on the same material will
a. A lower heat input and a higher degree of grain refinement.
b. A lower heat input and a coarse grain structure.
c. A lower amount of distortion and a higher degree of grain refinement.
d. A higher amount of distortion and a lower degree of grain refinement.
28. Which of the following mechanical tests can be used to give a quantitative
measurement of weld zone ductility?
a. Tensile test.
b. Bend test.
c. Charpy V notch test.
d. Alloftheabove.
30. Which of the following are true with regards to a charpy test.
a. It's a static test used to determine a materials notch toughness in the
weld region.
b. It's a dynamic test used to determine a materials notch toughness in the
weld region.
c. It's a destructive test to give a measurement of through thickness
d. None of the above.