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Questions About Naked Nourishment: What Can I Expect When I Get Naked?

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Questions about Naked Nourishment

Eating Naked or Raw foods, or foods that are not heated beyond 118 degrees, will bring a life force energy that will ultimately heal and enhance your being. Eating foods with life-enriching energy will literally transfer the wholesome force directly into your body giving you more vibrance, better health, and radiant beauty. Choosing to step away from the Standard American Diet (SAD) into something more unique is a gift that will help you gain energy, drop excess weight, think more clearly, love more deeply, and give you an overall glow.

What can I expect when I Get Naked?

For most, an immediate improvement in their overall health, quick and effortless weight loss, clearer skin, less wrinkles, an abundance of energy, lack of need for sleep, less aches and pains, and an overall youthful appearance. You will nd any ailment or disease reversing dramatically and rapidly as your body begins to take on the life force energy of live food and the swift elimination of the products that are ailing you.

The reason to know the Nos list?

Ultimately this is the foundation for both a healthy diet and lifestyle. Many foods could be considered raw but I would never eat them. Raw meat and dairy are two examples, as neither meat nor dairy is healthy to eat in the raw form. They are laden with bacteria and infection, which is why we began pasteurizing and cooking them long agoto kill what kills us. While it is true that meat and dairy have some benets, such as protein and calcium, there are no benets that you cannot attain from a plant-based diet, so I believe the harm that comes to the body is much greater than any offering. If you havent already done so, read the Know Nos section (page 4) to learn more about what these products do to your body. Use it as a starting point to do your own research.

Why dont I just go 100% raw?

This should be an easier transition, if it is done slowly and properly. The key to success is moderation and knowing the facts. Remember, everything worthwhile takes time, including the management of your overall wellness. Each step you take toward the Naked Nourishment philosophy will immediately reveal itself physically, mentally, and emotionally through you. The body is sensible and it understands when you are attending to it. It will adapt to any healthy lifestyle changes you introduce, and it wants you to succeed and live an amazing, wholesome life. You may at any time opt for an all-raw meal, and simply use the cooked versions as backup when you desire warm food.
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I eat pretty healthy. How do I begin to Get Naked?

The rst step is to clean house. Well go into more detail in The Naked Pantry Makeover section, but for now take a look inside your refrigerator and pantry and remove all processed or manufactured foods. Trash those products and promise yourself never to spend your hard-earned money on them again. The second step is stop believing everything you hear about the bodys need for calcium, protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Know that most of the information medical professionals give is driven by the media and supported by pharmaceutical companies and farmers. Their information will only cause you to secondguess yourself and the process of regaining health, and ultimately sabotage your choice to eat healthy. You are your best doctor, so just listen to yourself. Your body will always let you know what it needs. The third is to avoid the Know Nos (no dairy, no wheat, no sugar, no meat, no alcohol, and no caffeine) and begin an intake of live plant foods: vegetables, fruits, nuts, and sprouted grains. The key to a Naked Nourishment lifestyle is versatility and creativity. Finally, ask yourself three simple questions before purchasing any foods: Is it healthy or not healthy for my body? We all have a natural sensibility about what our body truly likes, desires, and needs in order to thrive. We generally dont listen to that innate voice, but take an extra minute to ask yourself if your body really wants that food. If you have to think about it, its probably not healthy for you. Is it raw (processed at or under 118 degrees)? Besides the natural raw and organic produce that you may consume at anytime, ask yourself about other questionable products before you eat them. Find out if they were heated or processed at a high heat, which leaves them with virtually little nutritional value. Has the food been processed? Its safe to say that anything that has a long shelf life has been processed, preserved, tampered with, or modied in some way that it no longer resembles any sense of real food. Dont even bother with it. It will only serve you if you would like to see it stored on the shelves of your hips or waist.

What percentage of live raw food should I consume to start?

Start by eating 50% of raw foods. You may be surprised at how little fresh food you were putting into your body before you began to Get Naked. This can be quickly accomplished by choosing drinks and smoothies made of fresh fruits and vegetables for breakfast and snacks. They will ll you up, nourish you, and guarantee your 50% goal. Ultimately, a 70-80% diet of pure live raw food will bring you a lean and healthy life of joy, energy, and vitality.

What are the essentials I must have in my home in order to get started?
Its hard to say how much of a transition this will be for you, since I dont know what your pantry looks like. I try not to make assumptions, but a household usually has a decent blender and food processor. Thats a good start! As you become more committed to your lifestyle, your needs may change. Check out the Naked Necessities section (page 31) for more equipment choices. As for food items, simple is best. Since you are about to clean out your pantry of old processed foods that will no longer feed you, what do you place in your pantry instead? Check out the substitution list for items that will feed and nourish you in a moments notice. Most importantly, though, buy live plant food. This means vegetables and fruits of your choosing, and fresh herbs and sprouts as well.

How important is eating organic if I am eating mostly raw foods?

Always think organic when buying your food. The word organic has frightened us in the past, as we saw it as something unique that we couldnt nd in our supermarkets, but organic just means natural, free of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, and hopefully grown in a mineral rich soil. Organic produce need not be washed, especially if grown at home or purchased at a farmers market. If at any time you are unable to nd organic produce, wash your fruits and vegetables carefully with a food grade hydrogen peroxide that will strip the chemicals from the plant so that you will not ingest them. Certain foodssuch as avocados, bananas, and coconutsare more protected from the chemicals as they have a thicker skin, but is debatable how much of the chemical penetrates the food. Be aware that washing is not a long-term solution as non-organic foods will still be lower in mineral content due to the conditions of the soil in which theyre grown. This is an important consideration since minerals are the key component to gaining health, vibrancy, and beauty.


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Im used to eggs, toast, or cereal for breakfast. What should I eat that wont take too long to make?
Start your day off with an energy boost, not something that will weigh you down. Think smoothies! Everybody loves smoothies, but we seem to have a mental block against considering them as a meal since many people categorize them in the drink department. Green smoothies are a great way to consume your Naked greens for the day. Ultimately, you should consume two full bunches of greens each day. A mental measure I use to evaluate my intake is what you would buy in the market: a bunch of spinach, a bunch of chard, a bunch of lettuce. If youre thinking salad, it might seem like a chore to consume that many greens, but transforming them into a yummy smoothie might change your mind. Blending your daily Naked greens into a drink along with a fruit or fresh pressed juice will help the vitamins and minerals absorb quickly and make it an enjoyable breakfast to wake up to. (See Recipes for great smoothie ideas.)

Im addicted to coffeeI cant start my day without it. What should I do?
This is the most common question, and I give the same answer every time: enjoy your coffee. If this is the one vice you have while alleviating all the other toxins from your body, then have your cup of joe and enjoy it. But try having just one cup, and if the mood strikes again in the middle of the day, go for a green juice or smoothie instead. You will nd the boost you get from live food is far greater than that of caffeine. I also suggest trying an organic low acid coffee and switching from cream to almond cream, and sugar to stevia or agave. In the end, I think moderation is a key to success.

What happens when Im hungry?

Its simple: you eat. Naked Nourishment should never be considered a diet, but a lifestyle. Its a choice to take your health into your own hands. If losing weight is your goal, you will never have to count calories again. Eat as much as you want. The more greens and Naked live foods you put in your body, the stronger foundation you are building for your health. You will nd that if your choices remain in the live foods, specically greens, you will ultimately eat less. You will dissolve all cravings, and nd that your relationship with food has taken a turn. You will no longer be dependent on emotional quick-x eats; you will discover that food becomes a part of your medicinal, nutritional landscape, and you will derive great pleasure from simple, natural, and pure foods.



What can I snack on?

If you are thinking outside of fresh produce (cherry tomatoes, avocados, carrots, apples, oranges, etc.) and are looking for something that fullls the comfort need or sweet cravings, then go for Naked, raw nuts or raw granolas. You can even snack on a homemade trail mixthere are many options for those tween hunger pangs. Check out recipe ideas later on, in the Recipe section, or check out my website ( for some recipe tips to engage in a more versatile snack menu.

What about supplements?

I like to think of the supplements I take as Superfoods. The few things that I adhere to each day are: chewing on chlorella tablets, which have an abundance of plant-based protein; E3Live, which is a blue-green algae; my digestive enzymes, of course; and an array of other whole food nutritional boosts. Its best to clean out your system before adding any more confusion. Someone told me that you have to break down the system rst before you can rebuild it, so for now lets just start by Getting Naked!

Can you give me a sample menu and help me plan my day? Sample Menu
6 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 12 p.m. 12 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 12 a.m. Breakfast Mid-morning Lunch Mid-afternoon Dinner Evening Smoothie, juice, or drink Fruit, grain cereal, or smoothie Salad, soup, or wrap Smoothie or green juice Salad, soup, or grain bowl Hot tea or sweet snack

If you work in an ofce, youll need to plan for mid-morning, lunch, and mid-afternoon items. You could also easily adjust your mid-afternoon smoothie to a raw snack or raw trail mix.

I like having a glass of wine before dinner. Is that still okay?

I have the same response to wine as I have for coffee: have a glass of wine. Be cognizant of why you are drinking and how much you are drinking. Coffee and wine are stimulants and depressants, but they also bring
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a little spice to life. The key in health is to nd balance. If you are not nding joy in your healing process, then you are not healing. So, you get to choose your vice. Wine is a fermented food and therefore raw, but while it may have some health benets, I say drink freshly made grape juice instead. Knowing that alcohol is acidic to your cellular structure, I would alleviate hard alcohol and limit wine in your Naked Nourishment lifestyle. However, if it makes you happy, choose organic sulte-free wines. Your happiness is a much more powerful healing tool.

I love to eat out. What do you think of dining out?

If you are not finding joy Dining out can be such a lovely social experience, and I would never in your healing process, suggest it be overlooked. Eating out for the mere pleasure of food is then you are not healing. another wonderful experience. If the social aspect is what you are asking about, then my simple suggestion would be to ll yourself with a highly nutritious meal before you go out. Order a salad or something light to maintain the joy of the occasion. If you are asking about craving a culinary experience, then my answer is go and enjoy every bite; great culinary art is something nobody should miss. This is your life, and you get to choose how quickly you wish to Get Naked. If you are merely craving fast food, a quick x, something naughty in your body, perhaps you should think twice. The foods served in chain restaurants and fast food joints are laden with bad salts and cooked oilsits no wonder they taste so good! But there is very little nutritional value, and ultimately your body will let you know how it feels after you eat it.

I get low blood sugar. Are you sure Ill be okay on a raw food diet?
As your body detoxies, your blood sugar will begin to level out and you will no longer experience blood sugar lows. One of the most noticeable changes when you introduce more raw plant food into your diet is the amount of food you will need. You will discover that you automatically adjust to a different pace or interval of eating. You may have been used to eating three large meals, but will nd you adjust to consuming less food more often throughout the day. On a raw diet, your body will feel full and nourished more quickly as you are receiving more nutrients per mouthful. This shift is not only easier on your digestive tract, but will ultimately speed up your metabolism as your body is working more efciently. Listen to your bodyit will let you know what it needs.



Will I get enough protein without meat?

The greatest misconception is that we need more protein. There is more than enough protein in a multiple, plant-based diet. The truth is the protein from meat is so hard to digest and process through the human digestive tract, it ends up leaving you at a decit for muscle-building proteins. In a Naked Nourishment lifestyle, you can trust youre getting enough proteins from produce and nuts.

Protein Calories in Food

Vegetables Alfalfa sprouts ................ 40% Artichoke ........................ 29% Asparagus ...................... 25% Bamboo shoots ............... 26% Beet greens .................... 22% Broccoli .......................... 49% Brussels sprouts ............. 49% Cabbage, Chinese ........... 12% Cabbage, red .................. 20% Cauliower ..................... 27% Celery ............................ 10% Chard, Swiss .................. 24% Chives ............................ 18% Collards (leaves).............. 48% Collards (stems) .............. 36% Cress ............................. 26% Cucumber ...................... 10% Dandelion greens ............ 27% Eggplant ......................... 12% Fennel ............................ 28% Garlic ............................. 20% Kale (leaves) ................... 60% Leek............................... 22% Lettuce, Boston ............... 12% Lettuce, green-leaf .......... 42%
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Lettuce, iceberg .............. 27% Lettuce, loose-leaf .......... 13% Mustard greens .............. 22% Okra............................... 24% Onion (green) .................. 15% Parsley ........................... 36% Pepper, green ................. 12% Pepper, red ..................... 14% Pepper, red hot ............... 13% Radish............................ 10% Rhubarb ......................... 11% Seaweed, dulse .............. 25% Spinach .......................... 49% Turnip greens ................. 30% Watercress ..................... 22% Wheat grass ................... 25% Zucchini ......................... 26%

Legumes Chickpea ........................ 25% Lentil.............................. 30% Lima bean, fresh ............... 9% Mung sprouts ................. 38% Navy bean ...................... 26% Pea, green fresh ............... 6% Red bean, fresh ................ 9% Soybean, dried ................ 34% Soybean, fresh ................ 11% Soybean sprouts ............... 6% Nuts and Seeds Brazil Nut ....................... 14% Filbert ............................ 13% Pumpkin seed................. 29% Sesame seed .................. 19% Sunower seed ............... 24% Sunower seed, sprouted......................... 33% Grains Barley ............................ 10% Millet.............................. 10% Rice, brown ...................... 8% Wheat ............................ 17% Wheat bran .................... 16%

Fruits Avocado (California) ........ 22% Avocado (Florida) ............ 15% Grapefruit, sour ................. 5% Lemon............................ 13% Lemon juice...................... 5% Tomato, green................. 12% Tomato, red .................... 18%

Will I get enough calcium without dairy?

The calcium from dairy cannot be assimilated into our bodies. We do not produce the proper enzymes to digest dairy products, therefore it becomes stagnate and acidic in our system. Calcium is in fact leached from our bones in order to balance dairys acidic nature. In a Naked Nourishment lifestyle, you will get enough easily digestible calcium from a plant-based diet.

Calcium in Food
Vegetables Artichoke ......................51 mg Asparagus ....................23 mg Bamboo shoot ..............13 mg Beet greens ................119 mg Broccoli ......................103 mg Brussels sprout .............36 mg Cabbage, Chinese .........43 mg Cabbage, red ................42 mg Cauliower ...................25 mg Celery ..........................39 mg Chard, Swiss ................88 mg Chives ..........................69 mg Collards (leaves)..........250 mg Collards (stems) ..........203 mg Cress ...........................81 mg Cucumber ....................25 mg Dandelion greens ........187 mg Eggplant .......................12 mg Fennel ........................100 mg Garlic ...........................29 mg Kale (leaves) ...............249 mg Kale (stem) .................179 mg Leek.............................52 mg Lettuce, Boston .............35 mg
Lettuce, iceberg ............20 mg Lettuce, loose-leaf ........68 mg Mustard greens ..........183 mg Okra.............................92 mg Onion (green) ................51 mg Parsley .......................203 mg Pepper, green .................9 mg Pepper, red ...................13 mg Pepper, red hot ...........130 mg Radish..........................30 mg Rhubarb .......................96 mg Seaweed, agar ............567 mg Seaweed, dulse ..........296 mg Spinach ........................93 mg Turnip greens .............246 mg Watercress .................151 mg

Legumes Chickpea ....................150 mg Lentil, dried ..................79 mg Lima bean, fresh ...........52 mg Mung sprouts .............118 mg Pea, green fresh ...........26 mg Red bean, dried ..........110 mg Soybean, dried ............226 mg Soybean, fresh ..............67 mg Soybean, sprouts ..........48 mg Nuts and Seeds Almond ......................234 mg Brazil nut ....................186 mg Filbert ........................209 mg Pumpkin seed...............51 mg Sesame seed ...........1,160 mg Sunower seed ...........120 mg Grains Barley ..........................34 mg Millet............................20 mg Rice, brown ..................32 mg Wheat ..........................46 mg Wheat bran ................119 mg

Fruits Avocado (California) ......10 mg Avocado (Florida) ..........10 mg Grapefruit, sour .............16 mg Lemon juice....................7 mg Tomato, green...............13 mg Tomato, red ..................13 mg



The Naked Pantry Makeover

Strip away the foods that hold you hostage because it feels so good.

hats in your kitchen now? Take a look around, and start pulling out the things that will no longer serve you. Dont get attached to the box of granola bars that has been sitting there waiting for a rainy day. Think about how long theyve been there and how much longer they will last; the amount of preservatives holding them together will only cause discomfort in your body. If you are attached to them, place them in a box in the garage in case there really is some grand disaster and you are in fear of starving. For now, though, you are alive and well and ready to Get Naked! This is it, the way you have always wanted to live, stripped of the foods that hold you hostage. This section is a makeover for your pantry, refrigerator, and cupboards. It will also serve as a shopping list enabling you to pull together healthful meals in just moments.

Farmers markets are a great place to nd some of these essentials. It is a place where real food is sold directly from the elds or farmers kitchens, fully alive and completely nourishing. Try to visit your local farmers market for the freshest ingredients and the freshest lifestyle. Buying locally will help sustain our lifestyle as well as our earth.

Young Thai coconuts are a must in my home. The water in a coconut has the highest level of electrolytes of any plant food. They will perk up any wilted ower on a hot summer day. They are available in Asian markets as well as health food stores. Go to to watch my video on how to break open a coconut.

Fresh Fruits
Fresh fruits are a great way to get a sweet treat and an energy pick-me-up. If you are healing and want to cleanse on a deep level, minimize or eliminate your fruit intake. But for a healthy diet, fruit will aid you in pleasing ways. Low glycemic fruits are all citrus: grapefruits, oranges, limes, and lemons. Berries such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and even huckleberries are high in vitamin C and are great for the skin. Aai berries are sweeping the nation with their important antioxidants. Since they are hard
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to nd fresh or dried, try a frozen version and add them to your smoothie, but dont buy into the hype and limit yourself to aai berriesits important to diversify.

Fresh Herbs
Fresh herbs are another item you cant do without. I tend to always have parsley, cilantro, and mint on hand, but dill, basil, and other fresh herbs come and go depending on whats being prepared.

Good Fats
There are lots of oilsgood oilsthat fall into this category. Organic cold pressed olive oils are wonderful for your body. Bariani brand is excellent, but note that some cold pressed olive oils may turn bitter when blended. Pumpkin seed oil is rich and delicious; I love this blended with fresh citrus for a light salad dressing. Hemp seed oil can be a little heavy tasting, but its nice with other strong avors for added nutrition. Flax oil, which is mild and delicious, is good for all uses, and I love it in smoothies. My favorite, though, is Udos Choice Oil Blend. When my skin is feeling dry, I add a tablespoon in my morning smoothie to nourish my skin from the inside out. It also thickens the smoothie to a whole other level. Essential Balance, another nice blended oil, contains a hint of borage oil.

I try not to go too crazy with the starches, but I always have buckwheat groats, although theyre really a seed. Groats are simply the hulled grain. Examples of hearty, non-glutenous grains are oat groats, quinoa, amaranth, rye, and winter wheat berries. At times, I will buy spelt, millet, and kamut for variation. However, I keep brown rice to a minimum, as its more glutenous than the other grains.

I am into garbanzo beans (also known as chickpeas), mung beans, lentils, peas, and adzuki beans for sprouting. They are great on salads, and when making a hummus nothing beats the avor or nutrients of sprouted chickpeas. Other legumes to consider are kidney beans, black-eyed peas, pinto beans, and black beans. Never buy canned as the canning process makes the legumes acidic to the body. Check your local farmers market. I just discovered fresh raw chickpeas, and they make the most outrageous hummus.



Its always smart to have pre-made milk on hand. Pacic Natural Foods makes almond milk, hazelnut milk, and an array of other milks. My favorites are still the freshly-made milks from raw soaked nuts, but in a pinch, pre-made milk is ne. For a quick nut milkshake, check out the Recipes section.

Raw nuts are a must in your pantry. I stock raw nut butters for ease and conveniencetheyre great for instant nut milks, spreads, and sauces. I generally have a large supply of raw almonds so I can prepare a batch of almond milk every four days. Its super easy, delicious, and more convenient than running to the store for a half-gallon of milk. I also stock Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, pine nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, and cashews. Each nut has its own character, set of nutrients, and unique avors. They are great for desserts, cheeses, ptes, nut milks, cookies, and just eating raw.

The beauty about produce is that its beautifying. Anything you choose will benet and nourish you. Its best to select whats local, organic, and in season for the freshest, most nourishing and mineralizing food. I try to pick up fresh produce a couple times a week. I always have an array of green produce on hand: I use chard and lettuce to wrap other veggies for a quick raw sandwich. Avocados are a must, as they are often used as the meat of my wraps. It seems color is key to variety, so try red bell peppers, carrots, beets, radishes, mushrooms, zucchini, celery, cucumber, spinach, cabbage, kale, and tomatoes. These are just a few essentials. I also dabble in roots for a more hearty meal, including such items as celeriac (celery root), burdock root, sun chokes, basically things which we dont see in everyday food preparation but that offer great nutrients and fabulous taste.


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Sea Veggies
These should be considered a staple, as nothing will mineralize the body quicker. Since we are a sushi-loving nation, most of us are familiar with nori sheets. Just take the white rice and sh out of the equation and roll away! Wrap anything green between these sheets to make a delicious roll: avocado, baby greens, carrots, cucumberthe list goes on and on. I also have dulse in whole form as well as akesits great as a sprinkle on salads and soups as well as equally good to nibble on instead of chips. I like wakame as well. Its nice to throw it in a broth for slow cooking, as it adds a nice salty mineralized character. These are just my staples. There are other sea vegetables that have great avors, so dont be afraid to explore.

Seeds are generally inexpensive and packed full of vitamins and protein. These can also be made into milks, ptes, or cheeses, but they are equally delicious just raw. In my pantry are sunower seeds, sesame seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, ax seeds, and chia seeds.

Sprouted Breads and Tortillas

These are my go-to splurge when Im feeling that need to indulge a little. I always have sprouted grain tortillas, sprouted corn tortillas, and spelt tortillas on hand. I have pita pockets, Ezekiel 4:9 Srouted Whole Grain English Mufns, and when I need a little sweetness, Fruit & Nut Manna Bread in the freezer. A spoonful of pecan butter with a date on top will take care of any cravings and keep me from straying toward the old ways.

Dried fruits such as dates, gs, raisins, and cranberries are the best way to get sweetness into a recipe. Currants are a nice surprise mixed with tomatoes, and dont forget the ever powerful Goji berry which I consume in quantity as I mix them in with my nut milks. A good alternative to sugar is raw blue agave, a light syrup that sweetens with a low glycemic index. Raw wild honey or bee propolis are both highly mineralized sweeteners, and maple syrup, although not raw, provides sweet satisfaction without the effects of processed sugars.



Naked Substitutions
As with any change in life, its better to start slow and make steady progress to ensure you can sustain the improvements. It often takes several trials to make something a habit, so just keep trying and youll succeed. Integrate the new foods into your life one step at a time, and pick the simplest and most usable items to start. When you rst begin to Know the Nos, youll want a substitution that will work within your current diet. Begin by replacing your usual cows milk with a non-dairy milk like an almond milk or a rice milk, or replacing your usual wheat bread with an Ezekiel 4:9 Organic Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Flourless Bread. This way, you can make a small change in your diet that will make a big difference to your body. Below is a substitution list with some popular brands that I have tried and really love. Feel free to explore several different options in each category to nd the solution that best suits your palate.


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Milk and Cream Pacic Natural Foods: organic nut and grain non-dairy beverages So Delicious Coconut Milk Beverage So Delicious Coconut Milk Creamer Any available organic rice, nut or hemp milk

Ice Cream Luna & Larrys Coconut Bliss (certied organic non-dairy frozen dessert, coconut milk-based) Purely Decadent (non-dairy frozen dessert made with coconut milk)



Butter Ancient Organics: Ghee (a claried butter that is no longer in a dairy state) Purity Farms: Ghee Rejuvenative Foods: Organic Cashew Butter, Organic Walnut Butter, Organic Pecan Butter, Organic Brazil Nut Butter, Organic Hazelnut Butter, Organic Raw Almond Butter, Organic Raw Tahini Artisana Nut and Seed Butters: Raw Almond Butter, Raw Cashew Butter, Raw Macadamia Butter, Raw Pecan Butter, Raw Walnut Butter, Raw Tahini (great for quick seed and nut milks, as well as spreads and sauces)

Yogurt Ricera: Rice Milk Yogurt So Delicious Coconut Yogurt

Cheese Eat in the Raw: Parma! (a nut parmesan cheese) Lifeway: Helios Ker Clover Organic Farms: Organic Ker Nancys Organic Ker


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Bread Ezekiel 4:9 Organic Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Flourless Bread Pacic Bakery: spelt breads, kamut breads, ads millet breads, rye breads, sprouted grain breads Manna Organics: Manna Bread Rudis Organic: Spelt Bread

Tortillas Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Tortillas and Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Corn Tortillas Rudis Organic: Spelt Tortillas

English Mufns Food for Life Organic Sprouted in 100% Whole Grain & Seed English Mufns Rudis Organic: Spelt English Mufns pelt



Bagels French Meadow Bakery: sprouted grain bagels Alvarado Street Bakery: sprouted grain bagels

Cereals Kaia Foods: raw granola GoRaw: raw granola

Cake Breads Manna Organics: Fruit & Nut Manna Bread (distributed by Natures Path Foods Inc.)

Grains Ancient Harvest brand Quinoa Alter Eco: Fair Trade Organic Black Quinoa, Red Quinoa, Pearl Quinoa


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Coffee Euromild: Acid Free Coffee Organic, fair trade coffee

Tea Yogi Tea Triple Leaf Tea Traditional Medicinals Tea

Energy Drinks GTs Raw Organic Kombucha Synergy Organic & Raw O.N.E. Coconut Water Amy & Brian All Natural Coconut Juice



Sugar Raw Agave Nectar Shady Maple Farms Maple Syrup Stevia leaf powder or liquid Alter Eco: Organic Ground Cane Sugar Wholesome Sweeteners: Organic Sucanat Really Raw Honey Pure, organic maple syrup

Wine Frey Vineyards (organic wine with no sultes)


Essential Balance 3-6-9 Blended Oil E3Live Chlorella

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Salt Himalania Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt Redmond: Real Salt Celtic Sea Salt Brand

Savory Maine Coast Sea Vegetables Bragg Liquid Aminos Ohsawa Organic Nama Shoyu Emerald Cove Sea Vegetables Rising Tide Sea Vegetables

Dressing Follow Your Heart Vegenaise

Broth Pacic Natural Foods



Vinegar Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Organic rice wine vinegar Eden Selected Ume Plum Paste and Vinegar Eden Selected Red Wine Vinegar

Pickles (fermented foods) Cultured: Raw Sauerkraut Alexander Valley Gourmet: Pickles and Sauerkraut Bubbies: Pickles and Sauerkraut Rejuvenate Foods Fresh Cultured Live Salsa


Bariani: Olive Oil (stone crushed, cold pressed) Nutiva: Hemp Oil (unrened, cold pressed) Olivado: Avocado Oil (extra virgin, cold pressed) Rejuvenative Foods organic cold pressed oils


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Naked Necessities
Good knives are key to happiness in the kitchen and equally important for n preserving the integrity of foods. They will not only make your preparation d time easier, but will cause less damage to the esh of plant foods and will mic help stabilize the nutritional value for longer periods. Try Kyocera ceramic knivesthey are the new craze, and are fairly inexpensive and light. I also like Global Knives, but any ne, sharp knife that suits your grip will do.

A quality, high-speed blender is key to many Get Naked recipes. It may seem like a hefty investment at rst, but when you realize the upside, you wont believe youve ever lived without it. I prefer the Vita-Mix blender. It will actually break down the food to such a degree that your digestive system will feel relieved. The Vita-Mix is such a powerful blender it does all the work for you, allowing vital nutrients to absorb quickly and efciently. Another great feature of the Vita-Mix is the warmth it brings to foods, from the friction when you leave it running. It is great for raw soups if you like them slightly heated.

Food Processor
A food processor is a staple to all kitchens. If you dont own one already, go get one. It cuts preparation time down to a minimum, and is an exceptional tool with all its gadgets for shredding, slicing, etc. I use it most often with the s-blade to mix things like veggie burgers, piecrusts, and brownies. My brand of choice is a Cuisinart, 16-cup size. There are times when I need smaller portions, but for someone with a family of ve, this size tends to suit me well.

Dehydrators are an excellent way of serving your raw food warm but not cooked. It dehydrates on varied temperatures and can be used for many food items. Dehydrated nuts, vegetables, and fruits make a great snack. I prepare my raw cookies on a low temperature in the dehydrator. The brand I love is the Excalibur Dehydrator because of its organized ParaFlexx sheets that aid in preparing things in style. Its compact, fairly inexpensive, and easy to maintain. The dehydrator is also great for leftover fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Its so easy: just slice and dehydrate. Another innovative idea is creating fruit leathers by simply pouring your leftover smoothie onto a ParaFlexx sheet and dehydrating. For a meal on the go, try the same with soups.

Coffee-spice/nut grinder
I love my Cuisinart spice and nut grinder. Since I discovered this little gem, I use it for everything. It comes with a large cup holder for bigger batches of grinding. I use it for ax seeds, sunower seeds, grinding spices into a powder, or making raw pine nut parmesan.

Cold Coffee Press

Coffee is notoriously the hardest thing to avoid when getting Naked (I must admit I love the taste of coffee). The great thing about the Hourglass Coffee System is that it cold brews your favorite coffee into such a beautifully smooth, low acid coffee that you wont ever have to give it up. Im really impressed with this deviceits very easy to use and makes enough coffee concentrate to last me a few days.


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Rice Cooker
This is a brilliant invention, especially if you have one with a warming cycle. The automatic setting makes it convenient for cooking grains and legumes without having to hang around the house. If you have one with a timer, even better. Zojirushi is always a good brand to use. You can prepare your morning cereal the night before and have it warm and ready for breakfast. I dont eat very much cooked food, but a rice cooker sure comes in handy when I am preparing for guests.

Salad Spinner
I love my salad spinner! Even though its not a necessity, it certainly makes life easy for a quick wash and dry of your produce. Vegetables and herbs will crisp and perk up when washed, dried, and refrigerated for a few hoursgreat for a crunchy salad!

This tool has various settings that create a perfect shape every time. It is great for slicing beets, turnips, carrots and sweet potatoes. I use it to thinly slice my vegetables for raw raviolis.



Spiralizer (or Saladacco)

This is a handheld gadget, great for making unique, stylish vegetable dishes, including shapely and delicious raw pastas. One setting makes paper-thin slices while the other produces clouds of spaghetti-like strands. I prepare yellow squash, zucchini, and beets for an angel hair pasta. You will be surprised at how creative you can get with this fun vegetable slicer!

Mesh Strainers
I have many mesh strainers in different sizes. I use them to airnd dry my fresh produce and also to sprout most of my seeds and un legumes. For easy sprouting, just soak, rinse, and run under g water through mesh strainer until sprouting tails form. Its a super easy way to instant nutrition and very ALIVE food.

Nut Milk Bags

If you like a creamy delicious milk-like drink, youll want to have oull a couple nut milk bags on hand. This reusable necessity is made t with a ne mesh and meant for straining your nut milks to make them very smooth. I make many different avors of nut milks and then store them in mason jars in my refrigerator, so my nut milk bags are in constant use. The great thing about nut milks is that when mixed with frozen bananas in the blender, they make a thick delicious nut milk shake that is full of nutrition.

If you can organize your kitchen, you can organize your life. ~ Louis Parrisch
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This is a bonus if youre serious about your health and understand that sprouts are a benecial, highenergy food. It may not be easy to nd fresh sprouts locally or at your convenience, but it is very easy to grow them in your kitchen. I use Freshlife Automatic Sprouter from Tribest in my kitchen.

Personally, I need to have a quart of green juice every day. I will juice anything and everything for maximum avor and nutrition. It nourishes me and oxygenates my blood; I crave it and cant wait to drink it. My favorite juicer is a Green Star, but there are certainly other popular ones on the market that will do the job. Im not picky about this because I think its better to have any ol juicer than none at all.

Hand/Immersion Blender
One of my favorite pieces of equipment for making pureed soups and mineral broths, I also use it for whipping nut milks into a froth for a green tea latte. Inexpensive and handy, I highly suggest having one around the kitchen for ease and versatility.



Basic Ingredients to Health, Beauty, and Longevity

Eat an 80% Raw-Vegan Diet because


The body is bio-electric; live (uncooked, unprocessed) food regenerates the electrical energy Raw plant proteins are readily available and easily absorbed in the cells Raw plant foods are laden with life force energy and enzymatic activity Cooking food destroys 50% of all proteins and 100% of all enzymes Enzymes are vital controllers, transforming food into essential substances for the body At a certain age, bodies no longer produce enzymes and therefore must replenish enzymes through the consumption of live food The link between aging and the depletion of enzymes has proven that live foods have a youthproducing effect Eating a vegan diet will lower your carbon footprint by 80%even more if eating raw

Eat a Low Glycemic Diet and Avoid Articial Sweeteners because

Stabilized blood sugar levels reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes Sugar raises the insulin level and suppresses the immune system, increasing vulnerability to disease Cancer cells thrive on glucose Sugar ages the skin by changing the structure of collagen and causing cross-linking, a.k.a. wrinkles Articial sweeteners enter the body as a poison and research has shown them to cause cancer Articial sweeteners engorge the lymphatic system, storing the chemical poisons to protect vital organs from harm

Eat a Diet High in Minerals because

Minerals are essential to the survival of the human body, even more important than enzymes The primary role of minerals is to aid detoxication; many people are so low in minerals they cannot detoxify


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Humans take in their minerals from plants, plants extract their minerals from the mineral-rich soil Mineral deciency often results in premature aging, fatigue, illness, and disease

Eat Foods High in Water because

Water is life force energy High-water foods are easier to digest and help ush wastes and toxins while transporting nutrients and oxygen Our bodies are made up of 65-75% water, and when depleted may lose energy Water aids digestion, but water with meals dilutes the digestive enzymes in saliva

Do Not Overeat because

Overeating slows the metabolism and causes premature aging KiSS (Keep it Simple Sweetie)too much food confuses and overworks the digestive system With a nutrient-dense live food diet, fewer calories need to be consumed for nutritional fulllment

Live Naturally, Eat Naturally

Eat to feel good.

Eat Only When Hungry because

If you listen to your body, it will tell you exactly what it needs Eating when tired, anxious, or angry changes the energy of the food, causing bodily stress Eating when emotionally upset causes cravings for addictive comfort/junk foods Comfort/junk foods create acidity in the body

In general, since the improvement of cookery, human beings eat twice as much as nature requires. ~ Ben Franklin

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