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MIXE03.Digital September eBook 2024

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September 2024

Discover the creative solutions used for numerous
notable HOW audio systems around the world.



September 2024

Discover the creative solutions used for numerous
notable HOW audio systems around the world.

Westover Hills
Church Gets An
Audio Update

Monte Bros. Makes
Mic Insights

Knock Presbyterian
Church Upgrades
Audio System

Upgraded P.A. for
As the final resting place
Multiple Eagle Brook
of some of France’s leading
military figures, most notably
Napoleon, Paris’ Dôme des
Invalides was built during the
reign of Louis XIV in the 17th
century and features a half-
Fiji’s World Harvest
dozen chapels. Its discretely
placed P.A. features eight
Centre Reaps the
clusters of four Nexo Geo Benefits of a New
MS, along with L18 subs P.A.
mounted above each of the

four corner arches, and a
single Geo M620 at each
corner firing into the dome to
create a virtual source. Ed Sheeran Show
Leads to Church’s
New Audio System

O 11
ON THE COVER: ver the last 20 years, Houses of
The Miraculous Medal Worship have become some of
Shrine in Philadelphia, the most advanced AV facilities New Sound at Old
Penn., recently updated Church of St. John
around, often using cutting-edge
its audio system with a the Baptist
full integration created audio systems that rival or top
by house-of-worship

many secular venues. From installing tour-worthy
specialists Monte
Brothers Sound Systems P.A.s to developing complex monitoring setups
of Ardsley, New York, for worship bands to integrating live sound and The Belonging Co.
who installed gear broadcast mix positions, houses of worship— Has New Belongings:
from Biamp, Powersoft, Consoles
CAMM and Audio- and the system designers and integrators they
Technica. For more on turn to—are pushing the technical envelope,
the installation, see
page 5.
often while maximizing limited budgets. Join us
as we take a deep dive into numerous notable
Free Chapel Church
HoW systems, looking at the solutions that were Leans In on New
devised, the equipment that was chosen, the P.A.S
creative ways it was applied and much more.



an Antonio, TX—Westover
Hills Church in San Antonio is
centered around its massive,
2,200-seat Worship Center,
which first opened a decade
ago. While the facility’s audio system was
put to good use during that time, after
10 years, it was time to address some
growing concerns.
“We had been having some system
failures, some amps blowing out, and it
became more and more clear,” reports
Westover Hills technical director Carlos
Peña. “The system had served its purpose,
but it was time for an update.”
The church reached out to 5 Words
Media, a Phoenix-based group
specializing in worship systems design
and installation. Working with DAS Audio’s
VP of Sales and Business Development
for Pro Sound, Michael Palmer, and the
DAS Audio Application Engineering crew,
the team designed a system comprised
of four hangs of four SARA-100 boxes,
with three hangs of SARA-SUB 18-inch
compact powered cardioid subwoofers. Four Westover Hills areas,” Palmer observes.
additional LARA-SUB 3x18-inch powered cardioid Church in San A total of 10 ARTEC-506A active 6.5-inch two-way
subwoofers are strategically positioned in purpose- Antonio, TC enclosures are strategically located beneath the
recently updated
built bunkers beneath the stage for additional low- the audio system stage lip to provide front fill, and at the outer wings
end reinforcement. within its massive, of the audience seating to provide coverage to two
As Peña notes, the room is not without its logistical 2,200-seat Worship outer shaded areas of the auditorium, with external
challenges. “It’s a very wide room but very shallow, processing handled by a DAS Audio INTEGRAL-M88
with a wrap-around balcony, and a traditional line Dante-enabled DSP. The entire system is remotely
array would create unacceptable line-of-sight issues with our controlled and monitored via DAS Audio’s ALMA ecosystem
video systems. The SARA system’s unique compact footprint control software.
allowed us to still go with a line array system that covered every Response to the worship center’s new AV systems from staff
seat in the auditorium while still giving us great sound.” and congregation alike have been enthusiastic. “We absolutely
Because of the height restrictions, as well as the balcony, the love that we have such a full sounding PA in such a small
team opted to add upper balcony fills, with nine of DAS Audio’s footprint,” says Peña “The SARA system gives us clear, crisp highs,
new ARA P28.74 symmetrical point source enclosures marking full midrange, and a robust low end with power to spare. We
the first U.S. installation of the dual 8-inch active systems. “The absolutely love this new system.”
P28.74 uses the same high frequency driver as the ARA series,
which gave us a perfect seamless transition to the upper balcony



ince its start in 1969, Monte Brothers Sound Systems a chair, are also covered by System 10 PRO bases, in combination
in Ardsley, New York has created house of worship with ES925/XLR mics with MicroLine elements. Additional System
audio systems for literally thousands of worship 10 PRO bases provide coverage of the choir, and at a sixth location,
facilities nationwide, and in 1996, was involved in a System 10 PRO ATW-T1002 Handheld Transmitter is available for
providing audio for a service by Pope John Paul II. use by the organist or a solo singer.
Back then, Monte Brothers’ Steve Minozzi went with an Audio- Meanwhile, at St. Mary’s Seminary, the majority of the
Technica mic to capture the pontiff’s words, and now almost 30 microphones are A-T 3000 Series wireless products. Four body
years later, he still turns to the company’s microphones when packs are paired with two AT899 lavaliers and two BP894 headset
developing audio systems. mics. There are also four handheld wireless mics available.
It’s A-T wireless microphones that tend to come into play, and System 10 PRO bases are paired with ES925/XLR’s with MicroLine
they get the job done, he says, noting, “we’ve done an elements at the pulpit and the lectern, and a pair of
incredible number of spaces using this technology— ATW-T1006 Boundary Microphone/Transmitters, one
Monte Brothers
because it works.” In the cases of two recent church Sound Systems in at each end of the altar. A microphone on the piano
system updates—The Miraculous Medal Shrine in Ardsley, New York transmits through a fifth System 10 PRO base.
Philadelphia, Penn., and St. Mary’s Seminary and recently upgraded
the audio system in
University in Baltimore, Maryland—there were many St. Mary’s Seminary
similarities. Both churches can seat roughly 800 and University
people at one time and both needed the flexibility to in Baltimore,
handle simple, daily masses and also large events like
ordinations. Both churches also had chronic
intelligibility issues.
Audio-Technica’s microphones and RF
equipment were just one component of
the replacement sound systems at the two
churches—systems that also include the
latest technologies from brands like Biamp,
Powersoft and CAMM.
At the Miraculous Medal Shrine, only the
microphone at the pulpit—an A-T Engineered
Sound ES925/XLR with MicroLine element—
is hardwired. “The ES925 MicroLine capsule
was designed by Audio-Technica with
consultation from Monte Bros. back in 1987,”
Minozzi adds.
The church now has three A-T 3000 Series
body packs plus a handheld microphone,
all operating in the UHF band at 500 MHz.
“Besides the three celebrants that have the
wireless body packs and headset mics on, any
additional people speaking at the altar can be
heard through the altar microphone, which
is a System 10 PRO ATW-T1006 Boundary
Microphone/Transmitter,” he says. Two other
positions in the sanctuary area, a lectern and


elfast, Ireland—Knock Presbyterian Church in Belfast audio zones, using matrixes fed from the main LR mix. With future-
has been updating its audio system over the last few proofing in mind, however, the team wanted a minimum of 64 input
years, and turned to regional audio provider Rea channels and hoped to facilitate both multi-track recording and, taking
Sound in June 2022 to get insight into what might be into consideration an upcoming major building project for the church’s
the House of Worship’s next console. The church’s halls the following year, sending further audio feeds to the new worship
technical team, led by Brian Ditty, began exploring spaces.
options to replace the existing 12-year-old mixer, and Roger McMullan from Rea Sound met with the church’s
Knock Presbyterian
with that insight ultimately went with an Allen & Heath Church in Belfast technical team to answer questions, and arranged for
dLive desk. has been updating the group to attend an Allen & Heath dLive and Avantis
Knock Church had to consider not only its current needs its audio system in tour, where it could interact with the consoles firsthand.
recent times, and
but also what some of its audio requirements might be in that includes the This experience solidified the decision to recommend
the future. At the time, the church had 48 inputs on the addition of a new the dLive system to the church committee, which in turn
stage and used 16 at front-of-house for wireless receivers Allen & Heath dLive approved the purchase.
and more. Their sanctuary also featured seven distinct Today, the church has an Allen & Heath dLive CDM48
MixRack capable of 128×64 channels
of 96 kHz audio, paired with a C3500
control Surface. The CDM48 provides
48 inputs and 24 outputs for use
on the church stage, and a DX168
expander offers the additional
16 mic preamps and 8 line outs
required at FOH. The MixRack was
also equipped with a Dante 128×128
audio networking card to send audio
feeds to the new halls following the
completion of their building project
and to enable multi-track recording
and playback.
Gerard Wilkinson from Rea
Sound oversaw the installation and
provided training on the new system.
He also fine-tuned the PA hangs,
and the desk has been welcomed
by the audio team and parishoners
alike, said Ditty, noting, “Many
from the congregation and visiting
artists noticed the increase in clarity,
warmth and overall better sound.”






MIXE03.AD_.indd 1 9/23/24 10:58 AM


enterville, MN—After Colorado’s Summit Integrated system at Ham Lake, Eagle Brook also installed a K3i system at its
Systems organized a four-brand “shoot-out” Woodbury campus, together with A15i systems at its century-old
comparison for a proposed P.A. for Eagle Brook church building in downtown Minneapolis and the church’s White
Church’s newest location in Ham Lake, Minn., the Bear and Apple Valley locations.
church opted to upgrade the sound systems in “They wanted sonic consistency from campus to campus,” says
five of its 11 locations with a variety of L-Acoustics A10, A15i, and Deron Yevoli, Director of Projects and Engineering at Summit.
K3i systems. “Only L-Acoustics could give them consistent tonality across a
Hosting a weekly audience averaging 20,000, product range that allows them to choose the right
plus another 25,000 online, the church places high product for a specific space and room in each church
importance on its sound quality, evidenced by its music A P.A. shoot-out while still having the same sonic signature that lets
for Eagle Brook
ministry having its own Spotify channel and a previous Church’s newest you know you are in an Eagle Brook church,” he says.
“rider-ready” touring-class sound system in its worship location led to an “That’s an accomplishment.”
space. L-Acoustics install
at the facility.
Following the installation of an L-Acoustics A10



uva, Fiji—In-the-round performance spaces are
always an audio challenge, but throw in the added
pressure of needing every word to be heard
perfectly and a somewhat remote location and the
complications multiply. That was the scenario facing
CVAV Australia when it was recently called to Fiji to create and
install a P.A. system for Christian Mission Fellowship International
and its World Harvest Centre (WHC)—a round church building that
can hold more than 3,500 worshippers, a full band, production,
and a 100-member choir.
Since its construction in 1990, the center has installed numerous
sound systems, none of which could quite tame the large
reverberant space. Under new Head Pastor Suliasi Kurulo, the
church’s production crew and the committee awarded the project to
Carey Leghorn from CVAV Australia, who proposed a Martin Audio-
based solution.
Leghorn, together with Anthony Russo from Technical CVAV Australia cabinets from Martin’s coaxial CDD range. An eight-
Audio Group, Martin Audio’s Australian representative, recently updated cabinet Blackline X12 delay system was installed
made several visits to WHC to evaluate the scale of the audio for Fiji’s to complement the main P.A., and three CDD10
World Harvest
project and create a design for the site. The services are Centre—a round speakers are used a front fills across the stage.
major concert events with 3,000-plus people singing, church building Despite the challenges posed by the rigging and
supported by a full band and choir, so a system would that can hold structural steelwork, the CVAV crew managed to hang
more than 3,500
have to achieve SPLs generally associated with an worshippers, a full a center cluster and allowing beam steering of the sub-
international touring act. band, production, cluster, thereby implementing a textbook solution.
Leghorn notes, “This project was one of the most and a 100-member “Once I saw it hang together in place, it was a dream
difficult I had ever worked on. We faced several moment for me,” commented Russo. “It’s extremely
challenges, from working at 15m heights for PA rigging rare to get subs in that position in churches, where
to custom steel fabrication on site. Additionally, we had to install projectors, sightlines and roof weight loadings often constrain
several kilometers of cables through a complex roof structure. you. This results in compromised split left and right subs and the
Also, much of the fabrication had to be done in Australia with inevitable power alley and off-axis cancellations.”
no room for error once the project was containerized and sea On the day of the new system’s debut, Russo personally addressed
freighted.” thousands on stage and, in an emotional speech, praised the
Opting for a Martin Audio Wavefront Precision line array church’s vision, noting that the project was not about technology,
system, Martin Audio’s Display prediction software was used to but that the congregation could now truly appreciate the sound
design a 56-cabinet WPM system based around a 32-cabinet left of their musicians, choir, and preachers. He concluded by stating,
and right system in two-box resolution, along with a 10-a-side “This location had become a place of learning inspired by a team,
WPM operating in one-box resolution mode. Supporting that welcomed like family by its people and, in turn, willing to share their
are two stacks of six Martin Audio SX218 subwoofers per side, knowledge for future generations.”
each individually processed. The choir stalls are covered with
eight individually amplified and processed CDD12 two-way



ilbert, AZ—In audio, it’s always smart to not get integration lead director at SVCC, heard a Meyer Sound Panther
stuck in your ways; reappraising systems and and 2100-LFC system in action at an Ed Sheeran concert, and was
looking for new approaches and technologies soon convinced of the system’s capabilities.
are always good rules of thumb. That was what “Listening to the varying dynamics in a stadium, we decided,
Sun Valley Community Church in Gilbert, AZ had ‘Let’s create a mini version of this.’ We aimed to provide a
in mind when it recently began the process of upgrading its main capability that no other medium-to-large-sized room offers,”
audio system. he said. As a result, SVCC now has Panther large-format linear
SVCC’s main campus, which seats 1,200, previously housed a line array loudspeakers and 2100-LFC low-frequency control
Meyer Sound Leopard system. “SVCC was ready for something elements, and has relocated the Leopard system to the South
special—a state-of-the-art system that would support Gilbert campus to make way for the Panther upgrade
expanded programming,” said Chris Gille, creative Sun Valley at the broadcast campus.
solutions engineer at Kentucky-based integrator Community Church SVCC’s new system is centered around two
HouseRight, which supplied and installed the church’s in Gilbert, AZ suspended arrays of seven Panther loudspeakers,
recently updated
new system. “One of the things I talked about with them its audio system supported by 10 2100-LFC low frequency control
was getting into a modern technology that was fresh, with a Meyer elements, which are both hung and set on the
proven reliable, and available.” Sound Panther ground. “We have six 2100-LFCs suspended, following
As it happens, Matt Kotthoff, production and the recommendations from HouseRight and Meyer
Sound Engineers. This setup allows
us to deliver a controlled low end
that projects over the congregation,
creating an immersive, clean bass-
heavy experience that has definition in
low-end frequencies that everyone can
feel and hear,” Kotthoff said. Four 2100-
LFC low-frequency control elements on
the ground act as a sub-boost.
HouseRight and Meyer Sound’s
engineering team used Meyer Sound’s
MAPP 3D system design and prediction
tool to model cohesive coverage.
“While designing in MAPP 3D, front-
to-back frequency, smoothness and
low-mid beam control seemed a bit
too good to be true, with only seven
primary elements per stack, with AVB
affording 1:1 drive resolution,” Gille said.
“However, the reality was as predicted,
and frequency banding fell tightly in line.
The new system fit the bill. “We’re
five weekends in, and although most


Now used as an
arts venue, the
400-plus year-old
Old Church of St.
John the Baptist
recently added
a Renkus-Heinz


apyškis, Lithuania—The 400-plus-year-old Old “The church had very long reverberation times, and we weren’t
Church of St. John the Baptist cuts quite a picture, allowed to install acoustic treatments of any kind due to its cultural
as the Gothic church, with its striking steep- designation,” said Stasiukaitis. “That’s why the only solution for this
pitched roof, draws tourists and photographers scenario was a beam-steered loudspeaker system from Renkus-
from around the world. No longer used for Heinz.
religious purposes, the edifice was given the status of a Audiotonas installed and commissioned four IC8-RN digitally
Cultural Monument in 2002 and is now a popular venue for steerable loudspeakers for the audio redesign. The IC8-RN provides
cultural and music events like the annual Kite Festival and up to four steerable beams that can be individually shaped and
Pažaislis Music Festival. Steerable loudspeaker arrays from aimed. Audiotonas added two CA112S-RN subwoofers to the
Renkus-Heinz were installed in the building to combat long system for the bass response needed for festival performances.
reverberation times, improve intelligibility and enhance the After hearing the new loudspeakers, the venue’s leadership
experiences of festival attendees. and staff were pleased. “Our main goal is to provide solutions that
Church staff contacted Vytautas Stasiukaitis, system designer meet the needs of the client, and I’m proud to say we were very
at Audiotonas, to help redesign the audio system. As one of the successful in the case of the Old Church of St. John the Baptist,”
largest audio, video and lighting solutions providers in the Baltic said Stasiukaitis.
States, Audiotonas was well-positioned to help alleviate the
church’s acoustic issues.



ashville, TN—Nashville is
known for its music and sound
communities, but it’s also a
place that takes worshiping
seriously. Perhaps that has
something to do with the explosive growth
of The Belonging Co., which over the last
decade has grown from a handful of touring
artists and musicians meeting in a basement
to thousands gathering at the church’s three
Nashville area locations.
Given the importance of audio in any house
of worship—but especially in Nashville—the
church recently worked with integration
company Diversified to install a pair of Solid
State Logic Live L650 mixing consoles at
its main location just north of downtown
That the church went with SSL desks may
have been easily foretold. Lead pastors Henry
and Alex Seeley, who relocated to Nashville
from the couple’s native Australia in 2012,
started the church; as it happens, Henry is a
Grammy Award-winning mix engineer who,
until several years ago, had an SSL 4000 G One of the two SSL made on the old FOH console and the new L650.
console in his home studio. Live L650 consoles “There was a lot more fidelity with the SSL and just a
Caleb Rhew, assistant audio director and one of now installed at bigger sound,” said Daniel Bender, broadcast video
The Belonging Co.
several FOH engineers at the church, noted that with in Nashville director. “It was the same mixer, Caleb, and the gains
the SSL L650, “It was very clean right out of the gate. were matched. The only differences were the pre’s
It was really nice to just push up the faders and go, and the console processing. It was very impressive.”
‘Oh, that sounds great,’ without having to add anything. So, we’ve “Henry won a Grammy in 2015 with an SSL console, so there is
tried to see what we can do just by pushing up faders and running an affinity with the sound of SSL,” said Tim Corder, vice president,
a channel EQ and a channel compressor. It’s cleaned up a lot of Diversified, who has been working with the church for six years.
things and has allowed us to hear the source material a lot more “The thing that is unique about The Belonging Co. is that they
accurately.” treat every weekend as though there could be a special musical
Andy Rushing, production director, added, “We bought two L650s moment, and if that special moment happens, they want to be
and five SSL Network I/O SB 32.24 Dante Stageboxes, giving us a able to capture it and turn it around and release it. They also have
total of 72 inputs. Pro Tools is running at 48 kHz, the live sound one of the best-sounding broadcast streams, and that has been
system is at 96 kHz, and we do the sample rate conversion in the a consistent priority for the life of the church. So SSL’s heritage
SSL Stagebox. SSL Live has superb Dante integration. All routing of recording and quality sonics is what really drove our whole
is controlled directly from the console and stored in the console’s conversation regarding the choice of a new console.”
showfile. SSL’s Dante workflow has been a huge plus for us.”
The church’s audio team was able to compare broadcast mixes


September 2024



Content Directors Tom Kenny,

Clive Young,
Senior Content Producer Steve Harvey,
Production Manager Nicole Schilling

Design Directors Will Shum and Lisa McIntosh

ainesville, GA—Free Chapel Church, a contemporary Christian congregation
based in Gainesville, Georgia, has been updating the audio systems in Managing Vice President of Sales, B2B Tech
many of its worship facilities, including its main campus, and increasingly Adam Goldstein,, 212-378-0465

outlying spaces as well. Janis Crowley,

Debbie Rosenthal,
The Gainesville main campus has a sizable EAW setup, including Anya Zahra Majma,
ADAPTive line arrays and EAW SB828P dual drive subwoofers. Now Free Chapel Church
has extended its EAW deployment to other locations, including Midtown Atlanta,
Gwinnett and Braselton. Each venue has tailored solutions, ranging from NTX210L line Mix is available for licensing.
arrays to RSX series speakers. Contact the Licensing team to discuss partnership opportunities.

Glenn Setchfield, global audio director at Free Chapel Church, is responsible for Head of Print Licensing: Rachel Shaw,

integrating and overseeing all audio operations, including weekend services, midweek MANAGEMENT
gatherings, youth and children’s programs, and audio production for Jentezen Franklin
SVP, MD, B2B Amanda Darman-Allen
Ministries, a non-profit organization affiliated with the church. VP, Global Head of Content, B2B Carmel King
“At Free Chapel Church, we prioritize exceptional audio experiences that resonate with MD, Content, AV Anthony Savona
our congregation,” says Setchfield, “and with EAW’s cutting-edge equipment, we can deliver VP, Head of US Sales, B2B Tom Sikes

impactful, engaging and rewarding worship services across our multiple campuses.” Managing VP of Sales, B2B Tech Adam Goldstein
VP, Global Head of Strategy & Ops, B2B Allison Markert
Setchfield commended EAW’s commitment to customer service and support. “John VP, Product & Marketing, B2B Andrew Buchholz
Mills and the great team at EAW have been instrumental partners in our audio journey,” Head of Production US & UK Mark Constance
he adds. “Their timely assistance allows us to focus on delivering Head of Design, B2B Nicole Cobban

impactful worship experiences.” The audio team FUTURE US, INC.

at Free Chapel
Church. Future US LLC, 130 West 42nd Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10036

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