Unit Two Microorganisms
Unit Two Microorganisms
Unit Two Microorganisms
Unit 2: Microorganisms
Department: Biology
Microorganisms are organisms too small to be seen clearly by the unaided eyes.
Microbes can be observed only with the use of various types of microscopes.
Microorganisms include:
Fungi (some)
Algae (some)
Acellular (viruses)
The 3 domains of organisms based on evolutionary lines
The cell bears a thick rigid cell wall (peptidoglycan) outside the plasma membrane.
They lack true chlorophyll but few photosynthetic bacteria have a special type of
chlorophyll called bacteriochlorophyll.
1.1. External
Cell wall
Cell membrane
1.3. Internal
Cytoplasmic matrix
Actin cytoskeleton
Eukaryotic microbes
Have species with a wide range of life cycles, morphological specializations, and
nutritional needs.
Responsible for diseases of great public health importance, although more diseases are
caused by viruses and bacteria than microscopic eukaryotes.
Formation of spores
Classifications of bacteria based on cell wall composition and retaining dyes during Grams
i. Gram positive
Retains the purple crystal violet stain in the thick peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall
(Figure 2.5).
Loses the crystal violet stain due to the cell wall composed of a thin layer of a particular
substance called peptidoglycan.
In short, Fixation, crystal violet, iodine treatment, decolorization, and counter stain safranin.
Includes simple staining (using single dye) or differentiated staining (use different dyes)
(Figure 2.6)
Key words
Named after Hans Christian Gram, who developed the technique in 1884.
Endotoxin: The lipopolysaccharide portion of the cell envelope of certain gram negative
bacteria, which is toxin to human when solubilized.
Bacteria have evolved many mechanisms to acquire the energy and nutrients they need
for growth and reproduction.
Many are autotrophs (organisms that obtain their carbon from inorganic CO2).
Other bacteria are heterotrophs (organisms that obtain at least some of their carbon from
organic molecules like glucose).
i. Light energy
Bacteria also have only two sources for electrons: Lithotrophs and organotrophs.
Despite the great metabolic diversity seen in bacteria, most may be placed in one of the
five nutritional classes based on their primary sources of carbon, energy, and electrons.
Photoautotrophs: Use light energy and have CO2 as their carbon source.
Some photosynthetic bacteria (purple and green bacteria) use organic matter as their
electron donor and carbon source.
Some of these bacteria can also grow as photolithoautotrophs with molecular hydrogen as
an electron donor.
Unlike eukaryotic cells, bacterial cells lack a mitotic spindle to separate replicated
The segregation process does not involve specialized chromosomal associated proteins.
No clear picture describing how most of these proteins work to ensure accurate
chromosome segregation.
In any event, cell fission at midcell involves the synthesis of a partition, or septum, which
separates the mother cell into two genetically identical daughter cells.
Conjugation: The two cells of different mating types come together, and genetic material
is transferred from one to the other.
Example: E. coli
In the E. coli population, there are donor cells or F cells that can be transmitted to
recipient cells or F cells.
F cells have a DNA sequence known as the F factor (F stands for fertility) that is
necessary for a bacterium to serve as a donor during conjugation.
The sex pilus recognizes and binds to the surface of F cell, forming a cytoplasmic
conjugation bridge between the two cells.
The F plasmid replicates itself, and DNA is transferred from donor to recipient bacterium
through the conjugation bridge.
2.2. Archaea
Characteristics of archaea
Generate methane.
They are strictly anaerobic organisms that have been isolated from such divergent
anaerobic environments: water logged soil, lake sediments, marshes, marine sediments,
and the gastrointestinal tracts of animals including humans.
Extreme halophiles
They grow in highly saline environments such as the great salt lake, the dead sea, salt
evaporation ponds, and the surfaces of salt preserved foods.
Found near volcanic vents and fissures that release sulfurous gases and other hot vapors.
They may be obligate aerobes, facultative aerobes, or obligate anaerobes (with optimum
temperatures usually in excess of 80 degree centigrade).
Thermoplasma and Picrophilus are notable for growing in extremely acidic, and hot
Psychrophiles (cryophiles)
The tree, based on sequences of 16S ribosomal RNA genes, reveals a major evolutionary
split of Archaea into two phyla, the Crenarchaeota and the Euryarchaeota.
Archaea also share other common features that distinguish them from bacteria:
The initial amino acid in their polypeptide chains, coded by the AUG start codon, is
methionine (as in eukaryote and in contrast to the N-formylmethionine used by bacteria).
Archaea, a unique domain of life distinct from bacteria and eukaryotes, offer several beneficial
Biogeochemical Cycles: Archaea play crucial roles in biogeochemical cycles, particularly
in carbon and nitrogen cycling. Methanogenic archaea are essential in producing methane
in anaerobic environments, contributing to the global carbon cycle.
Those are added to detergents to maintain its activity even at higher temperature and PH.
Those are used as detergent additives to increase their stain removal ability (e.g.
Proteases and lipases derived from alkaliphilic bacteria).
They are the sources of the enzyme harnessed as the basis for the amplification of the
DNA in a technique called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
The major physical factors which affect the microbial growth are:
Oxygen level
2.3. Fungi
Bear spore
Lack chlorophyll
Some have septate hyphae, and others have nonseptate (coenocytic hyphae).
They utilize pre-existing organic sources of carbon in their environment and the energy
from chemical reactions to synthesize the organic compounds they require for growth and
Frequently found in cool, dark, moist places with a supply of decaying material.
The photosynthetic organism provides energy derived from light and carbohydrates,
while the fungus supplies minerals and protection.
Glomeromycota: Fruiting bodies which represent the part of a fungus in which spores are
formed and from which they are released.
These structures may be asexual and invisible to the naked eye, or sexual structures, such
as the macroscopic mushrooms.
Asexual reproduction
Fungal spores are extremely light and are blown about in huge numbers by wind currents.
In yet other fungi, spores may form simply by fragmentation of the hyphae yielding
arthrospores (arthro= joint). E.g. Sporangia of the common bread mold Rhizopus and the
conidiophores and conidia.
The cell becomes swollen at one edge, and a new cell called a blastospore (blasto= bud)
develops (buds) from the parent cell.
Sexual reproduction
Many fungi also produce spores by sexual reproduction.
Used in bioremediation.
Essential to many industrial processes including making of bread, wine, and beer. e.g.
Play major roles in the preparation of some cheeses, soy sauce, and sufu, injera, Tela
(farsoo), Tej (Dadhii), bulla,etc and in the commercial production of many organic acids
(citric, Gallic) and certain drugs (ergometrine, cortisone).
Are used in the production of citric, oxalic, gluconic and itaconic acid from molds
(Aspergillus species).
Fusarium (mold) can produce within 48 hours 12-15 grams of fat from a litre of 50%
glucose solution.
Fungi play a major role in the manufacture of many antibiotics (penicillin, griseofulvin)
and the immunosuppressive cyclosporin.
Actinomycetes and fungi are important sources of antibiotics such as penicillin,
amphotericin B, adriamycin and bleomycin,etc.
Fungi are useful tools for studying complex eukaryotic events, such as cancer and aging
within a simple cell.
Over 5,000 species of fungi attack economically valuable crops, garden plants, and many
wild plants.
Molds can cause deterioration of fabrics, leather, electrical insulation and other
manufactured goods.
Two closely related fungi, Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, produce mycotoxins
called aflatoxins.
They contaminate agricultural products such as peanuts, grains, cereals, sweet potatoes,
corn, rice, and animal feed.
They are deposited in these foods and ingested by humans where they are thought to be
carcinogenic, especially in the liver.
Contaminated meat and dairy products are also sources of the toxins.
The dense tissue hardens the grain into a purple body called a sclerotium.
Alkaloids are produced by the sclerotium and deposited in the grain as a substance called
Products such as bread made from rye grain may cause ergot rye disease, or ergotism.
Occurs from mushrooms that produce mycotoxins that affect the human body.
Superficial mycoses are fungal infections of the outer most areas of the human body:
hair, fingernails, toenails, and the dead, outermost layers of the skin (the epidermis).
Caused by any of several species of taxonomically related flamentous fungi in the genera
Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, and Micosporum.
Clinically, the tineas are classified according to the anatomic site or structure affected:
Beard ringworm.
Mode of transmission
Superficial mycoses (Dermatomycoses) are infections that are transmitted directly by
human contact, animal-human contact or indirectly on inanimate objects (clothes, carpets,
moisture, and dust in showers, swimming pools, wardrobes, gyms).
2.4. Protozoa
Characteristics of protozoa
Mostly microscopic.
Locomotion by pseudopodia, flagella, cilia, and direct cell movements; some are sessile.
Most protozoa are asexual and reproduce in one of the three ways.
Fission: Occurs when a cell divides evenly to form two new cells.
Multiple fission (schizogony): Occurs when the nucleus of the cell divides multiple times
before the rest of the cell divides.
Sexual reproduction: Also occurs during the life cycle of most protozoa.
A distinctive feature of ciliates is the presence of two types of nuclei: tiny micronuclei
(controls reproduction), and large macronuclei (control everyday functions of the cell,
such as feeding, waste removal, and maintaining water balance).
Nutrition in protozoa
Grow in both aerobic and anaerobic environment. E.g. Live in the intestine of animals.
Protists obtain food in one of the three ways: Absorption, ingestion, and engulf.
Ingestion: Cilia outside the protist create a wave-like motion to move food into mouth-
like opening in the protist called a cystosome. E.g. paramecium.
Engulf: Engulf food by using pseudopodia, and then pull it into the cell using a process
called phagocytosis. E.g. Amoeba.
Many are beneficial in the environment because they help make it more productive.
They improve the quality of water by eating bacteria and other particles.
African trypanosomiasis
Chagas disease
2.5. Viruses
They must infect and take over a host cell in order to replicate.
They lack the chemical machinery for generating energy and synthesizing large
Viruses have an inner core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein coat known as an
They do not have cell wall or cell membrane or cellular organelles including ribosomes.
They do not occur free in nature but act as obligate intracellular parasite.
They lack the enzymes necessary for protein and nucleic acid synthesis .
Occupy a space in between living and non-living, because they are crystallizable and
non-living outside the body of host.
They are obligate intracellular parasites of bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, plants, and
Inactive macromolecules outside the host cell and active only inside host cells.
Have basic structure consists of protein shell (capsid) surrounding nucleic acid core.
Nucleic acid of the viral genome is either DNA or RNA but not both.
Molecules on virus surface impart high specificity for attachment to host cell.
Multiply by taking control of host cells genetic material and regulating the synthesis and
assembly of new viruses.
The basic structure of virus is nucleic acid core (either DNA or RNA but not both)
surrounded by protein coat.
Envelope: An additional lipoprotein layer around the capsid derived from the cell surface
membrane of the host cell. E.g. HIV and influenza viruses.
Polymerase: Transcribes the viral genome into m RNA during replication process. E.g.
1. Helican symmetry
Icosahedral Symmetry
Complex Symmetry
Consist of complex structural components which made it different from the other two
groups. E.g. pox virus
3. Complex: No clearly identifiable capsid. E.g. vaccinia virus capsids to which other
structures are attached. E.g. Some bacteriophage
Contain DNA as their genetic material. Contain RNA as their genetic material.
Mutation rate is less than RNA mutation rate. Mutation rate higher than DNA mutation rate.
Key words
Retrovirus: An RNA virus that converts its genetic information from RNA into DNA
after it has infected a host.
The primary criteria for delineating (describing) the main viral taxa are:
Viral replication
One of the best studied processes of replication is that carried out by bacteriophages of
the T-even group (T for “type”).
2. Penetration: The entry of virions (or their genome) into host cells.
3. Synthesis: The synthesis of new nucleic acid molecules, capsid proteins, and other viral
components within host cells while using the metabolic machinery of those cells.
4. Maturation: The assembly of newly synthesized viral components into complete virions.
5. Release: The departure of new virions from host cells. Release generally, but not always, kills
(lyses) host cells.
Infect bacteria.
Obligate intracellular parasites that multiply inside bacteria by making use of some or all
of the host biosynthesis machinery.
Component Function
Genome Carries the genetic information necessary for replication of new phage particles.
Tail sheath Reacts so that the genome can move from the head into the host cells cytoplasm.
Plate and tail Attach phage to specific receptor sites on the cell wall of a susceptible host bacterium.
Undergoes a lytic cycle to produce new phage particles within a bacterium cell.
Cell lysis releases new phage particles that can infect more bacteria.
2. Lysogenic cycle
Infection with every phage does not result in lysis of the host cells (See figure 2.29 of
lysogenic bacteriophage cycle)
Prophage: The integrated phage nucleic acid. It behaves like a segment of the host
chromosome and multiplies synchronously with it. This phenomenon is known as
Lysogenic bacterium: The bacterium that carries a Prophage within its genome. Such
phages are called lysogenic or temperate phages.
The DNA of the virus Does not integrate into the Integrates into the host DNA.
host DNA.
DNA replication of virus Takes place independently Takes place along with the host DNA replication
from the host DNA
Resident microbiota: Microbes that typically inhabit body sites for extended periods.
2. A knowledge of the normal microbiota helps the physician investigator understand the causes
and consequences of colonization and growth by microorganisms normally absent at a specific
body site.
3. An increased awareness of the role that these normal microbiota play in stimulating the host
immune response can be gained.
When members of the normal microbiota are killed or their growth suppressed, as can
happen during antibiotic treatment, pathogens may colonize and cause disease.
Oral antibiotics can also inhibit members of the normal intestinal microbiota.
In order to prove whether or not diseases are caused by microorganisms, Koch used mice
as experimental animals.
1. The disease-causing organism must always be present in animals suffering from the
disease but not in healthy animals.
2. The organism must be cultivated in a pure culture away from the animal body.
3. The isolated organism must cause the disease when inoculated into healthy susceptible
4. The organism must be isolated from the newly infected animals and cultured again in the
laboratory, after which it should be seen to be the same as the original organism.
Common vehicle
Microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, and viruses) play an important role in
Nitrogen fixation.
Phosphate solubilization.
Potassium mobilization.
Converting elements into the forms that plants and animals can use.
Reducing the volume of sludge and producing methane gas (an alternative energy
source) from it.
Bioremediation: A natural process that relies on microorganisms and plants and/or their
derivatives (enzymes or spent biomass) to degrade or alter environmental contaminants.
To clean-up environmental contaminants.
The tart (sharp) taste of yogurt, pickles, sharp cheeses, and some sausages is due to the
production of lactic acid by one or more members of a group of bacteria known as the
lactic acid bacteria.
Microbial perform useful functions for the body. E.g. E. coli-Resides in the intestine and
release components in the digestion of food.
Microbiota in gut fight against harmful bacteria which cause disease by synthesizing
vitamins like vitamin K and folic acid (drug taken during fetus).
Biotechnology: One field which has made use of microorganisms for the drug delivery
in form of vectors and plasmids.
Carbon fixation
Respiration and fermentation involve in processes to release energy ATP and CO2.
Archaea obtain energy by oxidizing hydrogen gas using CO2 as a terminal electron
acceptor, generating methane (CH4).
Methane is oxidized by ultraviolet light and chemical ions, forming Carbon monoxide
(CO) and CO2.
Root nodules are found on the roots of plants, primarily legumes, which form a symbiosis
with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Draw figure 2.38: The nitrogen cycle, from page 105.
Phosphorus (P) occurs in soils as both organic and inorganic forms (Figure 2.40).
Organic P in soils: Not available for plant uptake until the organic materials are
decomposed and the phosphorus released via the mineralization process.
The rate of P release is affected by factors such as soil moisture, composition of the
organic material, oxygen concentration and PH.
A few chemicals called sterilants can be classified as sterilizing agents because of their
ability to destroy spores.
Disinfection: The use of a chemical agent that destroys or removes all pathogenic
organisms or organisms capable of giving rise to infection.
Destroys vegetative pathogens but not bacterial endospores.
Used only on inanimate objects because they can be toxic to human and other animal
tissue, when used in higher concentrations.
Examples of disinfection
Antiseptics: Are chemical agents applied directly to the exposed body surfaces.
Example of antiseptics
Air sanitization with ultraviolet lamps reduces airborne microbes in hospital rooms,
veterinary clinics, and laboratory installations.
Preservation: A general term for measures taken to prevent microbe capsid spoilage of
susceptible products (pharmaceuticals, foods).
The application of heat is a simple, cheap and effective method of killing pathogens.
Methods of heat application vary according to the specific application.
Pasteurization: The antimicrobial treatment used for foods in liquid form (milk).
Uperization: Heating to 150 °C for 2.5 seconds in a pressurized container using steam
Importance of disinfection
Flaming: Carried out by holding them in the flame of the Bunsen burner till they become
red hot.
E.g. Sterilization of inoculating loop or wire, the tip of forceps, searing spatulas, etc.
Uses of incineration
For complete destruction and disposal of infectious materials, such as syringes, needles,
culture materials, dressings, bandages, bedding, animal carcasses, and pathology samples.
Fast and effective for most hospital wastes, but not for metals and heat-resistant glass
Hot air oven: Sterilization by hot-air oven requires exposure to 160-180 °C for 2 hours
and 30 minutes, which ensures thorough heating of the objects and destruction of spores.
Carried out over a period of 3 days and requires a chamber to hold the materials and a
reservoir for boiling water.
The items to be sterilized are kept in the chamber and are exposed to free-flowing steam
at 100 °C for 20 minutes, for each of the 3 consecutive days.
Microorganisms (bacteria or fungi) can be isolated from food, soil, water or from other
For bacterial/fungal isolation, the soil (food) samples are collected from the desired
sites (See fig. 2.41).
Each of the isolates are purified on new media and experimented for the
morphological characteristic like shape, gram nature and arrangement of cells, motility,
Activity 2.10: Search for, study the works of a renowned microbiologist/ Parasitologist in
Ethiopia, and evaluate the contribution of his/her research to the world of science.