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Part 5. Sample Teaching Guide

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MET 4 Student Teacher’s Guide Sample

Most Essential Topic:
Informative Speech

Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. distinguish informative speech from the other types of speech;

2. exhibit skills in selecting and research appropriate informative speech topics; and
3. employ strategies for effective informative speaking including avoiding information overload,
and engaging the audience.

Learning Outcome:
The student can demonstrate principles of effective communication based on the strategies for effective
informative speaking, including avoiding information overload, and engaging the audience.

Good day, dear teachers! We all are ready to build connections with our learners. This Teaching
Guide is for us to deliver to our students in the context of what our students will be doing and what we,
as teachers, will be teaching.

These are extraordinary times requiring extraordinary solutions. However, with mutual respect,
understanding, and willingness to learn, I hope that we accomplish this subject with enriched
understanding and celebration of the power of Oral Communication.

This topic, Informative Speech, shall be hurdled by our learners through the stream of Scaffolding
to ensure a developmental and gradual understanding and execution of skills to meet the Performance
Standard. Content Standard shall be achieved and exhibited through the assessments (both formative and
summative) before, during, and after every lesson. These are ascertained by the continuous series of
feedback and monitoring. From all these, an amazing world of exploration awaits! Gear up.

Day 1: Choosing an Informative Speech Topic

A. Review (5 Minutes)

This quarter will be very challenging and interesting. You will be exposed more to different
communication activities that will develop your communication skills. Before we begin our lesson, let us
have a quick review regarding our lessons last quarter. We learned about the elements of communication,
functions of communication, and communicative strategies.
Online Modality: Pictionary Review Game

We will have a Pictionary Review Game. For this activity, I will group you by 2s for you will be
working as a team. Also, you are required to have paper and a pen with you. I will write a topic, concept,
or vocabulary word on the screen. Then, you have to draw hints on the paper without the use of spoken
or written words. You only have 15 seconds to draw, at the count of five, you have to show your answer.
We will process if what you have drawn is connected or associated to the word or concept that I have

Offline-Remote Modality: Graphic Organizer

For our review, you have to create a graphic organizer to help you organize important information
that you have gained when we learned the elements of communication, functions of communication, and
communicative strategies.

B. Motivation (15 Minutes)

Online Modality

Moving on, allow me to ask you a few questions:

Formative Question: How do we appropriately utilize the types of speeches in different contexts?

Enabling Formative Questions:

1. What is the value of giving and receiving information?

2. As an audience, which kinds of information do you like learning about from others?
3. What are the different factors to consider in choosing a topic for information sharing?

Alright, thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas. What you have just shared is connected and
relevant to our lesson today. We are going to learn about the different types of speeches.

Offline-Remote Modality

Moving on, ponder on the following questions and write your answers on a piece of paper.

Formative Question: How do we appropriately utilize the types of speeches in different contexts?

Enabling Formative Questions:

1. What is the value of giving and receiving information?

2. As an audience, which kinds of information do you like learning about from others?
3. What are the different factors to consider in choosing a topic for information sharing?

Alright, you did a great job, so give yourself a pat on the back for providing your thoughts and ideas.
What you have just shared is connected and relevant to our lesson today. We are going to learn about
the different types of speeches.
C. Discussion (30 Minutes)

There are three types of speeches that you will be learning, informative, persuasive, and entertainment.
This week, the focus will be on informative speech.

Online Modality:

● Let me discuss what is an informative speech and how to choose an informative speech topic.
● Now, to learn more about the different techniques and guidelines in selecting your speech topic,
let's watch this video then give your insights afterward. (What is your major takeaway from the
lecture video? How does it help you in finding the best informative speech topic for you?)

Offline-Remote Modality:

● Read the first paragraph that explains what is an informative speech and the second paragraph
that stresses how to choose an informative speech topic.
● To learn more about the different techniques and guidelines in selecting your speech topic, visit
this link to watch the lecture video: and answer the questions
below. Write your answer on a piece of paper.


1. What is your major takeaway from the lecture video?

2. How does it help you in finding the best informative speech topic for you?

D. Evaluation (10 Minutes)

Online/Offline-Remote Modalities

At this juncture, let's check your understanding about choosing an informative speech topic by doing
Drill 1.

Drill 1. Consider your previous speech experiences, and fill-out the table below.

Formal Vocational Impromptu

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.
Good work! Feel free to communicate with me for matters that need clarification or emphasis.
Prepare for tomorrow’s series of learning experiences.

Day 2: Researching an Informative Topic

A. Motivation (10 Minutes)

Moving on, allow me to ask you a few questions:

Formative Question: How do we appropriately utilize the types of speeches in different contexts?
Enabling Formative Questions: These questions will serve as your student-centered gambit to provide
meaningful experiences and direction amongst learners in the total understanding of the concepts from
day one and a route to accomplishing the next task of the subject.

1. What do you do to make sure that the information you are gathering are timely, relevant,
truthful and reliable?
2. How do you make sure that your information and knowledge are sufficiently selected and
sequenced in targeting your purpose?
3. What measures or steps do you do or undertake to complete or accomplish your research?

As you seek answers to these Enabling Formative Questions, allow me to guide you in answering
the essential question for this topic in relation to the overall implied attitude of the lesson: How can you
exhibit respect and inclusivity? These are extraordinary times requiring extraordinary solutions. However,
with mutual respect, understanding, and willingness to learn, I hope that we accomplish this subject with
enriched understanding and celebration of the power of Oral Communication.

The objectives were introduced to you to equip you with a sharpened pencil. These are to be
ascertained by the continuous series of feedback and monitoring.

I hope the details bring you an overview of what to expect, and what to continue. Welcome to a
new page of amazing explorations!

B. Review (5 Minutes)

From your tasks yesterday, you were informed that choosing your informative speech topic covers
salient details to ensure truthfulness and significance of information. From this that you are to reflect on
measures or steps in achieving all these. The tasks below shall be done to point out and affirm concepts
covered yesterday.

Supplementary Experiences or Activities via Motivation and Presentation (10 minutes):

These tasks may supplement and complement covered information in lesson facilitation to
generate responses and increase participation amongst all of you in all platforms made readily-available.
We are to accomplish these tasks to experience immediate application of gathering exact and meaningful
information or data.

1. The 5 Wives and 1 Husband Task (employing rapid reading in getting accurate information)
Latest article about COVID shall be provided; students are to do rapid reading for
informative questions extended.
2. True or False (checking on the truthfulness of statements culled out of various social media
Excerpts or selected statements are to be flashed by the teacher; students answer by
keying in True or False to check their ability to discern truthfulness of information using
clues or contexts.
3. Almost but Not Enough (directing learners in determining sufficiency of information or knowledge
from presented data or message)
Incomplete and complete paragraphs are to be presented and to be analyzed by learners
as complete or almost complete messages based on the existing information. Learners’
accountability of personal processing shall be strengthened and monitored.

C. Discussion (40 Minutes):

The steps are to successfully lead you to the attainment of the key points of the day’s topic.

1. The link presented to you shall lead you to a lecture video on Researching Informative Topics
which you are to view and think of in preparation for the sharing of insights to be done later. From
the said speech experiences, you are to complete the table below. Check this:



2. From the accomplished discussions and tasks, you are instructed to reinforce these ideas by
retaining these main points to concise statements, as presented below. Mark the key points out.


Gathering information as you begin to instruct on the informative speech, relevant materials from
various sources or references are necessary. From these sources, our students are expected to maximize
the analysis of their audience. Research outline may also aid in selecting, sequencing and completing
fundamental information or knowledge that may add up to the intended performance teachers are
expecting from learners.

Expect to do the task to eventually take the road to effective informative speech delivery. To have
you settled, permit me to emphasize the following sources of information.
Secondary Indigenous
*first-hand and raw
information or evidence *commentary and second-hand *culture or features of the
like transcripts of information from culture of a particular group
interviews, art works, contemporaries like books, like ceremonies, songs,
statistical data folklore, etc.
magazines, and journals

3. Summarize information into these “Remember that…” features for appreciation of the concepts.

1. The foundation of effective informative speech is a strong motivation or desire to do research;

2. The sources must direct the audience toward a better understanding of the multifaceted topic or
content; and
3. The better informed one is, the more one respects and accounts for others’ peculiarity and
diversity in thoughts and actions.

D. Evaluation (5 Minutes): To better prepare you for the crafting and delivery of your informative speech,
immerse yourself in the fullness of the learning experience by watching other informative speeches of
great or renowned personalities or figures. From this that you are to:

1. Observe how the message is conveyed or delivered;

2. Take note of nonverbal cues and strategies that made the speech even more understandable or
3. Get tips to better improve one’s speech rhetoric.

Good work! Feel free to communicate with me for matters that need clarification or emphasis.
Prepare for tomorrow’s series of learning experiences.

Day 3: Effective Informative Speaking

A. Motivation (10 Minutes)

Moving on, allow me to ask you a few questions:

Formative Question: How do we appropriately utilize the types of speeches in different contexts?

Enabling Formative Questions:

1. For you, what makes a good informative speech speaker?

2. What are the skills that you think you need to develop in order to be an effective speaker?
3. What are the things you think you need to avoid for you to succeed in giving informative
4. How important is your audience when you deliver an informative speech? How will you keep them
engaged in your speech delivery?

B. Discussion (40 Minutes)

1. After you have read through the module section detailing the recommendations on how to
make your informative speech effective, you will see for yourselves how they apply to the
recorded speech featured in the appended video.
2. Pay close attention to the word choices made, how much information is provided (or withheld),
and how you feel as the audience listening to this speech.
3. Feel free to access the link appended to the video which details a sample informative speech
outline: .

C. Evaluation (10 Minutes)

The following are further options that can reinforce the three major points of this lesson, should the
students appear to be either floundering or lagging behind the class.

A. Avoiding Persuasion
1. Live Poll (on phrasing that either leans toward persuasion or giving information)
2. Guide Question Bank (soliciting queries that students themselves can apply on their
prospective informative speech text, to check on whether it lapses into persuasion)
3. Google Forms Checkup Quiz (on statements that either indicate Fact or Opinion)

B. Avoiding Information Overload

4. Pruning Activity (involving a passage that can be made shorter, more concise, by having
group members discuss which portions to remove, although they add further
5. Tweeted Summary (from listening to a brief recorded passage, students will condense a
single-sentence takeaway encapsulating the main information discussed)

C. Engaging Your Audience

6. Information Makeover (where a bland, plainly technical passage will be jazzed up and
enhanced by suggestions from groups of students on how to present the information to
a general audience)

Each of these activities can be transformed into a purely written version added later to the module
for those doing purely remote schooling, where the individual students may simply provide answers in
the form of worksheets. In this case, the videos and audio files will be presented as transcripts
accompanying said worksheets.

Good work! Feel free to communicate with me for matters that need clarification or emphasis.
Prepare for tomorrow’s series of learning experiences.
In the succeeding meetings, leading up to your own speech delivery, the rest of the types of
speeches will be presented. As you have learned the distinctive characteristics of an informative speech,
you are ready to distinguish it from the other types that will be featured in class. Continue to be guided
by the question, “How do we appropriately utilize the types of speeches in different contexts?,” as you
proceed with the rest of the sections of this module.

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