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TLE ICT Environ Market Photo Editing

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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM Career-Pathways in Technology and Livelihood Education Information and Communication Technology II

Quarters 1and 2: PHOTO EDITING

Topic: Environment and Market

Timeframe: 10 days

STAGE 1 Content Standard: Performance Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of environment The learner generates a business idea based on the and market that relates with a career choice in Photo analysis of environment and market for Photo Editing. Editing. Essential Understanding: A successful business venture starts with generating good business ideas. Essential Question: How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued?

Learners will know: Environment and Market Consumers needs and wants Industry that relates with a career choice Product/service that satisfies the needs and wants of customers Business idea generation

Learners will be able to: Conduct SWOT analysis Seek and seize business opportunity Generate potential business idea based on the results of environment and market analysis

2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM Career Pathways in Technology and Livelihood Education Information and Communication Technology II

STAGE 2 Understanding Business idea generation based on the Learners should be able to analysis of the immediate environment demonstrate understanding covering and market the six (6) facets of understanding: Product or Performance Task: Evidence at the level of Performance Assessment of the generated business idea based on the following criteria: profitability / feasibility practicality Explain the importance of the responsiveness to customers needs immediate environment and market in innovativeness identifying business opportunities. Criteria: Comprehensiveness Clarity Conciseness Interpret the data gathered from the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities. Criteria: Reliability Accuracy Objectivity Relevance Validity Generate business ideas from analysis. Criteria: Appropriateness Innovativeness Practicality

2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM Career Pathways in Technology and Livelihood Education Information and Communication Technology II

Express from the point of view of a business owner the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating business idea. Criteria: Validity Relevance Insightfulness Express their feelings when entrepreneurs offer the same type of business in a town/city. Criteria: Objectivity Tactfulness Persuasiveness Sensitivity Open-mindedness Self-assess their level of confidence in formulating business idea. Criteria: Reflective Insightful Objective

2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM Career Pathways in Technology and Livelihood Education Information and Communication Technology II

STAGE 3 Environment and Market Entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of business opportunities need to explore the economic, cultural, and social conditions prevailing in the community. Needs and wants of people in a certain community that are not met by existing business establishments may be considered as business opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available local specialized skills, and appropriate technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity. 1. EXPLORE Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge on environment and market as an entrepreneurial lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools. Have learners assess their immediate environment and market to determine the existing industries, needs and wants of target market with the use of the following: Survey questionnaire; Interview guide; Checklist, etc. SWOT analysis


Ask EQs to draw out their understandings of environment and market in generating business ideas. Consider student responses as tentative EUs that they need to explore further. 2. FIRM UP Lead learners in analyzing the assessment conducted on the environment and market in the town/city. Assist learners in conducting a community mapping to identify business establishments or industries in the town/city. (APPENDIX F ACTIVITY 5-A SURVEY OF COSTUMERs NEEDS AND WANTS) Guide learners in making a graphical presentation of the information revealed as a result of the data-gathering

2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM Career Pathways in Technology and Livelihood Education Information and Communication Technology II

activity such as: interview, survey, community mapping, etc., Help learners in presenting the result of the data gathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market. (APPENDIX F ACTIVITY 5-B) Ask learners to do supplementary reading and other complementary activities to support the information presented. 3. DEEPEN Ask learners to interview a seasoned entrepreneur to gather salient information on how he/she was able to seize a business opportunity. (APPENDIX I ACTIVITY 8 INTERVIEW GUIDE) Compare whether the information collected during the interview will complement/harmonize with their skill in generating business ideas. Assess learners level of understanding. Refer to the assessment in Stage 2. 4. TRANSFER Ask learners to generate business ideas as a result of the SWOT analysis of environment and market for photo editing. Assess learners business ideas based on the criteria provided in Stage 2. (Assessment at the Level of Performance) (APPENDIX H ACTIVITY 7 ASSESSING POTENTIAL BUSINESS IDEA)

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