P7 On Killing A Tree CW
P7 On Killing A Tree CW
P7 On Killing A Tree CW
The poet, Gieve Patel, has effectively used irony and has successfully conveyed his intended
message to the readers. In the poem, he meticulously explains all the effective steps to
completely finish off a tree, but implies just the opposite. He means to say that trees are very
important part of our life. They are living beings just like any other form of life, we should not
destroy them. Indirectly, he persuades the readers not to destroy trees and equates it with
‘killing’ a human being.
What is the message of this irony? The message (opposite meaning) is that we should not
cut trees (However, in the poem, the poet has explained the steps in killing trees). He is also
showing the cruelty and insensitivity of selfish human as the process of
In the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’, Gieve Patel describes in detail the process and consequences
of killing a tree. He feels one cannot kill a tree with just a stab of a knife. The tree has grown
slowly consuming the earth and absorbing years of sunlight, air and water. So the tree cannot
be killed easily. The bleeding bark will quickly heal and the tree will produce curled green twigs,
which will soon expand to their former size. In the following two stanzas, he gives details about
the steps involved in killing a tree. The root of the tree must be entirely pulled out of the earth
into which it had been anchored and then be left exposed to wither and die. The poet clearly
conveys the message that killing a tree is nothing less than a murder. Hence, the title hence
reflects the poet’s anger and the very essence of the poem.
1. Alliteration- Repetition of similar sounds in two or more words in a line
Examples- The bleeding bark will heal, the source, white and wet
2. Metaphor- Comparison between two unlike object but stating that one thing is another.
Example- ‘The bleeding bark’, here the word bleeding is a metaphor. The poet states
that the sap that oozes out of the bark is like the human blood.
4. Personification: On ‘Killing’ a Tree - the tree has been personified from the title till the
end of the poem.
Other examples are: ‘Slowly consuming the earth’ and ‘the bleeding bark will heal’
5. Imagery: Here very strong Imagery has been used and it shows the growth of the tree by
taking nutrients from the earth and absorbing sunlight, air and water from nature.
Example: Slowly consuming the earth, Rising out of it, feeding Upon its crust,
Absorbing Years of sunlight, air, water, And out of its leprous hide Sprouting leaves.
3. The poet says ‘No’ in the beginning of the third stanza. What does he mean by
The word ‘No’ is used to emphasize the perspective that chopping or hacking will not be
sufficient for killing a tree. The tree would regrow and return to its original size. The poet
wants to convey the message that killing a tree is not as easy a task as it may seem.
2. Suppose you are a tree. Write a diary entry in about 150 words describing how you were
hacked and chopped and your root was pulled out and how you are inching towards your
(Day and Date) (Time)
Dear Diary
Today my heart is crying and I suffer due to the pain inflicted upon me by cruel men. Two days
ago, I was enjoying the fresh air and warm sunlight when suddenly I felt a blow of an axe on my
iii. A tree gets its food from the crust / the earth