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Action and Inaction

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The document discusses several themes in Hamlet including appearance vs. reality, Hamlet's view of action vs. inaction, and the roles of women. It also provides context on the characters and their motivations.

Hamlet has a dark view of women, seeing them as untrustworthy and defined by their sexuality and ability to deceive. Women are also portrayed as powerless in the play.

The relationship between appearance and reality is complex and indistinct in Hamlet. Hamlet becomes obsessed with discerning what is real, which prevents him from acting.

Action and Inaction

Hamlet fits in a literary tradition called the revenge play, in which a man must take revenge against those who have in some way wronged him. Yet Hamlet turns the revenge play on its head in an ingenious way: HAMLET, the man seeking revenge, cant actually bring himself to take revenge. For reason after reason, some clear to the audience, some not, he delays. Hamlets delay has been a subject of debate from the day the play was first performed, and he is often held up as an example of the classic indecisive person, who thinks too much and acts too little. But Hamlet is more complicated and interesting than such simplistic analysis would indicate. Because while its true that Hamlet fails to act while many other people do act, its not as if the actions of the other characters in the play work out.CLAUDIUSS plots backfire, GERTRUDE marries her husbands murderer and dies for it, LAERTES is manipulated and killed by his own treachery, and on, and on, and on. In the end, Hamlet does not provide a conclusion about the merits of action versus inaction. Instead, the play makes the deeply cynical suggestion that there is only one result of both action and inactiondeath.

Appearance vs. Reality

In Act 1, scene 2 of Hamlet, GERTRUDE asks why HAMLET is still in mourning two months after his father died: Why seems it so particular with thee? Hamlet responds: Seems, madam? Nay, it is, I know not seems. (1.2.75-76). The difference between seems (appearance) and is (reality) is crucial inHamlet. Every character is constantly trying to figure out what the other characters think, as opposed to what those characters are pretending to think. The characters try to figure each other out by using deception of their own, such as spying and plotting. But Hamlet takes it a step further. He not only investigates other people, he also peers into his own soul and asks philosophical and religious questions about life and death. Hamlets obsession with whats real has three main effects: 1) he becomes so caught up in the search for reality that he ceases to be able to act; 2) in order to prove whats real and what isnt Hamlet himself must hide his reality behind an appearance of madness; 3) the more closely Hamlet looks, the less real and coherent everything seems to be. Many analyses of Hamlet focus only on the first effect, Hamlets indecisiveness. But the second two effects are just as important. The second shows that the relationship between appearance and reality is indistinct. The third suggests that the world is founded on fundamental inconsistencies that most people overlook, and that it is this failure to recognize inconsistencies that allows them to act. Hamlets fatal flaw isnt that hes wrong to see uncertainty in everything, but that hes right.

There are two important issues regarding women in Hamlet: how HAMLET sees women and womens social position. Hamlets view of women is decidedly dark. In fact, the few times that Hamlets pretend madness seems to veer into actual madness occur when he gets furious at women. GERTRUDESmarriage to CLAUDIUS has convinced Hamlet that women are untrustworthy, that their beauty is a cover for deceit and sexual desire. For Hamlet, women are living embodiments of appearances corrupt effort to eclipse reality. As for womens social position, its defining characteristic is powerlessness. Gertrudes quick marriage to Claudius, though immoral, is also her only way to maintain her status. OPHELIA has even fewer options. While Hamlet waits to seek revenge for his fathers death, Ophelia, as a woman, cant actall she can do is wait for LAERTES to return and take his revenge. Ophelias predicament is symbolic of womens position in general in Hamlet: they are completely dependent on men.

Religion, Honor, and Revenge

Every society is defined by its codes of conductits rules about how to act and behave. There are many scenes in Hamlet when one person tells another how to act: CLAUDIUS lectures HAMLET on the proper show of grief;POLONIUS advises LAERTES on practical rules for getting by at university in France; Hamlet constantly lectures himself on what he should be doing. InHamlet, the codes of conduct are largely defined by religion and an aristocratic code that demands honor and revenge if honor has been soiled. But as Hamlet actually begins to pursue revenge against Claudius, he discovers that the codes of conduct themselves dont fit together. Religion actually opposes revenge, which would mean that taking revenge could endanger Hamlets own soul. In other words, Hamlet discovers that the codes of conduct on which society is founded are contradictory. In such a world, Hamlet suggests, the reasons for revenge become muddy, and the idea of justice confused.

Poison, Corruption, Death

In medieval times people believed that the health of a nation was connected to the legitimacy of its king. In Hamlet, Denmark is often described as poisoned, diseased, or corrupt under CLAUDIUSs leadership. As visible in the nervous soldiers on the ramparts in the first scene and the commoners outside the castle who Claudius fears might rise up in rebellion, even those who dont know that Claudius murdered Old Hamlet sense the corruption of Denmark and are disturbed. It is as if the poison Claudius poured into Old Hamlets ear has spread through Denmark itself. HAMLET also speaks in terms of rot and corruption, describing the world as an unweeded garden and constantly referring to decomposing bodies. But Hamlet does not limit himself to Denmark; he talks about all of life in these disgusting images. In fact, Hamlet only seems comfortable with things thatare dead: he reveres his father, claims to love OPHELIA once shes dead, and handles YORICKs skull with tender care. No, what disgusts him is life: his mothers

sexuality, women wearing makeup to hide their age, worms feeding on a corpse, people lying to get their way. By the end of the play, Hamlet argues that death is the one true reality, and he seems to view all of life as appearance doing everything it canfrom seeking power, to lying, to committing murder, to engaging in passionate and illegitimate sexto hide from that reality.

Gertrude tells Claudius that Hamlet is mad and killedPolonius. Claudius muses about how to explain the

murder of Polonius to the public.


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern tell Hamlet thatClaudius wants to see him. Hamlet mocks them, but agrees to

see Claudius.


Claudius says that to protect Hamlet hes going to send Hamlet to England

with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

Secretly, Claudius writes to the English king asking him to execute Hamlet.


On the way to the Danish coast, Hamlet seesFortinbras army on its way to fight in Poland. He bitterly compares

his own inaction to their action, and vows to focus on revenge

In Elsinore, Ophelia has gone mad, and Claudius is worried about the commoners, who are angry

aboutPolonius death. Laertes has also returned to Denmark to seek revenge for his fathers death.


Laertes bursts into Elsinore, bent on killing Claudius. But before he can act, the insane Ophelia wanders into the

room and Laertes is stopped in his tracks by her madness.

Claudius convinces Laertes to let him explain what happened.


Horatio learns that Hamlet was captured by pirates and returned for a ransom to

Denmark. Rosencrantz andGuildenstern continue to England without him.


Claudius receives word that Hamlet has returned to Denmark. Laertes and Claudius come up with a scheme to challenge Hamlet to a duel and to kill him with either a

poisoned sword or a poisoned goblet of wine.

Ophelia drowns.

Hamlet: Act 4, scene 1

CLAUDIUS sees that GERTRUDE is upset. She says HAMLET was acting insane, and in his madness killed POLONIUS. CLAUDIUS exclaims that if he had been behind the tapestry, he would now be dead. He thinks of how best to explain the murder to the public, and sends ROSENCRANTZ and GUILDENSTERN to find HAMLET.

Its unclear if Gertrude is keeping Hamlets secret or really does think hes mad.



By calling R a sponge, Hamlet


ROSENCRANTZ and GUILDENSTERN findHAMLET. They ask where POLONIUSs body is. Hamlet responds in riddles and insultshe calls Rosencrantz a sponge

implies that through their foolishness R & G have been taken

soaking up the kings favor.HAMLET agrees to see CLAUDIUS, but then dashes off. over by Claudius. They have lost
their inner reality.

CLAUDIUS mulls how to deal withHAMLET. The killing of POLONIUS has convinced him that Hamlet is too dangerous to remain nearby, but at the same time he is unsure how to send Hamlet away because the people of Denmark love Hamlet. ROSENCRANTZ and GUILDENSTERN enter with HAMLET. CLAUDIUS asks wherePOLONIUS is. Hamlet answers that Polonius is feeding worms. He explains that a dead king will do the same and, through the processes of nature, might end up in the guts of a beggar. Hamlet then says Claudius could send someone to check for Polonius in heaven or go down to check in hell himself. Finally, Hamlet tells them that in a month they may smell Poloniuss body rotting beneath the stairs to the castle lobby. CLAUDIUS sends ROSENCRANTZ to get the body, then tells HAMLET that to protect him he will send him immediately to England. Hamlet agrees, though he continues to insult Claudius. Claudius sends GUILDENSTERN to make sure Hamlet gets on the ship immediately. Finally alone, Claudius writes a letter for the three men to give to the King of Englanda letter that asks the King to execute Hamlet.



Claudius is always thinking about politics, about appearances.

Hamlets mockery and word play begins to focus on death. He describes how life devours itself in order to live, and explicitly links this idea to the image of worms devouring a king. In doing so, Hamlet is indirectly threatening Claudius.

Claudius doesnt feel the need for evidence to act against Hamlet. As soon as Hamlet seems like a threat, Claudius plots to have him killed, and uses the unknowing R and G to make it happen.

Near the coast of Denmark,FORTINBRASs army marches toward Poland. He sends a

By sending the captain to greet Claudius, Fortinbras shows he means to keep his word not to attack Denmark.


to Elsinore with a message of greeting for the King of

Denmark. The

runs into HAMLET,ROSENCRANTZ, and GUILDENSTERN, and happily tells

Fortinbras is willing to act to gain honor. Though Hamlet, as youd expect, sees such thoughtless

them the land about to be fought over is worthless. Hamlet asks Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to go on ahead. In a soliloquy, he bitterly compares himself toFORTINBRAS and his soldiers. They go to die just for a chance at honor, while Hamlet vows from this day forward may all my thoughts be bloody, and promises to focus only on revenge.

he, with much greater reason to act, has failed to revenge himself on CLAUDIUS. action as ridiculous, he also sees
the nobility in it.

GERTRUDE and HORATIO sadly discuss the madness that has taken overOPHELIA since POLONIUS was killed. Ophelia enters, singing mournful songs about her father. CLAUDIUS enters. OPHELIAs madness upsets and unnerves him. Ophelias songs change topic, and focus on maids who are seduced. She exits with the comment that her brother shall know of her fathers death.HORATIO follows her. CLAUDIUS mentions that the commoners are also angry aboutPOLONIUSs

Hamlets madness is feigned. Ophelias is real. As a woman, Ophelia cant act, so she goes mad. Do Ophelias songs about seduced maids indicate that she had a sexual relationship with Hamlet? This is an unresolved question in the play. Contrast with Hamlet: as soon as


death, and that LAERTES has secretly sailed back to Denmark. A messenger Laertes hears of his fathers murder, he

rushes in with news that Laertes is actually marching toward the castle at the head of a mob chanting Laertes king! GERTRUDE exclaims that the mob andLAERTES are blaming the wrong person for the death of POLONIUS. LAERTES bursts into the room. CLAUDIUSasks for calm. Laertes retorts that to be calm would make him a bastard, that he would dare damnation just to get revenge for the death of his father. Claudius admits that POLONIUSis dead. GERTRUDE adds that Claudius did not kill him. OPHELIA enters. She is clearly insane, singing songs, speaking in riddles, and handing out flowers (perhaps imaginary): rosemary and pansies toLAERTES; fennel and columbines toGERTRUDE; rue and daisies to CLAUDIUS. blessing on everyone. CLAUDIUS asks LAERTES to let him explain what happened to POLONIUS, and promises to hand over the crown to Laertes if, after the explanation, his actions still strike Laertes as unjust.

returns to Denmark and nearly starts a revolution! Ironic that Gertrude defends the man who killed her husband.

Another point of comparison with Hamlet in terms of willingness to act to get revenge.

The flowers held symbolic meaning in Shakespeares time. Rosemary for remembrance. Pansies for thoughts.

Laertes demands vengeance for her madness. Ophelia exits, wishing Gods Fennel for flattery. Columbines for
infidelity. Daisies for seduction. Laertes acts without thinking. Claudius can manipulate those who dont think and turn their actions to his own advantage.


The pirate attack is an example


A sailor gives HORATIO letters from Hamlet. The letter says that a pirate attacked of deus ex machinaa device Hamlets ship. Hamlet was taken prisoner and returned to Denmark for a ransom, whileROSENCRANTZ and GUILDENSTERN continue on to England. Horatio is to send the sailors to Claudius, and then to find Hamlet.
used to further the plot and return Hamlet to Denmark. It doesnt have any real thematic meaning.

Alone with Claudius, LAERTES asks whyCLAUDIUS didnt punish HAMLET for killing POLONIUS. Claudius answers: First, he loves GERTRUDE and shes Hamlets mother; second, Hamlet is loved by the people, so punishing him might have caused a revolt. A messenger enters with letters fromHAMLET. CLAUDIUS is bewildered at Hamlets return. LAERTES is pleased: now hell get his chance at revenge. Claudius comes up with a plot. Claudius says Laertes skill with a sword recently aroused HAMLETs envy, and Claudius thinks they could lure Hamlet into a duel with Laertes. Claudius asks to what length Laertes would go to get revenge on Hamlet. Laertes says: to cut his throat in a church (4.7.98). CLAUDIUS reveals his plan: they will poison LAERTESS sword. The slightest scratch will kill HAMLET. As a backup, Claudius decides to poison a glass of wine and offer it to Hamlet during the duel. GERTRUDE rushes in with news thatOPHELIA has drowned. While gathering flowers she fell into the river and sang songs as her clothes grew heavy and pulled her under. LAERTES, weeping, exits. CLAUDIUS fearsOPHELIAs death might reignite Laertes anger and rebellion. He and GERTRUDEfollow Laertes to calm him down.



Claudius is always calculating, always careful to manipulate events and perceptions of events. He has already blunted Laertes purpose.

Claudius uses flattery of Laertes swordsmanship to convince Laertes to join his plot. Claudius doesnt care about Laertes honor. He just wants to get rid of Hamlet. Compare Laertes willingness to kill Hamlet in church; this is exactly what Hamlet refused to do to Claudius.

Laertes, who prides himself on honor, has been corrupted. Hes joined an ignoble plot using deception and poison. The male response to tragedy is to seek revenge. Ophelia, who cannot act because shes a woman, opts for suicide.

Claudius only cares about how Ophelias death might affect him and his power.

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