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2008 Tacoma

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08 02.


Welcome to the growing group of value−conscious people who drive Toyotas. We are proud of the advanced engineering and
quality construction of each vehicle we build.
This Owner’s Manual explains the operation of your new Toyota. Please read it thoroughly and have all the occupants
follow the instructions carefully. Doing so will help you enjoy many years of safe and trouble−free motoring. For
important information about this manual and your Toyota, read the following pages carefully.
When it comes to service, remember that your Toyota dealer knows your vehicle very well and is interested in your complete
satisfaction. Your Toyota dealer will provide quality maintenance and any other assistance you may require.
If there is not a Toyota dealer near you, please call the following number:
U.S. OWNERS: ! When traveling in the U.S. mainland or Canada:
Toyota Customer Experience Center Toll−free:1−800−331−4331
! Hawaii:
Servco Automotive Customer Services Toll−free:1−888−272−5515
CANADIAN OWNERS: ! When traveling in Canada or the U.S. mainland:
Toyota Canada Customer Interaction Centre Toll−free:1−888−TOYOTA−8 or 1−888−869−6828
Please leave this Owner’s Manual in this vehicle at the time of resale. The next owner will need this information also.
All information and specifications in this manual are current at the time of printing. However, because of Toyota’s policy of
continual product improvement, we reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice.
Please note that this manual applies to all models and explains all equipment, including options. Therefore, you may
find some explanations for equipment not installed on your vehicle.
Please access our websites for further information.
! The U.S. mainland
! Hawaii
! Canada


All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Toyota
Motor Corporation.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Important information about this manual

Safety and vehicle damage warnings Safety symbol

Throughout this manual, you will see safety and vehicle dam-
age warnings. You must follow these warnings carefully to
avoid possible injury or damage.
The types of warnings, what they look like, and how they are
used in this manual are explained as follows:

This is a warning against anything which may cause
injury to people if the warning is ignored. You are
informed about what you must or must not do in
order to reduce the risk of injury to yourself and
When you see the safety symbol
shown above, it means: “Do not...”;
NOTICE “Do not do this”; or “Do not let this
This is a warning against anything which may cause
damage to the vehicle or its equipment if the warning
is ignored. You are informed about what you must or
must not do in order to avoid or reduce the risk of
damage to your vehicle and its equipment.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Important information about your Toyota

Occupant restraint systems The purpose of all occupant restraint systems is to help
reduce the possibility of death or serious injury in the
Toyota encourages you and your family to take the time to event of a collision. None of these systems, either individ-
read Section 1−3 of this Owner’s Manual carefully. In ually or together, can ensure that there is no injury in the
terms of helping you understand how you can receive the event of collision. However, the more you know about
maximum benefit of the occupant restraint systems this these systems and how to use them properly, the greater
vehicle provides, Section 1−3 of this Owner’s Manual is your chances become of surviving an accident without
the most important Section for you and your family to death or serious injury.
read. Seat belts provide the primary restraint to all occupants of
Section 1−3 describes the function and operation concern- the vehicle, and every occupant of the vehicle should wear
ing seats, seat belts, SRS airbags and child restraint sys- seat belts properly at all times. Children should always be
tems of this vehicle and some potential hazards you secured in child restraint systems that are appropriate for
should be aware of. These systems work together along their age and size. SRS (Supplemental Restraint System)
with the overall structure of this vehicle in order to provide airbags are, as their names imply, designed to work with,
occupant restraint in the event of a crash. The effect of and be supplemental to, seat belts and are not substitutes
each system is enhanced when it is used properly and for them. SRS airbags can be very effective in reducing
together with other systems. No single occupant restraint the risk of head and chest injuries by preventing contact of
system can, by itself, provide you or your family with the the head and chest with interior portions of the vehicle.
equal level of restraint which these systems can provide
when used together. That is why it is important for you and
your family to understand the purpose and proper use of
each of these systems and how they relate to each other.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

In order to be effective, the SRS airbags must deploy with Event data recorder
tremendous speed. The rapid deployment of the SRS air-
bags makes the SRS airbags themselves potential sources Your vehicle has computers that monitor and control cer-
of death or serious injury if an occupant is too close to an tain aspects of your vehicle. These computers assist in
airbag, or if an object or some part of his or her body has driving and maintaining optimal vehicle performance. Be-
been placed between the occupant and the airbag at the sides storing data useful for troubleshooting, there is a
time of deployment. This is just one example of how the system to record data in a crash or a near car crash
instructions in Section 1−3 of this Owner’s Manual will help event. This is called an Event Data Recorder (EDR).
ensure proper use of the occupant restraint systems, and
The SRS airbag sensor assembly contains the EDR. In a
increase the safety they can provide to you and your fami-
crash or a near car crash event, this device may record
ly in the event of an accident.
some or all of the following information:
Toyota recommends you to read the provisions in Section
! Engine speed
1−3 carefully and refer to them as needed during your time
! Whether the brake pedal was applied or not
of ownership of this vehicle.
! Vehicle speed
! To what extent the accelerator pedal was depressed
! Position of the transmission selector lever
! Whether the driver and front passenger wore the
seat belts or not
! Driver’s seat position
! Front passenger’s occupant classification

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

! SRS airbag deployment data Toyota will not disclose the data recorded in an EDR to a
! SRS airbag system diagnostic data third party except when:
If your vehicle is equipped with a vehicle stability control ! An agreement from the vehicle’s owner (or the leas-
(VSC) system, its Electronic Control Unit (ECU) may con- ing company for a leased vehicle) is obtained
tain another EDR. There are a variety of driving situations ! Officially requested by the police or other authorities
which include activating the VSC under which the VSC ! Used as a defense for Toyota in a law suit
EDR will record certain information. The VSC EDR may
! Ordered by the court
record some or all of the following information:
However, if necessary Toyota will:
! Behavior of the vehicle
! Use the data for research on Toyota vehicle safety
! Steering wheel angle performance
! Vehicle speed ! Disclose the data to a third party for research pur-
! To what extent the accelerator pedal was depressed poses without disclosing details of the vehicle own-
! To what extent the brake pedal was applied er, and only when it is deemed necessary
! To what extent the ECU controlled the condition of ! Disclose summarized data cleared of vehicle identifi-
the 4 wheels cation information to a non−Toyota organization for
research purposes
! vehicle stability control system diagnostic data
The information above is intended to be used for the pur-
pose of improving vehicle safety performance. Unlike gen-
eral data recorders, the EDR does not record sound data
such as conversation between passengers.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

New vehicle warranty Important health and safety

Your new vehicle is covered by the following Toyota limited
information about your Toyota
! New vehicle warranty CAUTION
! Emission control systems warranty
! WARNING: Engine exhaust, some of its constitu-
! Others ents, and a wide variety of automobile compo-
For further information, please refer to the “Owner’s nents contain or emit chemicals known to the
Warranty Information Booklet” or “Owner’s Manual State of California to cause cancer and birth de-
fects and other reproductive harm. In addition,
oils, fuels and fluids contained in vehicles as
well as waste produced by component wear con-
tain or emit chemicals known to the State of
California to cause cancer and birth defects or
Your responsibility for other reproductive harm.
maintenance ! Battery posts, terminals and related accessories
contain lead and lead compounds. Wash your
It is the owner’s responsibility to make sure that the speci- hands after handling. Used engine oil contains
fied maintenance is performed. Section 6 gives details of chemicals that have caused cancer in laboratory
these maintenance requirements. Also included in Section animals. Always protect your skin by washing
thoroughly with soap and water.
6 is general maintenance. For scheduled maintenance in-
formation, please refer to the “Scheduled Maintenance
Guide” or “Owner’s Manual Supplement”.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Accessories, spare parts and Spark ignition system of your

modification of your Toyota Toyota
A wide variety of non−genuine spare parts and accessories The spark ignition system in your Toyota meets all require-
for Toyota vehicles are currently available in the market. ments of the Canadian Interference−Causing Equipment
You should know that Toyota does not warrant these prod- Standard.
ucts and is not responsible for their performance, repair, or
replacement, or for any damage they may cause to, or
adverse effect they may have on, your Toyota vehicle.
This vehicle should not be modified with non−genuine
Installation of a mobile
Toyota products. Modification with non−genuine Toyota two−way radio system
products could affect its performance, safety or durability,
and may even violate governmental regulations. In addi- As the installation of a mobile two−way radio system in
tion, damage or performance problems resulting from the your vehicle could affect the following electronic systems,
modification may not be covered under warranty. be sure to check with your Toyota dealer for precautionary
measures or special instructions regarding installation.
! Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport
fuel injection system
! SRS airbag system
! Seat belt pretensioner system

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

! Traction control system Tires and loading on your

! “AUTO LSD” system
! Vehicle stability control system
! Downhill assist control system Underinflated or overinflated tire inflation pressure
! Hill−start assist control system and the excess load may result in the deterioration
(automatic transmission only) of steering ability and braking ability, leading to
! Cruise control system an accident. Check the tire inflation pressure
! Anti−lock brake system periodically and be sure to keep the load limits
given in this Owner’s Manual. For details about
! Electronic throttle control system
tire inflation pressure and load limits, see
! Tire pressure warning system “Checking tire inflation pressure” on page 376 in
Section 7−2 and “Vehicle load limits” on page 299
in Section 2.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Scrapping of your Toyota On−pavement and off−road

The SRS airbag and seat belt pretensioner devices in your
driving tips
Toyota contain explosive chemicals. If the vehicle is (four−wheel drive models and
scrapped with the airbags and pretensioners left as they
are, this may cause an accident such as fire. Be sure to
have the systems of the SRS airbag and seat belt preten- This vehicle will handle and maneuver differently from an
sioner removed and disposed of by a qualified service ordinary passenger car because it is also designed for
shop or by your Toyota dealer before you dispose of your off−road use. It has a significantly higher rollover rate than
vehicle. other types of vehicles. In addition, this vehicle has a
higher ground clearance and center of gravity than that of
an ordinary passenger car. This vehicle design feature
causes this type of vehicle to be more likely to rollover.
Failure to operate this vehicle correctly may result in loss
of control, accidents or vehicle rollover causing death or
serious injury. Be sure to read “Off−road vehicle
precautions” on page 270 in Section 2 and “Off−road
driving precautions” on page 307 in Section 3.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Leak detection pump

This pump performs fuel evaporation leakage check. This
check is done approximately five hours after the engine is
turned off. So you may hear sound coming from under-
neath the deck for several minutes. It does not indicate a

Perchlorate Material
Special handling may apply,
Your vehicle has components that may contain perchlorate.
These components may include airbag, seat belt preten-
sioners, and wireless remote control batteries.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Overview of instruments and controls
Instrument panel overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Instrument cluster overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Indicator symbols on the instrument panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Instrument panel overview

!Bench seat
1. Side vents
2. Instrument cluster
3. Center vents
4. Glove box
5. Automatic transmission selector lever
or manual transmission gear shift lever
6. Cup holders
7. Tire pressure warning reset switch
8. Auxiliary box
9. Hood lock release lever
10. Parking brake pedal
LS11001b (automatic transmission)

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

!Separate seats with automatic transmission

1. Side vents
2. Instrument cluster
3. Center vents
4. Garage door opener box or accessory
5. Personal lights
6. Auxiliary boxes
7. Power door lock switches
8. Power window switches
9. Glove box
10. Automatic transmission selector lever
LS11002c 11. Rear console box
12. Bottle holders
13. Cup holders
14. Tire pressure warning reset switch
15. Hood lock release lever
16. Parking brake pedal
17. Window lock switch

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

!Separate seats with manual transmission

1. Side vents
2. Instrument cluster
3. Center vents
4. Garage door opener box or accessory
5. Personal lights
6. Auxiliary boxes
7. Power door lock switches
8. Power window switches
9. Glove box
10. Rear console box
LS11003b 11. Bottle holders
12. Cup holders
13. Manual transmission gear shift lever
14. Tire pressure warning reset switch
15. Hood lock release lever
16. Window lock switch

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

1. Front fog light switch

2. Rear differential lock switch
3. Power outlet main switch
4. Instrument panel light control dial
5. Headlight and turn signal switches
6. Audio remote control switches
7. Wiper and washer switches
8. Front drive control switch knob
9. Audio system
10. Clock

11. Engine immobilizer system indicator
12. Front passenger’s seat belt reminder
13. Front passenger occupant classification
indicator lights or passenger airbag on−
off indicator lights
14. Passenger airbag off switch
15. Air conditioning controls
16. Power outlet
17. Emergency flasher switch
18. Cigarette lighter
19. Parking brake lever (manual

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

20. Cruise control switch

21. Engine switch
22. Roll sensing of curtain shield airbags
off switch
23. “DAC” switch or clutch start cancel
24. “VSC OFF” switch
25. Power rear view mirror control switches

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Instrument cluster overview


1. Tachometer 4. Service reminder indicators and 7. Trip meter reset knob

2. Speedometer indicator lights 8. Shift position indicator lights (automatic
3. Odometer and two trip meters 5. Engine coolant temperature gauge transmission)
6. Fuel gauge

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Indicator symbols on the instrument panel

Brake system warning light∗1

or Anti−lock brake system warning light∗1
Driver’s seat belt reminder light∗1

Front passenger’s seat belt reminder light∗1 Open door warning light∗1

Front passenger occupant classification

SRS warning light∗1
indicator light or passenger airbag on−off
indicator light
Tire pressure warning light∗1
Charging system warning light∗1

Automatic transmission fluid temperature

Low engine oil pressure warning light∗1 warning light∗1 (four−wheel drive models only)

Malfunction indicator lamp∗1 Engine immobilizer system indicator light∗1

Engine oil replacement reminder light∗1 Roll sensing of curtain shield airbags off
(for vehicles sold in U.S.A.) indicator light∗5

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Headlight low beam indicator light

Slip indicator light

Tail light indicator light

Vehicle stability control system off
indicator/warning light∗1
Headlight high beam indicator light

Downhill assist control system indicator light

Turn signal indicator lights

Automatic transmission indicator lights “AUTO LSD” indicator light


Automatic transmission indicator lights Cruise control indicator light∗2


∗1 : For details, see “Service reminder indicators and warning

Four−wheel drive indicator light∗3
buzzers” on page 153 in Section 1−6.
∗2 : If this light flashes, see “Cruise control” on page 201 in
Low speed four−wheel drive indicator light∗3 Section 1−7.
∗3 : If this light flashes, see “Four−wheel drive system” on page
175 in Section 1−7.
Rear differential lock indicator light∗4 ∗4 : If this light flashes, see “Rear differential lock system” on
page 192 in Section 1−7.
∗5 : For details, see “Roll sensing of curtain shield airbags off
switch” on page 92 in Section 1−3.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Keys and Doors
Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Engine immobilizer system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Wireless remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Side doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Access doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Power windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Rear window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Tailgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Fuel tank cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Keys (without engine Keys (with engine immobilizer

immobilizer system) system)

LS12001 LS12002 LS12039

These keys work in every lock. KEY NUMBER PLATE Your vehicle is supplied with the two
Since the doors can be locked without a Your key number is shown on the plate. kinds of keys.
key, you should always carry a spare key Keep the plate in a safe place such as 1. Master keys (black)—These keys work
in case you accidentally lock your key your wallet, not in the vehicle. in every lock. Your Toyota dealer will
inside the vehicle. If you should lose your keys or if you need one of them to make a new key
need additional keys, duplicates can be with a built−in transponder chip.
made by a Toyota dealer using the key 2. Sub key (gray)—This key works in ev-
number. ery lock.
We recommend writing down the key num- A transponder chip for engine immobilizer
ber and storing it in a safe place. system has been placed in the head of
the master and sub keys. These chips are
needed to enable the system to function
correctly, so be careful not to lose these
keys. If you make your own duplicate key,
you will not be able to cancel the system
or start the engine.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Since the side doors can be locked with-

out a key, you should always carry a
spare key in case you accidentally lock
your keys inside the vehicle.

LS12040 LS12041

NOTICE ! When starting the engine, do not

use the key with other transponder
When using a key containing a trans-
keys around (including keys of oth-
ponder chip, observe the following
er vehicles) and do not press other
key plates against the key grip.
! When starting the engine, do not Otherwise the engine may not start,
use the key with a key ring resting or may stop soon after it starts. If
on the key grip and do not press this happens, remove the key once
the key ring against the key grip. and then insert it again after remov-
Otherwise the engine may not start, ing other transponder keys (includ-
or may stop soon after it starts. ing keys of other vehicles) from the
ring or while gripping or covering
them with your hand to start the

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

! Do not cover the key grip with any

material that cuts off electromagnet-
ic waves.
! Do not knock the key hard against
other objects.
LS12042 ! Do not leave the key exposed to
high temperatures for a long period,
such as on the dashboard and hood
under direct sunlight.
! Do not put the key in water or
wash it in an ultrasonic washer.
! Do not use the key with electromag-
netic materials. KEY NUMBER PLATE
! Do not bend the key grip.
Your key number is shown on the plate.
Keep the plate in a safe place such as
your wallet, not in the vehicle.
If you should lose your keys or if you
need additional keys, duplicates can be
made by a Toyota dealer using the key
We recommend writing down the key num-
ber and storing it in a safe place.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Engine immobilizer system

Inserting the registered key in the engine
switch automatically cancels the system,
which enables the engine to start. The
indicator light will go off.
The system is maintenance−free.

LS12044 LS12003a For your Toyota dealer to make you a

new key with built−in transponder chip,
your dealer will need your key number
and master key. However, there is a limit
to the number of additional keys your
Toyota dealer can make for you.
If you make your own duplicate key,
you will not be able to cancel the sys-
The engine immobilizer system is a The system is automatically set when the tem or start the engine.
theft prevention system. When you in- key is removed from the engine switch.
sert the key in the engine switch, the The indicator light will start flashing to NOTICE
transponder chip in the key’s head show the system is set.
Do not modify, remove or disas-
transmits an electronic code to the ve- If any of the following indicator conditions semble the engine immobilizer sys-
hicle. The engine will start only when occurs, contact your Toyota dealer. tem. If any unauthorized changes or
the electronic code in the chip corre-
! The indicator light stays on. modifications are made, proper opera-
sponds to the registered ID code for
tion of the system cannot be guaran-
the vehicle. ! The indicator light does not start flash- teed.
Never leave the keys inside the vehicle ing when the key is removed from the
when you leave the vehicle. engine switch.
! The indicator light flashes inconsistent-

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Wireless remote control—

For vehicles sold in U.S.A. For vehicles sold in Canada

FCCID:MOZRI−21BTY This device complies with RSS−210 of

Industry Canada. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions:
This device complies with Part 15 of the

FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the (1) this device may not cause interfer-
following two conditions: ence, and (2) this device must accept
any interference, including interference
(1) this device may not cause harmful that may cause undesired operation of
interference, and (2) this device must the device.
accept any interference received, includ-
ing interference that may cause unde-
sired operation.

1. LOCK switch
Changes or modifications not ex- 3. Alarm switch
pressly approved by the party respon- The wireless remote control system is
sible for compliance could void the designed to lock or unlock all doors or
user’s authority to operate the equip- activate the alarm from a distance with-
ment. in approximately 1 m (3 ft.) of the ve-
When you operate any switch, push it
slowly and securely.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

—Locking and unlocking

The wireless remote control transmitter is If you lose your transmitter, contact your
an electronic component. Observe the fol- Toyota dealer as soon as possible to
lowing instructions in order not to cause avoid the possibility of theft, or an
damage to the transmitter. accident. (See “If you lose your wireless
! Do not leave the transmitter in places remote control transmitter” on page 346 in
where the temperature becomes high Section 4.)
such as on the dashboard. MODEL/FCC IDs: LS12011b
! Do not disassemble it. Transmitter: GQ43VT20T
! Avoid knocking it hard against other Receiver: GQ43VT29R
objects or dropping it.
IC (Canada) IDs:
! Avoid putting it in water.
Transmitter: 1470A−1T
You can use up to 4 wireless remote con-
trol transmitters for the same vehicle. Receiver: 1470A−1R Locking operation
Contact your Toyota dealer for detailed MADE IN U.S.A.
information. This complies with Part 15 of the FCC
If the wireless remote control transmitter rules. Operation is subject to the follow-
does not actuate the doors or alarm, or ing two conditions:
operate from a normal distance: (1) this device may not cause harmful
! Check for closeness to a radio trans- interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, includ-
mitter such as a radio station or an
airport which can interfere with normal ing interference that may cause unde-
operation of the transmitter. sired operation.
! The battery may be depleted. Check
the battery in the transmitter. To
replace the battery, see “—Replacing
battery” on page 19.

Unlocking operation

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08 02.19

—Activating alarm
To lock and unlock all doors, push the When unlocking a door when all the doors
switches of the transmitter slowly and are locked, the interior light comes on.
securely. The lights remain on for about 15 seconds
unless either door is opened and closed.
To lock: Push the “ ” (lock) switch. All (For further information, see “Interior light”
the doors are locked simultaneously. At on page 145 in Section 1−5.)
this time, the turn signal lights flash once.
Check to see that the doors are securely
You have 30 seconds to open a door after
using the wireless remote unlock feature.
locked. If a door is not opened by then, all the
If any door is not securely closed, or if doors will be automatically locked again.
the key is in the engine switch, locking If the “ ” or “ ” switch is kept pushed
cannot be performed by the “ ” switch. in, the locking or unlocking operation is
not repeated. Release the switch and then
To unlock: Push the “ ” switch once to
push again.
unlock the driver’s door alone. Pushing Pushing the “ ” (alarm) switch blows
the switch twice within 3 seconds unlocks the horn intermittently and flashes the
all the doors simultaneously. At this time, headlights, tail lights, turn signal lights,
the turn signal lights will flash twice. and interior light.
The “ ” switch is used to deter vehicle
theft when you witness anyone attempting
to break into or damage your vehicle.
The alarm will last for one minute. To stop
alarm midway, push the “ ” switch once
again, lock or unlock a door with transmit-
ter, or turn the engine switch from the
“LOCK” to “ON” position.
The alarm does not work when the engine
switch is in the “ON” position.

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—Replacing battery
For replacement, use a CR2032 lithium
battery or equivalent.


Special care should be taken to pre-

vent small children from swallowing
the removed transmitter battery or
LS12017 LS12018

! When replacing the battery, be care-
ful not to lose the components. 1. Using a coin or equivalent, open the 2. Remove the circuit board, then remove
! Replace only with the same or transmitter case. the discharged transmitter battery.
equivalent type recommended by a
Toyota dealer. NOTICE
! Dispose of used batteries according ! Take care not to damage the circuit
to the local laws. board.
! Do not bend the terminals.
Replace the transmitter battery by follow-
ing these procedures:

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Side doors

! Do not touch or move any compo-

nents inside the transmitter, or it
may interfere with proper operation.
! Be careful not to bend the electrode
when inserting the transmitter bat-
LS12019 tery and that dust or oils do not
adhere to the transmitter case.
! Close the transmitter case securely.

After replacing the battery, check that the

transmitter operates properly. If the trans-
mitter still does not operate properly, con-
tact your Toyota dealer.
3. Put in a new transmitter battery with LOCKING AND UNLOCKING WITH KEY
positive (+) side up. Install the circuit Insert the key into the keyhole and turn
board into the transmitter case. it.
Close the transmitter case securely. To lock: Turn the key forward.
To unlock: Turn the key backward.
Vehicles with power door lock system—
! Make sure the positive side and All the doors lock and unlock simulta-
negative side of the transmitter bat- neously with either front door. In the driv-
tery are faced correctly. er’s door lock, turning the key once will
! Do not replace the battery with wet unlock the driver’s door and twice in suc-
hands. Water may cause unexpected cession will unlock all the door simulta-
rust. neously.

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Vehicles with a power door lock system—

When the interior light switch is in the CAUTION
“DOOR” position, and all the doors are
unlocked using either the key or wireless Do not pull the inside handle of the
remote control transmitter, the interior light front doors while driving. The doors
will come on and remain on for about 15 will open and an accident may occur.
seconds before fading out. (For further in-
formation, see “Interior light” on page 145
LS12005 Toyota strongly recommends that all
children be placed in the rear seat of
in Section 1−5.) the vehicle.

Closing the door with the lock knob in the

lock position will also lock the door. Be
careful not to lock your keys in the ve-
LOCKING AND UNLOCKING WITH Vehicles with power door lock system—
INSIDE LOCK KNOB The door will not lock if the key is left in
Move the lock knob. the engine switch when closing the front
To lock: Push the knob forward. doors.
To unlock: Pull the knob backward.
The front doors can be opened by pulling
the inside handles even if the lock knobs
are in the locked position.

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LOCKING AND UNLOCKING WITH ! Unlock the driver’s door or front pas-
POWER DOOR LOCK SWITCH senger’s door with the inside lock
Push the switch. knob, and then unlock all the doors
with the power door lock switch.
To lock: Push the switch down on the
front side.

LS12006a To unlock: Push the switch down on the

rear side.
Operating the switch simultaneously locks
or unlocks all the doors.
If you do either of the following, no door
can be unlocked with the power door lock
Driver’s side ! Lock all the doors with the key or wire-
less remote control transmitter when all
the doors are closed.
! Open the driver’s door or front passen-
ger’s door and move the inside lock
knobs of both front doors to the lock
position, then close the doors.

The power door lock switch can be reset
in the following ways.
! Turn the engine switch to “ON”.
! Unlock all the doors with the key or
wireless remote control transmitter.

Passenger’s side

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Access doors
(access cab models)


Before driving, be sure that the doors

are closed and locked, especially
when small children are in the ve-

LS12008 hicle. Along with the proper use of

seat belts, locking the doors helps
prevent the driver and passengers
from being thrown out from the ve-
hicle in an accident. It also helps pre-
vent the doors from being opened


(double cab models only)
Move the lock lever to the “LOCK”
position as shown on the label.
When the child−protector is locked, you
cannot open the rear door by the inside
door handle. We recommend using this
feature whenever small children are in the

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08 02.19

Power windows
For easy access to the rear seat, open The windows can be operated with the
the access door (rear door). switch on either front door (access cab
To open: First, open the front door widely. models)/each door (double cab models).
Then pull (from the outside) or push (from The power windows work when the engine
the inside) the inside handle of the access switch is in the “ON” position.
If you try to open the front and rear doors LS12020 Key off operation: If both front doors are
closed, they work for 43 seconds even
simultaneously, they will not open. after the engine switch is turned off. They
To close: First, close the access door stop working when either front door is
completely. Then close the front door. opened.

You can open and close the access door The indicator light (“AUTO”) on the switch
only when the front door is widely opened. tells you the switch can be operated.
Use the switch on the driver’s door.
The front door and access door could Normal operation: The window moves as
be damaged if they hit each other long as you hold the switch.
when being opened or closed. Be
To open: Lightly push down the switch.
sure to follow the above instructions.
To close: Pull up the switch.


Double cab models

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Automatic operation (to open only):

Push the switch completely down and then
release it. The window will fully open. To
stop the window partway, lightly pull the
switch up and then release it.


Access cab models



Double cab models Access cab models

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Window lock switch WINDOW
Use the switches on the passenger’s
door (access cab models)/passengers’
doors (double cab models) or the
switch on the driver’s door that con-
LS12026 trols each passenger’s window.
The window moves as long as you hold
the switch.
To open: Push down the switch.
To close: Pull up the switch.
If you push in the window lock switch on
the driver’s door, the passenger’s (access
LS12025 Driver’s door switch (access cab models)
cab models)/ passengers’ (double cab
models) window cannot be operated.


Double cab models Driver’s door switches (double cab mod-


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08 02.19

Rear window

CAUTION ! Be sure to remove the key when

you leave your vehicle.
To avoid death or serious injury, you ! Never leave anyone (particularly a
must do the following. small child) alone in your vehicle,
! Before you close the power win- especially with the key still in-
dows, always make sure there is
nobody around the power windows.
serted. Otherwise, he/she could use
the power window switches and get
You must also make sure the trapped in a window. Unattended
heads, hands and other parts of the person (particularly a small child)
bodies of all occupants are kept can be involved in a serious acci-
completely inside the vehicle. If dent.
someone’s neck, head or hands get
caught in a closing window, it
could result in death or serious in- To open the rear window, push the le-
jury. When anyone closes the power ver and slide the window.
windows, make sure he or she op- After closing the window, make sure it is
erates the windows safely. completely closed.
! When small children are in the ve-
hicle, never let them use the power
window switches without supervi-
sion. Use the window lock switch to
prevent them from making unex-
pected use of the switches.

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08 02.19


Support cable bracket

LS12029 LS12030 LS12031

To open the tailgate, pull the handle up. REMOVAL 2. Tilt the tailgate to about 30° from
The support cables will hold the tailgate 1. Open the tailgate to the angle where vertical and pull up the right side of
horizontal. you can release the brackets on the the tailgate to unhook the right side.
See “—Stowage precautions” on page 300 support cables from the lugs on
in Section 2 for precautions when loading both sides.
luggage. To release the support cable bracket, lift
After closing the tailgate, try pulling it to- it up and slide it off.
ward you to make sure it is securely

Avoid driving with the tailgate open.

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LS12032 LS12033 LS12034a

3. Slide the tailgate a little to the right To open the hood: 2. Pull up the auxiliary catch lever
to unhook the left side. 1. Pull the hood lock release lever. The inside the engine compartment, and
To attach the tailgate, follow the removal hood will spring up slightly. lift the hood. (by inserting your
procedure in reverse order. finger through either the opening
between the hood and grille or
After closing the tailgate, try pulling it to- CAUTION
through the grille.)
ward you to make sure it is securely
closed. Before driving, be sure that the hood
is securely closed and locked. Other-
We recommend you keep the tailgate
wise, the hood may open unexpected-
closed when not in use.
ly while driving and an accident may
Make sure the support brackets are
securely latched on both side panels
when installing the tailgate.

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08 02.19

Fuel tank cap


After inserting the support rod into

the slot, make sure the rod supports
the hood securely to prevent injury

LS12035 due to unexpected, sudden hood clo-

sure. LS12036

3. Hold the hood open by inserting the This indicates that the fuel filler door
support rod into the slot. is on the left side of your vehicle.
Before closing the hood, check to see that
you have not forgotten any tools, rags,
etc. and return the support rod to its
clip—this prevents rattles. Then lower the
hood and make sure it locks into place.
If necessary, press down gently on the
front edge to lock it.

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! Do not fill a fuel container in the

bed under any circumstances. A
static electricity charge could cause
a spark and fire hazard. The proper
procedure is to place an approved

LS12037 fuel container on the ground away

from the truck for filling. LS12038b

1. To open the fuel filler door, pull the 2. To remove the fuel tank cap, turn
door toward out as shown. the cap counterclockwise by 90 de-
When refueling, turn off the engine. grees (to the pressure point 1), and
then turn it an additional 30 degrees
(to point 2). Pause slightly before
removing it.
! Do not smoke, cause sparks or al- It is not unusual to hear a slight swoosh
low open flames when refueling. when the cap is opened.
The fumes are flammable. When installing the cap, turn the cap
! When opening the cap, do not re- clockwise until you hear a click. When
move the cap quickly. In hot weath- you hear the click, the cap is fully
er, fuel under pressure could cause closed.
injury by spraying out of the filler If the cap is not tightened securely, the
neck if the cap is suddenly re- malfunction indicator lamp comes on.
moved. Make sure the cap is tightened securely.

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The indicator lamp goes off after driving

several times. If the indicator lamp does
not go off, contact your Toyota dealer as
soon as possible.


! Make sure the cap is installed se-

curely to prevent fuel spillage in
the event of an accident.
! Use only a genuine Toyota fuel tank
cap for replacement. It is designed
to regulate fuel tank pressure.

To prevent damage to the cap, apply
force only in the turning direction to
the cap. Do not pull or pry it.

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08 02.19

Occupant restraint systems
Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Front seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Flip−over jump seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Folding rear seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Head restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Seat belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
SRS driver airbag and front passenger airbag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Passenger airbag off switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
SRS side airbags and curtain shield airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Front passenger occupant classification system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Roll sensing of curtain shield airbags off switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Child restraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

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08 02.19

Front seats—
Seats —Front seat precautions
While the vehicle is being driven, all ve- Driver seat
hicle occupants should have the seatback ! Slightly recline the back of the
upright, sit well back in the seat and prop- CAUTION seat. Although vehicle designs vary,
erly wear the seat belts provided. many drivers can achieve the 250
The SRS driver airbag deploys with mm (10 in.) distance, even with the
CAUTION considerable force, and can cause driver seat all the way forward, sim-
death or serious injury especially if ply by reclining the back of the
! Do not drive the vehicle unless the the driver is very close to the airbag. seat somewhat. If reclining the back
occupants are properly seated. Do The National Highway Traffic Safety of your seat makes it hard to see
not allow any passengers to sit on Administration (“NHTSA”) advises: the road, raise yourself by using a
top of a folded−down seatback, or firm, non−slippery cushion, or raise
Since the risk zone for driver airbag the seat if your vehicle has that
in the luggage compartment or car- is the first 50—75 mm (2—3 in.) of
go area. Persons not properly feature.
inflation, placing yourself 250 mm (10
seated and/or not properly re- in.) from your driver airbag provides ! If your steering wheel is adjustable,
strained by seat belts can be killed you with a clear margin of safety. tilt it downward. This points the air-
or severely injured in the event of This distance is measured from the bag toward your chest instead of
emergency braking or a collision. center of the steering wheel to your your head and neck.
! During driving, do not allow any breastbone. If you sit less than 250 The seat should be adjusted as rec-
passengers to stand up or move mm (10 in.) away now, you can ommended by NHTSA above, while
around between seats. Otherwise, change your driving position in sever- still maintaining control of the foot
death or severe injuries can occur al ways: pedals, steering wheel, and your view
in the event of emergency braking ! Move your seat to the rear as far of the instrument panel controls.
or a collision. as you can while still reaching the
pedals comfortably.

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08 02.19

—Seat adjustment precautions

Front passenger seats Front seats (with SRS side airbags)
! Do not adjust the seat while the
! The SRS front passenger airbag The SRS side airbags are installed in vehicle is moving as the seat may
also deploys with considerable the driver and front passenger seats. unexpectedly move and cause the
force, and can cause death or seri- Observe the following precautions. driver to lose control of the vehicle.
ous injury especially if the front ! Do not lean against the front door ! Be careful that the seat does not
passenger is very close to the air- when the vehicle is in use, since hit a passenger or luggage.
bag. The front passenger seat the side airbag inflates with consid- ! After adjusting the seat position, re-
should be as far from the airbag as erable speed and force. Otherwise, lease the lever and try sliding the
possible with the seatback adjusted, you may be killed or seriously in- seat forward and backward to make
so the front passenger sits upright. jured. sure it is locked in position.
! Bench seat only—Do not use seat ! Do not use seat accessories which ! After adjusting the seatback, push
accessory, such as a cushion or cover the area where the side air- your body back against the seat to
seat cover, that covers the front bags inflate. Such accessories may make sure the seat is locked in
seat, or do not modify or replace prevent the side airbags from acti- position.
the upholstery of the front seat. vating correctly, causing death or
Such accessories or changes may ! Do not put objects under the seats.
serious injury. Otherwise, the objects may interfere
prevent the front passenger airbag
system from activating correctly, ! Do not modify or replace the seats with the seat−lock mechanism or
disable the system or cause the or upholstery of the seats with side unexpectedly push up the seat posi-
front passenger airbag to inflate ac- airbags. Such change may prevent tion adjusting lever and the seat
cidentally, resulting in death or seri- the side airbag system from activat- may suddenly move, causing the
ous injury. ing correctly, disable the system, or driver to lose control of the vehicle.
cause the side airbags to inflate ac-
cidentally, resulting in death or seri-
ous injury.

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—Adjusting front seats

! While adjusting the seat, do not put

your hands under the seat or near
the moving parts. Otherwise, your
hands or fingers may be caught and

LS13143 LS13144a

Separate seats Bench seat

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—Moving passenger’s seat for

rear seat entry
(access cab models)
Pull the lever up. Then slide the seat
to the desired position with slight
! After putting back the seat, try
body pressure and release the lever.
pushing the seat forward and rear-
2. DRIVER’S SEAT LUMBAR SUPPORT ward to make sure it is secured in
ADJUSTING KNOB (on some models)
Turn the knob either way.
LS13145 place.
! Never allow anyone to rest their
3. SEATBACK ANGLE ADJUSTING foot on the press pedal while the
LEVER vehicle is moving.
Lean forward and pull the lever up.
Then lean back to the desired angle
and release the lever.
For easy access to the rear seat:
1. Lift the seatback angle adjusting lever
Avoid reclining the seatback any or press the pedal behind the seat-
more than needed. The seat belts pro- back.
vide maximum protection in a frontal The seat will slide forward.
or rear collision when the driver and 2. Move the seat to the front−most posi-
the front passenger are sitting up tion.
straight and well back in the seats. If
you are reclined, the lap belt may After passengers are in, lift up the seat-
slide past your hips and apply re- back and return the seat until it locks.
straint forces directly to the abdomen
or your neck may contact the shoul-
der belt. In the event of a frontal
collision, the more the seat is re-
clined, the greater the risk of death
or serious injury.

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08 02.19

—Folding seatback —Folding front passenger’s

(bench seat only) seat (on some models)


When returning the seatback to the

upright position, observe the follow-
ing precautions in order to prevent

LS13146 death or serious injury in a collision

or sudden stop: LS13154
! Make sure the seatback is securely
locked by pushing forward and rear-
ward on the top of the seatback.
Failure to do so will prevent the
seat belt from operating properly.
! Make sure the seat belts are not
Pull the seatback lock release lever and twisted or caught in the seatback 1. Pull the seatback angle adjusting le-
fold down the seatback. and are arranged in their proper ver and raise the seatback to its up-
Hold the lever until you have swung the position and are ready to use. right position.
seatback forward slightly.

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To prevent damage to the seat, avoid
putting heavy loads on the temporary

LS13155 LS13156

2. Pull the seatback folding lever and You should use the seatback as a tempo-
fold the seatback down. rary table only when the vehicle is


To avoid death or serious injury:

! Do not set up the seatback table
while the vehicle is moving.
! Do not sit on the folded seatback.
! Make sure the front passenger’s
seat is securely locked in sliding
position when you set the seat as
a temporary table.

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08 02.19

Flip−over jump seats (access Folding rear seats (double cab

cab models) models)

LS13147 LS13148a LS13183

To flip over the bottom cushion, pull BEFORE FOLDING REAR SEATS 2. Make sure the shoulder belt passes
the lock release strap. 1. Stow the rear seat belt buckles as through the hanger when folding the
See “—Stowage precautions” on page 300 shown in the illustration. rear seat.
in Section 2 for precautions when loading This prevents the seat belt buckles from This prevents the shoulder belt from being
luggage. falling out when you fold the seatback. damaged.


When returning the bottom cushion to To prevent damage to the seat belt The seat belt must be removed from
its original position, make sure the buckles, the seat belt buckles must the hanger when the seat belt is in
seat belts are not twisted or caught be stowed before you fold the seat- use.
under the bottom cushion and are ar- back.
ranged in their proper position and
are ready to use.

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LS13150b LS13151 LS13152a

FOLDING REAR SEATS 2. Attach the head restraints to the 3. Fold down the seatback by pulling
1. Swing the bottom cushion up by holders located on the back sides of the lock release strap.
pulling the lock release strap, and the bottom cushions. If desired, each seatback can be folded
remove the head restraint. down separately.
If desired, each bottom cushion may be
raised separately. CAUTION

NOTICE To avoid death or serious injury, do

not sit on or place anything on the
To prevent damage to the box under folded seatback while the vehicle is
the seat, do not sit on the box when moving.
the bottom cushion is in the raised

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08 02.19

Head restraints


When returning seats to their original

position, observe the following pre-
cautions in order to prevent death or
serious injury in a collision or sud-
den stop: LS13157 LS13159b
! Make sure the seatback is securely
locked by pushing forward and rear-
ward on the top of the seatback.
Failure to do so will prevent the
seat belt from operating properly.
! Make sure the seat belts are not Front (separate seats) Rear (double cab models)
twisted or caught in the seatback
and are arranged in their proper
For your safety and comfort, adjust the
position and are ready to use.
head restraint before driving.
! Make sure the bottom cushion is To raise: Pull it up.
securely locked by trying to pull up
To lower: Push it down while pressing the
the edge of the cushion near the
lock release button.
lock release straps.
LS13158a Rear center head restraint (double cab
models) and front center head restraint
(bench seat)—When an occupant sits on
the center position of the rear seats
(double cab models) or the front seats
(bench seat), always pull up the center
head restraint to the lock position.

Front (bench seat)

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08 02.19

Seat belts—
—Seat belt precautions
The head restraint is most effective when Toyota strongly urges that the driver and If a child must sit in the front seat, the
it is close to your head. Therefore, using passengers in the vehicle be properly re- seat belts should be worn properly. If an
a cushion on the seatback is not recom- strained at all times with the seat belts accident occurs and the seat belts are not
mended. provided. Failure to do so could increase worn properly, the force of the rapid infla-
the chance of injury and/or the severity of tion of the airbag may cause death or
CAUTION injury in accidents. serious injury to the child.
The seat belts provided for your vehicle Do not allow any children to stand up or
! Adjust the center of the head re- are designed for people of adult size, kneel on either rear or front seats. An
straint so that it is closest to the large enough to properly wear them. unrestrained child could suffer serious in-
top of your ears. jury or death during emergency braking or
Child. Use a child restraint system ap-
! After adjusting the head restraint, propriate for the child until the child be- a collision. Also, do not let the child sit
make sure it is locked in position. comes large enough to properly wear the on your lap. Holding a child in your arms
! Do not drive with the head re- vehicle’s seat belts. See “Child restraint” does not provide sufficient restraint.
straints removed. on page 93 in this Section for details. Small−framed person or youth in a seat
REGULAR CAB MODELS— belt. On models with a bench seat, have
If a child is too large for a child restraint a small−framed person or youth sit slightly
system, the child should sit in the seat closer to the center of the vehicle (so the
and must be restrained using the vehicle’s shoulder belt does not cross over the
seat belt. neck). On models with separate seats,
move the seat fully backward.
ELS— Pregnant woman. Toyota recommends the
If a child is too large for a child restraint use of a seat belt. Ask your doctor for
system, the child should sit in the rear specific recommendations. The lap belt
seat and must be restrained using the should be worn securely and as low as
vehicle’s seat belt. According to accident possible over the hips and not on the
statistics, the child is safer when properly waist.
restrained in the rear seat than in the
front seat.

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08 02.19

Injured person. Toyota recommends the

use of a seat belt. Depending on the inju- ! Avoid reclining the seatback any ! Keep the belts clean and dry. If
ry, first check with your doctor for specific more than needed. The seat belts they need cleaning, use a mild soap
recommendations provide maximum protection in a solution or lukewarm water. Never
frontal or rear collision when the use bleach, dye, or abrasive clean-
CAUTION driver and the front passenger are ers, or allow them to come into
sitting up straight and well back in contact with the belts—they may
Persons should ride in their seats the seats. If you are reclined, the severely weaken the belts. (See
properly wearing their seat belts lap belt may slide past your hips “Cleaning the interior” on page 351
whenever the vehicle is moving. and apply restraint forces directly in Section 5.)
Otherwise, they are much more likely to the abdomen or your neck may ! Replace the belt assembly (includ-
to suffer serious bodily injury or contact the shoulder belt. In the ing bolts) if it has been used in a
death in the event of sudden braking event of a frontal collision, the severe impact. The entire assembly
or a collision. more the seat is reclined, the great- should be replaced even if damage
er the risk of death or serious inju- is not obvious.
When using the seat belts, observe ry.
the following:
! Be careful not to damage the belt
! Use the belt for only one person at webbing or hardware. Take care that
a time. Do not use a single belt for they do not get caught or pinched
two or more people—even children. in the seat or side doors.
! Inspect the belt system periodically.
Check for cuts, fraying, and loose
parts. Damaged parts should be re-
placed. Do not disassemble or
modify the system.

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08 02.19

—Fastening front and rear

seat belts
When a passenger’s shoulder belt is com-
pletely extended and is then retracted
even slightly, the belt is locked in that
Take up
position and cannot be extended. This fea- slack
ture is used to hold the child restraint
system securely. (For details, see “Child Too high

LS13087 restraint” on page 93 in this Section.) To

free the belt again, fully retract the belt
Tab and then pull the belt out once more.
If the seat belt cannot be pulled out of the
Buckle retractor, firmly pull the belt and release
Keep as low on
it. You will then be able to smoothly pull
hips as possible
the belt out of the retractor.

Adjust the seat as needed and sit up CAUTION Adjust the position of the lap and
straight and well back in the seat. To shoulder belts.
fasten your belt, pull it out of the re- ! After inserting the tab, make sure Position the lap belt as low as possible
tractor and insert the tab into the the tab and buckle are locked and on your hips—not on your waist, then ad-
buckle. that the belt is not twisted. just it to a snug fit by pulling the shoulder
You will hear a click when the tab locks ! Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in portion upward through the latch plate.
into the buckle. the buckle as this may prevent you
The seat belt length automatically adjusts from properly latching the tab and
to your size and the seat position. buckle.
The retractor will lock the belt during a ! If the seat belt does not function
sudden stop or on impact. It also may normally, immediately contact your
lock if you lean forward too quickly. A Toyota dealer. Do not use the seat
slow, easy motion will allow the belt to until the seat belt is fixed, because
extend, and you can move around freely. it cannot protect an adult occupant
or your child from death or serious

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08 02.19


! Both high−positioned lap belts and Always make sure the shoulder belt
loose−fitting belts could cause is positioned across the center of
death or serious injuries due to your shoulder. The belt should be
sliding under the lap belt during a
collision or other unintended event. LS13089 kept away from your neck, but not
falling off your shoulder. Failure to
Keep the lap belt positioned as low do so could reduce the amount of
on hips as possible. protection in an accident and cause
! Do not place the shoulder belt un- death or serious injuries in a colli-
der your arm. sion.

Seat belts with an adjustable shoulder

Adjust the shoulder anchor position to
your size.
To raise: Slide the anchor up.
To lower: Push in the lock release button
and slide the anchor down.
After adjustment, make sure the anchor is
locked in position.

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08 02.19

—Stowing the rear seat belt

buckles (access cab models)

LS13090 LS13109 LS13091a

To release the belt, press the buckle CENTER SEAT BELT OF THE BENCH The buckles can be fixed when not in
release button and allow the belt to SEAT use.
retract. Make sure the shoulder belt pass When taking out the buckle from the hold-
If the belt does not retract smoothly, pull through the guide when using the cen- er, pull on the belt webbing to remove the
it out and check for kinks or twists. Then ter seat belt. buckle from the lower portion.
make sure it remains untwisted as it re-

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08 02.19

—Seat belt extender

If your seat belts cannot be fastened se-
curely because they are not long enough, ! Make sure the front passenger oc-
a personalized seat belt extender is avail- cupant classification indicator light
able from your Toyota dealer free of indicates “ON” when using the seat
charge. belt extender for the front passen-
ger seat. If the indicator light indi-
Please contact your local Toyota dealer so
that the dealer can order the proper re-
quired length for the extender. Bring the
LS13097 cates “OFF”, disconnect the extend-
er tongue from the seat belt buckle,
then reconnect the seat belt. Recon-
heaviest coat you expect to wear for prop-
nect the seat belt extender after
er measurement and selection of length. making sure the indicator light indi-
Additional ordering information is available
cates “ON”. If you use the seat belt
at your Toyota dealer.
extender while the indicator light
indicates “OFF”, the front passen-
CAUTION ger airbag and side airbag on the
! If the seat belt extender has been front passenger side may not acti-
When using the seat belt extender, connected to the driver’s seat belt vate correctly, which could cause
observe the following precautions. buckle without the driver actually death or serious injury in the event
Failure to follow these instructions wearing the seat belt, the SRS driv- of collision.
could reduce the effectiveness of the er’s airbag system will judge that
seat belt restraint system in case of ! Do not use the seat belt extender
the driver is wearing it. In this if it is not absolutely necessary.
an accident, increasing the chance of case, the driver’s airbag may not
death or serious injury. activate correctly, causing death or
! Remember that the extender pro- serious injury in the event of colli-
vided for you may not be safe when sion. Be sure to wear the seat belt
used on a different vehicle, for with the seat belt extender.
another person, or at a different
seating position than the one origi-
nally intended.

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08 02.19

As far as the seat belt extender on the

! Do not use the seat belt extender front passenger side is concerned, do not
when installing a child restraint fail to disconnect the extender from the
system on the front or rear passen- seat belt after the above operation in or-
ger seat. If installing a child re-
der to activate the front passenger airbag
straint system with the seat belt ex-
correctly when getting into the vehicle
tender connected to the seat belt,
the seat belt will not securely hold next time.
the child restraint system, which When not in use, remove the extender
could cause death or serious injury and store in the vehicle for future use.
to the child or other passengers in
the event of collision. CAUTION

! After inserting the tab, make sure

the tab and buckle are locked and
To connect the extender to the seat that the lap and shoulder portions
belt, insert the tab into the seat belt of the belt and the seat belt extend-
buckle so that the “PRESS” signs on er are not twisted.
the buckle release buttons of the ex-
tender and the seat belt are both facing ! Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in
outward as shown. the buckle as this may prevent you
from properly latching the tab and
You will hear a click when the tab locks buckle.
into the buckle.
! If the seat belt does not function
When releasing the seat belt, press on normally, immediately contact your
the buckle release button on the extender, Toyota dealer. Do not use the seat
not on the seat belt. This helps prevent until the seat belt is fixed, because
damage to the vehicle interior and extend- it cannot protect an adult occupant
er itself. or your child from death or serious

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08 02.19

—Seat belt pretensioners

The front passenger’s seat belt pretension-
er will not activate if no passenger is
detected in the front passenger seat by
the front passenger occupant classification
system. However, the front passenger’s
seat belt pretensioner may activate if lug-
LS13098 gage is put on the seat, or the seat belt
is buckled up regardless of the presence
of an occupant in the seat. (As for the
front passenger occupant classification
system, see “Front passenger occupant
classification system” on page 82 in this
The seat belt pretensioners and SRS air-
The driver and front passenger seat bags may not operate together in all colli- The seat belt pretensioners will not oper-
belt pretensioners are designed to be sions. ate in a vehicle rollover if the “RSCA
activated in response to a severe fron- OFF” indicator light is on. For details, see
tal impact. On vehicles equipped with “Roll sensing of curtain shield airbags off
curtain shield airbags, the pretensioners switch” on page 92 in this Section.
are also activated during vehicle roll
When the sensor detects a severe frontal
impact or a vehicle roll over, the front
seat belts are quickly drawn back by the
retractors so that the belts snugly restrain
the occupants.

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08 02.19

The seat belt pretensioner system con- Once the seat belt pretensioners have
sists mainly of the following components been activated, the seat belt retractors
and their locations are shown in the il- remain locked.
1. Front airbag sensors CAUTION

LS13188c 2. SRS warning light

3. Front passenger occupant classification
Do not modify, remove, strike or open
the seat belt pretensioner assemblies,
indicator light or passenger airbag on− airbag sensor or surrounding area or
off indicator light wiring. Failure to follow these instruc-
4. Front passenger occupant classification tions may prevent the seat belt pre-
ECU tensioners from activating correctly,
cause sudden operation of the system
5. Pressure sensor
Bench seat
or disable the system, which could
6. Load sensor result in death or serious injury. Con-
7. Belt tension sensor sult your Toyota dealer about any re-
pair and modification.
8. Front passenger’s seat belt buckle
9. Seat belt pretensioner assemblies
10. Airbag sensor assembly

LS13103c The seat belt pretensioners are controlled

by the airbag sensor assembly. The airbag
sensor assembly consists of a safing sen-
sor and airbag sensor.
When the seat belt pretensioners are acti-
vated, an operating noise may be heard
and a small amount of non−toxic gas may
Separate seats
be released. This does not indicate that
a fire is occurring. This gas is normally
2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

This warning light system monitors the

airbag sensor assembly, front airbag
Do not perform any of the following sensors, side and curtain shield airbag
changes without consulting your sensors, curtain shield airbag sensors,
Toyota dealer. Such changes can driver’s seat position sensor, driver’s seat
interfere with proper operation of the belt buckle switch, front passenger
seat belt pretensioners in some
LS13104 occupant classification system∗ and
indicator light, passenger airbag off switch,
seat belt pretensioner assemblies,
! Installation of electronic devices
inflators, “RSCA OFF” indicator light,
such as a mobile two−way radio,
interconnecting wiring and power sources.
cassette tape player or compact
(For details, see “Service reminder
disc player
indicators and warning buzzers” on page
! Repairs on or near the front seat 153 in Section 1−6.)
belt pretensioner assemblies This indicator comes on when the en- ∗: The front passenger occupant classifica-
! Modification of the suspension sys- gine switch is turned to the “ON” posi- tion system includes the front passenger
tem tion. It goes off after about 6 seconds. occupant classification ECU, pressure sen-
! Modification of the front end struc- This means the seat belt pretensioners sor, load sensor, front passenger’s seat
ture are operating properly. belt buckle switch, front passenger’s seat
! Attachment of a grille guard (bull position sensor and belt tension sensor.
bar, kangaroo bar, etc.), snowplow, If any of the following conditions occurs,
winches or any other equipment to this indicates a malfunction of the airbags
the front end or seat belt pretensioners. Contact your
! Repairs made on or near the front Toyota dealer as soon as possible.
fenders, front end structure or con- ! The light does not come on when the
sole engine switch is turned to the “ON”
position or remains on for more than
6 seconds.
! The light comes on while driving.

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08 02.19

SRS driver airbag and front

passenger airbag (regular cab
models with separate seats and
access cab models)
! If any seat belt does not retract or can
not be pulled out due to a malfunction
or activation of the relevant seat belt
! The seat belt pretensioner assembly or
surrounding area has been damaged.
LS13106 LS13117

In the following cases, contact your Toyota The SRS (Supplemental Restraint Sys-
dealer as soon as possible: tem) front airbags are designed to pro-
! The front of the vehicle (shaded in the vide further protection for the driver
illustration) was involved in an accident and front passenger in addition to the
that was not severe enough to cause primary safety protection provided by
the seat belt pretensioners to operate. the seat belts.
! Either seat belt pretensioner assembly Your vehicle is equipped with “ADVANCED
or surrounding area is scratched, AIRBAGS” designed based on US motor
cracked, or otherwise damaged. vehicle safety standards (FMVSS208). The
airbag system controls airbag deployment
power for the driver and front passenger.
The driver airbag system consists of the
driver seat’s position sensor etc. The front
passenger’s airbag system consists of the
front passenger occupant classification
sensor etc.

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08 02.19

In response to a severe frontal impact,

the SRS front airbags work with the seat CAUTION ! Improperly seated and/or restrained
belts to help reduce injury by inflating. infants and children can be killed
The SRS front airbags help reduce injuries ! The SRS front airbag system is de- or seriously injured by the
mainly to the driver’s or front passenger’s signed only as a supplement to the deploying airbags. An infant or
head or chest caused by hitting the ve- primary protection of the driver and child who is too small to use a seat
hicle interior. front passenger seat belt systems. belt should be properly secured
The driver and front passenger can using a child restraint system. As
The SRS front passenger airbag will not
be killed or seriously injured by the to access cab models, Toyota
activate if there is no passenger sitting in
inflating airbags if they do not wear strongly recommends that all
the front passenger seat. However, the infants and children be placed in
the available seat belts properly.
front passenger airbag may deploy if lug-
During sudden braking just before the rear seat of the vehicle and
gage is put in the seat. (As for the front
a collision, an unrestrained driver properly restrained. The rear seat is
passenger occupant classification system, the safest for infants and children.
or front passenger can move for-
see “Front passenger occupant classifica-
ward into direct contact with or For instructions concerning the
tion system” on page 82 in this Section.)
close proximity to the airbag which installation of a child restraint
Always wear your seat belt properly. may then deploy during the colli- system, see “Child restraint” on
sion. To ensure maximum protection page 93 in this Section.
in an accident, the driver and all
passengers in the vehicle must
wear their seat belts properly. Wear-
ing a seat belt properly during an
accident reduces the chances of
death or serious injury or being
thrown out of the vehicle. For in-
structions and precautions concern-
ing the seat belt system, see “Seat
belts” on page 43 in this Section.

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08 02.19


! Do not turn off the passenger air-

bag off switch except when a mem-
ber of a passenger risk group iden-

LS13141a tified in TABLE 1 is occupying the

front passenger seating position.
! When the passenger airbag off
switch is turned off, the front pas-
senger airbag will not inflate in a
Indicator light collision and turning off the front
passenger airbag can reduce the
occupant protection which your ve-
The passenger airbag system is hicle safety systems can provide to
equipped with a off switch and indica- you in certain accidents and in-
tor light. Turning the passenger airbag crease the likelihood of death or
off switch clockwise to the “AUTO” serious injuries.
position makes the front passenger air-
bag system operational. To disable the
front passenger airbag system, turn the
off switch counterclockwise to the
“OFF” position and remove the key. The
“OFF” indicator light will come on
when the front passenger airbag system
has been disabled.
See “Passenger airbag off switch” on page
70 in this Section for detail.

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08 02.19

The SRS front airbags are designed to

deploy in severe (usually frontal) colli-
Infant. An infant (less than 1 year old) who must ride in the front seat because: sions where the magnitude and duration
! Vehicle has no rear seat; of the forward deceleration of the ve-
hicle exceeds the designed threshold
! Vehicle has a rear seat too small to accommodate a rear−facing infant seat; level.
The SRS front airbags will deploy if the
! The infant has a medical condition which, according to the infant’s physician, severity of the impact is above the de-
makes it necessary for the infant to ride in the front seat so that the driver signed threshold level, comparable to an
can constantly monitor the child’s condition. approximate 25 km/h (15 mph) collision
when the vehicle has the impact straight
Child age 1 to 12. A child age 1 to 12 must ride in the front seat because: into a fixed barrier that does not move or
! Vehicle has no rear seat: deform.
! Although children ages 1 to 12 ride in the rear seat(s) whenever possible, However, this threshold velocity will be
children ages 1 to 12 sometimes must ride in the front because no space is considerably higher if the vehicle strikes
available in the rear seat(s) of vehicle; or an object, such as a parked vehicle or
! The child has a medical condition which, according to the child’s physician, sign pole, which can move or deform on
makes it necessary for the child to ride in the front seat so that the driver can impact, or if the vehicle is involved in an
constantly monitor the child’s condition. underride collision (e.g. a collision in
which the front of the vehicle “underrides”,
Medical condition. A passenger has a medical condition which according to his or goes under, the bed of a truck, etc.).
or her physician: It is possible that in some collisions
! Causes the passenger airbag to pose a special risk for the passenger: and where the forward deceleration of the ve-
! Makes the potential harm from the passenger airbag in a crash greater than the hicle is very close to the designed thresh-
potential harm from turning off the airbag and allowing the passenger, even if old level, the SRS front airbags and seat
belted, to hit the dashboard, or windshield in a crash. belt pretensioners may not activate togeth-
For more detailed information concerning about the passenger risk group, please Always wear your seat belts properly.
contact NHTSA at 1−888−327−4236 or Transport Canada at 1−800−333−0371.

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08 02.19

Collision from the rear Hitting a curb, Falling into or

edge of pavement jumping over a
LS13118 LS13119
or hard surface deep hole LS13120e

Collision from the side

Vehicle rollover
Landing hard or vehicle falling

The SRS front airbags are not generally The SRS front airbags may also deploy The SRS front airbag system consists
designed to inflate if the vehicle is in- if a serious impact occurs to the under- mainly of the following components, and
volved in a side or rear collision, if it side of your vehicle. Some examples their locations are shown in the illustra-
rolls over, or if it is involved in a low− are shown in the illustration. tion.
speed frontal collision. But, whenever a 1. Front airbag sensors
collision of any type causes sufficient
forward deceleration of the vehicle, de- 2. Passenger airbag on−off indicator light
ployment of the SRS front airbags may 3. Passenger airbag off switch
occur. 4. Airbag module for front passenger
(airbag and inflator)
5. Front passenger occupant classification
6. Load sensor
7. Front passenger’s seat belt buckle
8. Driver’s seat belt buckle switch
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08 02.19

9. Driver’s seat position sensor When the airbags inflate, they produce a Deployment of the airbags happens in a
10. Airbag sensor assembly loud noise and release some smoke and fraction of a second, so the airbags must
residue along with non−toxic gas. This inflate with considerable force. While the
11. Airbag module for driver does not indicate a fire. This smoke may system is designed to reduce serious inju-
(airbag and inflator) remain inside the vehicle for some time, ries, primarily to the head and chest, it
12. SRS warning light and may cause some minor irritation to may also cause other, less severe injuries
The airbag sensor assembly consists of a the eyes, skin or breathing. Be sure to to the face, chest, arms and hands. These
safing sensor and airbag sensor. wash off any residue as soon as possible are usually in the nature of minor burns
to prevent any potential skin irritation with or abrasions and swelling, but the force of
The airbag sensors constantly monitor the soap and water. If you can safely exit a deploying airbag can cause more seri-
forward deceleration of the vehicle. If an from the vehicle, you should do so imme- ous injuries, especially if an occupant’s
impact results in a forward deceleration diately. hands, arms, chest or head is in close
beyond the designed threshold level, the proximity to the airbag module at the time
system triggers the airbag inflators. At this of deployment. This is why it is important
time a chemical reaction in the inflators for the occupant to: avoid placing any
very quickly fills the airbags with non−tox- object or part of the body between the
ic gas to help restrain the forward motion occupant and the airbag module; sit
of the occupants. The front airbags then straight and well back into the seat; wear
quickly deflate, so that there is no ob- the available seat belt properly; and sit as
struction of the driver’s vision should it be far as possible from the airbag module,
necessary to continue driving. while still maintaining control of the ve-
Parts of the airbag module (steering wheel
hub, airbag cover and inflator) may be hot
for several minutes after deployment, so
do not touch! The airbags inflate only
once. The windshield may be damaged by
absorbing some of the force of the inflat-
ing airbag.

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08 02.19

CAUTION ! If the seat belt extender has been CAUTION

connected to the driver’s seat belt
The driver or front passenger who is buckle without the driver actually A member of a passenger risk group
too close to the steering wheel or wearing the seat belt, the SRS driv- should never sit or be occupied in
dashboard during airbag deployment er’s airbag system will judge that the front passenger seat with airbag
can be killed or seriously injured. the driver is wearing it. In this off switch in the “AUTO” position.
Toyota strongly recommends that: case, the driver’s airbag may not (For details, see “SRS driver airbag
! The driver sit as far back as pos- activate correctly, causing death or and front passenger airbag” on page
sible from the steering wheel while serious injury in the event of colli- 53 in this Section.)
sion. Be sure to wear the seat belt
still maintaining control of the ve-
with the seat belt extender.
For instructions and precautions con-
! The front passenger sit as far back
cerning the seating position, see
as possible from the dashboard.
“—Front seat precautions” on page
! All vehicle occupants be properly 34 in this Section.
restrained using the available seat

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08 02.19

LS13121 LS13162 LS13115

! Do not sit on the edge of the seat ! Toyota strongly recommends that all ! Do not put anything or any part of
or lean against the dashboard when infants and children be placed in your body on or in front of the
the vehicle is in use, since the the rear seat of the vehicle and be dashboard or steering wheel pad
front passenger airbag could inflate properly restrained. that houses the front airbag sys-
with considerable speed and force. ! Do not hold a child on your lap or tem. They might restrict inflation or
Anyone who is up against, or very in your arms. Use a child restraint cause death or serious injury as
close to, an airbag when it inflates, system in the rear seat. For instruc- they are projected rearward by the
can be killed or seriously injured. tions concerning the installation of force of the deploying airbags. Like-
Sit up straight and well back in the a child restraint system, see “Child wise, the driver and front passenger
seat, and always use your seat belt restraint” on page 93 in this Sec- should not hold objects in their
properly. tion. arms or on their knees.

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08 02.19

! Do not modify or remove any wir- NOTICE

ing. Do not modify, remove, strike
Do not perform any of the following
or open any components such as
changes without consulting your
the steering wheel pad, steering Toyota dealer. Such changes can
wheel, column cover, dashboard interfere with proper operation of the
near the front passenger airbag,
front passenger airbag cover, front
SRS airbag system in some cases.
! Installation of electronic devices
passenger airbag or airbag sensor
such as a mobile two−way radio,
assembly. Doing so may prevent the
cassette tape player or compact
front airbag system from activating disc player
correctly, cause sudden activation
of the system or disable the sys- ! Modification of the suspension sys-
tem, which could result in death or tem
serious injury. ! Modification of the front end struc-
ture This indicator comes on when the en-
Failure to follow these instructions
! Attachment of a grille guard (bull gine switch is turned to the “ON” posi-
can result in death or serious injury.
bar, kangaroo bar, etc.), snowplow, tion. It goes off after about 6 seconds.
Consult your Toyota dealer about any
repair and modification. winches or any other equipment to This means the SRS airbags are operat-
the front end ing properly.
If you wish to modify your vehicle for
! Repairs made on or near the front This warning light system monitors the
a person with a physical disability,
fenders, front end structure, con- airbag sensor assembly, front airbag
consult your Toyota dealer. It may
sole, steering column, steering sensors, driver’s seat position sensor,
dangerously interfere with the SRS
wheel, front passenger’s seat or
front airbags operation. driver’s seat belt buckle switch, front
dashboard near the front passenger
airbag passenger occupant classification system∗
and indicator light, passenger airbag off
switch, seat belt pretensioner assemblies,
inflators, interconnecting wiring and power
sources. (For details, see “Service
reminder indicators and warning buzzers”
on page 153 in Section 1−6.)

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08 02.19

SRS driver airbag and front

passenger airbag (regular cab
models with bench seat and double
cab models)
∗: The front passenger occupant classifica-
tion system includes the front passenger
occupant classification ECU, load sensor
and front passenger’s seat belt buckle
If either of the following conditions occurs,
this indicates a malfunction of the airbags
or seat belt pretensioners. Contact your LS13116 LS13117
Toyota dealer as soon as possible.
! The light does not come on when the
engine switch is turned to the “ON”
position or remains on for more than
6 seconds.
! The light comes on while driving.
In the following cases, contact your Toyota The SRS (Supplemental Restraint Sys-
The SRS warning light will come on and dealer as soon as possible: tem) front airbags are designed to pro-
front passenger occupant classification in- vide further protection for the driver
dicator light will indicate “OFF” if there is ! The SRS airbags have been inflated.
and right front passenger (regular cab
a malfunction in the front passenger occu- ! The front of the vehicle (shaded in the models with bench seat) or front pas-
pant classification system. illustration) was involved in an accident senger (double cab models) in addition
that was not severe enough to cause to the primary safety protection pro-
the SRS airbags to inflate. vided by the seat belts.
! The pad section of the steering wheel
or front passenger airbag cover
(shaded in the illustration) is scratched,
cracked, or otherwise damaged.

Do not disconnect the battery cables
before contacting your Toyota dealer.

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08 02.19

Your vehicle is equipped with “ADVANCED The SRS front passenger airbag will not
AIRBAGS” designed based on US motor activate if there is no passenger sitting in CAUTION
vehicle safety standards (FMVSS208). The the right front passenger seat (regular cab
airbag system controls airbag deployment models with bench seat) or front ! The SRS front airbag system is de-
power for the driver and front passenger. passenger seat (double cab models). signed only as a supplement to the
The driver airbag system consists of the However, the front passenger airbag may primary protection of the driver and
driver seat’s position sensor etc. The front deploy if luggage is put in the seat. (As front passenger seat belt systems.
passenger’s airbag system consists of the for the front passenger occupant The driver and front passenger can
front passenger occupant classification classification system, see “Front be killed or seriously injured by the
sensor etc. passenger occupant classification system” inflating airbags if they do not wear
on page 86 in this Section.) the available seat belts properly.
Vehicles with bench seat—The SRS air-
During sudden braking just before
bags are designed to protect the driver Always wear your seat belt properly.
a collision, an unrestrained driver
and right front passenger, and they are
or front passenger can move for-
not designed to protect an occupant in the
ward into direct contact with or
front center seating position.
close proximity to the airbag which
In response to a severe frontal impact, may then deploy during the colli-
the SRS front airbags work with the seat sion. To ensure maximum protection
belts to help reduce injury by inflating. in an accident, the driver and all
The SRS front airbags help reduce injuries passengers in the vehicle must
mainly to the driver’s or front passenger’s wear their seat belts properly. Wear-
head or chest caused by hitting the ve- ing a seat belt properly during an
hicle interior. accident reduces the chances of
death or serious injury or being
thrown out of the vehicle. For in-
structions and precautions concern-
ing the seat belt system, see “Seat
belts” on page 43 in this Section.

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The SRS front airbags are designed to

! Improperly seated and/or restrained deploy in severe (usually frontal) colli-
infants and children can be killed sions where the magnitude and duration
or seriously injured by the of the forward deceleration of the ve-
deploying airbags. An infant or hicle exceeds the designed threshold
child who is too small to use a seat level. Collision from the rear
belt should be properly secured
using a child restraint system. As The SRS front airbags will deploy if the
severity of the impact is above the de-
to double cab models, Toyota
signed threshold level, comparable to an
strongly recommends that all
infants and children be placed in approximate 25 km/h (15 mph) collision
when the vehicle has the impact straight
the rear seat of the vehicle and Collision from the side
into a fixed barrier that does not move or Vehicle rollover
properly restrained. The rear seat is
the safest for infants and children. deform.
For instructions concerning the However, this threshold velocity will be
The SRS front airbags are not generally
installation of a child restraint considerably higher if the vehicle strikes designed to inflate if the vehicle is in-
system, see “Child restraint” on an object, such as a parked vehicle or
volved in a side or rear collision, if it
page 93 in this Section. sign pole, which can move or deform on
rolls over, or if it is involved in a low−
impact, or if the vehicle is involved in an speed frontal collision. But, whenever a
underride collision (e.g. a collision in
collision of any type causes sufficient
which the front of the vehicle “underrides”,
forward deceleration of the vehicle, de-
or goes under, the bed of a truck, etc.). ployment of the SRS front airbags may
It is possible that in some collisions occur.
where the forward deceleration of the ve-
hicle is very close to the designed thresh-
old level, the SRS front airbags and the
seat belt pretensioners may not activate
Always wear your seat belts properly.

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08 02.19

The SRS front airbag system consists

mainly of the following components, and
their locations are shown in the illustra-
Hitting a curb, Falling into or 1. Front airbag sensors
edge of pavement jumping over a
or hard surface deep hole LS13189d 2. Front passenger occupant classification
indicator light
3. Airbag module for front passenger
(airbag and inflator)
4. Front passenger occupant classification
Landing hard or vehicle falling ECU
5. Front passenger’s seat position sensor
Regular cab models with bench seat
The SRS front airbags may also deploy 6. Pressure sensor
if a serious impact occurs to the under- 7. Load sensor
side of your vehicle. Some examples
are shown in the illustration. 8. Belt tension sensor
9. Front passenger’s seat belt buckle
10. Driver’s seat belt buckle switch

LS13125d 11. Driver’s seat position sensor

12. Airbag sensor assembly
13. Airbag module for driver
(airbag and inflator)
14. SRS warning light
The airbag sensor assembly consists of a
safing sensor and airbag sensor.
Double cab models

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The airbag sensors constantly monitor the Deployment of the airbags happens in a
forward deceleration of the vehicle. If an fraction of a second, so the airbags must CAUTION
impact results in a forward deceleration inflate with considerable force. While the
beyond the designed threshold level, the system is designed to reduce serious inju- The driver or front passenger who is
system triggers the airbag inflators. At this ries, primarily to the head and chest, it too close to the steering wheel or
time a chemical reaction in the inflators may also cause other, less severe injuries dashboard during airbag deployment
very quickly fills the airbags with non−tox- to the face, chest, arms and hands. These can be killed or seriously injured.
ic gas to help restrain the forward motion are usually in the nature of minor burns Toyota strongly recommends that:
of the occupants. The front airbags then or abrasions and swelling, but the force of ! The driver sit as far back as pos-
quickly deflate, so that there is no ob- a deploying airbag can cause more seri- sible from the steering wheel while
struction of the driver’s vision should it be
ous injuries, especially if an occupant’s still maintaining control of the ve-
necessary to continue driving.
hands, arms, chest or head is in close hicle.
When the airbags inflate, they produce a proximity to the airbag module at the time
loud noise and release some smoke and ! The front passenger sit as far back
of deployment. This is why it is important
residue along with non−toxic gas. This as possible from the dashboard.
for the occupant to: avoid placing any
does not indicate a fire. This smoke may object or part of the body between the ! All vehicle occupants be properly
remain inside the vehicle for some time, occupant and the airbag module; sit restrained using the available seat
and may cause some minor irritation to belts.
straight and well back into the seat; wear
the eyes, skin or breathing. Be sure to
the available seat belt properly; and sit as ! If the seat belt extender has been
wash off any residue as soon as possible
far as possible from the airbag module, connected to the driver’s seat belt
to prevent any potential skin irritation with
soap and water. If you can safely exit while still maintaining control of the ve- buckle without the driver actually
from the vehicle, you should do so imme- hicle. wearing the seat belt, the SRS driv-
diately. Parts of the airbag module (steering wheel er’s airbag system will judge that
hub, airbag cover and inflator) may be hot the driver is wearing it. In this
for several minutes after deployment, so case, the driver’s airbag may not
do not touch! The airbags inflate only activate correctly, causing death or
once. The windshield may be damaged by serious injury in the event of colli-
absorbing some of the force of the inflat- sion. Be sure to wear the seat belt
ing airbag. with the seat belt extender.

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08 02.19

For instructions and precautions con-

cerning the seating position, see
“—Front seat precautions” on page
34 in this Section.

LS13121 LS13162

! Do not sit on the edge of the seat ! Toyota strongly recommends that all
or lean against the dashboard when infants and children be placed in
the vehicle is in use, since the the rear seat of the vehicle and be
front passenger airbag could inflate properly restrained.
with considerable speed and force. ! Do not hold a child on your lap or
Anyone who is up against, or very in your arms. Use a child restraint
close to, an airbag when it inflates, system in the rear seat. For instruc-
can be killed or seriously injured. tions concerning the installation of
Sit up straight and well back in the a child restraint system, see “Child
seat, and always use your seat belt restraint” on page 93 in this Sec-
properly. tion.

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08 02.19

! Do not modify or remove any wir- Failure to follow these instructions

ing. Do not modify, remove, strike can result in death or serious injury.
or open any components such as Consult your Toyota dealer about any
the steering wheel pad, steering repair and modification.
wheel, column cover, dashboard If you wish to modify your vehicle for
LS13184 near the front passenger airbag,
front passenger airbag cover, front
a person with a physical disability,
consult your Toyota dealer. It may
passenger airbag or airbag sensor dangerously interfere with the SRS
assembly. Doing so may prevent the front airbags operation.
front airbag system from activating
correctly, cause sudden activation
of the system or disable the sys-
tem, which could result in death or
serious injury.
! Do not put anything or any part of ! Bench seat only—Do not use seat
your body on or in front of the accessory, such as a cushion or
dashboard or steering wheel pad seat cover, that covers the front
that houses the front airbag sys- seat, or do not modify or replace
tem. They might restrict inflation or the upholstery of the front seat.
cause death or serious injury as Such accessories or changes may
they are projected rearward by the prevent the front passenger airbag
force of the deploying airbags. Like- system from activating correctly,
wise, the driver and front passenger disable the system or cause the
should not hold objects in their front passenger airbag to inflate ac-
arms or on their knees. cidentally, resulting in death or seri-
ous injury.

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08 02.19

∗: The front passenger occupant classifica-

tion system includes the front passenger
Do not perform any of the following occupant classification ECU, pressure sen-
changes without consulting your sor, load sensor, front passenger’s seat
Toyota dealer. Such changes can belt buckle switch, front passenger’s seat
interfere with proper operation of the position sensor and belt tension sensor.
SRS front airbag system in some
LS13104 If either of the following conditions occurs,
this indicates a malfunction of the airbags
! Installation of electronic devices or seat belt pretensioners. Contact your
such as a mobile two−way radio, Toyota dealer as soon as possible.
cassette tape player or compact ! The light does not come on when the
disc player engine switch is turned to the “ON”
! Modification of the suspension sys- position or remains on for more than
tem 6 seconds.
This indicator comes on when the en-
! Modification of the front end struc- gine switch is turned to the “ON” posi- ! The light comes on while driving.
ture tion. It goes off after about 6 seconds. The SRS warning light will come on and
This means the SRS front airbags are front passenger occupant classification in-
! Attachment of a grille guard (bull
operating properly. dicator light will indicate “OFF” if there is
bar, kangaroo bar, etc.), snowplow,
winches or any other equipment to This warning light system monitors the a malfunction in the front passenger occu-
the front end airbag sensor assembly, front airbag pant classification system.
sensors, side and curtain shield airbag
! Repairs made on or near the front sensors, curtain shield airbag sensors,
fenders, front end structure, con- driver’s seat position sensor, driver’s seat
sole, steering column, steering belt buckle switch, front passenger
wheel, front passenger’s seat or occupant classification system∗ and
dashboard near the front passenger indicator light, seat belt pretensioner
airbag assemblies, inflators, “RSCA OFF”
indicator light, interconnecting wiring and
power sources. (For details, see “Service
reminder indicators and warning buzzers”
on page 153 in Section 1−6.)
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08 02.19

Passenger airbag off switch

(regular cab models with separate
seats and access cab models only)

Do not disconnect the battery cables
before contacting your Toyota dealer.

LS13185 LS13141a

Indicator light

In the following cases, contact your Toyota This off switch is designed to disable
dealer as soon as possible: the front passenger airbag in order to
! The SRS front airbags have been in- allow usage, if necessary, of a member
flated. of a passenger risk group identified in
TABLE 1 is occupying the front passen-
! The front of the vehicle (shaded in the ger seating position. (For details, see
illustration) was involved in an accident “SRS driver airbag and front passenger
that was not severe enough to cause airbag” on page 53 in this Section.)
the SRS front airbags to inflate.
! The pad section of the steering wheel
or front passenger airbag cover
(shaded in the illustration) is scratched,
cracked, or otherwise damaged.

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Operate off switch as follows:

! When the passenger airbag off
Insert key into the keyhole.
switch is turned off, the front pas-
To turn the front passenger airbag senger airbag will not inflate in a
on—Turn the key clockwise to the “AUTO” collision and turning off the front
position. At this time, the indicator light passenger airbag can reduce the
condition varies depending on the
occupant in the front passenger seat. (For LS13140 occupant protection which your ve-
hicle safety systems can provide to
details, see “Front passenger occupant you in certain accidents and in-
classification system” on page 82 in this crease the likelihood of death or
Section.) serious personal injuries.
To turn the front passenger airbag For details, see “SRS driver airbag
off—Turn the key counterclockwise to the and front passenger airbag” on page
“OFF” position and remove it. At this time, 53 in this Section.
the “OFF” indicator light comes on. If the The SRS warning light and the passen-
key is removed at any other position than ger airbag on−off indicator light will in-
“OFF”, the switch will automatically return dicate “OFF” if there is a malfunction
to the “AUTO” position. in the passenger airbag off switch.


! Do not turn off the passenger air-

bag off switch except when a mem-
ber of a passenger risk group iden-
tified in TABLE 1 is occupying the
front passenger seating position.

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08 02.19

SRS side airbags and curtain

shield airbags
In response to a severe side impact, the Roll sensing function:
SRS side airbags and curtain shield air- In response to a vehicle rollover, the cur-
bags in the impacted side work with the tain shield airbags on both sides work
seat belts to help reduce injury by inflat- with the seat belts to help reduce injury
ing. The SRS side airbags help reduce by inflating. The curtain shield airbags
injuries mainly to the driver’s or front pas- help reduce injuries mainly to the driver’s,
LS13126 senger’s chest. The SRS curtain shield
airbags help reduce injuries mainly to the
front passenger’s or rear passenger’s
head and help prevent them from being
driver’s, front passenger’s or rear outside thrown out of the vehicle. (This function
passenger’s head and help prevent them can be turned off if inflation is not de-
from being thrown out of the vehicle. sired. See “Roll sensing of curtain shield
The SRS side airbag on the passenger airbags off switch” on page 92 in this
seat will not activate if there is no pas- Section.)
senger sitting in the front passenger seat. The SRS curtain shield airbags may acti-
The SRS (Supplemental Restraint Sys- However, the side airbag on the passen- vate even when the side airbags are not
tem) side airbags and curtain shield air- ger seat may deploy if luggage is put in activated.
bags are designed to provide further the seat. (As for the front passenger oc- Always wear your seat belt properly.
protection for the driver, front passen- cupant classification system, see “Front
ger and rear outside passengers in passenger occupant classification system”
addition to the primary safety protec- on page 86 in this Section.)
tion provided by the seat belts.
The SRS curtain shield airbag on the pas-
senger side are activated even with no
passenger in the front seat or rear outside

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08 02.19

CAUTION ! Do not allow anyone to lean his/her ! Improperly seated and/or restrained
head or any part of his/her body infants and children can be killed
! The SRS side airbag and curtain against the door or the area of the or seriously injured by the deploy-
shield airbag system is designed seat, front pillar, rear pillar or roof ing airbags. An infant or child who
only as a supplement to the prima- side rail from which the SRS side is too small to use a seat belt
ry protection of the driver, front airbag and curtain shield airbag should be properly secured using a
passenger and rear outside passen- deploy even if he/she is a child child restraint system. Toyota
ger seat belt systems. To ensure seated in the child restraint system. strongly recommends that all in-
maximum protection in an accident, It is dangerous if the SRS side air- fants and children be placed in the
the driver and all passenger in the bag and curtain shield airbag in- rear seats of the vehicle and prop-
vehicle must wear their seat belts flate, and the impact of the deploy- erly restrained. The rear seats are
properly. Wearing a seat belt prop- ing airbag could cause death or se- the safest for infants and children.
erly during an accident reduces the rious injury to the occupant. For instructions concerning the
chances of death or serious injury installation of a child restraint sys-
or being thrown out of the vehicle. tem, see “Child restraint” on page
For instructions and precautions 93 in this Section.
concerning the seat belt system,
see “Seat belts” on page 43 in this

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08 02.19

Collision from the rear

LS13127 LS13128 LS13127

Collision from the front
Vehicle rollover

The SRS side airbags may not activate The SRS side airbags are not generally The SRS curtain shield airbags may not
if the vehicle is subjected to a collision designed to inflate if the vehicle is in- activate if the vehicle is subjected to a
from the side at certain angles, or a volved in a front or rear collision, if it collision from the side at certain
collision to the side of the vehicle body rolls over, or if it is involved in a low− angles, or a collision to the side of the
other than the passenger compartment speed side collision. vehicle body other than the passenger
as shown in the illustration. compartment as shown in the illustra-
The SRS side airbags are designed to tion.
inflate when the passenger compartment The curtain shield airbags are designed to
area suffers a severe impact from the inflate when the passenger compartment
side. area suffers a severe impact from the
Always wear your seat belts properly. side or vehicle rollover.
Always wear your seat belts properly.

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08 02.19

Hitting a curb, edge Falling into or

Collision from
LS13129 LS13130 LS13124
Collision from of pavement or jumping over
the front hard surface a deep hole
the rear

The angle of Skidding vehicle

vehicle tip−up hitting a curb
is marginal stone Pitch end over end Landing hard or vehicle falling

The SRS curtain shield airbags may in- The SRS curtain shield airbags are not The SRS side and curtain shield airbags
flate if the angle of vehicle tip−up is generally designed to inflate if the ve- may deploy if a serious impact occurs
marginal or if the skidding vehicle’s hicle is involved in a front or rear colli- to the underside of your vehicle. Some
tires hit a curb stone laterally as shown sion, if it pitches end over end, or if examples are shown in the illustration.
in the illustration. it is involved in a low−speed side colli-

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08 02.19

8. Front passenger occupant classification When the airbags inflate, they produce a
indicator light fairly loud noise and release some smoke
9. Airbag sensor assembly and residue along with non−toxic gas. This
does not indicate a fire. This smoke may
10. SRS warning light remain inside the vehicle for some time,
The SRS side airbag and curtain shield and may cause some minor irritation to
LS13131c airbag system is controlled by the airbag
sensor assembly.
the eyes, skin or breathing. Be sure to
wash off any residue as soon as possible
In a severe side impact, the side and to prevent any potential skin irritation with
curtain shield airbag sensor and/or the soap and water. If you can safely exit
curtain shield airbag sensor trigger(s) the from the vehicle, you should do so imme-
side airbag inflators and/or the curtain diately.
shield airbag inflators. At this time a Deployment of the airbags happens in a
chemical reaction in the inflators quickly fraction of a second, so the airbags must
The SRS side airbag and curtain shield fills the airbags with non−toxic gas to help inflate with considerable force. While the
airbag system consists mainly of the fol- restrain the lateral motion of the occu- system is designed to reduce serious inju-
lowing components, and their locations are pants. ries, it may also cause minor burns or
shown in the illustration. abrasions and swelling.
In a vehicle rollover, the airbag sensor
1. Curtain shield airbag modules assembly triggers the curtain shield airbag Front seats as well as parts of the front
(airbag and inflator) inflator. At this time, a chemical reaction and rear pillars, and roof side rail may be
2. Front passenger occupant classification in the inflators quickly fills the airbags hot for several minutes, but the airbags
ECU with non−toxic gas to help restrain the themselves will not be hot. The airbags
lateral motion of the occupants. are designed to inflate only once.
3. Load sensor
4. Side airbag modules
(airbag and inflator)
5. Curtain shield airbag sensors
6. Side and curtain shield airbag sensors
7. Front passenger’s seat belt buckle
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08 02.19


SRS side airbags and curtain shield

airbags inflate with considerable
force. To reduce the possibility of
death or serious injury when they in-
flate, the driver, front passenger and LS13132 LS13193
rear outside passengers must:
! Wear their seat belts properly.
! Remain properly seated with their
backs upright and against the seats
at all times.
Improper sitting and wearing of the
seat belts may not retain you inside ! Do not allow anyone to lean against ! Make sure the “RSCA OFF”
the vehicle. the door when the vehicle is in use, indicator light is off. The curtain
since the side airbag and curtain shield airbags will not inflate in a
shield airbag could inflate with con- vehicle rollover if this indicator
siderable speed and force. Other- light is on and you may be killed or
wise, he/she may be killed or seri- seriously injured. For details, see
ously injured. Special care should “Roll sensing of curtain shield
be taken especially when you have airbags off switch” on page 92 in
a small child in the vehicle. this Section.
! Sit up straight and well back in the
seat, distributing your weight evenly
in the seat. Do not apply excessive
weight to the outer side of the
seats with a side airbag, and to the
front pillar, rear pillar and roof side
rail with a curtain shield airbag.
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08 02.19

LS13133 LS13134 LS13135

! Do not allow anyone to get his/her ! Do not allow anyone to kneel on ! Do not allow anyone to get his/her
head closer to the area where the the passenger seat, facing the pas- head or hands out of windows
side airbag and curtain shield air- senger’s side door, since the side since the curtain shield airbags
bag inflate, since these airbags airbag and curtain shield airbag could inflate with considerable
could inflate with considerable could inflate with considerable speed and force. Otherwise, he/she
speed and force. Otherwise, he/she speed and force. Otherwise, he/she may be killed or seriously injured.
may be killed or seriously injured. may be killed or seriously injured. Special care should be taken espe-
Special care should be taken espe- Special care should be taken espe- cially when you have a small child
cially when you have a small child cially when you have a small child in the vehicle.
in the vehicle. in the vehicle.

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08 02.19

! Do not hook a hanger, heavy or

sharp pointed objects on the coat
hook. If the curtain shield airbag
inflates, those items will be thrown
away with great force or the curtain

LS13136 LS13137 shield airbag may not activate cor-

rectly, resulting in death or serious
injury. When you hang clothes,
hang them on the coat hook direct-
! Do not use seat accessories which
cover the parts where the side air-
bags inflate. Such accessories may
prevent the side airbags from acti-
! Do not attach a cup holder or any ! Do not attach a microphone or any vating correctly, causing death or
other device or object on or around other device or object around the serious injury.
the door. When the side airbag in- area where the curtain shield airbag
flates, the cup holder or any other activates such as on the windshield ! Do not modify or replace the seats
or upholstery of the seats with side
device or object will be thrown with glass, side door glass, front and
great force or the side airbag may rear pillars, roof side rail and assist airbags. Such changes may prevent
not activate correctly, resulting in grips. When the curtain shield air- the side airbag system from activat-
ing correctly, disable the system or
death or serious injury. Likewise, bags inflate, the microphone or oth-
the driver and front passenger er device or object will be thrown cause the side airbags to inflate ac-
should not hold objects in their away with great force or the curtain cidentally, resulting in death or seri-
ous injury.
arms or on their knees. shield airbags may not activate cor-
rectly, resulting in death or serious

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08 02.19

! Do not disassemble or repair the If you wish to modify your vehicle for
front and rear pillars and roof side a person with a physical disability,
rail containing the curtain shield consult your Toyota dealer. It may
airbags. Such changes may disable dangerously interfere with the SRS
the system or cause the curtain side airbags and curtain shield air-
shield airbags to inflate accidental-
ly, resulting in death or serious in-
bags operation.
! Do not modify or change the sus- NOTICE
pension system. Such changes may Do not perform any of the following
cause the curtain shield airbags to changes without consulting your
inflate accidentally, which could re- Toyota dealer. Such changes can
sult in death or serious injury. interfere with proper operation of the
! Do not use tires or wheels other SRS side airbag and curtain shield This indicator comes on when the en-
than the manufacturer’s recom- airbag system in some cases. gine switch is turned to the “ON” posi-
mended size. Such a use may cause tion. It goes off after about 6 seconds.
! Installation of electronic devices
the curtain shield airbags to inflate This means the SRS side airbags and
such as a mobile two−way radio, curtain shield airbags are operating
accidentally, which could result in cassette tape player or compact
death or serious injury. For details, properly.
disc player
see “Checking and replacing tires”
on page 379 in Section 7−2. ! Modification of the suspension sys-
Failure to follow these instructions
can result in death or serious injury. ! Modification of the side structure of
the passenger compartment
Consult your Toyota dealer about any
repair and modification. ! Repairs made on or near the con-
sole or front seat

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08 02.19

This warning light system monitors the In the following cases, contact your Toyota
airbag sensor assembly, front airbag dealer as soon as possible:
sensors, side and curtain shield airbag
sensors, curtain shield airbag sensors,
! Any of the SRS side airbags and cur-
driver’s seat position sensor, driver’s seat tain shield airbags have been inflated.
belt buckle switch, front passenger ! The portion of the doors (shaded in the
occupant classification system∗ and illustration) was involved in an accident
indicator light, seat belt pretensioner that was not severe enough to cause
assemblies, inflators, “RSCA OFF” the SRS side airbags and curtain
indicator light, interconnecting wiring and
shield airbags to inflate.
power sources. (For details, see “Service
reminder indicators and warning buzzers” ! The surface of the seats with the side
on page 153 in Section 1−6.) airbag (shaded in the illustration) is
∗: The front passenger occupant classifica- scratched, cracked, or otherwise dam-
tion system includes the front passenger aged.
occupant classification ECU, load sensor
and front passenger’s seat belt buckle LS13138c ! The portion of the front pillars, rear
pillars or headlining (padding) contain-
ing the curtain shield airbag inside
If either of the following conditions occurs,
this indicates a malfunction of the airbags (shaded in the illustration) is scratched,
or seat belt pretensioners. Contact your cracked, or otherwise damaged.
Toyota dealer as soon as possible.
! The light does not come on when the
engine switch is turned to the “ON” Do not disconnect the battery cables
position or remains on for more than before contacting your Toyota dealer.
6 seconds.
! The light comes on while driving.
The SRS warning light will come on and
front passenger occupant classification in-
dicator light will indicate “OFF” if there is
a malfunction in the front passenger occu-
pant classification system.
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08 02.19

Front passenger occupant

classification system (regular cab
models with separate seats and
access cab models)
Your vehicle is equipped with a front The indicator light will indicate “OFF”
passenger occupant classification sys- when the engine switch is in the “ON”
tem. The system detects conditions position with the condition 2 in the table
1—4 (Shown in the table on page 84) shown below.
Based on these conditions, the systems If the front passenger occupant classifica-
below are activated or deactivated: tion system determines that a person of
! Front passenger airbag LS13139a adult size sits in the front passenger seat
but the “OFF” indicator is illuminated, one
! Front passenger’s seat belt pretension-
er of the following is likely to have occurred:

The system monitors the weight and ! A rear passenger lifts the front passen-
load on the front passenger seat, and ger seat cushion with their legs.
the seat belt buckle switch to determine ! Objects are placed under the front pas-
conditions 1—4. senger seat.
In order to ensure that the system de- The front passenger occupant classifi- ! The front passenger seatback is in
tects the conditions correctly: cation indicator light indicates the ac- contact with the rear seat or the back
tuation of the front passenger airbag wall.
! Do not place a heavy load on the front and front passenger seat belt preten-
passenger seat or the seatback table, sioner. To ensure that the system correctly de-
etc. tects the presence or absence of a person
The front passenger occupant classifi- of adult size sitting in the front passenger
! Do not attach a commercial seatback cation indicator light will indicate “ON”
table or other heavy item to the back seat, make sure that none of the above
and “OFF” when the engine switch is occur.
of the front passenger seat.
turned to the “ON” position. After
! Do not apply pressure to the front pas- about four seconds, it will go off. After Make sure that the “ON” indicator is illu-
senger seat by resting hands or legs minated when a person of adult size is
that, the front passenger occupant clas-
on the seatback. seated in the front passenger seat. If the
sification system operates and judges
whether to indicate “ON” or “OFF”. “OFF” indicator is illuminated, follow the
procedure below:
1. Turn the engine switch off.
2. Make sure the airbag off switch is set
to the “AUTO” position.
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3. Make sure the front passenger seat

belt is worn correctly.
4. Ask the front passenger to adjust the
seatback to the upright position and to
sit up straight on the center of the seat
cushion, with his/her legs comfortably
extended forward. LS13140
5. Turn the engine switch on, having the
passenger remain in that position until
the front passenger occupant classifica-
tion system indicator light indicates
If the “OFF” indicator remains illuminated,
either ask the passenger to move to the The SRS warning light will come on
rear seat, or if that is not possible, move and the front passenger occupant clas-
the front passenger seat fully rearward. sification indicator light will indicate
“OFF” if there is a malfunction in the
front passenger occupant classification
system. Contact your Toyota dealer as
soon as possible.

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Condition and operation in the front passenger occupant classification system

Indicator/warning light Devices

Condition detected by
Passenger Front passenger Front Front
the front passenger
airbag off switch occupant SRS warning passenger’s Front passenger passenger’s
occupant classification
position classification light seat belt airbag seat belt
indicator light reminder light pretensioner
“AUTO” “ON” Activated
1. Adult∗1 Off Flashing∗4 Activated
“OFF” “OFF” Deactivated

2. Child∗2 or child “AUTO”

“OFF”∗5 Off Flashing∗4 Deactivated Activated
restraint system∗3 “OFF”
“AUTO” Not illuminated
3. Unoccupied Off Off Deactivated
4. There is a “AUTO”
malfunction in the “OFF” On Off Deactivated Activated
system “OFF”

∗1 : The system judges a person of adult size as an adult. When a smaller adult sits in the front passenger seat, the system may
recognize him/her as a child depending on his/her physique and posture.
∗2 : When a larger child who has outgrown a child restraint system sits in the front passenger seat, the system may recognize him/her
as an adult depending on his/her physique or posture.
∗3 : Never install a rear−facing child restraint system on the front passenger seat. A forward−facing child restraint system should only be
installed on the front passenger seat when it is unavoidable. (See “Child restraint” on page 93 in this Section as for installing the
child restraint system.)
∗4 : In the event the front passenger does not wear a seat belt.
∗5 : In case the indicator is not illuminated, see “Child restraint” on page 93 as for installing the child restraint system properly.
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CAUTION ! Do not recline the front passenger ! Wear the seat belt properly.
seatback so far that it touches a ! Make sure the front passenger’s
To avoid potential death or serious rear seat or a backwall. This may seat belt tab has not been left in-
injury when the front passenger occu- cause the “OFF” indicator to be il- serted in the buckle before some-
pant classification system does not luminated, which indicates that the one sits in the front passenger
detect the conditions correctly, ob- passenger’s airbags will not deploy seat.
serve the following. in the event of a severe accident.
If the seatback touches the rear ! Do not place a heavy load on the
! Make sure the front passenger oc- front passenger seat or the seat-
cupant classification indicator light seat or backwall, return the seat-
back to a position where it does back table, etc.
indicates “ON” when using the seat
belt extender for the front passen- not touch the rear seat or backwall. ! Do not apply pressure to the front
ger seat. If the indicator light indi- Keep the front passenger seatback passenger seat by resting hands or
cates “OFF”, disconnect the extend- as upright as possible when the ve- legs on the seatback.
er tongue from the seat belt buckle, hicle is moving. Reclining the seat- ! Do not let a rear passenger lift the
then reconnect the seat belt. Recon- back excessively may lessen the ef- front passenger seat with their feet
nect the seat belt extender after fectiveness of the seat belt system. or press on the seatback with their
making sure the indicator light indi- ! If an adult sits in the front passen- legs.
cates “ON”. If you use the seat belt ger seat, the occupant classification ! Do not put objects under the front
extender while the indicator light indicator light should indicate “ON”. passenger seat.
indicates “OFF”, the front passen- If the “OFF” indicator is illumi-
ger airbag may not activate correct- ! Do not attach a commercial seat-
nated, ask the passenger to sit up back table or other heavy item to
ly, which could cause death or seri- straight, well back in the seat, feet
ous injury in the event of collision. the back of the front passenger
on the floor, and with the seat belt seat.
worn correctly. If the “OFF” indica-
tor still remains illuminated, either ! Child restraint systems installed on
ask the passenger to move to the the rear seat should not contact the
rear seat, or if that is not possible, front seatbacks.
move the front passenger seat fully

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Front passenger occupant

classification system (regular cab
models with bench seat and double
cab models)
Your vehicle is equipped with a front ! Do not apply pressure to the front pas-
! When it is unavoidable to install the passenger occupant classification sys- senger seat by resting hands or legs
forward−facing child restraint sys- tem. The system detects conditions on the seatback.
tem on the front passenger seat, 1—4 (Shown in the table on page 89)
install the child restraint system on ! Regular cab models with bench seat—
Based on these conditions, the systems Do not use a seat accessory, such as
the front passenger seat in the below are activated or deactivated: a cushion or seat cover, that covers
proper order. (As for the installation
order, see “—Installation with seat ! Front passenger airbag the seat cushion surface.
belt” on page 96 in this Section.) ! Side airbag on the front passenger
! Do not modify or remove the front seat
seats. ! Front passenger’s seat belt pretension-
! Do not kick the front passenger
seat or subject it to severe impact. The system monitors the weight and
Otherwise, the SRS warning light load on the right front passenger seat
may come on to indicate a malfunc- (regular cab models with bench seat) or
tion of the detection system. In this front passenger seat (double cab mod-
case, contact your Toyota dealer im- els), and the seat belt buckle switch to
mediately. determine conditions 1—4.
In order to ensure the system detects
The front passenger occupant the conditions correctly:
classification indicator light may indicate ! Double cab models—Do not place a
“ON” (the front passenger airbag may heavy load on the front passenger seat
deploy) even if observing the above or the seatback table, etc.
cautions, when a child sits in, or a
forward−facing child restraint system is
! Regular cab models with bench seat—
installed on the front passenger seat. Do not place a heavy load on the front
passenger seat.
Refer to all the cautions in “SRS driver
airbag and front passenger airbag” on ! Double cab models—Do not attach a
page 53 and “Child restraint” on page 93. commercial seatback table or other
heavy item to the back of the front
passenger seat.
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The indicator light will indicate “OFF” Make sure that the “ON” indicator is illu-
when the engine switch is in the “ON” minated when a person of adult size is
position with the condition 2 in the table seated in the right front passenger seat
shown below. (regular cab models with bench seat) or
If the front passenger occupant classifica- front passenger seat (double cab models).
tion system determines that a person of If the “OFF” indicator is illuminated, ask
LS13139b adult size sits in the front passenger seat
but the “OFF” indicator is illuminated, one
the passenger to sit up straight, well back
in the seat, and with the seat belt worn
of the following is likely to have occurred: correctly. If the “OFF” indicator remains
illuminated, either ask the passenger to
! A rear passenger lifts the front passen- move to the rear seat, or if that is not
ger seat cushion with their legs. possible, move the front passenger seat
! Objects are placed under the front pas- fully rearward.
senger seat.
The front passenger occupant classifi- ! Double cab models—The front passen-
cation indicator light indicates the ac- ger seatback is in contact with the rear
tuation of the front passenger airbag, seat.
side airbag on the front passenger seat
and front passenger seat belt preten- To ensure that the system correctly de-
tects the presence or absence of a person
of adult size sitting in the front passenger
The front passenger occupant classifi- seat, make sure that none of the above
cation indicator light will indicate “ON” occur.
and “OFF” when the engine switch is
turned to the “ON” position. After
about four seconds, it will go off. After
that, the front passenger occupant clas-
sification system operates and judges
whether to indicate “ON” or “OFF”.

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The SRS warning light will come on

and the front passenger occupant clas-
sification indicator light will indicate
“OFF” if there is a malfunction in the
front passenger occupant classification
system. Contact your Toyota dealer as
soon as possible.

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Condition and operation in the front passenger occupant classification system

Indicator/warning light Devices

Condition detected by Front Curtain shield
the front passenger Front Side airbag Front
passenger Front airbag in the
occupant classification SRS warning passenger’s on the front passenger’s
occupant passenger front
system∗1 light seat belt passenger seat belt
classification airbag passenger
reminder light seat pretensioner
indicator light side
1. Adult∗2 “ON” Off Flashing∗5 Activated
2. Child∗3 or child
“OFF”∗6 Off Flashing∗5 Deactivated Activated
restraint system∗4
3. Unoccupied Off Off Deactivated Deactivated
illuminated Activated
4. There is a
malfunction in the “OFF” On Off Deactivated Activated
∗1 : Regular cab models with bench seat—The right front passenger on the bench seat.
∗2 : The system judges a person of adult size as an adult. When a smaller adult sits in the front passenger seat, the system may
recognize him/her as a child depending on his/her physique and posture.
∗3 : When a larger child who has outgrown a child restraint system sits in the front passenger seat, the system may recognize him/her
as an adult depending on his/her physique or posture.
∗4 : Never install a rear−facing child restraint system on the front passenger seat. A forward−facing child restraint system should only be
installed on the front passenger seat when it is unavoidable. (See “Child restraint” on page 93 in this Section as for installing the
child restraint system.)
∗5 : In the event the front passenger does not wear a seat belt.
∗6 : In case indicator is not illuminated, see “Child restraint” on page 93 as for installing the child restraint system properly.

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CAUTION ! Do not recline the front passenger ! If an adult sits in the front passen-
seatback so far that it touches a ger seat, the occupant classification
To avoid potential death or serious rear seat or a backwall. This may indicator light should indicate “ON”.
injury when the front passenger occu- cause the “OFF” indicator to be il- If the “OFF” indicator is illumi-
pant classification system does not luminated, which indicates that the nated, ask the passenger to sit up
detect the conditions correctly, ob- passenger’s airbags will not deploy straight, well back in the seat, feet
serve the following. in the event of a severe accident. on the floor, and with the seat belt
! Make sure the front passenger oc- If the seatback touches the rear worn correctly. If the “OFF” indica-
cupant classification indicator light seat or backwall, return the seat- tor still remains illuminated, either
indicates “ON” when using the seat back to a position where it does ask the passenger to move to the
belt extender for the front passen- not touches the rear seat or back- rear seat, or if that is not possible,
ger seat. If the indicator light indi- wall. move the front passenger seat fully
cates “OFF”, disconnect the extend- Keep the front passenger seatback rearward.
er tongue from the seat belt buckle, as upright as possible when the ve- ! Wear the seat belt properly.
then reconnect the seat belt. Recon- hicle is moving. Reclining the seat- ! Make sure the front passenger’s
nect the seat belt extender after back excessively may lessen the ef- seat belt tab has not been left in-
making sure the indicator light indi- fectiveness of the seat belt system. serted in the buckle before some-
cates “ON”. If you use the seat belt one sits in the front passenger
extender while the indicator light seat.
indicates “OFF”, the front passen-
ger airbag and side airbag on the ! Double cab models—Do not place a
front passenger side may not acti- heavy load on the front passenger
vate correctly, which could cause seat or the seatback table, etc.
death or serious injury in the event ! Regular cab models with bench
of collision. seat—Do not place a heavy load on
the front passenger seat.
! Do not apply pressure to the front
passenger seat by resting hands or
legs on the seatback.

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The front passenger occupant

! Do not let a rear passenger lift the ! When it is unavoidable to install the classification indicator light may indicate
front passenger seat with their feet forward−facing child restraint sys- “ON” (the front passenger airbag and side
or press on the seatback with their tem on the front passenger seat, airbag on the front passenger seat may
legs. install the child restraint system on deploy) even if observing the above
! Do not put objects under the front the front passenger seat in the cautions, when a child sits in, or a
passenger seat. proper order. (As for the installation forward−facing child restraint system is
order, see “—Installation with seat installed on the front passenger seat.
! Double cab models—Do not attach belt” on page 106 in this Section.) Refer to all the cautions in “SRS driver
a commercial seatback table or oth-
er heavy item to the back of the ! Do not modify or remove the front airbag and front passenger airbag” on
seats. page 62, “SRS side airbags and curtain
front passenger seat.
shield airbags” on page 72 and “Child
! Regular cab models with bench ! Do not kick the front passenger
seat or subject it to severe impact. restraint” on page 93.
seat—Do not use a seat accessory,
such as a cushion or seat cover, Otherwise, the SRS warning light
that covers the seat cushion sur- may come on to indicate a malfunc-
face. tion of the detection system. In this
case, contact your Toyota dealer im-
! Regular cab models with bench mediately.
seat—Do not modify or replace the
upholstery of the front seat.
! Child restraint systems installed on
the rear seat should not contact the
front seatbacks.

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Roll sensing of curtain shield

airbags off switch
When you push the “RSCA OFF” switch
for a few seconds with the engine switch CAUTION
on, the “RSCA OFF” indicator light comes
on and the roll sensing function is turned ! Before normal driving, make sure
off. When you push the switch again, the the “RSCA OFF” indicator light is
indicator light goes off and the roll sens- off.

LS13192 ing function is turned on. (For details

about the roll sensing function, see “SRS
! When the roll sensing function is
turned off (and the “RSCA OFF”
side airbags and curtain shield airbags” on indicator light is on), the curtain
page 72 in this Section.) shield airbags and seat belt preten-
In a severe side impact, the curtain shield sioners will not work in a vehicle
airbags on impacted side will inflate even rollover. Turning off the curtain
if the roll sensing function is turned off. shield airbags and seat belt preten-
(For details about the curtain shield air- sioners reduces occupant protection
The roll sensing of curtain shield air- bags, see “SRS side airbags and curtain which your vehicle safety systems
bags off switch (“RSCA OFF” switch) shield airbags” on page 72 in this Sec- can provide in accidents and in-
can turn off the curtain shield airbags tion.) crease the likelihood of death or
and seat belt pretensioners in a vehicle In a severe frontal impact, the seat belt serious injuries.
rollover. This switch should only be pretensioners will work even if the roll
used if inflation is not desired (such as sensing function is turned off. (For details
extreme off−road driving). about the seat belt pretensioners, see
“—Seat belt pretensioners” on page 50 in
this Section.)
If the engine switch is turned to “ACC” or
“LOCK” with the roll sensing function off
and then the engine switch is turned back
to “ON”, the roll sensing function will turn
back on automatically.

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08 02.19

Child restraint—
—Child restraint precautions
Toyota strongly urges the use of ap-
propriate child restraint systems for Regular cab models with separate If you must put infant or child age
children. seats and access cab models— 1 to 12 in a passenger risk group
! Regular cab models with separate on the right front seat, make sure
The laws of all 50 states in the U.S.A. that the passenger airbag off switch
and Canada now require the use of a seats—
Toyota strongly urges use of a is in the “OFF” position with the
child restraint system.
proper child restraint system which key removed and that the indicator
Your vehicle conforms to SAEJ1819. conforms to the size of the child. light is on. (For details, see “SRS
If a child is too large for a child restraint driver airbag and front passenger
Access cab models— airbag” on page 53 in this Section.)
system, the child should sit in the rear Toyota strongly urges use of a
seat and must be restrained using the proper child restraint system which ! Do not use the seat belt extender
vehicle’s seat belt. See “Seat belts” on conforms to the size of the child, when installing a child restraint
page 43 in this Section for details. installed in the rear of the cabin system on the front passenger seat
per the instructions in this manual. or in the rear of the cabin. If instal-
CAUTION According to accident statistics, the ling a child restraint system with
child is safer when properly re- the seat belt extender connected to
! For effective protection in automo- strained in the rear of the vehicle the seat belt, the seat belt will not
bile accidents and sudden stops, a cabin than in the front. securely hold the child restraint
child must be properly restrained, system, which could cause death or
using a seat belt or child restraint ! Never put infant or child age 1 to serious injury to the child or other
system depending on the age and 12 in a passenger risk group on the passengers in the event of colli-
size of the child. Holding a child in right front passenger seat with the sion.
your arms is not a substitute for a passenger airbag off switch in the
“AUTO” position. In the event of an ! Make sure you have complied with
child restraint system. In an acci- all installation instructions provided
dent, the child can be crushed accident, the force of the rapid
inflation of the front passenger air- by the child restraint manufacturer
against the windshield, or between and that the system is properly se-
you and the vehicle’s interior. bag can cause death or serious in-
jury to the child. cured. If it is not secured properly,
it may cause death or serious injury
to the child in the event of a sud-
den stop or accident.

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Regular cab models with bench seat ! A forward−facing child restraint sys- ! Do not use the seat belt extender
and double cab models— tem should be allowed to be when installing a child restraint
! Regular cab models with bench installed on the front passenger system on the front or rear passen-
seat— seat only when it is unavoidable. ger seat. If installing a child re-
Toyota strongly urges use of a Always move the seat as far back straint system with the seat belt
proper child restraint system which as possible even if the front pas- extender connected to the seat belt,
conforms to the size of the child. senger occupant classification indi- the seat belt will not securely hold
cator light indicates “OFF”, because the child restraint system, which
Double cab models— the front passenger airbag could in- could cause death or serious injury
Toyota strongly urges use of a flate with considerable speed and to the child or other passengers in
proper child restraint system which force. Otherwise, the child may be the event of collision.
conforms to the size of the child, killed or seriously injured.
installed on the rear seat. Accord- ! Make sure you have complied with
ing to accident statistics, the child ! On vehicles with side airbags and all installation instructions provided
is safer when properly restrained in curtain shield airbags, do not allow by the child restraint manufacturer
the rear seat than in the front seat. the child to lean his/her head or and that the system is properly se-
any part of his/her body against the cured. If it is not secured properly,
! Never install a rear−facing child re- door or the area of the seat, front it may cause death or serious injury
straint system on the front passen- or rear pillar or roof side rail from to the child in the event of a sud-
ger seat even if the front passenger which the side airbags or curtain den stop or accident.
occupant classification indicator shield airbags deploy even if the
light indicates “OFF”. In the event child is seated in the child restraint
of an accident, the impact of the system. It is dangerous if the side
rapid inflation of the front passen- airbag and curtain shield airbag in-
ger airbag could cause death or se- flate, and the impact could cause
rious injury to the child if the rear− death or serious injury to the child.
facing child restraint system is
installed on the front passenger

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—Types of child restraint

—Child restraint system system
A child restraint system for a small Child restraint systems are classified into
child or baby must itself be properly the following 3 types depending on the
restrained on the seat with the lap por- child’s age and size.
tion of the lap/shoulder belt. You must (A) Infant seat
carefully consult the manufacturer’s (B) Convertible seat
instructions which accompany the child (C) Booster seat
restraint system.
To provide proper restraint, use a child
Install the child restraint system following LS13001
the instructions provided by its manufac-
restraint system following the manufactur- turer.
er’s instructions about the appropriate age
and size of the child for the child restraint Your vehicle has anchor brackets for se-
system. curing the top strap of a child restraint
Install the child restraint system correctly
following the instructions provided by its For instructions about how to use the an- (A) Infant seat
manufacturer. General directions are also chor bracket, see “—Using a top strap” on
provided under the following illustrations. page 116, 119 or 122 in this Section.
The child restraint system should be The child restraint lower anchorages
installed in the rear seat if your vehicle approved for your vehicle may also be
is equipped with rear seats. According to used. See “—Installation with child
accident statistics, the child is safer when restraint lower anchorages” on page 124,
properly restrained in the rear of the ve- 126 or 131 in this Section.
hicle cabin than in the front.
When not using the child restraint system,
keep it secured with the seat belt or place
it somewhere other than the passenger
compartment. This will prevent it from in-
juring passengers in the event of a sud-
den stop or accident.
(B) Convertible seat

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—Installation with seat belt

(regular cab models with separate
seats and access cab models)

LS13003 LS13004a LS13008

(C) Booster seat

(access cab models): An infant seat must be used in rear−
Flip over the bottom cushion before facing position only.
installing the child restraint system.


To install the child restraint system

properly, make sure the bottom cush-
ion is flipped over whenever you use
a child restraint system in the rear
seating area.

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If you must install a rear−facing child

restraint system on the front passen-
ger seat, make sure that the front

LS13005 LS13006a passenger airbag off switch is in the

“OFF” position with the key removed
and that the indicator light is on.

When you install a rear−facing child re-

CAUTION straint system which belongs to a pas-
senger risk group on the front passen-
Never install a rear−facing child re- ger seat, turn the passenger airbag off
straint system on the front seat with switch counterclockwise to the “OFF”
the passenger airbag off switch in the position and remove the key. (For de-
“AUTO” position. In the event of an tails, see “SRS driver airbag and front
accident, the force of the rapid infla- passenger airbag” on page 53 in this
tion of the front passenger airbag can Section.)
cause death or serious injury to the
The indicator light comes on when the
child if the rear−facing child restraint
system is installed on the front pas- system is off.
senger seat.

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! After inserting the tab, make sure

the tab and buckle are locked and
that the lap and shoulder portions

LS13007 LS13009 of the belt are not twisted.

! Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in
the buckle as this may prevent your
child from properly latching the tab
and buckle.
! If the seat belt does not function
normally, it cannot protect your
child from death or serious injury.
To install the infant seat: Contact your Toyota dealer immedi-
1. Run the lap and shoulder belt through ately. Do not install the child
! Do not install a child restraint sys- or around the infant seat following the restraint system on the seat until
instructions provided by its manufactur- the seat belt is fixed.
tem on the rear seat if it interferes
with the lock mechanism of the er and insert the tab into the buckle
front seats. Otherwise, the child or taking care not to twist the belt. Keep
the lap portion of the belt tight.
front seat occupant(s) may be killed
or seriously injured in case of sud-
den braking or a collision.
! If the driver’s seat position does
not allow sufficient space for safe
installation, install the child re-
straint system on the rear right

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LS13010 LS13011 LS13012

2. Fully extend the shoulder belt to put it 3. While pressing the infant seat firmly
in the lock mode. When the belt is against the seat cushion and seatback, CAUTION
then retracted even slightly, it cannot let the shoulder belt retract as far as
be extended. it will go to hold the infant seat secure- Push and pull the child restraint sys-
ly. tem in different directions to be sure
To hold the infant seat securely, make it is secure. Follow all the installation
sure the belt is in the lock mode before instructions provided by its manufac-
letting the belt retract.

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LS13013 LS13014 LS13015

To remove the infant seat: (B) CONVERTIBLE SEAT INSTALLATION

Press the buckle release button and allow CAUTION
A convertible seat must be used in for-
the belt to retract completely. The belt will ward−facing or rear−facing position de-
move freely again and be ready to work Rear−facing child restraint system:
pending on the age and size of the
for an adult or older child passenger. Never install a rear−facing child re-
child. When installing, follow the straint system on the front passenger
manufacturer’s instructions about the seat with the passenger airbag off
applicable age and size of the child as
switch in the “AUTO” position. In the
well as directions for installing the event of an accident, the force of the
child restraint system. rapid inflation of the front passenger
airbag can cause death or serious in-
jury to the child if the rear−facing
child restraint system is installed on
the front passenger seat.

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If you must install a rear−facing child Forward−facing child restraint system:

restraint system on the front passen- A forward−facing child restraint
ger seat, make sure that the passen- system which belongs to a passenger

LS13006a ger airbag off switch is in the “OFF”

position with the key removed and
risk group should never be installed
on the front passenger seat with the
that the indicator light is on. passenger airbag off switch in the
“AUTO” position, because the force
of the deploying airbag could cause
death or serious injury to the child in
forward seating position. (For details,
see “SRS driver airbag and front
When you install a rear−facing child re- passenger airbag” on page 53 in this
straint system which belongs to a pas- Section.)
senger risk group on the front passen-
ger seat, turn the passenger airbag off
switch counterclockwise to the “OFF”
position and remove the key. (For de-
tails, see “SRS driver airbag and front
passenger airbag” on page 53 in this
The indicator light comes on when the
system is off.

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08 02.19


! After inserting the tab, make sure

the tab and buckle are locked and
that the lap and shoulder portions

LS13016 LS13017 of the belt are not twisted.

! Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in
the buckle as this may prevent your
child from properly latching the tab
and buckle.
! If the seat belt does not function
normally, it cannot protect your
child from death or serious injury.
To install the forward−facing convertible Contact your Toyota dealer immedi-
CAUTION seat: ately. Do not install the child
! Do not install a child restraint sys- 1. Run the lap and shoulder belt through restraint system on the seat until
or around the convertible seat following the seat belt is fixed.
tem on the rear seat if it interferes
with the lock mechanism of the the instructions provided by its
front seats. Otherwise, the child or manufacturer and insert the tab into
the buckle taking care not to twist the
front seat occupant(s) may be killed
or seriously injured in case of sud- belt. Keep the lap portion of the belt
den braking or a collision. tight.
For instructions concerning the installation
! If the driver’s seat position does
not allow sufficient space for safe of the rear−facing convertible seat, see
installation, install the child re- “(A) INFANT SEAT INSTALLATION” on
page 96.
straint system on the rear right

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08 02.19

LS13018 LS13019 LS13020

2. Fully extend the shoulder belt to put it 3. While pressing the convertible seat
in the lock mode. When the belt is firmly against the seat cushion and CAUTION
then retracted even slightly, it cannot seatback, let the shoulder belt retract
be extended. as far as it will go to hold the convert- Push and pull the child restraint sys-
ible seat securely. tem in different directions to be sure
To hold the convertible seat securely, it is secure. Follow all the installation
make sure the belt is in the lock mode instructions provided by its manufac-
before letting the belt retract.

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08 02.19


A forward−facing child restraint

system which belongs to a passenger
risk group should never be installed

LS13021 LS13022 on the front passenger seat with the

passenger airbag off switch in the
“AUTO” position, because the force
of the deploying airbag could cause
death or serious injury to the child in
forward seating position. (For details,
see “SRS driver airbag and front
passenger airbag” on page 53 in this
To remove the convertible seat: (C) BOOSTER SEAT INSTALLATION Section.)
Press the buckle release button and allow A booster seat must be used in for-
the belt to retract completely. The belt will ward−facing position only.
move freely again and be ready to work
for an adult or older child passenger.

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08 02.19

CAUTION ! If the seat belt does not function

normally, it cannot protect your
! Always make sure the shoulder belt child from death or serious injury.
is positioned across the center of Contact your Toyota dealer immedi-
child’s shoulder. The belt should be ately. Do not install the child

LS13023 kept away from child’s neck, but

not falling off child’s shoulder.
restraint system on the seat until
the seat belt is fixed.
Otherwise, the child may be killed
or seriously injured in case of sud-
den braking or a collision.
! Both high−positioned lap belts and
loose−fitting belts could cause
death or serious injuries due to
To install the booster seat: sliding under the lap belt during a
Sit the child on a booster seat. Run the collision or other unintended event.
lap and shoulder belt through or around Keep the lap belt positioned as low
the booster seat and across the child fol- on a child’s hips as possible.
lowing the instructions provided by its ! For child’s safety, do not place the
manufacturer and insert the tab into the shoulder belt under child’s arm.
buckle taking care not to twist the belt. ! After inserting the tab, make sure
Make sure the shoulder belt is correctly the tab and buckle are locked and
across the child’s shoulder and that the that the lap and shoulder portions
lap belt is positioned as low as possible of the belt are not twisted.
on the child’s hips. See “Seat belts” on ! Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in
page 43 in this Section for details. the buckle as this may prevent your
child from properly latching the tab
and buckle.

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08 02.19

—Installation with seat belt

(regular cab models with bench
seat and double cab models)

LS13024 LS13028 LS13029

To remove the booster seat: (A) INFANT SEAT INSTALLATION

Press the buckle release button and allow CAUTION
An infant seat must be used in rear−
the belt to retract. facing position only. ! Never install a rear−facing child re-
straint system on the front passen-
ger seat even if the front passenger
occupant classification indicator
light indicates “OFF”. In the event
of an accident, the impact of the
rapid inflation of the front passen-
ger airbag could cause death or se-
rious injury to the child if the rear−
facing child restraint system is
installed on the front passenger

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08 02.19


! After inserting the tab, make sure

the tab and buckle are locked and
that the lap and shoulder portions

LS13030 LS13031 of the belt are not twisted.

! Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in
the buckle as this may prevent your
child from properly latching the tab
and buckle.
! If the seat belt does not function
normally, it cannot protect your
child from death or serious injury.
To install the infant seat: Contact your Toyota dealer immedi-
! Do not install a child restraint sys-
1. Run the lap and shoulder belt through ately. Do not install the child
tem on the rear seat if it interferes
with the lock mechanism of the or around the infant seat following the restraint system on the seat until
front seats. Otherwise, the child or instructions provided by its manufactur- the seat belt is fixed.
front seat occupant(s) may be killed er and insert the tab into the buckle
or seriously injured in case of sud- taking care not to twist the belt. Keep
den braking or a collision. the lap portion of the belt tight.

! If the driver’s seat position does

not allow sufficient space for safe
installation, install the child re-
straint system on the rear right
seat. Child restraint system
installed on the rear seat should
not contact the front seatbacks.

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08 02.19

LS13032 LS13033 LS13034

2. Fully extend the shoulder belt to put it 3. While pressing the infant seat firmly
in the lock mode. When the belt is against the seat cushion and seatback, CAUTION
then retracted even slightly, it cannot let the shoulder belt retract as far as
be extended. it will go to hold the infant seat secure- Push and pull the child restraint sys-
ly. tem in different directions to be sure
To hold the infant seat securely, make it is secure. Follow all the installation
sure the belt is in the lock mode before instructions provided by its manufac-
letting the belt retract.

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08 02.19

Install the child restraint system on the

right front passenger seat (regular cab
models with bench seat) or front passen-
ger seat (double cab models) only when
it is unavoidable. Your vehicle is equipped
with a front passenger occupant classifica-
LS13035 LS13036 tion system. In order to activate the occu-
pant classification system correctly, install
the forward−facing child restraint system
on the front passenger seat in the follow-
ing order:
1. Turn the engine switch to the “ON”
2. Move the right front passenger seat
To remove the infant seat: (B) CONVERTIBLE SEAT INSTALLATION
Press the buckle release button and allow (regular cab models with bench seat)
A convertible seat must be used in for- or front passenger seat (double cab
the belt to retract completely. The belt will ward−facing or rear−facing position de- models) to the rearward position.
move freely again and be ready to work pending on the age and size of the
for an adult or older child passenger. 3. Put the child restraint system on the
child. When installing, follow the
right front passenger seat (regular cab
manufacturer’s instructions about the
applicable age and size of the child as models with bench seat) or front pas-
senger seat (double cab models) with-
well as directions for installing the
out putting your weight on the right
child restraint system.
front passenger seat (regular cab mod-
els with bench seat) or front passenger
seat (double cab models).
4. Insert the seat belt tab into the seat
belt buckle.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

5. Fully extend the shoulder belt to put it The front passenger occupant classifica- The front passenger occupant classifica-
in the lock mode. When the belt is tion indicator light should indicate “OFF” tion indicator light should indicate “OFF”.
then retracted even slightly, it cannot when the engine switch is in the “ON” If the indicator light still indicates “ON”
be extended. To hold the seat securely, position and the child is in the child re- when the engine switch is turned to the
make sure the belt is in the lock mode straint system after following these proce- “ON” position, then the SRS front passen-
before letting the belt retract. dures. The “OFF” indicator indicates the ger airbag and side airbag on the passen-
6. While pressing the convertible seat SRS front passenger airbag and side air- ger side may deploy in an accident. Do
firmly against the seat cushion and bag on the passenger side will not deploy. not drive the vehicle in this condition. Re-
seatback, let the shoulder belt retract if the indicator light indicates “ON”, do the move the child restraint system and con-
as far as it will go to hold the convert- following procedure: tact your Toyota dealer.
ible seat securely. 1. Turn the engine switch off.
2. Remove the child restraint system.
3. When reinstalling a child restraint sys- ! Never install a rear−facing child re-
tem, make sure the seatback does not straint system on the front passen-
Push and pull the child restraint sys-
press the child restraint system into ger seat. A forward−facing child re-
tem in different directions to be sure
the seat cushion. If this occurs, adjust straint system should only be
it is secure. Follow all the installation
the seatback angle slightly. installed on the front passenger
instructions provided by its manufac-
turer. 4. Then make sure the head restraint is seat when unavoidable. If you must
not pressing the child restraint system install the child restraint system on
into the seat cushion. If this occurs, the front passenger seat, put the
7. Put a child on the child restraint sys- seat in its most rearward position,
raise the head restraint.
tem and secure the child, complying and install the forward−facing child
with the instructions provided by the 5. Turn the engine switch on again. restraint system in the proper or-
child restraint system manufacturer. der. Otherwise, the front passenger
occupant classification system can
not detect the presence of the child
restraint system and the front pas-
senger airbag and side airbag on
the front passenger seat could

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08 02.19

! On vehicles with side airbags and

curtain shield airbags, do not allow
the child to lean his/her head or
any part of his/her body against the
door or the area of the seat, front

LS13037 LS13038 or rear pillar or roof side rail from

which the side airbags or curtain
shield airbags deploy even if the
child is seated in the child restraint
system. It is dangerous if the side
airbag and curtain shield airbag in-
Move seat
fully back flate, and the impact could cause
death or serious injury to the child.

CAUTION ! A forward−facing child restraint sys-

tem should be allowed to be
! Never install a rear−facing child re- installed on the front passenger
straint system on the front passen- seat only when it is unavoidable.
ger seat even if the front passenger Always move the seat as far back
occupant classification indicator as possible even if the front pas-
light indicates “OFF”. In the event senger occupant classification indi-
of an accident, the impact of the cator light indicates “OFF”, because
rapid inflation of the front passen- the front passenger airbag could in-
flate with considerable speed and
ger airbag could cause death or se-
force. Otherwise, the child may be
rious injury to the child if the rear−
killed or seriously injured.
facing child restraint system is
installed on the front passenger

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08 02.19


! After inserting the tab, make sure

the tab and buckle are locked and
that the lap and shoulder portions

LS13039 LS13040 of the belt are not twisted.

! Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in
the buckle as this may prevent your
child from properly latching the tab
and buckle.
! If the seat belt does not function
normally, it cannot protect your
child from death or serious injury.
To install the forward−facing convertible Contact your Toyota dealer immedi-
! Do not install a child restraint sys- seat:
tem on the rear seat if it interferes ately. Do not install the child
with the lock mechanism of the 1. Run the lap and shoulder belt through restraint system on the seat until
front seats. Otherwise, the child or or around the convertible seat following the seat belt is fixed.
front seat occupant(s) may be killed the instructions provided by its
or seriously injured in case of sud- manufacturer and insert the tab into
den braking or a collision. the buckle taking care not to twist the
belt. Keep the lap portion of the belt
! If the driver’s seat position does tight.
not allow sufficient space for safe
installation, install the child re- For instructions concerning the installation
straint system on the rear right of the rear−facing convertible seat, see
seat. Child restraint system “(A) INFANT SEAT INSTALLATION” on
installed on the rear seat should page 106.
not contact the front seatbacks.

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08 02.19

LS13041 LS13042 LS13043

2. Fully extend the shoulder belt to put it 3. While pressing the convertible seat
in the lock mode. When the belt is firmly against the seat cushion and CAUTION
then retracted even slightly, it cannot seatback, let the shoulder belt retract
be extended. as far as it will go to hold the convert- Push and pull the child restraint sys-
ible seat securely. tem in different directions to be sure
To hold the convertible seat securely, it is secure. Follow all the installation
make sure the belt is in the lock mode instructions provided by its manufac-
before letting the belt retract.

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08 02.19

LS13044 LS13045 LS13046

Move seat
fully back

To remove the convertible seat: (C) BOOSTER SEAT INSTALLATION

Press the buckle release button and allow CAUTION
A booster seat must be used in for-
the belt to retract completely. The belt will ward−facing position only.
move freely again and be ready to work ! A forward−facing child restraint sys-
for an adult or older child passenger. tem should be allowed to be
installed on the front passenger
seat only when it is unavoidable.
Always move the seat as far back
as possible even if the front pas-
senger occupant classification indi-
cator light indicates “OFF”, because
the front passenger airbag could in-
flate with considerable speed and
force. Otherwise, the child may be
killed or seriously injured.

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08 02.19

! On vehicles with side airbags and CAUTION

curtain shield airbags, do not allow
the child to lean his/her head or ! Always make sure the shoulder belt
any part of his/her body against the is positioned across the center of
door or the area of the seat, front child’s shoulder. The belt should be
or rear pillar or roof side rail from
which the side airbags or curtain
shield airbags deploy even if the
LS13047 kept away from child’s neck, but
not falling off child’s shoulder.
Otherwise, the child may be killed
child is seated in the child restraint or seriously injured in case of sud-
system. It is dangerous if the side
den braking or a collision.
airbag and curtain shield airbag in-
flate, and the impact could cause ! Both high−positioned lap belts and
death or serious injury to the child. loose−fitting belts could cause
death or serious injuries due to
To install the booster seat: sliding under the lap belt during a
Sit the child on a booster seat. Run the collision or other unintended event.
lap and shoulder belt through or around Keep the lap belt positioned as low
the booster seat and across the child fol- on a child’s hips as possible.
lowing the instructions provided by its ! For child’s safety, do not place the
manufacturer and insert the tab into the shoulder belt under child’s arm.
buckle taking care not to twist the belt. ! After inserting the tab, make sure
Make sure the shoulder belt is correctly the tab and buckle are locked and
across the child’s shoulder and that the that the lap and shoulder portions
lap belt is positioned as low as possible of the belt are not twisted.
on the child’s hips. See “Seat belts” on ! Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in
page 43 in this Section for details. the buckle as this may prevent your
child from properly latching the tab
and buckle.

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08 02.19

—Using a top strap

(regular cab models)

! If the seat belt does not function

normally, it cannot protect your
child from death or serious injury.
Contact your Toyota dealer immedi-
ately. Do not install the child
restraint system on the seat until
the seat belt is fixed. LS13048 LS13050a

To remove the booster seat: Follow the procedure below for a child
Press the buckle release button and allow restraint system that requires the use
the belt to retract. of a top strap.

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08 02.19

Use the routing device and the anchor

Routing devices
Symbol bracket on the back panel to attach the
mark top strap.
Anchor brackets are installed for (each)
passenger seating position.

LS13052b This symbol indicates the locations of the

anchor brackets. LS13063


Bench seat
1. Remove the passenger head re-
Routing straint.
Symbol device

LS13053b Anchor

Separate seats

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08 02.19


LS13181 LS13064b LS13065b

2. Lightly push down on the top sur- 3. Pull the seatback release lever and 4. Fix the child restraint system with
face of the routing device cover with swing the seatback forward slightly. the seat belt and tighten the top
the symbol mark shown in the il- Route the top strap through the strap.
lustration, then pull it forward to re- routing device as shown in the il- Replace the passenger head re-
move. lustration. straint.
Latch the hook onto the anchor Store the removed cover in a safe place
bracket. such as the glove box.
Return the seatback to upright posi- Be sure to replace the cover when the
tion. anchor bracket is not in use.
For instructions on installing the child re-
straint system, see “Child restraint” on
page 93 in this Section.

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08 02.19

—Using a top strap

(access cab models)
Follow the procedure below for a child
CAUTION restraint system that requires the use
of a top strap.
! When returning the seatback to its
original position, make sure the
seatback is securely locked by
pushing forward and rearward on
the top of the seatback. LS13069
! Make sure the top strap is securely
latched, and check that the child
restraint system is secure by push-
ing and pulling it in different direc-
tions. Follow all the installation in-
structions provided by its manufac- Front position


Rear position

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08 02.19


LS13071 LS13072 Symbol mark

Symbol mark


Use the routing device and the anchor TO USE THE ANCHOR BRACKET: 2. Fix the child restraint system with
bracket to attach the top strap. Front position— the seat belt.
Upper anchor bracket is installed for front 1. Remove the passenger head re- Latch the hook onto the anchor
passenger’s seating position, lower anchor straint. bracket on the back panel and tight-
bracket is installed for right−rear seating en the top strap.
position. Lightly push down on the top sur-
face of the anchor bracket cover For instructions on installing the child re-
This symbol indicates the locations of with the symbol mark shown in the straint system, see “Child restraint” on
user ready anchor brackets. illustration, then pull it forward to page 93 in this Section.

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08 02.19

CAUTION Symbol mark

Make sure the top strap is securely

latched, and check that the child re-
straint system is secure by pushing
and pulling it in different directions.
Follow all the installation instructions LS13074 LS13075
provided by its manufacturer.

3. Replace the head restraint. Rear position—

Store the removed cover in a safe place 1. Upper anchor bracket:
such as the glove box. Lightly push down on the top sur-
Be sure to replace the cover when the face of the upper anchor bracket
anchor bracket is not in use. cover with the symbol mark shown
in the illustration, then pull it for-
ward to remove.
Lower anchor bracket:
Pull up the lower anchor bracket.

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08 02.19

—Using a top strap

(double cab models)


LS13076a LS13077a LS13051

2. Fix the child restraint system with 3. Latch the hook onto the rear lower Follow the procedure below for a child
the seat belt. anchor bracket and tighten the top restraint system that requires the use
Route the top strap through the strap. of a top strap.
routing device as shown in the il- Store the removed covers in a safe place
lustration. such as the glove box.
For instructions on installing the child re- Be sure to replace the covers when the
straint system, see “Child restraint” on anchor bracket is not in use.
page 93 in this Section.
Make sure the top strap is securely
Make sure the top strap is not latched, and check that the child re-
twisted. straint system is secure by pushing
and pulling it in different directions.
Follow all the installation instructions
provided by its manufacturer.

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08 02.19


LS13054a LS13066 LS13067


Use the anchor bracket on the back panel TO USE THE ANCHOR BRACKET: 2. Pull the seatback release strap and
to attach the top strap. 1. Remove the head restraint. swing the seatback forward slightly,
Anchor brackets are installed for each then latch the hook onto the anchor
rear seating position. bracket.

This symbol indicates the locations of the Return the seatback to its original
anchor brackets. position.

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08 02.19

—Installation with child

restraint lower anchorages
(regular cab models)


! When returning the seatback to its

original position, make sure the
seatback is securely locked by

LS13068 pushing forward and rearward on

the top of the seatback. Failure to LS13078
do so will prevent the seat belt
from operating properly.
! Make sure the top strap is securely
latched, and check that the child
restraint system is secure by push-
ing and pulling it in different direc- Separate seats only
3. Fix the child restraint system with tions. Follow all the installation in-
the seat belt and tighten the top structions provided by its manufac-
strap. turer. Lower anchorages for Child Restraint
Systems equipped with hook or buckle
Replace the head restraint.
type attachments are installed in the
For instructions on installing the child re- front passenger seat.
straint system, see “Child restraint” on
The anchorages are installed in the gap
page 93 in this Section.
between the seat cushion and seatback of
the front passenger seat as shown in the
Child Restraint Systems equipped with
hook or buckle type attachments can be
installed using these anchorages. For such
systems, it is not necessary to use the
vehicle seatbelts.

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08 02.19

1st lock

10th lock

SYSTEM LS13082 LS13083
1. Fold down the seatback and back to
the 1st lock position (most upright
position) until it locks into place.
Adjust the seatback to the 10th lock
Make sure the seatback is locked secure-

Canada only Canada only

Type A Type B

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08 02.19

—Installation with child

restraint lower anchorages
(access cab models)
2. Widen the gap between the seat
cushion and seatback slightly and CAUTION
confirm the position of the lower an-
chorages near the button on the ! When using the lower anchorages
seatback. for the child restraint system, be
sure that there are no irregular ob-
3. Type A—Latch the hooks of lower
straps onto the anchorages and
tighten the lower straps.
jects around the anchorages or that
the seat belt is not caught. LS13078
! Push and pull the child restraint
Type B—Latch the buckles onto the system in different directions to be
sure it is secure. Follow all the
For owners in Canada—The symbol on installation instructions provided by
a child restraint system indicates the pres- its manufacturer.
ence of a lower connector system.
! After securing the child restraint Front seat
If your child restraint system has a top system, never slide or recline the
strap, it should be anchored. (For the seat.
installation of the top strap, see “—Using
a top strap” on page 116 in this Section.)
For installation details, refer to the instruc-
tion manual equipped with each product.


Rear seat

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08 02.19

Lower anchorages for Child Restraint

Systems equipped with hook or buckle
type attachments are installed in the 1st lock
front passenger seat and the right rear position
auxiliary seat. 10th lock
For front seat without a seatback table— position
The anchorages are installed in the gap LS13160a
between the seat cushion and seatback as
shown in the illustration.
For front seat with a seatback table—
The anchorages are installed in the seat
Child Restraint Systems equipped with
hook or buckle type attachments can be
installed using these anchorages. For such
systems, it is not necessary to use the 1. Front seat—Fold down the front seat
vehicle seatbelts. seatback and back to the 1st lock
position (most upright position) until
Instructions for installing these types of
it locks into place. Adjust the seat-
Child Restraint Systems in the right rear
back to the 10th lock position.
seating area are shown in the illustration
on page 129. Make sure the seatback is locked secure-

To install the child restraint system Canada only

properly, make sure the bottom cush-
ion is flipped over whenever you use
a child restraint system in the rear Front seat without seatback table (type A)
seating area.

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08 02.19

LS13083 LS13186 LS13187

Canada only Canada only Canada only

Front seat without seatback table (type B) Front seat with seatback table (type A) Front seat with seatback table (type B)

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Front seat—
2. Front seat without seatback table—
Widen the gap between the seat
cushion and seatback slightly and
confirm the position of the lower an-
chorages near the button on the
Front seat with seatback table—Wid-
en the slits of the seat cushion
slightly and confirm the position of
the lower anchorages near the but-
ton on the seat cushion.
3. Type A—Latch the hooks of lower
straps onto the anchorages and
tighten the lower straps.
LS13100 LS13101
Type B—Latch the buckles onto the
Rear seat—
See the diagrams at right and the in-
structions on page 130.
For owners in Canada—The symbol on
a child restraint system indicates the pres-
ence of a lower connector system.
Canada only Canada only

Rear seat (type A) Rear seat (type B)

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08 02.19

To install a Child Restraint System in the

rear seat properly, make sure the bottom CAUTION
seat cushion is flipped over. If the bottom
seat cushion is already flipped over, pro- To install the child restraint system
ceed to step 3. properly, make sure the bottom cush-
ion is flipped over whenever you use
1. Pull the lock release strap.
2. Flip over the bottom cushion. LS13004a a child restraint system in the rear
seating area.

If your child restraint system has a top

strap, it should be anchored. (For the
installation of the top strap, see “—Using
a top strap” on page 119 in this Section.)
For installation details, refer to the instruc-
3. Be sure to follow the Child Restraint tion manual equipped with each product.
System manufacturer’s instructions for
the recommended installation proce-
4. Push and pull the Child Restraint Sys- ! When using the lower anchorages
tem in different directions to ensure a for the child restraint system, be
secure installation. sure that there are no irregular ob-
5. If the Child Restraint System shakes or jects around the anchorages or that
vibrates when used, install a cushion the seat belt is not caught.
between the Child Restraint System ! Push and pull the child restraint
and the flipped−over surface of the system in different directions to be
seat. sure it is secure. Follow all the
installation instructions provided by
its manufacturer.

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—Installation with child

restraint lower anchorages
(double cab models)

! After securing the child restraint

system, never slide or recline the
! Do not install a child restraint sys-
tem on the rear seat if it interferes
with the lock mechanism of the
front seats. Otherwise, the child or
front seat occupant(s) may be killed
or seriously injured in case of sud-
den braking or a collision.

Lower anchorages for Child Restraint

Systems equipped with hook or buckle
type attachments are installed in the
rear seat.
The anchorages are installed in the gap
between the seat cushion and seatback of
both outside rear seats as shown in the
Child Restraint Systems equipped with
hook or buckle type attachments can be
installed using these anchorages. For such
systems, it is not necessary to use the Canada only
vehicle seatbelts.

Type A

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1. Widen the gap between the seat
! When using the lower anchorages
cushion and seatback slightly and
for the child restraint system, be
confirm the position of the lower an-
sure that there are no irregular ob-
chorages near the button on the
jects around the anchorages or that
the seat belt is not caught.
2. Type A—Latch the hooks of lower
! Push and pull the child restraint
straps onto the anchorages and system in different directions to be
tighten the lower straps.
sure it is secure. Follow all the
Type B—Latch the buckles onto the installation instructions provided by
anchorages. its manufacturer.
For owners in Canada—The symbol on
! After securing the child restraint
a child restraint system indicates the pres- system, never recline the seat.
ence of a lower connector system.
! Do not install a child restraint sys-
If your child restraint system has a top tem on the rear seat if it interferes
strap, it should be anchored. (For the with the lock mechanism of the
installation of the top strap, see “—Using front seats. Otherwise, the child or
a top strap” on page 122 in this Section.) front seat occupant(s) may be killed
For installation details, refer to the instruc- or seriously injured in case of sud-
tion manual equipped with each product. den braking or a collision.

Canada only

Type B

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08 02.19

Steering wheel and Mirrors
Tilt and telescopic steering wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Outside rear view mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Anti−glare inside rear view mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Auto anti−glare inside rear view mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Sun visors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Vanity mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

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08 02.19

Tilt and telescopic steering

wheel Outside rear view mirrors—


! Do not adjust the steering wheel

while the vehicle is moving. Doing
so may cause the driver to mishan-

LS14001a dle the vehicle and an accident may

occur resulting in death or serious LS14002
! After adjusting the steering wheel,
try moving it up and down to make
sure it is locked in position.

To adjust the steering wheel position, Adjust the mirror so that you can just
push down the lock release lever. Then see the side of your vehicle in the mir-
tilt the steering wheel to the desired ror.
angle, push or pull it to the desired Be careful when judging the size or dis-
steering column length and pull up the tance of any object seen in the outside
lock release lever. rear view mirror on the passenger’s side
because it is a convex mirror. Any object
seen in a convex mirror will look smaller
and farther away than when seen in a flat

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08 02.19

—Power rear view mirror


If ice should jam the mirror, do not
Do not adjust the mirror while the
operate the control or scrape the mir-
vehicle is moving. Doing so may
ror face. Use a spray de−icer to free
cause the driver to mishandle the ve-
the mirror.
hicle and an accident may occur re-
sulting in death or serious injuries. LS14003

To adjust a mirror, use the switches.

1. Master switch—To select the mirror to
be adjusted
Push the switch to “L” (left) or “R”
2. Control switch—To move the mirror
Push the switch in the desired direc-
Mirrors can be adjusted when the engine
switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position.

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08 02.19

Anti−glare inside rear view

—Folding rear view mirrors mirror


Do not adjust the mirror while the

vehicle is moving. It may cause the
driver to mishandle the vehicle and

LS14004 LS14005 an accident may occur resulting in

death or serious injuries.

The rear view mirrors can be folded Adjust the mirror so that you can just
backward for parking in compact areas. see the rear of your vehicle in the mir-
To fold the rear view mirror, push back- ror.
ward. To reduce glare from the headlights of
the vehicle behind you during night
CAUTION driving, operate the lever on the lower
edge of the mirror.
Do not drive with the mirrors folded Daylight driving—Lever at position 1
backward. Both the driver and pas-
The reflection in the mirror has greater
senger side rear view mirrors must
be extended and properly adjusted clarity at this position.
before driving. Night driving—Lever at position 2
Remember that by reducing glare you also
lose some rear view clarity.

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08 02.19

Auto anti−glare inside rear

view mirror
In automatic function mode, if the mirror
detects light from the headlights of the
vehicle behind you, the mirror surface
darkens slightly to reduce the reflected
To turn off and on the automatic function,
U14028 push the “ ” switch. U14029
Adjust it before driving so that the rear
view is in the best condition.
When the inside air temperature is low, it
may take a little longer for the mirror to
darken in response to the detection of
Adjust the mirror so that you can just To ensure correct functioning of anti−
see the rear of your vehicle in the mir- glare mirror sensors located on both
ror. sides of the mirror, do not touch or
This mirror is equipped with auto anti− cover the sensors with your finger or
Do not adjust the mirror while the
glare function. The function is designed a piece of cloth, etc.
vehicle is moving. Doing so may
to reduce glare from the headlights of cause the driver to mishandle the ve-
the vehicle behind you during night hicle and an accident may occur re-
driving. sulting in death or serious injuries.
When the engine switch is turned on, the
inside rear view mirror always turns on in
the automatic function mode.
The indicator illuminates to show you that
the function is on.

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08 02.19

Sun visors Vanity mirrors

To block out glare, move the sun visor.
To block out glare from the front—Swing
down the sun visor (position 1).
To block out glare from the side—Swing
down the sun visor, remove it from the

LS14009 hook and swing it to the lateral side (posi-

tion 2). LS14010
Type B—
If glare comes from obliquely behind you,
extend the plate at the end of the visor
(position 3).


Type B— Do not extend the plate at

the end of the sun visor when the
visor is in the position 1. It can cover
the anti−glare inside rear view mirror
and obstruct the rear view.

LS14008 LS14011

Type B Type B (passenger’s side only)

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Type A—
To use the vanity mirrors, swing down
the sun visor and slide the cover.
Type B—
To use the vanity mirror, swing down
the sun visor.

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08 02.19

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08 02.19

Lights and Wipers
Headlights and turn signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Emergency flashers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Instrument panel light control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Front fog lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Interior light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Personal lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Windshield wipers and washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

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08 02.19

Headlights and turn signals

To turn on the following lights: Twist
the headlight/turn signal lever knob. To prevent the battery from being dis-
charged, do not leave the lights on
Position 1—Parking, tail, license plate and
for a long period when the engine is
instrument panel lights
not running.
LS15001b For Canada—The tail light indicator (green
light) on the instrument panel will tell you
that the tail lights are on.
Position 2—Headlights and all of the
For the U.S.A.—The headlight low beam
indicator light (green light) on the instru-
For the U.S.A. ment panel will tell you that the low
beams are on.
Automatic light cut off system
The lights automatically turn off when the
driver’s door is opened with the engine
switch in the “ACC” or “LOCK” position.
To turn them on again, turn the engine

LS15002b switch to the “ON” position or actuate the

headlight switch.
If you are going to park for over one
week, make sure the headlight switch is

For Canada

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08 02.19

Daytime running light (DRL) system (on

some models)
The Daytime Running Light (DRL) system
can make it easier for others to see the
front of your vehicle during the day. The
DRL system can be helpful in many differ-
ent driving conditions, but they can be
especially helpful in the short periods after
LS15003b LS15004b
dawn and before sunset.
The DRL system will make your front turn
signal lights come on when:
! The engine switch is on with the en-
gine running.
! The knob is in the “OFF” position or High−Low beams—For high beams, turn TURN SIGNALS
position 1. the headlights on and push the lever away To signal a turn, push the headlight/
from you (position 1). Pull the lever to- turn signal lever up or down to position
! The parking brake is released. ward you (position 2) for low beams. 1.
To turn off the DRL system, twist the knob
The headlight high beam indicator light The engine switch must be in the “ON”
to position 2 or turn the engine switch off.
(blue light) on the instrument panel will position.
tell you that the high beams are on.
The lever automatically returns after you
Flashing the high beam headlights make a turn, but you may have to return
(position 3)—Pull the lever all the way it by hand after you change lanes.
back. The high beam headlights turn off
when you release the lever. To signal a lane change, move the lever
up or down to the pressure point (position
You can flash the high beam headlights 2) and hold it.
with the knob turned to “OFF”.
If the turn signal indicator lights (green
lights) on the instrument panel flash faster
than normal, a front or rear turn signal
bulb is burned out.
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08 02.19

Emergency flashers Instrument panel light control

To prevent the battery from being dis-
charged, do not leave the switch on
longer than necessary when the en-
gine is not running.
LS15005 LS15006

To turn on the emergency flashers, To adjust the brightness of the instru-

push the switch. ment panel lights, turn the dial.
All the turn signal lights will flash. To turn
them off, push the switch once again.
Turn on the emergency flashers to warn
other drivers if your vehicle must be
stopped where it might be a traffic hazard.
Always pull as far off the road as pos-
The turn signal light switch will not work
when the emergency flashers are operat-

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08 02.19

Front fog lights Interior light

When the switch is in the “DOOR” posi-
tion and any door is opened, the light will
come on. After all the doors are closed,
the light remains on for about 15 seconds
before fading out.
LS15007 LS15008a However, in the following cases, the light
goes out immediately:
! All the doors are closed when the en-
gine switch is in the “ACC” or “ON”
! The engine switch is turned to the
“ACC”, “ON” or “START” after all the
To turn on the front fog lights, push To turn on the interior light, slide the doors are closed.
the switch. They will come on when the switch.
headlights are turned on.
! All the doors are closed and locked
The interior light switch has the following when the light is still on. (vehicles with
positions: the power door lock system only)
“ON”—Keeps the light on all the time. Vehicles with the power door lock sys-
“OFF”—Turns the light off. tem—
“DOOR”—Turns the light on when any When all the doors are unlocked using
door is opened. The light goes off when either the key or the wireless remote con-
all the doors are closed. trol transmitter simultaneously, the interior
light will come on and remain on for about
To prevent the battery being discharged,
the light will automatically turn off when 15 seconds before fading out.
the key is removed and the door is left
opened with the switch at the “DOOR”
position for 20 minutes or more.

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08 02.19

Windshield wipers and washer

Personal lights (type A)
The “INT TIME” band lets you adjust the
wiping time interval when the wiper lever
is in the intermittent position (position 1).
Twist the band upward to increase the
time between sweeps, and downward to
decrease it.
LS15009 LS15010c To squirt washer fluid, pull the lever
toward you and release it.
If the windshield wipers are off, they will
operate a couple of times after the washer
For instructions on adding washer fluid,
see “Adding washer fluid” on page 391 in
To turn on the personal lights, push the To turn on the windshield wipers, move Section 7−3.
lens. To turn the lights off, push the the lever to the desired setting. In freezing weather, warm the windshield
lens once again. The engine switch must be in the “ON” with the defroster before using the washer.
position. This will help prevent the washer fluid
from freezing on your windshield, which
Lever position Speed setting can block your vision.
Position 1 Intermittent
Position 2 Slow
Do not operate the wipers if the wind-
Position 3 Fast shield is dry. It may scratch the
For a single sweep of the windshield, glass.
push the lever up and release it.

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08 02.19

Windshield wipers and washer

(type B)
When waxing your vehicle, make sure that In freezing weather, warm the windshield
the washer nozzles do not become with the defroster before using the washer.
blocked. If a nozzle becomes blocked, This will help prevent the washer fluid
contact your Toyota dealer to have the from freezing on your windshield, which
vehicle serviced. can block your vision.

If a nozzle becomes blocked, do not Do not operate the wipers if the wind-
try to clear it with a pin or other shield is dry. It may scratch the
object. The nozzle will be damaged. glass.

When waxing your vehicle, make sure that

the washer nozzles do not become
To turn on the windshield wipers, move blocked. If a nozzle becomes blocked,
the lever to the desired setting. contact your Toyota dealer to have the
vehicle serviced.
The engine switch must be in the “ON”
position. NOTICE
Lever position Speed setting If a nozzle becomes blocked, do not
Position 1 Slow try to clear it with a pin or other
object. The nozzle will be damaged.
Position 2 Fast

For a single sweep of the windshield,

push the lever up and release it.
To squirt washer fluid, pull the lever
toward you and release it.
For instructions on adding washer fluid,
see “Adding washer fluid” on page 391 in
Section 7−3.
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08 02.19

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08 02.19

Gauges, Meters and Service reminder indicators
Fuel gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Engine coolant temperature gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Tachometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Odometer and two trip meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Service reminder indicators and warning buzzers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

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08 02.19

Engine coolant temperature

Fuel gauge gauge
On inclines or curves, due to the move-
ment of fuel in the tank, the fuel gauge
Low fuel needle may fluctuate or the low fuel level
level warning light may come on earlier than
light usual.
If the fuel tank is completely empty, the
LS16001a malfunction indicator lamp comes on. Fill
the fuel tank immediately.
The indicator lamp goes off after driving
several times. If the indicator lamp does
not go off, contact your Toyota dealer as
soon as possible.

The gauge indicates the approximate The gauge indicates the engine coolant
quantity of fuel remaining in the tank temperature when the engine switch is
when the engine switch is on. on. The engine operating temperature
Nearly full—Needle at “F” will vary with changes in weather and
Nearly empty—Needle at “E” engine load.

It is a good idea to keep the tank over If the needle moves into the red zone,
1/4 full. your engine is too hot. If your vehicle
overheats, stop your vehicle and allow the
The needle moves when braking, acceler- engine to cool.
ating or making turns. This is caused by
the movement of the fuel in the tank. Your vehicle may overheat during severe
operating conditions, such as:
If the fuel level approaches “E” or the low
fuel level warning light comes on, fill the
fuel tank as soon as possible.

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08 02.19

Tachometer Odometer and two trip meters

! Driving up a long hill on a hot day.
! Reducing speed or stopping after high
speed driving.
! Idling for a long period with the air
conditioning on in stop−and−go traffic.
! Towing a trailer. LS16003 LS16004
! Do not remove the thermostat in
the engine cooling system as this
may cause the engine to overheat.
The thermostat is designed to con-
trol the flow of coolant to keep the
The tachometer indicates engine speed This meter displays the odometer and
temperature of the engine within
in thousands of rpm (revolutions per two trip meters.
the specified operating range.
minute). Use it while driving to select 1. Odometer—Shows the total distance
! Do not continue driving with an correct shift points and to prevent en- the vehicle has been driven.
overheated engine. See “If your ve- gine lugging and over−revving.
hicle overheats” in Section 4. 2. Two trip meters—Show two different
Driving with the engine running too fast distances independently driven since
causes excessive engine wear and poor the last time each trip meter was set
fuel economy. Remember, in most cases to zero.
the slower the engine speed, the greater
the fuel economy. You can use one trip meter to calculate
the fuel economy and the other to
NOTICE measure the distance on each trip. All
trip meter data is cancelled if the elec-
Do not let the indicator needle get trical power source is disconnected.
into the red zone. This may cause
severe engine damage.

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08 02.19

3. Trip meter reset knob—Resets the two

trip meters to zero, and also change
the meter display.
To change the meter display, quickly
push and release the knob. The meter
display changes in the order from the
odometer to trip meter A to trip meter
B, then back to the odometer each
time you push.
To reset the trip meter A to zero, dis-
play the meter A reading, then push
and hold the knob until the meter is
set to zero. The same process can be
applied for resetting the trip meter B.

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08 02.19

Service reminder indicators and warning buzzers

If the indicator or buzzer comes on... Do this.

(a) If parking brake is off, stop immediately and contact Toyota dealer.
(indicator and buzzer)

(b) Fasten driver’s seat belt.

(indicator and buzzer)

(c) Fasten front passenger’s seat belt.

(indicator and buzzer)

(d) Stop immediately and contact Toyota dealer.

(e) Stop and check.

(f) Take vehicle to Toyota dealer.

(g) Replace engine oil.

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08 02.19

If the indicator or buzzer comes on... Do this.

Low fuel level

(h) Fill up tank.
warning light

or Take vehicle to Toyota dealer.

(i) If brake system warning light is also on, stop immediately and contact Toyota dealer.

(j) If the light flashes, take vehicle to Toyota dealer.

(k) Close all doors.

(l) Take vehicle to Toyota dealer immediately.

Adjust tire inflation pressure (including spare tire). If the warning light comes on after
(m) blinking for 1 minute, contact Toyota dealer.

(n) Stop and check.

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08 02.19

If the indicator or buzzer comes on... Do this.

(o) Key reminder buzzer Remove key.

(p) Parking brake reminder buzzer Release parking brake.

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08 02.19

(a) Brake System Warning Light and ! The light does not come on even if the
buzzer parking brake is applied when the en- ! The brake system warning light re-
gine switch is in the “ON” position. mains on together with the “ABS”
This light comes on in the following cases
warning light.
when the engine switch is in the “ON” ! The light does not come on even if the
position. engine switch is turned on with the In this case, not only the anti−lock
parking brake released. brake system will fail but also the
! When the parking brake is applied... vehicle will become extremely un-
This light comes on for a few seconds A warning light turning on briefly during stable during braking.
when the engine switch is turned to the operation does not indicate a problem.
With the vehicle stability control sys-
“ON” position even after the parking brake tem—
is released. CAUTION
If any of the following conditions oc-
! When the brake fluid level is low... Without the vehicle stability control curs, immediately stop your vehicle at
system— a safe place and contact your Toyota
CAUTION dealer.
If either of the following conditions
It is dangerous to continue driving occurs, immediately stop your vehicle ! The light does not turn off even
normally when the brake fluid level is at a safe place and contact your after the parking brake is released
low. Toyota dealer. while the engine is running.
! The light does not turn off even ! The warning buzzer comes on to-
! When the hydraulic brake booster after the parking brake is released gether with the warning light.
fails (with the vehicle stability con- while the engine is running. In either case, this can indicate that
trol system)... In this case, the brakes may not the brakes may not work properly
If the hydraulic booster causes a problem work properly and your stopping and your stopping distance will be-
resulting in poor braking performance, the distance will become longer. De- come longer. Depress the brake
warning light comes on and buzzer sounds press the brake pedal firmly and pedal firmly and bring the vehicle
continuously. bring the vehicle to an immediate to an immediate stop.
stop. ! The brake system warning light re-
Have your vehicle checked at your
Toyota dealer in the following case: mains on together with the “ABS”
warning light.

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08 02.19

(b) Driver’s Seat Belt Reminder Light (c) Front Passenger’s Seat Belt Re-
In this case, not only the anti−lock and Buzzer minder Light and Buzzer
brake system will fail but also the
The light and buzzer act as a reminder to The light and buzzer act as a reminder to
vehicle will become extremely un-
stable during braking. buckle up the driver’s seat belt. have the front passenger buckle up the
Once the engine switch is turned to the seat belt.
“ON” or “START”, the reminder light Once the engine switch is turned to the
With the vehicle stability control system—
flashes and buzzer sounds if the driver’s “ON” position, the reminder light flashes if
Any of the following conditions may oc- seat belt is not fastened. Unless the driv- a passenger sits in the right front passen-
cur, but do not indicate the malfunc- er fastens the belt, the light continues ger seat and does not fasten the seat
tion: flashing and the buzzer stops after about belt.
! The light may stay on for about 60 4 to 8 seconds. If the vehicle speed rises above 20 km/h
seconds after the engine switch is If the vehicle speed rises above 20 km/h (12 mph) with the seat belt unfastened,
turned to the “ON” position. It is nor- (12 mph) with the seat belt unfastened, the buzzer will sound for 10 seconds.
mal if it turns off after a while. the buzzer will sound for about 10 sec- Then, if the seat belt is still unfastened,
! Depressing the brake pedal repeatedly onds. Then, if the seat belt is still unfas- the buzzer will sound in a different tone
may turn on the warning light and tened, the buzzer will sound in a different for 20 seconds. Even if the vehicle speed
buzzer. It is normal if the light turns off tone for 20 seconds. Even if the vehicle drops below 20 km/h (12 mph), the buzzer
and the buzzer stops sounding after a speed drops below 20 km/h (12 mph), the will continue to sound. To stop the buzzer,
few seconds. buzzer will continue to sound. To stop the fasten the seat belt. If the buzzer still
buzzer, fasten the seat belt. If the buzzer sounds, make sure the driver’s seat belt
! You may hear a small sound in the
still sounds, make sure the front passen- is fastened.
engine compartment after the engine is
ger’s seat belt is fastened. If luggage or other load is placed on the
started or the brake pedal is depressed
repeatedly. This is a pump pulsating The vehicle speed linked seat belt remind- front passenger seat, depending on its
sound of the brake system, and it is er buzzer can be disabled. For details, weight, the reminder light to flash and
not a malfunction. contact your Toyota dealer. buzzer to sound.
However, Toyota recommends that the The vehicle speed linked seat belt remind-
seat belt reminder buzzer be operational er buzzer can be disabled. For details,
to alert the driver and front passenger that contact your Toyota dealer.
the seat belts are not fastened.

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08 02.19

However, Toyota recommends that the (e) Low Engine Oil Pressure Warning (f) Malfunction Indicator Lamp
seat belt reminder buzzer be operational Light This lamp comes on when the engine
to alert the driver and front passenger that This light warns that the engine oil pres- switch is turned to the “ON” position
the seat belts are not fastened. sure is too low. and goes off after the engine starts.
(d) Charging System Warning Light If it flickers or stays on while you are This means that the warning light sys-
This warning light comes on when the driving, pull off the road to a safe place tem is operating properly.
engine switch is turned to the “ON” posi- and stop the engine immediately. Call a If the lamp remains on, or the lamp
tion, and goes off when the engine is Toyota dealer or qualified repair shop for comes on while driving, first check the
started. assistance. followings.
When there are problems in the charging The light may occasionally flicker when ! Empty fuel tank
system while the engine is running, the the engine is idling or it may come on If the fuel tank is empty, refuel immedi-
warning light comes on. briefly after a hard stop. There is no ately.
cause for concern if it then goes out when
NOTICE the engine is accelerated slightly. ! Loose fuel tank cap
The light may come on when the oil level If the fuel tank cap is loose, securely
When the charging system warning
is extremely low. It is not designed to tighten it.
light comes on while the engine is
running, malfunctions such as the en- indicate low oil level, and the oil level These cases are temporary malfunctions.
gine drive belt being broken may have must be checked using the level dipstick. The malfunction indicator lamp will go off
occurred. If the warning light comes after taking several driving trips.
on, immediately stop the vehicle in a NOTICE
If the lamp does not go off even after
safe place and contact your Toyota Do not drive the vehicle with the several trips, contact your Toyota dealer
dealer. warning light on—even for one block. as soon as possible.
It may ruin the engine. If the fuel tank is not empty or the fuel
tank cap is not loose...
! There is a problem somewhere in the
engine, emission control system, elec-
tronic throttle control system, automatic
transmission electrical system or warn-
ing light system itself.
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08 02.19

Contact your Toyota dealer as soon as Emissions Inspection and Maintenance If the light is flashing, we recommend that
possible to service the vehicle. (I/M) programs you replace the engine oil at an early
If engine speed does not increase when Your vehicle may not pass a state opportunity depending on the driving and
the accelerator pedal is depressed, there emission inspection if the malfunction road conditions. If the light comes on,
may be a problem somewhere in the elec- indicator lamp remains on. Contact your replace it as soon as possible.
tronic throttle control system. Toyota dealer to check your vehicle’s The system must be reset after the
At this time, vibration may occur. Howev- emission control system and OBD engine oil replacement. Reset the system
er, if you depress the accelerator pedal (On−Board Diagnostics) system before by the following procedure:
more firmly and slowly, you can drive your taking your vehicle for the inspection. 1. Turn the engine switch to the “OFF”
vehicle at low speeds. Have your vehicle For details, see “Emissions Inspection and position with the odometer reading
checked by your Toyota dealer as soon as Maintenance (I/M) programs” in Section 6. shown. (For details, see “Odometer and
possible. (g) Engine Oil Replacement Reminder two trip meters” on page 151 in this
Even if the abnormality of the electronic Light (for vehicles sold in U.S.A.) Section.)
throttle control system is corrected during This light acts as a reminder to replace 2. Turn the engine switch to the “ON”
low speed driving, the system may not be the engine oil. position while holding down the trip
recovered until the engine is stopped and meter reset knob.
the engine switch is turned to “ACC” or This light will come on when the engine
switch is turned to “ON” and will go off Hold down the knob for at least 5
“LOCK” position. seconds. The odometer indicates “000000”
after about a few seconds.
and the light goes off.
CAUTION When you drive for about 7200 km (4500
miles) after the engine oil replacement, If the system fails to reset, the light will
this light illuminates for about 3 seconds continue flashing.
Be especially careful to prevent erro-
neous pedal operation. and then flashes for about 12 seconds (h) Low Fuel Level Warning Light
with the engine switch turned to the “ON” This light comes on when the fuel level
position. If you continue driving without in the tank becomes nearly empty. Fill up
replacing the engine oil, and if the the tank as soon as possible.
distance driven exceeds 8000 km (5000
miles), the light will come on after the On inclines or curves, due to the move-
engine switch is turned to “ON” position. ment of fuel in the tank, the low fuel level
The light will remain on thereafter. warning light may come on earlier than
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08 02.19

(i) “ABS” Warning Light ! The light does not come on when the With the vehicle stability control sys-
Without the vehicle stability control engine switch is turned to the “ON” tem—
system— position, or the light remains on. The light comes on when the engine
The light comes on when the engine ! The light comes on while you are driv- switch is turned to the “ON” position. If
switch is turned to the “ON” position. If ing. the anti−lock brake system and the brake
the anti−lock brake system works properly, A warning light turning on briefly during assist system work properly, the light
the light turns off after a few seconds. operation does not indicate a problem. turns off after a few seconds. Thereafter,
Thereafter, if the system malfunctions, the if either of the systems malfunctions, the
light comes on again. light comes on again.
When the “ABS” warning light is on (and When the “ABS” warning light is on (and
the brake system warning light is off), the If the “ABS” warning light remains on the brake system warning light is off), the
anti−lock brake system does not operate, together with the brake system warn- following systems do not operate, but the
but the brake system still operates con- ing light, immediately stop your ve- brake system still operates conventionally.
ventionally. hicle at a safe place and contact your ! Anti−lock brake system
Toyota dealer.
When the “ABS” warning light is on (and ! Brake assist system
the brake system warning light is off), the In this case, not only the anti−lock
! Traction control system
anti−lock brake system does not operate brake system will fail but also the
but the brake assist system still operates. vehicle will become extremely unsta- ! “AUTO LSD” system
In this case, the wheels could lock up ble during braking. ! Vehicle stability control system
during a sudden braking or braking on ! Downhill assist control system
slippery road surfaces. With rear differential lock: However, it is
! Hill−start assist control system
If either of the following conditions a normal operation for the light to be on
occurs, this indicates a malfunction with rear differential locked. At this time,
somewhere in the parts monitored by the anti−lock brake system does not oper-
the warning light system. Contact your ate.
Toyota dealer as soon as possible to
service the vehicle.

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08 02.19

When the “ABS” warning light is on (and ! With rear differential lock: The light
the brake system warning light is off), the CAUTION comes on with rear differential locked.
anti−lock brake system does not operate, At this time, the anti−lock brake sys-
so that the wheels will lock up during a If the “ABS” warning light remains on tem, the brake assist system, the ve-
sudden braking or braking on slippery together with the brake system warn- hicle stability control system, the trac-
road surfaces. ing light, immediately stop your ve- tion control system, the downhill assist
hicle at a safe place and contact your control system and the hill−start assist
If either of the following conditions oc-
Toyota dealer. control system do not operate.
curs, this indicates a malfunction some-
where in the components monitored by In this case, not only the anti−lock (j) “VSC OFF” warning light
the warning light system. Contact your brake system will fail but also the
The light flashing warns that there is a
Toyota dealer as soon as possible to vehicle will become extremely unsta-
problem somewhere in the following.
service the vehicle. ble during braking.
! Vehicle stability control system
! The light does not come on when the
engine switch is turned to the “ON” Any of the following conditions may oc- ! Traction control system
position, or remains on. cur, but do not indicate a malfunction: ! “AUTO LSD” system
! The light comes on while you are dri- ! The light may stay on for about 60 ! Downhill assist control system
ving. seconds after the engine switch is
! Hill−start assist control system
turned to the “ON” position. It is nor-
A warning light turning on briefly during The light will come on when the engine
mal if it turns off after a while.
operation does not indicate a problem. switch turned to “ON”, and will go off after
! Depressing the brake pedal repeatedly
a few seconds.
may turn on the light. It is normal if it
turns off after a few seconds. It is not a malfunction that the light may
stay on for 60 seconds after the engine
switch is turned to the “ON” position.
Depressing the brake pedal repeatedly
may turn on the lights. It is normal if they
go out after a few seconds.

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08 02.19

If the light flashes on while driving, the (l) SRS Warning Light ! The light does not come on when the
above mentioned systems do not work. This light will come on when the engine engine switch is turned to the “ON”
However, as conventional braking operates switch is turned to the “ON” position. position or remains on for more than
when applied, there is no problem to con- After about 6 seconds, the light will go 6 seconds.
tinue your driving. off. This means the systems of the air- ! The light comes on while driving.
In the following cases, contact your Toyota bag and front seat belt pretensioners (m) Tire Pressure Warning Light
dealer: are operating properly.
This light warns that the tire inflation pres-
! The warning light does not come on This warning light system monitors the sure of one or more of your tires (includ-
after the engine switch is turned to airbag sensor assembly, front airbag sen- ing the spare tire) is low. The light comes
“ON”. sors, side and curtain shield airbag sen- on when the engine switch is turned to
! The warning light remains on after the sors, curtain shield airbag sensors, driv- the “ON” position. It goes off after a few
engine switch is turned to “ON”. er’s seat position sensor, driver’s seat belt seconds. This indicates that the tire pres-
buckle switch, front passenger occupant sure warning system is functioning proper-
! The warning light flashes while driving. classification system∗, passenger airbag ly.
(k) Open Door Warning Light off switch, passenger airbag on−off indica-
tor light, seat belt pretensioner assem- If the light comes on, stop your vehicle in
This light remains on until all the doors a safe place as soon as possible and
are completely closed. blies, inflators, “RSCA OFF” indicator light,
interconnecting wiring and power sources. check that the tire inflation pressure of all
tires (including the spare tire) is as
The front passenger occupant classifica- specified on the tire and loading
tion system includes the front passenger information label. (See “Checking tire
occupant classification ECU, pressure sen- inflation pressure” on page 376 in Section
sor, load sensor, front passenger’s seat 7−2.) The light should go off a few
belt buckle switch, front passenger’s seat minutes after the tire pressure is adjusted.
position sensor and belt tension sensor.
If the warning light comes on after blink-
If either of the following conditions occurs, ing for 1 minute, the tire pressure warning
this indicates a malfunction somewhere in system may be malfunctioning. Contact
the parts monitored by the warning light your Toyota dealer.
system. Contact your Toyota dealer as
soon as possible to service the vehicle. For details, see “Tire pressure warning
system” on page 194 in Section 1−7.

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08 02.19

(n) Automatic Transmission Fluid Tem- (p) Parking Brake Reminder Buzzer CHECKING SERVICE REMINDER
perature Warning Light (four−wheel The buzzer acts once when the parking INDICATORS (except the low fuel level
drive models only) brake is not completely released at the warning light)
This light warns that the automatic trans- vehicle speed of 5 km/h (3 mph) or more. 1. Apply the parking brake.
mission fluid temperature is too high. Stop the vehicle and release the parking 2. Open one of the doors.
If this light comes on while you are driv- brake fully. The open door warning light should
ing, slow down and pull off the road. Stop come on.
the vehicle at a safe place and put the 3. Close the door.
selector lever in “P”. With the engine id- The open door warning light should go
ling, wait until the light goes off. If the off.
light goes off, you may start the vehicle
again. If the light does not go off, call a 4. Turn the engine switch to “ON”, but do
Toyota dealer or qualified repair shop for not start the engine.
assistance. All the service reminder indicators ex-
cept the open door warning light should
NOTICE come on.
The following service reminder indica-
Continued driving with the warning
tors go off after a few seconds:
light on may damage the automatic
transmission. ! Engine oil replacement reminder light
! “ABS” warning light
(o) Key Reminder Buzzer ! “RSCA OFF” indicator light
This buzzer acts as a reminder to remove ! “VSC OFF” indicator/warning light
the key when you open the driver’s door
! “AUTO LSD” indicator light
with the engine switch in the “ACC” or
“LOCK” position. ! Tire pressure warning light
! Slip indicator light
! Downhill assist control system indicator

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08 02.19

The SRS warning light goes off after

about 6 seconds.
With the vehicle stability control sys-
There may be the case that the “ABS”
warning light (brake assist system
warning light), slip indicator light or
“VSC OFF” indicator/warning light stays
on for about 60 seconds after the en-
gine switch is turned to the “ON” posi-
tion. It is normal if they go out after
a while.
If any service reminder indicator or warn-
ing buzzer does not function as described
above, have it checked by your Toyota
dealer as soon as possible.

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08 02.19

Engine (ignition) switch, Transmission and Parking
Engine (ignition) switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Automatic transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Manual transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Four−wheel drive system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Traction control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
“AUTO LSD” system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Vehicle stability control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Downhill assist control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Hill−start assist control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Rear differential lock system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Tire pressure warning system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Parking brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Cruise control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Clutch start cancel switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

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08 02.19

Engine (ignition) switch

“LOCK”—Engine is off and the steering
wheel is locked. The key can be re- CAUTION
moved only at this position.
For manual transmission:
You must push in the key to turn the key
from “ACC” to the “LOCK” position. On Never remove the key when the ve-
vehicles with an automatic transmission, hicle is moving, as this will lock the
LS17001a the selector lever must be put in the “P”
position before pushing the key.
steering wheel and result in loss of
steering control.
Vehicles with engine immobilizer system—
Once you remove the key, the engine im- NOTICE
mobilizer system is automatically set. (See
“Engine immobilizer system” on page 15 Do not leave the engine switch in the
in Section 1−2.) “ON” position if the engine is not
“START”—Starter motor on. The engine When starting the engine, the engine running. The battery will discharge
switch will return to the “ON” position switch may seem stuck at the “LOCK” and the ignition could be damaged.
when released. position. To free it, first be sure the key
is pushed all the way in, and then rock
For starting tips, see page 303 in Section
the steering wheel slightly while turning
the key gently.
“ON”—Engine on and all accessories
on. Approximately five hours after the engine
is turned off, you may hear sound coming
This is the normal driving position. from underneath the deck for several min-
“ACC”—Accessories such as the radio utes. This is normal operation and does
operate, but the engine is off. not indicate a malfunction. (See “Leak
detection pump” on page x.)
If you leave the engine switch in the
“ACC” or “LOCK” position and open the It is not a malfunction if the needles on
driver’s door, a buzzer will remind you to all meters and gauges move slightly when
remove the key. the engine switch is turned to the “ACC”,
“ON” or “START” position.

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08 02.19

Automatic transmission (5−speed)

Your automatic transmission has a shift
lock system to minimize the possibility of
incorrect operation. This means you can
only shift out of “P” position when the
brake pedal is depressed (with the engine
switch in “ON” position).
(a) Selector lever
The shift position is also displayed on the
instrument cluster.
P: Parking, engine starting and key re-
R: Reverse

LS17002 N: Neutral
D: Normal driving (shifting into overdrive
4: Engine braking (shifting into overdrive
not possible)
3, 2: Stronger engine braking
With the brake pedal depressed.
(The engine switch must be in L: Maximum engine braking
“ON” position.)

Shift normally.

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08 02.19

(b) Normal driving Four−wheel drive models

1. Start the engine as instructed in “How Front drive control switch knob at
to start the engine” in Section 3. The “H2” or “H4”
Never put your foot on the accelera-
transmission must be in “P” or “N”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 km/h (82 mph)
tor pedal while shifting.
When the front drive control switch knob Front drive control switch knob at
is in “L4” (low−speed position, four−wheel 3. Release the parking brake and brake “L4”
drive), the driving pattern selector setting pedal. Depress the accelerator pedal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 km/h (31 mph)
has no effect on gear shift timing. (See ! Shift into the “2” position. The trans-
slowly for smooth starting.
“Four−wheel drive system” on page 175 in mission will downshift to second gear
this Section for information of the front (c) Using engine braking
when the vehicle speed drops down to
drive control lever.) To use engine braking, you can downshift or lower than the following speed, and
2. With your foot holding down the brake the transmission as follows: stronger engine braking will be en-
pedal, shift the selector lever to “D”. ! Shift into the “4” position. The trans- abled.
When the lever is in the “D” position, the mission will downshift to fourth gear PreRunner . . . . . . . . . 88 km/h (54 mph)
automatic transmission system will select and engine braking will be enabled.
Four−wheel drive models
the most suitable gear for running condi- ! Shift into the “3” position. The trans-
tions such as normal cruising, hill climb- mission will downshift to third gear Front drive control switch knob at
ing, hard towing, etc. “H2” or “H4”
when the vehicle speed drops down to
or lower than the following speed, and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 km/h (54 mph)
Always use the “D” position for better fuel
stronger engine braking will be en- Front drive control switch knob at
economy and quieter driving. If the engine
abled. “L4”
coolant temperature is low or when the
front drive control switch knob is in “L4” PreRunner . . . . . . 133 km/h (82 mph) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 km/h (21 mph)
(low−speed position, four−wheel drive), the
transmission will not shift into the over-
drive gear even in the “D” position. (See
“Four−wheel drive system” on page 175 in
this Section for information of the front
drive control.)

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08 02.19

! Shift into the “L” position. The trans-

mission will downshift to first gear
when the vehicle speed drops down to ! Be careful not to over−rev the en-
or lower than the following speed, and Be careful when downshifting on a
gine. Watch the tachometer to keep
maximum engine braking will be en- slippery surface. Abrupt shifting
engine rpm from going into the red
abled. could cause the vehicle to skid or
zone. The approximate maximum al-
PreRunner . . . . . . . . . 42 km/h (26 mph) lowable speed for each position is
given below for your reference:
Four−wheel drive models
(d) Using “3”, “2” and “L” positions PreRunner
Front drive control switch knob at
The “3”, “2” and “L” positions are used for “3” . . . . . . . 138 km/h (86 mph)
“H2” or “H4”
strong engine braking as described pre- “2” . . . . . . . . 95 km/h (59 mph)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 km/h (26 mph) viously. “L” . . . . . . . . 55 km/h (34 mph)
Front drive control switch knob at
“L4” With the selector lever in “3”, “2” or “L”, Four−wheel drive models
you can start the vehicle in motion as Front drive control switch knob at
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 km/h (9 mph)
with the lever in “D”. “H2” or “H4”—
Vehicles with cruise control—When the
cruise control is being used, even if you With the selector lever in “3” or “2”, the “3” . . . . . . . 138 km/h (86 mph)
downshift from “D” to “4”, engine braking vehicle will start in first gear and automat- “2” . . . . . . . . 95 km/h (59 mph)
will not be enabled because the cruise ically shift to third gear or second gear. “L” . . . . . . . . 55 km/h (34 mph)
control is not cancelled. With the selector lever in “L”, the trans- Front drive control switch knob at
For ways to decrease the vehicle speed, mission is engaged in first gear. “L4”—
see “Cruise control” on page 201 in this “3” . . . . . . . . 54 km/h (33 mph)
Section. “2” . . . . . . . . 37 km/h (23 mph)
“L” . . . . . . . . 21 km/h (13 mph)

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08 02.19

! Do not continue hill climbing or CAUTION NOTICE

hard towing for a long time in the
Always use the brake pedal or the
“3”, “2” or “L” position. This may Never attempt to move the selector
parking brake to hold the vehicle on
cause severe automatic transmis- lever into “P” position under any cir-
an upgrade. Do not attempt to hold
sion damage from overheating. To cumstances while the vehicle is mov-
the vehicle using the accelerator ped-
prevent such damage, “4” position ing. Serious mechanical damage and
al, as this can cause the transmission
should be used in hill climbing or loss of vehicle control may result.
to overheat.
hard towing.
(g) Good driving practice (h) If you cannot shift the selector le-
(e) Backing up
! If the transmission repeatedly shifts up ver out of “P” position
1. Bring the vehicle to a complete stop. and down between fourth gear and If you cannot shift the selector lever from
2. With the brake pedal held down with overdrive when climbing a gentle slope, the “P” position even though the brake
your foot, shift the selector lever to the shift the selector lever to the “4” posi- pedal is depressed, use the shift lock
“R” position. tion. Be sure to shift the selector lever override button. For instructions, see “If
to the “D” position immediately after- you cannot shift automatic transmission
NOTICE ward. selector lever” on page 345 in Section 4.
Never shift into reverse while the ve- ! When towing a trailer, in order to main-
hicle is moving. tain engine braking efficiency, do not
use “D” position.
(f) Parking
1. Bring the vehicle to a complete stop.
2. With the brake pedal pressed down, Always keep your foot on the brake
fully depress the parking brake pedal pedal while stopped with the engine
to apply the parking brake securely. running. This prevents the vehicle
from creeping.
3. With the brake pedal pressed down,
shift the selector lever to the “P” posi-

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08 02.19

Automatic transmission (4−speed)

Your automatic transmission has a shift
lock system to minimize the possibility of
incorrect operation. This means you can
only shift out of “P” position when the
brake pedal is depressed (with the engine
switch in “ON” position).
(a) Selector lever
The shift position is also displayed on the
instrument cluster.
P: Parking, engine starting and key re-
R: Reverse

LS17003 N: Neutral
D: Normal driving (shifting into overdrive
3: Engine braking (shifting into overdrive
not possible)
2: Stronger engine braking
With the brake pedal de- L: Maximum engine braking
pressed (The engine switch
must be in “ON” position.)

Shift normally.

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08 02.19

(b) Normal driving ! Shift into the “3” position. The trans- (d) Using “2” and “L” positions
1. Start the engine as instructed in “How mission will downshift to third gear. The “2” and “L” positions are used for
to start the engine” on page 304 in ! Shift into the “2” position. The trans- strong engine braking as described pre-
Section 3. The transmission must be in mission will downshift to second gear viously.
“P” or “N”. when the vehicle speed drops down to With the selector lever in “2” or “L”, you
2. With your foot holding down the brake or lower than 119 km/h (74 mph), and can start the vehicle in motion as with the
pedal, shift the selector lever to “D”. stronger engine braking will be en- lever in “D”.
When the lever is in the “D” position, the With the selector lever in “2”, the vehicle
automatic transmission system will select ! Shift into the “L” position. The trans- will start in first gear and automatically
the most suitable gear for running condi- mission will downshift to first gear shift to second gear.
tions such as normal cruising, hill climb- when the vehicle speed drops down to
or lower than 57 km/h (35 mph), and With the selector lever in “L”, the trans-
ing, hard towing, etc. mission is engaged in first gear.
maximum engine braking will be en-
Always use the “D” position for better fuel abled.
economy and quieter driving. If the engine NOTICE
coolant temperature is low, the transmis- When the cruise control is being used,
even if you downshift from “D” to “3”, ! Be careful not to over−rev the en-
sion will not shift into the overdrive gear
engine braking will not be enabled be- gine. Watch the tachometer to keep
even in the “D” position.
cause the cruise control is not cancelled. engine rpm from going into the red
zone. The approximate maximum al-
CAUTION For ways to decrease the vehicle speed,
lowable speed for each position is
see “Cruise control” on page 201 in this
given below for your reference:
Never put your foot on the accelera- Section.
tor pedal while shifting. “2” . . . . . . . . . . . 120 km/h (74 mph)
CAUTION “L” . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 km/h (40 mph)
3. Release the parking brake and brake
pedal. Depress the accelerator pedal Be careful when downshifting on a
slowly for smooth starting. slippery surface. Abrupt shifting
could cause the vehicle to skid or
(c) Using engine braking spin.
To use engine braking, you can downshift
the transmission as follows:
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! Do not continue hill climbing or CAUTION NOTICE

hard towing for a long time in the
Always use the brake pedal or the
“2” or “L” position. This may cause Never attempt to move the selector
parking brake to hold the vehicle on
severe automatic transmission dam- lever into “P” position under any cir-
an upgrade. Do not attempt to hold
age from overheating. To prevent cumstances while the vehicle is mov-
the vehicle using the accelerator ped-
such damage, “D” or “3” position ing. Serious mechanical damage and
al, as this can cause the transmission
should be used in hill climbing or loss of vehicle control may result.
to overheat.
hard towing.
(g) Good driving practice (h) If you cannot shift the selector le-
(e) Backing up
! If the transmission repeatedly shifts up ver out of “P” position
1. Bring the vehicle to a complete stop. and down between third gear and over- If you cannot shift the selector lever from
2. With the brake pedal held down with drive when climbing a gentle slope, the “P” position even though the brake
your foot, shift the selector lever to the shift the selector lever to the “3” posi- pedal is depressed, use the shift lock
“R” position. tion. Be sure to shift the selector lever override button. For instructions, see “If
to the “D” position immediately after- you cannot shift automatic transmission
NOTICE ward. selector lever” on page 345 in Section 4.
Never shift into reverse while the ve- ! When towing a trailer, in order to main-
hicle is moving. tain engine braking efficiency, do not
use “D” position. The selector lever
must be in the “3” position.
(f) Parking
1. Bring the vehicle to a complete stop. CAUTION
2. With the brake pedal pressed down,
fully depress the parking brake pedal Always keep your foot on the brake
to apply the parking brake securely. pedal while stopped with the engine
running. This prevents the vehicle
3. With the brake pedal pressed down,
from creeping.
shift the selector lever to the “P” posi-

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08 02.19

Manual transmission
The shift pattern is conventional as Two−wheel drive models except PreRunner
shown above. 5−speed models
In case of driving your vehicle with gear km/h (mph)
6−speed manual transmission, the buzzer 1 53 (33)
will sound when you shift the gear into 2 101 (63)
“R” (reverse). 3 146 (90)
LS17004 Press the clutch pedal down fully while 4 209 (130)
shifting, and then release it slowly. Do not 6−speed models
rest your foot on the pedal while driving, gear km/h (mph)
because it will cause clutch trouble. Do 1 52 (32)
not use the clutch to hold the vehicle 2 99 (61)
when stopped on an uphill grade–use the 3 146 (91)
parking brake. 4 182 (113)
Upshifting too soon or downshifting too PreRunner
late will cause lugging, and possibly ping- 5−speed models
ing. Regularly revving the engine to maxi- gear km/h (mph)
mum speed in each gear will cause ex- 1 48 (30)
cessive engine wear and high fuel 2 92 (57)
consumption. 3 133 (82)
Maximum allowable speeds 4 190 (118)

LS17005 To get on a highway or to pass slower

traffic, maximum acceleration may be nec-
6−speed models
gear km/h (mph)
essary. Make sure you observe the follow- 1 49 (30)
ing maximum allowable speeds in each 2 93 (58)
gear: 3 137 (85)
4 171 (106)
5 204 (127)


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Four−wheel drive system

(a) Front drive control
Four−wheel drive models Good driving practice
5−speed models ! If it is difficult to shift into reverse, put
gear km/h (mph) the transmission in neutral, release the
“H2” or “H4” “L4” clutch pedal momentarily, and then try
1 48 (30) 18 (11) again.
2 92 (57) 36 (22) ! When towing a trailer, in order to main-
3 133 (82) 51 (32) tain engine braking efficiency, do not
4 190 (118) 74 (46) use fifth gear (5−speed models) or
6−speed models sixth gear (6−speed models).
gear km/h (mph)
“H2” or “H4” “L4” CAUTION
1 49 (30) 19 (11)
2 93 (58) 36 (22) Be careful when downshifting on a
137 (85)
171 (106)
53 (33)
66 (41)
slippery surface. Abrupt shifting
could cause the vehicle to skid or LS17006
5 204 (127) 79 (49) spin.

Do not downshift if you are going
faster than the maximum allowable ! Do not use any gears other than
speed for the next lower gear. first gear when starting off and
moving forward. Doing so may dam-
age the clutch.
! Make sure the vehicle is completely
stopped before shifting into reverse.

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(b) A.D.D. (automatic

disconnecting differential)
Use the front drive control switch knob The four−wheel drive and “4LO” (low The A.D.D. can be engaged or disen-
to select the following transfer modes. speed four−wheel drive) indicator lights gaged by the shifting operations de-
“H2” (high speed position, two−wheel come on when the “L4” mode is selected. scribed in “(c) Shifting procedure”.
drive): Front drive control switch knob at Use this for maximum power and traction. You should drive in four−wheel drive for
“H2” Use “L4” position for climbing or descend- at least 16 km (10 miles) each month.
Use this for normal driving on dry hard− ing steep hills, off−road driving, and hard This will assure that the front drive com-
surfaced roads. This position gives greater pulling in sand, mud or deep snow. ponents are lubricated.
economy, quietest ride, least wear and See “(c) Shifting procedure” for further in-
better vehicle control. structions.
“H4” (high speed position, four−wheel With the vehicle stability control
drive): Front drive control switch knob at system—In this mode, the vehicle stability
“H4” control system is off. (See “Vehicle
The four−wheel drive indicator light comes stability control system” on page 185 in
on when the “H4” mode is selected. this Section.)

Use this for greater traction than two−

wheel drive. (When you experience a loss
of power, such as wheel slipping.) This
position provides greater traction than
two−wheel drive.
With the vehicle stability control
system—In this mode, the vehicle stability
control system is off. (See “Vehicle
stability control system” on page 185 in
this Section)
“L4” (low speed position, four−wheel
drive): Front drive control switch knob at

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(c) Shifting procedure (with

manual transmission)
SHIFTING BETWEEN “H2” AND “H4” To shift from “H4” to “H2”, turn the SHIFTING BETWEEN “H4” AND “L4”
To shift from “H2” to “H4”, reduce the front drive control switch knob fully coun- To shift from “H4” to “L4”.
vehicle speed to less than 100 km/h (62 terclockwise.
(1) Stop the vehicle or reduce the vehicle
mph) and turn the front drive control This can be done at any speed. You need speed to less than 3 km/h (2 mph).
switch knob fully clockwise. not depress the clutch pedal.
(2) Depress the clutch pedal all the way.
If the four−wheel drive indicator light con- If the four−wheel drive indicator light con-
tinues to blink when you operate the front tinues to blink when you operate the front (3) Push and turn the front drive control
drive control switch knob from the “H2” to drive control switch knob from the “H4” to switch knob fully clockwise.
the “H4” position, this reminds you that the “H2” position, this reminds you that If the four−wheel drive indicator light
the transfer mode is not securely in “H4” the transfer mode is not securely in “H2” flashes and the buzzer sounds, try the
mode. Drive straight ahead while acceler- mode. Drive straight ahead while acceler- above steps again.
ating or decelerating. ating or decelerating, or drive forward or To shift from “L4” to “H4”.
If the four−wheel drive indicator light con- backward in a short distance.
(1) Stop the vehicle or reduce the vehicle
tinues to blink and the buzzer sounds If the indicator light continues to blink speed to less than 3 km/h (2 mph).
when you operate the front drive control even if doing so, contact your Toyota
switch knob from the “H2” to the “H4” dealer as soon as possible. There may be (2) Depress the clutch pedal all the way.
position, this reminds you that the transfer a trouble in the four−wheel drive system. (3) Turn the front drive control switch
mode is not in “H4” mode. Stop the ve- knob fully counterclockwise.
hicle or reduce the vehicle speed to less CAUTION If the four−wheel drive indicator light
than 100 km/h (62 mph). Operate the flashes and the buzzer sounds, try the
switch knob again. Never operate the front drive control above steps again.
switch knob if the wheels are slip-
If the “4LO” (low speed four−wheel drive)
CAUTION ping. Stop the slipping or spinning
before operating. indicator light continues to blink when you
Never operate the front drive control operate the front drive control switch knob
to the “H4” or “L4” position, drive forward
switch knob if the wheels are slip-
or backward in a short distance, then stop
ping. Stop the slipping or spinning
before operating. the vehicle completely, depress the clutch
pedal and operate the switch knob again.

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(c) Shifting procedure (with

automatic transmission)
If the indicator continues to blink even if SHIFTING BETWEEN “H2” AND “H4” To shift from “H4” to “H2”, turn the
doing so, contact your Toyota dealer as To shift from “H2” to “H4”, reduce the front drive control switch knob fully coun-
soon as possible. There may be a trouble vehicle speed to less than 100 km/h (62 terclockwise.
in the four−wheel drive system. mph) and turn the front drive control This can be done at any speed.
switch knob fully clockwise. If the four−wheel drive indicator light con-
If the four−wheel drive indicator light con- tinues to blink when you operate the front
Never operate the front drive control tinues to blink when you operate the front drive control switch knob from the “H4” to
drive control switch knob from the “H2” to the “H2” position, this reminds you that
switch knob if the wheels are slip-
ping. Stop the slipping or spinning the “H4” position, this reminds you that the transfer mode is not securely in “H2”
before operating. the transfer mode is not securely in “H4” mode. Drive straight ahead while acceler-
mode. Drive straight ahead while acceler- ating or decelerating, or drive forward or
ating or decelerating. backward in a short distance.
If the four−wheel drive indicator light con- If the indicator light continues to blink
tinues to blink and the buzzer sounds even if doing so, contact your Toyota
when you operate the front drive control dealer as soon as possible. There may be
switch knob from the “H2” to the “H4” a trouble in the four−wheel drive system.
position, this reminds you that the transfer
mode is not in “H4” mode. Stop the ve- CAUTION
hicle or reduce the vehicle speed to less
than 100 km/h (62 mph). Operate the Never operate the front drive control
switch knob again. switch knob if the wheels are slip-
ping. Stop the slipping or spinning
CAUTION before operating.

Never operate the front drive control

switch knob if the wheels are slip-
ping. Stop the slipping or spinning
before operating.

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Traction control system

SHIFTING BETWEEN “H4” AND “L4” If the “4LO” (low speed four−wheel drive) The traction control system automatical-
To shift from “H4” to “L4”. indicator light continues to blink when you ly helps prevent the spinning of rear
operate the front drive control switch knob wheels (two−wheel drive models) or 4
(1) Bring the vehicle to a complete stop to the “H4” or “L4” position, drive forward wheels (four−wheel drive models) when
with the brake pedal held down with or backward in a short distance, then stop the vehicle is started or accelerated on
your foot. the vehicle completely, shift the automatic slippery road surfaces.
(2) Shift the automatic transmission selec- transmission selector lever securely into When the engine switch is turned to “ON”,
tor lever into “N”. “N” and operate the switch knob again. the system automatically turns on.
(3) Push and turn the front drive control If the indicator continues to blink even if
switch knob fully clockwise. doing so, contact your Toyota dealer as CAUTION
If the four−wheel drive indicator light soon as possible. There may be a trouble
flashes and the buzzer sounds, try the in the four−wheel drive system. Under certain slippery road condi-
above steps again. tions, full traction of the vehicle and
CAUTION power to the rear wheels (two−wheel
To shift from “L4” to “H4”. drive models) or 4 wheels (four−wheel
(1) Bring the vehicle to a complete stop Never operate the front drive control drive models) cannot be maintained,
with the brake pedal held down with switch knob if the wheels are slip- even though the traction control sys-
your foot. ping. Stop the slipping or spinning tem is in operation. Do not drive the
(2) Shift the automatic transmission selec- before operating. vehicle under any speed or maneuver-
tor lever into “N”. ing conditions which may cause the
vehicle to lose traction control. In si-
(3) Turn the front drive control switch
tuations where the road surface is
knob counterclockwise. covered with ice or snow, your ve-
If the four−wheel drive indicator light hicle should be fitted with snow tires
flashes and the buzzer sounds, try the or tire chains. Always drive at an ap-
above steps again. propriate and cautious speed for the
present road conditions.

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When the traction control system is oper- If the brake actuator temperature becomes
ating, the following conditions occur: too high while any of the systems is oper-
! The system controls the spinning of the ating, a buzzer will start to sound intermit-
rear wheels (two−wheel drive models) tently to indicate that the traction control
or 4 wheels (four−wheel drive models). system can no longer operate. In this
At this time, the slip indicator light case, immediately stop your vehicle at a
LS17007b blinks. safe place.
If the system continues to operate, the
! You may feel vibration or noise in your
vehicle, caused by operation of the buzzer sound changes from intermittent to
brakes. This indicates the system is continuous. (The continuous buzzer
functioning properly. sounds for about 3 seconds.)

The slip indicator light comes on for a few At the time, the slip indicator light will
seconds when the engine switch is turned come on and the traction control system
to “ON”. If the indicator light does not temporarily stops operating in order to
come on when the engine switch is turned protect the brake actuator. (Although the
Leave the system on during the ordi- traction control system does not operate,
on, contact your Toyota dealer.
nary driving so that it can operate it is no problem to continue driving.) The
when needed. The brake actuator temperature increases system will be automatically restored after
during continuous operation of the follow- a short time and the slip indicator light
You may hear a sound in the engine
ing systems under conditions such as on goes off.
compartment for a few seconds when the
slippery roads.
engine is started or just after the vehicle With rear differential lock: However, it is
begins to move. This means that the trac- ! Traction control system a normal operation for the light to be on
tion control system is in the self−check ! “AUTO LSD” system with rear differential locked. At this time,
mode, but does not indicate a malfunction. the traction control system does not oper-
! Downhill assist control system
! Hill−start assist control system

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To turn on: Briefly push the “VSC OFF”

switch once again.
The “AUTO LSD” and slip indicator lights
will go off.
If the engine is turned off while the

LS17027a “AUTO LSD” and slip indicator lights are

on and then restarted, the indicator lights LS17010
will turn off automatically.
When you push and hold the “VSC OFF”
switch for 3 seconds or more with the
vehicle stopped, turn off the vehicle stabil-
ity control system. See “Vehicle stability
control system” on page 185 in this Sec-
(two−wheel drive mode only) “AUTO LSD” and slip indicator lights come The light flashing warns that there is a
When getting the vehicle out of mud or on for a few seconds when the engine problem somewhere in the following.
newly fallen snow, etc., turn off the switch is turned to “ON”. If the indicator ! Traction control system
traction control system. This system lights do not come on when the engine
that controls engine performance inter- switch is turned to “ON”, contact your ! Vehicle stability control system
feres with the process of freeing rear Toyota dealer. ! “AUTO LSD” system
wheels 4 wheels (four−wheel drive mod- ! Downhill assist control system
! Hill−start assist control system
To turn off: Briefly push the “VSC OFF”
switch. Do not drive with the traction control
system continuously turned off.
The “AUTO LSD” and slip indicator lights
will come on.
The vehicle stability control system is al-
ways activated, even if the traction control
system is turned off.
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08 02.19

“AUTO LSD” system

When the system is normal and the en-
gine switch is turned to “ON”, the light will CAUTION
come on and will go off after a few sec-
onds. Do not use the “AUTO LSD” system
in conditions other than the above. A
It is not a malfunction that the warning
much greater steering effort and more
light may stay on for 60 seconds after the
engine switch is turned to “ON”. LS17011 careful cornering control will be re-
Depressing the brake pedal repeatedly
may turn on the lights. It is normal if it
goes out after a few seconds.
If the “VSC OFF” warning light flashes
while driving, the traction control system
does not work. However, if the brakes
operate normally when applied, it is no The “AUTO LSD” system aids traction
problem to continue your driving. by using the traction control system to
In the following cases, contact your Toyota control engine performance and braking
dealer: when one of the rear wheels begins to
! The warning light does not come on
after the engine switch is turned to This system should be used only when
“ON”. wheel spinning occurs in a ditch or
rough surface.
! The warning light remains on after the
engine switch is turned to “ON”. This system is effective in case one of
the rear wheels is spinning.
! The warning light flashes while driving.

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If the engine is turned off while the

“AUTO LSD” and slip indicator lights are
on and then restarted, the indicator light
will turn off automatically.
When you push and hold the “VSC OFF”
switch for 3 seconds or more with the
LS17027a vehicle stopped, turn off the vehicle stabil-
ity control system. See “Vehicle stability
control system” on page 185 in this Sec-

To turn on the system, briefly push the Make sure the “AUTO LSD” and slip indi-
“VSC OFF” switch. cator lights come on under the above con-
The “AUTO LSD” is activated under the dition when you use the “AUTO LSD” sys-
following condition. At this time, the tem.
“AUTO LSD” and slip indicator lights The slip indicator light blinks when the
will come on. system is controlling the spinning of the
! The driving mode is set in the two− rear wheels.
wheel drive mode (In the four−wheel The “AUTO LSD” and slip indicator lights
drive mode, the system does not come on for a few seconds when the
work.) engine switch is turned to “ON”. If the
! Driving at a speed under 100 km/h (62 indicator lights does not come on when
mph) the engine switch is turned to “ON”, con-
tact your Toyota dealer.
To turn off the system, briefly push the
“VSC OFF” switch again and the “AUTO
LSD” and slip indicator lights will go off.

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The brake actuator temperature increases When the system is normal and the en-
during continuous operation of the follow- gine switch is turned to “ON”, the light will
ing systems under conditions such as on come on and will go off after a few sec-
slippery roads. onds.
! “AUTO LSD” system It is not a malfunction that the warning
light may stay on for 60 seconds after the
! Traction control system
! Hill−start assist control system
LS17010 engine switch is turned to “ON”.
Depressing the brake pedal repeatedly
If the brake actuator temperature becomes may turn on the lights. It is normal if it
too high while any of the systems is oper- goes out after a few seconds.
ating, a buzzer will start to sound intermit-
tently to indicate that the “AUTO LSD” If the “VSC OFF” warning light flashes
system can no longer operate. In this while driving, the “AUTO LSD” system
case, immediately stop your vehicle at a does not work. However, as the brakes
safe place. “VSC OFF” warning light operate normally when applied, it is no
The light flashing warns that there is a problem to continue your driving.
If the system continues to operate, the
buzzer sound changes from intermittent to problem somewhere in the following. In the following cases, contact your Toyota
continuous. (The continuous buzzer ! “AUTO LSD” system dealer:
sounds for about 3 seconds.) ! The warning light does not come on
! Traction control system
At the time the slip indicator light will after the engine switch is turned to
! Vehicle stability control system “ON”.
come on and the “AUTO LSD” system
temporarily stops operating in order to ! Hill−start assist control system ! The warning light remains on after the
protect the brake actuator. (Although the engine switch is turned to “ON”.
“AUTO LSD” system does not operate, it ! The warning light flashes while driving.
is no problem to continue driving.) The
system will be automatically restored after
a short time.
Do not drive with the “AUTO LSD”
system continuously turned on.

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08 02.19

Vehicle stability control

The vehicle stability control system
helps provide integrated control of the CAUTION
systems such as anti−lock brake sys-
tem, traction control, engine control, ! Do not rely excessively on the ve-
etc. This system automatically controls hicle stability control system. Even
the output of the brakes or engine to if the vehicle stability control sys-
help prevent the vehicle from skidding
when cornering on a slippery road sur-
tem is operating, you must always
drive carefully and attentively to LS17007b
face or operating steering wheel abrupt- avoid serious injury. Reckless driv-
ly. ing will result in an unexpected ac-
cident. If the slip indicator light
The vehicle stability control system is acti-
blinks and an alarm sounds, special
vated when the vehicle speed is more
care should be taken while driving.
than 15 km/h (9 mph).
! Only use tires of specified size. The
You may hear a sound in the engine
size, manufacturer, brand and tread If the vehicle is going to skid during driv-
compartment for a few seconds when the pattern for all 4 tires should be the ing, the slip indicator light blinks and an
engine is started or just after the vehicle
same. If you use the tires other alarm sounds intermittently. Special care
begins to move. This means that the sys-
than specified, or different type or should be taken while driving.
tem is in the self−check mode, but does
size, the vehicle stability control The slip indicator light comes on for a few
not indicate a malfunction.
system may not function correctly. seconds when the engine switch is turned
When replacing the tires or wheels, to “ON”. If the indicator light does not
contact your Toyota dealer. (See come on when the engine switch is turned
“Checking and replacing tires” on on, contact your Toyota dealer.
page 379 in Section 7−2.)

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08 02.19

To turn on: Briefly push the “VSC OFF”

switch once again.
The “VSC OFF” and slip indicator lights
will go off.
If the engine is turned off while the “VSC

LS17010 LS17028a OFF” and slip indicator lights are on and

then restarted, the indicator lights will turn
off automatically.
When you briefly push the “VSC OFF”
switch, turn off the vehicle stability control
system. See “Traction control system” on
page 179 in this Section.
The “VSC OFF” and slip indicator lights
The vehicle stability control system au- When getting the vehicle out of mud or come on for a few seconds when the
tomatically turns off, and the “VSC newly fallen snow, etc., turn off the engine switch is turned to “ON”. If the
OFF” indicator light is illuminated, vehicle stability control system. This indicator lights do not come on when the
when either one of the following condi- system that controls engine perfor- engine switch is turned to “ON”, contact
tions applies: mance interferes with the process of your Toyota dealer.
! Four−wheel drive mode is set. (on freeing rear wheels (two−wheel drive
four−wheel drive models) models) or 4 wheels (four−wheel drive CAUTION
! The rear differential is locked. (on mod-
els equipped with the rear differential To turn off: First, push the “VSC OFF” Do not drive with the vehicle stability
lock system) switch to turn off the traction control control system continuously turned
system and check that the “AUTO LSD” off.
The “VSC OFF” indicator light comes on and slip indicator lights come on. Then,
for a few seconds when the engine switch push and hold the “VSC OFF” switch
is turned to “ON”, and then turns off. If for 3 seconds or more with the vehicle
either one of the above conditions applies, stopped.
the indicator light is illuminated again.
The “VSC OFF” and slip indicator lights
will come on.
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08 02.19

Downhill assist control system

The light may come on for 60 seconds The downhill assist control system is a
after the engine switch is turned to “ON”. system that assists the deceleration of
It is normal if they go out after a while. the engine brake when you drive down
Depressing the brake pedal repeatedly a steep hill. When you are driving down
may turn on the light. It is normal if they a hill with the front drive control switch
go out after a few seconds. knob in the “L4” position, push the
LS17010 If the light flashes while driving, the ve-
“DAC” switch to limit the vehicle’s ac-
celeration. If the vehicle is traveling at
hicle stability control system does not a speed of 25 km/h (15 mph) or less,
work. However, if the brakes operate nor- you can descend at a constant speed.
mally when applied, it is no problem to
continue your driving.
In the following cases, contact your Toyota
dealer: Do not rely excessively on the down-
“VSC OFF” warning light ! The warning light does not come on hill assist control system. It may not
The light flashing warns that there is a after the engine switch is turned to be able to maintain a low speed over
problem somewhere in the following. “ON”. road surfaces or off−road surfaces on
which sliding can easily occur, such
! Vehicle stability control system ! The warning light remains on after the as extremely steep slopes or icy or
engine switch is turned to “ON”. muddy roads.
! Traction control system
! “AUTO LSD” system ! The warning light flashes while driving.
! Hill−start assist control system
! Downhill assist control system
The light comes on when the engine
switch is turned to “ON”, and will go off
after a few seconds.

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08 02.19


1. Turn the front drive control switch
knob to the “L4” position.
The system does not operate when the
front drive control switch knob is in the
“H2” or “H4” position, or the rear differen- LS17016a LS17007b
tial is locked.
2. In order to make full use of the en-
gine brake, putting the transmission
in “L” or “2” is recommended.
The system will operate even if the trans-
mission selector lever is in “D”, “4”, “3”
or “N”. However, when it is in “L” or “2” 3. Push the “DAC” switch to turn the With the vehicle traveling at a speed of
the engine brake can also be utilized en- system on. The downhill assist con- 25 km/h (15 mph) or less, release your
abling the system to operate more effec- trol system indicator light on the in- foot from the accelerator or brake pedal
tively. strument panel will come on. to activate the system. The vehicle will
If the downhill assist control system indi- descend the hill at a low speed. While the
cator light flashes, one of the following system is operating, the slip indicator light
may be the cause: on the instrument panel will flash and the
stop lights and high mounted stoplight will
! The selector lever is in the “N” posi- be lit.
If you push the “DAC” switch to turn the
! The front drive control switch knob is system off while it is in operation, the
in the “H2” or “H4” position. system will stop operating gradually. The
! The rear differential is locked. downhill assist control system indicator
If the indicator light does not come on light will flash to alert the driver. To con-
when the switch is pushed, contact your tinue driving at a low speed, push the
Toyota dealer. “DAC” switch to turn the system on.

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08 02.19

The slip indicator light and downhill assist If the brake actuator temperature becomes
control system indicator light come on for too high while any of the systems is oper-
a few seconds when the engine switch is ating, a buzzer will start to sound intermit-
turned to “ON”. If any of the indicator tently to indicate that the downhill assist
lights does not come on when the engine control system can no longer operate. In
switch is turned on, contact your Toyota this case, stop your vehicle immediately at
If the system is used frequently, the
a safe place.
If the system continues to operate, the
brake actuator temperature may become buzzer sound changes from intermittent to
too high and a buzzer will sound inter- continuous. (The continuous buzzer
mittently. sounds for about 3 seconds.)
If this happens, the downhill assist control At this time, the slip indicator light will
system indicator light will flash and a come on and the downhill assist control
buzzer will sound intermittently. When the system stops operating temporarily in or-
If there is any abnormality in the sys-
temperature of the brake actuator de- der to protect the brake actuator. (Al- tem, the “VSC OFF” warning light will
creases, the system will begin to operate though the downhill assist control system
flash. When the “DAC” switch is
again. Until it restarts, the traction control does not operate, it is no problem to con-
pushed, the downhill assist control sys-
system and hill−start assist control system tinue your driving.) The system will be tem indicator light also flash.
will not operate; however, the conventional automatically restored after a short time
brake can be operated. and the slip indicator light goes out. If the “VSC OFF” warning light flashes,
there may be an abnormality in any of the
The brake actuator temperature increases
following system in addition to the down-
during continuous operation of the follow-
hill assist control system.
ing systems under conditions such as on
slippery roads. ! Hill−start assist control system
! Downhill assist control system ! Traction control system
! Hill−start assist control system ! Vehicle stability control system
! Traction control system ! Downhill assist control system

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08 02.19

Hill−start assist control

system (automatic
transmission only)
“VSC OFF” warning light The hill−start assist control system as- The hill−start assist control system will
When the system is normal and the en- sists you in starting to move up a operate for 5 seconds maximally when
gine switch is turned to “ON”, the warning steep or slippery hill. When you start all of the following conditions apply.
light will come on and will go off after a to move up the hill slope, the system ! 5−speed automatic transmission—
few seconds. helps to prevent the vehicle from roll- When the transmission is in any of
ing backward in the interval while you positions “D”, “4”, “3”, “2” or “L”
It is not a malfunction that the warning move your foot from the brake pedal to
light may stay on for 60 seconds after the the accelerator pedal. 4−speed automatic transmission—
engine switch is turned to the “ON” posi- When the transmission is in any of
tion. positions “D”, “3”, “2” or “L”
Depressing the brake pedal repeatedly ! When the brake pedal is not de-
may turn on the light. It is normal if it ! Do not rely excessively on the hill− pressed
goes out after a few seconds. start assist control system. The ve- The system is designed to operate when
If the warning light flashes while driving, hicle may not be able to start the vehicle is starting on an uphill slope;
the system does not work. However, if the smoothly on road surfaces or off− therefore, if the transmission is in “P” or
brakes operate normally when applied, it road surfaces such as extremely “N” it will not operate. It will not operate
is no problem to continue your driving. steep slopes or icy roads, on which either if the vehicle starts to move in
sliding can occur very easily. reverse on a slope with the transmission
In the following cases, contact your Toyota
dealer: ! Do not use the hill−start assist con- in the “R” or the rear differential is locked.
trol system to stop the vehicle. This (with the rear differential lock)
! The warning light does not come on system is not designed as a func-
after the engine switch is turned to
tion for stopping the vehicle on a
uphill slope.
! The warning light remains on after the
engine switch is turned to “ON”.
! The warning light flashes while driving.

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08 02.19

Keep in mind the following when driv- The brake actuator temperature increases
ing. during continuous operation of the follow-
! The hill−start assist control system op- ing systems under conditions such as on
erates for 5 seconds maximally. If both slippery roads.
the brake and accelerator pedals re- ! Hill−start assist control system
main unexpressed for longer than 5
LS17007b seconds, the buzzer will sound at more
frequent intervals and the system will
Downhill assist control system
Traction control system
gradually stop operating. ! “AUTO LSD” system
! The hill−start assist control system is If the brake actuator temperature becomes
not designed as a function for stopping too high while any of the systems is oper-
the vehicle on a uphill slope. When ating, a buzzer will start to sound intermit-
stopping the vehicle, be sure to de- tently to indicate that the hill−start assist
press the brake pedal. control system can no longer operate. In
When the hill−start assist control system
is operating, the slip indicator light flashes If the system is used frequently, the this case, stop your vehicle immediately at
brake actuator temperature may become a safe place.
and an alarm sounds intermittently. At the
same time, the stop lamps and high too high and a buzzer will sound inter- If the system continues to operate, the
mounted stoplight are lit. mittently. buzzer sound changes from intermittent to
In this case, a buzzer will sound intermit- continuous. (The continuous buzzer
The slip indicator light comes on for a few
seconds when the engine switch is turned tently. When the temperature of the brake sounds for about 3 seconds.)
to “ON”. If the indicator light does not actuator goes down, the system will begin At this time, the slip indicator light will
come on when the engine switch is turned to operate again. Until it restarts, the trac- come on and the hill−start assist control
on, contact your Toyota dealer. tion control system, “AUTO LSD” system, system stops operating temporarily in or-
hill−start assist control system and down- der to protect the brake actuator. (Al-
hill assist control system will not operate; though the hill−start assist control system
however, the conventional brake can be does not operate, it is no problem to con-
operated. tinue your driving.) The system will be
automatically restored after a short time
and the slip indicator light goes out.

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08 02.19

Rear differential lock system

“VSC OFF” warning light
When the system is normal and the en-
gine switch is turned to “ON”, the warning
light will come on and will go off after a
few seconds.

LS17010 It is not a malfunction that the warning

light may stay on for 60 seconds after the LS17011
engine switch is turned to “ON”.
Depressing the brake pedal repeatedly
may turn on the light. It is normal if it
goes out after a few seconds.
If the warning light flashes while driving,
the system does not work. However, if the
If there is any abnormality in the sys- brakes operate normally when applied, it The rear differential lock system is pro-
tem, the “VSC OFF” warning light will is no problem to continue your driving. vided for use only when wheel spinning
flash. occurs in a ditch or on a slippery or
In the following cases, contact your Toyota
If the system malfunctions, the “VSC OFF” ragged surface.
warning light will flash. This differential lock system is effective in
! The warning light does not come on case one of the rear wheels is spinning.
If the “VSC OFF” warning light flashes, after the engine switch is turned to
there may be an abnormality in any of the “ON”. Four−wheel drive models—
following systems in addition to the hill− Before using the rear differential lock sys-
start assist control system. ! The warning light remains on after the tem, first shift the four−wheel drive control
engine switch is turned to “ON”. into “L4” to see if this is sufficient. If this
! Downhill assist control system
! The warning light flashes while driving. has no effect, additionally use the rear
! Traction control system differential lock system.
! “AUTO LSD” system
! Vehicle stability control system

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08 02.19

The following systems do not operate

CAUTION when the rear differential is locked. It is
normal operation for the “ABS” warning
Do not use the rear differential lock light ,“VSC OFF” indicator light and slip
in the conditions other than above. indicator light to be on at this time.
Large steering effort and careful cor-
With the downhill assist control system: If
nering control will be required.
LS17013 the “DAC” switch turns on, the downhill
assist control system indicator light
! Anti−lock brake system
! Brake assist system
! Vehicle stability control system
! Traction control system
To lock the rear differential, push the
switch. ! Downhill assist control system
Be sure to stop the wheels before locking ! Hill−start assist control system
the differential.
For easy locking, depress the clutch ped- CAUTION
al, push the lock switch and slowly re-
lease the clutch pedal. ! Do not lock the differential until the
wheels have stopped spinning.
The indicator light will blink when the Otherwise, the vehicle may move in
switch is turned on. Wait a few seconds an unexpected direction when the
for the system to complete operation. Af- differential lock is engaged, result-
ter the differential is locked, the light will ing in an accident. This may also
stop blinking and remain on. lead to possible damage to differen-
tial lock component parts.
! Do not drive over 8 km/h (5 mph)
when the differential is locked.

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08 02.19

Tire pressure warning system

To unlock the differential, push the The tire pressure warning system warns
switch once again. you that the tire inflation pressure is
Unlock the differential as soon as the ve- low.
hicle moves out. The tire pressure warning system is not
For easy unlocking, slightly turn the steer- a substitute for checking normal tire infla-
tion pressure. Check the tire inflation
ing wheel in either direction while the ve-
hicle is in motion. pressure with a tire pressure gauge regu-
When the differential lock is disengaged,
the indicator light will go out.
Four−wheel drive models—
The differential will also unlock if you shift The warning system may not activate
the front drive control switch knob to the immediately if blowout or sudden air
“H2” or “H4” position. Never forget to turn loss should occur.
off the switch after using this feature. The tire pressure warning light comes on
when the engine switch is turned to the
To check the indicator bulb, turn the en-
“ON” position and goes off after a few
gine switch to the “ON” position, but do
seconds. This means the tire pressure
not start the engine. warning system is operating properly. If
the tire inflation pressure becomes low,
CAUTION the light comes on again. In this case,
adjusting the tire inflation pressure will
Do not keep driving with the differen- turn off the light after a few minutes. If
tial lock switch on. the light comes on after blinking for 1
minute, the tire pressure warning system
is not working properly.

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08 02.19

Indicator The tire pressure warning light may turn

Meanings Do this CAUTION on due to natural causes such as natural
air leaks or tire inflation pressure changes
Tire inflation Adjust the If the tire pressure warning light caused by temperature. In this case, ad-
ON pressure is tire inflation comes on, be sure to observe the justing the tire inflation pressure will turn
low pressure following precautions. Failure to do off the light after a few minutes.
so could cause loss of vehicle control
Tire Have the Pushing the tire pressure warning reset
and result in death or serious injury.
ON after pressure system switch should not turn off the tire pressure
blinking for warning checked at ! Stop your vehicle in a safe place as warning light. Adjusting the tire inflation
1 minute system your Toyota soon as possible. Adjust the tire pressure will turn off the light.
malfunction dealer inflation pressure immediately.
The spare tire is also equipped with the
! If the tire pressure warning light tire pressure warning valve and transmit-
comes on even after tire inflation ter. The tire pressure warning light will
pressure adjustment, it is probable turn on if the tire inflation pressure of the
that you have a flat tire. Check the spare tire is low. If a tire goes flat, even
tires. If the tire is flat, change to though the flat tire is replaced with the
the spare tire and have the flat tire spare tire, the warning light does not turn
repaired by the nearest Toyota deal- off. Replace the spare tire with the re-
er. paired tire and adjust the proper tire infla-
! Avoid abrupt maneuvering and brak- tion pressure. The tire pressure warning
ing. If the vehicle tires deteriorate, light will turn off after a few minutes.
you could lose control of the steer-
ing wheel or the brakes.

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08 02.19

CAUTION As an added safety feature, your ve- Your vehicle has also been equipped
hicle has been equipped with a tire with a TPMS (tire pressure warning
Each tire, including the spare (if pro- pressure monitoring system (TPMS− system) malfunction indicator to indi-
vided), should be checked monthly tire pressure warning system) that il- cate when the system is not operat-
when cold and inflated to the inflation luminates a low tire pressure telltale ing properly. The TPMS (tire pressure
pressure recommended by the vehicle (tire pressure warning light) when one warning system) malfunction indicator
manufacturer on the vehicle placard or more of your tires is significantly is combined with the low tire pres-
or tire inflation pressure label (tire under−inflated. Accordingly, when the sure telltale (tire pressure warning
and load information label). (If your low tire pressure telltale (tire pres- light). When the system detects a
vehicle has tires of a different size sure warning light) illuminates, you malfunction, the telltale will flash for
than the size indicated on the vehicle should stop and check your tires as approximately one minute and then
placard or tire inflation pressure label soon as possible, and inflate them to remain continuously illuminated. This
(tire and load information label), you the proper pressure. Driving on a sig- sequence will continue upon subse-
should determine the proper tire infla- nificantly under−inflated tire causes quent vehicle start−ups as long as
tion pressure for those tires.) the tire to overheat and can lead to the malfunction exists. When the mal-
tire failure. Under−inflation also re- function indicator is illuminated, the
duces fuel efficiency and tire tread system may not be able to detect or
life, and may affect the vehicle’s han- signal low tire pressure as intended.
dling and stopping ability.
Please note that the TPMS (tire pres-
sure warning system) is not a substi-
tute for proper tire maintenance, and
it is the driver’s responsibility to
maintain correct tire pressure, even if
under−inflation has not reached the
level to trigger illumination of the
TPMS low tire pressure telltale (tire
pressure warning light).

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08 02.19

! If the ID code on the tire pressure

TPMS (tire pressure warning system) warning valves and transmitters is not
malfunctions may occur for a variety registered in the tire pressure warning
of reasons, including the installation computer.
of replacement or alternate tires or
wheels on the vehicle that prevent
! If the tire inflation pressure is more
than 500 kPa (5.1 kgf/cm2 or bar, 73
the TPMS (tire pressure warning sys-
tem) from functioning properly. Al- LS17025 psi) or higher than the specified level.
ways check the TPMS (tire pressure The system may be disabled in the follow-
warning system) malfunction telltale ing conditions:
after replacing one or more tires or (When the condition becomes normal, the
wheels on your vehicle to ensure that system will work properly.)
the replacement or alternate tires and ! If electronic devices or facilities using
wheels allow the TPMS (tire pressure similar radio wave frequencies are
warning system) to continue to func- IF THE TIRE PRESSURE WARNING nearby.
tion properly. LIGHT COMES ON AFTER BLINKING ! If a radio set at similar frequencies is
FOR 1 MINUTE... in use in the vehicle.
NOTICE If the tire pressure warning light comes ! If a window tint that affects the radio
on after blinking for 1 minute when the wave signals is installed.
! Do not use liquid sealants for a flat engine switch is turned to the “ON”
tire as tire pressure warning valve position, the tire pressure warning sys- ! If there is a lot of snow or ice on the
and transmitter will be damaged. vehicle, in particular around the wheels
tem is not working properly.
or wheel housings.
! When the tires must be repaired or The system will be disabled in the follow-
replaced, have them repaired or re- ing conditions: ! If non−genuine Toyota wheels are used.
placed by the nearest Toyota dealer (When the condition becomes normal, the ! If tire chains are used.
or an authorized tire dealer. The system will work properly.) ! If the spare tire is in a location subject
tire pressure warning valves and to poor radio wave signal reception.
! If tires not equipped with tire pressure
transmitters will be affected by the
warning valves and transmitters are ! If a large metallic object which can
installation or removal of tires.
used. interfere with signal reception is put in
the deck.
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08 02.19

If the tire pressure warning light continues

to come on after blinking for 1 minute NOTICE: ! Reorient or relocate the receiving an-
when the engine switch is turned to the This equipment has been tested and tenna.
“ON” position, have the system checked found to comply with the limits for a ! Increase the separation between the
by your Toyota dealer. Class B digital device, pursuant to Part equipment and receiver.
15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
Even if you use genuine wheels, the tire ! Connect the equipment into an outlet
designed to provide reasonable protec-
pressure warning system may not work on a circuit different from that to
tion against harmful interference in a
properly with some types of tires. residential installation. This equipment which the receiver is connected.
Pushing the tire pressure warning reset generates, uses and can radiate radio ! Consult the dealer or an experienced
switch should not turn off the tire pressure frequency energy and, if not installed radio/TV technician for help.
warning light. and used in accordance with the instruc-
tions, may cause harmful interference to
For vehicles sold in U.S.A. Changes or modifications not ex-
radio communications. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not pressly approved by the party respon-
This device complies with Part 15 of the occur in a particular installation. If this sible for compliance could void the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the equipment does cause harmful interfer- user’s authority to operate the equip-
following two conditions: ence to radio or television reception, ment.
(1) This device may not cause harmful which can be determined by turning the
interference, and (2) this device must equipment off and on, the user is en-
couraged to try to correct the interfer- For vehicles sold in Canada
accept any interference received, includ-
ence by one or more of the following
ing interference that may cause unde-
measures: NOTE:
sired operation.
Operation is subject to the following two
(1) this device may not cause interfer-
ence, and (2) this device must accept
any interference, including interference
that may cause undesired operation of
the device.

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08 02.19

REPLACING TIRES AND WHEELS ! When changing the tire inflation pres-
When replacing the tires and wheels, be sure by changing traveling speed or
sure to install tire pressure warning valves load weight, etc.
and transmitters. ID codes on the tire ! When changing the tire size.
pressure warning valves and transmitters To initialize the system, perform the
are registered in the tire pressure warning
computer. When replacing a tire pressure
warning valve and transmitter, it is neces-
LS17026a following:
1. Park the vehicle in a safe place and
sary to register the ID code of tire pres- turn the engine switch off.
sure warning valve and transmitter. Have 2. Adjust the pressure of all the installed
the ID code registered by your Toyota tires (including the spare tire) to the
dealer. specified cold tire inflation pressure
If the ID code is not registered, the sys- level. (See “Tires” on page 410 in Sec-
tem will not work properly. After about 20 tion 8.)
minutes, the tire pressure warning light SWITCH 3. Turn the engine switch to the “ON”
comes on after blinking for 1 minute to position.
indicate a system malfunction. When initializing the system, the present
tire inflation pressure is stored as stan- 4. Push and hold the tire pressure warn-
ing reset switch until the tire pressure
NOTICE dard. The tire pressure warning system
warning light blinks slowly three times.
determines decreased air pressure by
When the tires or tire pressure warn- comparing the present and the standard 5. Wait for a few minutes with the engine
ing valves and transmitters must be tire inflation pressures. When you change switch “ON”, and then turn the engine
replaced, have them replaced by your the set tire inflation pressure, it is neces- switch off.
Toyota dealer. The tire pressure warn- sary to initialize the tire pressure warning If you push the tire pressure warning re-
ing valves and transmitters will be system. set switch while the vehicle is moving,
affected by the installation or removal
! When rotating the tires on vehicles dif- initialization is not performed.
of tires.
fering with front and rear tire inflation If you push the tire pressure warning re-
pressures. set switch accidentally and initialization is
performed, adjust the tire inflation pres-
sure to the specified level and initialize
the system again.
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08 02.19

Parking brake


Do not push the tire pressure warn-

ing reset switch without first adjust-
ing the tire inflation pressure to the

LS17025 specified level. Otherwise, the tire

pressure warning light may not come LS17018
on even if the tire inflation pressure
is low, or it may come on when the
tire inflation pressure is actually nor-

Pedal type
If the tire pressure warning light does not
blink slowly three times when you push
and hold the tire pressure warning reset
switch, initialization has failed and the tire
pressure warning system may not work
properly. In this case, initialize the system
again. If initialization cannot be performed,
have the system checked at your Toyota
dealer. LS17019

Lever type

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08 02.19

Cruise control
When parking, firmly apply the parking The cruise control is designed to main-
brake to avoid inadvertent creeping. tain a set cruising speed without requir-
Pedal type— ing the driver to operate the accelera-
tor. Cruising speed can be set to any
To set: Fully depress the parking brake speed above 40 km/h (25 mph).
pedal. For better holding power, first de-
Within the limits of the engine’s capabili-
press the brake pedal and hold it while
setting the parking brake. ties, cruising speed can be maintained up
or down grades. However, changes in ve-
To release: Depress the parking brake
pedal once again. hicle speed may occur on steeper grades.

Lever type—
To set: Pull out on the lever. For better
holding power, first depress the brake ! To help maintain maximum control
pedal and hold it while setting the parking of your vehicle, do not use the
brake. cruise control when driving in TURNING THE SYSTEM ON AND OFF
To release: Press the lock release button heavy or varying traffic, or on slip- To turn the cruise control on, press the
(1), turn the lever clockwise (2), then pery (rainy, icy or snow−covered) or “ON−OFF” button. The “CRUISE” indicator
push it in (3). winding roads. light on the instrument panel will come on
To remind you that the parking brake is ! Avoid vehicle speed increases when to indicate that the cruise control is opera-
set, the parking brake reminder light in driving downhill. If the vehicle tional. Pressing the “ON−OFF” button
the instrument panel remains on until you speed is too fast in relation to the again turns the system off.
release the parking brake. cruise control set speed, cancel the When the system is turned off, cruising
cruise control then downshift the speed must be reset when the cruise con-
CAUTION transmission to use engine braking trol is turned on again.
to slow down. When the engine switch is turned off, the
Before driving, be sure the parking system is also automatically turned off. To
brake is fully released and the park- use the cruise control again, press the
ing brake reminder light is off. “ON−OFF” button again to turn it on.

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08 02.19

If you need acceleration—for example,

CAUTION when passing—depress the accelerator
pedal enough for the vehicle to exceed
To avoid accidentally engaging the the set speed. When you release it, the
cruise control, turn the system off vehicle will return to the speed set prior
when it is not in use. Make sure the to the acceleration.
“CRUISE” indicator light is off.

For manual transmission:

While driving with the cruise control
on, do not shift to neutral without
depressing the clutch pedal, as this
may cause engine racing or overrev-
On vehicles with automatic transmission,
the transmission must be in “D”, “4” CANCELLING THE CRUISE CONTROL
(5−speed automatic transmission) or “3”
(4−speed automatic transmission) before The cruise control may be temporarily
you set the cruising speed. cancelled by the driver or by the system
itself under certain circumstances. Tempo-
Bring your vehicle to the desired speed, rary cancellation allows the set cruising
push the lever down in the “−SET” direc- speed to remain in memory.
tion and release it. This sets the vehicle
at that speed. If the speed is not satisfac- The cruise control can be temporarily can-
tory, tap the lever up for a faster speed, celled by doing the following:
or tap it down for a slower speed. Each ! Pulling the lever in the “CANCEL” di-
tap changes the set speed by 1.6 km/h rection and releasing it
(1.0 mph). You can now take your foot off ! Depressing the brake pedal
the accelerator pedal.
! Depressing the clutch pedal

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08 02.19

control is temporarily cancelled: Push the lever up in the “+RES” direction If the “CRUISE” indicator light flashes
! When vehicle speed falls below 40 and hold it. Release the lever when the when using the cruise control, press the
km/h (25 mph) desired speed is attained. While the lever “ON−OFF” button to turn the system off
! When vehicle stability control is acti- is held up, the vehicle will gradually gain and then press it again to turn it on.
vated speed. If any of the following conditions then oc-
When vehicle speed drops 16 km/h (10 However, a faster way to reset is to ac- curs, there is some trouble in the cruise
mph) below the set speed, the cruise con- celerate the vehicle and then push the control system.
trol is cancelled and the set speed is lever down in the “−SET” direction. ! The indicator light does not come on.
erased from memory. RESETTING TO A SLOWER SPEED ! The indicator light flashes again.
The “CRUISE” indicator light remains on Push the lever down in the “−SET” direc- ! The indicator light goes out after it
to indicate that the system is still in op- tion and hold it. Release the lever when comes on.
eration. the desired speed is attained. While the
lever is held down, the vehicle speed will If this is the case, contact your Toyota
To turn the cruise control off, press the dealer and have your vehicle inspected.
“ON−OFF” button. Make sure the gradually decrease.
“CRUISE” indicator light is off. However, a faster way to reset is to de-
If the cruise control automatically cancels press the brake pedal and then push the
out other than for the above cases, have lever down in the “−SET” direction.
your vehicle checked by your Toyota deal- On vehicles with automatic transmission,
er at the earliest opportunity. even if you downshift from “D” to “4”
RESUMING THE CRUISE CONTROL (5−speed automatic transmission) or “3”
(4−speed automatic transmission), with the
If the cruise control is temporarily can- cruise control on, engine braking will not
celled, the cruising speed can be resumed be enabled because the cruise control is
by pushing the lever up in the “+ RES” not cancelled. To decrease the vehicle
direction. speed, reset to a slower speed with the
Vehicle speed must be above 40 km/h (25 cruise control lever or depress the brake
mph). pedal. If you use the brake pedal, cruise
control is cancelled.

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08 02.19

Clutch start cancel switch

Never use the switch for normal engine
starting. Be sure to follow the starting
procedure instructed in “How to start the
engine” on page 304 in Section 3.


To crank the engine without depressing

the clutch pedal, push the switch with
the engine switch on.
The switch stays on as long as the engine
switch is on. And it will automatically turn
off when the engine switch is off. An indi-
cator light will illuminate to indicate the
system is operating.
This switch cancels the clutch start sys-
tem, which is designed to keep the starter
motor from operating if the clutch pedal is
not depressed all the way down.
The switch allows the vehicle to be driven
out of difficult situations by cranking the
engine with the clutch engaged.

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08 02.19

Audio system
Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Using your audio system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Audio remote controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Audio system operating hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19


LS18001 LS18003 LS18005

Type 1: AM·FM radio/compact disc player Type 2: AM·FM radio/compact disc player Type 3: AM·FM radio/compact disc player
(with compact disc changer controller) with changer with changer

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Using your audio system—

—Some basics
This section describes some of the basic TONE AND BALANCE YOUR COMPACT DISC PLAYER
features on Toyota audio systems. Some For details about your system’s tone and (type 1)
information may not pertain to your sys- balance controls, see the description of When you insert a disc, gently push it in
tem. your own system. with the label side up. The player will play
Your audio system works when the engine Tone from track 1 through to the end of the
switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position. disc. Then it will play from track 1 again.
How good an audio program sounds to
TURNING THE SYSTEM ON AND OFF you is largely determined by the mix of NOTICE
Push “PWR·VOL” to turn the audio system the treble, midrange (type 3), and bass
on and off. levels. In fact, different kinds of music Never try to disassemble or oil any
and vocal programs usually sound better part of the compact disc player. Do
Push “AM”, “FM1·2”, “FM1”, “FM2”, “DISC”
with different mixes of treble, midrange not insert anything other than com-
or “LOAD” to turn on that function without
and bass. pact discs into the slot.
pushing “PWR·VOL”. To turn on the com-
pact disc player, a compact disc must be Balance
loaded in the player. 8 cm (3 in.) compact disc singles
A good balance of the left and right stereo
You can turn on the compact disc player channels and of the front and rear sound Your compact disc player does not need
by inserting a compact disc. levels is also important. an adaptor to play compact disc singles.
Compact disc singles are about 8 cm (3
You can turn off the compact disc player Keep in mind that if you are listening to
in.) in diameter−smaller than standard
by ejecting the compact disc. If the audio a stereo recording or broadcast, changing
system was previously off, then the entire the right/left balance will increase the vol-
audio system will be turned off when you ume of one group of sounds while de- After you eject a compact disc single, do
eject the compact disc. If the radio was creasing the volume of another. not insert a standard 12 cm (4.7 in.) disc
previously on, it will come on again. until “DISC” disappears from the display.
SWITCHING BETWEEN FUNCTIONS To remove an antenna, carefully turn it
Push “AM”, “FM1·2”, “FM1”, “FM2”, “DISC” counterclockwise.
or “LOAD” if the system is already on but
you want to switch from one function to

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Do not use an adaptor for compact
disc singles—it could cause tracking
errors or interfere with the ejection of
compact discs.
CHANGER (type 2 and type 3)
When you insert a disc, push the “LOAD”
button, wait for the load/eject status light
to turn green, then gently push the disc
in with the label side up. This compact
disc player can store up to six discs. The
player will play from track 1 through to NOTICE
the end of the disc. Then it will play from
! Do not stack up two discs for in-
track 1 of the next disc.
sertion, or it will cause damage to
The player is intended for use with 12 cm the compact disc changer. Insert
(4.7 in.) discs only. only one compact disc into slot at
a time.
! Never try to disassemble or oil any
part of the compact disc player. Do
not insert anything other than com-
pact discs into the slot.

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08 02.19

—Controls and features

!Type 1
Details of specific buttons, controls and
features are described in the alphabetical
list that follows.


2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

1 2 3 4 5 6 (Preset buttons) (Reverse/Fast−forward button) DISC (Compact disc)

These buttons are used to preset and Push the “DISC” button to play a compact
tune in radio stations. Push and hold “ ” (preset button 6) or disc.
“ ” (preset button 5) to fast forward or
To preset a station to a button: Tune in When the audio system is set into com-
the desired station. (See “TUNE” or reverse within a compact disc. When you pact disc operation, the display shows the
“SEEK”.) Push and hold down the button release the button, the compact disc play- track, or track and disc number currently
until you hear a beep—this will set the er will resume playing. being played.
station to the button. The preset button AM Error messages
number will appear on the display. Push the “AM” button to turn on the radio If the player malfunctions, your audio sys-
To recall a preset station: Push the button and select the AM band. “AM” will appear tem will display following error messages.
for the station you want. The button num- on the display.
ber and station frequency will appear on “WAIT”: The compact disc player unit
AUDIO CONTROL (Tone and sound bal- may be too hot. Allow the player to cool
the display. ance adjustment function) down.
These systems can store one AM and two Each time you push the “AUDIO
FM stations for each button. (The display “ERROR 1”: The disc may be dirty, dam-
CONTROL” knob, the mode changes. To aged or inserted incorrectly (up−side
will show “AM”, “FM1” or “FM2” when you adjust the tone and balance, turn the
push “AM”, “FM1” or “FM2” button.) down). Clean the disc and re−insert it.
“NO DISC”: The compact disc changer of
(Eject button) BAS: Adjusts low−pitched tones. The dis- separate unit is empty. Insert a disc.
play ranges from −5 to 5.
Push the compact disc eject button to “ERROR 3”: There is a problem inside
eject a compact disc. TRE: Adjusts high−pitched tones. The dis- the system. Eject the disc or magazine.
play ranges from −5 to 5. Set the disc or magazine again.
FAD: Adjusts the sound balance between “ERROR 4”: Over−current. Ask your
the front and rear speakers. The display Toyota dealer to inspect.
ranges from F7 to R7.
“CD OPEN”: The compact disc changer
BAL: Adjusts the sound balance between lid of separate unit is open. Close the
the right and left speakers. The display compact disc changer lid.
ranges from L7 to R7.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

If the malfunction still exists, take your RAND (Random) RPT (Repeat)
vehicle to your Toyota dealer. There are two random features—you can There are two repeat features—You can
! DISC " either listen to the tracks on one compact either replay a disc track or a whole com-
With compact disc changer only— disc in random order, or listen to the pact disc.
tracks on all the compact discs in the Repeating a track:
Use these buttons to select a disc you magazine in random order.
want to listen to. Quickly push and release “RPT” (preset
To play the tracks on one disc in random button 2) while the track is playing.
Push “!” (preset button 3) or “"” (preset order: “ ” will appear on the display. When
button 4) until the number of the disc you Quickly push and release “RAND” (preset the track ends, it will automatically replay.
want to listen appears on the display.
button 1). “ ” will appear on the To turn off the repeat feature, push this
FM1 FM2 display and the player will perform the button again.
Push the “FM1” or “FM2” button to turn on tracks on the disc you are listening to in With compact disc changer only—
the radio and select the FM band. “FM1” random order. To turn off the random fea-
ture, push this button again. Repeating a disc:
or “FM2” will appear on the display. This
Push and hold “RPT” (preset button 2)
system allows you to set twelve FM sta- With compact disc changer only—
tions, two for each of the preset button. until you hear a beep. “ ” will ap-
To play all the tracks in the magazine in pear on the display. The player will repeat
PWR·VOL (Power and Volume) random order: all the tracks on the disc you are listening
Push “PWR·VOL” to turn the audio system Push and hold “RAND” (preset button 1) to. When the disc ends, the player will
on and off. Turn “PWR·VOL” to adjust the until you hear a beep. “ ” will ap- automatically go back to the first track on
volume. pear on the display and the player will the disc and replay. To turn off the repeat
perform all the tracks on all the discs in feature, push this button again.
the magazine in random order. To turn off
the random feature, push this button

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

SCAN Compact disc player SEEK/TRACK (Seeking/Track up/down)

Radio There are two scan features—you can ei- Radio
You can either scan all the frequencies on ther scan the tracks on a specific disc or In the seek mode, the radio finds and
a band or scan only the preset stations scan the first tracks of all the discs in the plays the next station up or down the
for that band. magazine. station band.
To scan the preset stations: Scanning the tracks on a disc: To seek the next station, quickly push and
Push and hold the “SCAN” button until Quickly push and release the “SCAN” but- release “"” or “!” side of the “SEEK/
you hear a beep. The radio will tune in ton. “SCAN” will appear on the display TRACK” button. Do this again to find the
the next preset station up the band, stay and the player will scan all the tracks on station after that.
there for 5 seconds, and then move to the the disc you are listening to. To stop
scanning, push this button again. If the Compact disc player
next preset station. To stop scanning,
push this button again. player scanned all the tracks on the disc, Use this button to skip up or down to a
it will stop scanning. different track.
To scan all the frequencies:
Quickly push and release the “SCAN” but- With compact disc changer only— Push “"” or “!” side of the “SEEK/
ton. The radio will find the next station up Scanning the first tracks of all the discs TRACK” button until the number of the
the station band, stay there for 5 seconds, in the magazine: track you want to listen to appears on the
and then scan again to the next station. Push the “SCAN” button until you hear a display. If you want to return to the begin-
To stop scanning, push this button again. ning of the current track, quickly push the
beep. “ ·SCAN” will appear on the dis-
down side of the button one time.
play and the player will scan the first
track of the next disc. To stop scanning,
push this button again. If the player has
scanned all the discs, it will stop scan-

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

ST (Stereo reception) display TUNE (Tuning)

Your radio automatically changes to stereo Turn the “TUNE” knob clockwise to step
reception when a stereo broadcast is re- up the frequency. Turn the knob counter-
ceived. “ST” appears on the display. If the clockwise to step down the frequency.
signal becomes weak, the radio reduces
the amount of channel separation to prev-
ent the weak signal from creating noise.
If the signal becomes extremely weak, the
radio switches from stereo to mono recep-
This button is used to change the display
for the compact disc that contains text
To change the display, quickly push and
release the “TEXT” button while the com-
pact disc is playing. The display changes
in the order from the elapsed time to disc
title to track title, then back to the
elapsed time.
If this button is pushed while a compact
disc that does not contain text data is
playing, “NO TITLE” will appear on the
If the entire disc or track title does not
appear on the display, push and hold the
button until you hear a beep. The rest of
the title will appear.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

!Type 2
Details of specific buttons, controls and
features are described in the alphabetical
list that follows.


2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

1 2 3 4 5 6 (Preset buttons) To eject all discs at a time, press and BAL: Adjusts the sound balance between
These buttons are used to preset and hold the eject button until you hear a the right and left speakers. The display
tune in radio stations. beep. The last compact disc played before ranges from L7 to R7.
pushing the button will be ejected first. If DISC (Compact disc)
To preset a station to a button: Tune in the ejected disc is not removed for a long
the desired station. (See “TUNE” or time, the eject function will be cancelled. Push the “DISC” button to play a compact
“SEEK”.) Push and hold down the button disc.
until you hear a beep—this will set the (Reverse/Fast−forward button)
When the audio system is set into com-
station to the button. The preset button pact disc operation, the display shows the
number will appear on the display. Push and hold “ ” (preset button 6) or
track, or track and disc number currently
“ ” (preset button 5) to fast forward or
To recall a preset station: Push the button being played.
for the station you want. The preset but- reverse within a compact disc. When you
release the button, the compact disc play- Error messages
ton number and station frequency will ap-
pear on the display. er will resume playing. If the player malfunctions, your audio sys-
AM tem will display following error messages.
This radio can store one AM and two FM
stations for each button. (The display will Push the “AM” button to turn on the radio “WAIT”: The compact disc player unit
show “AM”, “FM1” or “FM2” when you and select the AM band. “AM” will appear may be too hot. Allow the player to cool
push “AM” or “FM1·2” button.) on the display. down.
AUDIO CONTROL (Tone and sound bal- “ERROR 1”: The disc may be dirty, dam-
(Eject button) aged or inserted incorrectly (up−side
ance adjustment function)
This button is used to eject one or all down). Clean the disc and re−insert it.
Each time you push the “AUDIO CONT”
compact discs. “NO DISC”: The compact disc changer of
knob, the mode changes. To adjust the
To eject the current compact disc, push tone and balance, turn the knob. separate unit is empty. Insert a disc.
and release the compact disc eject button. “ERROR 3”: There is a problem inside
BAS: Adjusts low−pitched tones. The dis-
To eject a specific disc, push “!” (preset play ranges from −5 to 5. the system. Eject the disc or magazine.
button 3) or “"” (preset button 4) until the Set the disc or magazine again.
TRE: Adjusts high−pitched tones. The dis-
number of the disc you want to eject is “ERROR 4”: Over−current. Ask your
play ranges from −5 to 5.
displayed. Push and release the eject but- Toyota dealer to inspect.
ton. FAD: Adjusts the sound balance between
the front and rear speakers. The display
ranges from F7 to R7.
2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

“CD OPEN”: The compact disc changer LOAD RAND (Random)

lid of separate unit is open. Close the This button is used to load the compact There are two random features—you can
compact disc changer lid. discs in the compact disc player. This either listen to the tracks on one compact
If the malfunction still exists, take your player can store up to six discs. disc in random order, or listen to the
vehicle to your Toyota dealer. To load one compact disc only, quickly tracks on all the compact discs in the
! DISC " push and release the button, then insert magazine in random order.

Use these buttons to select a disc you a compact disc. After the disc is loaded, To play the tracks on one disc in random
want to listen to. the shutter of the slot will close. order:
If no compact disc is inserted, the shutter Quickly push and release “RAND” (preset
Push “!” (preset button 3) or “"” (preset
will close after 15 seconds. button 1). “ ” will appear on the
button 4) until the number of the disc you
display and the player will perform the
want to listen appears on the display. To load multiple compact discs, push and
tracks on the disc you are listening to in
FM1·2 hold the button (until you hear a beep
random order. To turn off the random fea-
when the audio system is on), then insert
Push the “FM1·2” button to turn on the ture, push this button again.
the first compact disc. After the disc is
radio and select the FM band. “FM1” or loaded, the shutter of the slot will close. To play all the tracks in the magazine in
“FM2” will appear on the display. This After a few seconds, the shutter will auto- random order:
system allows you to set twelve FM sta- matically open again so the next disc can Push and hold “RAND” (preset button 1)
tions, two for each of the preset button. be inserted. The same process can be until you hear a beep. “ ” will ap-
applied for loading the rest of the discs. pear on the display and the player will
If the player is full of discs, “DISC FULL” perform all the tracks on all the discs in
will appear on the display. the magazine in random order. To turn off
If no compact disc is inserted, the shutter the random feature, push this button
will close after 15 seconds. again.
PWR·VOL (Power and Volume)
Push “PWR·VOL” to turn the audio system
on and off. Turn “PWR·VOL” to adjust the

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

RPT (Repeat) SCAN Scanning the tracks on a disc:

There are two repeat features—You can Radio Quickly push and release the “SCAN” but-
either replay a disc track or a whole com- ton. “SCAN” will appear on the display
You can either scan all the frequencies on and the player will scan all the tracks on
pact disc. a band or scan only the preset stations the disc you are listening to. To stop
Repeating a track: for that band. scanning, push this button again. If the
Quickly push and release “RPT” (preset To scan the preset stations: player scanned all the tracks on the disc,
button 2) while the track is playing. Push and hold the “SCAN” button until it will stop scanning.
“ ” will appear on the display. When you hear a beep. The radio will tune in Scanning the first tracks of all the discs
the track ends, it will automatically replay. the next preset station up the band, stay in the magazine:
To turn off the repeat feature, push this there for 5 seconds, and then move to the Push the “SCAN” button until you hear a
button again. next preset station. To stop scanning,
beep. “ ·SCAN” will appear on the dis-
Repeating a disc: push this button again.
play and the player will scan the first
Push and hold “RPT” (preset button 2) To scan all the frequencies: track of the next disc. To stop scanning,
until you hear a beep. “ ” will ap- Quickly push and release the “SCAN” but- push this button again. If the changer has
pear on the display. The player will repeat ton. The radio will find the next station up scanned all the discs, it will stop scan-
all the tracks on the disc you are listening the station band, stay there for 5 seconds, ning.
to. When the disc ends, the player will and then scan again to the next station.
SEEK/TRACK (Seeking/Track up/down)
automatically go back to the first track on To stop scanning, push this button again.
the disc and replay. To turn off the repeat Compact disc player
feature, push this button again. In the seek mode, the radio finds and
There are two scan features—you can ei-
plays the next station up or down the
ther scan the tracks on a specific disc or
station band.
scan the first tracks of all the discs in the
magazine. To seek the next station, quickly push and
release “"” or “!” side of the “SEEK/
TRACK” button. Do this again to find the
station after that.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Compact disc player TEXT

Use this button to skip up or down to a This button is used to change the display
different track. for the compact disc that contains text
Push “"” or “!” side of the “SEEK/ data.
TRACK” button until the number of the To change the display, quickly push and
track you want to listen to appears on the release the “TEXT” button while the com-
display. If you want to return to the begin- pact disc is playing. The display changes
ning of the current track, quickly push the in the order from the elapsed time to disc
down side of the button one time. title to track title, then back to the
ST (Stereo reception) display elapsed time.

Your radio automatically changes to stereo If this button is pushed while a compact
reception when a stereo broadcast is re- disc that does not contain text data is
ceived. “ST” appears on the display. If the playing, “NO TITLE” will appear on the
signal becomes weak, the radio reduces display.
the amount of channel separation to prev- If the entire disc or track title does not
ent the weak signal from creating noise. appear on the display, push and hold the
If the signal becomes extremely weak, the button until you hear a beep. The rest of
radio switches from stereo to mono recep- the title will appear.
tion. TUNE (Tuning)
Turn the “TUNE” knob clockwise to step
up the frequency. Turn the knob counter-
clockwise to step down the frequency.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

!Type 3
Details of specific buttons, controls and
features are described in the alphabetical
list that follows.


2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

1 2 3 4 5 6 (Preset buttons) (Eject button) (Reverse/Fast−forward button)

These buttons are used to preset and This button is used to eject one or all
tune in radio stations. Push and hold “ ” (preset button 6) or
compact discs.
“ ” (preset button 5) to fast forward or
To preset a station to a button: Tune in To eject the current compact disc, push
the desired station. (See “TUNE” or reverse within a compact disc. When you
and release the compact disc eject button. release the button, the compact disc play-
“SEEK”.) Push and hold down the button
until you hear a beep—this will set the To eject a specific disc, push “!” (preset er will resume playing.
station to the button. The preset button button 3) or “"” (preset button 4) until the AM
number will appear on the display. number of the disc you want to eject is
Push the “AM” button to turn on the radio
displayed. Push and release the eject but-
To recall a preset station: Push the button and select the AM band. “AM” will appear
for the station you want. The preset but- on the display.
ton number and station frequency will ap- To eject all discs at a time, press and
AUDIO CONTROL (Tone and sound bal-
pear on the display. hold the eject button until you hear a
ance adjustment function)
beep. The last compact disc played before
This radio can store one AM and two FM pushing the button will be ejected first. If Each time you push the “AUDIO CONT”
stations for each button. (The display will the ejected disc is not removed for a long knob, the mode changes. To adjust the
show “AM”, “FM1” or “FM2” when you time, the eject function will be cancelled. tone and balance, turn the knob.
push “AM” or “FM1·2” button.)
BAS: Adjusts low−pitched tones. The dis-
play ranges from −5 to 5.
MID: Adjusts mid−pitched tones. The dis-
play ranges from −5 to 5.
TRE: Adjusts high−pitched tones. The dis-
play ranges from −5 to 5.
FAD: Adjusts the sound balance between
the front and rear speakers. The display
ranges from F7 to R7.
BAL: Adjusts the sound balance between
the right and left speakers. The display
ranges from L7 to R7.
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08 02.19

DISC (Compact disc) If the malfunction still exists, take your LOAD
Push the “DISC” button to play a compact vehicle to your Toyota dealer. This button is used to load the compact
disc. ! DISC " discs in the compact disc player. This
When the audio system is set into com- Use these buttons to select a disc you player can store up to six discs.
pact disc operation, the display shows the want to listen to. To load one compact disc only, quickly
track, or track and disc number currently Push “!” (preset button 3) or “"” (preset push and release the button, then insert
being played. button 4) until the number of the disc you a compact disc. After the disc is loaded,
Error messages want to listen appears on the display. the shutter of the slot will close.

If the player malfunctions, your audio sys- FM1·2 If no compact disc is inserted, the shutter
tem will display following error messages. will close after 15 seconds.
Push the “FM1·2” button to turn on the
“WAIT”: The compact disc player unit radio and select the FM band. “FM1” or To load multiple compact discs, push and
may be too hot. Allow the player to cool “FM2” will appear on the display. This hold the button (until you hear a beep
down. system allows you to set twelve FM sta- when the audio system is on), then insert
tions, two for each of the preset button. the first compact disc. After the disc is
“ERROR 1”: The disc may be dirty, dam- loaded, the shutter of the slot will close.
aged or inserted incorrectly (up−side After a few seconds, the shutter will auto-
down). Clean the disc and re−insert it. matically open again so the next disc can
“NO DISC”: The compact disc changer of be inserted. The same process can be
separate unit is empty. Insert a disc. applied for loading the rest of the discs.
“ERROR 3”: There is a problem inside If the player is full of discs, “DISC FULL”
the system. Eject the disc or magazine. will appear on the display.
Set the disc or magazine again. If no compact disc is inserted, the shutter
“ERROR 4”: Over−current. Ask your will close after 15 seconds.
Toyota dealer to inspect. PWR·VOL (Power and Volume)
“CD OPEN”: The compact disc changer Push “PWR·VOL” to turn the audio system
lid of separate unit is open. Close the on and off. Turn “PWR·VOL” to adjust the
compact disc changer lid. volume.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

RDS (Radio Data System) display RPT (Repeat) SCAN

The radio will automatically switch to the There are two repeat features—You can Radio
RDS mode to receive an RDS station either replay a disc track or a whole com- You can either scan all the frequencies on
while turned to FM broadcasts. “RDS” will pact disc. a band or scan only the preset stations
appear on the display. Repeating a track: for that band.
RAND (Random) Quickly push and release “RPT” (preset To scan the preset stations:
There are two random features—you can button 2) while the track is playing. Push and hold the “SCAN” button until
either listen to the tracks on one compact “ ” will appear on the display. When you hear a beep. The radio will tune in
disc in random order, or listen to the the track ends, it will automatically replay. the next preset station up the band, stay
tracks on all the compact discs in the To turn off the repeat feature, push this there for 5 seconds, and then move to the
magazine in random order. button again. next preset station. To stop scanning,
To play the tracks on one disc in random Repeating a disc: push this button again.
order: Push and hold “RPT” (preset button 2) To scan all the frequencies:
Quickly push and release “RAND” (preset until you hear a beep. “ ” will ap- Quickly push and release the “SCAN” but-
button 1). “ ” will appear on the pear on the display. The player will repeat ton. The radio will find the next station up
display and the player will perform the all the tracks on the disc you are listening the station band, stay there for 5 seconds,
tracks on the disc you are listening to in to. When the disc ends, the player will and then scan again to the next station.
random order. To turn off the random fea- automatically go back to the first track on To stop scanning, push this button again.
ture, push this button again. the disc and replay. To turn off the repeat
To play all the tracks in the magazine in feature, push this button again.
random order:
Push and hold “RAND” (preset button 1)
until you hear a beep. “ ” will ap-
pear on the display and the player will
perform all the tracks on all the discs in
the magazine in random order. To turn off
the random feature, push this button

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Compact disc player SEEK/TRACK (Seeking/Track up/down) TEXT

There are two scan features—you can ei- Radio Radio
ther scan the tracks on a specific disc or In the seek mode, the radio finds and This button is operational only in RDS
scan the first tracks of all the discs in the plays the next station up or down the mode.
magazine. station band. When an RDS station transmits a text
Scanning the tracks on a disc: To seek the next station, quickly push and message, “MSG” will appear on the dis-
Quickly push and release the “SCAN” but- release “"” or “!” side of the “SEEK/ played.
ton. “SCAN” will appear on the display TRACK” button. Do this again to find the
and the player will scan all the tracks on To display the text message, first push
station after that. the “TEXT” button to change the radio
the disc you are listening to. To stop
scanning, push this button again. If the Compact disc player station display. Then push the “TEXT” but-
player scanned all the tracks on the disc, Use this button to skip up or down to a ton once more to display, and the mes-
it will stop scanning. different track. sage will appear on the display.
Scanning the first tracks of all the discs Push “"” or “!” side of the “SEEK/ If the entire the message is not displayed,
in the magazine: TRACK” button until the number of the “ ” will appear on the display. To display
Push the “SCAN” button until you hear a track you want to listen to appears on the the rest of the message, push and hold
beep. “ ·SCAN” will appear on the dis- display. If you want to return to the begin- the “TEXT” button until you hear a beep.
play and the player will scan the first ning of the current track, quickly push the After the entire message has been dis-
track of the next disc. To stop scanning, down side of the button one time. played, the message will disappear.
push this button again. If the changer has ST (Stereo reception) display The message display will be canceled if
scanned all the discs, it will stop scan- any button that affects the display is
Your radio automatically changes to stereo
ning. pushed.
reception when a stereo broadcast is re-
ceived. “ST” appears on the display. If the If no messages are received, “NO
signal becomes weak, the radio reduces MESSAGE” will appear on the display, and
the amount of channel separation to prev- the display returns to the previous mode.
ent the weak signal from creating noise.
The message display will be canceled if
If the signal becomes extremely weak, the
you activate any function that affects the
radio switches from stereo to mono recep-

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08 02.19

Compact disc player TRAF (Traffic) " R&B (Rhythm and Blues)
This button is used to change the display A station that regularly broadcasts traffic " INFORM (Information)
for the compact disc that contains text information is automatically located. " RELIGION
data. When you push the “TRAF” button in the " MISC (Miscellaneous)
To change the display, quickly push and “FM” mode, “TRAF SEEK” appears on the
release the “TEXT” button while the com- display and the radio will start seeking " ALERT (Emergency message)
pact disc is playing. The display changes any traffic program station. To seek or scan for the same type of
in the order from the elapsed time to disc If no traffic program station is found, “NO program, push the “SEEK/TRACK” or
title to track title, then back to the TRAF INFO” appears on the display for a “SCAN” button while the program type is
elapsed time. few seconds and the display returns to displayed.
If this button is pushed while a compact the previous mode. If no program is found, “NOTHING” will
disc that does not contain text data is TUNE (Tuning) appear on the display. The previous pro-
playing, “NO TITLE” will appear on the gram information will resume.
Turn the “TUNE” knob clockwise to step
display. When the system is left untouched for 6
up the frequency. Turn the knob counter-
If the entire disc or track title does not clockwise to step down the frequency. seconds, the program type display will
appear on the display, push and hold the change to the frequency display.
TYPE (Program Types)
button until you hear a beep. The rest of
the title will appear. When you push “"” or “!” of the “TYPE”
button while receiving an RDS station, the
current program type will appear on the
display. If the system is receiving a sta-
tion that is not RDS, “NO PTY” will ap-
Repeat this operation within 6 seconds to
display the program types in the following
" EASY LIS (Easy listening)
" CLS/JAZZ (Classical music and Jazz)
2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Audio remote controls

(steering switches)
1. Volume control switch Compact disc player
Push “+” to increase the volume. The vol- Use this switch to skip up or down to a
ume continues to increase while the different track in either direction.
switch is being pushed. Quickly push and release the “"” or “!”
Push “−” to decrease the volume. The side of the switch until the track you want

5c020 volume continues to decrease while the

switch is being pushed.
to listen to is set. If you want to return
to the beginning of the current track, push
2. “"!” switch the “!” side of the switch once, quickly.

Radio With compact disc changer only—

This switch has the following features— Push and hold the “"” or “!” side of the
switch until the disc you want to listen to
To select a preset station: is set.
Quickly push and release the “"” or “!”
side of the switch. Do this again to select 3. “MODE” switch
Some parts of the audio system can be
adjusted using the switches on the steer- the next preset station. Push “MODE” switch to select an audio
ing wheel. To seek a station: mode. Each push changes the mode se-
Details of the specific switches, controls, Push and hold the “"” or “!” side of the quentially if the desired mode is ready to
switch until you hear a beep. Do this use.
and features are described below.
1. Volume control switch again to find the next station. If you push To turn the audio system on, push the
the switch on either side during the seek “MODE” switch.
2. “"!” switch mode, seeking will be cancelled. To turn the audio system off, push and
3. “MODE” switch To step up or down the frequency, push hold the “MODE” switch until the system
and hold the switch even after you hear turns off.
a beep. When you release from the
switch, the radio will begin seeking up or
down for a station. Do this again to find
the next station.

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08 02.19

Audio system operating hints

Here are some common reception prob- AM
lems that probably do not indicate a prob- Fading—AM broadcasts are reflected by
To ensure correct audio system op- lem with your radio: the upper atmosphere—especially at night.
erations: FM These reflected signals can interfere with
! Be careful not to spill beverages Fading and drifting stations—Generally, the those received directly from the radio sta-
over the audio system. effective range of FM is about 40 km (25 tion, causing the radio station to sound
miles). Once outside this range, you may alternately strong and weak.
! Do not put anything other than a
compact disc into the slot. notice fading and drifting, which increase Station interference—When a reflected sig-
with the distance from the radio transmit- nal and a signal received directly from a
! The use of a cellular phone inside
ter. They are often accompanied by distor- radio station are very nearly the same
or near the vehicle may cause a
tion. frequency, they can interfere with each
noise from the speakers of the au-
Multi−path—FM signals are reflective, other, making it difficult to hear the broad-
dio system which you are listening
making it possible for two signals to reach cast.
to. However, this does not indicate
a malfunction. your antenna at the same time. If this Static—AM is easily affected by external
happens, the signals will cancel each oth- sources of electrical noise, such as high
er out, causing a momentary flutter or tension power lines, lightening, or electri-
loss of reception. cal motors. This results in static.
Usually, a problem with radio reception
Static and fluttering—These occur when
does not mean there is a problem with
signals are blocked by buildings, trees, or
your radio—it is just the normal result of
other large objects. Increasing the bass
conditions outside the vehicle.
level may reduce static and fluttering.
For example, nearby buildings and terrain
Station swapping—If the FM signal you
can interfere with FM reception. Power
are listening to is interrupted or weak-
lines or telephone wires can interfere with
ened, and there is another strong station
AM signals. And of course, radio signals
nearby on the FM band, your radio may
have a limited range. The farther you are
tune in the second station until the origi-
from a station, the weaker its signal will
nal signal can be picked up again.
be. In addition, reception conditions
change constantly as your vehicle moves.

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08 02.19


" Type 2 and type 3—The player is in-
tended for use with 12 cm (4.7 in.)
discs only.
" Extremely high temperatures can keep
your compact disc player from working. XS18016
On hot days, use the air conditioning
to cool the vehicle interior before you
listen to a disc.
" Bumpy roads or other vibrations may
make your compact disc player skip.
" If moisture gets into your compact disc Special shaped discs
player, you may not hear any sound " Use only compact discs marked as
even though your compact disc player shown above. The following products
appears to be working. Remove the may not be playable on your compact
disc from the player and wait until it disc player.
dries. Copy−protected CD

Compact disc players use invisible la- Z17058

ser beam which could cause hazard-
ous radiation exposure if directed
outside the unit. Be sure to operate
the player correctly.

Transparent/translucent discs

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08 02.19

! Do not use special shaped, trans-
parent/translucent, low quality or la-
beled discs such as those shown in
the illustrations. The use of such
discs may damage the player or
changer, or it may be impossible to
eject the disc.
! This system is not designed for use Correct Wrong
of Dual Disc. Do not use Dual Disc
because it may cause damage to
the player or changer.
Low quality discs
" Handle compact discs carefully, espe-
cially when you are inserting them.
Hold them on the edge and do not
bend them. Avoid getting fingerprints
on them, particularly on the shiny side.
" Dirt, scratches, warping, pin holes, or
other disc damage could cause the
player to skip or to repeat a section of
a track. (To see a pin hole, hold the
disc up to the light.)
" Remove discs from the compact disc
player when you are not listening to
them. Store them in their plastic cases
away from moisture, heat, and direct
Labeled discs

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08 02.19

To clean a compact disc: Wipe it with a

soft, lint−free cloth that has been damp-
ened with water. Wipe in a straight line
from the center to the edge of the disc
(not in circles). Dry it with another soft,
lint−free cloth. Do not use a conventional
record cleaner or anti−static device.

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08 02.19

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Air conditioning system
Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Air flow selector settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Operating tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Instrument panel vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Air conditioning filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

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08 02.19

1. Fan speed selector
2. Temperature selector
3. Air flow selector
4. Air intake selector
5. “A/C” button (on some models)


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08 02.19

Fan speed selector In this position, air intake selector

Turn the knob to adjust the fan speed—to mode changes to FRESH automatically
the right to increase, to the left to de- to clear the windshield quickly. If you
crease. want to return the setting to RECIRCU-
LATE mode, press the air intake selec-
Temperature selector tor button once again.
Turn the knob to adjust the temperature— G18021 Vehicles with “A/C” button—
to the right to warm, to the left to cool.
Press the “A/C” button for dehumidified
heating or cooling. This setting clears
the windshield more quickly.
5. Windshield—Air flows mainly from the
windshield vents.
Turning the air flow selector to the
Air flow selector windshield position turns on the defog-
Turn the knob to select the vents used for ging/defrosting function with the pur-
air flow. pose of clearing the windshield.
1. Panel—Air flows mainly from the In this position, air intake selector
instrument panel vents. mode changes to FRESH automatically
2. Bi−level—Air flows from both the floor to clear the windshield quickly. It is not
possible to return to RECIRCULATE in
vents and the instrument panel vents.
this position.
3. Floor—Air flows mainly from the floor
vents. Vehicles with “A/C” button—
Press the “A/C” button for dehumidified
4. Floor/Windshield—Air flows mainly
from the floor vents and windshield heating or cooling. This setting clears
the windshield more quickly.
For details about air flow selector settings,
Turning the air flow selector to the
floor/windshield position turns on the see “Air flow selector settings” described
defogging/defrosting function with the
purpose of clearing the windshield.
2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

“A/C” button (on some models)

To turn on the air conditioning, press the
“A/C” button. The “A/C” button indicator
will come on. To turn the air conditioning
off, press the button again.


Air intake selector

Press the button to select the air source.
1. Recirculate (indicator light is on)—Re-
circulates the air inside the vehicle.
2. Fresh (indicator light is off)—Draws
outside air into the system.
To prevent fogging up of the windshield,
the air intake mode may change automati-
cally to FRESH depending on the condi-
tion of the air conditioning system.

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08 02.19

Air flow selector settings Operating tips

! To cool off your Toyota after it has
been parked in the hot sun, drive with
the windows open long enough for the
hot air to escape. This operation allows
the air conditioning to cool the interior
more quickly.
! Make sure the air intake grilles in front
of the windshield are not blocked (by
leaves or snow, for example).
! On humid days, do not blow cold air
on the windshield. The windshield could
fog up because of the difference in air
temperature on the inside and outside

LS19002 of the windshield.

! Keep the area under the front seats
clear to allow air to circulate through-
out the vehicle.
! On cold days, set the fan speed to
high for a minute to help clear the
intake ducts of snow or moisture. This
can reduce the amount of fogging on
the windows.
! When driving on dusty roads, close all
windows. If dust thrown up by the ve-
hicle is still drawn into the vehicle after
Double cab models only closing the windows, it is recommended
that the air intake selector be set to
FRESH and the fan speed selector to
any setting except “OFF”.

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08 02.19

! If following another vehicle on a dusty Heating Air conditioning

road, or driving in windy and dusty For best results, set controls to: For best results, set controls to:
conditions, it is recommended that the
air intake selector be temporarily set to Fan speed—Any setting except “OFF” Fan speed—Any setting except “OFF”
RECIRCULATE, which will close off the Temperature—Towards red zone Temperature—Towards blue zone
outside passage and prevent outside Air intake—FRESH (outside air) Air intake—FRESH (outside air)
air and dust from entering the vehicle Air flow—FLOOR Air flow—PANEL
interior. Air conditioning—OFF Air conditioning—ON
! For quick heating, select recirculated ! For most effective cooling, move the
air for a few minutes. To keep the air intake selector to recirculate.
windows from fogging, select fresh af- Ventilation
ter the vehicle interior has been
warmed. For best results, set controls to:

! Press the “A/C” button on for dehumidi- Fan speed—Any setting except “OFF”
fied heating. Temperature—Towards blue zone
! Choose floor/windshield air flow to heat Air intake—FRESH (outside air)
the vehicle interior while defrosting or Air flow—PANEL
defogging the windshield. Air conditioning—OFF

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Defogging ! On humid days, do not blow cold air Vehicles with “A/C” button—
Condition: Moisture is on the inside of the on the windshield—the difference be- Press the “A/C” button for dehumidified
windshield. tween the outside and inside tempera- heating or cooling. This setting clears the
tures could make the fogging worse. front view more quickly.
For best results, set controls to:
! When side windows fog up, turn the ! To heat the vehicle interior while de-
Fan speed—Any setting except “OFF” side vents toward the windows. frosting the windshield, choose floor/
Temperature—Towards red zone to heat; Defrosting windshield air flow.
blue zone to cool
Air intake—FRESH (outside air) Condition: Moisture is on the outside of
Air flow—WINDSHIELD the windshield.
For best results, set controls to:
Turning the air flow selector to the wind-
shield or floor/windshield position turns on Fan speed—Any setting except “OFF”
the defogging function with the purpose of Temperature—Towards red zone
clearing the windshield. Air intake—FRESH (outside air)
When turning the air flow selector to wind- Air flow—WINDSHIELD
shield or floor/windshield position, air in-
Turning the air flow selector to the wind-
take selector mode changes to FRESH
shield or floor/windshield position turns on
automatically to clear the windshield
the defrosting function with the purpose of
quickly. If you want to return the setting
clearing the windshield.
to RECIRCULATE mode, press the air in-
take selector button once again. However, When turning the air flow selector to wind-
if the air flow selector is in the windshield shield or floor/windshield position, air in-
position, it is not possible to return to take selector mode changes to FRESH
RECIRCULATE. automatically to clear the windshield
quickly. If you want to return the setting
Vehicles with “A/C” button—
to RECIRCULATE mode, press the air in-
Press the “A/C” button for dehumidified take selector button once again. However,
heating or cooling. This setting clears the if the air flow selector is in the windshield
front view more quickly. position, it is not possible to return to

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Instrument panel vents Air conditioning filter—


LS19004 LS19005 LS19007b

Close Close

1. Side vents 1. Side vents The air conditioning filter information

2. Center vents 2. Center vents label is placed inside of the glove box
as shown and indicates that a filter has
If air flow control is not satisfactory, check You can change air flow direction by turn- been installed.
the instrument panel vents. The instrument ing the instrument panel vents.
panel vents may be opened or closed as The air conditioning filter prevents dust
shown. from entering the vehicle through the air
conditioning vent.

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08 02.19

—Checking and replacing the

air conditioning filter
The air conditioning filter may clog af-
ter long use. The filter may need to be
replaced if the air flow of the air condi-
tioning and heater experiences extreme
reductions in operating efficiency, or if
the windows begin to fog up easily.
LS19008b To maintain the air conditioning efficiency,
inspect and replace the air conditioning
filter according to the maintenance
schedule. In dusty areas or areas with
heavy traffic flow, such as inner city or
desert areas, early replacement may be
required. (For scheduled maintenance
information, please refer to the “Scheduled
The air conditioning filter is behind the Maintenance Guide” or “Owner’s Manual 1. Open the glove box, and slide off
glove box. Supplement.”) the damper as shown.

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08 02.19

LS19010 LS19011 LS19012a

2. Push in each side of the glove box 3. Push down on the tabs and open the 4. Remove the filter from the filter out-
to disconnect the claws. filter door. let. Inspect the filter on the surface.
If it is dirty, it should be replaced.

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08 02.19


When installing the filter in the filter

outlet, follow the instructions indicated
on the label.

The air filter should be installed prop-
erly in position. The use of air condi-
tioning with the air filter removed
may cause deteriorated dustproof per-
formance and then affect air condi-
tioning performance.

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08 02.19

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Other equipment
Accessory meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Cigarette lighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Power outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Glove box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Garage door opener box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Auxiliary boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Rear console box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Cup holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Bottle holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Storage boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Flashlight holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Seatback table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Cargo net hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Grocery bag hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Deck hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Deck rails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Floor mat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

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08 02.19

—Before using the accessory

Accessory meter— meter
Operate the accessory meter with the “E/M” button
engine switch on. This button is used to switch between
When the engine switch is turned to “ON”, English/U.S. Customary System and
the last previously used mode displayed metric units of the outside temperature
just before the engine switch is turned off display.
will appear.
LS10034 When the instrument panel lights are
Every time you push this button, the dis-
play toggles through the following informa-
turned on, the brightness of the display tion.
will be reduced. 1. Compass and outside temperature (!F)
2. Compass and outside temperature (!C)
3. Display off (no compass)
The display variations are as follows;
1. “E/M” button
2. Compass Indication
3. Outside temperature display English/U.S. Customary
System (E)
Metric (M) !C

The initial mode will be English/U.S. Cus-

tomary System units, however, if the unit
is switched to metric and the engine
switch is off, it will display metric units
when the engine switch is turned to “ON”.

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08 02.19

—Outside temperature display —Compass

The compass may not show the correct
direction in the following conditions:
" The vehicle is stopped immediately af-
ter turning.
" The compass does not adjust while the
LS10035 LS10036 vehicle is stopped.
" The engine switch is turned off immedi-
ately after turning.
" The vehicle is on an inclined surface.
" The vehicle is in a place where the
earth’s magnetic field is subject to in-
terference by artificial magnetic fields
(underground parking, under a steel
The outside temperature display indi- The compass indicates the direction
cates the outside air temperature. The that the vehicle is heading. In the tower, between buildings, roof parking,
near a crossing, near a large vehicle,
displayed value is updated. above case, it shows that the vehicle is
To set the unit, push the “E/M” button heading west.
until the desired unit display appears. The direction display is updated every 2
" The vehicle is magnetized. (There is a
magnet or a metal object on or near
The displayed temperature ranges from seconds.
the roof.)
−30!C (−22!F) up to 50!C (122!F). Displays Directions " The battery has been disconnected.
If an abnormality exists in the connection
N North If the deviation is small, the compass
of the outside air temperature sensor,
NE Northeast works to calibrate the direction automati-
“−−!C” (“−−!F”) will appear on the display.
E East cally while the vehicle is in motion.
If “−−!C” (“−−!F”) appears on the display,
SE Southeast
contact your Toyota dealer. For additional precision or for complete
S South
calibrating, see “CALIBRATING THE
There may be a case that “−−!C” (“−−!F”) SW Southwest
appears momentarily when the engine COMPASS” below.
W West
switch is quickly turned to “ON”. It is NW Northwest
normal if it goes out soon.
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08 02.19

If the direction is not indicated or the CALIBRATING THE COMPASS (deviation

system does not operate properly, contact calibration)
your Toyota dealer. The direction display on the compass
deviates from the true direction deter-
mined by the earth’s magnetic field. The
angle of deviation varies according to the
LS10037 geographic position of the vehicle.
To adjust this deviation, stop the vehicle,
then push and hold the “E/M” button until
the “VAR” indication appears on the com-
pass display. Then push the “E/M” button,
referring to the following map to select the
number of the zone where the vehicle is.
Compass sensor

The compass sensor is on the roof of

the vehicle.

Do not put magnets or a metal object
on or near the roof of the vehicle.
Doing this may cause malfunction of
the compass sensor.

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08 02.19

After calibration, leaving the system for

Samoa: 5 Guam: 8 Saipan: 8
several seconds returns to the compass


Do not adjust the display while the

vehicle is moving. Be sure to adjust
the display only when the vehicle is


Zone number

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08 02.19

Perform circling calibration just after

you have purchased your Toyota. And
then always perform circling calibration
after the battery has been removed, re-
placed or disconnected.
" Do not perform circling calibration of
LS10038a LS10039 the compass in a place where the
earth’s magnetic field is subject to in-
terference by artificial magnetic fields
(underground parking, under a steel
tower, between buildings, roof parking,
near a crossing, near a large vehicle,

CALIBRATING THE COMPASS (circling Drive the vehicle in a circle at 8 km/h (5

" During calibration, do not operate elec-
calibration) mph) or less. If there is not enough space tric systems (power windows, etc.) as
they may interfere with the calibration.
Sometimes the direction display on the to drive in a circle, drive around the
compass may not change after a turn. To block.
rectify this, stop the vehicle and push and When the “CAL” indication goes off and
hold the “E/M” button until the “CAL” indi- the compass returns to the normal mode, " When doing the circling calibration,
cation appears on the compass display. calibration is complete. be sure to secure a wide space,
(At this time, the compass display is If calibration cannot be performed because and watch out for people and ve-
locked in “N”.) of the magnetized vehicle etc., take your hicles in the neighborhood. Do not
vehicle to Toyota dealer. violate any local traffic rules while
performing circling calibration.
" Do not adjust the display while the
vehicle is moving. Be sure to adjust
the display only when the vehicle is

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08 02.19

Clock Cigarette lighter Power outlet (12 VDC)

LS10001 LS10002 LS10003

To reset the hour: Push the “H” button. To use the cigarette lighter, press it in. The power outlet is designed for power
To reset the minutes: Push the “M” button. After it finishes heating up, it automati- supply for car accessories.
The engine switch must be in the “ACC” cally pops out ready for use. The engine switch must be in the “ACC”
or “ON” position. If the engine is not running, the engine or “ON” position for the power outlets to
If the electrical power source has been switch must be in the “ACC” position. be used.
disconnected from the clock, the time dis- Do not hold the cigarette lighter pressed
play will automatically be set to 1:00 (one in.
o’clock). Use a Toyota genuine cigarette lighter or ! To prevent the fuse from being
When the instrument panel lights are equivalent for replacement. blown, do not use the electricity
turned on, the brightness of the time in- over the total capacity of 12V/120W.
dication will be reduced. ! To prevent the battery from being
discharged, do not use the power
outlets longer than necessary when
the engine is not running.

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08 02.19

Power outlet (115 VAC)

(a) The maximum capacity is 115
! Close the power outlet lids when VAC/400W when the following condi-
the power outlets are not in use. tion applies:
Inserting anything other than an ap-
propriate plug that fits the outlet, " Automatic transmission models: The
or allowing any liquid to get into selector lever is in the “P” or “N” posi-
the outlet may cause electrical fail-
ure or short circuits. LS10005 " Manual transmission models: The shift
lever is in the neutral position and the
clutch pedal is not depressed.
(b) The maximum capacity is 115
VAC/100W when the following condi-
tion applies:
" Automatic transmission models: The
This power outlet is designed for use selector lever is moved to any posi-
as a power supply for electric ap- tions other than “P” and “N”.
pliances. " Manual transmission models: The
The power outlet must only be used after clutch pedal is depressed.
the engine is started. A maximum capacity of 400W can only be
If the engine is started with the power restored by turning the power outlet main
outlet main switch on, the maximum ca- switch off and then on again under condi-
pacity of the power supply may decrease tion (a) described above.
to below the standard, or may be cut off
completely, even when the vehicle is sta-
While the vehicle is being driven, the
maximum capacity of the power outlet is
always 115 VAC/100W. When the vehicle
is stationary, the maximum capacity of the
power outlet varies depending on the fol-
lowing conditions (a) or (b):
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08 02.19

The protection circuit may be activated to Automatic transmission models: The

cut the power supply if any of the follow- selector lever is in the “P” or “N” posi-
ing conditions apply: tion. Indicator light
" The engine is started with the power Manual transmission models: The shift (green)
outlet switch on. lever is in the neutral position and the
clutch pedal is not depressed.
" Use of electrical appliances exceeding
the maximum capacity is attempted. 3. Make sure that the power consumption LS10004
A sound may be heard when the of the electric appliance is within the
protection circuit is activated. This is maximum capacity of the power outlet
normal and does not indicate a mal- and the appliance is not broken.
function. 4. Push the power outlet main switch
Indicator light
again. (yellow)
" Electrical appliances, which consume
power exceeding 100W, have been When the cabin temperature is high, open
used continuously for a long time per- the windows to cool the temperature To use the power outlet, push the main
iod. down. Once it reaches the normal temper- switch located on the instrument panel.
ature, turn the power outlet main switch
" The total power usage by all electrical The color of the indicator light changes
on again. according the maximum available capacity,
features (headlights, air conditioning,
etc.) has exceeded the total vehicle If the power supply is not resumed even as follows:
maximum for an extended period of after performing the above procedure,
time. have the vehicle inspected by a Toyota Illumination color Maximum capacity
If the protection circuit is activated and Green and yellow 115 VAC/400W
the power supply is cut, conduct the fol-
lowing procedure: Yellow 115 VAC/100W
1. Park the vehicle in a safe area, and
To turn the power outlet off, push the
then securely apply the parking brake.
main switch again. When the power outlet
2. Check and ensure the following condi- is not in use, make sure that the main
tions: switch is off and that the indicator light is
not illuminated.

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08 02.19

The power supply starts a few seconds

after the main switch is pressed. " When using electrical appliances, Do not perform any of the following.
strictly follow any cautions and no- Doing so is very dangerous and may
If the main switch is pressed repeatedly tices written on their labels and in cause unexpected accidents, such as
at short intervals, the indicator light may the manufacturers’ instruction man- electric shocks.
remain unchanged, but this does not indi- uals.
cate a malfunction. " Using the power outlet for electric
" Do not modify, disassemble or heaters while sleeping.
When the power outlet is in operation, the repair the power outlet or its
sound of the cooling fan may be heard " Contaminating the power outlet with
inverter, in any way. Doing so may liquid substances or mud, or using
from the rear console box. This is normal result in unexpected malfunctions
and does not indicate a malfunction. it in rainy and snowy weather.
or accidents, which could cause
After removing a plug from the power out- serious damage or injuries. Contact " Handling electrical appliance plugs
let, ensure that the power outlet lid is a Toyota dealer for any necessary at the power outlet with wet hands
properly closed. repairs. or feet.
To prevent injuries and accidents, se- " Inserting foreign objects into the
CAUTION curely fix all electric appliances be- power outlet.
fore use and do not use any ap- " Using malfunctioning electric ap-
" Use of the power outlet when it is pliances that may do any of the fol- pliances.
wet with rain, drinking water or lowing: " Inserting inappropriate or badly fit-
snow may result in electrical
" Distract the driver while driving, or ting plugs into the power outlet.
shocks and is extremely dangerous.
hamper safe driving.
The power outlet must be thorough-
ly dried before use. " Result in a fire or burn injuries due
to the appliance rolling, falling or
" Do not allow children to use or overheating while driving.
play with the power outlet.
" Emit steam, while the windows of
" Be careful not to get any part of the cabin are closed.
your body caught in the power out-
let lid.

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08 02.19

NOTICE ! After inserting a plug, gently close ! Keep the power outlet free from
the power outlet lid. Failure to do dust and foreign materials and
! To prevent the battery from being so may cause damage to the plug. clean it regularly.
discharged, turn off all the vehicle’s
electronic equipment and accesso- ! If any electrical appliances are to
ries, such as the headlights, fog be used while driving, securely fas- The power outlet is not designed for
lights and air conditioner, when ten both the appliances and their the following electric appliances even if
electrical appliances that consume cables to prevent them from falling their power consumption is below the
in excess of 100W are used contin- or getting caught any of the power- maximum capacity. These appliances
uously for long periods of time. train components. may not operate properly.
! To prevent any damage caused by ! Do not use plug adaptors to con- " Appliances with high initial peak watt-
heat, do not use any electrical ap- nect too many plugs to the power age: cathode−ray tube type televisions,
pliances that give off intense heat outlet. compressor−driven refrigerators, electric
such as toasters, in any locations ! If the power outlet is loose when an tools, etc.
including the internal or external electrical appliance plug is con- " Measuring devices which process pre-
trim, seats and deck. nected, replace the outlet. Contact cise data: medical equipment, measur-
! Do not use any electrical ap- a Toyota dealer for any necessary ing instruments, etc.
pliances, which are easily affected replacements. " Other appliances requiring an extremely
by vibration or heat, inside the ve- ! If the power outlet gets dirty, turn stable power supply: microcomputer−
hicle. Vibration while driving, or the the main switch off and use a soft, controlled electric blankets, touch sen-
heat of the sun while parking, may clean, dry−wet cloth to wipe it gent- sor lamps, etc.
result in damage to those electrical ly. Do not use any cleansing materi- Use of the power outlet may not be
appliances. als, such as organic solvents, wax, possible if the vehicle battery voltage is
! Keep the lid closed when the power or compound cleaners, as these low due to decreased battery capacity.
outlet is not in use. Do not insert may damage the power outlet or
cause it to malfunction. The integrated timers of electrical ap-
any items other than appropriate pliances may not function properly
plugs, as this may cause electrical when the power supply is cut by the
failure or short circuits. protection circuit.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Glove box Garage door opener box

Some electrical appliances may not op-
erate properly unless they are installed
on a level place.
The precise power outlet voltage cannot
be measured using commercial testers.
If necessary, contact a Toyota dealer.
Certain electrical appliances may cause LS10006 LS10007
radio noise.

To open the glove box door, pull the The box is designed to store a garage
lever. door opener transmitter.
Open the cover and remove the hook−and
CAUTION −loop fastener square.

To reduce the chance of injury in

case of an accident or a sudden stop,
always keep the glove box door
closed while driving.

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08 02.19

LS10008 LS10009 LS10010

Remove the paper strip covering the adhe- Please note if transmitter has wire clip for Place the transmitter with fastener square
sive on back side of square and adhere sun visor, this clip must be removed prior facing inside of box into the box. Make
the square to back side of the transmitter to adhesion of the fastener. sure the transmitter button is located
near the center. above button pins.

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08 02.19

LS10011 LS10012 LS10013

Remove spacers from the center panel. When the garage door opener transmitter If the center panel does not contact your
Place one spacer on the pin that would be is properly installed, you can operate the garage door opener transmitter:
below transmitter button when the cover is transmitter by pushing the center panel of " Check to see if spacer is on the cor-
closed. Close the cover. the cover. rect pin.
" Attach another spacer to the top of
original spacer. Check operation. If re-
quired, continue to add spacers until
contact is achieved.
If the transmitter is clattering during driv-
ing, fill in a piece of felt or pad to prevent
the transmitter from clattering.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Auxiliary boxes
To use the auxiliary boxes, open the
CAUTION lids as shown in the following illustra-
" To reduce the chance of injury in
case of an accident or a sudden CAUTION
stop, always keep the garage door
opener box closed while driving.
" Keep the remaining spacers away
" To reduce the chance of injury in
case of an accident or a sudden
from children. stop, always keep the auxiliary box
closed while driving.
" Type A only—As these holders are
designed for holding a light object
such as an eyeglass, do not place
any heavy objects in them. Heavy Type A (over head console)
objects may cause the holder to
open and contents to fly out result-
ing in injuries.

Type A only—During hot weather, the
interior of the vehicle becomes very
hot. Do not leave anything flammable
or deformable such as a lighter,
glasses, etc. inside.

Type B (instrument panel)

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08 02.19

LS10016a LS10019a LS10018a


Type C (under the rear seat of access cab Type E (left side of bed) Type G (right side of bed)


LS10017a LS10043

Type D (under the rear seat of double cab Type F (right side of bed)

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Rear console box Cup holders

The cup holders are designed for hold-
ing cups or drink−cans securely.
Type A and B—The cup holder can be
adjustable to the size of the cups or
drink−cans by changing the holder posi-
tion and the arm position, as shown.
LS10020 LS10021

Do not place anything else other than

cups or drink−cans in the cup holder,
as such items may be thrown about
in the compartment and possibly in-
jured people in the vehicle during
To use the rear console box, raise the The rear console box is equipped with sudden braking or in an accident.
console box lid while pushing the lock the flexible cargo net.
release button. The flexible cargo net is detachable.

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08 02.19


LS10028 LS10027 Type C (separate seats with automatic



Type A (bench seat) Type B (separate seats with automatic

transmission) Type D (separate seats with manual trans-
2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Bottle holders
Do not put a cup or open bottle in
the bottle holder because the con-
tents may spill when the door opens
or closes.
LS10022 LS10024

Front doors Rear console box

The bottle holders are designed to hold

bottles securely.


Do not attempt to use the holder for

LS10023 any other purpose for which it was
intended. Inappropriately sized or
shaped objects may be thrown about
in the compartment and possibly in-
jured people in the vehicle during a
sudden braking or an accident.

Rear doors (double cab models only)

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Storage boxes (double cab Flashlight holder (double cab

models only) models only)
This box is designed to place things
like bottles.
The separator is detachable, and it can be
installed in various positions as required.

LS10031a LS10044


Type A (left side behind the rear seat

back) The flashlight holder is designed to
hold the flashlight securely.
The flashlight holder is detachable, and it
can be installed in various positions as
Separator required.


Type B (right side behind the rear seat

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Seatback table (on some Cargo net hooks (double cab

models) models with subwoofer)
To prevent damage to the seat, avoid
putting heavy loads on the temporary

LS13156 LS10051a

You should use the front passenger’s These hooks are designed to hang the
seatback as a temporary table only when factory−supplied cargo net.
the vehicle is stopped. To hang the cargo net, use the cargo net
To use the seatback table, fold the seat- hooks.
back down. (For detailed information, see
“—Folding front passenger’s seat” on page NOTICE
38 in Section 1−3.)
To prevent damage to the hook, avoid
hanging items other than the cargo
CAUTION net on it.
To avoid serious injury:
" Do not set up the seatback table
while the vehicle is moving.
" Do not sit on the seatback table.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Grocery bag hooks Deck hooks Deck rails—

Deck rails

LS10029 LS10042b LS10041a

The hooks are designed to hang things To secure your luggage, use the deck To use the deck rails, you must install
like grocery bags. hooks. genuine Toyota accessories or their
See “—Stowage precautions” on page 300 equivalent for the deck rails.
in Section 2 for precautions when loading Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and
To prevent damage to the hook, avoid luggage. precautions when installing a genuine
hanging heavy loads on it. Toyota accessory or equivalent.
CAUTION See “—Stowage precautions” on page 300
in Section 2 for precautions when loading
To avoid personal injury, keep the luggage.
deck hooks folded when not in use.

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08 02.19

—Tie−down cleats


When you secure cargo with the deck

rails, be sure follow the instructions
below in order to avoid the cargo
coming loose:
" Do not install accessories (tie−down
LS10055a LS10056a
cleats, storage boxes, etc.) at more
than the following number of loca-
12.7 mm
tions per deck rail: (0.5 in.)
Side rail:
Short deck—Max. 3 locations
Long deck—Max. 4 locations 1: Locking plate 1: Deck rail
Headboard rail: Max. 3 locations 2: Thumb wheel 2: Detent
3: Tie−down cleat 3: Locking plate
" Spread out tie−down/support loca-
tions evenly along the length of the The deck rail system enables you to INSTALLING THE TIE−DOWN CLEAT:
rails. insert and move tie−down cleats to 1. Loosen the thumb wheel in a coun-
their best location along deck rails to terclockwise motion, and depress the
" Do not exceed a total tensile load secure a load.
of 200 kg (440 lb.) per deck rail. wheel so locking plate maintains
12.7 mm (0.5 in.) gap.
" To prevent luggage or cargo from
sliding forward during braking,
make sure the deck rail accessories
such as storage box are securely
attached on the deck rails.

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LS10057a LS10058 LS10059a

2. Insert the locking plate into the deck 3. Slide the cleat to the closest detent 4. Tighten the thumb wheel in a clock-
rail, rotate the tie−down cleat 90!, in the rail system. You will feel that wise motion until the clutch mecha-
and release the thumb wheel. the locking plate snaps into a det- nism ratchets.

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08 02.19

Floor mat

" Properly secure all cargo to prevent

shifting or sliding during driving.
Failure to properly secure cargo
can cause injury when the vehicle
is in motion.

LS10060a " Applying loads at an angle to the

tie−down cleat greater than 45! or
loads greater than 100 kg (220 lb.)
may cause damage to the deck,
deck rail system, tie−down cleat
and/or the cargo.
" Do not exceed a total tensile load
of 200 kg (440 lb.) per deck rail.
5. Check the tie−down cleat to confirm Use a floor mat of the correct size.
that it is locked into a detent and " Do not install more than the follow-
ing number of tie−down cleats per If the vehicle carpet and floor mat have
securely mounted to the deck rail two holes, then it is designed for use with
system. deck rail:
two locking clips. Attach the floor mat to
Side rail: the vehicle carpet using the clips. Lock
CAUTION Short deck—Max. 3 locations the clips into the holes in the vehicle
Long deck—Max. 4 locations carpet.
" Properly install and tighten the tie− Headboard rail: Max. 3 locations
down cleats into the deck rail sys-
tem. Failure to properly install and
tighten the tie−down cleats can
cause cargo to become unsecured.
Unsecured cargo can cause injury
when the vehicle is in motion.

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08 02.19



Observe the following precautions.

Failure to do so may result in the
floor mat slipping and interfering with
the movement of the pedals during
driving, resulting in an accident.
" Make sure the floor mat is properly
placed on the vehicle carpet and
the correct side faces upward.
" Do not place floor mats on top of
existing mats.

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08 02.19

Off−road vehicle precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Break−in period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Fuel pump shut off system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Operation in foreign countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Three−way catalytic converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Engine exhaust cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Facts about engine oil consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Iridium−tipped spark plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Brake system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Brake pad wear limit indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Rear step bumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Limited−slip differential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Your Toyota’s identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Theft prevention labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Suspension and chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Tire information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Vehicle load limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Cargo and luggage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Types of tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302

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08 02.19

Off−road vehicle precautions

(four−wheel drive models and
This vehicle has higher ground clear-
ance and narrower tread in relation to CAUTION
the height of its center of gravity to
make it capable of performing in a wide Always observe the following precau-
variety of off−road applications. Specific tions to minimize the risk of serious
design characteristics give it a higher personal injury or damage to your ve-

LS20001 center of gravity than ordinary passen-

ger cars. This vehicle design feature
! In a rollover crash, an unbelted per-
causes this type of vehicle to be more son is significantly more likely to
likely to rollover. And, it has a signifi- die than a person wearing a seat
cantly higher rollover rate than other belt. Therefore, the driver and all
types of vehicles. An advantage of the passengers should fasten their seat
higher ground clearance is a better belts whenever the vehicle is mov-
view of the road allowing you to antici- ing.
pate problems. It is not designed for
! Avoid sharp turns or abrupt maneu-
cornering at the same speeds as ordi-
vers, if at all possible. Failure to
nary passenger cars any more than
operate this vehicle correctly may
low−slung sports cars are designed to
result in loss of control or vehicle
perform satisfactorily under off−road
rollover causing death or serious
conditions. Therefore, sharp turns at
excessive speeds may cause rollover.
! Avoid loading any items on the roof
that will raise the vehicle’s center
of gravity.
! Always slow down in gusty cross-
winds. Because of its profile and
higher center of gravity, your ve-
hicle is more sensitive to side
winds than an ordinary passenger
car. Slowing down will allow you to
have much better control.

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08 02.19

Break−in period Fuel

Drive gently and avoid high speeds. FUEL TYPE
! When driving off−road or in rugged
Your vehicle does not need an elaborate Your new vehicle must use only un-
terrain, do not drive at excessive
break−in. But following a few simple tips leaded gasoline.
speeds, jump, make sharp turns,
strike objects, etc. This may cause for the first 1600 km (1000 miles) can add To help prevent gas station mix−ups, your
to the future economy and long life of Toyota has a smaller fuel tank opening.
loss of control or vehicle rollover
your vehicle: The special nozzle on pumps with un-
causing death or serious injury. You
are also risking expensive damage ! Avoid full throttle acceleration when leaded fuel will fit it, but the larger stan-
to your vehicle’s suspension and starting and driving. dard nozzle on pumps with leaded gas will
chassis. ! Avoid racing the engine. not.
! Do not drive horizontally across ! Try to avoid hard stops during the first At a minimum, the gasoline you use
steep slopes. Driving straight up or 300 km (200 miles). should meet specifications of ASTM
straight down is preferred. Your ve- D4814 in the U.S.A. and CGSB 3.5−M93
hicle (or any similar off−road ve- ! Do not drive slowly with the manual in Canada.
transmission in a high gear.
hicle) can tip over sideways much
more easily than forward or back- ! Do not drive for a long time at any NOTICE
ward. single speed, either fast or slow.
Do not use leaded gasoline. Use of
! Do not tow a trailer during the first 800 leaded gasoline will cause the three−
km (500 miles). way catalytic converter to lose its ef-
fectiveness and the emission control
system to function improperly. Also,
this can increase maintenance costs.

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08 02.19


Select Octane Rating 87 (Research Oc- ADDITIVES Cleaner burning gasoline, including re-
tane Number 91) or higher. Toyota recommends the use of gasoline formulated gasoline that contains oxy-
Use of unleaded gasoline with an Octane that contains detergent additives to genates such as ethanol or MTBE is
Rating lower than 87 may result in engine avoid build−up of engine deposits. available in many areas.
knocking. Persistent knocking can lead to However, all gasoline sold in the U.S. Toyota recommends the use of cleaner
engine damage. contains detergent additives to keep clean burning gasoline and appropriately blended
If your engine knocks... and/or clean intake systems. reformulated gasoline. These types of gas-
QUALITY GASOLINE oline provide excellent vehicle perfor-
If you detect heavy knocking even when mance, reduce vehicle emissions, and im-
using the recommended fuel, or if you Automotive manufacturers in the U.S., prove air quality.
hear steady knocking while holding a Europe and Japan have developed a
steady speed on level roads, consult your specification for quality fuel named OXYGENATES IN GASOLINE
Toyota dealer. World−Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC) that Toyota allows the use of oxygenate
However, occasionally, you may notice is expected to be applied world wide. blended gasoline where the oxygenate
light knocking for a short time while accel- The WWFC consists of four categories content is up to 10% ethanol or 15%
erating or driving up hills. This is normal that depend on required emission lev- MTBE. If you use gasohol in your
and there is no need for concern. els. In the U.S., category 4 has been Toyota, be sure that it has an octane
adopted. The WWFC improves air quali- rating no lower than 87.
ty by providing for better emissions in Toyota does not recommend the use of
vehicle fleets, and customer satisfaction gasoline containing methanol.
through better vehicle performance.

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08 02.19

Fuel pump shut off system

GASOLINE CONTAINING MMT The fuel pump shut off system stops sup-
Some gasoline contain an octane en- plying fuel to the engine to minimize the
hancing additive called MMT (Methylcy- ! Do not use gasohol other than risk of fuel leakage when the engine stalls
clopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl). stated above. It will cause fuel sys- or an airbag inflates upon collision. To
tem damage or vehicle performance restart the engine after the fuel pump shut
Toyota does not recommend the use of off system activates, turn the engine
gasoline that contains MMT. If fuel con- switch to “ACC” or “LOCK” once and start
taining MMT is used, your emission con- ! If driveability problems occur (poor
trol system may be adversely affected. hot starting, vaporizing, engine
The Malfunction Indicator Lamp on the in- knock, etc.), discontinue the use.
strument cluster may come on. If this hap- ! Take care not to spill gasohol dur-
pens, contact your Toyota dealer for ser- ing refueling. Gasohol may cause Inspect the ground under the vehicle
vice. paint damage. before restarting the engine. If you
GASOLINE QUALITY find that fuel has leaked onto the
In a very few cases, you may experience FUEL TANK CAPACITY ground, the fuel system has been
driveability problems caused by the partic- 80 L (21.1 gal., 17.6 Imp. gal.) damaged and is in need of repair. In
ular gasoline that you are using. If you this case, do not restart the engine.
continue to have unacceptable driveability,
try changing gasoline brands. If this does
not rectify your problem, then consult your
Toyota dealer.

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08 02.19

Operation in foreign countries Three−way catalytic converters

If you plan to drive your Toyota in The three−way catalytic converter is an
another country... emission control device installed in the
First, comply with the vehicle registration exhaust system.
laws. The purpose is to reduce pollutants in the
Second, confirm the availability of the cor- exhaust gas.
rect fuel (unleaded and minimum octane
number). LS20004 CAUTION

! Keep people and combustible mate-

rials away from the exhaust pipe
while the engine is running. The
exhaust gas is very hot.
! Do not idle or park your vehicle
2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine over anything that might burn easi-
ly such as grass, leaves, paper or


4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine

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08 02.19

Engine exhaust cautions

NOTICE ! Keep your engine in good running CAUTION
order. Malfunctions in the engine
A large amount of unburned gases
electrical system, electronic ignition ! Exhaust gases include harmful car-
flowing into the three−way catalytic
system/distributor ignition system bon monoxide (CO) that is colorless
converter may cause it to overheat
or fuel systems could cause an ex- and odorless. Inhaling exhaust
and create a fire hazard. To prevent
tremely high three−way catalytic gases may lead to death or a seri-
this and other damage, observe the
converter temperature. ous health hazard.
following precautions:
! If the engine becomes difficult to ! The exhaust should be checked
! Use only unleaded gasoline.
start or stalls frequently, take your occasionally. If there is a hole or
! Do not drive with an extremely low vehicle in for a check−up as soon crack caused by corrosion, damage
fuel level; running out of fuel could as possible. Remember, your Toyota to a joint or abnormal exhaust
cause the engine to misfire, creat- dealer knows your vehicle and its noise, be sure to have the vehicle
ing an excessive load on the three− three−way catalytic converter sys- inspected and repaired by your
way catalytic converter. tem best. Toyota dealer. Failure to do so may
! Do not allow the engine to run at allow exhaust gases to enter the
! To ensure that the three−way cata-
idle speed for more than 20 minu- vehicle, resulting in death or a
lytic converter and the entire emis-
serious health hazard.
tes. sion control system operate proper-
! Avoid racing the engine. ly, your vehicle must receive the ! If the vehicle is in a poorly venti-
periodic inspections required by the lated area, turn the engine off. In a
! Do not push−start or pull−start your closed area, such as a garage, ex-
Toyota Maintenance Schedule. For
vehicle. haust gases may collect and enter
scheduled maintenance information,
! Do not turn off the engine switch refer to the “Scheduled Maintenance the vehicle. This may lead to death
while the vehicle is moving. Guide” or “Owner’s Manual Supple- or a serious health hazard.
ment”. ! Do not remain for a long time in a
parked vehicle with the engine run-
ning. If it is unavoidable, however,
do so only in an unconfined area
and adjust the heating or cooling
system to force outside air into the

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08 02.19

Facts about engine oil

! Keep the rear window closed while ! When taking a nap in the vehicle,
Engine oil has the primary functions of
driving. An open or unsealed rear always turn the engine off. Other-
lubricating and cooling the inside of the
window may cause exhaust gases wise, you may accidentally move
to be drawn into the vehicle. the shift lever or depress the accel- engine, and plays a major role in main-
taining the engine in proper working order.
! To allow proper operation of your erator pedal, which could cause an
vehicle’s ventilation system, keep accident or fire due to engine over- ENGINE OIL CONSUMPTION
the inlet grilles in front of the wind- heating. Additionally, if the vehicle It is normal that an engine should con-
shield clear of snow, leaves, or oth- is parked in a poorly ventilated sume some engine oil during normal
er obstructions. area, exhaust gases may collect and engine operation. The causes of oil
enter the vehicle, leading to death consumption in a normal engine are as
! If the smell of exhaust is noticed or a serious health hazard. follows.
inside the vehicle, open the win-
dows. Large amounts of exhaust in ! Toyota does not recommend occu- ! Oil is used to lubricate pistons, piston
the vehicle can cause driver drowsi- pying the rear cargo area when it rings and cylinders. A thin film of oil
ness and an accident, resulting in is fitted with a slide−in camper, is left on the cylinder wall when a pis-
death or a serious health hazard. camper shell or other type cover ton moves downwards in the cylinder.
Have the vehicle inspected by your while the engine is running. This High negative pressure generated when
Toyota dealer immediately. caution applies to both driving and the vehicle is decelerating sucks some
stopped or parked situations with of this oil into the combustion chamber.
! Do not leave the engine running in the engine running. Particular care This oil as well as some part of the oil
an area with snow build−up, or should be taken to prevent exhaust
where it is snowing. If snowbanks film left on the cylinder wall is burned
gases from entering camper bodies, by the high temperature combustion
build up around the vehicle while trailers or other enclosures on or gases during the combustion process.
the engine is running, exhaust around your vehicle. If exhaust
gases may collect and enter the ve- fumes are detected, open all win- ! Oil is also used to lubricate the stems
hicle. This may lead to death or a of the intake valves. Some of this oil
dows and thoroughly ventilate the
serious health hazard. area. is sucked into the combustion chamber
together with the intake air and is
burned along with the fuel. High tem-
perature exhaust gases also burn the
oil used to lubricate the exhaust valve
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08 02.19

Iridium−tipped spark plugs (2.7

L 4−cylinder [2TR−FE] engine)
The amount of engine oil consumed de- IMPORTANCE OF ENGINE OIL LEVEL Your engine is fitted with iridium−tipped
pends on the viscosity of the oil, the CHECK spark plugs.
quality of the oil and the conditions the One of the most important points in prop-
vehicle is driven under. NOTICE
er vehicle maintenance is to keep the en-
More oil is consumed by high−speed driv- gine oil at the optimum level so that oil Use only iridium−tipped spark plugs.
ing and frequent acceleration and decel- function will not be impaired. Therefore, it Do not adjust gaps for engine perfor-
eration. is essential that the oil level be checked mance smooth driveability.
A new engine consumes more oil, since regularly. Toyota recommends that the oil
its pistons, piston rings and cylinder walls level be checked every time you refuel
have not become conditioned. the vehicle.
Oil consumption: Max. 1.0 L per 1000 NOTICE
km (1.1 qt./600 miles, 0.9 lmp. qt./600
miles) Failure to check the oil level regularly
could lead to serious engine trouble
When judging the amount of oil con-
due to insufficient oil.
sumption, note that the oil may become
diluted and make it difficult to judge
the true level accurately. For detailed information on oil level check,
see “Checking the engine oil level” on
As an example, if a vehicle is used for
page 370 in Section 7−2.
repeated short trips, and consumes a nor-
mal amount of oil, the dipstick may not
show any drop in the oil level at all, even
after 1000 km (600 miles) or more. This
is because the oil is gradually becoming
diluted with fuel or moisture, making it
appear that the oil level has not changed.
The diluting ingredients evaporate out
when the vehicle is then driven at high
speeds, as on an expressway, making it
appear that oil is excessively consumed
after driving at high speeds.
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08 02.19

Brake system
Without the vehicle stability control BRAKE BOOSTER (with the vehicle
system— CAUTION stability control system)
The tandem master cylinder brake system The brake booster uses brake fluid pres-
Do not drive your vehicle with only a
is a hydraulic system with two separate surized by the pump to power−assist the
single brake system. Have your
sub−systems. If either sub−system should brakes. If the brake booster fails during
brakes fixed immediately.
fail, the other will still work. However, the driving, the brake system warning light
pedal will be harder to press, and your comes on and buzzer sounds continuous-
stopping distance will increase. Also, the BRAKE BOOSTER (without the vehicle ly. In this case, the brakes may not work
brake system warning light may come on. stability control system) properly. If they do not work well, depress
The brake booster uses engine vacuum to the brake pedal firmly. If the brake system
CAUTION power−assist the brakes. If the engine warning light comes on, immediately stop
should quit while you are driving, you can your vehicle and contact your Toyota deal-
Do not drive your vehicle with only a bring the vehicle to a stop with normal er.
single brake system. Have your pedal pressure. There is enough reserved The brake system warning light may stay
brakes fixed immediately. vacuum for one or two stops—but no on for about 60 seconds after the engine
more! switch is turned to the “ON” position. It is
With the vehicle stability control sys- normal if the light turns off after a while.
tem— CAUTION Depressing the brake pedal repeatedly
This brake system has 2 independent hy- may turn on the brake system warning
! Do not pump the brake pedal if the light and buzzer. It is normal if the light
draulic circuits. If either circuit should fail,
engine stalls. Each push on the
the other will still work. However, the ped- turns off and the buzzer stops sounding
pedal uses up your reserved vacu-
al will be harder to press, and your stop- after a few seconds.
ping distance will increase. Also, the You may hear a small sound in the engine
brake system warning light may come on. ! Even if the power assist is com- compartment after the engine is started or
pletely lost, the brakes will still
the brake pedal is depressed repeatedly.
work. But you will have to push the
This is a pump pulsating sound of the
pedal hard, much harder than nor-
brake system, and it is not a malfunction.
mal. And your braking distance will

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08 02.19

ANTI−LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM Depressing the brake pedal on slippery

CAUTION (with “ABS” warning light) road surfaces such as on a manhole cov-
The anti−lock brake system is designed er, a steel plate at a construction site,
! Do not pump the brake pedal if the joints in a bridge, etc. on a rainy day
to help prevent lock−up of the wheels
engine stalls. Each push on the tends to activate the anti−lock brake sys-
during a sudden braking or braking on
pedal uses up your brake fluid tem.
slippery road surfaces. This assists in
pressure reserve.
providing directional stability and steer- You may hear a click or motor sound in
! Even if the power assist is com- ing performance of the vehicle under the engine compartment for a few seconds
pletely lost, the brakes will still these circumstances. when the engine is started or just after
work. But you will have to push the the vehicle begins to move. This means
pedal hard, much harder than nor- Effective way to press the ABS brake that the anti−lock brake system is in the
mal. And your braking distance will pedal: When the anti−lock brake system self−check mode, and does not indicate a
increase. function is in action, you may feel the malfunction.
brake pedal pulsating and hear a noise.
When the anti−lock brake system is ac-
In this situation, to let the anti−lock
tivated, the following conditions may
brake system work for you, just hold the
occur. They do not indicate a malfunc-
brake pedal down more firmly. Do not
tion of the system:
pump the brake in a panic stop. This
will result in reduced braking performan- ! You may hear the anti−lock brake sys-
ce. tem operating and feel the brake pedal
pulsating and the vibrations of the ve-
The anti−lock brake system becomes op- hicle body and steering wheel. You
erative after the vehicle has accelerated may also hear the motor sound in the
to a speed in excess of approximately 10 engine compartment even after the ve-
km/h (6 mph). It stops operating when the hicle is stopped.
vehicle decelerates to a speed below
approximately 5 km/h (3 mph).
! At the end of the anti−lock brake sys-
tem activation, the brake pedal may
move a little forward.

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08 02.19

CAUTION ! Driving with tire chains installed.

! Driving over the steps such as the
Do not overestimate the anti−lock joints on the road.
brake system: Although the anti−lock
brake system assists in providing ve- ! Driving on roads where the road

hicle control, it is still important to surface is pitted or has other differ-
drive with all due care and maintain ences in surface height.
a moderate speed and safe distance Install all 4 tires of specified size at
from the vehicle in front of you, be- appropriate pressure: The anti−lock
cause there are limits to the vehicle brake system detects vehicle speeds
stability and effectiveness of steering using the speed sensors for respec-
wheel operation even with the anti− tive wheels’ turning speeds. The use
lock brake system on. of tires other than specified may fail
to detect the accurate turning speed Type A
If tire grip performance exceeds its
capability, or if hydroplaning occurs resulting in a longer stopping dis-
during high speed driving in the rain, tance.
the anti−lock brake system does not
provide vehicle control.
Anti−lock brake system is not de-
signed to shorten the stopping dis-
tance: Always drive at a moderate
speed and maintain a safe distance
from the vehicle in front of you.
Compared with vehicles without an
anti−lock brake system, your vehicle
may require a longer stopping dis-
tance in the following cases:
! Driving on rough, gravel or snow−
covered roads. Type B

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08 02.19

“ABS” warning light (without the ! The light comes on while you are driv- “ABS” warning light (with the vehicle
vehicle stability control system) ing. stability control system)
The light comes on when the engine A warning light turning on briefly during The light comes on when the engine
switch is turned to the “ON” position. If operation does not indicate a problem. switch is turned to the “ON” position. If
the anti−lock brake system works properly, the anti−lock brake system and the brake
the light turns off after a few seconds. CAUTION assist system work properly, the light
Thereafter, if the system malfunctions, the turns off after a few seconds. Thereafter,
light comes on again. If the “ABS” warning light remains on if either of the systems malfunctions, the
When the “ABS” warning light is on (and together with the brake system warn- light comes on again.
the brake system warning light is off), the ing light, immediately stop your ve- When the “ABS” warning light is on (and
anti−lock brake system does not operate, hicle at a safe place and contact your the brake system warning light is off), the
but the brake system still operates con- Toyota dealer. following systems do not operate, but the
ventionally. In this case, not only the anti−lock brake system still operates conventionally.
When the “ABS” warning light is on (and brake system will fail but also the ! Anti−lock brake system
the brake system warning light is off), the vehicle will become extremely unsta-
ble during braking. ! Brake assist system
anti−lock brake system does not operate
but the brake assist system still operates. ! Traction control system
In this case the wheels could lock up With rear differential lock: However, it is ! “AUTO LSD” system
during a sudden braking or braking on a normal operation for the light to be on ! Vehicle stability control system
slippery road surfaces. with rear differential locked. At this time,
! Downhill assist control system
If either of the following conditions the anti−lock brake system does not oper-
occurs, this indicates a malfunction ate. ! Hill−start assist control system
somewhere in the components moni- When the “ABS” warning light is on (and
tored by the warning light system. Con- the brake system warning light is off), the
tact your Toyota dealer as soon as anti−lock brake system does not operate
possible to service the vehicle. so that the wheels will lock up during a
! The light does not come on when the sudden braking or braking on slippery
engine switch is turned to the “ON” road surfaces.
position, or the light remains on.

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08 02.19

If either of the following conditions oc- ! With rear differential lock: The light
curs, this indicates a malfunction some- CAUTION comes on with rear differential locked.
where in the components monitored by At this time, the anti−lock brake sys-
the warning light system. Contact your If the “ABS” warning light remains on tem, the brake assist system, the ve-
Toyota dealer as soon as possible to together with the brake system warn- hicle stability control system, the trac-
service the vehicle. ing light, immediately stop your ve- tion control system, the downhill assist
hicle at a safe place and contact your control system and the hill−start assist
! The light does not come on when the Toyota dealer.
engine switch is turned to the “ON” control system do not operate.
position, or remains on. In this case, not only the anti−lock
brake system will fail but also the
! The light comes on while you are dri- vehicle will become extremely unsta-
ble during braking.
A warning light turning on briefly during
operation does not indicate a problem.
Any of the following conditions may oc-
cur, but do not indicate a malfunction:
! The light may stay on for about 60
seconds after the engine switch is
turned to the “ON” position. It is nor-
mal if it turns off after a while.
! Depressing the brake pedal repeatedly
may turn on the light. It is normal if it
turns off after a few seconds.

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08 02.19

Brake pad wear limit

indicators Rear step bumper
When you slam the brakes on, the
brake assist system judges as an emer-
gency stop and provides more powerful
braking for a driver who cannot hold
down the brake pedal firmly.
When you slam the brakes on, more pow- LS20007 LS20010
erful braking will be applied. At this time,
you may hear a sound in the engine
compartment and feel the vibrations of the
brake pedal. This does not indicate a mal-
Vehicles with the vehicle stability control
system— The brake pad wear limit indicators on The rear step bumper is for rear end
The brake assist system becomes opera- your disc brakes give a warning noise protection and easier step−up loading.
tive after the vehicle has accelerated to when the brake pads are worn to where
a speed in excess of approximately 10 replacement is required. CAUTION
km/h (6 mph). It stops operating when the If you hear a squealing or scraping noise
vehicle decelerates to a speed below while driving, have the brake pads ! Do not allow more than one person
approximately 5 km/h (3 mph). checked and replaced by your Toyota to get on the rear step bumper at
dealer as soon as possible. Expensive ro- a time. It is designed for only one
For an explanation of this system’s warn-
tor damage can result if the pads are not person.
ing light, see “Service reminder indicators
and warning buzzers” on page 153 in Sec- replaced when necessary. ! Never drive the vehicle with anyone
tion 1−6. on the rear step bumper.
! Do not stand on the rear step
bumper while the vehicle is moving.

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08 02.19

Your Toyota’s identification—

Limited−slip differential —Vehicle identification number
Some Toyotas are equipped with a limit-
ed−slip differential. If one of the rear
wheels begins to spin, the limited−slip dif-
ferential is designed to aid traction by
automatically transmitting driving force to
the other rear wheel. If you are not sure
whether your vehicle is equipped with one,
you can ask your Toyota dealer.
LS20013 LS20008b

Do not start or run the engine while

your vehicle is supported by a jack.
The vehicle could be driven off the Regular and double cab models
jack and could pose a danger or re- The vehicle identification number (VIN)
sult in serious injury. is the legal identifier for your vehicle.
This number is on the left top of the
instrument panel, and can be seen
NOTICE through the windshield from outside.
Use only a spare tire of the same This is the primary identification number
size, construction and load capacity for your Toyota. It is used in registering
as the original tires on your Toyota
because damage to the limited−slip
the ownership of your vehicle.
differential could possibly occur with
another tire type.

Access cab models

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08 02.19

—Engine number
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is The engine number is stamped on the
also on the Certification Label. engine block as shown.


2TR−FE engine


1GR−FE engine

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08 02.19

Theft prevention labels

(except for Canada) Suspension and chassis
Your new vehicle carries theft preven-
tion labels which are approximately 56 CAUTION
mm (2.20 in.) by 16 mm (0.63 in.).
Do not modify the suspension/chassis
The purpose of these labels is to reduce
with lift kits, spacers, springs, etc. It
the incidence of vehicle thefts by facilitat-
can cause dangerous handling charac-
ing the tracing and recovery of parts from
teristics, resulting in loss of control.
stolen vehicles. The label is designed so
that once it is applied to a surface, any
attempt to remove it will result in destroy-
ing the integrity of the label. Transferring
these labels intact from one part to anoth-
er, will be impossible.

You should not attempt to remove the
theft prevention labels as it may vio-
late certain state or federal laws.

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08 02.19

Tire information—
—Tire symbols
This illustration indicates typical tire
1. Tire size—For details, see “—Tire
size” on page 289.
2. DOT and Tire Identification
Number (TIN)—For details, see
“—DOT and Tire Identification
Number (TIN)” on page 288.
3. Uniform tire quality grading—
For details, see “—Uniform tire
quality grading” on page 290.
4. The location of the treadwear
LS20014b indicators—For details, see
“Checking and replacing tires” on
page 379.
5. Tire ply composition and mate-
rials—Plies mean a layer of rub-
ber−coated parallel cords. Cords
mean the strands forming the plies
in the tire.
6. Radial tires or bias−ply tires—A
radial tire has “RADIAL” on the
sidewall. A tire not marked with
“RADIAL” is a bias−ply tire.

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08 02.19

—DOT and Tire Identification

Number (TIN)
7. “TUBELESS” or “TUBE The “DOT” symbol certifies that the
TYPE”—A tubeless tire does not tire conforms to applicable Federal
have a tube inside the tire and air Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
is directly filled in the tire. A tube
type tire has a tube inside the tire
and the tube maintains the air
pressure. LS20015
8. Load limit at maximum cold tire
inflation pressure—For details,
see “Checking and replacing tires”
on page 379.
9. Maximum cold tire inflation
pressure—This means the pres-
This illustration indicates typical DOT
sure to which a tire may be in- and Tire Identification Number (TIN).
flated. For details about recom-
mended cold tire inflation 1. “DOT” symbol
pressure, see “Tires” on page 410. 2. Tire Identification Number (TIN)
10.Summer tire or all season 3. Tire manufacturer’s identification
tire—An all season tire has “M+S” mark
on the sidewall. The tire not 4. Tire size code
marked with “M+S” is a summer
tire. For details, see “Types of 5. Manufacturer’s optional tire type
tires” on page 302. code (3 or 4 letters)
6. Manufacturing week
7. Manufacturing year

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08 02.19

—Tire size —Name of each section of tire

LS20016b SU21026a SU21027

This illustration indicates typical tire 1. Section width 1. Bead

size. 2. Tire height 2. Sidewall
1. Tire use (P=Passenger car, 3. Wheel diameter 3. Shoulder
T=Temporary use)
4. Tread
2. Section width (in millimeters)
5. Belt
3. Aspect ratio (tire height to section
width) 6. Inner liner
4. Tire construction code (R=Radial, 7. Reinforcing rubber
D=Diagonal) 8. Carcass
5. Wheel diameter (in inches) 9. Rim lines
6. Load index (2 digits or 3 digits) 10.Bead wires
7. Speed symbol (alphabet with one 11. Chafer

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08 02.19

—Uniform tire quality grading

This information has been prepared Treadwear—The treadwear grade is Traction AA, A, B, C—The traction
in accordance with regulations issued a comparative rating based on the grades, from highest to lowest, are
by the National Highway Traffic Safe- wear rate of the tire when tested un- AA, A, B, and C, and they represent
ty Administration of the U.S. Depart- der controlled conditions on a speci- the tire’s ability to stop on wet pave-
ment of Transportation. It provides fied government test course. For ex- ment as measured under controlled
the purchasers and/or prospective ample, a tire graded 150 would wear conditions on specified government
purchasers of Toyota vehicles with in- one and a half (1−1/2) times as well test surfaces of asphalt and concrete.
formation on uniform tire quality grad- on the government course as a tire A tire marked C may have poor trac-
ing. graded 100. The relative performance tion performance.
Your Toyota dealer will help answer of tires depends upon the actual Warning: The traction grade assigned
any questions you may have as you conditions of their use, however, and to this tire is based on braking
read this information. may depart significantly from the (straight ahead) traction tests and
norm due to variations in driving hab- does not include cornering (turning)
DOT quality grades—All passenger its, service practices and differences
vehicle tires must conform to Fed- traction.
in road characteristics and climate.
eral Safety Requirements in addi-
tion to these grades. Quality
grades can be found where appli-
cable on the tire sidewall between
tread shoulder and maximum sec-
tion width. For example: Treadwear
200 Traction AA Temperature A

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Temperature A, B, C—The tempera-

ture grades are A (the highest), B,
and C, representing the tire’s resis-
tance to the generation of heat and
its ability to dissipate heat when
tested under controlled conditions on
a specified indoor laboratory test
wheel. Sustained high temperature
can cause the material of the tire to
degenerate and reduce tire life, and
excessive temperature can lead to
sudden tire failure. The grade C cor-
responds to a level of performance
which all passenger car tires must
meet under the Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standard No.109. Grades B
and A represent higher levels of per-
formance on the laboratory test wheel
than the minimum required by law.
Warning: The temperature grades for
this tire are established for a tire that
is properly inflated and not over-
loaded. Excessive speed, underinfla-
tion, or excessive loading, either sep-
arately or in combination, can cause
heat buildup and possible tire failure.

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—Glossary of tire terminology

Tire related term Meaning
tire inflation pressure when the vehicle has been parked for at least 3
Cold tire inflation pressure hours or more, or it has not been driven more than 1.5 km or 1 mile
under that condition
the maximum cold inflation pressure to which a tire may be inflated and it
Maximum inflation pressure
is shown on the sidewall of the tire
Recommended inflation pressure cold tire inflation pressure recommended by a manufacturer
the combined weight (in excess of those standard items which may be
replaced) of automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, power
Accessory weight
windows, power seats, radio, and heater, to the extent that these items
are available as factory−installed equipment (whether installed or not)
the weight of a motor vehicle with standard equipment including the
Curb weight maximum capacity of fuel, oil, and coolant, and, if so equipped, air
conditioning and additional weight optional engine
the sum of—
(a) curb weight;
Maximum loaded vehicle weight (b) accessory weight;
(c) vehicle capacity weight; and
(d) production options weight
68 kg (150 lb.) times the number of occupants specified in the second
Normal occupant weight
column of Table 1 that follows

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Tire related term Meaning

distribution of occupants in a vehicle as specified in the third column of Table
Occupant distribution
1 that follows
the combined weight of those installed regular production options weighing over
2.3 kg (5 lb.) in excess of those standard items which they replace, not pre-
Production options weight
viously considered in curb weight or accessory weight, including heavy duty
brakes, ride levelers, roof rack, heavy duty battery, and special trim
a metal support for a tire or a tire and tube assembly upon which the tire beads
are seated
Rim diameter (Wheel diameter) nominal diameter of the bead seat
Rim size designation rim diameter and width
Rim type designation the industry of manufacturer’s designation for a rim by style or code
Rim width nominal distance between rim flanges
Vehicle capacity weight the rated cargo and luggage load plus 68 kg (150 lb.) times the vehicle’s desig-
(Total load capacity) nated seating capacity
the load on an individual tire that is determined by distributing to each axle
Vehicle maximum load on the tire
its share of the maximum loaded vehicle weight and dividing by two
the load on an individual tire that is determined by distributing to each axle
Vehicle normal load on the tire its share of the curb weight, accessory weight, and normal occupant weight
(distributed in accordance with Table 1 that follows) and dividing by two

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Tire related term Meaning

Weather side the surface area of the rim not covered by the inflated tire
the part of the tire that is made of steel wires, wrapped or reinforced by ply
cords and that is shaped to fit the rim
Bead separation a breakdown of the bond between components in the bead
a pneumatic tire in which the ply cords that extend to the beads are laid at
Bias ply tire
alternate angles substantially less than 90 degrees to the centerline of the tread
the tire structure, except tread and sidewall rubber which, when inflated, bears
the load
Chunking the breaking away of pieces of the tread sidewall
Cord the strands forming the plies in the tire
Cord separation the parting of cords from adjacent rubber compounds
any parting within the tread, sidewall, or innerliner of the tire extending to cord
a pneumatic tire with an inverted flange tire and rim system in which the rim
is designed with rim flanges pointed radially inward and the tire is designed
to fit on the underside of the rim in a manner that encloses the rim flanges
inside the air cavity of the tire
a tire designed to operate at higher loads and at higher inflation pressures
Extra load tire
than the corresponding standard tire

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Tire related term Meaning

Groove the space between two adjacent tread ribs
the layer(s) forming the inside surface of a tubeless tire that contains the inflat-
ing medium within the tire
Innerliner separation the parting of the innerliner from cord material in the carcass
(A) the sidewall that contains a whitewall, bears white lettering or bears
manufacturer, brand, and/or model name molding that is higher or
Intended outboard sidewall deeper than the same molding on the other sidewall of the tire, or
(B) the outward facing sidewall of an asymmetrical tire that has a particular
side that must always face outward when mounted on a vehicle
a tire designated by its manufacturer as primarily intended for use on lightweight
Light truck (LT) tire
trucks or multipurpose passenger vehicles
Load rating the maximum load that a tire is rated to carry for a given inflation pressure
the load rating for a tire at the maximum permissible inflation pressure for that
Maximum load rating
Maximum permissible inflation pres-
the maximum cold inflation pressure to which a tire may be inflated
Measuring rim the rim on which a tire is fitted for physical dimension requirements
any parting at any junction of tread, sidewall, or innerliner that extends to cord
Open splice

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Tire related term Meaning

Outer diameter the overall diameter of an inflated new tire
the linear distance between the exteriors of the sidewalls of an inflated tire,
Overall width
including elevations due to labeling, decorations, or protective bands or ribs
a tire intended for use on passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles,
Passenger car tire and trucks, that have a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 10,000 lb. or
Ply a layer of rubber−coated parallel cords
Ply separation a parting of rubber compound between adjacent plies
a mechanical device made of rubber, chemicals, fabric and steel or other mate-
Pneumatic tire rials, that, when mounted on an automotive wheel, provides the traction and
contains the gas or fluid that sustains the load
a pneumatic tire in which the ply cords that extend to the beads are laid at
Radial ply tire
substantially 90 degrees to the centerline of the tread
a tire designed to operate at higher loads and at higher inflation pressures
Reinforced tire
than the corresponding standard tire
the linear distance between the exteriors of the sidewalls of an inflated tire,
Section width
excluding elevations due to labeling, decoration, or protective bands
Sidewall that portion of a tire between the tread and bead
Sidewall separation the parting of the rubber compound from the cord material in the sidewall

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Tire related term Meaning

a tire that attains a traction index equal to or greater than 110, compared to
the ASTM E−1136 Standard Reference Test Tire, when using the snow traction
Snow tire test as described in ASTM F−1805−00, Standard Test Method for Single Wheel
Driving Traction in a Straight Line on Snow−and Ice−Covered Surfaces, and
which is marked with an Alpine Symbol ( ) on at least one sidewall
the rim on which a tire is fitted for testing, and may be any rim listed as appropri-
Test rim
ate for use with that tire
Tread that portion of a tire that comes into contact with the road
Tread rib a tread section running circumferentially around a tire
Tread separation pulling away of the tread from the tire carcass
the projections within the principal grooves designed to give a visual indication
Treadwear indicators (TWI)
of the degrees of wear of the tread
Wheel−holding fixture the fixture used to hold the wheel and tire assembly securely during testing

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Table 1—Occupant loading and distribution for vehicle normal load for various designated seating capacities
Designated seating capacity, Vehicle normal load, number of Occupant distribution in a normally
number of occupants occupants loaded vehicle
2 through 4 2 2 in front
5 through 10 3 2 in front, 1 in second seat
2 in front, 1 in second seat, 1 in third
11 through 15 5
seat, 1 in fourth seat
2 in front, 2 in second seat, 2 in third
16 through 20 7
seat, 1 in fourth seat

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Vehicle load limits

Vehicle load limits include total load Seating capacity: Towing capacity:
capacity, seating capacity, towing Regular cab models Towing capacity means the maximum
capacity and cargo capacity. Follow With separate type seats gross trailer weight (trailer weight plus
the load limits shown below. Total Total 2 its cargo weight) that your vehicle is
load capacity and seating capacity With bench type seat able to tow. For the towing capacity
are also described on the tire and Total 3 about your vehicle, see “Towing ca-
loading information label. For location pacity” on page 405 in Section 8.
of the tire and loading information Access cab models
label, see “Checking tire inflation Total 2+2 Cargo capacity
pressure” on page 376. (Front 2, Rear Temporary 2) Cargo capacity may increase or de-
Total load capacity: Double cab models crease depending on the size (weight)
Total 5 (Front 2, Rear 3) and the number of occupants. For de-
Total load capacity means combined tails, see “Capacity and distribution”
weight of occupants, cargo and Seating capacity means the maximum
number of occupants whose esti- that follows.
luggage. Tongue load is included
when trailer towing. For the total load mated average weight is 68 kg (150
lb.) per person. Depending on the CAUTION
capacity about your vehicle, see
“Vehicle capacity weight” on page 402 weight of each person, the seating ca-
pacity given may exceed the total Do not apply the load more than
in Section 8. each load limit. That may cause
load capacity.
not only damage to the tires, but
NOTICE also deterioration to the steering
ability and braking ability, which
Even if the number of occupants may cause an accident.
are within the seating capacity,
do not exceed the total load ca-

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Cargo and luggage—

—Stowage precautions —Capacity and distribution
When stowing cargo and luggage in Cargo capacity depends on the to-
the vehicle, observe the following: ! Never allow anyone to ride in tal weight of the occupants.
the rear deck. It is not designed
! Put cargo and luggage in the rear for passengers. They should (Cargo capacity) = (Total load capac-
deck when at all possible. Be sure ride in their seats with their ity) – (Total weight of occupants)
all items are secured in place. seat belts properly fastened. Steps for Determining Correct
! Be careful to keep the vehicle bal- Otherwise, they are much more Load Limit—
anced. Locating the weight as far likely to suffer death or serious (1) Locate the statement “The
forward as possible helps maintain bodily injury, in the event of combined weight of occupants
balance. sudden braking or a collision. and cargo should never exceed
! For better fuel economy, do not ! Do not drive with objects left XXX kg or XXX lbs.” on your
carry unneeded weight. on top of the instrument panel. vehicle’s placard.
They may interfere with the (2) Determine the combined weight
CAUTION driver’s field of view. Or they of the driver and passengers that
may move during sharp vehicle will be riding in your vehicle.
! To prevent cargo and luggage acceleration or turning, and im-
from sliding forward during (3) Subtract the combined weight of
pair the driver’s control of the
braking, do not stack anything vehicle. In an accident they the driver and passengers from
behind the front seats higher XXX kg or XXX lbs.
may injure the vehicle occu-
than the seatbacks (access cab pants. (4) The resulting figure equals the
and double cab models). Keep available amount of cargo and
cargo and luggage low, as luggage load capacity. For exam-
close to the floor as possible. ple, if the “XXX” amount equals
1400 lbs. and there will be five
150 lb passengers in your ve-
hicle, the amount of available
cargo and luggage load capacity
is 650 lbs. (1400–750
(5x150)=650 lbs.)
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(5) Determine the combined weight As shown in the above example, if the
of luggage and cargo being number of occupants increases, the
loaded on the vehicle. That cargo and luggage load equaling the
weight may not safely exceed the combined weight of occupants who
available cargo and luggage load got on later must be reduced. In other
capacity calculated in Step 4.
(6) If your vehicle will be towing a SU21020 words, if the increase in the number
of occupants causes the excess of
trailer, load from your trailer will Cargo the total load capacity (combined
be transferred to your vehicle. capacity weight of occupants plus cargo and
Consult this manual to determine luggage load), you have to reduce the
Total load cargo and luggage on your vehicle.
how this reduces the available
cargo and luggage load capacity For details about total load capacity,
of your vehicle. see “Vehicle load limits” on page 299
Example on Your Vehicle in this Section.
For details about trailer towing, see
“Trailer towing” on page 310 in Sec- In case that 2 people with the com-
tion 3. bined weight of A kg (lb.) are riding CAUTION
in your vehicle with the total load ca-
pacity of B kg (lb.), the available Even if the total load of occu-
amount of cargo and luggage load ca- pant’s weight and the cargo load
pacity will be C kg (lb.) as follows: is less than the total load capac-
B kg (lb.) – A kg (lb.) = C kg (lb.) ity, do not apply the load uneven-
ly. That may cause not only dam-
From this condition, if 3 more passen- age to the tire but also deteriora-
gers with the combined weight of D tion to the steering ability due to
kg (lb.) get on, the available cargo unbalance of the vehicle, causing
and luggage load will be reduced E an accident.
kg (lb.) as follows:
C kg (lb.) – D kg (lb.) = E kg (lb.)

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08 02.19

Types of tires
Determine what kind of tires your All season tires, however, do not have
vehicle is originally equipped with. adequate traction performance
1. Summer tires compared with snow tires in heavy or
loose snow. Also, all season tires fall
Summer tires are high−speed capabil- short in acceleration and handling
ity tires best suited to highway driving performance compared with summer
under dry conditions. tires in highway driving.
Since summer tires do not have the The details about how to distinguish
same traction performance as snow summer tires from all season tires are
tires, summer tires are inadequate for described on page 287.
driving on snow−covered or icy roads.
For driving on snow−covered or icy CAUTION
roads, we recommend using snow
tires. If installing snow tires, be sure ! Do not mix summer and all sea-
to replace all four tires. son tires on your vehicle as
2. All season tires this can cause dangerous han-
All season tires are designed to pro- dling characteristics, resulting
vide better traction in snow and to be in loss of control.
adequate for driving in most winter ! Do not use tires other than the
conditions, as well as for use all year manufacture’s designated
round. tires, and never mix tires or
wheels of the sizes different
from the originals.

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Before starting the engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
How to start the engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Tips for driving in various conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Driving in the rain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
Off−road driving precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Winter driving tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Dinghy towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Trailer towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
How to save fuel and make your vehicle last longer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320

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How to start the engine—

Before starting the engine (a) Before cranking (b) Starting the engine
1. Check the area around the vehicle be- 1. Apply the parking brake firmly. Before starting the engine, be sure to
fore entering it. 2. Turn off unnecessary lights and acces- follow the instructions in “(a) Before
2. Adjust seat position, seatback angle, sories. cranking”.
seat cushion angle, head restraint 3. Manual transmission: Press the clutch Normal starting procedure
height and steering wheel angle. pedal to the floor and shift the trans- The multiport fuel injection system/sequen-
3. Adjust the inside and outside rear view mission into neutral. Hold the clutch tial multiport fuel injection system in your
mirrors. pedal to the floor until the engine is engine automatically controls the proper
4. Lock all doors. started. A starter safety device will pre- air−fuel mixture for starting. You can start
vent the starter from operating if the a cold or hot engine as follows:
5. Fasten seat belts. clutch pedal is not fully depressed. With your foot off the accelerator pedal,
Automatic transmission: Put the se- crank the engine by turning the engine
lector lever in “P”. If you need to re- switch to “START”. Release it when the
start the engine while the vehicle is engine starts.
moving, put the selector lever in “N”. Engine should be warmed up by driving,
A starter safety device will prevent the not in idle. For warming up, drive with
starter from operating if the selector smoothly turning engine until engine cool-
lever is in any drive position. ant temperature is within normal range.
4. Automatic transmission only: De- If the engine stalls...
press the brake pedal and hold it to
the floor until driving off. Simply restart it, using the correct proce-
dure given in normal starting.
If the engine will not start...
See “If your vehicle will not start” on page
324 in Section 4.

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Tips for driving in various

! Always slow down in gusty crosswinds. ! Washing your vehicle or driving through
This will allow you much better control. deep water may get the brakes wet. To
! Do not crank for more than 30 se- ! Drive slowly onto curbs and, if pos- see whether they are wet, check that
conds at a time. This may overheat sible, at a right angle. Avoid driving there is no traffic near you, and then
the starter and wiring systems. onto high, sharp−edged objects and press the pedal lightly. If you do not
other road hazards. Failure to do so feel a normal braking force, the brakes
! Do not race a cold engine.
can lead to severe tire damage such are probably wet. To dry them, drive
! If the engine becomes difficult to the vehicle cautiously while lightly
as a tire burst.
start or stalls frequently, have the pressing the brake pedal with the park-
engine checked immediately. Drive slowly when passing over bumps ing brake applied. If they still do not
or travelling on a bumpy road. Other- work safely, pull to the side of the road
wise, the impact could cause severe and call a Toyota dealer for assistance.
damage to the tires and/or wheels.
! Four−wheel drive models—Toyota rec-
! When parking on a hill, turn the front ommends not using four−wheel drive on
wheels until they touch the curb so dry hard−surfaced roads, because four−
that the vehicle will not roll. Apply the wheel driving will cause unnecessary
parking brake, and place the transmis- noise and wear, and poor fuel econo-
sion in “P” (automatic) or in first or my.
reverse (manual). If necessary, block
the wheels. ! Four−wheel drive models—In cold tem-
peratures, noise may occur when driv-
ing in two−wheel drive before the trans-
fer is warmed up. Therefore, first drive
in four−wheel drive until the transfer is
warmed up.

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08 02.19

Driving in the rain

Driving on a slippery road surface
CAUTION ! Do not drive in excess of the speed
Drive carefully when it is raining, because
limit. Even if the legal speed limit
visibility will be reduced, the windows may
! Before driving off, make sure that permits it, do not drive over 140
km/h (85 mph) unless your vehicle become fogged−up, and the road will be
the parking brake is fully released
and the parking brake reminder has high−speed capability tires.
light is off. Driving over 140 km/h (85 mph) may ! Drive carefully when it starts to rain,
result in tire failure, loss of control because the road surface will be espe-
! Do not leave your vehicle unat-
and possible injury. Be sure to con- cially slippery.
tended while the engine is running.
sult a tire dealer to determine ! Refrain from high speeds when driving
! Do not rest your foot on the brake whether the tires on your vehicle on an expressway in the rain, because
pedal while driving. It can cause are high−speed capability tires or there may be a layer of water between
dangerous overheating, needless not before driving at such speeds. the tires and the road surface, prevent-
wear, and poor fuel economy.
! Do not continue normal driving ing the steering and brakes from oper-
! To drive down a long or steep hill, when the brakes are wet. If they are ating properly.
reduce your speed and downshift. wet, your vehicle will require a
Remember, if you ride the brakes longer stopping distance, and it
excessively, they may overheat and may pull to one side when the
not work properly. brakes are applied. Also, the park-
! Be careful when accelerating, up- ing brake will not hold the vehicle
shifting, downshifting or braking on securely.
a slippery surface. Sudden accelera-
tion or engine braking, could cause
the vehicle to skid or spin.

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08 02.19

Off−road driving precautions

(four−wheel drive models and
When encountering flooded roads When driving your vehicle off−road, please
CAUTION observe the following precautions to en-
Do not drive on a road that has flooded
after heavy rain etc. Doing so may cause sure your driving enjoyment and to help
! Sudden braking, acceleration and prevent the closure of areas to off−road
serious damage to the vehicle.
steering when driving on a slippery vehicles.
road surface may cause tire slip-
NOTICE a. Drive your vehicle only in areas where
page and reduce your ability to
off−road vehicles are permitted to trav-
control the vehicle, resulting in an Driving on a flooded road may cause
accident. the engine to stall as well as cause
! Sudden changes in engine speed, serious vehicle malfunctions such as b. Respect private property. Get owner’s
shorts in electrical components and permission before entering private prop-
such as sudden engine braking,
engine damage from water immersion. erty.
may cause the vehicle to skid, re-
sulting in an accident. In the event that you drive on a c. Do not enter areas that are closed.
flooded road and the vehicle is Honor gates, barriers and signs that re-
! After driving through a puddle,
flooded, be sure to have your Toyota strict travel.
lightly depress the brake pedal to
dealer check brake function, changes
make sure that the brakes are func- d. Stay on established roads. When condi-
in quantity and quality of oil and fluid
tioning properly. Wet brake pads tions are wet, driving techniques should
used for the engine, transmission,
may prevent the brakes from func- be changed or travel delayed to pre-
transfer (4WD vehicles), differentials,
tioning properly. If the brakes on vent damage to roads.
etc. and lubricant condition for the
only one side are wet and not func- For owners in U.S. mainland, Hawaii and
propeller shaft, bearings and suspen-
tioning properly, steering control Puerto Rico:
sion joints (where possible) and the
may be affected, resulting in an ac-
function of all joints and bearings. To obtain additional information pertaining
to driving your vehicle off−road, consult
the following organizations.
! State and Local Parks and Recreation
! State Motor Vehicle Bureau
! Recreational Vehicle Clubs

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! U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of

! After driving through tall grass, NOTICE
Land Management
mud, rock, sand, rivers, etc., check
! If driving through water, such as
CAUTION that there is no grass, bush, paper,
when crossing shallow streams,
rags, stone, sand, etc. adhering or
first check the depth of the water
Always observe the following precau- trapped on the underbody. Clear off
and the bottom of the river bed for
tions to minimize the risk of serious any such matter from the under-
firmness. Drive slowly and avoid
personal injury or damage to your ve- body. If the vehicle is used with
deep water.
hicle: these materials trapped or adhering
to the underbody, a breakdown or ! Take all necessary safety measures
! Drive carefully when off the road. fire could occur. to ensure that water damage to the
Do not take unnecessary risks by engine or other components does
driving in dangerous places. ! In a rollover crash, an unbelted per- not occur.
son is significantly more likely to
! Do not grip the steering wheel die than a person wearing a seat ! Water entering the engine air intake
spokes when driving off−road. A belt. Therefore, the driver and all will cause severe engine damage.
bad bump could jerk the wheel and passengers should fasten their seat ! Water entering the automatic trans-
injure your hands. Keep both hands belts whenever the vehicle is mov- mission will cause deterioration in
and especially your thumbs on the ing. shift quality, locking up of your
outside of the rim.
! When driving off−road or in rugged transmission accompanied by vibra-
! Always check your brakes for effec- terrain, do not drive at excessive tion, and ultimately damage.
tiveness immediately after driving in speeds, jump, make sharp turns, ! Water can wash the grease from
sand, mud, water or snow. strike objects, etc. This may cause wheel bearings, causing rusting and
loss of control or vehicle rollover premature failure, and may also en-
causing death or serious injury. You ter the differentials, transmission
are also risking expensive damage and transfer case, reducing the gear
to your vehicle’s suspension and oil’s lubricating qualities.

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08 02.19

Winter driving tips

Make sure your coolant is properly pro- Cold temperatures reduce the capacity of
! Sand and mud that has accumulated tected against freezing. any battery, so it must be in top shape
in brake drums and around brake to provide enough power for winter start-
discs may affect braking efficiency Only use “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant”
or similar high quality ethylene glycol ing. Section 7−3 tells you how to visually
and may damage brake system com- inspect the battery. Your Toyota dealer
ponents. based non−silicate, non−amine, non−nitrite,
and non−borate coolant with long−life hy- and most service stations will be pleased
! Always perform a maintenance in- brid organic acid technology. (Coolant with to check the level of charge.
spection after each day of off−road long−life hybrid organic acid technology is Make sure the engine oil viscosity is
driving that has taken you through a combination of low phosphates and or- suitable for the cold weather.
rough terrain, sand, mud, or water. ganic acids.)
For scheduled maintenance in- See page 370 in Section 7−2 for recom-
formation, refer to the “Scheduled See “Checking the engine coolant level” mended viscosity. Leaving a heavy sum-
Maintenance Guide” or “Owner’s on page 372 in Section 7−2 for details of mer oil in your vehicle during winter
Manual Supplement”. coolant type selection. months may cause harder starting. If you
For the U.S.A.—“Toyota Super Long Life are not sure about which oil to use, call
Coolant” is a mixture of 50% coolant and your Toyota dealer—they will be pleased
50% deionized water. This coolant pro- to help.
vides protection down to about −35"C Keep the door locks from freezing.
(−31"F). Squirt lock de−icer or glycerine into the
For Canada—“Toyota Super Long Life locks to keep them from freezing.
Coolant” is a mixture of 55% coolant and Use a washer fluid containing an anti−
45% deionized water. This coolant pro- freeze solution.
vides protection down to about −42"C
(−44"F). This product is available at your Toyota
dealer and most auto parts stores. Follow
NOTICE the manufacturer’s directions for how
much to mix with water.
Do not use plain water alone.

Check the condition of the battery and

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08 02.19

Dinghy towing Trailer towing

Your vehicle is designed primarily as a
passenger−and−load−carrying vehicle. Tow-
Do not use engine antifreeze or any ing a trailer will have an adverse effect on
other substitute because it may dam- handling, performance, braking, durability
age your vehicle’s paint. and driving economy (fuel consumption,
etc.). Your safety and satisfaction depend
Do not use your parking brake when LS30001a on the proper use of correct equipment
and cautious driving habits. For your safe-
there is a possibility it could freeze.
ty and the safety of others, you must not
When parking, put the transmission into overload your vehicle or trailer. Ask your
“P” (automatic) or into first or reverse local Toyota dealer for further details be-
(manual) and block the front wheels. Do fore towing.
not use the parking brake, or snow or
We recommend you use a weight distribut-
water accumulated in and around the
ing hitch when towing to keep your ve-
parking brake mechanism may freeze, Your vehicle is not designed to be hicle level with the ground.
making it hard to release. dinghy towed (with four wheels on the
Keep ice and snow from accumulating ground) behind a motorhome. NOTICE
under the fenders.
NOTICE When towing a trailer, be sure to con-
Ice and snow built up under your fenders sult your Toyota dealer for further in-
can make steering difficult. During bad Do not tow your vehicle with four formation on additional requirements
winter driving, stop and check under the wheels on the ground. This may such as a towing kit, etc.
fenders occasionally. cause serious damage to your vehicle.
Depending on where you are driving, WEIGHT LIMITS
we recommend you carry some emer-
gency equipment. Before towing, make sure the total trail-
er weight, gross combination weight,
Some of the things you might put in the gross vehicle weight, gross axle weight
vehicle are tire chains, window scraper, and trailer tongue load are all within
bag of sand or salt, flares, small shovel, the limits.
jumper cables, etc.

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08 02.19

The total trailer weight and tongue load

can be measured with platform scales CAUTION Two−wheel drive models except Pre-
found at a highway weighing station, build- Runner
ing supply company, trucking company, ! The maximum gross trailer weight 3402 kg (7500 lb.)
junk yard, etc. (trailer weight plus cargo weight) Four−wheel drive models and Pre-
must never exceed the following. Runner
Without towing package 2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine
1587 kg (3500 lb.) 3628 kg (8000 lb.)
With towing package 4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine
2948 kg (6500 lb.) Without towing package
If towing a trailer and cargo weigh- 3674 kg (8100 lb.)
ing over 907 kg (2000 lb.), it is nec- With towing package
essary to use a sway control device 5034 kg (11100 lb.)
with sufficient capacity. The com- Exceeding the maximum weight of
bination of the gross trailer weight the trailer, the vehicle, or the ve-
added to the total weight of the hicle and trailer combination, can
vehicle, occupants and vehicle car- cause an accident resulting in seri-
go must never exceed a total of the ous personal injuries.

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08 02.19

! Trailer hitch assemblies have differ- ! The load on either the front or rear
ent weight capacities established by axle resulting from distribution of
the hitch manufacturer. Even though the gross vehicle weight on both
the vehicle may be physically capa- axles must not exceed the Gross
ble of towing a higher weight, the Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) listed

LS20008b operator must determine the maxi-

mum weight rating of the particular
on the Certification Label.

hitch assembly and never exceed

the maximum weight rating speci-
fied for the trailer−hitch. Exceeding
the maximum weight rating set by
the trailer hitch manufacturer can
cause an accident resulting in seri-
Regular and double cab models ous personal injuries.
! The gross vehicle weight must not
exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight
Rating (GVWR) indicated on the
Certification Label. The gross ve-
hicle weight is the sum of weights
of the unloaded vehicle, driver, pas-
sengers, luggage, hitch and trailer
LS20009b tongue load. It also includes the
weight of any special equipment
installed on your vehicle.

Access cab models

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08 02.19

Total trailer weight Tongue load However, if towing with a fifth
wheel trailer, the cargo load must
! If you wish to install a trailer hitch, you
should consult with your Toyota dealer.
be distributed so that the tongue
load is 19 to 21% of the total trailer ! Use only a hitch recommended by the
weight. Never load the trailer with hitch manufacturer and the one which
more weight in the back than in the conforms to the total trailer weight
front. About 60% of the trailer load requirement.
should be in the front half of the ! The hitch must be bolted securely to
trailer and the remaining 40% in the the vehicle frame and installed accord-
Tongue load rear.
! 100 = 9 to 11% ing to the hitch manufacturer’s instruc-
Total trailer weight tions.
! The hitch ball and king pin should have
a light coat of grease.
! The trailer cargo load should be ! Toyota recommends removing the trail-
distributed so that the tongue load er hitch whenever you are not towing
is 9 to 11% of the total trailer a trailer to reduce the possibility of
weight, not exceeding the maximum additional damage caused by the hitch
load of the following. if your vehicle is struck from behind.
After removing the hitch, seal any
Without towing package
mounting holes in the vehicle body to
158 kg (350 lb.)
prevent entry of pollutants such as ex-
With towing package
haust fumes, dirt, water, etc.
294 kg (650 lb.)

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08 02.19

Follow these easy steps to properly deter-
Do not use axle−mounted hitches as mine the correct trailer ball for your ap-
they can cause damage to the axle plication:
housing, wheel bearings, wheels or
1. Determine the correct trailer ball size
tires. Also, never install a hitch which
may interfere with the normal function
of an Energy Absorbing Bumper, if so
LS30011 for the trailer coupler. Most couplers
are stamped with the required trailer
ball size. The sizes you will most likely
find stamped on the coupler are:

Trailer class Typical trailer ball size

IV 2 5/16 in.

1 Trailer ball load rating II and III 2 in.

2 Ball diameter I 1 7/8 in.
3 Shank length
4 Shank diameter 2. Select the appropriate trailer ball to
match or exceed the gross trailer
weight rating of the trailer. The trailer
ball load rating should be printed on
the top of the ball.
3. When mounted in the ball mount, the
threaded ball shank must protrude be-
yond the bottom of the lock washer
and nut at least 2 threads. The trailer
ball shank must be matched to the ball
mount hole diameter size.

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08 02.19

LS30004 LS30005 LS30007


The rear bumper of your vehicle is
equipped with a hole to install a trailer
ball. The maximum gross trailer weight is When towing a fifth wheel trailer, be
1587 kg (3500 lb.). careful not to hit the cabin or deck
by the trailer while making a sharp

The maximum gross trailer weight LS30008

(trailer weight plus cargo weight)
when towing with the bumper must
never exceed 1587 kg (3500 lb.).

1 Coupler
2 Trailer ball
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08 02.19


No matter which class of tow hitch ap-
! If the total trailer weight exceeds
plies, for a safe trailer hookup, the trailer
453 kg (1000 lb.), trailer brakes are
ball setup on must be the proper height
for the coupler on the trailer.
! Never tap into your vehicle’s hy-
draulic system as it would lower its
! Toyota recommends trailers with braking effectiveness.
brakes that conform to any applica-
ble federal and state/provincial regu-
! Never tow a trailer without using a
safety chain securely attached to
both the trailer and the vehicle. If
! A safety chain must always be used damage occurs to the coupling unit
between the towing vehicle and the or hitch ball, there is danger of the
trailer. Leave sufficient slack in the trailer wandering over into another SERVICE CONNECTOR FOR TOWING
chain for turns. The chain should lane. BRAKE CONTROLLER
cross under the trailer tongue to Your vehicle is equipped with a service
prevent the tongue from dropping to connector for the trailer brake controller
the ground in case it becomes dam- as shown. Link the connector to the trailer
aged or separated. For correct safety brake controller via the sub wire harness
chain procedures, follow the hitch or stored in the glove box. The detailed ex-
trailer manufacturer’s recommenda- planation of the sub wire harness circuit
tions. is packed together with the sub wire har-
Be sure to position the trailer brake con-
troller where it does not prevent the driver
from operating the pedal.
Toyota recommends that the sub wire har-
ness be stored in the glove box when it
is not in use.

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08 02.19


! Ensure that your vehicle’s tires are LIGHTS
properly inflated. See page 376 in Sec- ! Your vehicle is equipped with a wire
tion 7−2 and page 410 in Section 8 for harness stored in the rear under body.
instructions. Some models are fitted with a socket
for trailer lights under the rear bumper.
! The trailer tires should be inflated to
the pressure recommended by the trail- LS30010 Use either of them to connect and op-
erate the trailer lights. However, the
er manufacturer in respect to the total
trailer weight. trailer lights must comply with federal,
state/provincial and local regulations.
See your local recreational vehicle
dealer or rental agency for the correct
type of wiring and relays for your trail-
er. Check for correct operation of the
turn signals and stop lights each time
you hitch up. Direct splicing may dam-
age your vehicle’s electrical system
and cause a malfunction of your lights.
The towing connector can be also con-
nected to the trailer brake and trailer
sub battery.
! Toyota recommends that you do not
tow a trailer with a new vehicle or a
vehicle with any new power train com-
ponent (engine, transmission, differen-
tial, wheel bearing, etc.) for the first
800 km (500 miles) of driving.

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08 02.19

MAINTENANCE TRAILER TOWING TIPS ! Because stopping distance may be in-

! If you tow a trailer, your vehicle will When towing a trailer, your vehicle will creased, following distance should be
require more frequent maintenance due handle differently than when not tow- increased when towing a trailer. For
to the additional load. For this ing. The three main causes of vehicle− each 16 km/h (10 mph) of speed, allow
information, please refer to the trailer accidents are driver error, exces- at least one vehicle and trailer length
scheduled maintenance information in sive speed and improper trailer loading. between you and the vehicle ahead.
the “Scheduled Maintenance Guide” or Keep these in mind when towing: Avoid sudden braking as you may skid,
“Owner’s Manual Supplement”. resulting in jackknifing and loss of con-
! Before starting out, check operation of trol. This is especially true on wet or
! Retighten all fixing bolts of the towing the lights and all vehicle−trailer connec- slippery surfaces.
ball and bracket after approximately tions. After driving a short distance,
1000 km (600 miles) of trailer driving. stop and recheck the lights and con- ! Avoid jerky starts or sudden accelera-
nections. Before actually towing a trail- tion. If your vehicle has a manual
PRE−TOWING SAFETY CHECK transmission, prevent excessive clutch
er, practice turning, stopping and back-
! Check that your vehicle remains level ing with a trailer in an area away from slippage by keeping engine rpm low
when a loaded or unloaded trailer is traffic until you learn the feel. and not racing the engine. Always start
hitched. Do not drive if the vehicle has out in first gear.
an abnormal nose−up or nose−down ! Backing with a trailer is difficult and
requires practice. Grip the bottom of ! Avoid jerky steering and sharp turns.
condition, and check for improper The trailer could hit your vehicle in a
tongue load, overload, worn suspension the steering wheel and move your hand
to the left to move the trailer to the tight turn. Slow down before making a
or other possible causes. turn to avoid the necessity of sudden
left. Move your hand to the right to
! Make sure the trailer cargo is securely move the trailer to the right. (This pro- braking.
loaded so that it cannot shift. cedure is generally opposite to that ! Remember that when making a turn,
! Check that your rear view mirrors con- when backing without a trailer.) Also, the trailer wheels will be closer than
form to any applicable federal state/ just turn the steering wheel a little at the vehicle wheels to the inside of the
provincial or local regulations. If not, a time, avoiding sharp or prolonged turn. Therefore, compensate for this by
install the rear view mirrors required turning. Have someone guide you when making a larger than normal turning
for towing purpose. backing to reduce the risk of an acci- radius with your vehicle.

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08 02.19

! Crosswinds and rough roads will ad- ! Because of the added load of the trail- When restarting out after parking on a
versely affect handling of your vehicle er, your vehicle’s engine may overheat slope:
and trailer, causing sway. Pay attention on hot days (at temperatures over 1. With the transmission in “P” position
to the rear from time to time to pre- 30"C [85"F]) when going up a long or (automatic) or the clutch pedal de-
pare yourself for being passed by large steep grade with a trailer. If the engine pressed (manual), start the engine.
trucks or buses, which may cause your coolant temperature gauge indicates (With an automatic transmission, be
vehicle and trailer to sway. If swaying overheating, immediately turn off the air sure to keep the brake pedal de-
happens, firmly grip the steering wheel conditioning (if in use), pull off the road pressed.)
and reduce speed immediately but and stop in a safe spot. Refer to “If
gradually. Never increase speed. Steer your vehicle overheats” on page 328 in 2. Shift into gear.
straight ahead. If you make no extreme Section 4. 3. Release the parking brake (also foot
correction with the steering or brakes, ! Always place wheel blocks under both brake on automatic transmission ve-
the vehicle and trailer will stabilize. the vehicle and trailer wheels when hicles) and slowly pull or back away
! Be careful when passing other ve- parking. Apply the parking brake firmly. from the wheel blocks. Stop and apply
hicles. Passing requires considerable Put the transmission in “P” (automatic) your brakes.
distance. After passing a vehicle, do or in first or reverse (manual). Avoid 4. Have someone retrieve the blocks.
not forget the length of your trailer and parking on a slope with a trailer, but
be sure you have plenty of room be- if it cannot be avoided, do so only
fore changing lanes. after performing the following:
! In order to maintain engine braking effi- 1. Apply the brakes and hold.
ciency, do not use fifth gear (5−speed 2. Have someone place wheel blocks un-
manual transmission) or sixth gear der both the vehicle and trailer wheels.
(6−speed manual transmission), or do
not put the transmission in “D” (auto- 3. When the wheel blocks are in place,
matic transmission). release your brakes slowly until the
blocks absorb the load.
4. Apply the parking brake firmly.
5. Shift into first or reverse (manual) or
“P” (automatic) and turn off the engine.

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08 02.19

How to save fuel and make

your vehicle last longer
Improving fuel economy is easy—just take ! Accelerate slowly and smoothly.
CAUTION it easy. It will help make your vehicle last Avoid jackrabbit starts. Get into high
longer, too. Here are some specific tips gear as quickly as possible.
! Do not exceed 72 km/h (45 mph) or on how to save money on both fuel and
the posted towing speed limit,
! Avoid long engine idling. If you have
repairs: a long wait and you are not in traffic,
whichever is lower. Because insta-
bility (swaying) of a towing vehicle−
! Keep your tires inflated at the cor- it is better to turn off the engine and
rect pressure. Underinflation causes start again later.
trailer combination usually in-
tire wear and wastes fuel. See page ! Avoid engine lugging or over−rev-
creases as the speed increases, ex-
376 in Section 7−2 for instructions. ving. Use a gear position suitable for
ceeding 72 km/h (45 mph) may
cause loss of control. ! Do not carry unneeded weight in the road on which you are travelling.
your vehicle. Excess weight puts a ! Avoid continuous speeding up and
! Slow down and downshift before
descending steep or long downhill heavier load on the engine, causing slowing down. Stop−and−go driving
greater fuel consumption. wastes fuel.
grades. Do not make sudden down-
shifts. ! Avoid lengthy warm−up idling. Once ! Avoid unnecessary stopping and
the engine is running smoothly, begin braking. Maintain a steady pace. Try
! Avoid holding the brake pedal down
driving—but gently. Remember, howev- to time the traffic signals so you only
too long or too frequently. This
er, that on cold winter days this may need to stop as little as possible or
could cause the brakes to overheat
take a little longer. take advantage of through streets to
and result in reduced braking effi-
ciency. ! Put the selector lever into the “D” avoid traffic lights. Keep a proper dis-
when engine braking is not required. tance from other vehicles to avoid sud-
5−speed automatic transmission—Driv- den braking. This will also reduce wear
ing with the selector lever in “4” will on your brakes.
reduce the fuel economy (For details, ! Avoid heavy traffic or traffic jams
see “Automatic transmission (5−speed)” whenever possible.
on page 167 in Section 1−7.) ! Do not rest your foot on the clutch
4−speed automatic transmission—Driv- or brake pedal. This causes premature
ing with the selector lever in “3” will wear, overheating and poor fuel econo-
reduce the fuel economy (For details, my.
see “Automatic transmission (4−speed)”
on page 171 in Section 1−7.)
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08 02.19

! Maintain a moderate speed on high-

ways. The faster you drive, the greater CAUTION
the fuel consumption. By reducing your
speed, you will cut down on fuel con- Never turn off the engine to coast
sumption. down hills. Your power steering and
brake booster will not function with-
! Keep the front wheels in proper out the engine running. Also, the
alignment. Avoid hitting the curb and
emission control system operates
slow down on rough roads. Improper
properly only when the engine is run-
alignment not only causes faster tire
wear but also puts an extra load on
the engine, which, in turn, wastes fuel.
! Keep the bottom of your vehicle free
from mud, etc. This not only lessens
weight but also helps prevent corrosion
! Keep your vehicle tuned−up and in
top shape. A dirty air cleaner,
improper valve clearance, dirty plugs,
dirty oil and grease,brakes not
adjusted, etc. all lower engine
performance and contribute to poor fuel
economy. For longer life of all parts
and lower operating costs, keep all
maintenance work on schedule, and if
you often drive under severe
conditions, see that your vehicle
receives more frequent maintenance.
(For scheduled maintenance
information, please refer to the
“Scheduled Maintenance Guide” or
“Owner’s Manual Supplement”.)

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08 02.19

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

If your vehicle will not start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
If your engine stalls while driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
If you cannot increase engine speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
If your vehicle overheats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
If you have a flat tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
If your vehicle becomes stuck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
If your vehicle needs to be towed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
If you cannot shift automatic transmission selector lever . . . . . . . . 345
If you lose your keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
If you lose your wireless remote control transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346

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08 02.19

If your vehicle will not start—

(a) Simple checks (b) Starting a flooded engine
Before making these checks, make sure If the engine will not start, your engine
you have followed the correct starting pro- may be flooded because of repeated
cedure given in “How to start the engine” Do not pull− or push−start the ve- cranking.
on page 304 in Section 3 and that you hicle. It may damage the vehicle or If this happens, turn the engine switch to
have sufficient fuel. If your vehicle is cause a collision when the engine “START” with the accelerator pedal fully
equipped with the engine immobilizer sys- starts. Also the three−way catalytic depressed. Keep the key and accelerator
tem, also check whether the other keys converter may overheat and become a pedal in these positions for 15 seconds
will start the engine. If they work, your fire hazard. and release them. Then try starting the
key may be broken. Have the key engine with your foot off the accelerator
checked at your Toyota dealer. If none of pedal.
If the engine turns over at its normal
your keys work, there may be a malfunc-
speed but will not start— If the engine does not start after 15 se-
tion in the immobilizer system. Call your
Toyota dealer. (See “Keys (with engine 1. Turn the engine switch to “ACC” or conds of cranking, release the key, wait
immobilizer system)” on page 12 in Sec- “LOCK” and try starting the engine a few minutes and try again.
tion 1−2.) again. If the engine still will not start, it needs
If the engine is not turning over or is 2. If the engine will not start, the engine adjustment or repair. Call a Toyota dealer
turning over too slowly— may be flooded because of repeated or qualified repair shop for assistance.
cranking. See “(b) Starting a flooded
1. Check that the battery terminals are NOTICE
engine” for further instructions.
tight and clean.
3. If the engine still will not start, it needs Do not crank for more than 30 se-
2. If the battery terminals are O.K., switch
adjustment or repair. Call a Toyota conds at a time. This may overheat
on the interior light.
dealer or qualified repair shop. the starter and wiring systems.
3. If the light is out, dim or goes out
when the starter is cranked, the battery
is discharged. You may try jump start-
ing. See “(c) Jump starting” for further
If the light is O.K., but the engine still will
not start, it needs adjustment or repair.
Call a Toyota dealer or qualified repair
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08 02.19

(c) Jump starting

To avoid serious personal injury and JUMP STARTING PROCEDURE
damage to your vehicle which might re- ! The gas normally produced by a
1. If the booster battery is installed in
sult from battery explosion, acid burns, battery will explode if a flame or
another vehicle, make sure the vehicles
electrical burns, or damaged electronic spark is brought near. Use only
standardized jumper cables and do are not touching. Turn off all unneces-
components, these instructions must be sary lights and accessories.
followed precisely. not smoke or light a match while
jump starting. When boosting, use the battery of
If you are unsure about how to follow this matching or higher quality. Any other
procedure, we strongly recommend that battery may be difficult to jump start
you seek the help of a competent me- NOTICE with.
chanic or towing service.
The battery used for boosting must If jump starting is difficult, charge the
be 12 V. Do not jump start unless you battery for several minutes.
are sure that the booster battery is 2. If required, remove all the vent plugs
! Batteries contain sulfuric acid correct. from the booster and discharged batter-
which is poisonous and corrosive. ies. Lay a cloth over the open vents
Wear protective safety glasses when on the batteries. (This helps reduce the
jump starting, and avoid spilling explosion hazard, personal injuries and
acid on your skin, clothing, or ve- burns.)
hicle. 3. If the engine in the vehicle with the
! If you should accidentally get acid booster battery is not running, start it
on yourself or in your eyes, remove and let it run for a few minutes. During
any contaminated clothing and flush jump starting, run the engine at about
the affected area with water imme- 2000 rpm with the accelerator pedal
diately. Then get immediate medical lightly depressed.
attention. If possible, continue to
apply water with a sponge or cloth
while en route to the medical office.

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08 02.19

Discharged battery Jumper cable

LS40034 battery
LS40035 LS40002
terminal Discharged battery Booster
(“+” mark) Jumper Positive terminal Negative terminal battery
cable (“+” mark) (“−” mark)
Connecting point for 2.7 L 4−cylinder
4. Make the cable connections in the or- c. Connect the clamp of the negative (2TR−FE) engine
der a, b, c, d. (black) jumper cable to the negative (–)
a. Connect the clamp of the positive terminal on the booster battery.
(red) jumper cable to the positive (+) d. Connect the clamp at the other end
terminal on the discharged battery. of the negative (black) jumper cable to
b. Connect the clamp at the other end a solid, stationary, unpainted, metallic
of the positive (red) jumper cable to point of the vehicle with the discharged
the positive (+) terminal on the booster battery.
battery. The recommended connecting points
are shown in the following illustrations:

Connecting point for 4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE)

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08 02.19

If your engine stalls while

Do not connect the cable to or near If the first start attempt is not success- If your engine stalls while driving...
any part that moves when the engine ful... 1. Reduce your speed gradually, keeping
is cranked. Check that the clamp on the jumper a straight line. Move cautiously off the
cables are tight. Recharge the discharged road to a safe place.
CAUTION battery with the jumper cables connected 2. Turn on your emergency flashers.
for several minutes and restart your en-
When making the connections, to gine in the normal way. 3. Turn the engine switch to “ACC” or
avoid serious injury, do not lean over “LOCK”, and try starting the engine
If another attempt is not successful, the again.
the battery or accidentally let the
jumper cables or clamps touch any- battery may be depleted. Have it checked
at your Toyota dealer. If the engine will not start, see “If your
thing except the correct battery termi- vehicle will not start” on page 324 in this
nals or the ground. Section.

5. Start your engine in the normal way. CAUTION

After starting, run it at about 2000 rpm
for several minutes with the accelerator If the engine is not running, the pow-
pedal lightly depressed. er assist for the brakes and steering
6. Carefully disconnect the cables in the will not work so steering and braking
exact reverse order: the negative cable will be much harder than usual.
and then the positive cable.
7. Carefully dispose of the battery cover
cloths—they may now contain sulfuric
8. If removed, replace all the battery vent
If the cause of your battery discharging is
not apparent (for example, lights left on),
you should have it checked at your Toyota

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08 02.19

If you cannot increase engine

speed If your vehicle overheats
If engine speed does not increase when If your engine coolant temperature 3. Visually check to see if the engine
the accelerator pedal is depressed, there gauge indicates overheating, if you ex- drive belt (fan belt) is broken or loose.
may be a problem somewhere in the elec- perience a loss of power, or if you hear Look for obvious coolant leaks from the
tronic throttle control system. a loud knocking or pinging noise, the radiator, hoses, and under the vehicle.
At this time, vibration may occur. Howev- engine has probably overheated. You However, note that water draining from
er, if you depress the accelerator pedal should follow this procedure... the air conditioning is normal if it has
more firmly and slowly, you can drive your 1. Pull safely off the road, stop the ve- been used.
vehicle at low speeds. Have your vehicle hicle and turn on your emergency
checked by your Toyota dealer as soon as flashers. Put the transmission in “P” CAUTION
possible. (automatic) or neutral (manual) and ap-
ply the parking brake. Turn off the air When the engine is running, keep
Even if the abnormality of the electronic
conditioning if it is being used. hands and clothing away from the
throttle control system is corrected during moving fan and engine drive belts.
low speed driving, the system may not be 2. If coolant or steam is boiling out of the
recovered until the engine is stopped and radiator or reservoir, stop the engine.
the engine switch is turned to “ACC” or Wait until the steam subsides before 4. If the engine drive belt is broken or the
“LOCK” position. opening the hood. If there is no coolant coolant is leaking, stop the engine im-
boiling over or steam, leave the engine mediately. Call a Toyota dealer for as-
CAUTION running. sistance.
5. If the engine drive belt is O.K. and
Be especially careful to prevent erro- CAUTION there are no obvious leaks, you may
neous pedal operation. help the engine cool down more quickly
To help avoid personal injury, keep by running it at about 1500 rpm for a
the hood closed until there is no few minutes with the accelerator pedal
steam. Escaping steam or coolant is lightly depressed.
a sign of very high pressure. 6. Check the coolant reservoir. If it is dry,
add coolant to the reservoir while the
engine is running. Fill it about half full.
For the coolant type, See “Coolant type
selection” on page 372 in Section 7−2.

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08 02.19

If you have a flat tire—

1. Reduce your speed gradually,
CAUTION keeping a straight line. Move cau- CAUTION
Do not attempt to remove the radiator
tiously off the road to a safe place
well away from the traffic. Avoid When jacking, be sure to observe
cap when the engine and radiator are the following to reduce the possi-
hot. Serious injury could result from stopping on the center divider of
a highway. Park on a level spot bility of death or serious injury:
scalding hot fluid and steam blown
out under pressure. with firm ground. ! Follow jacking instructions.
2. Stop the engine and turn on your ! Do not put any part of your
7. After the engine coolant temperature emergency flashers. body under the vehicle sup-
has cooled to normal, again check the 3. With the transmission in “P” (auto- ported by the jack. Otherwise,
coolant level in the reservoir. If neces- personal injury may occur.
matic) or reverse (manual), firmly
sary, bring it up to half full again. Seri-
ous coolant loss indicates a leak in the
set the parking brake. ! Do not start or run the engine
system. You should have it checked as 4. Have everyone get out of the ve- while your vehicle is supported
soon as possible at your Toyota dealer. hicle on the side away from traffic. by the jack.
5. Read the following instructions ! Stop the vehicle on a level firm
thoroughly. ground, firmly set the parking
brake and put the transmission
in “P” (automatic) or reverse
(manual). Block the wheel diag-
onally opposite to the one be-
ing changed if necessary.

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08 02.19

—Required tools and spare tire

! Make sure to set the jack prop- NOTICE

erly in the jack point. Raising
Do not continue driving with a
the vehicle with jack improper- deflated tire. Driving even a
ly positioned will damage the short distance can damage a
vehicle or may allow the ve-
hicle to fall off the jack and
cause personal injury.
tire and wheel beyond repair.
! Never get under the vehicle
when the vehicle is supported
by the jack alone.
! Use the jack only for lifting
your vehicle during wheel Regular cab models (behind the
changing. seatback)
! Do not raise the vehicle with
someone in the vehicle.
! When raising the vehicle, do
not place any objects on top
of or underneath the jack.
! Raise the vehicle only high
enough to remove and change LS40006a
the tire.

Access cab models (under the

rear seats)
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08 02.19

LS40007a LS40036 LS40005a


Double cab models (under the

Turn the jack joint by hand. To remove the spare tire:
rear seats)
To remove: Turn the joint in direction 1. Put a jack handle, jack handle ex-
1 until the jack is free. tension and jack handle end to-
1. Get the required tools and To store: Turn the joint in direction 2 gether as shown in the illustration.
spare tire. until the jack is firmly secured to pre- 1 Jack handle end
1 Jack vent it flying forward during a collision 2 Jack handle extension
2 Tool bag or sudden braking. 3 Wheel nut wrench
To prepare yourself for an emergency,
you should familiarize yourself with CAUTION
the use of the jack, each of the tools
and their storage locations. Make sure they are each securely
When storing the tool bag, make sure fixed with the screws.
it is securely by the tightening strap.

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08 02.19

—Blocking the wheel —Removing wheel ornament

LS40004a LS40008 LS40010

Type A
2. Insert the end of the jack handle 2. Block the wheel diagonally op-
into the lowering screw and turn posite the flat tire to keep the
it counterclockwise. vehicle from rolling when it is
3. After the tire is lowered completely jacked up.
to the ground, remove the holding When blocking the wheel, place a
bracket. wheel block in front of one of the front
When storing the spare tire, put it in wheels or behind one of the rear
place with the outer side of the wheel
facing up. Then secure the tire, taking
care that the tire goes straight up
without catching on any other part, to
prevent it from flying forward during
a collision or sudden braking.

Type B
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08 02.19

—Loosening wheel nuts


Never use oil or grease on the

bolts or nuts. The nuts may loose
and the wheels may fall off,
LS40012a LS40013 which could cause a serious ac-

Type C
4. Loosen all the wheel nuts.
Always loosen the wheel nuts before
3. Remove the wheel ornament. raising the vehicle.
Pry off the wheel ornament, using the Turn the wheel nuts counterclockwise
beveled end of the wheel nut wrench to loosen. To get maximum leverage,
as shown. fit the wrench to the nut so that the
handle is on the right side, as shown
CAUTION above. Grab the wrench near the end
of the handle and pull up on the han-
Do not try to pull off the orna- dle. Be careful that the wrench does
ment by hand. Take due care in not slip off the nut.
handling the ornament to avoid
unexpected personal injury. Do not remove the nuts yet—just un-
screw them about one−half turn.

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08 02.19

—Positioning the jack —Raising your vehicle

LS40014 LS40005a LS40037

Front Rear
Front of

5. Position the jack at the correct Put a wheel nut wrench, jack handle 6. After making sure that no one
jack point as shown. extension and jack handle end togeth- is in the vehicle, as the jack
Make sure the jack is positioned on er as shown in the illustration. touches the vehicle and begins
a level and solid place. 1 Jack handle end to lift, double−check that it is
2 Jack handle extension properly positioned.
3 Wheel nut wrench Rear side only—
Front—Under the frame side rail
Rear—Under the rear axle housing When positioning the jack under the
CAUTION rear axle housing, make sure the
groove on the top of the jack fits with
Make sure they are each securely the rear axle housing.
fixed with screws.

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08 02.19

—Changing wheels
To raise the vehicle, insert the jack
handle end with the extension into the
jack (it is a loose fit) and turn it clock-
wise with the handle. As the jack
touches the vehicle and begins to lift,
double−check that it is properly posi-
LS40015 tioned. LS40016

Never get under the vehicle when

the vehicle is supported by the
jack alone.
7. After making sure that no one 8. Remove the wheel nuts and
is in the vehicle, raise it high change tires.
enough so that the spare tire Lift the flat tire straight off and put it
can be installed. aside.
Remember you will need more ground Roll the spare wheel into position and
clearance when putting on the spare align the holes in the wheel with the
tire than when removing the flat tire. bolts. Then lift up the wheel and get
at least the top bolt started through
its hole. Wiggle the tire and press it
back over the other bolts.

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08 02.19

—Reinstalling wheel nuts


Never use oil or grease on the

bolts or nuts. Doing so may lead
to overtightening the nuts and
LS40017 LS40018a damaging the bolts. The nuts
may loosen and the wheels may
fall off, which could cause a seri-
ous accident. If there is oil or
grease on any bolt or nut, clean

Before putting on wheels, remove any 9. Reinstall all the wheel nuts fin-
corrosion on the mounting surfaces ger tight.
with a wire brush or such. Installation Reinstall the wheel nuts (tapered end
of wheels without good metal−to−met- inward) and tighten them as much as
al contact at the mounting surface can you can by hand. Press back on the
cause wheel nuts to loosen and tire back and see if you can tighten
eventually cause a wheel to come off them more.
while driving.

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08 02.19

—Lowering your vehicle

10.Lower the vehicle completely
and tighten the wheel nuts. CAUTION
Turn the jack handle end with the ex- ! When lowering the vehicle,
tension counterclockwise with handle make sure all portions of your
to lower the vehicle, making sure the body and all other persons
LS40020 handle remains firmly fitted onto the
jack handle extension.
around will not be injured as
the vehicle is lowered to the
Use only the wheel nut wrench and ground.
turn it clockwise to tighten the nuts. ! Have the wheel nuts tightened
Do not use other tools or any addition- with torque wrench to 113 N·m
al leverage other than your hands, (11.5 kgf·m, 85 ft·lbf), as soon
such as a hammer, pipe or your foot. as possible after changing
Two−wheel drive models except Make sure the wrench is securely en- wheels. Otherwise, the nuts
PreRunner gaged over the nut. may loosen and the wheels
Tighten each nut a little at a time in may fall off, which could cause
the order shown. Repeat the process a serious accident.
until all the nuts are tight.


Four−wheel drive models and

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08 02.19

—Reinstalling wheel ornament

(type A only) —After changing wheels
12.Check the air pressure of the re-
CAUTION placed tire.
! Take due care in handling the Adjust the air pressure to the specifi-
ornament to avoid unexpected cation designated on page 410 in
personal injury. Section 8. If the pressure is lower,
LS40021 ! Do not attach a heavily dam-
drive slowly to the nearest service
station and fill to the correct pressure.
aged plastic wheel ornament.
It may fly off the wheel and Do not forget to reinstall the tire infla-
cause accidents while the ve- tion valve cap as dirt and moisture
hicle is moving. could get into the valve core and
possibly cause air leakage. If the cap
is missing, have a new one put on as
11. Reinstall the wheel ornament. soon as possible.
Put the wheel ornament into position 13.Restow all the tools, jack and
and then tap it firmly with the side or flat tire securely.
heel of your hand to snap it into place. With a spare tire of the same wheel
type as the installed tires—
As soon after changing wheels as
possible, tighten the wheel nuts to the
torque specified on page 410 in Sec-
tion 8 with a torque wrench. Have a
technician repair the flat tire.
With a spare tire of different wheel
type from the installed tires—

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08 02.19

If your vehicle becomes stuck

As soon after changing wheels as If your vehicle becomes stuck in snow,
possible, tighten the wheel nuts to the mud, sand, etc., then you may attempt
torque specified on page 410 in Sec- to rock the vehicle free by moving it If you rock your vehicle, observe the
tion 8 with a torque wrench. Have a forward and backward. following precautions to prevent dam-
technician repair the flat tire and re- If your vehicle is equipped with the age to the transmission and other
place the spare tire with it. “AUTO LSD” system, you can use it in parts.
this situation. (For details, see “AUTO ! Do not depress the accelerator ped-
CAUTION LSD system” on page 182 in Section al while shifting the selector lever
1−7.) (automatic transmission) or gear
Before driving, make sure all the If your vehicle is equipped with the shift lever (manual transmission), or
tools, jack and flat tire are se- rear differential lock system, you can before the transmission is com-
use it in this situation. (For details, see pletely shifted to forward or reverse
curely in place in their storage
“Rear differential lock system” on page gear.
location to reduce the possibility
192 in Section 1−7.) ! Do not race the engine and avoid
of personal injury during a colli-
sion or sudden braking. spinning the wheels.
CAUTION ! If your vehicle remains stuck after
rocking the vehicle several times,
Do not attempt to rock the vehicle
consider other ways such as tow-
free by moving it forward and back-
ward if people or objects are any-
where near the vehicle. During the
rocking operation the vehicle may
suddenly move forward or backward
as it becomes unstuck, causing injury
or damage to nearby people or ob-

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08 02.19

If your vehicle needs to be

If towing is necessary, we recommend
(a) Towing with wheel lift type truck— (a) Towing with wheel lift type truck— you have it done by your Toyota dealer
—From front —From front or a commercial tow truck service. In
consultation with them, have your ve-
hicle towed using either (a) or (b).
Only when you cannot receive a towing
service from a Toyota dealer or
commercial tow truck service, tow your
vehicle carefully in accordance with the
instructions given in “—Emergency
towing” on page 342 or 343 in this
—From rear —From rear
Proper equipment will help ensure that

LS40024 LS40025 your vehicle is not damaged while being

towed. Commercial operators are generally
aware of the state/provincial and local
laws pertaining to towing.
Your vehicle can be damaged if it is
towed incorrectly. Although most operators
(b) Using flat bed truck (b) Using flat bed truck know the correct procedure, it is possible
to make a mistake. To avoid damage to
your vehicle, make sure the following pre-
cautions are observed. If necessary, show
this page to the tow truck driver.
Use a safety chain system for all towing,
and abide by the state/provincial and local
laws. The wheels and axle on the ground
Two−wheel drive models Four−wheel drive models must be in good condition. If they are
damaged, use a towing dolly.
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08 02.19

Two−wheel drive models— From rear—Place the engine switch in the Four−wheel drive models—
(a) Towing with wheel lift type truck “ACC” position. (a) Towing with wheel lift type truck
From front— NOTICE From front—
! Manual transmission: ! Manual transmission:
! When lifting wheels, take care to
We recommend using a towing dolly under ensure adequate ground clearance We recommend using a towing dolly under
the rear wheels. If you do not use a tow- for towing at the opposite end of the rear wheels. If you do not use a tow-
ing dolly, release the parking brake and the raised vehicle. Otherwise, the ing dolly, release the parking brake, put
put the transmission in neutral. bumper and/or underbody of the the transmission in neutral and the front
! Automatic transmission: towed vehicle will be damaged dur- drive control switch knob in “H2”.
ing towing. ! Automatic transmission:
Use a towing dolly under the rear wheels.
! Do not tow with the key removed or Use a towing dolly under the rear wheels.
NOTICE in the “LOCK” position, as the
steering lock mechanism is not NOTICE
Never tow a vehicle with an automatic strong enough to hold the front
transmission from the front with the wheels straight while towing. Never tow a vehicle with an automatic
rear wheels on the ground, as this transmission from the front with the
may cause serious damage to the rear wheels on the ground, as this
transmission. (b) Using flat bed truck may cause serious damage to the

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

—Emergency towing (four−wheel

drive models and PreRunner
without off−road package)
From rear—We recommend using a tow-
(c) Towing with sling type
ing dolly under the front wheels. If you do truck
not use a towing dolly, place the engine
switch in the “ACC” position, put the
transmission in “N” (automatic) or neutral
(manual) and the front drive control switch
knob in “H2”.
LS40028 LS40031a
Do not tow with the key removed or
in the “LOCK” position when towing
from the rear without a towing dolly.
The steering lock mechanism is not
strong enough to hold the front
All models— If towing is necessary, we recommend
wheels straight.
(c) Towing with sling type truck you to have it done by your Toyota
dealer or a commercial tow truck ser-
(b) Using flat bed truck vice.
If towing service is not available in an
Do not tow with sling type truck, ei-
emergency, your vehicle may be tempo-
ther from the front or rear. This may
rarily towed by a cable or chain se-
cause body damage.
cured to one of the emergency towing
eyelet under the front of the vehicle.
Use extreme caution when towing the

Only use specified towing eyelet;
otherwise your vehicle may be dam-

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08 02.19

—Emergency towing (four−wheel

drive models and PreRunner with
off−road package)
A driver must be in the vehicle to steer Before towing, release the parking brake
it and operate the brakes. and put the transmission in neutral (manu-
Towing in this manner may be done only al) or “N” (automatic). The engine switch
on hard−surfaced roads for a short dis- must be in “ACC” (engine off) or “ON”
tance and at low speeds. Also, the (engine running).
wheels, axles, drive train, steering and Four−wheel drive models—Put the front
brakes must all be in good condition. drive control switch knob in “H2”. LS40030a

Use extreme caution when towing the If the engine is not running, the pow-
vehicle. Avoid sudden starts or errat- er assist for the brakes and steering
ic driving maneuvers which would will not work so steering and braking
place excessive stress on the emer- will be much harder than usual.
gency towing eyelet and towing cable If towing is necessary, we recommend
or chain. The eyelet and towing cable you to have it done by your Toyota
or chain may break and cause serious dealer or a commercial tow truck ser-
injury or damage. vice.
If towing service is not available in an
emergency, your vehicle may be tempo-
NOTICE rarily towed by a cable or chain se-
cured to the emergency towing hook
Use only a cable or chain specifically
under the front of the vehicle. Use ex-
intended for use in towing vehicles. treme caution when towing the vehicle.
Securely fasten the cable or chain to
the towing eyelet provided. NOTICE
Only use specified towing hook;
otherwise your vehicle may be dam-

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08 02.19

—Emergency towing hook and

eyelet precautions
A driver must be in the vehicle to steer Before towing, release the parking brake ! Before emergency towing, check that
it and operate the brakes. and put the transmission in neutral (manu- the hook is not broken or damaged and
Towing in this manner may be done only al) or “N” (automatic). The engine switch that the installation bolts are not loose.
on hard−surfaced roads for a short dis- must be in “ACC” (engine off) or “ON” ! Fasten the towing cable or chain se-
tance and at low speeds. Also, the (engine running). curely to the hook or eyelet.
wheels, axles, drive train, steering and Four−wheel drive models—Put the front ! Do not jerk the hook. Apply steady and
brakes must all be in good condition. drive control switch knob in “H2”. even force.

! To avoid damaging the hook and eye-
let, do not pull from the side or at a
Use extreme caution when towing the If the engine is not running, the pow- vertical angle. Always pull straight
vehicle. Avoid sudden starts or errat- er assist for the brakes and steering
ic driving maneuvers which would will not work so steering and braking
place excessive stress on the emer- will be much harder than usual.
gency towing hook and towing cable
or chain. The hook and towing cable
or chain may break and cause serious
injury or damage.

Use only a cable or chain specifically
intended for use in towing vehicles.
Securely fasten the cable or chain to
the towing hook provided.

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08 02.19

—Tips for towing a stuck If you cannot shift automatic

vehicle transmission selector lever
The following methods are effective to
CAUTION use when your vehicle is stuck in the
mud, sand or other condition from
If the emergency towing hook is used which the vehicle cannot be driven out
to get out when your vehicle becomes under its own power. Use extreme cau-
stuck in the mud, sand or other tion when towing the vehicle. In addi-
condition from which the vehicle can-
not be driven out under its own pow-
tion, keep away from the vehicles and
towing cable or chain when towing.
er, make sure to observe the precau-
tions mentioned below. Otherwise, ex-
! Remove the sand and soil in the front
and the back of the tires.
cessive stress will be put on the
hook and the towing cable or chain ! Place stones or wood under the tires.
may break, causing serious injury or
! If the towing vehicle can hardly If you cannot shift the selector lever
move, do not forcibly continue the out of “P” position to other positions
towing. Contact your Toyota dealer even though the brake pedal is de-
or a commercial tow truck service pressed, use the shift lock override but-
for assistance. ton as follows:
! Tow the vehicle as straight ahead 1. Turn the engine switch to “LOCK”
as possible. position. Make sure the parking
! Keep away from the vehicle during brake is applied.
towing. 2. Pry up the cover with a flathead
screwdriver or equivalent.

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08 02.19

If you lose your wireless

If you lose your keys remote control transmitter
You can purchase a new key at your You can purchase a new wireless re-
Toyota dealer if you can give them the mote control transmitter at your Toyota
key number. If your vehicle is equipped dealer.
with the engine immobilizer system, the Have the registered identification numbers
dealer will also need your master key. of your transmitters deleted from your ve-
Vehicles with engine immobilizer sys- hicle by your Toyota dealer as soon as
LS40033 tem—Even if you lose only one key, con-
tact your Toyota dealer to make a new
possible to avoid the possibility of theft or
an accident. Then, have the identification
key. If you lose all your master keys, you number of your new transmitter registered.
cannot make new keys; the whole engine At the same time, you must bring all of
immobilizer system must be replaced. the remaining transmitters to have them
See the suggestion given in “Keys” on registered again as well.
page 12 in Section 1−2. You can use the wireless remote control
If your keys are locked in the vehicle and system with the new transmitter. Contact
3. Insert the screwdriver or equivalent
into the hole to push down the shift you cannot get a duplicate, many Toyota your Toyota dealer for detailed information.
lock override button. You can shift dealers can still open the door for you,
out of “P” position only while push- using their special tools. If you must
ing the button. break a window to get in, we suggest
breaking the smallest side window be-
4. Shift into “N” position.
cause it is the least expensive to replace.
5. Insert the cover. Be extremely cautious to avoid cuts from
6. Start the engine. For your safety, the glass.
keep the brake pedal depressed.
Be sure to have the system checked by
your Toyota dealer as soon as possible.

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08 02.19

Protecting your Toyota from corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Washing and waxing your Toyota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Cleaning the interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

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08 02.19

Protecting your Toyota from

Toyota, through its diligent research, de- ! Wetness or dampness to certain parts ! High pressure water or steam is effec-
sign and use of the most advanced of your vehicle for an extended period tive for cleaning the vehicle’s underside
technology available, helps prevent corro- of time, may cause corrosion even and wheel housings. Pay particular
sion and provides you with the finest qual- though other parts of the vehicle may attention to these areas as it is difficult
ity vehicle construction. Now, it is up to be dry. to see all the mud and dirt. It will do
you. Proper care of your Toyota can help ! High ambient temperatures can cause more harm than good to simply wet the
ensure long−term corrosion prevention. corrosion to those components of the mud and debris without removing. The
The most common causes of corrosion vehicle which do not dry quickly due to lower edge of doors, rocker panels and
to your vehicle are: lack of proper ventilation. frame members have drain holes which
should not be allowed to clog with dirt
! The accumulation of road salt, dirt and The above signifies the necessity to keep as trapped water in these areas can
moisture in hard−to−reach areas under your vehicle, particularly the underside, as cause corrosion.
the vehicle. clean as possible and to repair any dam-
age to paint or protective coatings as ! Wash the underside of the vehicle thor-
! Chipping of paint, or undercoating oughly when winter is over.
caused by minor accidents or by soon as possible.
stones and gravel. To help prevent corrosion on your See “Washing and waxing your Toyota” on
Toyota, follow these guidelines: page 349 in this Section for more tips.
Care is especially important if you live
in particular areas or operate your ve- Wash your vehicle frequently. It is, of Check the condition of your vehicle’s
hicle under certain environmental condi- course, necessary to keep your vehicle paint and trim. If you find any chips or
tions: clean by regular washing, but to prevent scratches in the paint, touch them up im-
corrosion, the following points should be mediately to prevent corrosion from start-
! Road salt or dust control chemicals will ing. If the chips or scratches have gone
accelerate corrosion, as will the pres- observed:
through the bare metal, have a qualified
ence of salt in the air near the sea− ! If you drive on salted roads in the body shop make the repair.
coast or in areas of industrial pollution. winter or if you live near the ocean,
! High humidity accelerates corrosion es- you should hose off the undercarriage
pecially when temperatures range just at least once a month to minimize cor-
above the freezing point. rosion.

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08 02.19

Washing and waxing your

Check the interior of your vehicle. Wa- Washing your Toyota
ter and dirt can accumulate under the CAUTION
Keep your vehicle clean by regular
floor mats and could cause corrosion. Oc- washing.
casionally check under the mats to make ! When cleaning under floor or chas-
sure the area is dry. Be particularly care- The following cases may cause weakness sis, be careful not to injure your
ful when transporting chemicals, cleans- to the paint or corrosion to the body and hands.
ers, fertilizers, salt, etc.; these should be parts. Wash your vehicle as soon as pos- ! Exhaust gases cause the exhaust
transported in proper containers. If a spill sible.
pipe to become quite hot. When
or leak should occur, immediately clean ! When driving in a coastal area washing the vehicle, be careful not
and dry the area. ! When driving on a road sprinkled with to touch the pipe until it has cooled
Use mud shields on your wheels. If you antifreeze sufficiently, as touching a hot ex-
drive on salted or gravel roads, mud haust pipe can cause burns.
! When exposed to coal tar, tree sap,
shields help protect your vehicle. Full−size bird droppings and carcass of an insect
shields, which come as near to the ground 1. Rinse off loose dirt with a hose. Re-
as possible, are the best. We recommend ! When driving in areas where there is move any mud or road salt from the
that the fittings and the area where the a lot of smoke, soot, dust, iron dust or
underside of the vehicle or the wheel
shields are installed be treated to resist chemical substances
corrosion. Your Toyota dealer will be ! When the vehicle becomes remarkably 2. Wash with a mild car−wash soap,
happy to assist in supplying and installing dirty with dust and mud
mixed according to the manufacturer’s
the shields if they are recommended for Hand−washing your Toyota instructions. Use a soft cotton mitt and
your area.
Work in the shade and wait until the keep it wet by dipping it frequently into
Keep your vehicle in a well ventilated vehicle body is not warm to the touch. the wash water. Do not rub hard—let
garage or a roofed place. Do not park the soap and water remove the dirt.
your vehicle in a damp, poorly venti-
Fuel filler door: Do not apply water (high−
lated garage. If you wash your vehicle in
pressure car wash, for example) at or
the garage, or if you drive it covered with
near the fuel tank inlet with the fuel filler
water or snow, your garage may be so
door opened. If the water enters the air
damp as to cause corrosion. Even if your
vent, you may experience trouble with re-
garage is heated, a wet vehicle can cor-
fueling or rough engine idling.
rode if the ventilation is poor.

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Plastic wheel ornaments: The plastic Exterior lights: Wash carefully. Do not use Waxing your Toyota
wheel ornaments are damaged easily by organic substances or scrub them with a Polishing and waxing is recommended
organic substances. If any organic sub- hard brush. This may damage the sur- to maintain the original beauty of your
stances splash an ornament, be sure to faces of the lights. Toyota’s finish.
wash them off with water and check if the Road tar: Remove with turpentine or
ornament is damaged. Apply wax once a month or if the vehicle
cleaners that are marked safe for painted surface does not repel water well.
Aluminum wheels: Use only a mild soap surfaces.
or neutral detergent. 1. Always wash and dry the vehicle be-
3. Rinse thoroughly—dried soap can fore you begin waxing, even if you are
cause streaking. In hot weather you using a combined cleaner and wax.
may need to rinse each section right
after you wash it. 2. Use a good quality polish and wax. If
! Do not use corrosive chemical−
the finish has become extremely weath-
based cleaners on your wheels. (Ex- 4. To prevent water spots, dry the vehicle ered, use a car−cleaning polish, fol-
ample: hydrofluoric acid) using a clean soft cotton towel. Do not lowed by a separate wax. Carefully fol-
! Do not use steam cleaners or the rub or press hard—you might scratch low the manufacturer’s instructions and
chemicals therein to clean your the paint. precautions. Be sure to polish and wax
wheels. the chrome trim as well as the paint.
! Do not use scouring pads, wire Windshield washer nozzles: Make sure
brushes, or coarse abrasives to ! Do not use organic substances that the nozzles do not become blocked
clean your wheels. (gasoline, kerosene, benzine or when waxing. If a nozzle becomes
! Do not use alcohol, solvents, gaso- strong solvents), which may be tox- blocked, contact your Toyota dealer to
line, or other non−neutral deter- ic or cause damage. have the vehicle serviced.
gents, because they may alter the ! Do not scrub any part of the ve-
wheel’s appearance and resistance hicle with a hard brush, which may NOTICE
to corrosion. cause damage. If a nozzle becomes blocked, do not
try to clear it with a pin or other
Plastic bumpers: Wash carefully. Do not object. The nozzle will be damaged.
scrub with abrasive cleaners. The bumper
faces are soft.

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Cleaning the interior

Exterior lights: Do not apply wax on the First vacuum over the upholstery to re-
surfaces of the lights. Wax may cause CAUTION move loose dirt. Then, using a sponge or
damage to the lenses. If you accidentally soft cloth, apply the soap solution to the
put wax on the light surfaces, wipe or ! Vehicles with side airbags and cur- vinyl. After allowing it to soak in for a few
wash it off. tain shield airbags: minutes to loosen the dirt, remove the dirt
3. Wax the vehicle again when water Be careful not to splash water or and wipe off the soap with a clean damp
does not bead but remains on the sur- spill liquid on the floor. This may cloth. If all the dirt do not come off, re-
face in large patches. prevent the side airbags and curtain peat the procedure. Commercial foaming−
shield airbags from activating cor- type vinyl cleaners are also available
rectly, resulting in serious injury. which work well. Follow the manufacturer’s
! Do not wash the vehicle floor with
water, or allow water to get onto
the floor when cleaning the vehicle
interior or exterior. Water may get Do not use solvent, thinner, gasoline
into audio components or other or window cleaner on the interior.
electrical components above or un-
der the floor carpet (or mat) and Carpets
cause a malfunction; and it may
cause body corrosion. Use a good foam−type shampoo to
clean the carpets.

Vinyl interior Begin by vacuuming thoroughly to remove

as much dirt as possible. Several types of
The vinyl upholstery may be easily foam cleaners are available; some are in
cleaned with a mild soap or detergent aerosol cans and others are powders or
and water. liquids which you mix with water to pro-
duce a foam. To shampoo the carpets,
use a sponge or brush to apply the foam.
Rub in overlapping circles.

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Do not apply water—the best results are After cleaning or whenever any part of the
obtained by keeping the carpet as dry as leather gets wet, dry with a soft clean
possible. Read the shampoo instructions ! Do not use organic substances (sol- cloth. Allow the leather to dry in a venti-
and follow them closely. vents, kerosene, alcohol, gasoline, lated shaded area.
Seat belts etc.) or alkaline or acidic solutions.
These chemicals can cause discol- NOTICE
The seat belts may be cleaned with
oring, staining or peeling of the ! If a stain should fail to come out
mild soap and water or with lukewarm
surface. with a neutral detergent, apply a
! If you use cleaners or polishing cleaner that does not contain an
Use a cloth or sponge. As you are clean-
agents, make sure their ingredients organic solvent.
ing, check the belts for excessive wear,
do not include the substances men- ! Never use organic substances such
fraying, or cuts.
tioned above. as benzine, alcohol or gasoline or
NOTICE ! If you use a liquid car freshener, do alkaline or acid solutions for clean-
not spill the liquid onto the ve- ing the leather as these could
! Do not use dye or bleach on the hicle’s interior surfaces. It may con- cause discoloring.
belts—it may weaken them. tain the ingredients mentioned ! Use of a nylon brush or synthetic
! Do not use the belts until they be- above. Immediately clean any spill fiber cloth, etc. may scratch the
come dry. using the method mentioned above. fine grained surface of the leather.
! Mildew may develop on soiled leath-
Windows Leather Interior er upholstery. Be especially careful
The windows may be cleaned with any The leather upholstery may be cleaned to avoid oil spots. Try to keep your
household window cleaner. with neutral detergent for wool. upholstery always clean.
Air conditioning control panel, audio Remove dirt using a soft cloth dampened ! Long exposure to direct sunlight
panel, instrument panel, console panel, with 5% solution of neutral detergent for may cause the leather surface to
and switches wool. Then thoroughly wipe off all traces harden and shrink. Keep your ve-
Use a soft damp cloth for cleaning. of detergent with a clean damp cloth. hicle in a shaded area, especially in
the summer.
Soak a clean soft cloth in water or luke-
warm water then lightly wipe off dirt.

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! The interior of your vehicle is apt

to heat up on hot summer days, so
avoid placing on the upholstery
items made of vinyl or plastic or
containing wax as these tend to
stick to leather when warm.
! Improper cleaning of the leather up-
holstery could result in discolor-
ation or staining.

If you have any questions about the

cleaning of your Toyota, your local
Toyota dealer will be pleased to answer

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Maintenance requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
General maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Does your vehicle need repairing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Emissions Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) programs . . . . . . . . . 360

For scheduled maintenance information, please refer to the

“Scheduled Maintenance Guide” or “Owner’s Manual Supplement”.

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Maintenance requirements
Your Toyota vehicle has been designed for Scheduled maintenance You may also elect to have
fewer maintenance requirements with long- The scheduled maintenance items listed in maintenance, replacement, or repair of
er service intervals to save both your time the “Scheduled Maintenance Guide” or the emission control devices and
and money. However, each regular mainte- “Owner’s Manual Supplement” are those system performed by any automotive
nance, as well as day−to−day care, is required to be serviced at regular inter- repair establishment or individual
more important than ever before to ensure vals. without invalidating this warranty. See
smooth, and trouble−free, safe, and eco- “Owner’s Warranty Information Booklet”
nomical drivings. For details of your maintenance schedule, or “Owner’s Manual Supplement” for
read the “Scheduled Maintenance Guide” complete warranty information.
It is the owner’s responsibility to make or “Owner’s Manual Supplement”.
sure the specified maintenance, including Where to go for service?
general maintenance service, is performed. It is recommended that any replacement
parts used for maintenance or for the Toyota technicians are well−trained spe-
Note that both the new vehicle and cialists and are kept up to date with the
emission control system warranties specify repair of the emission control system
be Toyota supplied. latest service information through technical
that proper maintenance and care must be bulletins, service tips, and in−dealership
performed. See “Owner’s Warranty The owner may elect to use non−Toyota training programs. They learn to work on
Information Booklet” or “Owner’s Manual supplied parts for replacement pur- Toyotas before they work on your vehicle,
Supplement” for complete warranty poses without invalidating the emission rather than while they are working on it.
information. control system warranty. However, use
of replacement parts which are not of You can be confident that your Toyota
General maintenance dealer’s service department performs the
equivalent quality may impair the effec-
General maintenance items are those day− tiveness of the emission control sys- best job to meet the maintenance require-
to−day care practices that are important to tems. ments on your vehicle—reliably and eco-
your vehicle for proper operation. It is the nomically.
owner’s responsibility to ensure that the Your copy of the repair order is proof that
general maintenance items are performed all required maintenance has been per-
regularly. formed for warranty coverage. If any prob-
These checks or inspections can be done lems should arise with your vehicle while
either by yourself or a qualified technician, under warranty, your Toyota dealer will
or if you prefer, your Toyota dealer will be promptly take care of it. Again, be sure
pleased to do them at a nominal cost. to keep a copy of the repair order for any
service performed on your Toyota.
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General maintenance
What about do−it−yourself maintenance? Listed below are the general maintenance Engine coolant level
Many of the maintenance items are easy items that should be performed as fre- Make sure the coolant level is between
to do yourself if you have a little mechani- quently as specified. In addition to check- the “FULL” and “LOW” lines on the see−
cal ability and a few basic automotive ing the items listed, if you notice any through reservoir when the engine is cold.
unusual noise, smell or vibration, you See page 372 in Section 7−2 for addition-
tools. Simple instructions for how to per-
should investigate the cause or take your al information.
form them are presented on page 361 in
Section 7. vehicle to your Toyota dealer or a quali- Radiator, condenser and hoses
fied service shop immediately. It is recom- Check that the front of the radiator and
If you are a skilled do−it−yourself mended that any problem you notice be condenser are clean and not blocked with
mechanic, the Toyota service manuals are brought to the attention of your dealer or leaves, dirt, or insects. See page 373 in
recommended. Please be aware that the qualified service shop for their advice. Section 7−2 for additional information.
do−it−yourself maintenance can affect your
Battery condition
warranty coverage. See “Owner’s Warranty
CAUTION Check the battery condition by the indica-
Information Booklet” or “Owner’s Manual
Supplement” for the details. tor color. See page 388 in Section 7−3 for
Make these checks only with ade- additional information.
quate ventilation if you run the en- Brake fluid level
Make sure the brake fluid level is correct.
See page 373 in Section 7−2 for addition-
Items listed below should be checked Engine oil level
from time to time, e.g. each time when Check the level on the dipstick with the
refueling. engine turned off and the vehicle parked
Washer fluid on a level spot. See page 370 in Section
7−2 for additional information.
Make sure there is sufficient fluid in the Power steering fluid level
tank. See page 391 in Section 7−3 for (2.7 L 4−cylinder [2TR−FE] engine)
additional information.
Check the level on the dipstick. The level
should be in the “HOT” or “COLD” range
depending on the fluid temperature. See
page 375 in Section 7−2 for additional in-
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Power steering fluid level Seats Brakes

(4.0 L V6 [1GR−FE] engine) Check that all seat controls such as seat In a safe place, check that the brakes do
Check the level through the reservoir. The adjusters, seatback recliner, etc. operate not pull to one side when applied.
level should be in the “HOT” or “COLD” smoothly and that all latches lock securely Parking brake (pedal type)
range depending on the fluid temperature. in any position. Check that the head re-
See page 375 in Section 7−2 for addition- straints move up and down smoothly and Check that the pedal has the proper travel
al information. that the locks hold securely in any latched and that, on a safe incline, your vehicle
position. For folding−down seatback is held securely with only the parking
Exhaust system brake applied.
(bench seat) and rear seatback (rear split
If you notice any change in the sound of bench seat), check that the latches lock Parking brake (lever type)
the exhaust or smell exhaust fumes, have securely.
the cause located and corrected immedi- Check that the lever has the proper travel
ately. (See “Engine exhaust cautions” on Seat belts and that, on a safe incline, your vehicle
page 275 in Section 2.) Check that the seat belt system such as is held securely with only the parking
buckles, retractors and anchors operate brake applied.
properly and smoothly. Make sure the belt Automatic transmission “Park” mecha-
Items listed below should be checked webbing is not cut, frayed, worn or dam- nism
regularly, e.g. while performing periodic aged.
services, cleaning the vehicle, etc. On a safe incline, check that your vehicle
Accelerator pedal is held securely with the selector lever in
Lights “P” position and all brakes released.
Check the pedal for smooth operation and
Make sure the headlights, stop lights, tail uneven pedal effort or catching. OUTSIDE THE VEHICLE
lights, turn signal lights, and other lights
are all working. Check headlight aim. Clutch pedal Items listed below should be performed
Check the pedal for smooth operation. from time to time, unless otherwise
Service reminder indicators and warning specified.
buzzers Brake pedal
Fluid leaks
Check that all service reminder indicators Check the pedal for smooth operation and
and warning buzzers function properly. that the pedal has the proper clearance. Check underneath for leaking fuel, oil, wa-
Check the brake booster function. ter or other fluid after the vehicle has
Steering wheel been parked for a while. If you smell fuel
Be alert for changes in steering condition, fumes or notice any leak, have the cause
such as hard steering or strange noise. found and corrected immediately.
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Does your vehicle need

Doors and engine hood Be on the alert for changes in perfor- If you notice any of these clues, take your
Check that all doors including tailgate op- mance, sounds, and visual tip−offs that vehicle to your Toyota dealer as soon as
erate smoothly and all latches lock se- indicate service is needed. Some impor- possible. It probably needs adjustment or
curely. Make sure the engine hood sec- tant clues are as follows: repair.
ondary latch secures the hood from ! Engine missing, stumbling, or pinging
opening when the primary latch is re- CAUTION
! Appreciable loss of power
! Strange engine noises Do not continue driving with the ve-
Tire inflation pressure hicle unchecked. It could result in se-
! A leak under the vehicle (however, wa-
Check the pressure with a gauge ev- ter dripping from the air conditioning rious vehicle damage and possibly
ery two weeks, or at least once a after use is normal.) personal injury.
month. See page 376 in Section 7−2 ! Change in exhaust sound (This may
for additional information. indicate a dangerous carbon monoxide
Tire surface and wheel nuts leak. Drive with the windows open and
have the exhaust system checked im-
Check the tires carefully for cuts, mediately.)
damage or excessive wear. See page
379 in Section 7−2 for additional in- ! Flat−looking tire; excessive tire squeal
when cornering; uneven tire wear
formation. When checking the tires,
make sure no nuts are missing, and ! Vehicle pulls to one side when driving
check the nuts for looseness. Tighten straight on a level road
them if necessary. ! Strange noises related to suspension
Tire rotation
! Loss of brake effectiveness; spongy
Rotate the tires according to the feeling brake or clutch pedal; pedal al-
maintenance schedule. (For sched- most touches floor; vehicle pulls to one
uled maintenance information, please side when braking
refer to the “Scheduled Maintenance
! Engine coolant temperature continually
Guide” or “Owner’s Manual Supple- higher than normal
ment”.) See page 381 in Section 7−2
for additional information.
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Emissions Inspection and

Maintenance (I/M) programs
Some states have vehicle emission in- The malfunction indicator lamp will go off
spection programs which include OBD after taking several driving trips, but the
(On−Board Diagnostics) checks. error code in the OBD system will not be
The OBD system monitors the operation cleared unless about 40 trips or more are
of the emission control system. When the taken.
OBD system determines that a problem If your vehicle does not pass the I/M test
exists somewhere in the emission control even the malfunction indicator lamp does
system, the malfunction indicator lamp not come on, contact your Toyota dealer
comes on. In this case, your vehicle may to prepare the vehicle for re−testing.
not pass the I/M test and need to be
repaired. Contact your Toyota dealer to
service the vehicle.
Even if the malfunction indicator lamp
does not come on, your vehicle may not
pass the I/M test as readiness codes
have not been set in the OBD system.
Readiness codes are automatically set
during ordinary driving. However, when the
battery is disconnected or run down, the
codes are erased. Also, depending on
your driving habits, the codes may not be
completely set.
Also, if the malfunction indicator lamp had
come on recently due to temporary mal-
function such as a loose fuel tank cap,
your vehicle may not pass the I/M test.

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Engine compartment overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
Fuse locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Do−it−yourself service precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Parts and tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366

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Engine compartment overview

!2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine
1. Windshield washer fluid tank
2. Engine coolant reservoir
3. Engine oil filler cap
4. Power steering fluid reservoir
5. Engine oil level dipstick
6. Brake fluid reservoir
7. Fuse block
8. Battery
9. Condenser
10. Radiator


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!4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine

1. Windshield washer fluid tank
2. Power steering fluid reservoir
3. Engine oil level dipstick
4. Engine coolant reservoir
5. Engine oil filler cap
6. Brake fluid reservoir
7. Fuse block
8. Battery
9. Condenser
10. Radiator


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Do−it−yourself service
Fuse locations precautions
If you perform maintenance by yourself,
be sure to follow the correct procedure
given in this Section.
You should be aware that improper or in-
Spare fuses complete servicing may result in operating
LS71004 Performing do−it−yourself maintenance
during the warranty period may affect your
warranty coverage. Read the separate
Toyota Warranty statement for details and
This Section gives instructions only for
those items that are relatively easy for an
LS71003 owner to perform. As explained in Section
6, there are still a number of items that
must be done by a qualified technician
with special tools.
For information on tools and parts for do−
it−yourself maintenance, see “Parts and
tools” on page 366 in this Section.

LS71005 Utmost care

ing on your
should be taken when work-
vehicle to prevent accidental
injury. Here are a few precautions that
you should be especially careful to ob-

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CAUTION " Use eye protection whenever you NOTICE

work on or under your vehicle
! Remember that battery and ignition
" When the engine is running, keep where you may be exposed to flying
coil carry high currents or voltages.
hands, clothing, and tools away or falling material, fluid spray, etc.
Be careful of accidentally causing a
from the moving fan and engine " Used engine oil contains potentially short circuit.
drive belts. (Removing rings, harmful contaminants which may
watches, and ties is advisable.) ! Add only “Toyota Super Long Life
cause skin disorders such as in-
Coolant” or similar high quality eth-
" Right after driving, the engine flammation or skin cancer, so care
ylene glycol based non−silicate,
compartment—the engine, radiator, should be taken to avoid prolonged
non−amine, non−nitrite, and non−bo-
exhaust manifold, power steering and repeated contact with it. To re-
rate coolant with long−life hybrid
fluid reservoir and spark plug move used engine oil from your
organic acid technology to fill the
boots, etc.—will be hot. So be care- skin, wash thoroughly with soap
radiator. “Toyota Super Long Life
ful not to touch them. Oil, fluids and water.
Coolant” is a mixture of 50% cool-
and spark plugs may also be hot. " Do not leave used oil within the ant and 50% deionized water (for
" If the engine is hot, do not remove reach of children. the U.S.A.) or 55% coolant and 45%
the radiator cap or loosen the drain " Dispose of used oil and filter only deionized water (for Canada).
plugs to prevent burning yourself. in a safe and acceptable manner. ! If you spill some of the coolant, be
" Do not leave anything that may Do not dispose of used oil and fil- sure to wash it off with water to
burn easily, such as paper or rags, ter in household trash, in sewers or prevent it from damaging the parts
in the engine compartment. onto the ground. Call your dealer or or paint.
" Do not smoke, cause sparks or al- a service station for information
! Do not allow dirt or anything else
low open flames around fuel or the concerning recycling or disposal.
to fall through the spark plug holes.
battery. Their fumes are flammable. " Be extremely cautious when work- ! Use only spark plugs of the speci-
" Do not get under your vehicle with ing on the battery. It contains poi-
fied type. Using other types will
just the body jack supporting it. Al- sonous and corrosive sulfuric acid.
cause engine damage, loss of per-
ways use automotive jack stands or formance or radio noise.
other solid supports.

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Parts and tools

Here is a list of parts and tools you will Tools:
! Do not reuse iridium−tipped spark need to perform do−it−yourself mainte-
plugs by cleaning or regapping. " Funnel (only for adding coolant)
nance. Remember all Toyota parts are de-
! Do not overfill automatic transmis- signed in metric sizes, so your tools must CHECKING BRAKE FLUID
sion fluid, or the transmission be metric. Parts (if level is low):
could be damaged. CHECKING THE ENGINE OIL LEVEL " SAE J1703 or FMVSS No.116 DOT 3
! Do not drive with the air cleaner Parts (if level is low): brake fluid
filter removed, or excessive engine Tools:
wear could result. Also backfiring " “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equiva-
could cause a fire in the engine lent " Rag or paper towel
compartment. See page 370 in Section 7−2 for de- " Funnel (only for adding fluid)
tails about engine oil selection.
! Be careful not to scratch the glass CHECKING POWER STEERING FLUID
surface with the wiper frame. Tools:
Parts (if level is low):
! When closing the engine hood, " Rag or paper towel
" Automatic transmission fluid
check to see that you have not for- " Funnel (only for adding oil) DEXRON#II or III
gotten any tools, rags, etc. CHECKING THE ENGINE COOLANT Tools:
" Rag or paper towel
Parts (if level is low):
" Funnel (only for adding fluid)
" “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” or
similar high quality ethylene glycol CHECKING BATTERY CONDITION
based non−silicate, non−amine, non−ni- Tools:
trite, and non−borate coolant with long− " Warm water
life hybrid organic acid technology.
" Baking soda
“Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” is a
mixture of 50% coolant and 50% deion- " Grease
ized water(for the U.S.A.) or 55% cool- " Conventional wrench (for terminal
ant and 45% deionized water (for Can- clamp bolts)

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Parts (if replacement is necessary):
" Fuse with same amperage rating as
" Water
" Washer fluid containing antifreeze
(for winter use)
" Funnel
" Bulb with same number and wattage
rating as original (See charts in
“Replacing light bulbs” on page 392 in
Section 7−3.)
" Screwdriver
" Wrench

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Engine and Chassis
Checking the engine oil level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Checking the engine coolant level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Checking the radiator and condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Checking brake fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Checking power steering fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Checking tire inflation pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Checking and replacing tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Rotating tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
Installing snow tires and chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
Replacing wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Aluminum wheel precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385

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Checking the engine oil level

With the engine at operating tempera- If the oil level is below or only slightly
ture and turned off, check the oil level above the low level, add engine oil of
Low level Full level on the dipstick. the same type as already in the engine.
1. To get a correct reading, the vehicle Remove the oil filler cap and add engine
should be on level ground. After turning oil in small quantities at a time, checking
off the engine, wait a few minutes for the dipstick. We recommend that you use
LS72005 the oil to drain back into the bottom of
the engine.
a funnel when adding oil.
The approximate quantity of oil needed to
2. Pull the dipstick out, hold a rag under raise the level between low and full on the
the end and wipe it clean. dipstick is indicated as follows:
Add oil O.K. Too full
3. Reinsert the dipstick—push it in as far 2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine
as it will go, or the reading will not be 1.3 L (1.4 qt., 1.1 Imp.qt.)
correct. 4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine
2TR−FE engine
4. Pull the dipstick out and look at the oil 1.5 L (1.6 qt., 1.3 Imp.qt.)
level while holding a rag under the For the engine oil capacity, see “Service
end. specifications” on page 406 in Section 8.
Low level Full level When the level reaches within the correct
range, install the filler cap hand−tight.
Be careful not to touch the hot ex-
LS72004 haust manifold.
! Be careful not to spill engine oil on
the vehicle components.
! Avoid overfilling, or the engine
Be careful not to drop engine oil on could be damaged.
Add oil O.K. Too full
the vehicle components. ! Check the oil level on the dipstick
once again after adding the oil.
1GR−FE engine

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08 02.19


“Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” is used in SAE 5W−30
your Toyota vehicle. Use Toyota approved
“Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equivalent
to satisfy the following grade and viscos-
Oil grade:
ILSAC multigrade engine oil
Recommended viscosity:
2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine—
SAE 5W−20 or 0W−20
Outside temperature

Oil identification mark

The ILSAC (International Lubricant Stan-
SAE 5W−30 is the best choice for good dardization and Approval Committee) Certi-
fuel economy, and good starting in cold fication Mark is added to some oil con-

SOIL20 weather.
If SAE 5W−30 oil is not available, SAE
tainers to help you select the oil you
should use.
10W−30 oil may be used. However, it
should be replaced with SAE 5W−30 at
the next oil change.
Outside temperature

SAE 5W−20 or 0W−20 engine oil may be

used. However, SAE 0W−20 is the best
choice for good fuel economy and good
starting in cold weather.

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08 02.19

Checking the engine coolant

Look at the see−through coolant reser- Coolant type selection
voir when the engine is cold. The cool- Use of improper coolants may damage
ant level is satisfactory if it is between your engine cooling system.
the “FULL” and “LOW” lines on the
reservoir. If the level is low, add the Only use “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant”
coolant. (For the coolant type, see or similar high quality ethylene glycol
“Coolant type selection” described be- based non−silicate, non−amine, non−nitrite,
low.) and non−borate coolant with long−life
hybrid organic acid technology. (Coolant
The coolant level in the reservoir will vary with long−life hybrid organic acid
with engine temperature. However, if the technology is a combination of low
level is on or below the “LOW” line, add phosphates and organic acids.)
coolant. Bring the level up to the “FULL”
line. For the U.S.A.—“Toyota Super Long Life
Coolant” is a mixture of 50% coolant and
If the coolant level drops within a short 50% deionized water. This coolant pro-
To ensure excellent lubrication perfor-
mance for your engine, “Toyota Genuine time after replenishing, there may be a vides protection down to about −35!C
leak in the system. Visually check the (−31!F).
Motor Oil” is available, which has been
radiator, hoses, radiator cap and drain
specifically tested and approved for all For Canada—“Toyota Super Long Life
Toyota engines. cock and water pump.
Coolant” is a mixture of 55% coolant and
If you can find no leak, have your Toyota 45% deionized water. This coolant pro-
Please contact your Toyota dealer for fur-
ther details about “Toyota Genuine Motor dealer test the cap pressure and check vides protection down to about −42!C
for leaks in the cooling system. (−44!F).


To prevent burning yourself, do not Do not use plain water alone.

remove the radiator cap when the en-
gine is hot.

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08 02.19

Checking brake fluid (without

Checking the radiator and vehicle stability control
condenser system)
If either of the above parts are extremely
dirty or you are not sure of their condi-
tion, take your vehicle to a Toyota dealer.


To prevent burning yourself, be care-

ful not to touch the radiator or con-
denser when the engine is hot.

To prevent damage to the radiator
and condenser, do not perform the
Toyota recommends “Toyota Super Long To check the fluid level, simply look at
work by yourself.
Life Coolant”, which has been tested to the see−through reservoir. The level
ensure that it will not cause corrosion nor should be between the “MAX” and
result in malfunction of your engine “MIN” lines on the reservoir.
coolant system with proper usage. “Toyota It is normal for the brake fluid level to go
Super Long Life Coolant” is formulated down slightly as the brake pads wear. So
with long−life hybrid organic acid be sure to keep the reservoir filled.
technology and has been specifically
designed to avoid engine cooling system If the reservoir needs frequent refilling, it
malfunction on Toyota vehicles. may indicate a serious mechanical prob-
Please contact your Toyota dealer for
further details. If the level is low, add SAE J1703 or
FMVSS No.116 DOT 3 brake fluid to the
brake reservoir.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Checking brake fluid

(with vehicle stability control
Remove and replace the reservoir cap by Refilling brake fluid:
hand. Fill the brake fluid to the dotted 1. Turn the engine switch off.
line. This brings the fluid to the correct
level when you put the cap back on. 2. Depress the brake pedal more than 20
Use only newly opened brake fluid. Once
opened, brake fluid absorbs moisture from 3. Remove the reservoir cover by hand.
the air, and excess moisture can cause a
dangerous loss of braking.
LS72006 Add brake fluid up to the “MAX” line.
If you do not follow the procedure above,
the reservoir may overflow.
CAUTION Use only newly opened brake fluid. Once
opened, brake fluid absorbs moisture from
Take care when filling the reservoir the air, and excess moisture can cause a
because brake fluid can harm your dangerous loss of braking.
hands or eyes. If fluid gets on your
hands or in your eyes, flush the af- To check the fluid level, simply look at
the see−through reservoir. The level CAUTION
fected area with clean water immedi-
ately. If you still feel uncomfortable should be between the “MAX” and
“MIN” lines on the reservoir. Take care when filling the reservoir
with your hands or eyes, go to the because brake fluid can harm your
doctor. It is normal for the brake fluid level to go hands or eyes. If fluid gets on your
down slightly as the brake pads wear or hands or in your eyes, flush the af-
when the fluid level in the accumulator is fected area with clean water immedi-
NOTICE high. ately. If you still feel uncomfortable
If you spill some of the fluid, be sure If the reservoir needs frequent refilling, it with your hands or eyes, go to the
to wipe it off to prevent it from dam- may indicate a serious mechanical prob- doctor.
aging the parts or paintwork. lem.
If the level is low, add SAE J1703 or
FMVSS No.116 DOT 3 brake fluid to the NOTICE
brake reservoir. If you spill some of the fluid, be sure
to wipe it off to prevent it from dam-
aging the parts or paintwork.
2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Checking power steering fluid

(2.7 L 4−cylinder [2TR−FE] Checking power steering fluid
engine) (4.0 L V6 [1GR−FE] engine)
c. Reinstall the reservoir cap.
If cold add d. Remove the reservoir cap again and If cold
If cold O.K. look at the fluid level. If the fluid is O.K. If hot
cold, the level should be in the “COLD”
range on the dipstick. Similarly, if it is
hot, the fluid level should be in the
LS72009 “HOT” range. If the level is at the low
side of either range, add automatic If cold

transmission fluid DEXRON"II or III to
bring the level within the range.
If hot add If hot
e. After replacing the reservoir cap, visu- add
If hot O.K. ally check the steering box case, vane
pump and hose connections for leaks
or damage.
Check the fluid level on the dipstick. If Check the fluid level through the reser-
necessary, add automatic transmission voir. If necessary, add automatic trans-
fluid DEXRON"II or III. mission fluid DEXRON"II or III.
If the vehicle has been driven around 80 The reservoir tank may be hot so be If the vehicle has been driven around 80
km/h (50 mph) for 20 minutes (a little careful not to burn yourself. km/h (50 mph) for 20 minutes (a little
more in frigid temperatures), the fluid is more in frigid temperatures), the fluid is
hot (40!C—80!C or 104!F—175!F). You hot (60!C—80!C or 140!F—175!F). You
may also check the level when the fluid NOTICE may also check the level when the fluid
is cold (about room temperature, is cold (about room temperature,
0!C—40!C or 32!F—104!F) if the engine Avoid overfilling, or the power steer- 10!C—30!C or 50!F—85!F) if the engine
has not been run for about five hours. ing could be damaged. has not been run for about five hours.
a. Clean all dirt from outside of the reser-
voir tank.
b. Remove the reservoir cap by turning it
counterclockwise and wipe the dipstick

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08 02.19

Checking tire inflation

Clean all dirt from the outside of the res-
ervoir tank and look at the fluid level. If
the fluid is cold, the level should be in the
“COLD” range. Similarly, if it is hot, the
fluid level should be in the “HOT” range.
If the level is at the low side of either
range, add automatic transmission fluid
DEXRON"II or III to bring the level within
the range.
To remove the reservoir cap, turn it coun-
terclockwise and lift up. To reinstall it,
turn it clockwise. After replacing the reser-
voir cap, visually check the steering box
case, vane pump and hose connections
for leaks or damage. LS72020a LS72021a

The reservoir tank may be hot so be

careful not to burn yourself.

Avoid overfilling, or the power steer-
ing could be damaged.

Regular and double cab models Access cab models

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08 02.19

Keep your tire inflation pressures The following instructions for

at the proper level. checking tire inflation pressure Tire pressure
should be observed: gauge
The recommended cold tire inflation
pressures, tire sizes and the com- # The pressure should be
bined weight of occupants and cargo checked only when the tires are
(vehicle capacity weight) are de-
scribed on page 402 in Section 8.
cold. If your vehicle has been
parked for at least 3 hours and has LS72003
They are also described on the tire not been driven for more than 1.5
and loading information label as km or 1 mile since, you will get
shown. an accurate cold tire inflation pres-
You should check the tire inflation sure reading.
pressure every two weeks, or at least # Always use a tire pressure
once a month. And do not forget the gauge. The appearance of a tire INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT
spare! can be misleading. Besides, tire PROCEDURE
inflation pressures that are even
just a few pounds off can degrade 1. Remove the tire valve cap.
ride and handling. 2. Press the tip of the tire pressure
# Do not bleed or reduce tire gauge to the tire valve.
inflation pressure after driving. 3. Read the pressure using the grad-
It is normal for the tire inflation uations of the gauge.
pressure to be higher after driving. 4. In case the tire inflation pressure
# Never exceed the vehicle capac- is not within the prescribed range,
ity weight. Passenger and lug- insert the compressed air from the
gage weight should be located so valve. In case of applying too
that the vehicle is balanced. much air, press the center of the
valve and release the air to adjust.

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08 02.19

5. After completing the tire inflation

pressure measurement and ad- CAUTION High tire pressure (overinfla-
justment, apply soapy water to the tion)—
valve and check for leakage. Keep your tires properly inflated. # Poor handling
Otherwise, the following condi-
6. Install the tire valve cap. tions may occur and cause an ac- # Excessive wear
If a gauge and air pump are not avail- cident resulting in death or seri- # Uneven wear
able, have your vehicle checked by ous injuries. # A greater possibility of tire
your Toyota dealer. Low tire pressure (underinfla- damage from road hazards
# Excessive wear
Be sure to reinstall the tire valve # Uneven wear
caps. Without the valve caps, dirt # Poor handling
or moisture could get into the
valve core and cause air leakage. # Possibility of blowouts from an
If the caps have been lost, have overheated tire
new ones put on as soon as pos- # Poor sealing of the tire bead
sible. # Wheel deformation and/or tire
Incorrect tire inflation pressure may # A greater possibility of tire
waste fuel, reduce the comfort of driv- damage from road hazards
ing, reduce tire life and make your ve-
hicle less safe to drive.
If a tire frequently needs refilling,
have it checked by your Toyota deal-

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08 02.19

Checking and replacing tires

The tires on your Toyota have built−in If air loss occurs while driving, do not
Treadwear indicator treadwear indicators to help you know continue driving. Driving even a short
when the tires need replacement. distance can damage a tire beyond
When the tread depth wears to 1.6 repair.
mm (0.06 in.) or less, the indicators Any tires which are over 6 years
will appear. If you can see the indica- old must be checked by a qualified
tors in two or more adjacent grooves, technician even if damage is not
the tire should be replaced. The lower obvious.
the tread, the higher the risk of skid-
ding. Tires deteriorate with age even if they
have never or seldom been used.
The effectiveness of snow tires is
lost if the tread wears down below This applies also to the spare tire and
4 mm (0.16 in.). tires stored for future use.
If you have tire damage such as
Check the tire’s tread for treadwear cuts, splits, cracks deep enough to
indicators. If the indicators show, expose the fabric, or bulges indi-
replace the tires. The location of cating internal damage, the tire
treadwear indicators is shown by should be replaced.
the “TWI” or “∆ ” marks, etc.,
If a tire often goes flat or cannot be
molded on the sidewall of each
tire. properly repaired due to the size or
location of a cut or other damage, it
should be replaced. If you are not
sure, consult with your Toyota dealer.

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08 02.19

REPLACING YOUR TIRES For details about the sidewall of the

tire and the Certification Label, see # Four−wheel drive models:
When replacing a tire, use a tire of Do not use tires of different
the same size and construction, “Tire information” on page 287 in Sec-
tion 2 and “Your Toyota’s identifica- brands, sizes, construction or
and the same or greater maximum tread patterns, as this may
load as the originally installed tion” on page 284 in Section 2.
cause dangerous handling
tires. Also, on four−wheel drive characteristics resulting in
models, all the tires must be the CAUTION
loss of control.
same brand and have the same
tread patterns. Observe the following instruc-
tions. Otherwise, an accident Toyota recommends all four tires,
Using any other size or type of tire may occur resulting in death or or at least both of the front or rear
may seriously affect handling, ride, serious injuries. tires be replaced at a time as a set.
speedometer/odometer calibration,
ground clearance, and clearance be- # Do not mix radial, bias belted, See “If you have a flat tire” on page
tween the body and tires or snow or bias−ply tires on your ve- 329 in Section 4 for tire change proce-
chains. hicle, as this may cause dan- dure.
gerous handling characteris- When a tire is replaced, the wheel
Check that the maximum load of the tics resulting in loss of control.
replaced tire is greater than 1/2 of the should always be balanced.
Gross Axle Weight Ratings (GAWR) # Do not use tires other than the An unbalanced wheel may affect ve-
of either the front axle or the rear manufacturer’s recommended hicle handling and tire life. Wheels
axle, whichever is greater. As for the size, as this may cause danger- can get out of balance with regular
maximum load of the tire, see the load ous handling characteristics use and should therefore be balanced
limit at maximum cold tire inflation resulting in loss of control. occasionally.
pressure mentioned on the sidewall
of the tire, and as for the Gross Axle
Weight Ratings (GAWR), see the Cer-
tification Label.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Rotating tires
The tire pressure warning system
must be initialized when the
specified tire inflation pressure is
changed due to tire replacement.
See “Tire pressure warning
system” on page 194 in Section
1−7. LS72010 LS72012
! When the tires must be re-
paired or replaced, have them
repaired or replaced by the
nearest Toyota dealer or au- With a spare tire of the same With a spare tire of different
thorized tire dealer. Failure to wheel type as the installed tires wheel type from the installed
do so may cause the tire tires
pressure sensors to be dam-
aged when the tires are re-
moved or installed.
! Remove the air pressure sen-
sors before replacing the
tires to prevent the sensors
from being damaged.

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08 02.19

Installing snow tires and

To equalize the wear and help The tire pressure warning system WHEN TO USE SNOW TIRES OR
extend tire life, Toyota must be initialized when rotating CHAINS
recommends that you rotate your tires, in case that specified tire Snow tires or chains are recommended
tires according to the maintenance inflation pressure is different when driving on snow or ice.
schedule. (For scheduled between front and rear. See “Tire On wet or dry roads, conventional tires
maintenance information, please pressure warning system” on page provide better traction than snow tires.
refer to the “Scheduled 194 in Section 1−7. SNOW TIRE SELECTION
Maintenance Guide” or “Owner’s
Manual Supplement”.) However, If you need snow tires, select tires of
the same size, construction and load
the most appropriate timing for tire
capacity as the originally installed tires.
rotation may vary according to Also, on four−wheel drive models, all
your driving habits and road the tires must be the same brand and
surface conditions. have the same tread patterns.
See “If you have a flat tire” on page Do not use tires other than those men-
329 in Section 4 for tire change proce- tioned above. Do not install studded tires
dure. without first checking local regulations for
When rotating tires, check for uneven possible restrictions.
wear and damage. Abnormal wear is
usually caused by incorrect tire pres- CAUTION
sure, improper wheel alignment, out− Observe the following instructions.
of−balance wheels, or severe braking. Otherwise, an accident may occur re-
sulting in death or serious injuries.
# Do not use snow tires other than
the manufacturer’s recommended si-
ze, as this may cause dangerous
handling characteristics resulting in
loss of control.

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08 02.19

# Four−wheel drive models: Side chain Install the chains on the rear tires as
Do not use snow tires of different
tightly as possible. Do not use tire
brands, sizes, construction or tread
patterns, as this may cause danger- chains on the front tires. Retighten
chains after driving 0.5—1.0 km
ous handling characteristics result-
(1/4—1/2 mile).
ing in loss of control.
G72017 Cross chain
When installing chains on your tires, care-
fully follow the instructions of the chain
Snow tires should be installed on all
If wheel covers are used, they will be
scratched by the chain band, so remove
Installing snow tires on the rear wheels the covers before putting on the chains.
only can lead to an excessive difference
in road grip capability between the front TIRE CHAIN SELECTION
and rear tires which could cause loss of
vehicle control. Use the tire chains of correct size.

When storing removed tires, you should Use the following type chains.
store them in a cool dry place. mm (in.)
Mark the direction of rotation and be sure A Diameter of side chain: 5.0 (0.20)
to install them in the same direction when B Diameter of cross chain: 6.3 (0.25)
replacing. Regulations regarding the use of tire
chains vary according to location or
CAUTION type of road, so always check local reg-
ulations before installing chains.
# Do not drive with the snow tires
incorrectly inflated. NOTICE
# Never drive over 120 km/h (75 mph) If the wrong combination of tire and
with any type of snow tires. chain is used, the chains could dam-
age the vehicle body.

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08 02.19

Replacing wheels
As you might have difficulty in identify- WHEN TO REPLACE YOUR WHEELS
CAUTION ing a flat or deflated tire, a tire pres- If you have wheel damage such as
sure warning system is provided on bending, cracks or heavy corrosion, the
# Do not exceed 50 km/h (30 mph) or this vehicle. wheel should be replaced.
the chain manufacturer’s recom-
When replacing the wheels, be sure to If you fail to replace a damaged wheel,
mended speed limit, whichever is
install tire pressure warning valves and the tire may slip off the wheel or cause
transmitters on the wheels. Consult your loss of handling control.
# Drive carefully avoiding bumps, Toyota dealer about how to set up the tire
holes, and sharp turns, which may pressure warning valves and transmitters. WHEEL SELECTION
cause the vehicle to bounce. When replacing wheels, care should be
# Avoid sharp turns or locked−wheel CAUTION taken to ensure that the wheels are re-
braking, as use of chains may ad- placed by ones with the same load ca-
versely affect vehicle handling. # Have the tires, wheels or tire pres- pacity, diameter, rim width, and offset.
# When driving with chains installed, sure warning valves and transmit- Correct replacement wheels are available
be sure to drive carefully. Slow ters replaced and ID codes regis- at your Toyota dealer.
down before entering curves to tered by Toyota dealer. If you need
A wheel of a different size or type may
avoid losing control of the vehicle. tire pressure warning valves and
transmitters, purchase from Toyota adversely affect handling, wheel and bear-
Otherwise an accident may occur. ing life, brake cooling, speedometer/odom-
eter calibration, stopping ability, headlight
NOTICE # The tire pressure warning valve and aim, bumper height, vehicle ground clear-
transmitter nuts should always be ance, and tire or snow chain clearance to
Snow tires or chains may affect the tightened to a torque of 4 N·m (0.4 the body and chassis.
tire pressure warning system. See kgf·m, 2.9 ft·lbf).
“Tire pressure warning system” on # The use of non−genuine wheels may
page 194 in Section 1−7. result in the tire pressure warning
system failure or air−leak.

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08 02.19

Aluminum wheel precautions

Replacement with used wheels is not rec- The tire pressure warning system must # When installing aluminum wheels,
ommended as they may have been sub- be initialized when the specified tire check that the wheel nuts are tight
jected to rough treatment or high mileage inflation pressure is changed due to after driving your vehicle the first 1600
and could fail without warning. Also, bent wheel replacement. See “Tire pressure km (1000 miles). Retorque the wheel
wheels which have been straightened may warning system” on page 194 in nuts to 113 N·m (11.5 kgf·m, 85 ft·lbf).
have structural damage and therefore Section 1−7.
# If you have rotated, repaired, or
should not be used. Never use an inner changed your tires, check that the
tube in a leaking wheel which is designed NOTICE
wheel nuts are still tight after driving
for a tubeless tire. The use of non−genuine wheels will 1600 km (1000 miles). Retorque the
cause the air pressure sensors to wheel nuts to 113 N·m (11.5 kgf·m, 85
CAUTION transmit the electronic code in differ- ft·lbf).
ent manner, resulting in the system # When using tire chains, be careful not
Observe the following instructions. failure. to damage the aluminum wheels.
Otherwise, an accident may occur re-
sulting in death or serious injuries. # Use only Toyota wheel nuts and
# Do not use wheels other than the wrench designed for your aluminum
manufacturer’s recommended size,
as this may cause dangerous han- # When balancing your wheels, use only
dling characteristics resulting in Toyota balance weights or equivalent
loss of control. and a plastic or rubber hammer.
# Four−wheel drive models: # As with any wheel, periodically check
Do not use wheels of different your aluminum wheels for damage. If
brands, sizes and types, as this damaged, replace immediately.
may cause dangerous handling
characteristics resulting in loss of

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08 02.19

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08 02.19

Electrical components
Checking battery condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Battery recharging precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Checking and replacing fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
Adding washer fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Replacing light bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392

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08 02.19

Checking battery condition—

—Precautions —Checking battery exterior

CAUTION ! If electrolyte gets on your skin, Terminals Ground cable

thoroughly wash the contact area. If
BATTERY PRECAUTIONS you feel pain or burning, get medi-
The battery produces flammable and cal attention immediately.
explosive hydrogen gas. ! If electrolyte gets on your clothes,
! Do not cause a spark from the bat-
tery with tools.
there is a
through to
possibility of its soaking
your skin, so immediate-
ly take off the exposed clothing and
! Do not smoke or light a match near follow the procedure above, if nec-
the battery. essary. Hold−down
The electrolyte contains poisonous ! If you accidentally swallow electro- clamp
and corrosive sulfuric acid. lyte, drink a large quantity of water
! Avoid contact with eyes, skin or or milk. Follow with milk of magne-
clothes. sia, beaten raw egg or vegetable Check the battery for corroded or loose
oil. Then go immediately for emer- terminal connections, cracks, or loose
! Never ingest electrolyte. hold−down clamp.
gency help.
! Wear protective safety glasses when a. If the battery is corroded, wash it off
working near the battery. with a solution of warm water and bak-
! Keep children away from the bat- ing soda. Coat the outside of the termi-
tery. nals with grease to prevent further cor-

! If electrolyte gets in your eyes, b. If the terminal connections are loose,

flush your eyes with clean water tighten their clamp nuts—but do not
immediately and get immediate overtighten.
medical attention. If possible, con- c. Tighten the hold−down clamp only
tinue to apply water with a sponge enough to keep the battery firmly in
or cloth while en route to the medi- place. Overtightening may damage the
cal office. battery case.

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08 02.19

—Checking battery fluid Battery recharging precautions

During recharging, the battery is pro-
Type A ducing hydrogen gas.
Clear or
! Be sure the engine and all accesso- Therefore, before recharging:
Green Dark light yellow
ries are off before performing main-
1. If recharging with the battery installed
on the vehicle, be sure to disconnect
! When checking the battery, remove the ground cable.
the ground cable from the negative Type B 2. Be sure the power switch on the re-
terminal (“−” mark) first and rein-
Blue White Red charger is off when connecting the
stall it last.
charger cables to the battery and when
! Be careful not to cause a short cir- disconnecting them.
cuit with tools.
! Take care no solution gets into the CAUTION
battery when washing it.
CHECKING BY INDICATOR ! Always charge the battery in an un-
Check the battery condition by the indi- confined area. Do not charge the
cator color. battery in a garage or closed room
where there is not sufficient ventila-
Indicator color tion.
Type A Type B ! Only do a slow charge (5 A or
less). Charging at a quicker rate is
Green Blue Good dangerous. The battery may ex-
Charging necessary. plode, causing personal injuries.
Have battery checked
Dark White
by your Toyota
dealer. NOTICE
Clear or Have battery checked Never recharge the battery while the
light Red by your Toyota engine is running. Also, be sure all
yellow dealer. accessories are turned off.

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08 02.19

Checking and replacing fuses

LS73002 LS73024 LS73004a

Good Blown

Good Blown

Type A Type C
If the headlights or other electrical
components do not work, check the
fuses. If any of the fuses are blown,
they must be replaced.
See “Fuse locations” on page 364 in Sec-
tion 7−1 for locations of the fuses.
Turn the engine switch and inoperative
LS73003 LS73023 component off. Pull the suspected fuse
straight out and check it.
Determine which fuse may be causing the
problem. The lid of the fuse box shows
Good Blown Good Blown the name of the circuit for each fuse. See
page 411 in Section 8 for the functions
controlled by each circuit.
Type B Type D

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08 02.19

Adding washer fluid

Type A fuses can be pulled out by the If the new fuse immediately blows out, If any washer does not work, the wash-
pull−out tool. The location of the pull−out there is a problem with the electrical sys- er tank may be empty. Add washer
tool is shown in the illustration. tem. Have your Toyota dealer correct it as fluid.
If you are not sure whether the fuse has soon as possible. You may use plain water as washer fluid.
blown, try replacing the suspected fuse However, in cold areas where tempera-
with one that you know is good. CAUTION tures range below the freezing point, use
If the fuse has blown, push a new fuse washer fluid containing antifreeze. This
Never use a fuse with a higher am- product is available at your Toyota dealer
into the clip.
perage rating, or any other object, in and most auto parts stores. Follow the
Only install a fuse with the amperage rat- place of a fuse. This may cause ex- manufacturer’s directions for how much to
ing designated on the fuse box lid. tensive damage and possibly a fire. mix with water.
If you do not have a spare fuse, in an
emergency you can pull out the “A/C” Make sure that the fuse box lid has been NOTICE
fuse, which may be dispensable for nor- closed securely after closing it. Do not use engine antifreeze or any
mal driving, and use it if its amperage
other substitute because it may dam-
rating is the same.
age your vehicle’s paint.
If you cannot use one of the same amper-
age, use one that is lower, but as close
to the rating as possible. If the amperage
is lower than that specified, the fuse
might blow out again but this does not
indicate anything wrong. Be sure to get
the correct fuse as soon as possible and
return the substitute to its original clip.
It is a good idea to purchase a set of
spare fuses and keep them in your ve-
hicle for emergencies.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Replacing light bulbs—

The following illustrations show how to The inside of the lens of exterior lights Bulb
gain access to the bulbs. When replacing such as headlights may temporarily fog up Light bulbs W Type
a bulb, make sure the engine switch and when the lens becomes wet in the rain or
light switch are off. Use bulbs with the in a car wash. This is not a problem Headlights (high
— 60/55 A
wattage ratings given in the table. because the fogging is caused by the and low beam)
temperature difference between the outside Front fog lights 9145 42 B
CAUTION and inside of the lens, just like the
Parking and front
windshield fogs up in the rain. However, if — 5 D
side marker lights
! To prevent burning yourself, do not there is a large drop of water on the
replace the light bulbs while they inside of the lens, or if there is water Front turn signal 4157
27/8 D
are hot. pooled inside the light, contact your lights NAK
Toyota dealer. Rear turn signal
! Halogen bulbs have pressurized gas 3157A 27/8 D
inside and require special handling. lights
They can burst or shatter if Stop/tail and rear
scratched or dropped. Hold a bulb 3157 27/8 C
side marker lights
only by its plastic or metal case.
Do not touch the glass part of a Back−up lights 921 18 C
bulb with bare hands. License plate
168 5 C

NOTICE High mounted

168 5 C
Only use a bulb of the listed type.
Interior light — 5 E
Personal lights 168 5 C

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

A: HB2 halogen bulbs
B: H10 halogen bulbs
C: Wedge base bulbs (clear)
D: Wedge base bulbs (amber)
E: Double end bulbs

LS73005 LS73006

1. Open the hood. Unplug the connec- 2. Release the bulb retaining spring
tor. Remove the rubber cover. and remove the bulb. Install a new
If the connector is tight, wiggle it. bulb and the bulb retaining spring.
To install a bulb, align the tabs of the
bulb with the cutouts of the mounting

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

—Front fog lights

LS73007 LS73020 LS73021

3. Install the rubber cover as shown 1. Turn the bulb base counterclockwise 2. Pull the bulb out of the base. Install
and fit it securely on the boss. Then and remove it. a new bulb.
plug in the connector. If the connector is tight, wiggle it.
Make sure the rubber cover fits securely
on the bulb base and the mounting body.
Aiming is not necessary after replacing
the bulb. When aiming adjustment is nec-
essary, contact your Toyota dealer.

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08 02.19

—Parking and front side

marker lights —Front turn signal lights

LS73022 LS73008 LS73010

3. Install the bulb base into the mount-

ing hole by turning it clockwise.

LS73009 LS73011

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08 02.19

—Rear turn signal, stop/tail,

rear side marker and back−up
lights —License plate lights

LS73012 LS73014 LS73015

Remove the bolts. a: Rear turn signal light Use a Phillips−head screwdriver.
b: Stop/tail and rear side marker light
c: Back−up light

LS73013 LS73016

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08 02.19

—High mounted stoplight

LS73017 LS73018a


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08 02.19

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Vehicle capacity weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
Towing capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Service specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Two−wheel drive models except PreRunner mm (in.)
Regular cab models Access cab models

Overall length 4835 (190.4) 5285 (208.1)

Overall width 1835 (72.2) 1835 (72.2)

1880 (74.0)∗1
Overall height∗2 1670 (65.8) 1670 (65.8)
1655 (65.2)∗1

Wheelbase 2780 (109.4) 3230 (127.2)

Front tread 1550 (61.0) 1550 (61.0)

1580 (62.2)∗1

Rear tread 1550 (61.0) 1550 (61.0)

1580 (62.2)∗1
∗1 : With P255/45R18
∗2 : Unladen vehicle

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Four−wheel drive models and PreRunner mm (in.)

Double cab models

Regular cab models Access cab models
Short deck Long deck
Overall length 4835 (190.4) 5285 (208.1) 5285 (208.1) 5620 (221.3)
Overall width 1895 (74.6) 1895 (74.6) 1895 (74.6) 1895 (74.6)
Overall height∗1 1775 (69.9) 1775 (69.9) 1780 (70.1) 1780 (70.1)
Wheelbase 2795 (110.0) 3245 (127.8) 3245 (127.8) 3580 (140.9)
Front tread 1600 (63.0) 1600 (63.0) 1600 (63.0) 1600 (63.0)
Rear tread 1610 (63.4) 1610 (63.4) 1610 (63.4) 1610 (63.4)
∗1 : Unladen vehicle

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08 02.19

Vehicle capacity weight

Two−wheel drive models except PreRunner kg (lb.)

Cab type Engine Deck type Vehicle capacity weight∗1,2

2.7 L 4−cylinder
Regular cab Long deck 567 (1250)
(2TR−FE) engine
2.7 L 4−cylinder
Long deck 567 (1250)
Access cab (2TR−FE) engine
4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine Long deck 386 (850)
∗1 : Maximum vehicle capacity weight including weight of driver, passengers and cargo.
∗2 : Installing accessories in addition to those installed at the factory increases vehicle weight, thereby reducing vehicle
capacity weight. Contact your Toyota dealer about the weight of accessory parts.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

PreRunner kg (lb.)

Cab type Engine Deck type Vehicle capacity weight∗1,2

2.7 L 4−cylinder
Regular cab Long deck 590 (1300)
(2TR−FE) engine
2.7 L 4−cylinder
Long deck 590 (1300)
Access cab (2TR−FE) engine
4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine Long deck 590 (1300)
Short deck 590 (1300)
Double cab 4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine
Long deck 590 (1300)
∗1 : Maximum vehicle capacity weight including weight of driver, passengers and cargo.
∗2 : Installing accessories in addition to those installed at the factory increases vehicle weight, thereby reducing vehicle
capacity weight. Contact your Toyota dealer about the weight of accessory parts.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Four−wheel drive models kg (lb.)

Cab type Engine Deck type Vehicle capacity weight∗1,2

2.7 L 4−cylinder
Regular cab Long deck 590 (1300)
(2TR−FE) engine
2.7 L 4−cylinder
Long deck 590 (1300)
Access cab (2TR−FE) engine
4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine Long deck 547 (1205)
Short deck 544 (1200)
Double cab 4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine
Long deck 522 (1150)
∗1 : Maximum vehicle capacity weight including weight of driver, passengers and cargo.
∗2 : Installing accessories in addition to those installed at the factory increases vehicle weight, thereby reducing vehicle
capacity weight. Contact your Toyota dealer about the weight of accessory parts.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Towing capacity∗ Engine Fuel

Without towing package Model: Fuel type:
1587 kg (3500 lb.) 2TR−FE and 1GR−FE Unleaded gasoline, Octane Rating 87
Type: (Research Octane Number 91) or higher
With towing package
2948 kg (6500 lb.) 2TR−FE engine Fuel tank capacity, L (gal., Imp. gal.):
∗ : Trailer weight + cargo weight
4 cylinder in line, 4 cycle, gasoline 80 (21.1, 17.6)
1GR−FE engine
6 cylinder V type, 4 cycle, gasoline
Bore and stroke, mm (in.):
2TR−FE engine
95.0 ! 95.0 (3.74 ! 3.74)
1GR−FE engine
94.0 ! 95.0 (3.70 ! 3.74)
Displacement, cm3 (cu. in.):
2TR−FE engine 2694 (164.3)
1GR−FE engine 3956 (241.4)

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Service specifications
ENGINE ENGINE LUBRICATION Recommended oil viscosity:
Valve clearance (engine cold), mm (in.): Oil capacity (drain and refill), 2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine
2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine L (qt., Imp. qt.): SAE 5W−20 or 0W−20
Automatic adjustment 2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine
4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine With filter 5.8 (6.1, 5.1)
Intake 0.15—0.25 (0.006—0.010) Without filter 5.1 (5.4, 4.5)
Exhaust 0.29—0.39 (0.011—0.015) 4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine
Spark plug type: Two−wheel drive models except Pre-
2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine
With filter
Without filter
4.5 (4.8, 4.0)
4.2 (4.4, 3.7)
Four−wheel drive models and
4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine PreRunner
DENSO K20HR−U11 Outside temperature
NGK LFR6C11 With filter 5.2 (5.5, 4.6)
Without filter 4.9 (5.2, 4.3)
Spark plug gap, mm (in.):
1.1 (0.043) “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” is used in
your Toyota vehicle. Use Toyota approved
“Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equivalent
to satisfy the following grade and
Oil grade:
ILSAC multigrade engine oil

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19


SAE 5W−30 Total capacity, L (qt., Imp. qt.): Open voltage∗ at 20°C (68°F):
With manual transmission 12.6—12.8 V Fully charged
2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine 12.2—12.4 V Half charged
8.7 (9.1, 7.6) 11.8—12.0 V Discharged
4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine ∗: Voltage that is checked 20 minutes
9.7 (10.3, 8.5) after the key is removed with all the
With automatic transmission lights turned off
2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine Charging rates:
8.6 (9.1, 7.6) 5 A max.
4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine CLUTCH
Outside temperature 9.6 (10.1, 8.5)
Pedal free play, mm (in.):
Coolant type: 5—15 (0.2—0.6)
“Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” is Fluid type:
used in your Toyota vehicle at factory SAE J1703 or FMVSS No.116 DOT 3
Please contact your Toyota dealer for fur- fill. In order to avoid technical problems,
ther details. only use “Toyota Super Long Life MANUAL TRANSMISSION
Coolant” or similar high quality ethylene Oil capacity, L (qt., Imp. qt.):
glycol based non−silicate, non−amine, 2.7 L 4−cylinder (2TR−FE) engine
non−nitrite, and non−borate coolant with Two−wheel drive models
long−life hybrid organic acid technology. 2.6 (2.7, 2.3)
(Coolant with long−life hybrid organic Four−wheel drive models
acid technology is a combination of low 2.2 (2.3, 1.9)
phosphates and organic acids.)
4.0 L V6 (1GR−FE) engine
Do not use plain water alone. 1.8 (1.9, 1.6)
Please contact your Toyota dealer for Oil type:
further details. Gear Oil API GL−4 or GL−5
Recommended oil viscosity:
SAE 75W−90
2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19


Fluid capacity (drain and refill), Fluid capacity (drain and refill), Oil capacity, L (qt., Imp. qt.):
L (qt., Imp. qt.): L (qt., Imp. qt.): 1.0 (1.1, 0.9)
Up to 2.0 (2.1, 1.8) Up to 3.0 (3.2, 2.6) Oil type:
Fluid type: Fluid type: Gear Oil API GL−4 or GL−5
Toyota Genuine ATF Type T−IV Toyota Genuine ATF WS Recommended oil viscosity:
Change automatic transmission fluid only Change automatic transmission fluid only SAE 75W−90
as necessary. as necessary. DIFFERENTIAL
Generally, it is necessary to change Generally, it is necessary to change Oil capacity, L (qt., Imp. qt.):
automatic transmission fluid only if your automatic transmission fluid only if your
vehicle is driven under one of the Special vehicle is driven under one of the Special Two−wheel drive models except PreRun-
Operating Conditions listed in your Operating Conditions listed in your ner
“Scheduled Maintenance Guide” or “Scheduled Maintenance Guide” or 3.31 (3.5, 2.9)
“Owner’s Manual Supplement”. When “Owner’s Manual Supplement”. When Four−wheel drive models and PreRunner
changing the automatic transmission fluid, changing the automatic transmission fluid, Front (four−wheel drive models)
use only “Toyota Genuine ATF Type T−IV” use only “Toyota Genuine ATF WS” (ATF 1.50 (1.6, 1.3)
(ATF JWS3309 or NWS6500) to aid in JWS3324 or NWS9638) to aid in assuring
assuring optimum transmission perfor- optimum transmission performance. Rear
mance. 2.80 (3.0, 2.5)
Notice: Using automatic transmission
Notice: Using automatic transmission fluid other than “Toyota Genuine ATF Oil type:
fluid other than “Toyota Genuine ATF WS” may cause deterioration in shift Without limited−slip differential
Type T−IV” may cause deterioration in quality, locking up of your transmission Hypoid gear oil API GL−5
shift quality, locking up of your trans- accompanied by vibration, and ultimate- With limited−slip differential
mission accompanied by vibration, and ly damage the automatic transmission Hypoid gear oil for limited−slip dif-
ultimately damage the automatic trans- of your vehicle. ferential API GL−5
mission of your vehicle. Please contact your Toyota dealer for fur-
Please contact your Toyota dealer for fur- ther details.
ther details.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Recommended oil viscosity: BRAKES Lever type—when pulled with the force
Front Minimum pedal clearance when depressed of 200 N (20.4 kgf, 44.9 lbf)
SAE 75W−90 with a pressure of 490 N (50 kgf, 110 lbf) 7—10 clicks

Rear when the engine is stopped and after de- Fluid type:
Above −18!C (0!F) press the brake pedal several times, SAE J1703 or FMVSS No.116 DOT 3
SAE 90 mm (in.): STEERING
Below −18!C (0!F) Two−wheel drive models except PreRunner Wheel free play:
SAE 80W or 80W−90 Without the vehicle stability control sys- Less than 30 mm (1.2 in.)
With the vehicle stability control system Power steering fluid type:
Front drive shaft thrust bushings: 89 (3.5) Automatic transmission fluid DEXRON"II
Synthetic oil and lithium soap base or III
chassis grease, NLGI No.1 Four−wheel drive models and PreRunner
Without the vehicle stability control sys-
Propeller shafts: tem
Spiders 105 (4.1)
Lithium base chassis grease, NLGI With the vehicle stability control system
No.2 88 (3.4)
Slide yokes Pedal free play, mm (in.):
Lithium base chassis grease, NLGI 1—6 (0.04—0.24)
No.2 or Molybdenum−disulfide lithium Pad wear limit, mm (in.):
base chassis grease, NLGI No.2 1.0 (0.04)
Lining wear limit, mm (in.):
1.0 (0.04)
Parking brake adjustment:
Pedal type—when depressed with the
force of 300 N (30.6 kgf, 67.4 lbf)
7—10 clicks

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Tire size, cold tire inflation pressure and wheel size:

Cold tire inflation pressure

Tire size kPa (kgf/cm 2 or bar, psi) Spare∗1 Wheel size
Front Rear
15 ! 6J
P215/70R15 97S 200 (2.0, 29) 220 (2.2, 32) 220 (2.2, 32)
15 ! 6JJ
16 ! 7J
P245/75R16 109S 200 (2.0, 29) 200 (2.0, 29) 200 (2.0, 29)
16 ! 7JJ
P265/70R16 111T 200 (2.0, 29) 220 (2.2, 32) 220 (2.2, 32) 16 ! 7JJ
P265/65R17 110S 200 (2.0, 29) 200 (2.0, 29) 200 (2.0, 29) 17! 7 1/2JJ
P255/45R18 99V 240 (2.4, 35) 240 (2.4, 35) 240 (2.4, 35) 18! 8JJ
∗1 :
If you affix the spare tire to a front position, please make sure to adjust the tire to the correct inflation pressure
as soon as possible.
For sustained high speeds above 160 km/h (100 mph), in countries where such speeds are permitted by law, add
the tire inflation pressure given below to the front tires and rear tires, but never exceed the maximum cold tire inflation
pressure molded on the tire sidewall.
Except P255/45R18 20 kPa (0.2 kgf/cm 2 , 0.2 bar, 3 psi)
P255/45R18 30 kPa (0.3 kgf/cm 2 , 0.3 bar, 4 psi)
Wheel nut torque, N·m (kgf·m, ft·lbf):
113 (11.5, 85)
NOTE: For complete information on tires (e.g. replacing tires or replacing wheels), see “Checking tire inflation pressure”
through “Aluminum wheel precautions”, pages 376 through 385, in Section 7−2.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

13. HEAD (LO LH) 10 A: Left−hand head-
light (low beam), front fog lights
14. HEAD (HI RH) 10 A: Right−hand head-
light (high beam)
15. HEAD (HI LH) 10 A: Left−hand head-

LS80001 LS80002 light (high beam), meter and gauge

16. ETCS 10 A: Multiport fuel injection
system/sequential multiport fuel injec-
tion system, electronic throttle control
17. ALT−S 7.5 A: Charging system
18. EFI 20 A: Multiport fuel injection sys-
Engine compartment Instrument panel tem/sequential multiport fuel injection

Fuses (type A) 6. EFI NO.2 10 A: Multiport fuel injection 19. HORN 10 A: Horn

1. A/C 10 A: Air conditioning system system/sequential multiport fuel injec- 20. A/F HEATER 15 A: Multiport fuel injec-
tion system tion system/sequential multiport fuel in-
2. FR FOG 15 A: Front fog lights jection system
7. TOWING BRK 30 A: Trailer brake con-
3. TOWING TAIL 30 A: Trailer lights (tail troller 21. ECU−B 7.5 A: Wireless remote control
lights) system, air conditioning system, multi-
8. BATT CHG 30 A: Trailer sub battery
4. STOP 10 A: Stop lights, high mounted plex communication system, engine im-
stop light, vehicle stability control sys- 9. TOWING 30 A: Towing converter mobilizer system, meter and gauge,
tem, anti−lock brake system, shift lock 10. TRN−HAZ 15 A: Turn signal lights, clock, front passenger occupant classi-
system, multiport fuel injection system/ emergency flashers, meter and gauge fication system
sequential multiport fuel injection sys- 11. RADIO NO.2 30 A: Audio system 22. DOME 7.5 A: Interior light, personal
tem, towing converter lights
12. HEAD (LO RH) 10 A: Right−hand
5. OBD 7.5 A: On−board diagnosis sys- headlight (low beam) 23. RADIO NO.1 10 A: Audio system

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08 02.19

24. STA 7.5 A: Starting system, multiport 31. IG1 NO.2 10 A: Anti−lock brake sys- 41. HEATER 50 A: “A/C”, air conditioning
fuel injection system/sequential multi- tem, vehicle stability control system, system
port fuel injection system, meter and stop lights, charging system, multiport 42. ABS NO.1 50 A: Anti−lock brake sys-
gauge, clutch start cancel switch fuel injection system/sequential multi- tem, vehicle stability control system
25. IGN 15 A: Multiport fuel injection sys- port fuel injection system, air condition-
ing system, instrument panel light con- 43. AM2 30 A: “IGN”, “GAUGE”, multiport
tem/sequential multiport fuel injection fuel injection system/sequential multi-
system, engine immobilizer system, trol, clutch start cancel switch, rear
differential lock system, power outlets, port fuel injection system
anti−lock brake system, traction control
system, vehicle stability control system, tire pressure warning system 44. A/PUMP 50 A: Multiport fuel injection
SRS airbag system, front passenger 32. IG1 10 A: Back−up lights, air condition- system/sequential multiport fuel injec-
occupant classification system ing system, passenger airbag manual tion system
26. GAUGE 7.5 A: Meter and gauge, on−off switch, shift lock system 45. ABS NO.2 30 A: Anti−lock brake sys-
emergency flashers, front passenger’s 33. P RR P/W 20 A: Rear passenger’s tem, vehicle stability control system
seat belt warning system power window (right side) 46. D FR P/W 30 A: Power windows
27. TAIL 10 A: Tail lights, license plate 34. P FR P/W 20 A: Front passenger’s Fuses (type C)
lights, parking lights, multiport fuel in- power window
47. AC SKT 100 A: Cigarette lighter, pow-
jection system/sequential multiport fuel 35. WSH 10 A: Wipers and washer er outlets
injection system, front fog lights, instru-
ment panel light control, illuminations 36. D RR P/W 20 A: Rear passenger’s Fuses (type D)
power window (left side)
28. ACC 7.5 A: Shift lock system, outside 48. ALT 120 A (without towing package)/
rear view mirrors, audio system, power 37. 4WD 20 A: Four−wheel drive system, 140 A (with towing package): “AM1”,
outlets rear differential lock system “AC SKT”, “HEATER”, “FR FOG”,
38. WIP 30 A: Wipers and washer “STOP”, “OBD”, “J/B”, “TOWING TAIL”,
29. PWR OUTLET 15 A: Power outlets
30. DR LCK 20 A: Door lock system Fuses (type B)
39. J/B 50 A: “TAIL”, “AC SKT”, “DR LCK”,
“D FR P/W”, “D RR P/W”, “P FR P/W”,
“P RR P/W”
40. AM1 50 A: “ACC”, “IG1”, “IG1 NO.2”,
“WIP”, “WSH”, “4WD”, “STA”

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Reporting safety defects for U.S. owners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Seat belt instructions for Canadian owners (in French) . . . . . . . . . . 414
Camper information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Seat belt instructions for

Reporting safety defects for Canadian owners (in
U.S. owners French)—
If you believe that your vehicle To contact NHTSA, you may call The following is a French explanation
has a defect which could cause a the Vehicle Safety Hotline toll−free of seat belt instructions extracted from
the seat belt section in this manual.
crash or could cause injury or at 1−888−327−4236 (TTY:
death, you should immediately in- 1−800−424−9153); go to See the seat belt section for more de-
tailed seat belt instructions in English.
form the National Highway Traffic; or write
Safety Administration (NHTSA) in to: Administrator, NHTSA, 1200
addition to notifying Toyota Motor New Jersey Ave, S.E., Washing-
Sales, U.S.A., Inc. (Toll−free: ton, DC 20590. You can also ob-
1−800−331−4331). tain other information about motor
If NHTSA receives similar com- vehicle safety from http://www.saf-
plaints, it may open an investiga-
tion, and if it finds that a safety
defect exists in a group of ve-
hicles, it may order a recall and
remedy campaign. However,
NHTSA cannot become involved
in individual problems between
you, your dealer, or Toyota Motor
Sales, U.S.A., Inc.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Camper information— —Center of gravity location

This information has been prepared in ac- mm (in.)
cordance with regulation issued by the Na- Rear end of
Recommended location truck bed A B
tional Highway Traffic Safety Administra- for cargo center of gravi-
tion of the U.S. Department of ty for cargo weight rating Regular cab 1267 917
Transportation. It provides the purchasers models (49.9) (36.1)
and/or prospective purchasers of Toyota
vehicles with information on truck−camper
loading. Your Toyota dealer will help an-
LS90001 Access cab models
Except X−Runner 1267 917
swer any questions you may have as you (49.9) (36.1)
read this information. X−Runner∗ — —
Double cab models
With short deck 1157 807
(45.6) (31.8)
The figures given in the illustration indi- With long deck 911 706
cate the recommended center of gravity (35.9) (27.8)
∗: Truck−campers cannot be used with
the X−Runner since it is not designed
for them.


If a load is too far back, it can cause

dangerous handling. If it is too far
forward, the front axle may be over-

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

—Cargo weight rating and

proper matching
Access cab models 2 people, 1GR−FE engine, 4WD
2 people, 2TR−FE engine, 2WD except 408 kg (900 lb.)
Camper center of gravity
PreRunner 5 people, 1GR−FE engine, 4WD
430 kg (950 lb.) 204 kg (450 lb.)
4 people, 2TR−FE engine, 2WD except Double cab models with long deck

LS90003a PreRunner
294 kg (650 lb.)
2 people, 1GR−FE engine, PreRunner
453 kg (1000 lb.)
2 people, 2TR−FE engine, PreRunner 5 people, 1GR−FE engine, PreRunner
453 kg (1000 lb.) 249 kg (550 lb.)
Recommended center of 4 people, 2TR−FE engine, PreRunner 2 people, 1GR−FE engine, 4WD
gravity location zone 317 kg (700 lb.) 385 kg (850 lb.)
2 people, 1GR−FE engine, PreRunner 5 people, 1GR−FE engine, 4WD
453 kg (1000 lb.) 181 kg (400 lb.)
Cargo weight rating
4 people, 1GR−FE engine, PreRunner
Regular cab models 317 kg (700 lb.)
2 people, 2TR−FE engine, 2WD except 2 people, 2TR−FE engine, 4WD
PreRunner 453 kg (1000 lb.)
430 kg (950 lb.)
4 people, 2TR−FE engine, 4WD
3 people, 2TR−FE engine, 2WD except 317 kg (700 lb.)
2 people, 1GR−FE engine, 4WD
362 kg (800 lb.)
410 kg (905 lb.)
2 people, 2TR−FE engine, PreRunner
4 people, 1GR−FE engine, 4WD
453 kg (1000 lb.)
274 kg (605 lb.)
3 people, 2TR−FE engine, PreRunner
Double cab models with short deck
385 kg (850 lb.)
2 people, 1GR−FE engine, PreRunner
2 people, 2TR−FE engine, 4WD
453 kg (1000 lb.)
453 kg (1000 lb.)
5 people, 1GR−FE engine, PreRunner
3 people, 2TR−FE engine, 4WD
249 kg (550 lb.)
385 kg (850 lb.)
2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

—Gross axle and vehicle

weight ratings
When the truck is used to carry a slide−in
Gross vehicle weight rating
camper, the total cargo load of the truck Gross axle weight rating
consists of the manufacturer’s camper
weight figure, the weight of installed addi-
tional camper equipment not included in
the manufacturer’s camper weight figure,
the weight of camper cargo, and the
weight of passengers in the camper.
LS90005 LS90007
The total cargo load should not exceed
the truck’s cargo weight rating and the
camper’s center of gravity should fall with- Front GAWR Rear GAWR
in the truck’s recommended center of
gravity zone when installed. Not exceed GVWR

CAUTION Secure loose items to prevent weight GAWR

shifts that could affect the balance of your Two−wheel drive models except PreRun-
Be careful—overloading can cause vehicle. When the truck camper is loaded, ner
dangerous braking and handling prob- drive to a scale and weigh on the front Front 1079 kg (2380 lb.)
lems, and can damage your vehicle and on the rear wheels separately to de- Rear 1217 kg (2685 lb.)
and its tires. termine axle loads. Individual axle loads
Four−wheel drive models and PreRunner
should not exceed either of the Gross
Front 1249 kg (2755 lb.)
Axle Weight Ratings (GAWR). The total of
Rear 1410 kg (3110 lb.)
the axle loads should not exceed the
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR).
These ratings are given on the vehicle
certification label which is located on the
door latch post on the left side of the
vehicle. See “Your Toyota’s identification”
on page 284 in Section 2 for the Certifica-
tion Label location. If weight ratings are
exceeded, move or remove items to bring
all weights below the ratings.
2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Two−wheel drive models except PreRun-
Regular cab models
2063 kg (4550 lb.)
Access cab models
2TR−FE engine
2199 kg (4850 lb.)
1GR−FE engine
2086 kg (4600 lb.)
Regular cab models
2268 kg (5000 lb.)
Access cab models
2381 kg (5250 lb.)
Double cab models
2426 kg (5350 lb.)
Four−wheel drive models
Regular cab models
2313 kg (5100 lb.)
Access cab models
2426 kg (5350 lb.)
Double cab models
2472 kg (5450 lb.)
If weight ratings are exceeded, move or
remove items to bring all weights below
the ratings.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Quick index
! If a service reminder indicator or warning buzzer comes on . . . . . . . . 153
! If your vehicle will not start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
! If your engine stalls while driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
! If you cannot increase engine speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
! If your vehicle overheats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
! If you have a flat tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
! If your vehicle needs to be towed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
! Tips for driving during break–in period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
! How to start the engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
! General maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
! Complete index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO TAG
Gas station information
Fuel type:
UNLEADED gasoline, Octane Rating 87 (Research Octane Number 91) or
See page 271 for detailed information.
Fuel tank capacity:
80 L (21.1 gal., 17.6 lmp. gal.)
Engine oil:
ILSAC multigrade engine oil is recommended.
See page 371 for detailed information.
Tire information: See pages 376 through 385.
Tire inflation pressure: See page 410.

Publication No. OM35898U

Part No. 01999–35898
Printed in Japan 01−0802−00 I
2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

You should know as much about the quality and

importance of proper maintenance of your new
vehicle as the people who built it.
The Toyota authorized Repair Manual
tells you how to maintain your vehicle and
enables you to correctly perform your own
The best way to keep your new vehicle in top
running order is to maintain it properly from
the moment you drive it off the showroom
The Toyota authorized Repair Manual is
packed with literally everything you need to
know to perform your own maintenance in
virtually every area of your new vehicle.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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08 02.19

Maintenance procedures for the engine,

chassis, body, electrical system, and more,
are clearly explained and illustrated.

Periodic maintenance and tune−up

Where to obtain the
Periodic maintenance and tune−up helps to pre-
vent small problems from growing into larger ones lat-
Repair Manual
er on. The repair manual outlines exactly what main-
tenance is required and clearly explains how to do the The repair manual for TOYOTA TACOMA may
work yourself step−by−step. be purchased from any Toyota dealer or the
Areas covered include such things as spark plug re- Material Distribution Center. To purchase the
placement, valve clearance adjustment and engine oil repair manual, please contact your Toyota deal-
and filter replacement. er or call the Material Distribution Center toll−
free at 1−800−622−2033.

2008 TACOMA from Apr. ’08 Prod. (OM35898U)

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