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Learning Episode 2

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Field Study 2

Learning Episode 2: Embedding Action Research for Reflective Teaching

Resource Teacher: Teacher Salve San Jose Teacher’s Signature: School: NCS II
Grade Level: Grade 5 Subject Area: English Date: November 14,2022

Participate and Assist

List of Complete Action Research Titles Author/s

An Action Research on Improving Classroom Multlu Aksoy and Tuncay Ceylan

Communication and Interaction inSocial Studies

Action Research: Cases of Effective Teaching Carol Bartell


Developing numeracy skills using interactive Tess Miller

technology in a play-based learning environment

Improving Reading Comprehension through Brigitte A. McKown, B.S.

Higher-order Thinking Skills Cynthia L. Barnett, B.S.

Enhancing achievement and interest in mathematics Charles Y. C. Yeh

learning through Math-Island Hercy Cheng
Zhi-Hong Chen
Calvin Yao
Tak-Wai Chan


Questions My Answer

1. What have you noticed about the action research 1. Identified problem to be solved in title number 1
titles? Do the action research titles imply Improving Classroom Communication and
problems to be solved? Yes _/_ No ___ Interaction inSocial Studies Teaching

If yes, identify the problems from the title you have 2. Identified problem to be solved in title number 2
given. Answer in the space provided. Cases of Effective Teaching Practices

3. Identified problem to be solved in title number 3

Numeracy Skills
4. Identified problem to be solved in title number 4
Reading Comprehension

5. Identified problem to be solved in title number 5

Enhancing Numeracy Skills through Technology

2. What interpretation about action research can you Title of the Action Research:
make out of your answer in question number one? Improving Reading Comprehension through
Higher-order Thinking Skills
3. Write the title and your interpretation of the study
from the title. From the title, I think, the study aims to make use of
higher-order thinking skills to improve students’
reading comprehension.

4. What do you think did the author/s do with the I think the author/s identified ways how using
identified problem as presented in their titles? higher-order thinking skills can be of help in
enhancing one’s reading comprehension.


Key Questions My Answer

1. From what source do you think the Choices:

authors identify the problems of their ___ Copied from research books
action research? _/_ From daily observation of their teaching practice.
_/_ From difficulties they observed of their learners.
___ From their own personal experience.
_/_ From the told experiences of their co-teachers.

2. What do you think is the teacher's Choices:

intention in conducting the action _/_ To find a solution to the problematic situation
research? ___ To comply with the requirement of the principal
___ To improve teaching practice
_/_ To try out something, if it works
___ To prove oneself as better than others

3. What benefits do you get as a student Choices:

in FS 2 in understanding and doing _/_ Prepare me for my future job
action research? ___ Get good grades in the course
_/_ Learn and practice being an action researcher
_/_ Improve my teaching practice
/ Exposure to the realities in the teaching profession
_/_ Become a better teacher everyday

4. In what ways can you assist your / By co-researching with my mentor

mentor in his or her action research / By assisting in the design of the intervention
activity? / By assisting in the implementation of the AR
___ By just watching what is being done


Based on the readings you made and the previous activities that you have done,
1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?
I learned that action research intends to find solution/s to a specific problem. It is about taking action
to improve one’s practice or the environment. For educators, action research is a way which can help
them study their practice to solve their personal or professional practical problems. Action research can
be focused on any simple or complex problem which can happen from a day-to-day life oa a teacher.

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future teacher? Yes _/_ No __. If
yes, complete the sentence below.
I realized that as a future teacher, conducting action research can be challenging yet it will bring
numerous benefits. In the process, teachers can learn a lot aside from the problem being targeted. As a
future teacher, action research will also be beneficial to the school, the learners, and the community
given that a problem is being solved.

Write Action Research Prompts

From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?
● Observe and noticed that an Action Research begins with a problem or a problematic situation.
Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and noticed.
In the classroom of Teacher Salve, Grade 5 Lyra, I observed how positive and negative reinforcement is
applied. When I was helping in managing the class, I had a hard time keeping them down and quiet.
Once I tell them to keep quiet, they would stop for a minute then be back to being noisy. When Teacher
Salve asked one student to list names of misbehaving students and told that these listed students will be
squatting for 10 minutes, they became silent and well-behaved.

What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?
I realize that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution.
Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above.
Since students or children tend to be naughty nowadays, the teacher or the class can apply reinforcement
strategies that can help the learners be motivated and behave well in the class.

What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to improve the situation or solve the problem?
● As a future action researcher I can help plan for an appropriate intervention like understanding the
students’ (Grade 5 Lyra) needs and interest to be able to identify how I can relate with them and hence,
be able to catch their attention, make them follow instructions, and help in disciplining them. Especially
in their free time, or when there is no teacher yet, I can give them fun activities that can motivate and at
the same time make them enjoy being in their learning environment.
If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?
● If I will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be Positive and Negative
Reinforcement as a Tool for Managing a Classroom.

Continuation on the next page.

Check for Mastery
Work on my Artifacts

Your artifact will be an abstract of a completed action research.


This action research project was conducted to improve reading comprehension with second grade and
third grade students. The teacher researchers intended to improve reading comprehension by using
higher-order thinking skills such as predicting, making connections, visualizing, inferring, questioning, and
summarizing. In their classrooms the teacher researchers modeled these strategies through the think-aloud
process and graphic organizers. This was followed by students using these strategies through the whole class,
small group, and independent practice.

The teacher researchers gathered information prior to implementing the reading strategy
interventions. The Metacomprehension Strategy Index indicated a lack of student knowledge of strategies to
use before, during, and after reading. The State Snapshot of Early Literacy given to the second grade students
identified 9 of the 16 students below target level. The Test Ready Test given to the third grade students
indicated 10 of the 17 students were at risk for reading comprehension failure.

The information gathered by the teacher researchers after the interventions had been modeled and
practiced showed improvement with the second and third grade students. The post intervention scores for
the Metacomprehension Strategy Index showed a significant increase in students’ knowledge of the reading
comprehension strategies. The State Snapshot of Early Literacy post-intervention scores indicated only 6 of
the 16 second grade students remained below target level for reading comprehension. The Test Ready Test
given to third grade students indicated only 2 of the 16 students had post-intervention scores that were at
risk for reading comprehension failure.

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