Hybrid City Paper
Hybrid City Paper
Hybrid City Paper
Mariza Georgalou
Department of Linguistics & English Language
Lancaster University
Lancaster, UK
Abstract. There is more to place on the social network first questions in my interviewi with Helen dealt with
site of Facebook than its software configurations that her location while posting. She stated that:
allow seamless location sharing and tracking. Users do
i was here most of the time
much more complex linguistic and multimodal work to but some posts were made when I was in Hungary
give meaning to specific places foregrounding them as and if I wrote some posts in September then I was in England
geographical but also as social, political, cultural, and but mainly I was here and I participated in what was happening
emotional entities. This paper draws on insights from hm.. even if I’m not in Greece I write posts on issues related to
discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, semiotics, and the situation here
moreover, on the other hand, when I’m in Greece I write posts
online ethnography to explore the ways in which two
that concern the UK
Greek female Facebook participants talk about and for example, when the fees increased in UK universities i was in
represent places in their postings. The analysis shows Greece and I was very worried about this issue, as far as I can
that, by means of the place, the users communicate remember from my profile
something about themselves: they confirm belonging, or other issues related to UK universities
they communicate respect to other cultures, they use but when the big demonstrations were held and I wrote some
[status] updates I was here
different languages to affiliate with certain places, they I also posted some photos
make political statements, they disidentify with the I shot them the day after the demonstrations [...]
stressful aspects of a place in crisis, and they raise sometimes I write posts that concern Hungary even if I’m not
awareness about local and national issues. there
oh, this identity is too complicated.. a mess!
Keywords: place identity; social media; Facebook;
discourse analysis, semiotics; online ethnography Helen acknowledges the complication of her place
identity by jokingly characterising it ‘a mess’. Having
Greeceii as the location of her immediate proximity
I. FACEBOOK AND MULTIPLY-PLACED IDENTITIES (here), her place posts revolve around the three
Who we are is entwined with where we are, where countries: Greece, UK and Hungary. Helen feels
we have been, or where we are going [2]. Web entitled to comment on her Facebook on issues about
technologies have marked a fundamental shift in the the Greek crisis wherever she is, because she still has a
ways we perceive and experience place. In the social legitimate interest in Greece when she is in the UK.
media ecosystem of Facebook, the practice of writing Time and again, in these posts, she draws on English
and uploading other multimedia material is a self- language resources as illustrated in Fig. 1. But she also
reflexive process which is not situated in a particular has a special entitlement to speak from experience on
location; it can exist anywhere, allowing the en route these matters: when she is in Greece, she takes part in
construction of a hybrid place identity as mobile, demonstrations and then uploads relevant material on
shifting. Consider the case of my research informant, Facebook, as we will see later on.
Helen, who experiences a triple spatial reality: She lives With posts like this in Fig. 1, Helen navigates
and works in Athens; she has stayed for seven years in multiple places simultaneously: the one she is physi-
the UK while she has been serving as a visiting English cally located in, the one she is thinking of as well as
for Academic Purposes tutor in British universities for Facebook space itself. Facebook is brought into the
two months per year since 2010; her partner is places Helen occupies, and, likewise, those places are
Hungarian and lives in Budapest. While observing her brought into Facebook. This ability to navigate multiple
profile, I noticed that in several instances it was difficult places at the same time is in effect ‘the ability to
for me to decipher in which of the three places (UK,
Greece, Hungary) she was located at the time of posting i
on Facebook. During 2011, the bulk of Helen’s posts The interviews were originally conducted in Greek.
were related to the Greek crisis. Hence, one of my very I interviewed Helen via instant messaging. We were both located in
Athens at the time of the interview (29 October 2011).
consolidate and locate the spaces and information that have a strong bond with the places where we were born
we associate with our “digital selves” into something of and grew up, where we live, or where we experience
a hybrid space’ [14]. In these hybrid spaces, the borders particular stirring moments. Humanist geographers see
between remote and contiguous contexts, be that Greek, this bond as a starting point from which we can orient
English or Hungarian, can no longer be clearly defined ourselves to the world [32]. By the same token,
[9]. Bringing thus these contexts together in Facebook is environmental psychologists duly acknowledge that
not messy (as Helen says) — there are just many theres ‘who we are’ is intimately related to ‘where we are’,
there [11]. arguing that identity is not only shaped by place, but we
ourselves may also serve as contextual markers for
shaping place identities [10] [34]. Reference [31] views
place identity as consisting of cognitions about the
physical world in which we are located. These
cognitions represent an assortment of memories,
conceptions, interpretations, ideas, attitudes, values,
beliefs, social meanings, preferences and feelings about
specific physical settings. Put it plainly, place identity
refers to the ways in which we understand ourselves by
attributing meanings to places. As such, it should not be
Fig. 1. Using English sources for the Greek crisis. understood as a separate part of identity related to place,
since all aspects of identity often contain significant
In this light, the matters that will be addressed in the references to place or incorporate locations or
present paper are the following: How do Facebook users trajectories as crucial constituents [5] [40].
refer to places? Where are these references tied up to For sociolinguists and discourse analysts, a place
places? What do they imply or infer about place acquires its meanings by the ways it is represented, i.e.
identities in these references? The paper is organised as written, talked about, and photographed, as well as by
follows. After defining place, I briefly discuss its the situated interactions that ‘take place’ within it [29]
relation to identity as well as the role of language as a [37]. Language can form and transform our everyday
kind of glue that keeps together people and places. experiences of ‘self-in-place’ [19] [39] so that places are
Next, I present my data and methods of analysis. The constructed in ways that carry profound implications for
remainder of the paper investigates instances of locating who we are, who we can claim to be [10] or where we
the self textually and visually, geographically and socio- belong [36]. Through this spectrum, language should
politically in a variety of posts and comments. I close by not be seen as a mere means to represent or describe
drawing both specific and general conclusions. external environments. It is also a symbolic resource
through which constructions of place can do the
II. PLACE, IDENTITY, AND LANGUAGE rhetorical work of claiming an identity [30].
Place is not just a position in space; it is the location
plus everything that occupies that location, i.e. tasks, III. DATA AND METHODS
practices, routines, everyday life, seen as an integrated For the purposes of this study, I draw on findings
and meaningful phenomenon [29] [32]. Places are from a larger discourse-centred online ethnographic
classified into three basic types: personal and project on the construction of identities on Facebook,
interpersonal, social, and geographical [41]. Personal conducted during 2010-2013 [12]. Discourse-centred
and interpersonal places deal with where we are now (in online ethnography [1] combines the systematic,
the sense of where our bodies are now) as well as our longitudinal and repeated observation of online
interlocutors, in other words a space that organises our discourse (Facebook profiles here) with direct
interaction, perspective and discourse. Social places, on engagement (face-to-face and/or mediated) with the
the other hand, locate our activities in everyday life, at producers of this online discourse (Facebook profile
home, at work, and during leisure time, and hence are owners here) and is complementary to the textual
usually defined in terms of what people do in these analysis of online data. My participants were recruited
places – many of which are institutional. Examples in via convenience sampling (i.e. they were friends of
this category comprise outdoor places, residential friends). Initially, they were sent a message in which I
places, commercial places, commercial service places, explained the purposes of my study asking them to fill
community service places, government agencies, in an online questionnaire, which helped me to
educational places, leisure places, and workplaces. formulate an idea on how they experience the
Ultimately, the third kind of place, although called mechanics of social media. Following this, they were
geographical, in essence embraces social, political and invited to have their Facebook profiles painstakingly
cultural dimensions. These places can be represented by observed and to participate in a series of semi-structured
their scope, range, size or level, and are progressively online interviews via email, instant messaging and/or
inclusive, for example: home, street, neighbourhood, Facebook messages. My dataset included Facebook
city, state, province, country, region, continent, world, profile information, status updates, comments, video
and so on. and article links, photos my informants have taken
French philosopher Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973) themselves or have found elsewhere in the internet,
propounded the idea that individuals are not distinct interview excerpts, field notes as well my informants’
from their place – they are that place [32]. All of us comments on drafts of my analysis. My interviewees
were asked to sign a consent form in which they were marking but to the fact that she is in her partner’s home
assured that their material would remain confidential city with him. Two things are observed in this status.
and would be used for academic purposes solely. First, Helen, beyond just defining where she is, she
Concerning the use of third-party comments in the discloses how she feels while being in the specific place
study, I either asked for their posters’ permission or too. Second, Budapest triggers certain emotions in her
asked my subjects to do so on my behalf. Throughout ongoing activities, marking exams in this case.
my dataset I have preserved pseudonymity for my Saying where you are going can be done in more
informants and anonymity for other Facebook users. inventive ways as shown in Fig. 3. Helen adopts an
The data I have selected to present and discuss in entextualising process [5] [22], namely she extracts an
this paper come from two of my five in total informants, instance of culture (the song First We Take Manhattan,
Helen and Carla. Table I offers a rough idea about their which includes the lyric ‘First we take Manhattan, then
demographics. we take Berlin’) and relocates it in her discourse as ‘first
we take Budapest’ (where she will meet her partner) and
TABLE I. PARTICIPANTS’ DEMOGRAPHICS ‘and then we take Berlin’ (where she will head
Participants Demographics
afterwards for a conference presentation) to adjust it to
born in 1979; holds a BA in English Language
her own situation and give us a flavour of her itinerary.
and Literature, an MA in English Language and
Helen Literary Studies, and a PhD in Linguistics; works
as an Assistant Professor of Linguistics; lives in
Athens, Greece, and in UK for 2 months / year.
born in 1975; holds a BA in Translation and
Interpreting; works as a translator of Latin
Carla American literature; maintains two Facebook
profiles, one personal and one professional; lives
in Athens, Greece.
A discussion of how the users exploit specific Facebook
affordances (e.g. automatic check in, mapping, liking pages) to
indicate places falls outside the remit of this paper.
gesture (which others will often follow) and, second, as a
representation (or record) of the space and one’s place in it. This
representational locating of Self can be explicit (i.e. when posed in
front of the camera) or implied (i.e. when taking the image) [18].
Fig. 4 and 5 were taken during holidays. Tourism C. Culinary Experiences and Placemaking
provides a strong impetus for identity construal as the Social media, and principally Facebook, Flickr and
processes of travelling and narrating – textually and Instagram, have played an instrumental role in the
visually – holiday stories enable people to think of and explosion of interest in food, and food photography
present themselves as specific types of person [8] [25]. more specifically [33]. Apart from a biological need,
The practice of posting tourist profile pics, albeit trite at food is robustly interlaced with place within the
first blush [4], forms a process of selective geographic imagination and has become central to our
representation of lived bodily experience in place. Amid lived worlds and thereby our sense of identity [3] [21].
an array of photos, users choose to identify themselves
‘Foods do not simply come from places, organically
with one depicting a place that matters – it is not just
sightseeing. Carla is tied to Cuba professionally, as she growing out of them, but also make places as symbolic
has translated several books of Cuban literature, constructs, being deployed in the discursive
whereas Helen is tied to Hungary emotionally because construction of various imaginative geographies’ [7].
of her partner. Building upon this argument, place can be viewed as
I now shift my focus from profile pictures to place- both signifier and signified, namely as ‘a site at which
themed photographic albums. Carla has created albums food consumption may take place’ as well as ‘a
with photographs of the places she has visited both in contingent and potentially contested set of meanings
Greece and abroad, with Athens, Cuba and France that may themselves be consumed through those
(where Carla’s sister lives) taking centre stage. One of practices associated with food’ [23]. To explicate these
the most challenging aspects in this social networking points, I will provide three examples: the first relates to
activity is Carla’s journalistic kind of writing in local cuisine, as an inextricable part of people’s
choosing witty intertextual titles to name her photo collective national consciousness; the second pertains to
albums. In Table II (next page), I have gathered some of culinary tourism, as an opportunity to ‘taste’ the Other
her albums together with the sources to which their [28]; and the third is concerned with food as a displaced
titles pay dues. As can be seen, neither does Carla symbol of home.
present the places in purely visual terms (i.e. through Fig. 6 is a photo that Helen shot and then posted on
photos) nor in purely verbal terms (i.e. through titles her Timeline. It depicts a traditional Greek dish she
and captions) but takes up a multisemiotic combination. made herself, called gemista (stuffed vegetables). The
Her heteroglossic (English, French, Greek and Spanish)
comments, in Fig. 7, produced by some of her
and multilayered blending of song lyrics, poetry verses,
film titles and lines with place images in one international friends (I have indicated their nationality
multisemiotically complex product points to a for ease of reference) underneath the picture set in
cornucopia of ideas, feelings, memories and trains of motion a series of place identities confirming that places
thought attached to the particular locations. This use of are also interactionally construed by dint of past
indexicality, on the one hand, puts on display Carla’s experiences and socio-cultural knowledge [41].
linguistic and cultural capital [6], while, on the other, it
offers her audience the potential of playful engagement.
For example, one has to click on the album ‘panic in the
streets of’ to decipher that the photos are indeed taken in
London. By leaving the lyric ‘panic in the streets of’
unfinished, it is as if Carla invites viewers to reconstruct
the place themselves.
The identity work done by Carla in taking these
photos and then creating, editing and sharing albums
including them is twofold. On the one hand, she locates
herself implicitly:
[T]he camera function[s] as extension of the body [26] enabling a
kind of double location of Self: first, as a prosthetic pointing Fig. 6. Helen’s gemista.
city sickness II Song title by Tinderstics
-Habana (Cuba)
looking for a girl in a washing Song title by
-Barcelona (Spain)
machine? The Big Sleep
-Corfu (Greece)
We ll always have Paris Line from the film Casablanca
andd the accompanying comments provide a sense of
continuity to Helen’s past (comment 14: I used to
buy stuff from Booths ages ago, when I lived liv in
Hala4), present (comment 15: 15 For now, I’m OK with
fresh Greek vegetables:-)) )) and future place selves
and actionss (comment 11: will do that next time I'm
inn Lancaster, thanks!; comment 15:
15 Next time I'll try
the market/single step and see how that goes).
Having touched upon tourism in the previous
section, I will now move on to discuss culinary
experiences as a form of tourist practice. Culinary
tourism has been described as the intersection
between food and travel, and refers to the practice of
exploratory eating as a way to encounter, know, and
consume other places and cultures, experiencing thus
new ways of being [24] [28]. [28] In this light, food
functions as a transportable symbol of place, a
moveable sign of Otherness [28]. In Fig. 8, included
in an album with photos from Katowice and Krakow
in Poland, Helen is holding – as if she is serving the
viewer – a Zapiekanka,
ekanka, a popular type of Polish
street food. Having a photo album under the name of
the place and including food pictures of this place,
Helen recirculates an imagined geography that
differentiates places on the basis of their cuisines
[28]. In the captionn of the photo, she writes:
miam!!! (Zapiekanka yummy!!!). But
she is not only eating Zapiekanka – she is also eating
‘the differences mobilities make’ [28]. What Helen
exhibits here is openness and desire to consume
difference as well as competence
tence in the other culture.
By posting this photo on Facebook, she almost
literally puts on display these qualities of hers.