References Tab
References Tab
References Tab
This tab gives we access to all the commands for creating references within our
We can quickly display the "Footnote and Endnote" dialog box by clicking on the dialog
box launcher in the bottom right corner of this group.
Insert Footnote - (Alt + Ctrl + F). Inserts a footnote at the current position. Footnotes
are automatically renumbered as we move text around the document.
Insert Endnote - (Alt + Ctrl + D). Inserts an endnote at the end of the document. End
notes are always placed at the end of a document.
Next Footnote - Button with Drop-Down. The button moves to the next footnote. The
drop-down provides the commands Next Footnote, Previous Footnote, Next Endnote
and Previous Endnote.
Show Notes - Shows where footnotes and endnotes are located.