SSE102 Group 4 Lecture Notes
SSE102 Group 4 Lecture Notes
SSE102 Group 4 Lecture Notes
The origins of agriculture cannot be documented with certainty because it began before recorded history.
Scholars try to reconstruct a logical sequence of events based on fragments of information about ancient
agricultural practices and historical environmental conditions. Improvements in cultivating plants and
domesticating animals evolved over thousands of years.
Agriculture is deliberate modification of Earth’s surface through cultivation of plants and rearing of animals to
obtain sustenance or economic gain. Agriculture originated when humans domesticated plants and animals for
their use. The word cultivate means “to care for,” and a crop is any plant cultivated by people.
Before the invention of agriculture, all humans probably obtained the food they needed for survival through
hunting for animals, fishing, or gathering plants (including berries, nuts, fruits, and roots). Hunters and
gatherers lived in small groups, of usually fewer than 50 persons, because a larger number would quickly
exhaust the available resources within walking distance. The men hunted game or fished, and the women
collected berries, nuts, and roots. This division of labor sounds like a stereotype but is based on evidence from
archaeology and anthropology. They collected food often, perhaps daily. The food search might take only a
short time or much of the day, depending on local conditions. The group traveled frequently, establishing new
home bases or camps. The direction and frequency of migration depended on the movement of game and the
seasonal growth of plants at various locations. We can assume that groups communicated with each other
concerning hunting rights, intermarriage, and other specific subjects. For the most part, they kept the peace by
steering clear of each other’s territory. Today, perhaps a quarter-million people, or less than 0.005 percent of
the world’s population, still survive by hunting and gathering rather than by agriculture. Examples include the
Spinifex (also known as Pila Nguru) people, who live in Australia’s Great Victorian Desert; the Sentinelese
people, who live in India’s Andaman Islands; and the Bushmen, who live in Botswana and Namibia.
Contemporary hunting and gathering societies are isolated groups living on the periphery of world settlement,
but they provide insight into human customs that prevailed in prehistoric times, before the invention of
Invention of Agriculture
Why did most nomadic groups convert from hunting, gathering, and fishing to agriculture? Geographers and
other scientists agree that agriculture originated in multiple hearths around the world. They do not agree on
when agriculture originated and diffused, or why. Southwest Asia was an early center of crop domestication.
The earliest crops domesticated in Southwest Asia are thought to have been barley and wheat, around 10,000
years ago. Lentil and olive were also early domestications in Southwest Asia. From this hearth, cultivation
diffused west to Europe and east to Central Asia. Rice is now thought to have been domesticated in East Asia
more than 10,000 years ago, along the Yangtze River in eastern China. Millet was cultivated at an early date
along the Yellow River. Sorghum was domesticated in central Africa around 8,000 years ago. Yams may have
been domesticated even earlier. Millet and rice may have been domesticated in sub-Saharan Africa
independently of the hearth in East Asia. From central Africa, domestication of crops probably diffused further
south in Africa. In Latin America, two important hearths of crop domestication are thought to have emerged in
Mexico and Peru around 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. Mexico is considered a hearth for beans and cotton, and
Peru for potato. Squashes may have been first domesticated in a third hearth in the Americas, in southeastern
present-day United States, as well as in Mexico. The most important contribution of the Americas to crop
domestication, maize (corn), may have emerged in the two hearths independently around the same time. From
these two hearths, cultivation of maize and other crops diffused northward into North America and southward
into tropical South America. Animals were also domesticated in multiple hearths on various dates. Southwest
Asia is thought to have been the heart for the domestication of the largest number of animals that would prove
to be most important for agriculture, including cattle, goats, pigs, and sheep, between 8,000 and 9,000 years
ago. Domestication of the dog is thought to date from around 12,000 years ago, also in Southwest Asia. The
horse is considered to have been domesticated in Central Asia; diffusion of the domesticated horse is thought
to be associated with the diffusion of the Indo-European language. Inhabitants of Southwest Asia may have
been the first to integrate cultivation of crops with domestication of herd animals such as cattle, sheep, and
goats. These animals were used to prepare the land before planting seeds and, in turn, were fed part of the
harvested crop. Other animal products, such as milk, meat, and skins, may have been exploited later. This
integration of plants and animals is a fundamental element of modern agriculture. Scientists do not agree on
whether agriculture originated primarily because of environmental factors or cultural factors. Probably a
combination of both factors contributed. Those favoring environmental reasons point to the coinciding of the
first domestication of crops and animals with climate change around 10,000 years ago. This marked the end of
the last ice age, when permanent ice cover receded from Earth’s midlatitudes to polar regions, resulting in a
massive redistribution of humans, other animals, and plants at that time. Alternatively, human behavior may be
primarily responsible for the origin of agriculture. A preference for living in a fixed place rather than as nomads
may have led hunters and gatherers to build permanent settlements and to store surplus vegetation there. In
gathering wild vegetation, people inevitably cut plants and dropped berries, fruits, and seeds. These hunters
probably observed that, over time, damaged or discarded food produced new plants. They may have
deliberately cut plants or dropped berries on the ground to see if they would produce new plants. Subsequent
generations learned to pour water over the site and to introduce manure and other soil improvements. Over
thousands of years, plant cultivation apparently evolved from a combination of accident and deliberate
experiment. That agriculture had multiple origins means that, from earliest times, people have produced food in
distinctive ways in different regions. This diversity derives from a unique legacy of wild plants, climatic
conditions, and cultural preferences in each region. Improved communications in recent centuries have
encouraged the diffusion of some plants to varied locations around the world. Many plants and animals thrive
across a wide portion of Earth’s surface, not just in their place of original domestication. Only after 1500, for
example, were wheat, oats, and barley introduced to the Western Hemisphere and maize to the Eastern
- Central and Southwest Asia and North
Subsistence Agriculture - the production of
food primarily for consumption by the farmer’s
family. Production for exchange is minimal, and any
exchange is noncommercial; each family or close- - The Bedouins of Saudi Arabia and North
knit social group relies on itself for its food and Africa and the Masai of East Africa
other most essential requirements. This is evident
to LDC or Lower Development country. 2. Shifting Cultivation: Also known as slash-
and-burn agriculture. It involves clearing a
Africa, South and East Asia, and much of Latin patch of
Three types of subsistence agriculture land by cutting down vegetation and burning it.
The cleared land is used for farming for a few
1. Extensive subsistence agriculture years until the soil fertility decreases, after
2. Intensive subsistence agriculture
which the farmer moves to a new plot of land.
3. Urban subsistence agriculture
This cycle is repeated, allowing the previously
Extensive subsistence agriculture involves large cleared land to regenerate naturally.
areas of land and minimal labor input per hectare. Corn, millet, rice, manioc, cassava, yams,
Both production per land unit and population sugarcane
densities are low. The crop yield in extensive
agriculture depends primarily on the natural fertility Places involved in Shifting Cultivation
of the soil, terrain, climate, and other environmental
factors. - West Africa, Brazil’s Amazon basin, and
large portions of Central America
Types of extensive subsistence
- Borneo, New Guinea, Sumatra, Thailand,
1. Nomadic Herding/Pastoralism involves the Myanmar, Philippines
movement of livestock such as cattle, sheep,
or goats in search of grazing land. Nomadic
herders move their animals to different areas Intensive subsistence – a type of farming where
to ensure a constant supply of fresh farmers work hard to get the most out of a small
vegetation. This type of agriculture is common
in arid or semi-arid regions where crop piece of land. They use a lot of labor and put in a
cultivation is challenging. lot of effort to grow crops and raise animals. This
type of agriculture is usually practiced in areas
Camels , Goats, Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Yaks where there are a lot of people and not much
Transhumance` available land.