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My Donkey Sally

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Note: The transactional processes suggested in CISCE curriculum are highlighted in grey.

Learning Outcomes
● To inculcate a sense of family love and friendship in students
● To identify the subtle use of humour
● To instill a sense of caring for pets

A. Do the task in the Reader. Group work (optional)
B. Generate a discussion on the following idea: Share your experience of taking care of an
animal or bird.
Imagine it is your birthday
 arrate a funny incident with you and your
1. Who are some people you want to see
pet/ the animal you took care of.
and spend time with throughout the day?
2. What are some of the gifts you would like
to get?
Ask students if they have pets at home or if
they have taken care of an animal or bird?


Students predict, scan for details What are the elements that go into the making
Write the title My Donkey Sally on the board. of a story? (Setting – Characters – Plot – Point
Read the title aloud. of View – Theme)

Ask students: ● Ever since we arrived in Corfu ... of the day

chased green lizards.
What is this lesson, ‘My Donkey Sally’ about?
When did Gerry decide his birthday gift? What
List their responses on the board. Students features of the donkey attracted him? How
may compare their responses later as this will did he try to convince his mother to get him a
help develop prediction skills. donkey? What was Costas building?
Now direct their attention to the Smart Book.
Zoom the pictures given. What do you think the bamboo house is for?
Ask students: (Ans: Free response)
What do you see in the picture? Now, what Why was everyone acting mysterious? (They
do you think the lesson is about? (Encourage were trying to hide the surprise.) Was the
varied responses as it develops imaginative/ narrator upset by the strange behaviour? How
creative thinking.) did he react?
Proceed to tell students that they are going ● That night, I had just turned ... from the
to read a story about a donkey named Sally. village of Gastouri.
Let students take turns to read the story What did Gerry hear that night? What made
aloud, clearly and with modulation. him soon forget what was happening? On

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the morning of his birthday, what was all the Explain:
confusion about? ● the idiom: ‘beside myself’ (overcome with)
What could be going on in the hall? What ● the extended simile: ‘as soft as everything I
kind of ‘decorations’ could they be using? could think of—silkworm cocoons, newly
born puppies, sea pebbles or the velvety
(Ans: Free response) feel of a tree frog’
Who came into Gerry’s bedroom? Explain how ● the expression: ‘dream-like trance’ (in a
the family came together to prepare the present dazed manner)
for Gerry. (They decorated the donkey, helped Post-reading
hide it, arranged for its house …)
Group work
Focus on the roles of Mother, Margo and Larry.
A Surprise Party: Divide students into groups.
Who were the people involved and how did Tell them they have 15 minutes to plan a
they keep the secret? What did the donkey do surprise party for a friend/ family member. The
after it entered Gerry’s bedroom? Why was the celebrations will include:
narrator speechless?
You have some important questions to
Which two emotions could Gerry be feeling answer.
right now? a) Who will go to the party?
(Ans: Suggested answers: surprise and joy) b) Where will the party be?
c) What time?
How does the narrator describe Sally? d) What will you have to eat and drink?
● “You remember Katerina’s donkey ... and e) How will you hide the present creatively?
then went in to breakfast. f ) A very important question when planning a
surprise party is – how will you get the guest of
Why was this donkey even more special? When honour to go to the right place at the right time,
Gerald received the donkey, what was his first without telling them about the party?
concern? When did Gerry realise that he had a
lovely family? Now present your surprise plan to the class.

GRAMMAR Coordinating clauses and coordinating conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions and compound clauses
Read this passage aloud to the class, telling them to focus on the sentence pattern:
I woke up this morning. The time was 6.30. I brushed my teeth. I had a bath. I went to the
kitchen. There was no milk. I went to the shop. I bought milk. I bought bread. I decided to take
the bus back home. The bus did not come. No auto came either. I decided to walk back home.
Ask the students how they liked the passage. How did the sentences sound?
They will probably tell you that it sounded ‘boring,’ ‘weird,’ ‘broken up,’ ‘irregular’ and/or
‘monotonous’ and sounded too short.
Proceed to explain that such sentences can be written in a better way. (I woke up this
morning at 6:30 and brushed my teeth and had my bath.)

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Now write this sentence on the board:
Damu likes to watch cricket. He eats pizza.
Ask students to underline the finite verb in the sentence.
Tell student that a simple sentence has one finite verb and a single clause.
Damu likes to watch cricket and eat pizza.
Explain that shorter sentences are combined together with a coordinating conjunction.
Tell students that in a sentence, the clauses that are joined by a coordinating conjunction
and are of equal importance. These are coordinating clauses.

Note: A simile is a phrase or figure of speech that compares two things using the words like
or as.
Pattern 1: like verb + like + noun
Example: She swims like a fish.
Pattern 2: as as + adjective + as + noun
Example: She is as graceful as a swan.
Write the following words on the board.
bat mouse lightning cucumber bee feather tree desert button
Tell students to work in groups and write the phrases (using ‘as’) associated with these
Example: blind as a bat
Answers: quiet as a mouse; fast as lightning, cool as a cucumber, busy as a bee, light as a
feather, tall as a tree, dry as the desert, cute as a button

LISTENING Post listening − conversation

Tell students that they will be listening to a conversation between Jake and Mona.
Allow them to read the questions before listening to the audio.
Play the recording and let the class tick the answer after listening to the track.
Play the recording a second time and ask them to fill in the details they may have missed
out / check their answers.
Review the answers.

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SPEAKING  Pair discussion
This task can be used for assessment as learning. Students discuss about factors involved in
adopting a pet. They display their ability to open-mindedly discuss giving their opinions
with examples, using words, expressions and body language to communicate effectively.
Pair discussion
Tell students that they are going to participate in pair discussion.
Explain that there are four essential skills for effective discussions.
Write these skills on the board.
1. Asking questions
2. Recognising and using non-verbal cues—these include body movements, body
orientation, nuances of the voice and facial expressions.
3. Listening carefully and responding
4. Recording the partner’s points
Let students follow these guidelines for a successful discussion.
● The individual prepares for a few minutes and notes down points of discussion.
● They start discussing the points they have written down.
● They should remember to listen to their partner’s points and respond and give their

What is a poster?
A poster is a very short piece of writing in formal style. Individuals and organisations use it
to announce events and celebrations or to give information.
A poster should:
● give complete information ●  be clear and logical
●  be in easily understandable language
How do I write a poster?
Include the following details in a poster to make it attractive, clear and concise:
a catchy title—mention the date, time and venue—the name of the person/organisation
issuing the poster—the contact person’s telephone number and email address—
interesting illustrations—an attractive colour scheme

This exercise focuses on Naturalistic intelligence which is related to environmental issues,
plants and animals. Students will develop a sense of caring and empathy for animals.

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My Donkey Sally
Free response
A. 1. Gerry had been delighted to see a great number of donkeys with their babies at
Katerina’s wedding. That was when he decided that he wanted to own one himself.
2. Gerry promised his mother that if she gifted him a donkey on his birthday, he
would give up all other presents. He also pointed out that a donkey would help him
to carry his things and go further. His mother only answered that she would see
(think about it). However, she must have actually decided to get a donkey for Gerry
because she soon ordered the building of a bamboo house for the donkey and
eventually got a donkey for the boy.
3. On the day before his birthday, Gerry spotted Margo running around with
mysterious bundles. Larry shouted hunting slogans like “Tantivy” and “Tally Ho”.
Leslie and Spiro had secret conversations in the garden and when Gerry tried
to overhear them, Leslie told him off. At night, he heard sounds of laughter and
singing from the groves.
4. The donkey galloped into Gerry’s bedroom and halted by his bedside. She gazed at
the boy, then shook herself so that the feathers fell off. She approached the edge of
Gerry’s bed and when Gerry stretched out his hand, she thrust its muzzle into it. She
then stood chewing coloured paper. Gerry was speechless with surprise and delight
and thought that the donkey’s muzzle was the softest thing ever.
5. When Gerry learned that the house Costas had built was for the donkey, he led
the donkey out very carefully through the garden into the olive grove and inside
the bamboo hut. Then he took out the donkey again and tied her to an olive tree.
She grazed and Gerry stared at her in admiration. He also gave her a kiss before
returning indoors.
B. 1. a. Costas, the brother of their maid.
b. Costas responded that he didn’t know—perhaps she wanted to keep sweet
potatoes in it.
c. The house was actually to keep the donkey that the family was going to get for
Gerry’s birthday.
2. a. He was speaking to Margo.
b. coloured crepe paper, Christmas decorations and three huge feathers
c. When the donkey shook herself, the feathers fell off from between her ears. The
donkey also chewed some of the paper.
3. a. Margo said this to Gerry.
b. The donkey was a rich dark brown, with large ears like lilies and white socks over
tiny polished hooves. Running along her back was a broad black cross. Round
each great brown eye she had a neat white circle. She also had a grey, soft muzzle.
c. When Gerry heard that the donkey was Katerina’s donkey’s baby, he felt that she
was all the more special.

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4. a. Gerry felt this way because he realised that the family had decided to gift him
the donkey some time ago and had also thought about how and where to keep
b. He also thought of how cleverly they had kept it a secret from him and how
hard they had worked to decorate the animal.
c.  Sample answer: Gerry had felt that the family was unfriendly, when he tried to
overhear what Leslie and Spiro were discussing and Leslie told him to jump off a cliff.
C. 1. Sample answers:
a. Gerry’s family members decided to get a donkey for Gerry. Larry shouted hunting
slogans. Leslie scolded Gerry rudely although he was actually planning Gerry’s
birthday surprise. They sang and laughed at the olive grove where they must have
brought the donkey before the birthday. Margo decorated the donkey as one
wraps a birthday gift.
b. Gerry’s family worked together to get him the gift he wanted and to keep it
a surprise for him. However, they also had arguments and difficulties about
decorating the donkey and some of them were not happy about how the
donkey smelled or how the decorations were spoilt by the carelessness of the
c. The fact that they loved Gerry is proved by how they got him the exact birthday
gift that he wanted, and that too, the baby of the very donkey Gerry had
admired particularly. They kept it a surprise for him and also got a hut made for
the animal. They did not always express it in words because their love did not
stop them from scolding Gerry when he tried to find out the secret.
2. Sample answer:
The day before his birthday, Gerry noticed that his family members were acting
strangely. His brother Larry was shouting hunting slogans like ‘Tantivy’ and ‘Tally-
ho’. This sounds quite strange and funny. Later, when Leslie discovered Gerry
attempting to eavesdrop on his and Spiro’s conversation, he told Gerry to jump
off a cliff. This is a piece of harmless scolding which actually increases the fun of
the surprise gift. When the family gathered in Gerry’s room to deliver his birthday
gift, Leslie was holding on to the donkey’s tail, as if the donkey was leading him
on. Earlier, Leslie kept shouting, “Hold its head,” which makes us imagine that the
donkey must have been impatient to take the decorations off, and that is a funny
scene. Larry’s disgust with the smell and the dung also makes us laugh.
A. 1. but   2. so   3. or    4. yet    5. so   6. and
B. Sample answers:
1. used it in the sun 2. very few turned up 3. they are in the garden
4. did we get any shoes 5. she can order dosa on phone 6. he felt lonely
1. d   2. e   3. b   4. f 5. c   6. a
Free response

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Listening text:
Mona: Have you thought of a gift for Grandfather?
Jake: I will. Isn’t there some time left before his birthday?
Mona: His birthday is day after tomorrow. I had reminded you last week.
Jake: Oh my! Did you? I don’t remember it at all. But what should we get for him?
Mona: I know what I am getting for him. You need to think a little bit.
Jake: Okay, I will. But what are you getting for him?
Mona: You’ll have to guess.
Jake: A painting? A book of poems?
Mona: You will never guess it.
Jake: Are you getting him chocolates? Or a perfume?
Mona: I am getting him a pair of binoculars so he can birdwatch whenever he wants. He
has been sad about being unable to walk for long distances any more. This will uplift his
spirits, I think.
Jake: That is so thoughtful of you, Mona!
Mona: He will like it, don’t you think?
Jake: Of course! He will love it! But it will be really difficult for me to pick up a gift for him
Mona: Just gift him something he likes.
Jake: I think I will get him a canvas and some colours to paint those birds that he watches
all day. What do you think?
Mona: That is a splendid idea. Grandfather will have his happiest birthday yet!
Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a
Free response
Correct sentences: 1, 3, 4 and 6
Life Skills
Suggested answer: 2


A. 1. and     2. but     3. or     4. so     5. but/yet
B. Sample answers:
1. paint a picture of this scene

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2. did they feel hungry
3. makes a tasty pickle
4. he could not see anyone
5. he went to bed early
C. 1. as clear as day
2. as different as chalk and cheese
3. as slippery as an eel
4. as loud as thunder
5. as fast as the wind
6. as free as a bird
D. 1. a. a task / situation that tests someone’s abilities because it is difficult
b. a situation where there is no movement / activity
c. discourage
2. a. Biblioburro is the term used to describe the donkey(s) that Louis Soriano used
to carry books to children. Biblio- means related to books and burro means
b. Soriano did not stop going around with his biblioburros even when he lost one
of his legs in an accident. He himself got a college degree by studying with a
professor who visited his village twice a month.
c. We can sow many seeds and not see all of them grow into big trees. Yet we
cannot stop sowing seeds because of that. Soriano keeps taking books to
children in the hope that they will read, grow up educated and improve their
lives. Even if that does not always happen, he does not stop his work.
3. Sample answer: Soriano uses his donkeys to carry books to those children who do
not have books. This way, he helps them to be educated. Many of them, like Maria,
can grow up and find a good job because they could read with the help of Soriano
and his donkeys.
4. Free response

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My Donkey Sally
A. Answer in brief.
What made Gerry feel that the family was unfriendly?
Ans: The day before Gerry’s birthday, he observed everyone in the family behaving
strangely. It was obvious that they were doing something without his knowledge. On
seeing Gerry overhear them, Leslie sent him off rudely. This made Gerry feel that the
family was unfriendly.
B. Answer in detail.
Describe the entry of the donkey into Gerry’s bedroom. How did it impress Gerry?
Ans: Gerry woke up on his birthday and wanted to go out and see his presents. Before
he opened the door, the bedroom door burst open and a donkey walked in. It was
dressed in coloured crepe paper; Christmas decorations and three enormous feathers
were attached skillfully between its large ears. The donkey galloped into the bedroom
with Leslie hanging from its tail. The donkey stopped near Gerry’s bed and stared at
him in surprise. Gerry had never seen so beautiful a creature ever before. It had the
softest muzzle, the most beautiful skin colour and ‘white socks’ over its tiny polished
hooves were as neat as a dancer’s shoes. Gerry was speechless looking at the best
present he could ever think of for his birthday.
C. Choose the correct answer.
Throughout the story, Gerry indicated that his family was eccentric and were behaving very
strangely. Why did they do this?
a. They felt that Gerry was too small to share their secrets.
b. They wanted to keep his birthday gift a secret.
c. They did not like Gerry as he was very fussy and cranky. Ans: b
D. Read the lines and answer the questions.
“Perhaps she wants to keep plants in it or store sweet potatoes for the winter.”
a. Who speaks the above lines to whom?
b. What is he talking about?
c. Who wants to keep plants or vegetables? Was that the real reason?
Ans: a. Costas, Gerry’s maid’s brother speaks to Gerry.
b. He is talking about the bamboo house he was erecting for Gerry’s mother.
c. Costas says Gerry’s mother had asked him to erect the bamboo house to keep
plants or store sweet potatoes for the winter. It is in fact, for the donkey that Gerry is
to get on his birthday.
E. Answer in brief. (Think and answer)
How did his mother’s gift become more special for Gerry?
Ans: His family made sure that the baby donkey he got as a gift for his birthday was the
baby of the same donkey he had liked a lot at Katerina’s wedding. It is for this reason
it became more special as it was not just any donkey but the baby of the one he had
wanted to own.
F. Answer in detail. (Think and answer)
Why do you think people keep pets? Was the donkey a peculiar pet to have? Give reasons.
Free response

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