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End Plate Steel

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Project Name : Danny's Supermarket Building

Design for : Steel Stairway Stringer Beam Splice
Date : 09.07.24

This connection is classified as a connection for simple construction in accordance with Clause 4.2 of AS 4100.

Design Basis:
Design is based on detemining Vdes, the design capacity of the connection, which is the minimum of the
design capacities ( Va, Vb, Vc, Vd, Ve,Vf).

Minimum Design Shear Force as per AS 4100; V* = 40 kN

Design Requirement: Vdes ≥ V* Diameter Bolt assumed; df: 16 mm

Diameter Bolt Hole; dh = 18 mm
Thickness Plate, ti = 8 mm
Guage(recommended); Sg = 100 mm
Ratio Sg/ti = 12.5 > 11 & <14

Min Pitch; Sp = 2.5 df = 40 mm

Max Pitch; Sp = (1.5tp,200)min = 120 mm

Pitch Adopted, Sp = 100 mm

Min Edge Dist = 1.5df 24 mm

Max Edge Dist = (15tp,150)min 120 mm

Edge distance; ae1 adopted = 75 mm

b= 110 mm Edge distance; ae3 adopted = 55 mm

ae1 = 75

di = 250
ae2 = 91
Sp = 100

10 Sg ae3 ≥ 1.5 df = 55 mm

Calculations by: VSL

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Connection Geometry

Beam = 250 PFC - Beam Section Used

D = 250 mm - Depth of Beam
bf = 90 mm - Beam Flange Width
tf = 15 mm - Beam Flange thickness
twb = 8 mm - Beam Web Thickness
d = 220 mm - d = D - 2 x tf
ti = 8 mm - Thickness of plate
tc = 8 mm - Thickness of supporting member web
fui = 410 MPa - Tensile strength of end plate component
fuc = 410 MPa - Tensile strength of supporting member
fyi = 250 MPa - yield stress of end plate component
fyw = 320 MPa - yield stress of supported member web
df = 16 mm - bolt diameter
Bolt_Cat = 8.8/S - Bolt Grade / Method of tensioning
8.8/S - G8.8/ Snug tight; 4.6/S - G4.6/ Snug Tight
fuf = 830 MPa - Minimum Tensile Strength of Bolt
dh = 18 mm - hole diameter
Sp = 100 mm - bolt pitch
ae2 = 91 mm - ae2 = Sp - dh/2
ae1 = 75 mm
aey = 75 mm - aey = [ ae1; ae2]min
Lc = no mm - Length of cope (if any)
tw = 6 mm - leg size of fillet welds
Cat_weld = S - S - Structural weld; G- General Weld
W_Electrode = E48XX - Manual Metal Arc Electrode used for weld
fuw = 480 MPa - Nominal Tensile Strength of weld metal
vw = 1.221881 kN/mm - nominal capacity of fillet weld per unit
length of weld
( Section 3.2.6 - AISC- Connection Manual)
Øvw = 0.977504 kN/mm - Design capacity of fillet weld per unit
length of weld
(Appendix B - AISC- Connection Manual)

Design Capacities of the connection:

[1.] Design Capacity of Web to Weld

Va = Øvw Lw

Øvw = 0.977504 kN/mm

Lw = 470 mm
Va = 459.4271 kN

Calculations by: VSL

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[2.] Bolt Shear Capacity; ØVdf

Number of Bolts used; nb = 2

Shear Force per bolt; V*y = 20 kN

In this connection ØVdf is the minimum of [ ØVfn or ØVfx; ØVbi, ØVbc]

(i.) Bolt Shear; ØVfn or ØVfx

ØVfn or ØVfx - Bolt shear for threads included or excluded from the shear plane;
Threads should normal be assumed included in the shear plane(i.e. ØVfn )

Equation : Ø𝑉𝑓𝑛 = Ø × 0.62 × 𝑓𝑢𝑓 × (𝑛𝑛 𝐴𝑐 )

Ø = 0.8
fuf = 830 MPa
nn = 1
Ac = 76.2 mm
ØVfn = 31.37002 kN

Calculations by: VSL

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(ii.) Local Bearing or Plate Tearout in the end plate Component; ØVbi

ØVbi = MIN [ 0.9 x 3.2 x df x ti x fui; 0.9 x aey x ti x fui]

df = 16
ti = 8
fui = 410
aey = 75
ØVbi = 151.1424 kN

(iii.) Local Bearing or Plate Tearout in the Supporting Member; ØVbc

* One end plate will be connected to the other end plate using bolts in a beam splice connection.
Hence, the supporting member will also be a End Plate in this scenario.

ØVbc = MIN [ 0.9 x 3.2 x df x tc x fuc; 0.9 x ae2 x tc x fuc]

df = 16
tc = 8
fuc = 410
ae2 = 91
ØVbc = 151.1424 kN

Therefore, Bolt Shear Capacity; ØVdf = 31.37002 kN

nb = 2 x np where; np = Bolt Pairs

nb = 2

Design Capacity of bolts in end plate ; Vb = nb (ØVdf) = 62.74003 kN

[3.] Design Capacity of End Plate Component in Shear

Vc = Ø x (0.5 x fyi x ti x Lw)

Note: 2di = the beam web length that is
Ø = 0.9 connected to the plate.
fyi 250
ti = 8
Lw = 2di = 470
Vc = 423 kN

Calculations by: VSL

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[4.] Design Capacity of Beam Web in Shear at the End Plate

Vd = Ø x (0.6 x fyw x twb x di)

Ø = 0.9
fyw = 320
twb = 8
di = 250
Vd = 345.6 kN

Checks [5.] and [6.] is carried out when the beam section is Coped near the connection

[5.] Design Capacity of Coped Section in shear near connection

Ve = Ø Vws - for single web coped beam (Section 3.4.3, AISC)

= Ø Vwd - for double web coped beam (Section 3.4.4, AISC)

[6.] Design Capacity of Coped Section in bending near connection


Vf = Ø Mss/ev - for single web coped beam (Section 3.4.3, AISC)

= Ø Msd/ev - for double web coped beam (Section 3.4.4, AISC)
ev = Lc + ti

Vdes = 62.74003 kN V* = 40 kN

Check Condition: Vdes > V* ---------Satisfactory !

Calculations by: VSL

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Other Checks:
1. Checking component Length = di > beam depth/2
2. Check - ac
ac/ti < 33 - means that beam rotation is less than 0.030 radians

3. ae3 = greater or equal to 1.5df

* Already incorporated check 1, 3 in analysis. For check 3 I have given plate length equal to beam depth.
Hence, ac = 0. Careful consideration should be given to this check when beam with the plate is connected to
column web.

Calculations by: VSL

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