Form 4 Paper 1 Notes
Form 4 Paper 1 Notes
Form 4 Paper 1 Notes
We need to know from the onset that there are two creation accounts in the book of Genesis that
is on chapter 1:1-2:3 and 2:4-25. The firstcreation story takes place in Genesis 1:1-2:3. The word
creation comes from the word bara. From the story in Genesis we hear that God created the
universe in six days and rested on the seventh day. We need to look at the activities that God did
on these six days.
Day 1 - God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light "day" and
darkness "night."
Day 2 - God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it "sky."
Day 3 - God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground "land," and
the gathered waters "seas." On day three, God also created vegetation (plants and trees).
Day 4 - God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to govern and
separate the day and the night. These would also serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years.
Day 5 - God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to
multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life.
Day 6 - God created the animals to fill the earth. On day six, God also created man and woman
(Adam and Eve) in his own image to commune with him. He blessed them and gave them every
creature and the whole earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate.
Day 7 - God had finished his work of creation and so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it
and making it holy.
From the creation story we can get a lot of facts and problems that we need to answer.
The simple truth of the biblical creation story is that God is the author of creation. In
Genesis 1, we are presented with the beginning of a divine drama that can only be
examined and understood from the standpoint of faith. How long did it take? How did it
happen, exactly? How many beings were involved in the creation? How many days were
This story was written by the Yahwistic writer. The Priestly source used the word bara to
indicate the divine making of man. The Yahwist used the word yasar for the creative act, the
word which is regularly used for the potter‟s work. The Priestly shows God as taking counsel
with his heavenly court before he created man. The phrase “let us make man‟ suggest that man
was created as a result of the divine plan of God. The Yahwist on the other hand depicts man as a
product of being shaped by God from the dust of the earth. This is contrary from the narratives in
chapter 1 which shows that man as created from nothing. After creation man was informed with
the breath of life, breathed into him by Yahweh, so that he becomes a living soul. The Priestly
writer also presents male and female as created together in one act. This is shown from the
phrase “..male and female he created them, and called their name Adam‟. The Yahwist
represents man as created alone and then woman was created from man.In the second creation
story there is no primeval chaos and the earth is not at all covered by water, rather it is dry and
arid. The second creation story is more anthropomorphic that the first. God according to Boadt
the story tells how God gave humans care over the garden and made everything perfect for the
first human couple. The author speaks of a God in a fairy tale-God walks with his man and
women and talks to them, he thinks out loud, he works as a potter, fashioning people from mud
and breathing life into them. This all points the J Source. God is consistently called LORD God,
is not pictured as simply willing things to be, but he „forms‟man and plants a garden. He is
represented as shaping man‟s body from the clay of the earth and blowing breadth into his
nostrils to transform him into a living being. The account in Chapter two has no note of time
(a) Light
(b) The firmament-heaven
(c) The dry land-earth. Separation of earth from the sea
(d) Vegetation
(e) The heavenly bodies-sun,moon and stars
(f) Birds and fishes
(g) Animals man-male and female together.
(a) Man, made out of the dust, with the breath of Yahweh
(b) The Garden(Paradise)- to the east- in Eden
(c) Trees of every kind, including the tree of life and the Tree of the knowledge of Good and
(d) Animals. Beasts and birds(no mention of fishes0
(e) Woman, created out of man.
The creation story is not historical but mythical stories without any aota of historical truth.
Gunkel maintains that the Babylonian myth became current in Western Asia at a very early
period, and that it was told in Israel from generation to generation. By the time of the early kings
the story had become greatly modified, had been gradually divested of its most glaring, and,
therefore, from the Israelite standpoint, most objectionable mythological elements, and had
adapted itself almost completely to the unmythological and spiritual point of view of Israel's
religion. Gradually elements of other traditions, likewise chiefly mythological in character,
became fused with the original tradition of Babylonian origin, notably elements of Phoenician
and possibly other creation myths, referred to briefly and fragmentarily in 1:2, and the myth of
the Golden Age at the beginning of the world, with its implication of the late Jewish
The Emuna elish is a Babylonian account of the creation which was known at least 1700BC
before the priestly account. According to this myth the world begins from the gods of fresh and
salt water, Aspu and Tiamat.
when on high the heavens had not been named, firm ground below had not been called by
name, naught by primordial Aspu, their begetter and Mummu-Tiamit, she who bore them all,
Their waters commingling as a single body.(ANET 60-61)
This story suggests that all the gods and goddesses originated from the union of the primeval
waters. There was discord and fighting among the gods and goddesses and Aspu and Tiamit were
deeply disappointed and decided to kill all their off springs. When the gods discovered their plan,
one of them,Ea, kills Aspu. Tiamit 9 the symbol of chaotic darkness and disorder) was left alone
and declared war against the gods. The gods in fear choose a younger warrior god, Marduk, to
lead them against their own mother before he undertook the battle. He wins by means of his
storm weapons of thunder, wind and lightning, and slays Tiamit. Out of one half of her body he
makes the earth and out of the other half, the heavens. Marduk next proposes to create humans:
Blood I will mass and cause bones to be. I will establish a savage; “man” shall be his name.
Verily, savage-man I will create. He shall be charged with the service of the gods. That they
might be at ease! (ANET 68)
From the story we can see that Marduk has Ea, the wise god, fashions/creates human beings from
the blood of one of the gods who was defeated. Marduk also fixes the roles of all the gods, sets
order to the world, and finally celebrates his kingship over gods and humans by a feast.
This is another Babylonian story about the creation of the world. The story is about a hero who
conjured all kinds of hurdles but cannot pass the final test needed for immortality, that is ti
simply stay awake. Although he was condemned to be mortal Gilgamesh received a consolation
prize of a twig from a plant of rejuvenation with which he will be able to renew his youthfor as
long as the plant lives. But on his journey home, he takes off his clothes to go swimming and
leaves the plant unguarded on the shore. Suddenly a snake smells its odor and swallows it and as
a result shed its old skin again and again.
This story must have been seen by the author of the J source so as to take its outline. It seems the
author builds his story from such mythical elements. From the story e can see the similarities
with the story about the fall of man. These similarities are;
The author however, carefully avoids the position that is assumed by pagan myths-that gods
purposely kept humans from immortality so that there would be no threat against the divine
order. The J source shows that humanity is to blame and nog God. God offered them choice but
humanity choose otherwise.
.Schwally holds that the present form of the narrative is the result of the literary fusion of two
originally independent and even contradictory versions of the creation story. The one told that
God created the universe and all its contents by his word alone, while the other told that God
actually worked and made the various creatures, heavenly bodies, monsters, fish, fowl, animals,
and man, by his very hands, as it were, in a manner quite similar to the Yahwist account of
creation in Genesis, chapter 2.
The theory was started by Charles Darwin in 1859. This theory is found in his book “On the
origins of species”. According to the theory living creatures evolved through a process of gradual
change that took place millions of years ago. He further said that each species has certain
characteristics that are passed from one generation to generation. These characteristics are the
ones that make them to adapt to new environments. They give them a better chance of survival.
For example an animal might be born with a slightly different colouring from other animals of
the same species. If that colouring provides better camouflage against natural enemies, then that
animal is more likely to survive. This became known as the survival of the fittest.Those animals
that survive will breed, and in this way better camouflage will be passed on the next generation.
Darwin believed that over many thousands of years of generations these successive slight
changes eventually led to the formation of new species. This process is known as natural
Darwin‟s theory was backed by evidence that he gathered over a period of 30 years of scientific
research. The research was carried out on the Galapagos Islands off the coast of South America.
He observed different birds (finches) on different islands. He observed that these finches had
different types of beaks. Those finches that lived on Islands were seeds were the main food
source had fat beaks and those which lived on islands were fleshy cactus were the main food-
source had thin pointed beaks. It was characteristics such as these which were passed from one
generation to the next.
The evolution has a lot of strengths and the supporters of this theory believe the theory holds
water because of:
The theory seems to be a plausible explanation of how the world came into existence because of
the connection between animals of the past and the present for instance human beings are
compared to apes. Raymond Dart first discovered a small skull in a cave at Taung in Northern
Cape Province of South Africa. The shape of its jaw gave it a slight apelike appearance, but its
teeth were more like of humans. Its brain was little larger than that of apes and the back of its
skull suggested that this creature normally stood upright and walked on two legs. This was
perhaps enough evidence of apes which evolved to become humans. It must be noted however
that there are many physical differences between apes and human beings. These differences are
that humans stand upright and walk on two legs, humans have larger brains than apes and lastly
human can use their hands to make tools.
Fossil evidence
There is strong scientific evidence of fossils and geographical evidence that have been obtained
in form of drawings, dissections and skeletons to support the theory. Fossils, although most of
them have been discovered in this present age, they clearly show that species evolved from that
they were in the past to how they are now. Some of the fossils that were discovered showed that
there are certain animals that used to live long ago which are no longer in existence. These
include wooly mammoths, dodo birds and dinosaurs.
Chickens which are said to be descendants of dinosaurs have inherited legs that are nearly
similar to those of a dinosaur. Human beings have hair skin, especially males whereas apes have
fur all over their bodies which shows that they are related in a way.
The other evidence which shows that evolution is true is the continuous development of life into
complex forms without an external designer. There is proof that humans have come from
wearing animal skins into making technological inventions day by day without being remolded
but it occurs naturally through adaption to environmental conditions.
It has been proven recently through the study of HIV and AIDS that Darwin was correct. It has
been discovered that the HIV Virus has been mutating continuously. The mutation of the HIV
virus has been seen as similar to the evolution process that matter went through some billions of
years ago.
The black moths could blend in easier and survive to produce more often. Overtime majority of
these had turned black. This is evidence to Darwin‟s theory because it shows how species
constantly change and adopt to meet needs of the environment.
Evolution implies that life has developed by chance, whereas the scriptures teach that
God is the creator.
The scriptures teach that humans alone have a God-given soul, but if we have evolved
from animals, there is no special place for the human soul.
Evolution challenges the teachings of the bible which says that each species was made
according to its own kind. This means that species do not change, they are fixed for all
the time.
This theory was started by an astronomer called Georges Lemaitre in 1927.The Big Bang theory
suggests that space and time began around 15 billion years ago. The world began from a
singularity, an infinitely tiny point. This singularity was extremely hot and dense and composed
of tiny particles mixed with light and energy. As everything expanded and took more space, it
cooled down. The tiny particles grouped together. They formed atoms. Then those atoms
grouped together and over lots of time formed stars and galaxies.
The red shift of galaxies is the continuous movement of galaxies away from each other. This tells
us that the universe is expanding meaning. The end result is that light waves are also stretched
and this makes light redder.
Mixture of elements
Some chemical elements were created when astronomers looked at the very old galaxies and
****stars. The amounts of each chemical they see agree with the theory. One stars like the sun,
and other organisms and metals were created for they contain chemical elements like hydrogen,
oxygen etc.
Microwave background
The big bang theory seems to be a plausible explanation of the universe came into existence.
This is evidenced by the microwave background. A long time ago the whole universe was very
hot. As it grew in size, the heat left a glow which fills the entire universe. The theory predicted it
to still exist and this was proved by the microwave telescope. The telescope can see the ancient
light/ glow which was there after the big bang from the beginning of the world.
The weaknesses
The big bang theory has its own flaws. The weaknesses of the theory include:
The theory failed to explain how the creation of the universe took place without the unity
of time, space and matter.
The theory failed to account for the origin of the pre-existing singularity which is said to
have facilitated the origin of the universe.
According to the theory the world should have been half matter and half anti-matter but it
is not.
Abraham was not an Israelite, although his descendants were called Israelites. He was a Semite
who came from Mesopotamia (the land now called Iraq) and migrated to Canaan. His father was
Terah (11:27). He had brothers Nahor and Haran. He as first called Abram which means high
father. Later on he was changed to Abraham which means a father of a multitude.
Abraham was asked by God to leave Ur of the Chaldeans in Mesopotamia to go to the land that
he would show him. The journey was not Abraham‟s plan. He obeyed God unquestioningly. This
story shows that God started the long walk of rescuing the human family from the results of its
Abraham probably had no visions of the birth of the Son of God in this world, of the coming of
the Holy Spirit upon man and the birth of the Church, when he pulled the door of his house shut
behind him for the last time. Or rather when Terah shut the door. Yet Abraham‟s leaving of Ur
was an event of cosmic and eternal proportions, similar to Noah‟s entering of the ark. It was the
end of one dispensation and the beginning of another. This was the beginning of the process of
rescuing we that we see later on in the New Testament. Abraham went because God had told him
to go, some scholars would like to think that there were some things which were probably
happening at that time which forced him to leave. Probably he needed to find a country where
there was more rain since he was a prominent farmer.
How Abraham received this call we are not told. He may have had a dream in which he heard the
voice, or God may have spoken to him in an audible way. In Abraham‟s experience this was the
first of a series of „theophanies‟ or divine appearances that would reoccur during his life. The
important part is that there was no doubt in his mind as to who had spoken to him. The call
happened when he was 75 years old. He was married to Sarai who was also well advanced in
age. Sarai later changed to Sarah which means princess.
God promised Abraham a great name and nation despite him being barren. The great nation was
not the whole Jewish nation, but that part of the Jewish people who were faithful to God. The
great nation continued until the time of Jesus. Christians believe that when Jesus came, He came
as a member of that same great nation and that he developed it, so that those whom He gave new
A covenant is formal agreement between two people. It involves promises and things which need
to be followed called stipulations. If the covenant stipulations are not followed the covenant
ceases to exist. Chapter 15 is one of the great chapters in the Bible upon which much of the
whole of Biblical revelation hinges. Ch. 15:6 “Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to
him as righteousness,” forms the main body of the doctrine of justification by faith, expounded
by the Apostle Paul in his epistles.
In chapter 15 God appeared to Abram in a vision. He then assured Abram of f his protection and
having an heir who would take over his inheritance. God assured Abram that he would:
1. Be his shield He says: “I am your shield.” In the book of Psalms the LORD is several
times represented as a shield that covers the believer.
2. Reward him greatly
3. Give him an heir and that Eliezer was not going to be the heir.
This promise is confirmed by an object lesson in astronomy. God takes Abraham outside. So the
previous conversation must have taken place while Abraham was sitting in his tent, having his
devotions. We do not know what Abraham saw exactly when he looked up into the starry skies.
We do not know how much knowledge of astrology Abraham possessed. He came from
Babylon, where the art was advanced and probably practiced popularly. He may have seen and
understood more than most modern men would, looking up in the sky.
We do not know if Abraham had an inkling of the fact that his offspring would be the fulfillment
of God‟s promise to Eve. Probably the hope for the return of eternal life as we see it presently
In chapter 17 God appears to Abram for the third time. In this third appearance of God to
Abraham the covenant is signed between God and man. It is another one of the peak experiences
in Abraham‟s life. It happens thirteen years after the previous chapter. This is the first time God
reveals Himself as “El Shaddai,” God Almighty. We find the expression five times in the book of
Genesis; besides this verse in Ch. 28:3; 35:11; 43:14 and 48:3. It is a plural of the root word for
“powerful” or “to be strong.” Thomas Aquinas translates it as “the One who is sufficient.” The
Pulpit Commentary says about “El Shaddai” that the term is used: “distinguishing Jehovah, the
God of salvation, from Elohim, the God who creates nature so that it is and supports it that it
may stand, as „the God who compels nature to do what is contrary to itself, and subdues it to bow
and minister to grace‟; characterizing Jehovah the covenant God, „as possessing the power to
realize his promises, even when the order of nature presented no prospect of their fulfillment,
and the powers of nature were insufficient to secure it.”
Against the background of the promise God had given to Abraham and the condition in which
both Sarah and Abraham found themselves, being respectively 89 and 99 years old, this
revelation of as the One „who compels nature to do what it contrary to itself‟ and „as possessing
the power to realize his promises, even when the order of nature presented no prospect of their