Fire Safetyforthe Elderly
Fire Safetyforthe Elderly
Fire Safetyforthe Elderly
the Elderly
Be careful when using portable electric / gas /
from the house.Take the following precautions:
oil heaters.
✔ Make sure there is a phone or personal alert in • Do not use heaters near furniture, curtains, etc.
the room to call for help. • Take extreme care if using heaters to
✔ Try to have a room with a window so you can dry clothes.
either escape or call out for help • Never leave heaters on when going to bed.
(stay by the window). • Take care if pets are near the heaters.
✔ Close the door and seal the bottom with towels
or blankets to stop harmful smoke entering.
✘ Re-enter a burning house for personal items.
✘ Borrow batteries from the Smoke Alarm.
✘ Have mirrors over fireplaces with real fires.
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recycled paper
Evacuation plan
Have your chimney cleaned at least once a year
Every night:
and heating system serviced regularly.
Use a sparkguard with open fires. Unplug all unnecessary electrical appliances.
Use proper holders when burning candles. Plan an evacuation drill with all occupants of your Turn off all unnecessary gas appliances.
Keep ashtrays empty when not in use. home and practice it regularly.
Have a suitable fire extinguisher and When practising your evacuation drill have an Extinguish all candles and naked flames.
fire blanket in your kitchen. alternative exit in case your primary exit is
Place a spark guard in front of open fires.
Have faulty electrical appliances repaired blocked by fire.
or replaced immediately. Have a meeting point in a safe place outside Empty all ashtrays.
Close all doors at night time. of the house.
Keep all escape routes completely clear.
Carry out a routine fire safety check before All escape routes should be kept clear day
going to bed. and night. Close all doors.
Keep keys to doors and windows easily and
immediately available.
Some medications can make you feel drowsy so
please make sure your home is fire safe before FACT!
taking the medication. Also avoid smoking or Over 1,000 people every year attend
cooking if affected.
casualty units with burns or scald
For further information on Fire Safety please related injuries.
contact your local Fire Service, Public Health (HIPE & NPRS Unit ESRI)
Nurse, Home Help or Meals on Wheels.