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Advanced Algebra F

Semester 1 Topics 2011-2012

Chapter 1 Goals:
I can classify numbers based upon what set they belong to.
I can identify the properties that make mathematical statements true.
I understand the concept of closure.
I can simplify and evaluate expressions.
I can identify a polynomial and classify the polynomial by the number of terms and degree.
I can solve equations and inequalities over a given number set.
I can solve an inequality and describe the solution set using interval notation.

Chapter 2 Goals:
I can determine the domain and range of a function from a graph and the calculator.
I can sketch an appropriate graph to model a real world situation and label each axis appropriately.
I can determine whether a function exists given a graph, data, or an equation.

Chapter 3 Goals:
I can graph a linear function in slope-intercept, point-slope, or standard form.
I can identify the slope, the x-intercept, and the y-intercept of a linear function.
I can rewrite a linear function into slope-intercept, point-slope, or standard form.
I can write a linear function in slope-intercept, point-slope, or standard form.
I can use a calculator to write a linear function.
I can use a calculator to analyze a linear function.
I can use a calculator and a regression equation to determine whether data follows a linear pattern.

Chapter 4 Goals:
I can solve a linear system using linear combination or substitution.
I can solve a linear system using Cramers Rule.
I can find the intersection of two lines using a graphing calculator.
I can identify an independent, dependent, and inconsistent linear system.
I can use function notation to find the value of a function.
I can use function notation to find the composition of two or more functions.
I can write, solve, and analyze a linear system in a word problem.
I can graph a point in (x, y, z) form.
I can graph an equation in the xyz plane.
I can identify an independent, dependent, and inconsistent system with 3 variables.
I can solve a system with 3 variables using linear combination.
I can solve a system with 3 variables using Cramers Rule.
I can write, solve, and analyze a system with 3 variables in a word problem.
I can graph and find the solution set to a system of inequalities.
I can write, graph, and analyze a system of inequalities in a word problem.

Chapter 5 Goals:
I can identify the vertex, axis of symmetry, intercepts, symmetric point, and graph a quadratic.
I can complete the square on a quadratic when 1 a = and 1 a = .
I can identify the vertex of a quadratic (using the formula or by completing the square).
I can identify the x-intercepts of a quadratic (using the quadratic formula or by factoring).
I can use the x-intercepts of a quadratic to write the original equation.
I can calculate the discriminant and describe the nature of the roots.
I can add, subtract, multiply, divide, or simplify complex numbers.
I can use conjugates to rationalize a complex number.
I can plot complex numbers on a complex plane.
I can evaluate a quadratic for a specific x or a specific y value.
I can find a quadratic regression equation and complete a word problem when given data points.
I can find a quadratic equation and complete a word problem when I am not given data points.
I can distinguish between data that is linear and data that is quadratic.

Chapter 7 Goals:
I can factor a polynomial using several techniques:
GCF, difference of squares, cubics, product-sum, split the middle, and grouping.
I can use the factor and rational root theorems to factor a polynomial of degree of 3 or higher.
I can use synthetic substitution to determine whether a potential root determines a factor.
I can use synthetic division to identify the quotient and remainder when two polynomials are divided.
I can graph a rational expression and identify vertical asymptotes and removable discontinuities.
I can use Descartes Rule of Signs to identify the potential positive, negative, and complex roots.
I can simplify the products and quotients of rational expressions using factoring.
I can calculate the sums and differences of rational expressions.
I can solve rational equations and identify extraneous solutions.
I can distinguish between data that varies directly and data that varies inversely.
I can write a variation equation when given data points.
I can write a variation equation when given a statement explaining how the data is related.

AAF Mathematician:
Semester 1 Review #1

1) If the discriminant = b
4ac, describe the nature of the roots for each of the following values.

D=-2 D=0 D=3 D=4
# of roots
Type of root

2) Name that property.

a) 5 + ( 6 + 7 ) = ( 5 + 6 ) + 7 b) 5 + -5 = 0

5 1
| |
\ .
d) ( )
6 7 1
6 7
5 5 5
+ = +

e) 5 ( 6 + 7 ) = 5 ( 7 + 6 )

3) Test closure on these sets. Are they closed under addition, multiplication, or both?

a) { -1, 0, 1 } b) { 0 }

c) { 1 }

4) Give the solution as an AND or OR.
a) 2 1 7 x + < b)
3 9
x >

a) a) Write the domain in interval notation:
6 10

b) b) Describe the number set used:
7 8 9 10

c) c) Write the domain in interval notation:

-3 5

6) Simplify [ 3x 4 (2x ( 5x 9))]

7) Give the equation of a line perpendicular to y = .2 x + 11 passing through (3, -8).

8) Solve 3 2 5 9 x >

9) Find a linear function passing through (2, -7) and (5, 3).

10) Find a linear function passing through (-4, 1) and parallel to 2x 9y = 47.

11) Give an equation of a line having an x-intercept of 5 and a y-intercept of 6.

12) Give an equation of a line that is vertical passing through (-13, 8). What is its slope?

13) Give an equation of a horizontal line passing through (22, t ).

14) Coming off an embarrassing loss to the tortoise, the hare wanted a rematch. The tortoise, being a
wise old animal, agreed to race again if he was given a 30-minute lead. Both start at the same
point. The tortoise races at a constant speed of 50 feet per minute. The hare races at a constant
speed of 160 feet per minute.

Let: x = number of minutes since the tortoise started
T(x) = number of feet the tortoise has gone
H(x) = number of feet the hare has gone.

a) Write particular equations expressing T(x) in terms of x and H(x) in terms of x.

b) Find T(35) and H(35). Who is ahead at the end of 35 minutes?

c) When will the hare catch up with the tortoise? How far from the starting point?

d) Before starting, the two animals agreed that the race would be 2000 feet. Who won? By
how many feet?

AAF Mathematician:
Semester 1 Review #2

1) Find ( ( 2)) f g x + when ( ) 3 2 f x x = + and
( ) 1 g x x = + .

2) Simplify
5 2

Consider the data in the table.
Give a linear function to fit the data.

x y
0 5
3 11
4) The number of cents per kilometer it costs to drive a car depends on how fast you drive it. At low
speeds the cost is high because the engine must overcome high wind resistance. At moderate
speeds the cost reaches a minimum. Assume, therefore, that the number of cents per kilometer
varies quadratically with the number of kilometers per hour (kph).

a) Suppose it costs 28, 21, and 16 cents per kilometer to drive at 10, 20, and 30 kph,
respectively. Write the particular equation for this function.

b) How much would you spend to drive at 150 kph?

c) Between what two speeds must you drive to keep your cost no more than 13 cents per

d) Is it possible to spend only 10 cents per kilometer? Justify your answer.

e) The least number of cents per kilometer occurs when you get the most kilometers per liter of
gas. If your tank were nearly empty, at what speed should you drive to have the best chance
of making it to a gas station before you run out?

5) Find a quadratic equation passing through (1, 2), (-2, 23), and (3, 8).

6) Suppose
( ) 2 5 11 g x x x =

a) Find ( 4). g b) Find x when ( ) 4 g x = .

c) Find the x-intercepts. d) Find the vertex.

7) Solve by Cramers. 8) Write the matrix for N
and evaluate it.

4x + 7y = 1 3x + 5y + 2z = -8
3x 5y = 11 4x y + 3z = 7
x + 2y + 5z = 1

9) Sketch the graph of: 10) Sketch in 3 dimensions:

3 ( 4)
y x

= + 21x + 70y + 30z = 210

11) The number of dollars Wolf Photo charges you to develop a roll of film and make prints varies
linearly with the number of good pictures that are printed. For a 12-print roll they charge $7.33
and for a 15-print roll they charge $8.29.

a) Write the particular equation expressing dollars in terms of the number of prints.

b) How much would a 36-print roll cost?

c) If your bill is $12.77, how many prints did they make?

d) What does the dollars-intercept represent in the real world?

e) What do they charge per print? How do you tell?

12) If y = 3x
5x 2, find x when y = 11.

13) Dee Brown shoots a free throw in basketball. Sketch a reasonable graph showing the distance
above the gym floor as a function of time.

14) Solve 4x
12x + 13 = 0 over complex. 15) Solve (3x 7)( x + 4) = 0

16) Simplify:
i 17) Simplify: (3 2 )(1 4 ) i i +

AAF Mathematician:
Semester 1 Review #3

State which axiom is illustrated below.

1) a(b + c) = ab + ac 2) a + (b + c) = (a + b) +c

3) If a = b+ c, then b + c = a.

4) Show an example to explain why {integers} is not closed under division.

5) Solve and graph the following. 3 7 11 x s Domain = {integers}

6) Solve (3x 7)(x + 4) = 0

7) Factor:
2 11 12 x x +

8) For the parabola
2 8 y x x = + , find the vertex =

find the x-intercepts = &

and sketch it!

9) Sketch the graph of a relation that is clearly not a function.

10) Find the particular equation of the linear function whose graph goes through the point
(-3, 5) and is parallel to the graph of y = 7x 13.

11) Describe the type of solutions this quadratic will have:
2 8 3 x x +

a) two real, rational
b) two imaginary
c) two real, irrational
d) one rational

12) Simplify
13 2 (5 13) 6 5 +

13) State the domain of the following rational function:
2 8
( )


x x
f x
x x

14) Calculate
3 2
(4 3 22) ( 2) x x x .

15) In question #14, what is a quick way to find the remainder when
3 2
(4 3 22) x x is divided by
( 2) x ?

16) Calculate the determinant by hand:
1 0 2
3 1 0
0 5 4

Calculator Questions

17) Hailstone Problem The mass of a hailstone is proportional to some power of its diameter.
Suppose that a marble-sized hailstone has a diameter of 2 centimeters and a mass of 4 grams.
A hailstone with a diameter of 8 centimeters has a mass of 256 grams.

a) Find a particular equation for the data.

b) Predict the mass of a golf ball-sized hailstone that is 4 centimeters in diameter.

c) The World Book shows a picture of a hailstone about 12 centimeters in diameter. What would
its mass be?

d) If a hailstone were 2 kilograms..(carefulchange of units here!).what would
its diameter be?

18) If
3 5 2 y x x = , find the x when y =11.

19) Is the following data linear, quadratic, or inverse cubed? (1, 16) & (2, 15) & (4, 1)

20) Solve this system as quickly as possible.
3 7 11
8 5 13
x y
x y
+ =
+ =

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