Unit 5 - QB
Unit 5 - QB
Unit 5 - QB
HTML 5: Introduction – Formatting Tags – Tables – Lists – Hyperlinks – Images – Forms; CSS3 –
Introduction and core syntax – Types of Selector Strings – Types of CSS – Backgrounds – Box
Model; JavaScript: An introduction to JavaScript – Functions – Built-in Objects – Document Object
Model - Event Handling – Form Validation using Regular Expression.
1 List four new features of HTML 5.
✓ Introduction to Audio and Video - The <audio> and <video> tags are the two major
addition to HTML5.
✓ Vector Graphics - This is a new addition to the revised version which has hugely
impacted the use of Adobe Flash in websites.
✓ Figure and Figcaption - HTML5 allows to use a <figure> element to mark up a photo in a
document, and a <figcaption> element to define a caption for the photo.
✓ HTML Nav Tag - The <nav> tag defines a set of navigation links. It is used for the part of
an internet site that links to different pages at the website.
2 What are the difference between Java and Javascript?
Java JavaScript
This is OOP or Object-Oriented This is an object based scripting language
programming language
A stand-alone language Not stand-alone, incorporated into HTML
program for operation
Strongly typed language is used, and data Language utilised is loosely typed, so that the user
type of variable is decided before declaring does not have to worry about the data type before
or using it the declaration
Code has to be compiled The code is all text
Slightly more complex Easier in comparison
Used to perform complex tasks Complex tasks cannot be executed
Large amount of memory is required Memory consumption is lesser
Programs are saved with “.java” extension Programs are saved with JavaScript, “.js”
Stored in the / client host machine under Stored in host or client machine as “source” code
the “Byte” code
3 Write a HTML5 code to display:
Answer :
4 What is CSS? What are its types?
✓ Cascading style sheet is defined as a style sheet in which, allthe style information of a web
page can be defined.
✓ It separates the contents and the decoration of a HTML page. It helps developers to give
consistent appearance to all the elements in the web page.
✓ Inline style sheets <p style=”color:green; font-size:15px”>
✓ Embedded style sheets <style>......</style>
✓ External style sheet Stored in a separate file (ex.css)
✓ Imported style sheets @import URL(path)
5 What are the types of positioning in CSS?
✓ Relative positioning
✓ Absolute positioning
✓ Float positioning
6 What is the significance of <head> and <body> tag in HTML?
<head> Tag
<head> tag provides the information about the document. It should always be enclosed in the
<html> tag. This tag contains the metadata about the webpage and the tags which are enclosed
by head tag like <link>, <meta>, <style>, <script>, etc. are not displayed on the web page. Also,
there can be only 1 <head> tag in the entire Html document and will always be before the
<body> tag.
<body> Tag
<body> tag defines the body of the HTML document. It should always be enclosed in the
<html> tag. All the contents which needs to be displayed on the web page like images, text,
audio, video, contents, using elements like <p>, <img>, <audio>, <heading>, <video>, <div>,
etc. will always be enclosed by the <body> tag. Also, there can be only 1 body element in an
HTML document and will always be after the <head> tag.
7 Are the HTML tags and elements the same thing?
No. HTML elements are defined by a starting tag, may contain some content and a closing
tag.For example, <h1>Heading 1</h1> is a HTML element but just <h1> is a starting tag and
</h1> is a closing tag
8 How to specify the link in HTML and explain the target attribute?
HTML provides a hyperlink - <a> tag to specify the links in a webpage. The ‘href’ attribute is
used to specify the link and the ‘target’ attribute is used to specify, where do we want to open
the linked document.
The ‘target’ attribute can have the following values:
1. _self: This is a default value. It opens the document in the same window or tab as it was
2. _blank: It opens the document in a new window or tab.
3. _parent: It opens the document in a parent frame.
4. _top: It opens the document in a full-body window.
9 Difference between link tag <link> and anchor tag <a>?
The anchor tag <a> is used to create a hyperlink to another webpage or to a certain part of the
webpage and these links are clickable, whereas, link tag <link> defines a link between a
document and an external resource and these are not clickable
10 How to include javascript code in HTML?
HTML provides a <script> tag using which can run the javascript code and make the HTML
page more dynamic.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<span>This is a demo for </span>
<u><span id="demo"></span></u>
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "script Tag"
11 What is a JavaScript statement? Give an example.
✓ A JavaScript statement is a piece of code used to instruct the computer on an action to
✓ These statements are made up of different
parts: Values, Operators, Keywords, Expressions, and Comments. Each statement is
executed by the browser in the order it appears, line by line.Semicolons are used to
separate JavaScript statements. They mark the end of a statement.
let a, b, c;
a = 2;
b = 3;
c = a + b;
console.log("The value of c is " + c + ".");
The value of c is 5.
12 What are the Build-in objects in JavaScript?
JavaScript provides several built-in objects that offer a wide range of functionality and can be
used to perform various tasks. These built-in objects serve as containers for methods and
properties that allow you to perform operations related to specific concepts or data types.
let randomNumber = Math.random();
let roundedNumber = Math.floor(3.7);
let currentDate = new Date();
let currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear();
13 Mention the need for cascading style sheets.
✓ Faster Page Speed
✓ Better User Experience
✓ Quicker Development Time
✓ Easy Formatting Changes
✓ Compatibility Across Devices
14 State the types of JavaScript statements with examples.
A JavaScript statement is a piece of code used to instruct the computer on an action to
let bestColor;
The code in the snippet above is a JavaScript statement instructing the computer to create
a let variable named bestColor.
There are five typical types of JavaScript statements:
• Declaration statements
• Expression statements
• Conditional statements
• Loops statements
• Error handling statements
15 Justify the advantage of HTML5.0.
✓ It supports Multimedia
✓ Short and simple syntax
✓ Improved security features
✓ Inlcude semantic tags
✓ Cross-platform support
16 How to use a Variable in Regular Expression in JavaScript?
Regexps can be used in JavaScript to build dynamic patterns that match various strings
depending on the value of the variable. In this article, we will see how to utilize the variable
with the regular expression.
// Initializing an GFG variable
let GFG = "GeeksForGeeks";
1 Illustrate Frameset, Frame Tag. Divide the web page into four equal parts each individual part
displays different web page.
2 Explain in detail about CSS3. Give the illustration for CSS3 animation
3 Explain about the get Property() and set Property() of beans in jsp.
4 a. Write JavaScript to find sum of first ‘n’ even numbers and display the result. Get the
value of ‘n’ from user. (7)
b. Write JavaScript to find factorial of a given number. (6)
5 a. Name some new features which were not present in HTML but are added to HTML5? (6)
b. Write an HTML code to form a table to show the below values in a tabular form with
heading as Roll No., Student name, Subject Name, and values. (7)
6 Write a detailed note on JavaScript objects.
7 Design an online shopping cart application cart application using Javascript. Consider a login
validation page and one billing page for bill processing.
8 a. Describe the various font and text properties of cascading style sheets. (8)
b. List out the operators supported in JavaScript. (5)
9 Explain in detail about the Document Object Model in javascript with example.
10 How to validate form using Regular Expression in JavaScript ?