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Grade 10 Week 1

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School: Monkayo National High School Grade Level: 10

Teacher: MELODY M. IDUL Learning Area: English

Grade 7-12 Teaching Dates & Week 1 (July 29, 2024-August 2, 2024) Quarter: 1
Daily Lesson Log
A. Grade level The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts
types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
B. Learning  Orient students Administer Pre-test Conduct a 3-phase Conduct a 3-phase Conduct a 3-phase
Competencies about the goals, to assess students’ language skill language skill language skill
expectations, and prior knowledge assessment test to assessment test to assessment test to
structure of the evaluate language skill evaluate language evaluate language
lessons. level on grammar, skill level on skill level on
writing and speaking grammar, writing grammar, writing
and speaking and speaking
C. Objectives -Assess students’ -Evaluate language, -Evaluate language,
prior knowledge and -Evaluate language,
skill level on skill level on
skills. skill level on grammar,
grammar, writing grammar, writing
writing and speaking
and speaking and speaking

II. Content Classroom 3-Phase Exercise: 3-Phase Exercise: 3-Phase Exercise:

Pre-Test for
Orientation Grammar, Writing, Grammar, Grammar,
Quarter I
Speaking Writing, Speaking Writing, Speaking
III. References School handbook Test Paper Grammar Writing Speaking
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Briefly greet the
Previous Lesson or students and Discuss questions Review basic grammar Review basic Review basic steps
Presenting the New introduce yourself. and the answers. rules. writing mechanics. in speaking.
B. Establishing a Explain the Explain the Explain the Explain the
Purpose for the importance of Explain the importance of importance of importance of
Lesson knowing classroom importance of basic knowledge on understanding basic understanding basic
rules and and prior knowledge grammar especially in writing mechanics in writing mechanics in
expectations on the lessons for the developing ideas the delivery of the delivery of
first quarter. whether in writing or effective effective
speaking. communication. communication.
C. Presenting Tell students that Tell students that
Students will write a Students will do a
Examples/ Instances today they will learn they will take a
Students will answer a 5-paragraph-essay speaking activity on
of the Lesson about the classroom pretest to help tailor
15-item grammar test. on their self- a topic that they will
rules and the lessons to their
introduction. pick.
expectations. needs.
D. Discussing New Briefly discuss the
Concepts and basic rules, grading Individual activity: Individual Activity: Individual Activity:
Practicing New Skills system and 40-item Pre-test
#1 requirements in Grammar Test Writing Test Speaking Test
English 10.
E. Discussing New Inform students of Discuss the answers Individual activity: Individual Activity: Individual Activity:
Concepts and do’s and don’t’s in to the given
Grammar Test Writing Test Speaking Test
Practicing New Skills taking a test. questions.
F. Developing
Mastery (Leads to Distribute the Pre- Individual activity: Individual Activity: Individual Activity:
Formative Test to the students. Grammar Test Writing Test Speaking Test
Assessment 3)
G. Finding Practical
Students answer the Students engage in
Applications of Students answer the Students write a 5-
Pretest on a separate 25-point speaking
Concepts and Skills Grammar Test paragraph essay
sheet of paper activity
in Daily Living
H. Making Discuss the proper
Check student’s
Generalizations and Check students’ Discuss the ways on ways on speaking
answers. Review the
Abstractions about responses. writing effectively. and communicating
the Lesson effectively.
I. Evaluating Record students’ Record students’ Record students’ Record students’
Learning scores. scores. scores. scores.
J. Additional
Activities for Bring a copy of a
Application or news article.

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed:


Master Teacher I School Principal IV

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