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Cedar Apple Rust

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Agriculture and Natural Resources


Cedar-Apple Rust

Stephen Vann
Assistant Professor Extension Urban Plant Pathologist

One of the most spectacular diseases to appear in spring is cedarapple rust. This disease is caused by the fungus Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae and requires both cedar and apple trees to survive each year. It is mainly a problem in the eastern portion of North America and is most important on apple or crabapple (Malus sp), but can also affect quince and hawthorn.

Figure 2. Cedar-apple rust on crabapple foliage.

The chief damage by this disease occurs on apple trees, causing early leaf drop and poor quality fruit. This can be a significant problem to com mercial apple growers but also harms the appearance of ornamental crabapples in the home landscape. On apple, symptoms first appear as small green-yellow leaf or fruit spots that gradually enlarge to become a

yellow-orange color (Figures 1 and 2). On the upper leaf surface of these spots, the fungus produces specialized fruiting bodies called spermagonia. On the lower leaf surface (and sometimes on fruit), raised hair-like fruiting bod ies called aecia (Figure 3) appear as microscopic cup-shaped structures. Wet, rainy weather conditions favor severe infection of the apple. The fungus forms large galls on cedar trees in the spring (see next section), but these structures do not greatly harm

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Visit our web site at: Figure 1. Cedar-apple rust (leaf spot) on apple (courtesy J. Clemons). Figure 3. Aecia of cedar-apple rust on crabapple leaves.

University of Arkansas, United States Department of Agriculture, and County Governments Cooperating

native redcedar and ornamental cedar, although some twig dieback may occur.

Disease Cycle
The fungus has a rather complex life cycle. It overwinters on cedar trees. In Arkansas, infection on redcedar typically takes place during the late spring and early summer months. Aeciospores, which are produced on the apple, will infect needles and buds of the cedar. Small leaf swellings develop and enlarge by fall. By the next spring and during moist weather, the galls produce orange-colored jelly-like horns (Figure 4). On cedar, baseball-sized galls may form over large portions of the tree (Figure 5), creating a dramatic effect. Twig galls on the cedar may eventu ally die, but they often remain attached for one to
Figure 5. Severe infection of Eastern redcedar.

Resistant varieties of apple and crabapple are the best method of control. A list of apple varieties can be found in Table 1. Because it is impractical to keep enough distance between native cedar trees and cultivated apples or crabapples in the state, fungicides can be used to protect apples against infection. Early spring fungicide applications work best as they will protect very young apple leaves from infection. Consult Extension publication MP154, Arkansas Plant Disease Control Products Guide, for a list of effective fungicides. Fungicide control on the cedar is not recommended since the damage to cedar is not considered significant and it would not help anyway, unless all cedars in the area could be sprayed. Early detection and identification are important for effective disease management strategies. For fur ther information about cedar-apple rust and other rust diseases of plants, contact your local county Extension office or the Plant Health Clinic.

Figure 4. Jelly-like telial horns of galls.

two years. The jelly-like horns represent the telial stage of the fungus. The telial horns swell consider ably and produce basidiospores that can be air or water borne for a distance of several miles; however, most infections usually occur within a few hundred yards. Basidiospores infect young apple leaves, fruit and twigs causing disease symptoms mentioned in the previous section. The life cycle of the fungus typically takes about two years to complete.

Table 1. Apple cultivar susceptibility to the cedar-apple rust fungus.

Cedar-apple rust Apple cultivar Arkansas Black Arlet Baldwin Barry Beacon Ben Davis Braeburn Britemac Burgundy Cameo Carroll Cortland Dayton Delicious Early McIntosh Empire Enterprise Fuji Gala Ginger Gold Gloster Golden Delicious Goldrush Granny Smith Gravenstein Holly Grimes Golden Honeycrisp Idared Jamba Jerseymac Jonafree Jonagold Jonamac Jonathan Julyred Liberty Lodi Macoun susceptibility ratingz R HS VR R S S HS R S HS R S R VR R R VR HS HS HS S HS HS R VR R S S S VR S S R HS S VR HS R Apple cultivar Maiden Blush McIntosh Milton Mollies Delicious Monroe Mutsu Niagara Northern Spy Northwestern Greening Paulared Prima Priscilla Pristine Puritan Quinte Raritan Redfree Rhode Island Greening Rome Beauty Scotia Spartan Spigold Spijon Stark Bounty Stark Splendor Starkspur Earliblaze Stayman Summerred Twenty Ounce Viking Wayne Wealthy Williams Pride Winesap Winter Banana Wellington Yellow Transparent York Imperial Cedar-apple rust susceptibility ratingz R VR VR VR S S R S S R HS R S R S S VR S HS R R HS S S S R S HS HS R S HS S R HS R R HS

zVR = very resistant. No control needed. (Very few cultivars in this category for any disease.)
R = resistant. Control only needed under high disease pressure.
S = susceptible. Control usually needed where disease is prevalent.
HS = highly susceptible. Control always needed where disease is prevalent. These cultivars should receive first priority when
control is called for.
West Virginia University
Kearneysville Tree Fruit Research and Education Center

Printed by University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services.

DR. STEPHEN VANN is assistant professor, Extension urban plant pathologist, with the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, Little Rock. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and
June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Director, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arkansas. The
Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible
persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age,
disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status,
and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


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