Info Pract Xii QP PB 1 Set 3
Info Pract Xii QP PB 1 Set 3
Info Pract Xii QP PB 1 Set 3
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A have 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05marks each.
7. Section E has02 questions carrying 04 marks each. One internal choice is given in Q 34
and 35 against part c only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.
9. 3333333333
1. It is a world-wide network which is a collection of many other networks 1
a) Internet
b) Website
c) Web Page
d) LAN
2. It is an act of copying another person’s data idea, words or work and pretended that they 1
are our own.
a) Copyright
b) Virus
c) Plagiarism
d) IPR
3. Choose the method(s) used for managing e-Waste. 1
a) Reducingb) Reusingc) Recycling d) All of these
4. Which type of values will not be considered by SQL while executing the following 1
a) Null value
b) Text value
c) Numeric value
d) Date value
5. In a table SHOP, column “Margin” contains the data 1
set(2.00,2.00,NULL,4.00,NULL,3.00,3.00).What will be the output after the execution of the
query given below?
a) 2.9 b) 2.8 c)2.00 d) None of these
6. ‘P’ in IPR stands for 1
a) Proprietary
b) Platform
c) Patent
d) Property
7. Which of the following is not a category of MySQL functions? 1
a) Text Functions
b) Mathematical Functions
c) Aggregate Functions
d) Arithmetic Functions
8. Select the output of the following SQL Command : - 1
SELECT ROUND(568.45,-1)
a) 570
b) 550
c) 568
d) 600
9. Which of the following function is similar to LCASE () function? 1
a) Lowercase()
b) Lower()
c) Lower_case()
d) All of the these
10 To display Third Element of a Series object S,you will write : 1
. a) S[:3]
b) S[2]
c) S[3]
d) S[:2]
11 Choose statement from the statements given below which is not correct in the context of a 1
. DataFrame?
a) size is Mutable
b) Can perform Arithmetic operators on rows and columns.
c) Homogeneous tabular data structure
d) Two dimensional
12 Which attribute is not used with the Dataframe? 1
. a) size
b) column
c) empty
d) type
13 A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users especially is 1
. known as
a) e-mail
b) Chat group
c) Whatsapp
d) Chat bot
14 Suppose you have a DATETIME “2023-11-10 12:50:10” value. Which function extracts the 1
. date part of the given DATETIME value.
b) NOW()
d) DATE()
15 What is the name of the IT law that India is having in the Indian Legislature? 1
. a) India’s Technology(IT) Act,2000
b) India’s Digital Information Technology(DIT),Act,2000
c) India’s Information Technology(IT),Act ,2000
d) The Technology Act,2008
16 Which of the following are automatically granted to creators and authors? 1
. a) Copyright
b) Patent
c) Trademark
d) Netiquette
Q17and18areASSERTIONANDREASONING basedquestions. Mark thecorrect choiceas
i. BothAand Raretrue andRisthecorrectexplanationforA
ii. BothAand Raretrueand Ris not the correctexplanation forA
iii. Ais Truebut Ris False
iv. Ais false butR is True
17 ASSERTION (A):E-waste can be toxic and harmful for nature 1
. REASONING(R):E-Waste that do not organically break down can, over time, can seep
directly into the environment
18 ASSERTION(A):drop() function removes data from a Dataframe temporarily. 1
. REASONING(R): Axis parameter is compulsory with drop() function.
19 What do you understand by a website? Mention any two points of difference between 2
aWebsite and Webpage?
“Switch is an intelligent Hub”. State Yes or No with reason.
20 Gopi Krishna is using a table Employee which has columns - 2
Code,Name,Salary,Deptcode. He wants to display maximum salary department wise but
he did not get the desired result. Rewrite the query given below with necessary change to
help him get the desired result.
SELECT Deptcode,MAX(Salary) FROM Employee;
21 In SQL, differentiate HAVING and WHERE clause? 2
22 Consider the given data and write a python program to create a series named Subject 2
. using a dictionary.
English 75
Hindi 78
Math 82
Science 88
29 NISHA has recently changed his school so she is not aware of the people, but someone is 3
posting negative demeaning comments on his social media profile. She is also getting
repeated mails from unknown people. Every time she goes online, she finds someone
chasing him online.
i. Nisha is a victim of ___________.
ii. The action that Nisha should take to handle it.
iii. .......................... is a set of moral principles that governs the behavior of a group or
individual and regulates the use of computers.
What do you understand by plagiarism? Why is it a punishable offence? Mention any two
ways to avoid plagiarism.
30 Consider a table “AGENT”” with the following data: 3
Table : AGENT
A01 Beena Mehta 30000 45.23 29-10-2019
A02 K.L. Sahay 50000 25.34 13-03-2018
B03 Nisha Thakkar 30000 35.00 18-03-2017
B04 Leela Yadav 80000 NULL 31-12-2018
C05 Gautam Gola 20000 NULL 23-01-1989
Write SQL queries to
perform the following operations.
(i) Display Agent name and bonus after rounding off to zero decimal places.
(ii) Display the month name of the date of join (DOJ) of all the agents who have no bonus.
(iii) Display the
e minimum salary of all the agents
What is the purpose of GROUP BY clause in MySQL? How is it different from ORDER BY
31 Write suitable SQL query for the following: 5
. i. Display 7 characters extracted from 7 th characterharacter onwards from the string
ii. Display the position of occurrence of string ‘COME’ in the string‘WELCOME WORLD’.
iii. Round off the value 78.779 to 2nd decimal place.
iv. Display the remainder of 1 149 divided by 6.
v. Remove all the expected leading and trailing spaces from a column USERID of the table
Explain the following SQL functions using suitable examples.
iii. NOW()
v. POWER()
32 VIKRAMA UNIVERSITY, Allahabad is setting up the network between its different wings. 5
. There are four wings named as Science(S), Journalism(J), Arts(A) and Home Science(H).
33 Mr. Gupta is working in a game development industry and he was comparing the given chart 5
on the basis of the rating of the
various games available on
the play store.
Write the python code for the above graph and Also give suitable python statement to save
this chart.
Write a python program to plot a line chart based on the given data to depict the pass
percentage of students in CBSE exams for the years 2018 to 2022 as shown below.
34 Naveen, a database administrator has designed a database for a Computer Stock. Help him 1+
by writing answers of the following questions based on the given table: 1+
35 Assume a DataFrame df has following data of passengers for the year 2010 to 2012 for
. January, March and December. Find output of the following python statements given 1+
below: - 1+
Year Mont Passengers
0 2010 Jan 25
1 2010 Mar 50
2 2012 Jan 35
3 2010 Dec 55
4 2012 Dec 65
i. df.columns
ii. df.shape
iii. df[df.Passengers>50]
OR (Option for part iii only)