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Outline OB MGT-306 Fall 24

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Department of Management Sciences

University of Gujrat
Course Outline Fall-2024

Course Information
Course Organizational Behavior Course MGT-306
Title Code
Credit 3 Course BBA
Hours Level
Instructor Information
Name Dr. Yasir Aftab Farooqi Office A-213
Email Contact No. 0333-8467781

Course Details
1: Course Description
The course is designed for Masters Level. It focuses on the behavior of individuals and groups in
diverse organizations and on organizational structure and processes. Besides there is heavy
emphasis on leadership, change management, team development and continuous improvement
practices and experiences. Topics include management, leadership, change management, team
development, dynamics and teamwork and transforming business processes and process
improvement structure.

2: Course Objectives
At the end of the course the students will be able to:

 Understand the framework and fundamentals of organizational behavior as the foundation

for building and sustaining high performance and effectiveness.
 Demonstrate the ability to analyze and apply critical thinking and learning skills related to
real life problems and situations.
 Understand the processes and methods that can improve individual and group
performance and business effectiveness.
 Understand perspectives and applications of organizational behavior to successfully
analyze complex organizational situations, diagnose problems and identify critical success
 Evaluate alternative solutions and recommend appropriate course of action.
 Apply critical, creative and innovative thinking skills in today's demanding financial,
operational, technical and managerial global economy.

3: Course Learning Outcomes

The following learning outcomes are to be achieved by the end of this course:
 Ability to describe organizational behavior tools and concepts and know when these can
be used.
 Ability to use organizational behavior frames of reference to diagnose individual and
group situations in organizations, as described in exercises and cases we will use though
out the course.
 Ability to function as a productive member of a work team.
4: Course Pre-requisite/s
Essentials of Management (MGT-314)
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
Course Outline Fall-2024
5: Recommended Textbooks and Journals
Stephen P. Robbins; Organizational Behavior; Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River; New Jersey,
18th Edition; 2020
6: Course Readings
Laurie J.Mullins; Management and Organizational behavior; Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River;
New jersey; Seventh Edition; 2006

David Bachanan and AndrzesHuczyhski ;Organizational behavior Introductory text book;Prentice

Hall Upper Saddle River; New jersey; Fifth Edition; 2004
7: Course Evaluation Criteria
Assignments: 10%
Presentations: 10%
Quizzes: 5%
Mid Term Examination: 25%
Final Examination: 50%
Total: 100%
8: Plagiarism Policy
Be very careful to avoid plagiarism
Material submitted for assessment in connection with coursework assignment must represent the
student's own efforts, and be his / her work (except group work). Brief quotations from the
published or unpublished work of another person may be used, but must always be attributed.
quotations, or close paraphrasing or copying from the work of another person (including another
student) without acknowledgement both at the relevant point in the text, and in any bibliography,
constitutes plagiarism, which is an assessment offence.

9: Assignment/Presentation/Case Study Briefings

Knowledge and understanding of the subject materials and chosen organization should be kept in
mind developing assignments and presentations. Furthermore, Quality and standard of written
material regarding assignments and presentation must include the use of logical structure, use of
headings, subheadings, use of diagrams, appropriate references, citation of published sources and
appendices. Use of grammar and sentence structure must also be appropriate and according to
academic standards.
10: Class Attendance and Missed Exam Policy
Students are required to attend all classes in the course. Students who miss classes are far likely to
meet the requirements of the course. A student who misses more than 5 classes will get zero in
class participation. If a student does not attend minimum of 70% of total classes he/she will not
be permitted to take final examination in the course.

Students are advised not to miss any exam under any circumstances. A makeup exam will be
allowed only under very special circumstances and that too only after the approval of the
Chairperson of the department.

Sixteen Weeks Plan

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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
Course Outline Fall-2024

Week Class Course Contents/Activities *Teaching Method Deadlines

1 Introduction & Overview Lecture, Discussion
2 Introduction & Overview Lecture, Discussion
1  Introduction to the subject and
its relationship with the
3 What is Organization behaviour Lecture, Discussion
 Why we study Organization
 Challenges and threats for
2 Organization behaviour
4 What is Organization behaviour Lecture, Discussion Assignment 1
 Contributing disciplines to the
Organizational behavior field
5 Diversity in Organizations Lecture, Discussion
 Diversity
 Discrimination
 Biographical Characteristics
3 6 Diversity in Organizations Lecture, Discussion Quiz 1
 Other differentiating
 Ability
7 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture, Discussion
 Attitude and its components
 The Theory of Cognitive
4 Dissonance
8 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture, Discussion
 Different job Attitudes
9 Personality, Learning and Lecture, Discussion
 The Big Five Model of
Personality Dimensions
 Major Personality Attributes
5 Influencing OB
10 Personality, Learning and Lecture, Discussion Assignment 2
Values (Contd.)
 What is Learning
 Theories of learning
 Case study: Learning from
6 11 Personality, Learning and Lecture, Discussion
Values (Contd.)
 Schedules of Reinforcement

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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
Course Outline Fall-2024
 Behavior Modification
12 Personality, Learning and Lecture, Discussion Quiz 2
Values (Contd.)
 Values
 Types
 Value Framework
13 Perception Lecture, Discussion,
 What Is Perception, and Why Case Study
Is It Important
 Specific Applications in
14 Motivation Concepts Lecture, Discussion
7  Hierarchy of Needs Theory
 Theory X and Theory Y
(Douglas McGregor)
 Two-Factor Theory (Frederick
15 Motivation Concepts (Contd.) Lecture, Discussion,
 Contemporary theories of Case Study
16 Motivation: From Concepts to Lecture, Discussion
8  Motivating by Job design
 Job Redesign
 Alternative work
 Employee Involvement
9 17 & 18 Mid-term Examination
19 Foundations of Group Lecture, Discussion
 Defining and Classifying
10  The Five-Stage Model of
Group Development
20 Foundations of Group Lecture, Discussion
Behaviour (Contd.)
 Group Properties
21 Foundations of Group Lecture, Discussion
Behaviour (Contd.)
 Group Decision Making
 The Hawthorne Studies
22 Understanding Work Teams Lecture, Discussion Quiz 3
 Why Have Teams Become So
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
Course Outline Fall-2024
 Difference between groups
and teams
 Types of Teams
23 Understanding Work Teams Lecture, Discussion Assignment 3
 Creating Effective Teams
12 24 Leadership Lecture, Discussion
 What Is Leadership
 Traits Theories of Leadership
25 Leadership (Contd.) Lecture, Discussion
 Behavioral Theories of
 Leader-Participation Model
13 26 Power and politics Lecture, Discussion Quiz 4
 A Definition of Power
 Contrasting leadership and
 Dependence: key to power
27 Power and politics (Contd.) Lecture, Discussion Assignment 4
 Power tactics
 Politics: Power in action
 Factors contribution to
14 political behavior
28 Foundation of Organizational Lecture, Discussion
 Key elements of
organizational structure
29 Foundation of Organizational Lecture, Discussion
Structure (Contd.)
 Common Organization
 Case study: Restructuring for
15 Global Success
30 Organizational Culture Lecture, Discussion
 What is Organizational
 Creating & Sustaining Culture
 How employees Learn Culture
31 Presentation
32 Presentation
End-term Examination
*Lecture, Discussion, Class Seminar, Case Study, Presentation etc.

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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
Course Outline Fall-2024

Signature Signature
Course Instructor Coordinator Specialization

Signature Signature
Chairperson, Department of Dean, Faculty of Management and
Management Sciences Administrative Science

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