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Workbook audio Unit 2 Listening Part 4 Audio script 3

You will hear an interview with Tyler Williams, a professional dancer. For
questions 1 to 7, choose the best answer, A, B or C.

My guest today is Tyler Williams, he is 23 and a professional
Unit 1 Listening Part 3 Audio script 2 dancer. In our interview today, we will find out what
inspired Tyler to become a dancer and how he achieved his
You will hear five short extracts in which teenagers describe their favourite ambition. Tyler, welcome, let’s start at the beginning. When
family holiday. For questions 1 to 5, choose from the list A to H what each did you first become interested in dancing?
speaker says about the holiday. Use the letters only once. There are three
extra letters which you do not need to use. Tyler: 
I first really got into dancing when I was about 9 or 10. My
sister had been attending dance classes for ages, but what
Speaker 1: The best family holiday I have ever had was actually with really inspired me was seeing films such as Step Up and
my grandparents. My brother and I were quite young at You Got Served. After this I asked my parents if I could go to
the time, but I still remember it well because I enjoyed it dance classes and I also started to watch dance moves that
so much. It was so exciting to be going away without our I saw on the street, on the screen or in live performances.
parents, and we felt so grown up. My brother took lots of
Interviewer: So, when did you realise that you wanted to become
pictures on his camera, but unfortunately, I have never
a professional dancer?
seen any of them since. They must have been lost. Our
grandparents took us to London on the train, and it was Tyler: 
The realisation that my ambition in life was to dance for
our very first visit, so we went sightseeing. I especially a living didn’t come until I was a teenager. To be honest,
remember visiting Buckingham Palace and staying in I was considered quite bright at school, I even had hopes
a very expensive hotel. We also went to Hamley’s, the of going into marketing. The idea of persuading people to
famous toy shop, and Harrods. I will never forget this trip! spend their money has always appealed to me. So back
then, dancing was just my way of expressing myself and
Speaker 2: My favourite family holiday was to the Canary Islands. We
releasing any excess energy I had. But then a mate of mine
enjoyed it so much that we are going again this autumn
encouraged me to do some performances on the street
and are even staying in the same hotel! We liked it because
and the response I got was just unbelievable. Swarms of
we had everything we needed there, and we could spend
people would just crowd round me as I performed the
our days swimming, either in the hotel pool or in the sea.
dance moves I had always practised as a kid.
In the evening we either played snooker or watched the
hotel entertainment. The only thing I remember not liking Then one day, my mate secretly filmed one of my
about the holiday was that sometimes the hotel guests performances and put the whole thing on the internet.
would argue over sunbeds! It was always lovely and hot Initially I was furious with him for going behind my back,
though, which is the only thing that mattered to me. but after a while it was hard not to forgive him as the video
soon went viral. By that I mean, people absolutely loved
Speaker 3: Camping was my favourite type of family holiday when
it and I got so many comments, shares and likes. My sister
I was younger. I still remember the first time we went, I
saw it too and she was really proud of me. I think that it was
found it so thrilling! We would always go in the summer,
the first time that I realised I had a talent and that I wanted
but the weather was never guaranteed; in fact, it often
to develop it further, if I got the right training. At the time,
rained. Still, this never bothered me much or ruined my
dancing became the most exciting thing in my life.
enjoyment of the experience. Sleeping outdoors was so
much fun and I especially liked cooking my dinner and Interviewer: Have you had any formal dance training?
breakfast on a little portable stove. I have such fond
memories of these holidays that I am planning to go Tyler: 
Yes, at fifteen years old I submitted an application to
camping this summer with my friends. I just hope that a famous dance academy in London. My mum and dad
they will share my enthusiasm for it. seemed really excited about the opportunity, but I know
that they were concerned that I wouldn’t have the same
Speaker 4: My favourite family holiday has to be the time that I went job security that I would have in another career. They
to Switzerland with all my cousins. There are seven of us wished me luck, but I think that they were uncertain
in total and two of my cousins actually live there, so we about what would happen if I were accepted.
went to visit them. My uncle works in television, so whilst
we were there he created a short movie which we all had a I recall feeling very anxious and apprehensive before
part in. It was such fun to make and even more enjoyable my audition. Although my dancing had been received
to watch, especially now we are older. I remember we all well on the internet, I had no idea how it was going
used to sleep in the same room and our parents could to be perceived by trained professionals. Despite my
never get us to go to sleep. We would just stay up chatting fear of failing, I nevertheless went for the audition and
for hours about anything and everything. fortunately it went well and I was offered a place.

Speaker 5: Two years ago, my parents took me and the rest of the Interviewer: Did you enjoy your time at the dance academy?
family on an amazing activity holiday. I think it was Tyler: 
Absolutely, I really enjoyed my time at the dance academy.
very expensive, but it was truly unforgettable! There I was even more focused there than I had been at school.
were so many different activities to try such as sailing, The academy allowed me to develop the dance styles I
windsurfing, tennis etc. My brother was particularly good already knew and gave me classes in styles I had never
at all the water sports. The only thing I regret, is that I studied before, such as tap and ballet. However, the most
didn’t try more activities. I wasn’t very confident and so I pleasing part of the course was that our teachers wanted
didn’t try anything too adventurous. If I go again, I’ll try to us to be creative and make up our own dances. My school
be more independent and spend less time doing the same also arranged for us to go and visit other academies
activities as my parents! and watch their performances. I really enjoyed these
trips and we would do them at least once a term. After
watching a performance, we also got to socialise with the
students afterwards. All in all, I found these outings really
encouraging and it was great to exchange dance stories with
fellow performers. The dance academy also had good links
with the wider community, so we often got the opportunity

Workbook audio 153

to dance outside of the school, too. These occasions just 5 You hear a teenage girl telling her mum about her recent holiday.
enforced the idea that I wanted to be a dancer even more.
Mum: So, what was it like in Italy then?
Interviewer: What happened after graduation?
Girl: It was absolutely brilliant; the weather was hot all week and I
Tyler: Since graduating from dance school I've been really met so many people. The food was fantastic and because it was
fortunate and have always been in employment. hot we could go to the beach every day.
Currently, I am starring in a West End show, seven days
a week. My role is quite physically demanding but apart Mum: So, where were the people you met from?
from that I absolutely love it and I can’t believe I am Girl: They were all Italian, and I am definitely going to stay in touch
getting paid to do my dream job. We spent six months with them, for me that was the highlight of the holiday and we
rehearsing and learning the routines before opening the wouldn’t have known what to see, eat and do without their help.
show to the public. We'll perform in London until May and
then following that we'll go on tour around the rest of the Mum: It sounds like you had a really good trip.
UK. I am really looking forward to that, as it will be great to
6 You overhear two school friends discussing a weather forecast.
see and experience other places. We won’t have so much
time to sightsee, but we will be given some time off. Boy: So, it’s the school holidays next week. Have you got
anything planned?
Interviewer: Great, thank you for talking to us today Tyler.
Does anyone have any questions? Girl: Well, I was planning on going camping, but I am not sure now.
Boy: Really, I thought that it was supposed to be nice weather
Unit 3 Listening Part 1 Audio script 4 next week.
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions Girl: Well, you’d think that it would be at this time of year, but some
1 to 8, choose the best answer, A, B or C. reports say it’s going to rain, and some say it’s going to be clear.
1 You overhear a tourist talking about their journey. I am really puzzled about what to do.

Well, it’s certainly been interesting, that’s for sure. I can’t Boy: Maybe you should just go and hope for the best.
believe that it has taken us this long to get here. Still, it wasn’t 7 You hear a tour guide giving information to a group of tourists.
anyone’s fault: it’s just one of those things I suppose. It’s the
school holidays, so there is always a lot of traffic on the road. Tour guide: We will now stop our tour for a short lunch break. We will
I am glad we are here now though, I can’t wait to have dinner meet back here in one hour. It’s important that everyone
and relax. I think we’ll have an early night this evening, it’s is on time as the bus will leave promptly at 13.00. Of
certainly been a long day! course, we will not abandon anyone, however, if we are
late back on the bus, we may miss our session at the
2 You overhear a mother and her son trying to choose a holiday. museum, which is booked for 14.00. Please stay within
Woman: What do you think of this one then? Do you like it? the city centre therefore, as you won’t have the time
to explore any further, also there’s less chance of you
Boy: Well, I am not sure. It looks very quiet. Although the getting lost. Enjoy your lunch!
swimming pool in this one does look fantastic. Is there one
like this, but nearer to the town centre? 8 You overhear a woman making a complaint to the hotel manager.

Woman: Well, there is this one, but it is much further from airport. Woman: Well, I have never seen anything like it! This hotel is nothing
like the pictures on your website. The rooms are old and
Boy: Oh no, I really don’t want to make the journey any longer dirty, and your facilities are certainly not the same as those
than it already is. Let’s go for the hotel with the big pool. advertised and one of the lamps in my bedroom doesn’t
3 You hear a boy talking to the receptionist in a hotel.
Manager: I can assure you madam that this is the hotel advertised
Receptionist: How can I help you? and we do provide all the services shown on our website.
Boy: Well, I appear to have lost my watch. Admittedly, some of our rooms and equipment do need a
little updating and this is scheduled for this autumn.
Receptionist: I am very sorry to hear that; I’ll have the hotel staff look
out for it. When did you last see it? Woman: I don’t care if you are going to decorate and fix things after
I’ve left. What are you going to do now? At the very least you
Boy: I am not sure really, I had it before I went for dinner last can upgrade my room. Actually, no, that isn’t enough, I want
night and I think that I had it afterwards when I was my money back or I’ll find another hotel!
with my friends in the hotel lobby. Or did I? I honestly
can’t recall when I last saw it. I definitely had it when I
came out of the dining area though.
Receptionist: No problem I will contact you immediately if any of our
staff find it.
4 You hear the following announcement at an airport.
Passengers flying on the 735 flight to Munich, Gate 8, will
now be departing at 10:35. This is due to adverse weather
conditions which have left ice on the runway. There might
also be gate changes, so please check the departure
boards regularly for an update. Due to this unfortunate
delay, the airline would like to offer every passenger a
food token worth £4, which they are free to use at any of
the cafés in the departure lounge. To collect this, and for
any further questions, please come to the information
desk to the left of Gate 10.


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