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NCBTS by Pamn Faye Hazel Valin on Jul 14, 2011 NCBTS Presentation Transcript CHED/TEIs Retirement Entry to Teacher

r Education CHED-TEI/DepEd-SchoolsDepEd/CHED/TEI Pre-service In-Service Education and Teacher NATIONAL Professional Education COMPETENCY Development BEEd/BSed/ BASED PGCEd TEACHER STANDARDS DepEd PRC Teacher Induction DepEd* and CSC Licensure Teacher Human Resource Planning, Recruitment t, Selection, Deployment and Recognition System The NCBTS is an integrated theoretical framework that defines the different dimensions of effective teaching, where effective teaching means being able to help all types of students learn the different learning goals in the curriculum. Why do we need the NCBTS? The NCBTS provides a single framework that shall define teaching in all aspects of teachers professional life and in all phases of teacher development. The use of a single framework should minimize confusion about what effective teaching is. The single framework should also provide a bette r guide for all teacher development programs and projects from the school-level up to the national level. Anyone who is interested in improving teaching practices should refer to the NCBTS. PRC Organizations and Agencies. Teachers can use the NCBTS in many ways: As a guide to reflect on their current teaching practices. As a framework for creating new teaching practices. As a guidepost for planning and professional development goals. As a common language for discussing teaching practices with other teachers. But what is new about the NCBTS is that these ideas have been integrated into a singular integrated framework There are actually new ideas that theNCBTS is emphasizing. For example, the idea of competency-based standards is a relatively new idea in teacher development in the Philippines.. Means that the standards or criteria for characterizing good teaching are defined in terms of the teachers credential, LET scores, grades in graduate school, degrees, personality traits, and soon, we look at what the teacher can do competently.

(a) Educational theories and empirical research on characteristics learning environment

and teaching practices that lead to effective student learning.(b) Documented

successful practices and programs of schools, divisions, regions, and educational reforms projects in different parts of (b) the country. A technical working group was set up to study what types of classroom learning experiences were defined. These practices were then organized and presented in a series of national, zonal, ands pectoral consultations for validation and finalization The bulk of participants were teachers, master teachers, principals, superintendents,,TEIs, CHED,PRC,CSC, BEAM,NGO NCBTS does not adhere to a single educational theory. Indeed, it is a balanced framework that adopts assumptions of different educational theories. The NCBTS articulates a view of ideal teaching that is closely linked to new paradigms about effective learning. NCBTS defines a new paradigm of teaching where the teacher is viewed as a knowledge professional who is responsible for facilitating learning in variety of learners and learning environments. Traditional View NCBTS View Teaching is a technical Teaching is facilitating process, and the good learning and the qualities of this quality of good technical process are teaching are defined indwell defined. terms of whether. Students learn or not. Teaching knowledge is Teacher knowledge is technical knowledge essentially complex applicable to all and problematic; learners and contexts. Applicability varies. Asdf across learners and. contexts. Teaching involves Teaching involves consistent application reflective and flexible of technical knowledge. Application of technical knowledge in ways that best bring about student Effective application of Effective teaching is teacher knowledge is determined within the dependent on limits and opportunities prerequisite inputs in found in the learning teaching environment. Environment. No, teachers have always been expected to help all their students learn given constraints in the learning environment. The NCBTS has simply articulated this expectation so that it is clear to all concerned. The NCBTS takes a developmental perspective about teaching standards. The framework provides concrete guideposts to help teachers become better and better. Individual teachers have various types and levels of motivation to improve their teaching in ways that better enhance student learning. Individual teachers have d ifferent capabilities to constantly improve their teaching for better student learning. Individual teachers have diverse ranges of opportunities to pursue their motivations and raise their capabilities to teach better, in whatever situations they are.

The process of improving the teacher is an individual process, but this is sustained and enhanced when the efforts are collaborative and synergistic among communities of teachers. Individual teachers may develop improved teaching practice for enhanced stude nt learning, but the full impact on student learning is best achieved by integrated and cumulative improve improved efforts of many teachers. The qualities of good teaching for enhanced student learning are found in individual teachers, but such qualities are strengthened and valued more when it is supported by communities of teachers and educators. The competency-based teacher standards are organized hierarchically. The basic level categories of the are seven domains. A domain is a defined as a distinctive sphere if the teaching learning processes and is also a well-defined arena for demonstrating positive teacher practices. Each domain is defined in terms of a principle of ideal teaching associated with enhanced student learning. DOMAIN 1: SOCIAL REGARDING FOR LEARNING DOMAIN 2: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT DOMAIN 3: DIVERSITY OF TEACHERS DOMAIN 4: CURRICULUMDOMAIN 5: PLANNING, ASSESSING AND REPORTING DOMAIN 6: COMMUNITY LINKAGES DOMAIN 7: PERSONAL GROWTH AND PRO- FESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Domain 1. Social Regard for Learning Acts as a positive role model for students Domain 2 Domain 7 Statement The Learning Environment Personal Growth and of Creates an environment that promotes Professional Development fairness Principle Takes pride in the nobility of Teachers in all Makes the physical environment safe teaching as a profession Philippine schools are and conducive to learning Builds professional links with committed and accountable Communicates higher learning colleagues to enrich teaching for providing classroom expectations to each learner practice instruction with results that Establishes and maintains consistent Reflects on the extent of the are manifested in high standards of learners behavior attainment of learning goals performance levels in terms of student learning outcomes. Domain 3 Teachers are dedicated to the Domain 6 well-being of the students and Diversity of Learners communities they serve, Is familiar with learners background Community Linkages taking into account their knowledge and experiences Establishes learning environments cultural diversity, group Demonstrates concern for holistic that respond to the aspirations of aspirations and what development of learners the community is valued in education. Domain 4 Domain 5 Curriculum Planning Assessing and Reporting Demonstrates mastery of the subject Communicates promptly and clearly to Communicates clear learning goals for the lessons that learners, parents, and superiors about the progress of are appropriate for learners Makes good use of allotted instructional time Develops and uses a variety of appropriates assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning Selects teaching methods, learning activities, and instructional materials or resources appropriate

to Monitors regularly and provides feedback on learners learners and aligned to the objectives of the lesson understanding of content CMO NO. 30, SERIES 2004 Article IV COMPENTENCY STANDARDS Graduates of the BEEd and BSEd programs are teachers who: have the basic ad higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning; have a deep and principled understanding of the learning of the learning processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in their students; have a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political processes; have a meaningful and comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter they will teach; can apply a wide range of teaching process skills(including curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, educational assessment, and teaching approaches); have direct experience in the field/classroom (e.g., classroom observations, teaching assistance, practice teaching); can demonstrate and practice the professional and ethical requirements of the teaching profession; can facilitate learning of diverse types of learners, in diverse types of learning environments, using awide range of teaching knowledge and skills. can reflect on the relationships among teaching process skills, the learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject matter, and the broader social forces encumbering the school and educational processes in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills, and practices; can be creative and innovative in thinking of alternative teaching approaches, and evaluate the effectiveness of such approaches in improving students learning; and are willing and capable to continue learning in order to better fulfill their mission as teachers. Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) Theory and Special Topics Concepts Courses Methods and Strategies Courses I wish I could persuade every teacher to be proud of his occupation not conceited or pompous, but proud. People who introduce themselves with the shame remark that they are, Just Teachers, gives me despair in my heart. Did you ever hear a lawyer say depreciatingly that he was only a patent attorney? Did you ever hear a physician say I am just a brain surgeon? I beg of you to stop apologizing for being a member of the most important profession in the world. Draw yourself uptofull height; look at anybody squarely in the eye and say, I am a Teacher. - William Garr

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