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Reading from paper compared to screens

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Journal of Research in Reading, ISSN 0141-0423 DOI:10.1111/1467-9817.

Volume 00, Issue 00, 2019, pp 1–38

Reading from paper compared to

screens: A systematic review and meta-

Virginia Clinton
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, USA

Background: Given the increasing popularity of reading from screens, it is not

surprising that numerous studies have been conducted comparing reading from paper
and electronic sources. The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is
to consolidate the findings on reading performance, reading times and calibration of
performance (metacognition) between reading text from paper compared to screens.
Methods: A systematic literature search of reports of studies comparing reading from
paper and screens was conducted in seven databases. Additional studies were identified
by contacting researchers who have published on the topic, by a backwards search of
the references of found reports and by a snowball search of reports citing what was
initially found. Only studies that were experiments with random assignment and with
participants who had fundamental reading skills and disseminated between 2008 and
2018 were included. Twenty-nine reports with 33 identified studies met inclusion
criteria experimentally comparing reading performance (k = 33; n = 2,799), reading
time (k = 14; n = 1,233) and/or calibration (k = 11; n = 698) from paper and screens.
Results: Based on random effects models, reading from screens had a negative effect
on reading performance relative to paper (g = .25). Based on moderator analyses, this
may have been limited to expository texts (g = .32) as there was no difference with
narrative texts (g = .04). The findings were similar when analysing literal and
inferential reading performance separately (g = .33 and g = .26, respectively). No
reliable differences were found for reading time (g = .08). Readers had better calibrated
(more accurate) judgement of their performance from paper compared to screens
(g = .20).
Conclusions: Readers may be more efficient and aware of their performance when
reading from paper compared to screens.

Keywords: paper reading, screen reading, digital reading, systematic review, meta-


What is already known about this topic

• Reading from screens is common.

• Many concerns exist about effects of medium on reading.
• Numerous studies on the topic have been conducted.

© 2019 UKLA. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ,
UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA

What this paper adds

• Small benefit of paper on reading performance.

• No difference in reading times.
• Small benefit of paper on metacognition.

Implications for theory, policy or practice

• Reading from paper may be more efficient.

• Better understanding of why paper has reading benefits is needed.

Reading has primarily been from paper until relatively recent advances in technology have
brought about a number of electronic sources with screens for reading, such as e-readers,
computers and tablets (Shenoy & Aithal, 2016). Reading from these screens has become
increasingly prevalent for both educational and recreational reading (Hyman, Moser, &
Segala, 2014), but is that desirable? A review conducted in 2008 concluded that reading
from paper was superior to reading from screens, but the authors noted that technological
advances could change that pattern (Noyes & Garland, 2008). Many studies have examined
the issues related to reading from electronic versus paper sources in terms of performance
on reading assessments and how the text is read (i.e., the process of reading). The purpose
of this systematic literature review and meta-analysis is to examine differences in perfor-
mance and processes between reading from paper and screens.
Reading text from screens, also called digital reading or reading electronic text, has been
controversial. Advocates have emphasised the lower costs of reading from screens. Indeed,
cost is a driving force in the use and development of electronic texts (Hancock, Schmidt-
Daly, Fanfarelli, Wolfe, & Szalma, 2016). For example, electronic books are typically
more cost-effective than paper books (Bando, Gallego, Gertler, & Romero, 2016). In addi-
tion, text can be easily accessed electronically from various devices (e.g., e-readers, com-
puters and smartphones), and a single device can hold a large number of books or other
reading material. These characteristics give electronic medium some advantages over paper
in terms of convenience in access and transport of reading material.
Despite these advantages, there are staunch critics who have concerns about reading
from screens (e.g., Herold, 2014). The experience of reading from screens is frequently de-
scribed as less pleasant and less engaging than that of reading from paper (Mangen &
Kuiken, 2014). For example, college students tend to prefer reading from paper rather than
screens (Kazanci, 2015) and will usually opt for paper textbooks rather than less expensive
electronic versions (Rockinson-Szapkiw, Courduff, Carter, & Bennett, 2013). One
longstanding concern is that of eye strain from reading text from screens (Ziefle, 1998),
although this is becoming less of an issue with advances in screen technology (Rosenfield,
Jahan, Nunez, & Chan, 2015). There are also concerns that reading time is longer from
screens than paper, but without any relative benefit to comprehension (Daniel & Woody,
2013). Some critics argue that there is screen inferiority, in which readers have weaker
performance and metacognitive awareness of their performance, on assessments based
on reading from screens compared to paper (Ackerman & Lauterman, 2012). Given these
issues, it is not surprising that some argue that reading from screens may only be suitable
for easy light reading (Baron, 2015).

© 2019 UKLA

Given these controversies, a cohesive understanding of findings comparing reading from

paper and screens is necessary. In this systematic literature review and meta-analysis,
research findings on performance on reading assessments, as well as two reading processes
(reading time and metacognition), are examined.

Performance on reading comprehension assessments is considered to measure how well a
text was understood. This is often referred to as the products of reading that are based on
the mental representation of the text after it is read (Rapp & van den Broek, 2005). Reading
comprehension assessments take a variety of forms such as multiple-choice questions,
open-ended questions and free recalls (van den Broek, White, Kendeou, & Carlson,
2009). Performance on reading comprehension assessments involves a variety of interde-
pendent skills (Kintsch, 2012). This variety of skills are due to the multidimensional nature
of reading comprehension in which identifying words, developing ideas from words and
connecting those ideas together are all necessary to create a coherent mental representation
of a text (Magliano, Millis, Ozuru, & McNamara, 2007). Some skills, such as word iden-
tification, may not be specifically assessed, but reading performance is dependent upon
them (Perfetti & Adlof, 2012).
Generally speaking, reading assessments and their items can be categorised as involving
literal or inferential understanding (Bowyer-Crane & Snowling, 2005; Elleman, 2017;
MacGinitie, MacGinitie, Cooter, & Curry, 1989). Assessments that measure literal under-
standing do not require the reader go beyond what the text explicitly states and typically
focus on memory of the text (Hosp & Suchey, 2014). Free recall, multiple-choice and
open-ended questions that prompt readers to retrieve information explicitly stated in the
text are methods that assess literal understanding (Tarchi, 2017). In contrast, assessment
items that measure inferential comprehension require the reader to make connections
within the text or between the text and background knowledge (Cain, Oakhill, & Bryant,
2004; Clinton & van den Broek, 2012). Questions that go beyond individual ideas stated
in the text and require integration of ideas are thought to assess inferential understanding
(Stevens et al., 2015). Measures of literal understanding are typically easier than measures
of inferential understanding (Basaraba, Yovanoff, Alonzo, & Tindal, 2013). Given that
some argue reading from screens is particularly detrimental for challenging reading tasks
(Baron, 2015), it is possible that differences between media in performance would be noted
for inferential, but not literal understanding measures.

A critical area of inquiry in reading research involves how the text is read, in other words,
the process of reading (van den Broek et al., 2009). The process of reading can be exam-
ined in many ways, but two commonly used in comparing reading text from screens and
paper are reading time and metacognitive accuracy. Reading time is a commonly used pro-
cess measure in which longer reading times are considered indicative of increased process-
ing (Rapp & van den Broek, 2005) and increased effort (Chen & Catrambone, 2015). For
example, reading times are longer for text that is inconsistent with previously read text or
background knowledge, which indicates more processing and effort is involved relative to
reading text that is consistent (Albrecht & O’Brien, 1993). In addition, examinations of

© 2019 UKLA

reading times for processing text from screens and paper provide a helpful context for
interpreting performance findings – one can infer the amount of processing or effort based
on reading times invested to achieve performance. Moreover, reading time measures can
also be used to infer the efficiency of reading, in which performance on assessments is
examined in relation to the time spent reading (e.g., Ackerman & Lauterman, 2012). In this
way, reading time can be used to compare the amount of processing or effort that went into
the task and efficiency of that processing between reading text from paper compared to
Likely because of the usefulness of reading time in examining the process and efficiency
of reading, differences in reading time for text from paper and screens have been examined
for decades (Reinking, 1988). A synthesis by Dillon in 1992 concluded that reading text
from screens is slower than paper because of the awkwardness of reading from screens
compared to paper. However, comparisons of reading times by medium have been incon-
sistent in empirical findings since that review, with longer reading times for paper in some
(e.g., Chen & Catrambone, 2015; Singer Trakhman, Alexander, & Berkowitz, in press;
Singer Trakhman, Alexander, & Silverman, 2018) and longer reading times for screens
in others (e.g., Connell, Bayliss, & Farmer, 2012; Kim & Kim, 2013). Considering that dif-
ferences in reading times by medium have been proposed as key to understanding reading
performance from paper and screens (Singer Trakhman et al., in press), a comprehensive
examination of the findings on reading time is needed.
Metacognitive processes, such as how well readers perceive their comprehension of a
text or the accuracy of their predictions of performance on an assessment of the text, are
an important area of research in reading (Cross & Paris, 1988; Muijselaar et al., 2017).
Accurate metacognitive processes in which readers are aware of how well they are under-
standing text is positively associated with better reading performance (Thiede, Griffin,
Wiley, & Redford, 2009). An important metacognitive measure is the relation between a
reader’s confidence or prediction in performance and actual performance (i.e., calibration;
Lin & Zabrucky, 1998). Readers often have inaccurate calibration in that they are overcon-
fident in their performance (Vidal-Abarca, Mañá, & Gil, 2010). A number of researchers
have examined calibration and have generally found that readers tend to be more biased
(i.e., overestimate their reading performance) when reading from screens compared to
paper (Ackerman & Goldsmith, 2011; Ackerman & Lauterman, 2012; Lauterman &
Ackerman, 2014; Singer Trakhman et al., in press). However, not all studies have found
that reading from screens is detrimental to calibration (Singer Trakhman et al., 2018)
and this specific measure has not been examined in previous systematic reviews or meta-
analyses (e.g., Kong, Seo, & Zhai, 2018; Nichols, 2016; Singer & Alexander, 2017b).
Given concerns regarding screen inferiority with metacognition, this topic is critical to con-
sider when comparing reading from screens and paper (Lauterman & Ackerman, 2014).

Characteristics of readers and texts

Genre and age are two characteristics of readers and texts that may be influential in com-
paring reading performance and processes between medium. A key characteristic of text is
genre with the broad categorisations of narrative or expository. Narrative and expository
texts are constructed differently, with narrative texts generally being easier to read than
expository texts (Graesser, McNamara, & Kulikowich, 2011). The background knowledge
necessary to fully comprehend a text tends to involve everyday common experiences for

© 2019 UKLA

narratives, but more specialised and less common knowledge for expository texts (Graesser
& McNamara, 2011). Given this, it is not surprising that performance on comprehension
assessments is generally better for narrative than expository texts (Best, Floyd, &
McNamara, 2008). Genre is particularly salient to consider due to arguments that reading
from screens is better suited for light narrative reading than for serious study of expository
texts (Baron, 2015).
Age is an important characteristic of the reader to be considered. Because adults, by def-
inition, are older than children, they almost always have more experience with reading. In
addition, it has become increasingly more common for elementary school students to read
from screens (Picton, 2014).Therefore, it is likely that readers who are children may be
more accustomed to reading from screens and readers who are adults likely learned how
to read from paper. In contrast, there are reasons to expect adult readers would be less af-
fected than children by medium. Ackerman and Lauterman (2012) reported that there is
screen inferiority when reading from screens and readers have better awareness of perfor-
mance (metacognition) with paper. Because metacognition improves with age (Schneider
& Lockl, 2002), there may be more notable medium differences with children than adults.

Previous reviews

Dillon (1992) conducted a critical review of empirical literature on differences in speed and
accuracy between reading from screens and paper. It was concluded that reading from a
screen was slower and more fatiguing than reading from paper, although this issue could
change with improvements in technology (Dillon, 1992). Furthermore, Dillon (1992) noted
a preference for reading paper books over electronic. Despite these issues, reading compre-
hension performance scores were not determined to be affected by medium (Dillon, 1992).
Noyes and Garland (2008) followed up on Dillon (1992) and conducted a critical review
of research on the equivalence of performance between paper-and-pencil and computer-
based testing. Based on this review, computer-based reading comprehension tasks were de-
termined to be more difficult than paper versions. This is based on differences in the level
of effort, fatigue and stress reported (Noyes & Garland, 2008). Noyes and Garland (2008)
concluded that computer-based and paper-based tasks were inherently too different to be
equivalent but that technological advances had made the two types of tasks more similar
than they were when Dillon’s review was published in 1992.
Wang, Jiao, Young, Brooks, and Olson (2008) conducted a meta-analysis to compare
computer-based to paper-and-pencil testing on K-12 student reading assessments. Overall,
Wang et al. (2008) found that there was no reliable difference between computer-based and
paper-and-pencil testing on reading achievement scores for K-12 students. However, these
analyses were limited to K-12 students in testing environments.
There have been meta-analyses conducted on the effects of technological enhancements
on reading performance (Cheung & Slavin, 2012; Moran, Ferdig, Pearson, Wardrop, &
Blomeyer, 2008; Slavin, Cheung, Groff, & Lake, 2008). These meta-analyses have looked
at the influence of educational technology intended to support reading instruction com-
pared to traditional reading instruction (Cheung & Slavin, 2012; Moran et al., 2008) or
compared a variety of reading instructional techniques, including computer-assisted
instruction (Slavin et al., 2008). These meta-analyses did not specifically address the differ-
ences in reading performance or processes between the same texts from paper and screens.

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Moreover, the readers in these meta-analyses were developing their reading skills as
opposed to reading independently.
Nichols (2016) provided an overview of research findings on reading from screens and
paper. Nichols (2016) argued that, across studies, the theme was that reading comprehen-
sion performance from screens and paper were not reliably different. However, reading text
from screens was determined to be more difficult than reading text from paper. This over-
view qualitatively summarised selected previous findings in a helpful way; however, a sys-
tematic approach is necessary to provide a thorough understanding of the topic in a manner
with less potential for bias.
In a systematic review of the literature, Singer and Alexander (2017b) critically exam-
ined trends since Dillon’s (1992) review of empirical studies examining how the medium
(electronic or paper) of reading related to text comprehension. Singer and Alexander’s
(2017b) review raised important issues in terms of what areas had been well researched
and what areas needed further work on this topic. However, there was not a meta-analysis
on the findings to provide a quantitative overview of the findings on performance. Further-
more, Singer and Alexander (2017b) noted that the number of publications of empirical
studies comparing reading from screens and paper has increased dramatically over the last
10 years. This uptick in dissemination indicates a need for a meta-analysis examining
findings since the reviews of Noyes and Garland (2008) or Wang et al. (2008).
A meta-analysis by Kong et al. (2018) found a benefit for reading comprehension when
reading from paper compared to screens. There were no reliable differences in reading
times by medium, which indicates that reading from paper is more efficient than reading
from screens considering that there is better performance with similar time investments.
They did not however, identify any moderators, although they noted considerable variabil-
ity in the performance findings. Furthermore, Kong et al. (2018) did not include literal
reading performance measures in their meta-analysis. When making broad comparisons
of reading performance, such as between reading from paper and screens, including both
literal and inferential measures is preferable as it provides a more comprehensive examina-
tion of reading (Mislevy & Sabatini, 2012). Moreover, Kong et al. (2018) did not examine
calibration measures, which have been shown to be a critical issue when reading from
paper compared to screens (Ackerman & Lauterman, 2012; Lauterman & Ackerman, 2014).

In light of the multitude of issues related to reading from screens and paper, numerous
experiments have been conducted pertaining to performance and processes when reading
from different media. As more reading is performed from screens and more research is con-
ducted (Singer & Alexander, 2017b), there is a need to have a comprehensive understand-
ing of the issues involved in reading from screens compared to paper. The purpose of this
systematic review and meta-analysis is to consolidate the experimental findings on reading
text from screens and paper on reading performance, time and/or metacognition, specifi-
cally calibration. The studies reviewed had participants with fundamental reading skills
who were reading in their native language and used the same texts for both the screen
and paper reading conditions.
In this meta-analysis, the work of Kong et al. (2018) is expanded upon by examining
moderators they did not examine, specifically genre and age. In addition, this meta-analysis
examines literal, inferential and general measures of reading comprehension whereas Kong

© 2019 UKLA

et al. (2018) excluded work with only literal measures. Furthermore, this meta-analysis
considers metacognition in terms of calibration, which is how accurate readers are in their
judgements of reading performance. This was not examined by Kong et al. (2018). Three
research questions were addressed in the current review and meta-analysis:

1 How does reading text from paper compared to screens influence performance (literal,
inferential and general) on reading assessments?
2 How does reading text from paper compared to screens influence the process of reading
in terms of reading time and metacognition?
3 How do the performance and processes findings vary by genre (narrative or expository)
and age (child or adult readers)?


Eligibility criteria
A systematic search was conducted for studies that examined (a) reading performance from
paper compared to screens and (b) the process of reading from paper compared to screens
(reading time and metacognition). There were three sets of inclusion criteria. The first set of
inclusion criteria was based on the purpose of this review and meta-analysis. In order to be
included, the study needed to examine reading performance, time and/or calibration
between screen and paper reading (e.g., studies of different types of digital reading without
a paper comparison were excluded). The study needed to be published after 2008 and
not included in the Noyes and Garland (2008) critical review or the Wang et al. (2008)
review and meta-analysis.
The second set of inclusion criteria for studies was used to minimise confounds. The par-
ticipants in the studies needed to have fundamental reading skills because learning to read
involves different processes than reading to learn (van den Broek & Kendeou, 2017). Also,
the studies needed to have participants who did not report disabilities, including visual im-
pairments, to avoid possible confounds related to disabilities (e.g., electronic text can be en-
hanced to ease reading for individuals with visual impairments; Mulloy, Gevarter, Hopkins,
Sutherland, & Ramdoss, 2014). Any texts used in the studies to examine reading needed to
be longer than one sentence to avoid confounds related to sentence-level and discourse-level
reading (Berninger, Nagy, & Beers, 2011; Carpenter, Miyake, & Just, 1995). Moreover, par-
ticipants must have read in their native language to avoid possible confounds related to read-
ing in one’s second language (Melby-Lervåg & Lervåg, 2014). The language of the study
materials could be any language provided it was the participants’ native language, and the
findings were reported in English (because of the language background of the author of this
systematic review and meta-analysis, reports in English were necessary).
Finally, there was a third set of inclusion criteria to screen the methodological quality of
the studies. These criteria were to ensure a basic quality standard to allow for clarity of
causal inferences (Cooper, 2015; Valentine & Cooper, 2008). The conditions for screen
and paper reading needed to be comparable to allow direct comparisons of the media.
The experimental procedures must have been carried out in a supervised environment
(e.g., classroom or laboratory) so that measures would be accurate. Also, it was necessary
to have random assignment to screen and paper reading conditions in which the same texts
were used in both the screen and paper conditions or used a within-subjects design with
counterbalancing of texts.

© 2019 UKLA

Resources and collection processes

The systematic search for studies comparing reading from paper and screens involved mul-
tiple steps. First, in October and November of 2016, searches for relevant literature were
conducted in the following databases: Educational Resources Information Center (119 re-
cords), Science Direct (270 records), Taylor and Francis Online (474 records), Sage (232
records), Springerlink (179 records), PsychINFO (105 records) and Wiley Online (663
records). In these searches, ‘paper’, ‘electronic’, ‘print’ and ‘screen’ were used with ‘read*’
(with * as a joker) as search terms for the titles. These searches led to 2,042 hits across the
databases. There were 24 duplicates that were removed. Then, 1,983 records were removed
after an initial screen of the title and abstract indicated that they were not relevant for the
After this initial screening based on abstracts and titles, 51 relevant full texts were
assessed. These 51 relevant full texts were further screened and 38 were removed (see
Figure 1 for reasons for removal). The corresponding authors of relevant reports were
contacted and asked if they would share additional studies in this area either published
or unpublished. An additional four reports were obtained through author recommendations
for a total of 17 relevant reports.
Following Wohlin (2014), the 17 reports were used as a start set for ‘snowballing’ in
which citations within any of these reports would be considered. A backward search of
the citations in the 17 reports led to the identification of two additional reports for a total
of 19 reports. Finally, a forward search examining work that had cited these 19 reports
in Google Scholar was conducted in May 2018. Google Scholar was chosen to avoid bias
of a particular publisher (Wohlin, 2014). This led to the identification of 10 additional ar-
ticles for a total of 29 reports with 33 studies each with independent effect sizes. Following
Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, and Prisma Group (2009), a flow diagram outlines this
process in Figure 1.

Data items
The descriptive information of the studies in the selected reports were coded and double
coded by the author, and then, an independent research assistant coded 25% of the
reviewed articles (see Follmer, 2018, for similar approach; k = .93; see Data S1). The
coding involved major features of each study: bibliographic information, participant ages,
number of participants, measures of reading performance, if there were measures of
reading time or calibration processes, statistics for meta-analyses (means and standard de-
viations, t tests or F statistics) and average text length. The potential moderators for meta-
analyses were coded: genre of texts (narrative or expository) and age group (child or adult).
Child was defined as under the age of 18 and/or high school/secondary school and youn-
ger. Adult was over the age of 18 and/or college and older. Performance measures were
further coded as literal or inferential. Literal measures were those that involved factual re-
call of information whereas inferential measures involved making inferences by connecting
ideas (Cain et al., 2004; Hosp & Suchey, 2014). If there were insufficient information to
categorise measures as literal or inferential, they were coded as general. In addition, if there
were both inferential and literal measures, a general effect size was calculated based on the
means of the reading performance outcomes. For all data items, if the information was not
reported in the study, the author was contacted with requests for information (e.g.,

© 2019 UKLA

Figure 1. Flow diagram of the systematic review process.

performance measures separated by literal and inferential items for Ackerman &
Goldsmith, 2011; Ackerman & Lauterman, 2012; Lauterman & Ackerman, 2014).
The descriptive information for the studies is shown in Table 1. There were 33 studies
(all experiments with random assignment per the inclusion criteria) and a total of 2,799
participants. Note that some studies had conditions that were not relevant to the current re-
search questions, such as do-nothing controls (Daniel & Woody, 2013; Green et al., 2010)
and screen conditions that were not comparable to the paper conditions (Hou, Rashid, &

© 2019 UKLA
Table 1. Description of studies.

design Reading performance Type of reading Reading time and/or
Author/s (year) Participants Texts (for medium) measure(s) performance measure(s) calibration measures Limitations
Ackerman and 70 college students Six expository Between Multiple-choice Literal and inferential Calibration Reliability not
Goldsmith (1,000–1,200 questions reported; small
(2011) Exp 1 words each) sample size
Ackerman and 74 college students Six expository Between Multiple-choice Literal and inferential Reading time and Reliability not
Goldsmith (1,000–1,200 questions calibration reported; small
(2011) Exp 2 words each) sample size
Ackerman and 80 college students Five expository Between Multiple-choice Literal and inferential Reading time and Reliability not
Lauterman (1,000–1,200 questions calibration reported; small
(2012) Exp 1 words each) sample size
Ackerman and 76 college students Between Multiple-choice Literal and inferential Reading time and Reliability not
Lauterman questions calibration reported; small
(2012) Exp 2 sample size
Baker (2010) 104 college students Narrative and Between Multiple-choice General Calibration Items were not
expository questions described;
(details not findings by
available) genre were not
reliability for
measures not
Ben-Yehudah 102 college students One expository Between Multiple-choice Literal and inferential Reading time Low reading
and Eshet- (858 words) questions; essay performance
Alkalai (2018) question measure

© 2019 UKLA
Table 1. (Continued)

design Reading performance Type of reading Reading time and/or
Author/s (year) Participants Texts (for medium) measure(s) performance measure(s) calibration measures Limitations
Chen and 92 college students Three Between Multiple-choice and Literal and inferential Reading time and Small sample
Catrambone expository short-answer calibration size; Reliability
(2015) (1,000 words questions for multiple-
each) choice questions
not reported

Chen, Cheng, 90 college students Four expository Between Multiple-choice Literal No Reliability not
Chang, Zheng, (1,050–1,099 questions; summaries reported; only
and Huang words each) literal measures;
(2014) no process
Connell, 201 college students One expository Between Multiple-choice Literal Reading time Prior knowledge
Bayless, and (length not questions was measured,
Farmer (2012) stated) but not part of
analyses; only
literal measures
Daniel and 141 college students One expository Between Multiple-choice General Reading time Reliability not
Woody (2013) (textbook questions reported;
chapter) minimal
description of
Dundar and 20 elementary Narrative and Between Question format not General Reading time Small sample
Akcayir (2017) school students expository stated size; Reliability
(details not not reported

© 2019 UKLA
Table 1. (Continued)

design Reading performance Type of reading Reading time and/or
Author/s (year) Participants Texts (for medium) measure(s) performance measure(s) calibration measures Limitations
Grace (2011) 18 elementary Two narrative Between Short-answer Literal and inferential No Separate
school students book chapters questions analyses for
(Grade 3) literal and
inferential items
were not
Green, Perera, 55 college students One expository Between Multiple-choice Literal No Reliability not
Dance, and (two pages questions reported; only
Myers (2010) long) literal measures
Heij and van 16 college students Two expository Between Essay questions Literal and inferential Reading time Small sample
der Meij (2,147 and size; Separate
(2014) 6,475 words) analyses for
literal and
inferential items
were not
Hermena et al. 24 college students Two narrative Within Multiple-choice General Reading time Small sample
(2017) (each 604 questions size
Hou, Rashid, 30 college students One narrative Between One open-ended General Reading time Reliability of
and Lee (2017) (30 pages long) question and performance
multiple-choice measure not
questions reported;
description of

© 2019 UKLA

Table 1. (Continued)

design Reading performance Type of reading Reading time and/or
Author/s (year) Participants Texts (for medium) measure(s) performance measure(s) calibration measures Limitations
Hou, Wu, and 81 adults (over the One narrative Between Sequence-of-events General Reading time Reliability of
Harrell (2017) age of 50) (3,469 words) questions and performance
and one multiple-choice measure not
expository questions reported;
(3,150 words) minimal

description of
Kim and Kim 108 high school Two expository Within Multiple-choice General Reading time Reliability of
(2013) students (each two pages questions performance
long) measure not
description of
items; answering
may have been
more difficult
than on paper
Kretzschmar et 36 younger adults Three Within Yes/no questions Literal No Reliability of
al. (2013) (mean age expository and performance
25.7 years) and 21 three narrative measure not
older adults (mean (average length reported
age 66.8 years) 222 words)

© 2019 UKLA
Table 1. (Continued)

design Reading performance Type of reading Reading time and/or
Author/s (year) Participants Texts (for medium) measure(s) performance measure(s) calibration measures Limitations
Lauterman and 87 college students Six expository Between Multiple-choice Literal and inferential Calibration Reliability of
Ackerman (1,000–1,200 questions performance
(2014) Exp 1 words each) measure not
Lauterman and 76 college students Six expository Between Multiple-choice Literal and inferential Calibration Reliability of
Ackerman (1,000–1,200 questions performance
(2014) Exp 2 words each) measure not
Mangen, 72 tenth-grade One expository Between Multiple-choice and General No Minimal
Walgermo, and students and one short-answer description of
Brønnick narrative questions performance
(2013) (1,400–1,600 items; answering
words each) performance
may have been
more difficult
than on paper
Margolin, 90 college students Five expository Between Multiple-choice Inferential No Small sample
Driscoll, (542 words questions size for paper
Toland, and each) and five condition; only
Kegler (2013) narrative inferential items
(average 541.8
words each)

© 2019 UKLA
Table 1. (Continued)

design Reading performance Type of reading Reading time and/or
Author/s (year) Participants Texts (for medium) measure(s) performance measure(s) calibration measures Limitations
Neijens and 90 college students Expository (24 Between Recall Literal No Real newspaper
Voorveld pages) articles were
(2018) used so
participants may
have been

reliability for
measure not
Norman and 100 college students Four expository Between Multiple-choice Literal Calibration Small sample
Furnes (2016) (1,000 words questions size for paper
Exp 1 each) condition; only
literal items;
reliability for
measure not
Norman and 50 college students Four expository Between Multiple-choice Calibration Small sample
Furnes (2016) (1,000 words questions size; only literal
Exp 2 each) items; reliability
for performance
measure not

© 2019 UKLA
Table 1. (Continued)

design Reading performance Type of reading Reading time and/or
Author/s (year) Participants Texts (for medium) measure(s) performance measure(s) calibration measures Limitations
Porion, 72 secondary school One expository Between Yes/no, multiple- Literal and inferential No Small sample
Aparicio, students (one page long) choice and true/false size; reliability
Megalakaki, questions for performance
Robert, and measure not
Baccino reported
Singer and 90 college students Four expository Within Explain main idea, Literal and inferential Calibration of Interrater
Alexander (each list key points, free medium (not reliability
(2017a) approximately recall performance on reported as
450 words) items) percentage
agreement rather
than kappa
Singer 86 college students Two expository Within Explain main idea, Literal and inferential Reading time and Interrater
Trakhman, (approximately list key points, free calibration reliability
Alexander, and 550 words recall reported as
Berkowitz (in each) percentage
press) agreement rather
than kappa
Singer 57 college students Two expository Explain main idea, Literal and inferential Reading time and Interrater
Trakhman, (1,800 words list key points, free calibration reliability
Alexander, and each) recall reported as
Silverman percentage
(2018) agreement rather
than kappa

© 2019 UKLA
Table 1. (Continued)

design Reading performance Type of reading Reading time and/or
Author/s (year) Participants Texts (for medium) measure(s) performance measure(s) calibration measures Limitations
Stevens (2014) 187 middle school Narrative Between Multiple-choice General No Minimal
students (details not questions description of
provided) performance
items; reliability
based on study

data not reported

Taylor (2011) 74 college students One expository Between Multiple-choice General No Small sample
(textbook questions size; reliability
chapter) for performance
measure not
Wells (2013) 140 middle and high Narrative and Multiple-choice General No Reliability based
school students expository questions on study data not
(details not reported

© 2019 UKLA

Lee, 2017; Stevens, 2014). Participants in these sorts of conditions were not included in
Table 1 nor in the meta-analyses. If there was more than one screen condition (e.g., Chen
et al., 2014 had tablet and computer monitor conditions), the screen conditions were com-
bined in the meta-analyses. There were 14 studies that reported reading times (n = 1,233)
and 11 studies that reported calibration for judgement of reading performance (n = 698).

Study quality
There was an examination of study quality (also referred to as risk of bias; Liberati et al.,
2009) based on the Study Design and Implementation Assessment Device (Study DIAD),
which is a framework for assessing construct, internal, external and statistical conclusion
validity (Valentine & Cooper, 2008). This was in addition to the third set of study quality
criteria presented in the section. The Study DIAD provides a framework with over 30
specific questions based on four categories of study quality: fit between concepts and
operations, clarity of causal inference, generality of findings and precision of outcome
estimation. Researchers are to omit Study DIAD questions that are irrelevant to their
question(s). For this review and meta-analysis, the items evaluating the quality of quasi-
experiments and longitudinal designs were omitted as they were irrelevant. Redundant
items were also omitted. The questions selected for the purposes of the review were then
used to provide guidance as to possible threats to the validity of the reviewed studies
(Cooper, 2015). Based on questions from the Study DIAD, the reliability of the measures,
suitability of outcome measures, reporting of statistical tests and appropriateness of sample
size were examined. The specific questions are listed in Data S1. Note that some of the
questions were used as inclusion criteria, and studies that did not meet them were not in-
cluded in this meta-analysis (see Figure 1 for the number of studies excluded with reasons
related to quality). Noted issues are in the Limitations column for the tables in which
studies are described (Table 1).

Statistical procedures
The principal summary measure was Hedges’ g. Hedges’ g is an unbiased approach for
estimating standardised mean differences because it is corrected for sample size (Enzmann,
2015; Hedges, 1981). Relevant statistics (e.g., means and standard deviations, t tests and
sample sizes) from each experiment were used to calculate Hedges’ g using Comprehen-
sive Meta-Analysis software (version 3; Biostat, Englewood, NJ). If the relevant statistics
were not reported, then the corresponding author was contacted with requests for the nec-
essary statistical information. If the relevant statistics were not reported and the author did
not respond to requests, then the experiment could not be included (as shown in Figure 1,
this was the case for one full text report examined). A positive Hedges’ g indicates that the
mean values for reading from screens were greater.
Heterogeneity of effect sizes were calculated based on the I2 index which indicates the
degree of heterogeneity from 0 to 100 with higher levels indicating greater heterogeneity
(i.e., the amount of variability in effect sizes among the included studies is more than
would be expected from sampling error; Liberati et al., 2009). The I2 index is the percent-
age of variability across studies that is not due to chance or sampling error and is instead
thought to be due to heterogeneity (Higgins & Green, 2011). If the I2 index is more than

© 2019 UKLA

20%, a moderator analysis to examine potential sources of variability is warranted (Bloch,

2014). The proportion of variance explained by a moderator is reported with the R2 index.
If more than one outcome measure of reading performance and/or more than one condi-
tion per medium was reported, the means of the outcomes were used. This was because
using more than one outcome from a particular study would violate assumptions of inde-
pendence thereby introducing bias, as studies with more outcomes would receive more
weight in the meta-analysis (Scammacca, Roberts, & Stuebing, 2014).

RQ1: reading performance results and discussion

Overall performance
The overall difference in reading performance by medium across all measures was first
examined (k = 33). The I2 was 70.35, which indicates heterogeneity sufficient to warrant
investigation into moderators (Bloch, 2014; Higgins, Thompson, Deeks, & Altman,
2003). Given this heterogeneity and that the samples in the studies were from different
populations (Table 1), a random effects model was used because the assumptions for a
fixed effects model were not met (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2009;
Cooper, 2015; Field & Gillett, 2010). Based on the random effects model, reading text
from screens had a small, but significant negative effect on performance scores compared
to reading from paper, g = .25, k = 33, SE = .06, 95% CI = [ .37, .12], p < .001 (see
Table 2 for statistics for each study).
To test for potential outliers, ‘one study removed’ analyses were conducted (Borenstein
et al., 2009). This approach calculates the effect size if each of the studies in the meta-
analysis were individually removed. In this way, the influence of any given study can be
noted if its removal leads to a substantial change in the overall effect size (i.e., the effect
size with the study removed was not within the confidence intervals; see Healy, Nacario,
Braithwaite, & Hopper, in press, for a similar approach). As shown in Data S2 (Table
B1), the removal of any one of the studies would not substantially change the results of
the meta-analysis on reading performance.
Publication bias (that statistically significant findings were more likely to be reported)
was examined with the graphical technique of a funnel plot and the statistical technique
of Egger’s test of the intercept (Cooper, 2015; see Follmer, 2018, for a similar approach).
In funnel plots, studies are graphed according to their size along the y-axis (larger studies
towards the top of the graph) and their effect size along the x-axis with the mean effect
represented by a line in the middle. Publication bias is indicated by an asymmetrical
distribution on the sides of the mean effect size as well as smaller studies being scattered
more widely at the bottom (Egger, Smith, Schneider, & Minder, 1997). As can be noted in
Figure 2, the studies were distributed in a symmetrical manner across the funnel plot.
In Egger’s test of the intercept, the intercept did not significantly differ from zero,
β = 1.29, p = .20, 95% CI [ .71, 3.29]. Based on these analyses, publication bias was

Moderator analyses. Moderators considered were the genre of the experimental texts
(narrative or expository) and the age group of the participants (child or adult). Moderator
analyses were assessed using Qbetween statistics (see Takacs, Swart, & Bus, 2015, for sim-
ilar approach). Based on recommendations from Borenstein et al. (2009), there needed to

© 2019 UKLA
Table 2. Reading performance statistics for each study and model statistics (positive Hedges’ g indicates better performance with screens compared to paper).

Sample size
Standard 95% CI 95% CI p
Study name Age group Genre Hedges’ g error lower limit upper limit value E P T
Ackerman and Goldsmith (2011) Exp 1 Adult Expository .02 .24 .44 .49 .92 35 35 70
Ackerman and Goldsmith (2011) Exp 2 .69 .24 1.15 .22 .004 37 37 74
Ackerman and Lauterman (2012) Exp 1 .29 .22 .73 .15 .20 40 40 80
Ackerman and Lauterman (2012) Exp 2 .30 .23 .74 .15 .20 38 38 76
Baker (2010) Combined .20 .21 .60 .21 .34 69 35 104
Ben-Yehudah and Eshet-Alkalai (2018) Expository .48 .20 .87 .09 .02 52 50 102
Chen and Catrambone (2015) .07 .21 .47 .34 .75 46 46 92
Chen et al. (2014) .58 .23 1.02 .13 .01 60 30 90
Connell et al. (2012) .01 .15 .29 .32 .93 138 60 198
Daniel and Woody (2013) .08 .14 .19 .35 .56 120 89 209
Dundar and Akcaryir (2012) Child Combined .29 .43 .56 1.13 .51 10 10 20
Grace (2011) Narrative .09 .44 .95 .77 .84 9 10 19
Green et al. (2010) Adult Expository .31 .22 .74 .12 .16 41 41 82
Heij and van der Meij (2014) .31 .44 1.17 .55 .48 8 8 16
Hermena et al. (2017) Narrative .00 .20 .39 .39 .99 24
Hou, Rashid, and Lee (2017) .16 .36 .86 .54 .66 15 15 30
Hou, Wu, and Harrell (2017) Combined .13 .22 .56 .31 .57 41 40 81
Kim and Kim (2013) Child Expository 1.18 .13 1.42 .94 <.001 108
Kretzschmar et al. (2013) Adult Combined .18 .13 .44 .08 .18 57
Narrative .14 .13 .40 .12 .28


© 2019 UKLA
Table 2. (Continued)

Sample size
Standard 95% CI 95% CI p
Study name Age group Genre Hedges’ g error lower limit upper limit value E P T
Expository .21 .13 .47 .05 .11
Lauterman and Ackerman (2014) Exp 1 Adult Expository .12 .22 .54 .31 .59 38 49 87
Lauterman and Ackerman (2014) Exp 2 .17 .23 .62 .27 .45 37 39 76
Mangen et al. (2013) Child Combined .40 .25 .88 .09 .11 47 25 72

Narrative .34 .13 .82 .14 .17

Expository .45 .25 .94 .03 .07
Margolin et al. (2013) Adult Combined .09 .18 .45 .26 .61 60 30 90
Narrative .03 .22 .41 .46 .90
Expository .22 .22 .65 .22 .33
Neijens and Voorveld (2018) Adult Expository .33 .21 .74 .08 .11 45 45 90
Norman and Furnes (2016) Exp 1 .19 .23 .64 .27 .42 75 25 100
Norman and Furnes (2016) Exp 2 .53 .29 1.10 .03 .07 25 25 50
Porion, Aparicio, Megalakaki, Robert, Child .06 .23 .40 .52 .79 36 36 72
and Baccino (2016)
Singer and Alexander (2017a) Adult .44 .11 .66 .22 <.001 90
Stevens (2014) Child Narrative .19 .15 .10 .47 .21 94 93 187
Taylor (2011) Adult Expository .01 .23 .46 .47 .98 36 36 72
Trakhman et al. (in press-a) .34 .11 .56 .12 .002 86
Trakhman et al. (in press-b) .77 .16 1.08 .47 <.001 57
Wells (2013) Child Combined .02 .17 .31 .35 .92 70 68 138


© 2019 UKLA
Table 2. (Continued)

Sample size
Standard 95% CI 95% CI p
Study name Age group Genre Hedges’ g error lower limit upper limit value E P T
Random model (all, k = 33) Combined .26 .04 .33 .19 <.001
Random model (child, k = 7) Child .18 .26 .70 .33 .49
Random model (adult, k = 26) Adult .21 .06 .33 .09 <.001
Random model (expository, k = 22) Combined Expository .32 .08 .48 .16 <.001
Random model (narrative, k = 7) Narrative .04 .07 .18 .11 .64
Notes: Sample size E = electronic text condition(s), P = paper text condition(s) and T = Total sum of participants in electronic and paper text conditions. For within subject experi-
ments, only the total provided. The performance statistics available for Baker (2010), Dundar and Akarcir (2017), Hou, Wu, and Harrell (2017) and Wells (2013) were a composite of
expository and narrative texts, so these studies were not included in genre analyses.

© 2019 UKLA

Figure 2. Funnel plot for reading performance findings.

be at least six effect sizes in a potential moderator category in order to conduct analyses
(see Elleman, 2017, for a similar approach).

Genre. In studies in which both expository and narrative texts were used, only the narra-
tive texts were considered in the moderator analyses. This is following guidelines from
Higgins and Green (2011) and allows for a more even distribution given that there were
more studies using expository texts than narrative texts. If a study used both narrative and
expository texts but did not separate findings by genre, the findings by genre were
requested from the author. Four studies were excluded from the genre moderator analyses
because findings by genre were not available (Baker, 2010; Dündar & Akçayır, 2017;
Hou, Wu, & Harrell, 2017; Wells, 2013). The genre of the experimental texts was
significant as a moderator, Qbetween(1) = 6.86, p = .01, R2 = .13. When tested separately,
reading performance for expository texts was worse for screens compared to paper,
g = .32, k = 22, SE = .08, 95% CI = [ .48, .16], p < .001. In contrast, there was
no difference in reading performance by medium for narrative texts, g = .04, k = 7,
SE = .07, 95% CI = [ .18, .11], p = .64. However, this finding should be interpreted with
caution given that the genres were unevenly distributed (there were more expository
findings than narrative).
Based on the overall meta-analysis findings, there is a benefit for performance when
reading from paper compared to screens. Based on moderator analyses, this benefit
appears to be primarily for expository texts with no reliable differences in reading perfor-
mance by medium noted for narrative texts. This finding is consistent with views that
reading from screens is more appropriate for light pleasure reading, which is more likely
to be from narratives, than for challenging reading, which is more likely to be from
expository texts (Baron, 2015; Narvaez, van den Broek, & Ruiz, 1999; Nell, 1988). It
should be noted that there were considerably more experiments with expository texts than
narrative, which diminishes the robustness of this moderator analysis. However, in three
studies in which both narrative and expository texts were used (and findings by genre
were available), there appeared to be more of a negative effect of screens on performance
for expository compared to narrative texts (Kretzschmar et al., 2013; Mangen et al., 2013;
Margolin et al., 2013).

© 2019 UKLA

Age. The age group (child or adult) of the participants was examined, but it was not a
significant moderator, Qbetween(1) = .07, p = .80, R2 = .04, indicating that the negative
effect on performance for reading text from screens rather than paper did not vary for
readers who were adults or children. However, this finding should be interpreted with
caution because there were more studies with adult participants (k = 26) than child
(k = 7).
The reading performance findings did not vary by the age of the reader with both chil-
dren and adults having similar benefits in reading performance from paper compared to
screens. One reason for this could be that the adult participants in the reviewed studies
were almost entirely college students often considered to be ‘digital natives’ who are com-
fortable with technology (Akçayır, Dündar, & Akçayır, 2016) so both age groups (i.e.,
children and adults) were similarly accustomed to reading from screens. One study, by
Kretzschmar et al. (2013) compared a group of older adults (average age of 66.8 years)
with younger adults (average age of 25.7 years) and found similar patterns by medium
for each age group. In other words, the view that older adults have more difficulty than
younger adults when reading from screens was not supported in their analyses
(Kretzschmar et al., 2013).

Literal and inferential reading. To examine if the effect of medium on reading performance
fluctuates depending on the type of performance assessment, separate analyses were con-
ducted for literal and inferential reading performance (see Elleman, 2017, for a similar ap-
proach). For literal reading performance, the I2 was 67.13, and a random effects model was
used. As can be seen in Table 3, literal reading performance from screens was worse than
from paper, g = .33, k = 19, SE = .08, 95% CI = [ .48, .18], p < .001. Moderator anal-
yses were not conducted given that none of the proposed moderators had a minimum of six
effect sizes. For inferential reading performance, the I2 was 0.00. Similar to literal reading
performance, inferential reading performance from screens was worse than from paper,
g = .26, k = 13, SE = .05, 95% CI = [ .36, .17], p < .001 (Table 4). Based on the
one-study removed analyses, there were no outliers in either the literal (Table B2) or infer-
ential (Table B3) analyses.
The benefit of paper for reading performance was noted for both literal and inferential
measures. Given that literal reading tasks are typically considered easier than inferential
reading tasks (Basaraba et al., 2013), this finding was contrary to expectations that
screens would be more detrimental for challenging tasks than easier tasks. In three studies
with similar materials and populations (college students), there were no differences by
medium for determining the main idea of expository texts, but readers were better able
to recall details from texts read from paper than screens (Singer & Alexander, 2017a;
Singer Trakhman et al., in-press; Singer Trakhman et al., 2018). Determining the main
idea of a text requires making connections (inferences) throughout the text in order to
get an overall understanding, whereas recall does not require making connections
(Leopold & Leutner, 2012; Schiefele & Krapp, 1996). Singer Trakhman et al. (in press),
Singer and Alexander (2017a) and Singer Trakhman et al. (2018) concluded that readers
may be able to make connections to understand the overall main idea similarly with
different media, but reading from screens may interfere with encoding specific details rel-
ative to paper. Literal measures are based on memory of the text, and subsequently, it is
logical that encoding difficulty would affect performance on literal measures. Difficulty
encoding details from text read from screens compared to paper could cause issues with

© 2019 UKLA

Table 3. Literal reading performance statistics for each study and model statistics (positive Hedges’ g indi-
cates better performance with screens compared to paper).

95% 95% Sample size

Hedges’ Standard lower upper p
Study name g error limit limit value E P T
Ackerman and .05 .24 .41 .52 .82 35 35 70
Goldsmith (2011) Exp 1
Ackerman and Goldsmith .77 .24 .124 .30 .001 37 37 74
(2011) Exp 2
Ackerman and Lauterman .24 .22 .68 .19 .27 40 40 80
(2012) Exp 1
Ackerman and Lauterman .30 .23 .74 .15 .20 38 38 76
(2012) Exp 2
Ben-Yehudah and Eshet- .45 .20 .84 .06 .02 52 50 102
Alkalai (2018)
Chen and Catrambone .07 .21 .47 .34 .75 46 46 92
Chen et al. (2014) .58 .23 1.02 .13 .01 60 30 90
Connell et al. (2012) .01 .15 .29 .32 .93 138 60 198
Green et al. (2010) .31 .22 .74 .12 .16 41 41 82
Kretzschmar et al. (2013) .18 .13 .44 .08 .18 57
Lauterman and Ackerman .20 .22 .62 .22 .34 38 49 87
(2014) Exp 1
Lauterman and Ackerman .21 .23 .66 .24 .35 37 39 76
(2014) Exp 2
Neijens and Voorveld (2016) .33 .21 .74 .08 .11 45 45 90
Norman and Furnes (2016) Exp .19 .23 .64 .27 .42 75 25 100
Norman and Furnes (2016) Exp .53 .29 1.10 .03 .07 25 25 50
Porion et al. (2016) .23 .24 .23 .69 .33 36 36 72
Singer and Alexander (2017) .67 .12 .93 .47 <.001 90
Trakhman et al. (in press-a) .32 .11 .53 .10 .004 86
Trakhman, Alexander, and 1.12 .17 1.45 .79 <.001 57
Silverman (in press)
Random model (all, k = 19) .33 .08 .48 .18 <.001
Note: Sample size E = electronic text condition(s), P = paper text condition(s) and T = Total sum of participants in
electronic and paper text conditions.

inferential items if answering the inferential measures required memory of specific details
in the text.

RQ2: reading processes results and discussion

The meta-analytic procedures used to examine reading performance were used for reading
times and calibration of performance (metacognition).

© 2019 UKLA

Table 4. Inferential reading performance statistics for each study and model statistics (positive Hedges’ g in-
dicates better performance with screens compared to paper).

95% 95% Sample size

Hedges’ Standard lower upper p
Study name g error limit limit value E P T
Ackerman and Goldsmith .01 .24 .48 .45 .95 35 35 70
(2011) Exp 1
Ackerman and Goldsmith .60 .24 1.06 .14 .01 37 37 74
(2011) Exp 2
Ackerman and Lauterman .33 .22 .77 .10 .14 40 40 80
(2012) Exp 1
Ackerman and Lauterman .30 .23 .74 .16 .20 38 38 76
(2012) Exp 2
Ben-Yehudah and Eshet- .51 .20 .90 .12 .01 52 50 102
Alkalai (2018)
Chen and Catrambone .07 .21 .47 .34 .74 46 46 92
Lauterman and Ackerman .03 .21 .45 .39 .89 38 49 87
(2014) Exp 1
Lauterman and Ackerman .13 .23 .58 .31 .56 37 39 76
(2014) Exp 2
Porion et al. (2016) .10 .23 .56 .36 .66 36 36 72
Singer and Alexander (2017) .18 .11 .39 .03 .09 90
Singer Trakhman et al. .36 .11 .58 .14 .001 86
(in press-a)
Singer Trakhman et al. .41 .14 .68 .14 .003 57
(in press-b)
Random model (all, k = 13) .26 .05 .36 .17 <.001
Note: Sample size E = electronic text condition(s), P = paper text condition(s) and T = Total sum of participants in
electronic and paper text conditions.

Reading time
For reading times, the heterogeneity of effect sizes was substantial, I2 = 92.47, indicating a
great deal of variability in the findings. Based on the random effects model, reading text
from screens had no reliable effect on reading times compared to reading from paper,
g = .08, k = 14, SE = .20, 95% CI = [ .32, .48], p = .45 (see Table 5 for statistics for each
One study removed analyses were conducted to test for outliers. As can be seen in
Data S2 (Table B4), removal of any of the studies would not have changed the overall
effect size outside of the confidence intervals nor change the (lack of) significance of
the results.
The distribution on the funnel plot was not symmetrical (Figure 3). However, there were
no differences in how smaller and larger studies were scattered. Differences in how the
studies were scattered by size would indicate a bias in reporting statistically significant
findings (Egger et al., 1997). In addition, the Egger’s test of the intercept did not

© 2019 UKLA

Table 5. Reading time statistics for each study and model statistics (positive Hedges’ g indicates longer read-
ing times text with screens compared to paper).

95% 95% Sample size

Hedges’ Standard lower upper p
Study name g error limit limit value E P T
Ackerman and Goldsmith .58 .32 1.21 .06 .08 37 37 74
(2011) Exp 2
Ackerman and Lauterman .06 .31 .67 .55 .85 40 40 80
(2012) Exp 1
Ackerman and Lauterman .41 .23 .04 .86 .08 38 38 76
(2012) Exp 2
Ben-Yehudah and Eshet- .09 .28 .45 .63 .75 52 50 102
Alkalai (2018)
Chen and Catrambone (2015) .54 .21 .95 .13 .01 46 46 92
Connell et al. (2012) .42 .18 .07 .78 .02 138 60 198
Daniel and Woody (2013) .43 .18 .09 .78 .01 120 89 209
Heij and van der Meij (2014) .27 .48 1.21 .67 .58 8 8 16
Hermena et al. (2017) .28 .20 .67 .12 .17 24
Hou, Rashid, and Lee (2017) .16 .36 .54 .85 .66 15 15 30
Hou, Wu, and Harrell (2017) .25 .31 .36 .86 .42 41 40 81
Kim and Kim (2013) 1.72 .15 1.43 2.02 <.001 108
Singer Trakham et al. .30 .11 .51 .08 .01 86
(in press)
Singer Trakman et al. .49 .14 .76 .22 <.001 57
Random model .08 .20 .31 .47 .69
Note: Sample size E = electronic text condition(s), P = paper text condition(s) and T = Total sum of participants in
electronic and paper text conditions.

Figure 3. Funnel plot for reading time findings.

significantly differ from zero, β = .14, p = .96, 95% CI [ 6.01, 5.73]. Therefore, the lack
of symmetry in the funnel plot was more likely due to heterogeneity than publication bias
(Sterne et al., 2011).

© 2019 UKLA

Because of the small number of studies and the lack of a significant effect, a moderator
analysis would not be appropriate (Field & Gillett, 2010). However, the substantial vari-
ability in findings prompted the question as to why results would be so different across
studies. One notable outlier is Kim and Kim’s (2013) experiment in which high school stu-
dents answered multiple-choice questions about texts as they were reading. In the screen
condition, students were instructed to circle their responses using their computer mice,
whereas students in the paper condition circled their responses using a pencil. Despite
the conclusion of Wang et al. (2008) that paper and computer-based testing are similar,
it is possible that the different psychomotor demands of assessment in Kim and Kim
(2013) were responsible for the substantially longer reading times in the paper than the
screen condition.
The reading time findings varied across three experiments using the same materials and
measures (Ackerman & Goldsmith, 2011; Ackerman & Lauterman, 2012). One reason for
these different findings could be study population – the authors noted that the participants
in the second experiment in Ackerman and Goldsmith (2011) had a much stronger prefer-
ence for paper than those in Ackerman and Lauterman (2012). It is possible that one would
opt to spend more time reading from a preferred medium than a non-preferred medium,
which could change the direction of the findings.
Overall, the reading time findings that were significant at the study level varied from lon-
ger reading times for paper in some studies (Chen & Catrambone, 2015; Singer Trakhman
et al., in press; Singer Trakhman et al., 2018) and longer reading times for screens in others
(Connell et al., 2012; Daniel & Woody, 2013). These studies each involved college stu-
dents and expository texts; therefore, age and genre are not potential explanations. Further-
more, text length is unlikely a factor given that Daniel and Woody (2013) and Singer
Trakhman et al. (2018) had texts of similar length, and their findings conflicted with each
other. However, one area in which they differ is in the presence of visual representations. In
studies in which there was only text, reading times were longer from paper (Chen &
Catrambone, 2015; Singer Trakhman et al., 2018; Singer Trakhman et al., in press). In con-
trast, the studies in which there were visual representations (e.g., graphs and illustrations),
reading times were longer from screens (Connell et al., 2012; Daniel & Woody, 2013). The
process of reading text with visual representation is different than that of text alone because
text with visual representations requires splitting attention between the verbal and visual
information as well as integrating the two modalities (Hillesund, 2010; Mason, Pluchino,
Tornatora, & Ariasi, 2013; Mayer, 2009). This process could function differently reading
from paper or screens if the layout of the page varies by medium. There are not clear
empirical findings to support this possible explanation; therefore, this would be a potential
direction for future research.

There were several empirical studies of calibration, in which the accuracy of predictions of
performance relative to actual performance, were calculated. Generally speaking, readers
are overconfident in the accuracy of predictions, and calibration is calculated by
subtracting the actual performance from the predicted performance (Ackerman & Gold-
smith, 2011). The heterogeneity of effect sizes was low, indicating consistent findings,
I2 = 19.65. However, the studies involved different methodologies; therefore, a random ef-
fects model was used (Borenstein et al., 2009). Based on the random effects model, reading

© 2019 UKLA

text from screens caused less calibrated and more overconfident predictions of performance
than reading from paper, g = .20, k = 11, SE = .07, 95% CI = [.07, .33], p = .002 (see
Table 6 for statistics for each study).
One study removed analyses were conducted to test for outliers. As can be seen in Data
S2 (Table B5), removal of any of the studies would not have changed the overall effect size
outside of the confidence intervals nor change the significance of the results.
As can be seen in the funnel plot, the distribution of studies is fairly symmetrical
(Figure 4). In Egger’s test of the intercept, the intercept did not significantly differ from
zero, β = 1.61, p = .16, 95% CI [ .75, 3.97], which does not indicate bias. Based on these
analyses, there was little evidence of publication bias.
In these analyses, the calibration bias effect sizes for each of the studies indicates better
calibration for paper compared to screens (i.e., positive effect sizes) except for Singer
Trakhman et al. (2018). Despite not being identified as an outlier in the one study removed
analyses, the difference in the direction of the effect size raises the question as to what the
cause of the difference could be. One possibility could be that participants in Singer
Trakhman et al. (2018) experiment were instructed to track their reading with a pencil (pa-
per condition) or an enlarged cursor (screen condition). Previous research findings have in-
dicated that readers are more likely to keep track of their reading through using their fingers

Table 6. Reading calibration statistics for each study and model statistics (positive Hedges’ g indicates better
calibration with screens compared to paper).

95% 95% Sample size

Standard lower upper p
Study name Hedges’ g error limit limit value E P T
Ackerman and Goldsmith .38 .24 .09 .85 .12 35 35 35
(2011) Exp 1
Ackerman and Goldsmith .61 .24 .14 1.07 .01 37 37 37
(2011) Exp 2
Ackerman and Lauterman .45 .23 .00 .89 .05 40 40 40
(2012) Exp 1
Ackerman and Lauterman .27 .24 .20 .74 .26 38 38 38
(2012) Exp 2
Chen and Catrambone (2015) .06 .21 .35 .46 .79 46 46 92
Lauterman and Ackerman .22 .22 .21 .65 .32 38 49 87
(2014) Exp 1
Lauterman and Ackerman .14 .23 .32 .59 .56 37 39 76
(2014) Exp 2
Norman and Furnes .16 .15 .16 .49 .32 75 25 100
(2016) Exp 1
Norman and Furnes .33 .29 .23 .89 .25 25 25 50
(2016) Exp 2
Trakhman et al. (in press-a) .24 .11 .03 .45 .03 86
Trakhman et al. (in press-b) .15 .133 .41 .11 .27 57
Random model (all, k = 11) .20 .07 .07 .33 .002
Note: Sample size E = electronic text condition(s), P = paper text condition(s) and T = Total sum of participants in
electronic and paper text conditions.

© 2019 UKLA

Figure 4. Funnel plot for calibration findings.

or a pencil when reading from paper rather than screens (Zaphiris & Kurniawan, 2001).
Being encouraged to track while reading from screens could have possibly helped with fo-
cus that would have assisted with comprehension monitoring. However, this possibility is
only conjecture without empirical findings to support it.
Although there were not enough studies or heterogeneity to warrant a moderator analy-
sis, it is possible that reader preferences were a key factor in calibration bias. Ackerman
and colleagues found that calibration was equally or more accurate in a series of studies
and conditions when reading from paper compared to screens (Ackerman & Goldsmith,
2011; Ackerman & Lauterman, 2012; Lauterman & Ackerman, 2014). However, calibra-
tion accuracy appeared to be improved when reading from one’s preferred medium
(Lauterman & Ackerman, 2014). This could be interpreted that calibration is not as depen-
dent on medium per se, but from which medium one would prefer to read.


The purpose of this systematic literature review and meta-analyses was to examine differ-
ences in performance and processes between reading from screens and paper. Reading
from paper appeared to yield better performance on assessments than reading from screens.
There were no reliable differences in reading times by medium, indicating that readers per-
formed slightly better with paper, even though similar amounts of processing and effort ap-
peared to be involved with reading from paper and screens. In other words, reading from
paper appears to be more efficient in terms of performance outcomes than reading from
screens. Given the meta-analytic findings that calibration accuracy (metacognitive aware-
ness of performance) is better when reading text from paper compared to screens, the
difference in performance could be due to better calibration accuracy. Readers may be
processing text from screens less efficiently based on poor calibration accuracy, as they
think they are understanding the text better than they actually are (Ackerman & Goldsmith,
2011; Sidi, Ophir, & Ackerman, 2016), which could lead to detriments in performance
when reading from screens (Sidi, Shpigelman, Zalmanov, & Ackerman, 2017).
One possible reason for the issues with calibration and subsequent performance with
screens could be mind wandering (i.e., engaging in task unrelated thoughts; Randall,
Oswald, & Beier, 2014). Readers report that it is more difficult to focus when reading from
screens compared to paper (Mizrachi, 2015) and that reading from a screen can be

© 2019 UKLA

distracting (Muir & Hawes, 2013). Given these findings, it is likely that readers may be
more likely to think of topics unrelated to the task of reading when reading text from
screens compared to paper. Mind wandering while reading has been found to be negatively
associated with reading performance (Unsworth & McMillan, 2013). Moreover, less focus
on the text would presumably lead to poorer judgement of performance, as readers would
be less aware of how well they are reading. Indeed, an intervention to reduce mind wander-
ing during lectures also improved calibration (Szpunar, Jing, & Schacter, 2014). An inter-
esting avenue for future work would be to examine mind wandering differences by medium
while reading and how mind wandering relates to differences in reading performance and
calibration for paper and screens.
The contextual cue provided by the medium on which information is presented may ex-
plain the differences in performance and calibration accuracy when reading text from paper
and screens. In a comparison of solving word problems displayed on paper or screens,
framing a task as challenging lead to similar calibration for task performance by medium
(Sidi et al., 2017). In other words, the participants may have perceived the medium as an
indication of the difficulty of the problems, with the paper medium being indicative of
more challenge than the electronic medium, unless they were prompted to consider the
problems as challenging in both media. Although not explicitly tested with text compre-
hension, these findings may carry over to the findings presented in this meta-analysis.
Readers are more likely to use an electronic medium for leisure reading whereas reading
for study tends to be performed from paper (Aharony & Bar-Ilan, 2018; Foasberg,
2011). In this way, an electronic medium may be a contextual cue to process the text as
if for leisure and paper may be a contextual cue to process the text as if for study (Sidi
et al., 2016). Given previous findings that processes and performance differ depending
on whether one is reading for leisure or study (van den Broek, Lorch, Linderholm, &
Gustafson, 2001), it is possible contextual cue are provided by the medium, which prime
the reader to read for leisure from screens or study from paper.
One area in need of better understanding is predictors of medium preference. Logically,
one’s previous experience with reading from screens could lead to more comfort with the me-
dium and a preference for screens over paper, but this has not necessarily been shown in pre-
vious findings (Kurata, Ishita, Miyata, & Minami, 2016; Woody, Daniel, & Baker, 2010).
Given the interactions with medium preference and reading processes, as well as performance
differences (Ackerman & Lauterman, 2012; Kim & Kim, 2013; Lauterman & Ackerman,
2014), there needs to be a better understanding of what drives medium preference.

There were limitations of this review that should be noted. The search itself was limited to
dissemination in English; therefore, findings reported in other languages were not incorpo-
rated. The scope of the review was restricted to native language reading and did not include
readers with learning disabilities or visual impairments. Thus, the findings reported in this
review may not apply to these populations. Future studies and reviews could build on this
work by examining these populations. In addition, the scope of the review did not examine
medium differences in learning to read, so the findings from this review do not apply to all
readers (see Takacs et al., 2015, for a meta-analysis on technology and learning to read).
There were limitations in the quality of the studies covered in this review. Across many
of the studies, a common limitation is a lack of reliability statistics reported for measures

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(e.g., Ackerman & Goldsmith, 2011; Ackerman & Lauterman, 2012; Chen et al., 2014;
Daniel & Woody, 2013; Green et al., 2010; Kim & Kim, 2013; Lauterman & Ackerman,
2014; Porion et al., 2016; Taylor, 2011). Reading comprehension is a multidimensional
construct, which makes developing measures with good internal consistency challenging
(Clinton, 2014; Kamalski, 2004). However, as also suggested in Singer and Alexander
(2017b), details about reliability should be included in future work.
Future studies comparing reading from screens and paper would likely need larger sam-
ple sizes than were used by many of the studies of this review. The reading performance
meta-analytic results indicated that the benefit of paper over screens is rather small; there-
fore, the null results found in several studies could likely be due to a sample size too small
to detect an effect rather than no differences between media (e.g., Chen et al., 2014; Green
et al., 2010; Margolin et al., 2013; Taylor, 2011).


Reading from screens, such as tablets, smartphones and computers, has become ubiquitous
for leisure, academic and work-related reading. This review examined the literature on per-
formance and two processes in reading text from screens and paper. There is legitimate
concern that reading on paper may be better in terms of performance and efficiency. Future
examination of key issues related to mind wandering, medium preference and contextual
cues provided by medium will inform the practical implications of reading text from paper
compared to screens.


S. Jill Burholder, R. Alex Karie, and Michael Burd are thanked for this assistance with the

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Virginia Clinton, PhD is an Assistant Professor at the University of North Dakota and holds a mas-
ters’ degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from New York University. Her
PhD degree is in Educational Psychology with a minor in Cognitive Science from the University
of Minnesota. Her current research focuses on the relationship between affect, particularly mindful-
ness, and student cognition in learning situations.

Received 25 May 2017; revised version received 19 November 2018.

Address for correspondence: Virginia Clinton, Assistant Professor of Educational

Foundations and Research, University of North Dakota, 231 Centennial Dr., Grand
Forks, ND 58202, USA. E-mail:

© 2019 UKLA

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