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l. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answer on the blank provided before each
____I. The Universe expansion occurred about how many years ago?
100 years b. 100 billion years c. 10 billion years d. 1 million years
____2. A system which is made up of the sun and the heavenly bodies that move around it is known as_______.
Lunar b. Space c. solar system d. galaxy
____3. Heavenly bodies which revolve around the sun are called;
Orbits b. stars c. planets d. galaxies
____4. Which among the planets is not a gas giant?
Venus b.Neptune c. Saturn d. Uranus
____5. The thinnest layer of the earth is the_________.
Crust b. mantle c. Inner core d. outer core
____6. All living organisms of the earth, including those on the land, water and air, are considered part of which
biosphere b. hydrosphere c. atmosphere d. geosphere
____7. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major geological subsystems of the earth?
biosphere b. watersphere c. atmosphere d. geosphere
____8. The crust of the earth consists mostly of
oxygen & silicon b. iron & nickel c. iron & silicon d. copper & nickel
____9. What is lithosphere?
a. The bottom of the mantle b. The crust and the top of the mantle c. The middle of the mantle d. Just the top
of the crust.
____10. The largest portion of the earth’s volume is
The crust b. mantle c. the inner core d. the outer core
____ 11. Which of these rocks is an igneous rock?
Marble b. Granite c. Limestone d. Conglomerate
____12. Which is the hardest minerals?
Calcite b Diamond c. Quartz d. Talc
____13. What kind of rocks is formed by the process of lithificaton?
Igneous extrusive b.Igneous intrusive c. Metamorphic d. Sedimentary
____14. Which is the softest minerals? .
Calcite b. Diamond c. Quartz d. Talc
____15. Which metamorphic rock is derived from shale?
Gneiss b.Marble c. Quartzite d. Slate
____16. Which type of sedimentary rock is formed when standing water evaporates leaving dissolved materials
behind to form a precipitate?
Clastic b. Chemical c. Organic d. none of these
_____17. A foliated rock with gneissic banding composed of feldspar, mica , and quartz.
Gneiss b.Marble c. Quartzite d. Slate
_____18. What is a force that acts on rock to change its shape and /or volume?
a. Deformation b. Folding c. Strain d. Stress
_____19. It is a changev in size, shape or volume of a material rock.
a. Deformation b. Folding c. Strain d. Stress
_____20. It includes the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle.
a. Asthenosphere b. Geosphere c. Hydrosphere d. Lithosphere
_____21.Rocks that are formed through the cooling and solidification of magma.
a. Silicates b. Igneous rock c. Sedimentary rocks d. Metamorphic rocks
_____22. A type of rock that has solidified on Earth’s surface.
a. Metamorphic b. Sedimentary c. Extrusive igneous d. Intrusive igneous
_____23. The process by which unconsolidated material becomes solidified into rock.
a. Erosion b. Deposition c. Lithification d. Weathering
_____24. It refers to the property of a minerals to break into planes of weaknesses.
a. Hardness b. Color c. Luster d.Cleavage
_____25. A light felsic, igneous rock with an aphanitic texture.
a. Diorite b. Dunite c. Granite d. Rhyolite
_____26. A gray, intermediate volcanic rock with a phaneritic texture.
a. Andesite b. Basalt c. Diorite d. Granite

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