Macro Economics Paper
Macro Economics Paper
Macro Economics Paper
1. Final goods are those goods which are concerned only by the households. Defend or refute the given
statement with a valid agreement.
8. Name the basic goals of India development which serve as the guiding principles of Indian planning
3 marks questions
2. Which among the following are consumer goods and capital goods and why?
B. Refrigerator in a hotel.
5. Does national income includes only factor incomes. Explain with example.
6. Define plan. Why should plans have goals?
7. Government took various steps to protect small scale industries from big firms. Defend or refute.
8. Give reasons.
A. Land reforms were successful in the states of Kerela and West Bengal.
B. The purpose of land ceiling was to concentrate on land ownership in few hands.
10. Subsidies put a huge burden on Government finances but are necessary for poor and marginal
farmers. Do you agree that granting subsidies justify the objective of social justice?
4 marks Questions
3. Define import substitution. Explain how import substitution can protect domestic territory.
4. According to Industrial Policy Resolution 1956, the industries were classified into 3 categories.
5 marks question
3. What is green revolution? Why was it implemented and how did it benefit farmers.
Economic growth suggests a steady expansion in GDP or a predictable expansion in the degree of
production or a reliable expansion in the progression of labor and products in the economy throughout
an extensive stretch of time.
Modernisation– It is a process of updating or improving something especially in the field of science and
technology where we are doing technological advancement and innovation.
Self reliance– It implies staying away from imports of those products which can be produced in India
itself. This approach was viewed as a need to lessen our reliance on Foreign nations, particularly for
Equity suggests impartial dispersion of pay with the goal that the advantages of development is shared
by the general public at large.
a) Modernization
b) Equity
c) Self reliance
2. _______ refers to means avoiding imports of goods which could be produced in India.
a) Equity
b) Modernization
c) Self reliance
d) Economic growth
a) Production
b) GDP
c) Equity
4.Modernization facilitated
a) Innovative
b) Invention