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Curve of Pursuit

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Curious Math

Curves of Pursuit
A fox sees a rabbit sitting in the middle of a field and begins to run toward the
rabbit. The rabbit sees the fox and runs in a straight line to its burrow. The fox
continuously adjusts its direction so that it is always running directly toward the


Rabbit’s Path

F E Fox

If the fox and rabbit are running at the same speed, the fox reaches point E when
the rabbit reaches point A. The fox then changes direction to run along line EA.
When the fox reaches point F, the rabbit is at B, so the fox begins to run along
FB, and so on. The resulting curve is called a curve of pursuit.
1. If the original position of the rabbit represents the origin and the rabbit’s
path is along the positive y-axis, is the fox’s path the graph of a function?
2. a) Investigate what happens by drawing a curve of pursuit if
i) the burrow is farther away from the rabbit than it is in the first
ii) the burrow is closer to the rabbit than it is in the first example
b) Where does the fox finish in each case? How does the location of the
burrow relative to the rabbit affect the fox’s path?
c) Will the path of the fox always be a function, regardless of where the
rabbit is relative to its burrow? Explain.
3. a) Draw a curve of pursuit in which
i) the rabbit runs faster than the fox
ii) the fox runs faster than the rabbit
b) Are these relations also functions? How do they differ from the one in
question 1?

NEL Introduction to Functions 13

Academic Forum 24 2006-07

Pursuit Curves
Michael Lloyd, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science


The classic pursuit curve from differential equations will be derived, and then variations will be
explored using Maple.


The idea of a pursuit curve is that a point, which we

will call the rabbit, follows a prescribed curve. The
rabbit is followed by another point, which we will
call the fox. Two conditions will be specified to
determine a pursuit curve:

1. The fox heads directly towards the rabbit.

2. The fox’s speed is directly proportional to
Pierre Bouguer George Boole
the rabbit’s.


Pursuit curves were considered in general by the French scientist Pierre Bouguer in 1732.
However, the term “pursuit curve” was first defined by George Boole in his “Treatise on
differential equations” in 1859. The curved path described by a fighter plane making an attack
on a moving target while holding the proper aiming allowance is a pursuit curve, so such
curves are relevant to current military research.

Derivation of the General Pursuit Curve

We will only give the derivation for a pursuit curve in the plane, but the derivation in R n is
similar. Let the rabbit’s position be given by the parametric function R (t ) , and let the fox’s
position be given by F (t ) = x(t ), y (t ) . By Property 2 in the definition of a pursuit curve, the
fox's speed
ratio of the rabbit’s and the fox’s speed is a constant, which we will call k = .
rabbit's speed

Academic Forum 24 2006-07

Property 1 in the definition of a pursuit curve, and the accompanying R-F

diagram make it clear that the unit tangent vector to the fox’s curve is
F′ R −F
= . By the definition of k, F′ = k R ′ . Substitute this into the
F′ R −F F
previous equation to obtain the vector differential equation describing the
R −F
general pursuit curve: F′ = k R′
R −F
This system of nonlinear differential equations must be solved by numerical methods except for
special cases. It is left to the reader as an exercise to use the chain rule to see that the
parameterization of the rabbit’s path will not affect the shape of the fox’s path. Thus, we may
parameterize the rabbit’s path using any convenient function, and it does not matter that the
rabbit’s speed may not be constant.

Special Case of Pursuing a Straight Line Target

Without loss of generality, we may assume that the rabbit runs up the y-axis, and parameterize
the its path by R (t ) = 0, rt . Let the fox’s initial position be given by F(0) = c,0 , where c is a
positive constant. The vector differential equation for the fox simplifies to the system
 ′ krx
x = − 2
 x + (rt − y ) 2
 .
 y′ = kr ( rt − y )
 x 2 + (rt − y ) 2

dy y′ y − rt
Obtain = = from the chain rule and this system. Differentiate both sides with
dx x′ x
d2y dt
respect to x and simplify to obtain x 2 = −r . Use the chain rule and Calculus to obtain
dx dx
dt dt ds 1  dy  ds
= ⋅ =− 1 +   . Note that is negative because s increases as x decreases.
dx ds dx kr  dx  dx
Eliminate from the last two equations to get the second order, nonlinear differential
d2y  dy  dy
equation kx 2 = 1 +   . We may reduce the order by substituting v = where v = 0
dx  dx  dx
and x = c to get k = 1 + v 2 . This separable differential equation is solved to obtain
dy 1  x  c 
1/ k 1/ k

=   −    . The last equation is integrated again to get the fox’s path, albeit in
dx 2  c   x  
nonparametric form:

Academic Forum 24 2006-07

1  x1+1/ k c1/ k x1−1/ k  ck

  1/ k −  + 2 if k ≠ 1
 2  c (1 + 1 / k ) 1 − 1 / k  k − 1
 1  x − c − c ln x  if k = 1
2 2

 2  2c 
  c

If k > 1 , which corresponds to the rabbit running faster than the fox, the fox will catch the
rabbit when x = 0 , which implies y = 2 . The time it will take the fox to catch the rabbit
k −1
y ck 2
will be t = , and the total distance that the fox runs will be krt = 2 .
r k −1

It is more interesting to consider the second case k = 1 , which corresponds to the rabbit running
dt 1 1x c
at the same speed as the fox. In this case, = − 1 +  −  , which is integrated to
dx r 4c x
c  1 x2 x
obtain t =  − 2 − ln  . Thus, the difference between the y coordinates of the rabbit and
2 r  2 2c c
1  x2 − c2 x c   x  

fox is yrabbit − y fox = rt −  − c ln  = 1 −    . Therefore,

2  2c c  2   c  

lim R (t ) − F (t ) = lim( yrabbit − y fox ) = . In other words, the fox will only cut the distance
t →∞ x↓ 0 2
between the rabbit and himself by 2 in the long run. The poor fox will never catch the rabbit!

The computer algebra software Maple dsolve and

deplot commands were used to create the following
curves. Originally, all the pursuit curves that I created
in Maple were animated in a PowerPoint
demonstration. Interestingly, the surface obtained by
revolving the fox’s curve about the y-axis is a model Nikolai
for Lobachevsky’s version of non-Euclidean Ivanovich
geometry (1829). Lobachevsky

Here are typical Maple commands that were used to create the above and subsequent pursuit

> with(plots):
> with(LinearAlgebra):

Academic Forum 24 2006-07

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined

> k:=.8:
> R:=<cos(3*t)*cos(t),cos(3*t)*sin(t)>:
> F:=<x(t),y(t)>:
> FP:=map(z->diff(z,t),F):
> RS:=k*(R-F)*Norm(map(z->diff(z,t),R),2,conjugate=false)/Norm(R-F,2,conjugate=false);
> tmax:=10:
> fmax:=200:
> p:= dsolve({FP[1]=RS[1],FP[2]=RS[2],x(0)=0,y(0)=0}, {x(t),y(t)},type=numeric):
> fp:=odeplot(p,[[x(t),y(t)],[R[1],R[2]]],0..tmax,frames=fmax):
> rp:=animate(pointplot,[[[R[1],R[2]]], symbol=circle, symbolsize=10],t=0..tmax, frames=fmax):
> display(fp,rp);

Special Case of a the Rabbit Moving in a Circle

If k = 1 , note that the distance between

the fox and the rabbit is approaching
zero. If k > 1 , then the fox will catch
the rabbit in finite time.
Distance between the
Trajectories Animals vs. Time

If k < 1 , then the fox is attracted to a circle with strictly smaller

diameter. In the picture shown here, the fox is traveling at 70% the
rabbit’s speed.

To derive the radius of this circle, assume that 0 < k ≤ 1 and

parameterize the rabbit’s path by R (t ) = cos t , sin t . Then the fox’s R

path can be parameterized by F(t ) = k cos(t − b), sin(t − b) where b is b


the angle that the fox lags behind. It is clear from the right triangle in
the accompanying diagram that b = cos −1 k and lim R − F = 1 − k 2 .
t →∞

Academic Forum 24 2006-07

If k < 0 , then the fox will run away from the rabbit. If the fox’s
initial position is the origin, then it will follow the negative y-axis for
many values of negative k. If the fox’s initial position is (0,0.2) , then
it will exit in the second quadrant approaching a straight line.

The picture shown here is for a rabbit traveling along a triangle

where k = 0.5 . Although the rabbit instantly changes direction
at the corners, the fox’s path is a smooth triangular shape.

The picture here shows a rabbit

following a sine wave
where k = 0.9 . If 0.6 < k < 1 ,
then the fox’s path appears to
follow a damped sine wave. If
k < 0.6 , then the fox lags
further and further behind the
rabbit and its path approaches
the x-axis.

Academic Forum 24 2006-07

The path of a rabbit running on a cycloid

R (t ) = t − sin t ,1 − cos t is similar to the above case.

The picture shown here is for a rabbit running along a three-

leaved rose r = cos(3θ ) . The fox appears to be approaching a
similar, but rotated slightly counter-clockwise curve.

I tried to have the rabbit randomly walk in the plane, but Maple’s
dsolve command gave an error when I tried to pass it the rabbit’s
path function.

Here are some ideas for further investigation:

• Find the equations for the attractors for sinusoidal and triangular paths for the rabbit
• Investigate this problem in three or higher dimensions.
• What if one fox is pursuing two rabbits?
• Incorporate delayed reaction time or anticipation into the model. If δ is the delay time,
R (t − δ ) − F(t )
then the differential equation becomes F′(t ) = k R′(t − δ ) .
R (t − δ ) − F(t )
• Allow for speed of transmission. For example, if the fox uses sonar to detect the rabbit,
then incorporate the speed of sound.
• Determine exit path dependence on fox’s initial position for retreat curve when the
rabbit is traveling in a circle.
• Find critical k where fox cannot keep up with a sine wave.

Academic Forum 24 2006-07


• “Differential Equation with Application and Historical Notes” by George F. Simmons

(c)1972 by McGraw Hill
• “In Pursuit” by Peter M. Gent, April 17, 1999
• “Pursuit Curves and Matlab” by Peter M. Gent
• “Pursuit Curve”
• “The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive”


Michael Lloyd received his B.S in Chemical Engineering in 1984 and accepted a position at
Henderson State University in 1993 after earning his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Kansas State
University. He has presented papers at meetings of the Academy of Economics and Finance,
the American Mathematical Society, the Arkansas Conference on Teaching, the Mathematical
Association of America, and the Southwest Arkansas Council of Teachers of Mathematics. He
has also been an AP statistics consultant since 2001 and a member of the American Statistical


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