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2017 11th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA)

Intelligent Mobile Assistant for Hearing Impairers to

Interact With the Society in Sinhala Language
Yasintha Perera1, Nelunika Jayalath2, Shenali Tissera3, Oshani Bandara4, Samantha Thelijjagoda5
Department of Information Technology, 5Department of Information Systems Engineering
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Malabe, Sri Lanka

to communicate when they are long distance apart. This

Abstract— A language is a way of words or signs that
application would bridge the gap between hearing
people use to share feelings and ideas with each other. In
impairers with the society.
view of the society there is an issue in communication
among hearing impaired people and hearing people. Keywords— Hearing-impairers, Instant Messaging, Mobile
Most of the hearing people have no idea about the sign Application, Voice recognition, Natural Language processing,
languages and they are not having any desire to learn Graphic Interchange Format Introduction
sign language. Thus, typically hearing impairers are
used to be isolated. When considering about all the I. INTRODUCTION
solutions there is an absence of a Sinhala application In 2003, a research has been carried out about the number
with Sinhala sign language. Sinhala is the native of deaf people in the world. The results of this study showed
language of the Sinhalese people. Sinhala is one of the that over 5% of the world's population are deaf [1]. It
official and national languages of Sri Lanka, who make wondered how Hearing-impairers deal with their daily
up the largest ethnic group in Sri Lanka, numbering situations. Different sources are referred by us and it was
about 20 million. Sinhalese is also spoken as a second immediately clear that the life of a Hearing-impairer is not
language by other ethnic groups in Sri Lanka, totaling that much easy. Most of the time Hearing-impairers
about four million. Since most of the solutions are discriminated and excluded by the society [2]. Problems can
desktop applications, hearing impairers feel so be found in several environments. Due to the communication
uncomfortable. In the modern era where mobile problems, Hearing-impairers face many barriers. Deafness is
technology plays a superior role in day to day life, invisible disability which is not surprising. Because you can’t
Project “Sanwadha” is an intelligent assistant for the see if a person is Deaf [3].
hearing-impaired people for communication. The Let’s consider about the evolution in communication, in
proposed application is under cross platform mobile the last half of the 20th century the communication
development where users can reach the solution widely. developed rapidly and using chat systems for communication
The core of the Project “Sanwadha” is Instant has become a trend and the most fashionable way to connect
Messaging (IM) chat. Here the application will get the with ordinary people all around the world. Have you ever
text from the ordinary person in Sinhala language and it thought about, how a person with a disability uses this kind
converts to Sinhala sign language. The message will be of application [4]. Using new technologies to help people
directing to hearing impaired person in a format of GIF. with disabilities is highly regarded and much research in this
2D model can be used by the User (Hearing impaired) to area is underway [5].
grasp the idea by creating the sign as they wish. That The focus of this investigation goes towards the Deaf
sign would be altering in to either Text or Voice to community. The technology has not sufficiently reached to
interact with the society. Hearing people also can the Hearing-impairs. If they want to use these kind of chat
cooperate with the hearing impairers with the voice applications, those applications should support the ways that
recognition mechanism. This solution would come up deaf people can manage. Although visually-impaired people
with an intelligent application where hearing impairers can communicate by using the human language. Hearing-
makes empower in the society through communication. impairers cannot use that language. They usually
Reaching Sri Lankan deaf community is another comfortable with the sign language. Hence, these
foremost objective of this project. This hopes to narrow applications should support the sign language. Sign
digital divide that between enabled and hearing- languages are natural languages with their own grammar and
impaired users. The significance of this proposed syntax, specially formulated for the deaf people. Make use of
application is that it allows hearing-impaired individuals finger spellings, body language, lip pattern and manual

978-1-5386-4602-1/17/$31.00 2017

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communication, to convey the meaning. It mainly involves his Local text area, again using either voice recognition or
the use of orientation and movement of hands. Nowadays the keyboard. Using a network connection rather than
few different applications are using in English sign Bluetooth allows the individuals to be near each other or
languages and other sign languages. However application’s separated by a large distance. The network connection will
main aim is to reach the Sri Lankan Deaf community who most likely be Wi-Fi, but it could be an Intranet or even a
are using Sinhala sign language. Today communication of connection via the Internet [13].
Hearing-impairers with ordinary people are done through an
Interpreter [4]. Furthermore Hearing-impairers comfortable Deaf Hearing Chat is a system for face-to-face
with Lip reading. Yet with the absence of an Interpreter, communication between deaf and hearing people without a
there is a huge gap between Hearing-impairers and Hearing sign interpreter. If you are a hearing person, you can
people [6]. communicate with your deaf relatives, friends, clients,
employees and so on. If you are a deaf person, you can make
In order to overcome these problems Project Sanwadha is a face-to-face conversation with hearing people without sign
the finest solution where hearing-impaired people can chat interpreter. You can use the system everywhere: at home, at
with the hearing people. Moreover they can interact with your work, at restaurants, during your education and so on
hearing people in a mean of voice mode. [14].
NGTS (Next Generation Text Service) is a fantastic
II. RELATED WORK application for helping deaf and hard of hearing people to
Recently, much research has been carried out in Android, communicate over the phone via a text relay assistant. NGTS
TTS technologies. Some studies have revealed that these is especially handy for using at work and can be tailored to
technologies can be used to help people with disabilities. In meet your specific communication needs. User can choose
the Android field, Zainuddin et al. used Android to make an from type and read, speak and read, type and hear, speak and
AR-Book called the "Augmented Reality Book Science in hear options, and it’s really simple to use.
Deaf (AR-SiD)," which contains 3D modelling objects, with Glide – Video Chat Messenger is a deaf person’s
using markers and sign-language symbols, to improve the favorite. The famous video messaging app allows you to
learning process of deaf students [10]. Also, in the ASR and send super-fast videos up to 5 minutes long, and completely
TTS fields, Lopez-Ludena et al. developed an advanced hands-free. Other elements include group chats and
speech communication system for deaf people with visual uploading videos to social media.
user interface, 3D avatar module and TTS engine to show the
effects of using ASR and TTS technologies to help people BizzBook application lets user connect with local
with disabilities [9], [12]. Some researchers have worked on business using Text Messaging. User can talk to businesses.
using Android and TTS technologies together. Irawati etal For example, if user need to know their specials or hours of
used a combination of Android and ASR technologies in operation- or Group Chat. z5 Mobile is a video relay service.
Android design applications and indicated the possibility of Whenever user need to speak with a non-signer this is the
using the speech to arrange the virtual objects in virtual way to go. Z5 Mobile worked over Video with translators
environments [11]. Hanlon et al., in a similar work, used the who verbally communicate your messages to the hearing
speech interfaces as a smart solution to the problem of using caller.
keyboard and mouse in Android design applications. Goose
et al. showed that Android and TTS can also be used in B. Evaluation Study in Sri Lanka
Android industrial maintenance applications. Goose made a Moreover, some systems for hearing-impairers can be
multimodal AR interface framework in the SEAR (Speech- found in Sri Lanka. “KATHANA” is a solution for
Enabled) project with a context-sensitive speech dialogue for recognizing and interpreting voice. Application converts an
maintenance technicians to check the factory components acoustic signal which represents human speech done in
[8]. Explained systems are used by speakers, and the speech Sinhala language captured by a microphone, to a set of
is used by the system to specify a command to arrange words. The recognized words which are the results can be
virtual objects in, or it is used by the system as a parameter used for applications as commands, data entries or could be
to identify objects without using input devices. Furthermore, served as the input to further linguistic processing to achieve
all the above systems have used markers to detect and show speech understanding [15].
virtual objects.
“Ahanna” is another web based online application. The
A. Evaluation Study in Different Countries main intent of the “Ahanna” is to spread the pure Buddhism
to the deaf community of Sri Lanka through Sri Lankan Sign
“Deaf Chat” facilitates communication between Deaf and Language (SLSL) while gifting many more valuable
Hearing individuals. It replaces the pencil and paper that is activities, innovative products & new ideas to improve the
frequently used, plus you can communicate over moderate knowledge, education & quality of Sri Lankan Deaf
distances. A network connection is established between two Community [16].
devices (phones or tablets). The first individual can input text
via voice recognition or the keyboard into his Local text area “Nihanda” is a system used for children who are
and send this to the second device. On the second device, the diagnoses with hearing impaired. Used leap motion
text will appear in the Remote text area. The second controller to track signs and convert them to voice. They
individual can respond back to the first by entering text into implemented game based learning system to hearing

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impaired children to learn sign language easily. System user. In the reply scenario, deaf user can select either 2D
demonstrate how to identify individual signs and phonetics model or animated stickers. Animated stickers are
though videos and images. Mind teaser games uses to self- introduced to increase the efficiency in messaging. Reply is
motivate children to improve their learning abilities. This delivered to the Normal user as a text message.
system capture voice and gives 2D images.


B. Voice Conversion
Considering the outcome of the literature review, it is
conceivable to decide the most appropriate tools,
technologies and software solutions for the implementation
phase. In some cases of design conclusions, study more than
one possible technologies and take performance and
dependencies into deliberation.
The proposed system is a mobile based application
named as “Sanwadha”. The main ideology of the application
is to provide a real-time communication tool between deaf
persons and normal persons. It converts text into sign
language and voice into sign language.
Fig. 2. System Diagram for Voice Conversion
When considering the system architecture basically it is
an instant messaging application. All user interfaces are in
Fig. 2 mainly describes the voice conversion of
mobile phone. But then again, some processing parts are
implemented in a web server. So, the consumption of the proposed application architecture. Deaf user can select either
processer of the mobile phone is very low. Because of it 2D model or animated stickers. That sign would be
needed to make an application which is light weighted and converted into text. Now the text to speech part is occurred
efficient. Text to sign conversion, Voice to sign conversion, in a high accuracy level. Finally, normal user get the voice
GIF conversion and displaying are done in the mobile phone. output. In the reply scenario, reply is delivered to the deaf
Other functionalities suchlike creating signs using 2D model user as a GIF message through the process of speech to text.
are implemented in web server. The projected solution can be divided to following key
components alike 2D Model creation, Text Conversion
Since this is a mobile application it supports for Mechanism, Voice Recognition Module, GIF file
portability but need to support for the real-time
Compression and Extraction Mechanism [17].
communication. The algorithms used must be efficient
enough to speed up the application. Also, must be produced
most accurate outcomes. To satisfy above requirements C. 2D Model Conception
developers need to be in good understanding of each and
2D model with high flexibility is introduced in
every functionality of the application.
delivering the message or idea by hearing impaired user to
other users. Generating the sign can be referred in 2D Hand
A. Text Conversion
Model procedure. Basically, the 2D hand model is having
Senses for each Finger joints with high flexibility. Hearing
impaired user can bend or stretch very easily from each sense
to create the user’s sign [18].

Fig. 1. System Diagram for Text Conversion

Fig. 3. 2D Hand Model
Fig. 1 mainly describes the text conversion of proposed
D. Semantic Analysis
application architecture. Text is entered, and the text can be
either Sinhala or English. Input text would be converted into Text conversion is a set of events that occurs between
sign language which is in a format of String. Set of strings is the input text and GIF response. This arrangement of events
transformed to the GIF format. referred as Text adaptation. The text input by the user is sent
GIF can be send via either Facebook messenger or to a module which tries to recognize word by word through
proposed application “Sanwadha” to the hearing-impaired Semantic Analysis [19], [7]. Semantic Analysis concerns the
procedure of involving syntactic structures, in the levels of

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phrases, clauses and sentences to the level of the writing as a The capacity of a GIF file is very high. Hence it would
whole, to their language independent sense [21], [22]. The take some time to move a GIF file to user. This can be a
set of tokens will be mapped by checking either available drawback in our application since it is an instant messaging
sign or new sign [20]. Finally, the output will contract in a application. As per the solution these GIF files are send
Graphic Interchange Format (GIF). through the networks by compressing to optimize the
capacity. For that, the “GZIP Compression Algorithm” is
used for the compression.
E. Voice Recognition
In voice recognition, there is a cycle of events that GZIP is a file format and a software application used
occurs between a voice utterance and the response to that for file compression and decompression. GIF files are send
utterance from the machine. This sequence of events through the networks by compressing. For this procedure,
referred as voice dialog circle. TTS engine collects the the “GZIP Compression Algorithm” is used where the
speech from the detected, and the TTS engine realizes the compression can be done with less period. The compressed
scenario. The Joiner Algorithm is used to combine TTS file can be send via proposed application “Sanwada”. The
engines to work together. The system uses the TTS engine output GIF is going to be delivered under decompression.
to recognize the speech and convert the speech to text. The Additionally, Compressed GIF file can be send through
TTS engine is used by the system to convert the input text Facebook Messenger to the Deaf user. As Facebook
into the speech for communication proposes between the Messenger has become a prevalent communication media
deaf person and the ordinary person. The system also uses this attempt would be more successful. Then finally the
the TTS engine to display the text as a dynamic object. output GIF is deliver to the deaf user under decompression.
There is very lesser amount of similar applications which
are used around the world to support deaf people. But these
F. GIF Compression and Decompression systems have unresolved issues with it.
G-zip algorithm is a file format and a software
application used for file compression and decompression.
The program was created by Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark
Adler as a free software replacement for the compress
program used in early Unix systems, and intended for use
by GNU (the "g" is from "GNU"). Version 0.1 was first
publicly released on 31 October 1992, and version 1.0
followed in February 1993. G-zip is based on
the DEFLATE algorithm, which is a combination of lossless Fig. 4. GIF Algorithm
data compression algorithm and Huffman coding.
DEFLATE was intended as a replacement for Lempel Ziv
Welch (LZW) and other patent encumbered data IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
compression algorithms which, at the time, limited the To evaluate the approach, performed a survey among
usability of compress and other popular archivers [23], [24]. 100 deaf people and 50 ordinary people to understand the
Although its file format also allows for multiple such interest rate of using different communication methods
streams to be concatenated (zipped files are simply between them. The following question helped us to clarify
decompressed concatenated as if they were originally one the objectives for the survey: "Will you intend to use this
file), g-zip is normally used to compress just single files. application for your communication?” The communication
Compressed archives are typically created by assembling methods in this survey are assigned as either Texting, Sign-
collections of files into a single tar archive, and then language or “Sanwadha” application. The survey was only
compressing that archive with g-zip. The conducted as questionnaires and people could choose
final .tar.gz or .tgz file is usually called a tar-ball. different answers simultaneously. In addition, provided a
The text files are compressed (zipped) on the web manual file of the application to make deaf people familiar
server after which the visitor's web browser will with the “Sanwadha” application, which contains the
automatically unzip the files. This compressing and “Sanwadha” structure and working process of the
unzipping only takes a fraction of a second without the end application.
user noticing. Mainly in view of GIF conversion, the string To test the TTS engine, online powerful TTS engine
output gain through text conversion is going to be converted server Google and framework Festival-si are used. The
into GIF format in a high accuracy level. The format Google TTS engine server contains only a female speaker,
supports up to 8 bits per pixel for each image, allowing a whereas the database consists of male and female speakers
single image to reference its own palette of up to 256 with different Sinhala language accents. Results for 10
assorted colors chosen from the 24-bit RGB color space. It random words were evaluated, in terms of engine processing
also supports animations and allows a separate palette of up time, voice quality and percentage of spelling correct words
to 256 colors for each frame. in unpredictable sentences. Fig. 5 illustrates the results of
the Festival-si and the Google TTS engine servers. Fig. 5.a.

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shows that the Google and the Festival-si on-line TTS
engine servers have very fast response time, and the average
processing time is less than three seconds using 128 Kbps
ADSL internet connection that is a reasonable result for on-
line TTS engines. Of course, the speed of typing words by a
deaf person is important, but we assumed that this time is
two seconds for each word. Fig. 5.b. shows the voice quality
of the Google and the Festival-si TTS engine servers. In this
test, numbers 0 to 10 are used to rank voice quality, where
number 10 shows that the speech is completely
recognizable, and number 0 shows that the speech is
unrecognizable. It is noted that the voice quality is above 8,
which is very close to natural speaking. Fig. 5.c. also shows
the percentage of spelling correct word in unpredictable Fig. 5.b. Correct Words Spelling in Unpredictable Sentences
sentences. It is clear that the average spelling correct word is
above 90 percent that is very reliable for powerful TTS
It is assumed that the application works in real-time,
which means every time the text file is changed by the TTS
engine the results appear immediately on display. Thus, the
processing time of word recognition and displaying it on
display depend directly on the power of the TTS engine and
hardware specifications. The processing time of the
application in four different steps. In each step, a random
word was captured and recognized by the ASR engine.

Fig. 5.a. Processing Time of TTS

Fig. 6. Technical Diagram of “Sanwadha”

The project has a very significant research area like, Natural

Language Processing (NLP), Voice Detection, Machine
learning, Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) conversion and
Mobile platform development. Machine Learning and GIF
conversion is important for the identification of individual
words in each Text and converted sign language send via
Fig. 5.b. Voice Quality of TTS compressed GIF files. Research conducted further study on

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