My Donkey Sally
My Donkey Sally
My Donkey Sally
Note: The transactional processes suggested in CISCE curriculum are highlighted in grey.
Learning Outcomes
● To inculcate a sense of family love and friendship in students
● To identify the subtle use of humour
● To instill a sense of caring for pets
A. Do the task in the Reader. Group work (optional)
B. Generate a discussion on the following idea: Share your experience of taking care of an
animal or bird.
Imagine it is your birthday
arrate a funny incident with you and your
1. Who are some people you want to see
pet/ the animal you took care of.
and spend time with throughout the day?
2. What are some of the gifts you would like
to get?
Ask students if they have pets at home or if
they have taken care of an animal or bird?
Students predict, scan for details What are the elements that go into the making
Write the title My Donkey Sally on the board. of a story? (Setting – Characters – Plot – Point
Read the title aloud. of View – Theme)
Note: A simile is a phrase or figure of speech that compares two things using the words like
or as.
Pattern 1: like verb + like + noun
Example: She swims like a fish.
Pattern 2: as as + adjective + as + noun
Example: She is as graceful as a swan.
Write the following words on the board.
bat mouse lightning cucumber bee feather tree desert button
Tell students to work in groups and write the phrases (using ‘as’) associated with these
Example: blind as a bat
Answers: quiet as a mouse; fast as lightning, cool as a cucumber, busy as a bee, light as a
feather, tall as a tree, dry as the desert, cute as a button
What is a poster?
A poster is a very short piece of writing in formal style. Individuals and organisations use it
to announce events and celebrations or to give information.
A poster should:
● give complete information ● be clear and logical
● be in easily understandable language
How do I write a poster?
Include the following details in a poster to make it attractive, clear and concise:
a catchy title—mention the date, time and venue—the name of the person/organisation
issuing the poster—the contact person’s telephone number and email address—
interesting illustrations—an attractive colour scheme
This exercise focuses on Naturalistic intelligence which is related to environmental issues,
plants and animals. Students will develop a sense of caring and empathy for animals.